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cape breton post archives
When it comes to the reliability of online obituaries, its important to remember that the information can be incomplete or inaccurate. The Act Concerning the Public Archives (Chapter 1, Statutes of 1850 (PDF)) was the first law signed by California's first governor on January 5, 1850. ; 18541855), Daily Oregon Herald (Portland; 18711872), Democratic Standard (Portland; 18541859), Newsbank has digitized through 1987 as the, The Agitator (Wellsborough, Pa) 18541986, Bradford County Republican (Towanda, Pa) 1899-1899, The Tioga County Agitator (Wellsboro, Pa) 18651873, The Wellsboro Agitator (Wellsboro, Pa) 18671999, Wellsboro Gazette (Wellsboro, Pa) 18742007, Bellefonte Democratic Watchman, 18551871, Chambersburg Franklin Repository, 18631865, Gettysburg Republican Compiler, 18541857, Philadelphia Daily Evening Bulletin 18571864, The Ambler Gazette (Montgomery County; 18861944), The Campus (Allegheny College student newspaper), Christian observer (Philadelphia; 18401850), The Colonization herald and general register (Philadelphia; 1838), Journal and American (Huntington; 18551870), Lancaster Examiner and Herald (18341872), Lycoming College Student Newspapers (1856present), Mansfield advertiser (Tioga County; 18731973), Marietta advocate and farmers' and mechanic's intelligencer (18331835), Montgazette (Montgomery County Community College student newspaper), Potter County Journal (Coudersport; 18801969), State's Advocate (Milton, Northumberland County; 18261829, 1831), Sunday-school times (Philadelphia; 18621868), Wilkes-Barre Sunday Independent (19131958), Clan-na-Gael Journal [Philadelphia] (13 issues between 19021918), Alexandria Gazette (17851788; July 25, 1854 December 31, 1855; and May 3, 1860 January 20, 1865), Fairfax News Herndon Observer (19251943), Reston Times (19651973; 1975 January 6, 1977; 1978; 19801983; 1985; and 2000), Impartial Observer and the Rights of Man (1811), Virginia Star, Fredericksburg Star, and Daily Star (18771926), Dumfries & Cherry Hill Merchant (1902, 1 issue), Journal Messenger and Suburban Times (1974, 1976, 1989, 3 issues), Manassas Weekly Gazette (18721896, 1898), Potomac News (1972, 1986, 1987, 1988, 4 issues), Republican Journal and Dumfries Advertiser (17951796), Virginia Gazette and Agricultural Repository (17911793, 9 issues), Virginia Historical Chronicle (1986, 1 issue), Daily Journal (Prince William Journal) only obituaries are indexed, Morning Olympian (18911934) part of Newsbank's GenealogyBank, Olympia Daily Recorder (19021923) part of Newsbank's GenealogyBank, Independent (November 1993 February 1996), Puget Sound Argus (Port Townsend) 18821883, Puget Sound Courier (Steilacoom) 18551856, Puget Sound Herald (Steilacoom) 18581864, Puget Sound Weekly Argus (Port Townsend)18761882, Puget Sound Weekly Gazette (Seattle) 1867, Seattle Weekly Gazette (Seattle) 18641866, Walla Walla Statesman (Walla Walla) 18641869, Washington Statesman (Walla Walla) 18611864, Door County Advocate (18621897, 19181979), Frederick Douglass Paper (18511855; 18591863), Gazette of the State of South-Carolina (17771780), National Anti-Slavery Standard (18401870), National Citizen and Ballot Box (18781881), Pennsylvania Newspaper Record: Delaware County (various papers; 18251871, incomplete), South Carolina and American General Gazette (17641775), South Carolina Gazette and Country Journal (17651775), Catholic News Service Newsfeeds (United States; 19201952, 19651966), Catholic Standard and Times (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; 19631968), Catholic World in Pictures (United States; 19621963), Clarion Herald (New Orleans, Louisiana; 19581959, 19631968), Monitor, The (San Francisco, California; 1965), National Catholic Reporter (United States; 1965), Pittsburgh Catholic (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; 1968), Shepherd of the Valley (Saint Louis, Missouri; 1832), Denson Tribune, Jerome concentration camp, Arkansas (19421944), Gila News-Courier, Gila River concentration camp, Arizona (19421945), Granada Pioneer, Granada concentration camp, Colorado (19421945), Heart Mountain Sentinel, Heart Mountain concentration camp, Wyoming (19421945), Manzanar Free Press, Manzanar concentration camp, California (19421945), Minidoka Irrigator, Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho (19421945), Poston Chronicle, Poston concentration camp, Arizona (19421945), Rohwer Outpost, Rohwer concentration camp, Arkansas (19421945), Topaz Times, Topaz concentration camp, Utah (19421945), Tulean Dispatch, Tule Lake concentration camp, California (19421944), Broadcasting and Recorded Sound (18961964), Mennonite Weekly Review (parts; 1987; JulyDecember 2002present), Lazarus Project (various years including 1921, 2004, 2005, and 2006), Gamla och nya hemlandet (Chicago, Ill.) 18701914 (the Old and new homeland), Hemlandet det gamla och det nya (Galesburg, Ill.; Chicago, Ill.) 18551870 (the Homeland the old and the new). Identity area Type of entity Corporate body Authorized form of name Cape Breton Post. Bismarck, D.T. E-EDITIONS:THE CHRONICLE HERALDCAPE BRETON POSTTHE TELEGRAMTHE GUARDIANWEEKLY PUBLICATIONS NEWSLETTERS Open Menu SubscribeSign inMy Account Card index created by the Public Archives of Nova Scotia. Cape Breton Island contains the counties of Cape Breton, Richmond, Victoria and Inverness. This item is available on microfilm at this family history center. Langdon, N.D., 18911920 Courier Democrat. Cape Breton Genealogy and Historical Association, Nova Scotia birth, marriage and death records can be found online at the. Thomas Arthur Brewer, 87 passed away peacefully on November 27th, 2022 at Glace Bay General Hospital with his family by his side. Katharine was the daughter of J.S. Includes over 200 pages of Canadian obituaries. These are an excellent source for obituaries and researching local history events. Devils Lake, N.D., 19151920 The Devils Lake world and inter-ocean. Devils Lake, N.D., 19201982 The Devils Lake world. [N.D.], 18751881 Bismarck tri-weekly tribune. [N.D.], 1885-1885 Griggs County courier. Cape Breton Post Now you can read Cape Breton Post anytime, anywhere. Cape Breton Post SmartEdition Welcome to Cape Breton Post SmartEdition! Now you can read Cape Breton Post SmartEdition anytime, anywhere. Cape Breton Post SmartEdition is available to you at home or at work, and is the same edition as the printed copy available at the newsstand. Cooperstown, Griggs Co., N.D., 19021913 The Cooperstown courier. Bismarck, Dakota [N.D.], 18841943 Bismarck weekly tribune. Bismarck, N.D., 1916current The Bismarck tribune. [i.e. Contributed by Digital Michigan Newspaper Portal. You can also find out about their family members, friends, and other important people in their lives. This site provides a detailed history of the McLennan family from their roots in Scotland through to their activities in Sydney and Louisbourg. Cooperstown, Griggs Co., Dak. Williston, Williams County, N.D., 18951919 Williston graphic, Barberton Herald (19281932, 1934present), Cleveland Herald (1833, 18471848, 1876, 18781879), Daily Kent Stater/Kent Stater (19392015), Kent State University Summer News (1950's2000's), Buckeye State (New Lisbon; 1865, 1873, 18751882, 18841892), Evening Journal (Lisbon; 19281929, 19311933, 19461950, 19521960), Evening Journal (New Lisbon; 1914, 1914, 19181921, 1923, 1933), Morning Journal (19741980, 1995, 20002001, 20032011), New Lisbon Journal (1873, 1881, 18831884), Ohio Patriot (18101812, 18151821, 18231824, 18311833, 18401843), Ohio Patriot and Farmers and Mechanics Shield (1833, 18351839), Ohio Patriot and New Lisbon Gazette (18281831), Ohio Patriot and New Lisbon Weekly Advertiser (18241828), Western Palladium (1836, 18381840, 18421846, 18501852, 1939), Wright Brothers collection (Evening Item, Midget, and West Side News, newspapers published by the brothers), Southern Coos County American (19171928), Argus, Hillsboro Argus (Hillsboro; 18941922), Ashland Tidings, Ashland Daily Tidings, Ashland Weekly Tidings (19121922), Bandon Recorder, Bandon Semi-Weekly Recorder, Bandon Weekly Recorder (18901905, 19131916), Bohemia Nugget (Cottage Grove; 18991907), Broad-Axe, Broad-Axe Tribune (Eugene; 18941900), Capital Journal, Daily Capital Journal, Evening Capital Journal, Daily Journal (Salem; 18881909), Coast Mail, Daily Coast Mail, Weekly Coast Mail, Coos Bay Times (Marshfield; 18791916), Daily Astorian, Daily Morning Astorian, Morning Astorian (Astoria; 18761902), Daily Mountaineer (The Dalles; 18641866), The Dalles Daily Chronicle (The Dalles; 18901922), The Dalles Times-Mountaineer (The Dalles; 1889), The Dalles Weekly Chronicle (The Dalles; 18901898), East Oregonian (Pendleton; 18771881, 18881922), Enterprise, Oregon City Enterprise, Morning Enterprise (Oregon City; 18661922), Enterprise News-Record, News-Record, Wallowa County Chieftain, Wallowa Chieftain (Enterprise; 18841911), Evening Herald (Klamath Falls; 19081922), Grant County News (Canyon City; 18791908), Grants Pass Daily Courier, Rouge River Courier (19001919), Heppner Gazette, Weekly Heppner Gazette, Gazette-Times, Heppner Times, Heppner Herald (18831924), The Illustrated West Shore, West Shore (Portland; 18751891), The Independent, Hillsboro Independent (Hillsboro; 18741877, 1881, 18821890, 18931908), Lane County News, Springfield News (1907, 19151922), Medford Mail Tribune (Medford; 19091916), Oregon City Courier, Oregon City Courier-Herald, Oregon Courier, The Banner-Courier (18831884, 18901919, 1922), Oregon Sentinel, Table Rock Sentinel (Jacksonville; 18561888), Oregon Spectator (Oregon City, O.T. Published in December 1906 as a letter to the editor in the Halifax Herald, it was sent along to the Spectator by David Frank, author of Read More Nova Scotia Births, Marriages, and Deaths, Genealogical Association of Nova Scotia, many volumes of vital statistics from Halifax/Nova Scotia newspapers, 1769-1860, L. Shirley McCormick, 'Vital Statistics from. The Nova Scotia Historical Newspapers available on this website, provides a small but growing selection of digitized newspapers from the Provincial Collection. CAPE BRETON Mailing List - For those having an interest in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia genealogical research. ; 18461855), Oregonian, Morning Oregonian, Sunday Oregonian (Portland; 1850, 18781906), St. Helen's Mist, Oregon Mist (19101921), St. Johns Review (Saint Johns; 19041922), Southwest Oregon Recorder (Denmark; 18841885), Umpqua Gazette, Umpqua Weekly Gazette (Scottsburg, O.T. Archives of the Press Academy of Andhra Pradesh. General aggregators of German newspaper archives: There are numerous individual titles included, only some of which are listed on the, Ha-Magid [Hebrew] (Lyck, Berlin, Krakw, and Vienna; 18561903), Ha-Zefira [Hebrew] (Warsaw and Berlin; 1862, 18741906, 19101921, 19261928, 1931), Komrom-Esztergom Megyei 24 ra (19662000), Protestns Egyhzi s Iskolai Lapok (18421919), Schrattenthals Frauen-Zeitung (18931894), Das Riesengebirge in Wort und Bild (18811898), Der Wanderer durch Ost- und Westpreuen (19041911), Der Wanderer im Riesengebirge (18811943), Egyenlsg [Hungarian] (Budapest; 18921905), Radical Newspaper Archives a sister website to Irish Newspaper Archives, Hibernia Magazine and Dublin Monthly Panorama (18101811), Irish Magazine and Monthly Asylum (18071808), United Irishman (12 February27 May 1848), Al HaMishmar [Hebrew] (Palestine/Israel; 19431995), L'Avenir Illustr [French] (Casablanca; 19261940), Davar [Hebrew] (Palestine/Israel; 19251981), Doar Hayom [Hebrew] (Jerusalem; 19161936), Forward/Forverts [Yiddish] (New York; 18972015), Habazeleth [Hebrew] (Palestine; 1863, 18701911), Ha-Melitz [Hebrew] (Odessa and St. Petersburg; 18601872, 18791904), Ha-Micpe [Hebrew] (Krakw; 19041915, 19171921), Ha-Modia [Hebrew] (Poltava, Russia; 19101915), Ha-Poeel Ha-Tsaair [Hebrew] (Palestine; 19071970), Ha-Yom [Hebrew] (St. Petersburg; 18861888), Ha-Zman [Hebrew] (St. Petersburg; 19031915), Ha-Zvi/Ha-Or [Hebrew] (Palestine; 18841901, 19091915), Hed Ha-Mizrach: Journal for Sephardic Jewry [Hebrew] (Israel; 19421944, 19491951), Ivri Anochi [Hebrew] (Lww and Brody; 18651890), Jewish Morning Journal [Yiddish] (New York; 19061922), Lebens Fragen [Yiddish] (Tel Aviv; 19512011), La Libert [French and Judeo-Arabic] (Tangier; 19151922), Maguid Micharim/Le Ttouanais [Hebrew] (Oran, Algeria; 18951896), Mahziqey Ha-Dat/Qol Mahziqey Ha-Dat [Hebrew] (Lww; 18791913), The Palestine Bulletin [English] (Jerusalem; 19321950), The Palestine Post [English] (Palestine; 19321950), The Occident and American Jewish Advocate [English] (Philadelphia; 18431869), La Voix des Communauts [French] (Rabat, Morocco; 19501956, 19611963), Die Wahrheit [Yiddish] (New York; 19051919). It is designed to digitize the personal collection of photos, artworks, and diary entries of Katharine. 18961922 (the Texas post), Vrt land (Jamestown, N.Y.) 18901920 (Our country), Vestkusten (San Francisco, Calif.; Mill Valley, Calif.) 18871922 (the West coast), Vestkusten (San Francisco, Calif.) 18871922, Westerns tribun (Seattle, Wash.; Tacoma, Wash.) 19021903 (the West's tribune), Westra posten (Seattle, Wash.) 18891902 (the Western post), Journal officiel de l'Indochine Franaise, El Paso Morning Times (English and Spanish), Afro-American Ledger (Baltimore, Maryland), Black Republican (New Orleans, Louisiana), Christian Recorder (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), Colored Tennessean (Nashville, Tennessee), Frederick Douglass' Paper (Rochester, New York), Provincial Freeman (Windsor/Toronto/Chatham, Canada West), South Carolina Leader (Charleston, South Carolina), Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, Louisiana), Bericht ber unsere Mennonitische Hilfskassev (18921906), Bltter fr Religion und Erziehung (18701871), Christlicher Gemeinde-Kalender (18921900), Gemeindebrief der Mennonitengemeinde zu Hamburg und Altona (19331950), Jahresbereicht der Konferenz der sddeutschen Mennoniten (19041920), Jahres-Bereicht der Vereinigng der Mennoniten-Gemeinden im deutschen Reich (18861932), Jahresbericht der Realanstalt am Donnersberg (19001904), Jahresbericht der Taufgesinnten Missionsgesellschaft (1912, 1917), Mennonitische Geschichtsblaetter (19361940), Mennonitische Volkswarte [Canada] (19351936), Mitteilungen des Sippenverbands der Danziger Mennoniten-Familien (19351944), Mitteilungsblatt der Berliner Mennoniten-Gemeinde (1936), Mittheilungen aus dem religisen Leben (1848), Monatsbltter der Mennonitengemeinde Crefeld (19051907), Monatshefte der Comenius-Gesellschaft (18921893), Monatsschift fr die evangelischen Mennoniten (18461848), Predigten aus Mennoniten-Gemeinden (18881899), Protokoll der Sitzung des Kuratoriums der Vereinigung der Mennoniten-Gemeinden im Deutschen Reich (18931914), Zeitschrift fr deutsche Mythologie und Sittenkunde (18531859), This page was last edited on 17 January 2023, at 14:25.
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