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captain robert loft
Captain Roberts is a level 45 Elite NPC that can be found in Dalaran. With the aircraft in mid-turn, the left wingtip cracked into piece against the surface first, it was followed by the left engine and the left landing gear. [14], Over the following months and years, stories began circulating that employees of Eastern Air Lines, and numerous passengers, had reported sightings of the dead crew members, captain Robert Loft and second officer (flight engineer) Donald Repo, sitting on board other L-1011s (including, in particular, N318EA). Resides in Sarasota, FL. In the cockpit: Capt. [4] It was also the first hull loss and fatal crash of a Lockheed L-1011 TriStar. The flight was under the command of Captain Robert Albin Loft, a 32-year-veteran of Eastern Air Lines. The crash was followed by reports of the appearance of apparitions of Flight 401 crew members, including Captain Loft, on subsequent flights. [10], N310EA, the aircraft involved in the accident. Captain Robert Falcon Scott was the first British explorer to reach the South Pole and explore Antarctica extensively by land in the early 1900s. or don't show this againI am good at figuring things out. [5]:2729, A company employeetechnical officer Angelo Donadeo, 47, returning to Miami from an assignment in New Yorkaccompanied the flight crew for the journey, but was officially an off-duty, "nonrevenue passenger". Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate, or jump to a slide with the slide dots. Although 75 people survived, the accident still resulted in the deaths of 101 occupants, including Captain Robert 'Bob' Loft and Flight Engineer Donald 'Don' Repo. The account of the crash and its outcome was documented in, . It was a pleasure to meet and fish with you and Daniel! Incidentally, the witness refused to fly and left the plane right before it was due for take-off. Monolith-Palooza II Romanian Monolith Disappears and Utahs Remover Appears, Japanese Dogman, Snow UFO, Bigfoot Food, Terrified Ghost Whisperer and More Mysterious News Briefly, Mummy Brains, UFO Abduction Rays, Ghost Nurse, Strange Tampa Boom Sounds and More Mysterious News Briefly. Marquis received burns to his face, arms, and legsa result of spilled jet fuel from the crashed TriStarbut continued shuttling people in and out of the crash site that night and the next day. It is certainly a unique case. No animated GIFs, photos with additional graphics (borders, embellishments. [4], Eastern Air Lines Flight 401 was a regularly scheduled flight from John F. Kennedy International Airport in Queens, New York, to Miami International Airport in Miami, Florida. There was nothing particularly memorable about the route, every pilot and flight crew in Eastern Air Lines had one time or another cut their teeth on that routine flight path. I thought you might like to see a memorial for Robert Albin Bob Loft I found on Your email address will not be published. Then came scattered parts from the No. The man was a hero that ended up saving dozens of lives. On April 9th 2022, American Airlines Pilot Captain Robert Snow suffered a cardiac arrest minutes after landing flight AAL 1067fn at Dallas Fort Worth International Airport. Share this memorial using social media sites or email. [5]:6[a], The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigation discovered that the autopilot had been inadvertently switched from altitude hold to control wheel steering (CWS) mode in pitch. First Officer Stockstill was killed on impact, and although pilot Robert Loft and flight engineer Donald Repo initially survived the crash, Loft died while being pulled from the wreckage and Repo succumbed to his grievous injuries later at a hospital. However, it also complicated the survivors' recuperation, as organisms in the swamp caused infection, with the potential for gas gangrene. The breakup of the fuselage had freed it from its stowage and activated its inflation mechanism. Please try again later. The Everglades were rushing towards them. Robert married Emma Loft. Eastern Air Lines Flight 401 was a scheduled flight from New York to Miami. Eastern Air Lines CEO (and former Apollo astronaut) Frank Borman called the ghost stories surrounding the crash "garbage". Is this inscription on the Great Pyramid similar to the strange hieroglyphics of Roswell UFO? Sightings of Don Repo would continue sporadically for several years before Eastern Airlines closure in 1991. In the following years, however, passengers and crew alike began to not only see Loft and Repo on and around Eastern Airlines flights, many unknowing people even had brief conversations with them. [11] The swamp absorbed much of the energy of the crash, lessening the impact on the aircraft. Try again later. Long was born on 7 November 1967 to Michael and Charlotte Long in Tishomingo, OK. [5]:3 This was later discovered to be due to a burned-out light bulb. He may have established Glenury Royal distillery, but the whisky achievements of Captain Robert Barclay Allardice pale in comparison with his other exploits. The pilots and the flight engineer, two of 10 flight attendants, and 96 of 163 passengers died. If you don't like what you read, you can unsubscribe at any time. Back row: Pat Ghyssels, Trudy Smith, Adrianne Hamilton . Continuing with this request will add an alert to the cemetery page and any new volunteers will have the opportunity to fulfill your request. It had been cleared for a 9PM departure from New York's JFK airport to Miami, with Captain Robert Loft at the helm and Albert John Stockstill, a former Air Force flier, as his co-pilot. Whether Turpin used the grounds to conduct his robberies over 250 years before the conception of air travel is unknown. An original floorboard from Flight 401 rests in the archives at History Miami in South Florida. Television and books told the stories of the Flight 401 Ghosts. [16], While Eastern Air Lines publicly denied their planes were haunted, they reportedly removed all the salvaged parts from their L-1011 fleet. There was just one problem: Bob Loft had been dead for months. On 29th December 1972, Eastern Airlines Flight 401 came crashing out of the sky and into the Florida Everglades. The reported hauntings were said to only be seen on the planes that used the spare parts. Never been back to that place since that moment around here, we do our best to avoid that area.. Apparently, some of the equipment that was salvaged from the wreckage had been used in other L-1011 planes with Eastern Air Lines which has many people believing that the ghosts of those who passed away are still connected to that equipment. Captain Robert Loft and Second Officer Donald Repo survived the crash, briefly. Please contact Find a Grave at [emailprotected] if you need help resetting your password. We do not aim to prove nordisprove any of the theories, cases, or reports. Only small fragments of metal marked the wingtip's first contact, followed 49ft (15m) further on by three massive 115ft (35m) swaths cut through the mud and sawgrass by the aircraft's extended undercarriage before two of the legs were sheared off. Which memorial do you think is a duplicate of Robert Loft (17211647)? Memorial ID.,,, : [Sound of six beeps similar to radio altimeter increasing in rate]. On one particular occasion, on Flight Tri-Star 138, while performing her normal duties, she could clearly see the face of Repo in the oven door in the planes kitchen. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Robert Bud Marquis, an airboat pilot, was out frog hunting with his bud Ray Dickinsin when they beheld the crash. . Eastern Airlines Flight 401 departed New York's JFK airport at 9:20 in the evening enroute to Miami International Airport. He accompanied 3 survivors on the helicopter to the hospital including a flight attendant and passenger who lost her baby in the crash. Try again later. Marcus Lowth is a writer with a love for UFOs, aliens, and the Ancient Astronaut Theory, to the paranormal, general conspiracies, and unsolved mysteries. This memorial has been copied to your clipboard. A TV movie. Eastern Airlines Flight 401 departed New York's JFK airport at 9:20 in the evening enroute to Miami International Airport. And recently, one passenger has come forward explaining their paranormal encounter. Marfa lights started popping up around the swamp. [5]:4 Fifty seconds after reaching their assigned altitude, Captain Loft instructed First Officer Stockstill to put the L-1011 on autopilot. [5]:3, The flight was routine until 23:32, when the plane began its approach into Miami International Airport. They failed to notice that the autopilot had inadvertently been disconnected and, subsequently, the aircraft gradually lost altitude and crashed. Mr. Loft was born in Vancouver, Wash., on Aug. 2, 1944. At 7:30pm, Eastern's flight dispatcher at JFK cleared the airplane for a nine pm night coach departure to Miami as Flight 401. Of the 176 people on board, 101 lost their lives in the tragedy. As time passed and Flight 401 became a distant memory, the recounting of ghost sightings stopped. Scared but calm, she went to find other colleagues and returned with two other flight attendants. Have scientists finally solved the mystery of Europes bog body phenomenon. The crash occurred while the entire flight crew were preoccupied with a burnt-out landing gear indicator light. This flower has been reported and will not be visible while under review. On 29 th December 1972, Eastern Airlines Flight 401 came crashing out of the sky and into the Florida Everglades. [12][13] The training is designed to make problem solving in a cockpit much more efficient, thus causing less distraction for the crew. Capt. Your Name: Subject: Message: Notify me by email of all message replies. Morris Town Aprl 28th 1777. There were two different tv films made in 1978 about the crash of the L-1011 Jet Flight 401 in December 1972 where almost 100 people died. There are no volunteers for this cemetery. It could well be the ghosts of Captain Robert Loft or Second Officer Don Repo, keeping watch and making sure your flight arrives safely. [4] Despite their own injuries, the surviving flight attendants were credited with helping other survivors and several quick-thinking actions such as warning survivors of the danger of striking matches due to jet fuel in the swamp water[9] and singing Christmas carols to keep up hope and draw the rescue teams' attention, as flashlights were not part of the standard equipment on commercial airliners at the time. [5]:23 Investigators believe this was due to the crew being distracted by the nose gear light, and because the flight engineer was not in his seat when it sounded, so would not have been able to hear it. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Subscribe to our free weekly newsletter to receive the latest articles directly in your inbox. They were top-notch and knew the ins and outs of commanding a plane that size. Pilots of Eastern Airline Flight 401 Don Repo and Bob Loft. Resides in Sarasota, FL. The story of Eastern Air Lines Flight 401 starts off right after the crash. Subsequent to these press stories, The Ghost of Flight 401 was published in 1976. The film was based on Fullers book, and it concentrated on the ghost sightings that came into being after the incident. We can only imagine how many more accounts might be on record if not for the eventual ban by Eastern Airlines on any of their employees speaking publicly of their sightings. [5]:23 In this mode, once the pilot releases pressure on the yoke (control column or wheel), the autopilot maintains the pitch attitude of the aircraft until the yoke is again moved. Some of Flight 401s equipment was salvaged and repurposed for other crafts of the Eastern fleet. Captain Robert Arnott, the master of the Cunard liner Queen Elizabeth 2, who has died aged 92, was known to the thousands of passengers who sailed with him in the heyday of passenger shipping . Of the cockpit crew, only flight engineer Repo survived the initial crash, along with technical officer Donadeo, who was down in the nose electronics bay with Repo at the moment of impact. An unnamed female passenger also had a chilling experience during an Eastern Airlines flight. In the Ghost of Flight 401 with Ernest Borgnine, they explored the supernatural aspect of this tragedy where the ghosts of Robert Loft and Don Repo were seen on other planes that had parts taken from the wreckage. Try again later. On December 29, 1972, the Lockheed L-1011-1 TriStar Flight 401 left New York and flew on a downward vector to Miami, Florida. It is said that this is the reason Loft and Repo haunted Flight 401 to keep future flights safe from human error. She has written articles for several online websites, and had an article published in a Canadian magazine on the most haunted locations in Atlantic Canada. On approaching Miami International . October 4, 2021. A similar situation appeared in the Thai film Dark Flight, directed by Kongkiat Khomsiri, produced in 2012. Always up to date. The remarkable Captain Robert FitzRoy Pioneer of weather forecasting. One account from a flight attendant working for Virgin Atlantic is particularly hair-raising. Verify and try again. And one of the better-documented cases of the existence of something beyond death. For his efforts, he received the Humanitarian Award from the National Air Disaster Alliance/Foundation and the "Alumitech Airboat Hero Award", from the American Airboat Search and Rescue Association. It was the Lockheed L-1011-1 Tristar model which, on December 29, 1972, left New Yorks John F. Kennedy airport and crashed into the Florida Everglades, causing 101 fatalities. Although Eastern Airlines were tight-lipped on the sightings, it quickly became one of the aviation industrys worst-kept secrets. Suddenly the plane plunged 250ft in 70 seconds; an altitude warning went off . Officer Repo died the next day. During this time, the planes autopilot system was set to maintain the planes altitude at 2,000 feet. The account of the crash and its outcome was documented inJohn G. Fullers 1976 bookThe Ghost of Flight 401. He wished her to tell this lady that he was OK. A little perplexed the woman passed along the message to the lady. Other Ghostly Tales Of Airports And Air Travel,,,, The Japanese Airlines Flight 1628 UFO Encounter, Chilling Tales Of Traveling Ghosts And Phantom Vehicles, The Truly Bizarre Account Of Santiago Flight 513, The American West Flight 564 UFO Incident, The Ghosts Of Room 18 At The St. James Hotel. [6]:110, Investigation into the aircraft's autopilot showed that the force required to switch to CWS mode was different between the A and B channels (15 and 20lbf or 65 and 90N, respectively). by Nicos Kaloyirou. It appears this happened during the temporary commotion among the crew. Year should not be greater than current year. based on information from your browser. Gray's Harbor, the large estuarine bay about 45 miles north of the mouth of the Columbia River, is named in recognition of Captain Robert Gray, the first Euro-American to enter it on May 7, 1792. Weve updated the security on the site. Captain Robert is a local expert on inshore fishing, and he knows all the best spots for catching . ). You can customize the cemeteries you volunteer for by selecting or deselecting below. Captain Robert Loft and First Officer Don Repo were among those who had perished in the crash, and the crew of other Eastern Airlines planes insisted their ghosts made appearances on-board later . Real Paranorms. In the cockpit: Capt. Laser Pointers Can Redirect Lightning - But Don't Try It at Home! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Perhaps the final conversation heard by the control tower between Captain Loft and First Officer Stockstill is the best place to start when unfolding the tragic circumstances of 29th December 1972. [22] Loft's widow and children did sue Fuller, for infringement of Loft's right of publicity, for invasion of privacy, and for intentional infliction of emotional distress, but the lawsuit was dismissed and the dismissal upheld by the Florida Fourth District Court of Appeal. Captain Loft had been with the airline for 32 years and had accumulated a total of 29,700 flight hours throughout his flying career. The aircraft he flew that night was a state-of-the-art Lockheed L-1011 Tristar, one of a dozen new wide-body "Whisperliners" delivered to the airline that year. The story was that parts of Flight 401 were salvaged after the crash investigation and . Related To Virginia Gancio, Judith Gancio. aired in February 1978. Many believe they have seen his ghost, however, and that of his black horse, near the main terminal. So without in any way wanting to make light of it, after all the events that led to the sightings of Second Officer Don Repo and Captain Bob Loft were truly . , musician Bob Welch also recorded a song titled The Ghost of Flight 401. This is the tragic tale of Eastern Air Lines Flight 401 and the madness it left in its wake. Live PTR Beta. . To use this feature, use a newer browser. Inexhaustible walker, gambler and pugilist, he was also a friend to Royalty. The flight is referenced as part of the Bob Welch song "The Ghost of Flight 401" on his 1979 album Three Hearts. Translation on Find a Grave is an ongoing project. Blood and Blood-Drinking: Paranormal Creatures and (Alleged) Real Vampires, When Ghosts Get Hungry: That's When Things Get Dangerous. [21] A television film, also titled The Ghost of Flight 401, aired on NBC in February 1978. Eastern Air Lines Flight 401 was a scheduled flight from New York JFK to Miami. At around 5:00am, this person closed their eyes and after feeling as if someone was near, this individual opened their eyes to find someone sitting in the aisle seat. Gray originally named the bay Bullfinch Harbor. I was just frog gigging went, a face looked up at me from below the surf. After graduating Dubuque Senior High School in 1936, Captain Martin enrolled at Iowa State University where he graduated with an electrical engineering degree and a pilot's license. [9] All the survivors were injured; 60 received serious injuries and 17 suffered minor injuries that did not require hospitalization. By 11:41 p.m., Capt. His flight crew included the First Officer Albert Stockstill, 39, and the Second Officer cum flight engineer, Donald Repo, 51. I look forward to seeing you guys again! [6], The flight was under the command of Captain Robert Albin (Bob) Loft, age 55, a veteran pilot ranked 50th in seniority at Eastern Air Lines. Use Escape keyboard button or the Close button to close the carousel. Template:Unreferenced Over the following months and years, employees of Eastern Air Lines began reporting sightings of the dead crew members, captain Robert Loft and second officer (flight engineer) Donald Repo, sitting on board other L-1011 (N318EA) flights. Coincidentally or not, the entire galley area where the flight attendants saw Repos face was made from materials recovered from the downed Flight 401. As for the cargo, the flight was booked solid. He finally noticed the hiccup but it was too late. This was, according to Singleton, "sometime after Columbus but before all the new scientific technology came about." The book explained the science of simple navigation with simple and easy instructions, real-life exercises, detailed diagrams, and straightforward . Snow with 31 years of flight service, was mandated to take the Covid-19 "vaccine"on November 7th 2021 or lose his job. 29 December 1972: Eastern Air Lines Flight 401, a Lockheed L-1011 TriStar, was en route from John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK), New York, to Miami International Airport (MIA), Florida, with a crew of 13 and 163 passengers. He returned to NLSO NC for his second tour as CO in the summer of 2009. By this time, Frank Borman was the CEO of Eastern Airlines who called the stories a haunting garbage and considered suing the producers of the 1978 made-for-TV movie The Ghost of Flight 401 for tarnishing Eastern Airlines reputation. Captain Loft was found during the autopsy to have an undetected brain tumor in an area that controls vision. [6]:101 The pilots cycled the landing gear, but still failed to get the confirmation light. Join MU Plus+ and get exclusive shows and extensions & much more! They, nonetheless, reportedly removed all the salvaged parts from their L-1011 fleet. The tragedy was also the 2nd deadliest plane crash in US history . Flight 401 was under the command of Captain Robert Albin Loft, 55, a veteran Eastern Airline pilot. While Eastern Airlines publicly denied some of their planes were haunted, they reportedly removed all the salvaged parts from their L-1011 fleet. He immediately drove to Eastern's Miami offices and decided to charter a helicopter to the crash site, as the swampy terrain made rescue difficult, and Eastern Airlines had not heard any news of progress in rescue efforts. Failed to remove flower. Previously sponsored memorials or famous memorials will not have this option. Bob Loft. Setimus And The Aztec UFO Crash The First Alien Contact Encounter Of Modern Times? The co . [1] As the plane made its way across the marshlands of the Florida Everglades, Stockstill is heard to say, We did something to the altitude.
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