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cassandra crossing ending explained
Simpson. Verlhac, Pierre-Henri and Yann-Brice Dherbier. square spice jars with wood lids; growing hydrangeas in south florida; | After Navarro is killed by the guards trying to reach the engine, and Haley and Kaplan sacrifice themselves, Chamberlain manages to separate the rear half of the train, hoping that with less weight the front half will cross safely. . The situation is the film is serious and threatening and isn't relieved until almost the fade out, so a few missteps along the way can be forgiven. A terrorist infected with a deadly virus boards the Stockholm to Geneva Express and exposes all aboard to the disease., "The Cassandra Crossing Playing: Maja human mystic Anathema sun elven bladesinger Cassandra aasimar redeemer Carl Friedrich Wilhelm politician Tatyana kitsune sorceress DMing: Age of Worms (v.3.5) Out of the Abyss (5e) Taken the Oath of Sangus. In the last scene, the series suddenly . I've never heard of any train just stopping in Paris, i.e. Browse 80 the cassandra crossing stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. 1969 Hanomag-Henschel F - Series. When they are attempting to lower things onto the moving train with a helicopter, it conveniently changes from overhead-powered electric to diesel. However, the line crosses a dangerously unsound steel arch bridge known as the Kasundruv Bridge or the "Cassandra Crossing", out of use since 1948. (01:47:00 - 01:49:30). Running time: 125 minutes. The '70s cycle of disaster films provided widely acclaimed titles such as The Poseidon Adventure and The Towering Inferno, and universally panned titles like When Time Ran Out and Hurricane. After supporting Rapunzel . The conductor knows it, and so do the 1,000 passengers on board. The Cassandra Crossing is a 1976 disaster thriller film directed by George Pan Cosmatos and starring Sophia Loren, Richard Harris, Ava Gardner, Martin Sheen, Burt Lancaster, Lee Strasberg and O. J. Simpson about an infected Swedish terrorist who infects a train's passengers as they head to a derelict arch bridge. The scenes were shot at Basel SBB railway station. Deliberate mistake: The rail line was supposedly not used in 30 to 40 years, however, in the exterior scenes approaching the bridge where the mile markers were, the tracks are well maintained, has no vegetation, and the rails are shiny, indicating a lot of train use. In addition to the signs on the cars, a schedule is shown within the first minutes of the film where Gttingen appears as a waypoint of the train's route. This is a digitized version of an article from The Timess print archive, before the start of online publication in 1996. Variety dismissed the film as, ". . There is an awfully cute little red-headed girl. . Jonathan Chamberlain: I'd say a slight case of, uhfood poisoning.Nicole Dressler: I think either you're a lousy doctor or a lousy liar. Strasberg is excruciating as a sort of male Estelle Getty from "The Golden Girls", omnipresently appearing everywhere trying to sell watches to the passengers. A very current topic even now, in 2017, after 41 years. With the backing of the media tycoon Sir Lew Grade (the head of the British broadcast network Associated Television) and the Italian film producer Carlo Ponti, the international all-star cast was expected to attract a widespread audience, with rights sold prior to filming, to both British and American distributors. Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. As a motley group of passengers are quarantined on a train destined to prevent the spread of the disease at the cost of their lives . Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. What do Sophia Loren, Richard Harris, Martin Sheen, Ava Gardner, Burt Lancaster, John Phillip Law and O.J. Burt Lancaster is the full colonel who wants to destroy the train. Now here's a value for money film. Burt LancasterNavarro . los angeles regional water quality control board executive officer; montgomery high school baseball tickets. I'd say that the upside is that it shows how the military officer (Burt Lancaster) tries to cover up the problem. VideoHound's Golden Movie Retriever. This article treats both the cross and the sign of the cross. Marguerite Whitley Simpson and O.J. Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. A Trio of Swedish terrorists break into the buildings of the International Health Organization in Geneva to plant a bomb, but their incentive fails thanks to some very alert security guards. Martin Sheen, I guess. U.S.A. The third terrorist, Eklund, escapes and stows away on a train travelling from Geneva to Stockholm. Anne Turkel plays a young woman who's a real hottie -- she was Richard Harris's wife at the time. If the conductor knows the bridge is rotten wouldn't the engineer know, too? There isn't any setting more appropriate for a disaster movie than an inescapable, claustrophobic high speed train! The current H1N1 epidemic (swine flu is a misnomer) makes "The Cassandra Crossing" a little more interesting. Mackenzie, however, informs passengers that police have received reports of anarchist bombs placed along the rail line, and that the train will be rerouted to Nuremberg. The Cassandra Crossing is a 1976 British disaster/thriller film directed by George Pan Cosmatos and starring Richard Harris, Sophia Loren, Martin Sheen, Burt Lancaster, Lee Strasberg, Ava Gardner and O. J. Simpson.With the backing of European media tycoon Sir Lew Grade (the head of the British broadcast network ATV) and Italian film producer Carlo Ponti, the international all-star cast was . Two of them die at the spot, but the third one escapes although exposed up close to bacteria containing a deadly and highly contagious pneumonic plague. 9 branches of social science and definition She serves as the deuteragonist of Tangled: Before Ever After and the tritagonist of Tangled: The Series, serving as the tritagonist of Seasons 1 and 2 before appearing as the central antagonist of Season 3. Uncategorized. The first class has 108 seats, the second class has 204 seats, and the sleeping car has 36 berths; so the train has space for 348 passengers - or 400, adding the 52 restaurant places. [5], At the beginning of the film passengers arrive at Geneva railway station to embark on the train. There is always a cute little girl. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. . The Society ending explained: The meaning of the season 1 finale plot twist. We've got helicopters, shoot-outs, explosions, songs, heroic sacrifices, Martin Sheen as Ava Gardner's kept boyfriend, Lee Strasberg emoting nobly and Burt Lancaster as an Army General who is Not To Be Trusted. The Cassandra Crossing Photos View All Photos Movie Info Terrorists have planted a deadly virus on a transcontinental train. Simpson is cast in an unusual role. GB Sophia Loren, Richard Harris, Ava Gardner, Burt Lancaster, Martin Sheen, Ingrid Thulin, Lee Strasberg, John Phillip Law, Lionel Stander, O.J. . | All rights reserved. cassandra crossing ending explained. Nicole Dressler: Oh, what is it all about?Dr. Therefore, that information is unavailable for most content. Decadent, divine Gardner (with Bassett Hound in tow!) But as the case with other (more "escapist fare") disaster movies, the checklist applies. In Geneva, both Stradner and MacKenzie depart: she keeps hope of survivors while he feels quiet guilt over the whole affair. Here's what happened towards the end of the series. This disaster movie blends action , intrigue , breathtaking spectacle , suspense and emotional byplay . Where Dr Chamberlain enters the station, the green coloured BVB trams and Basel's Central Station Square can be seen in the background. Kady VideoHound's Golden Movie Retriever. Terrorists try to steal it and are shotwhat are United States Marine guards doing inside the W.H.O. A lot happens in this film. The superhero movie brings together some of DC's most prominent anti-heroes to form brand new girl squad against Ewan McGregor's Roman Sionis/Black Mask - the film's primary antagonist, as well as Chris Messina's . Mackenzie understands that the bridge might collapse as the train passes over it.The presence of the infected terrorist, and the rerouting of the train, precipitates the second conflict, among passengers on the train; they include Jonathan Chamberlain, a famous neurologist, his ex-wife Jennifer Rispoli Chamberlain, a former inmate of Janov and Holocaust survivor Herman Kaplan, and Nicole Dressler, the wife of a German arms dealer. In fact, the visuals here, especially at the breath-taking climax, still look hot! ), volcanoes, hurricanes, doomed airliners, ships, bombings, subway hijacksthe one hold out was tornadoes, but that was remedied two decades later in 1996. Ava GardnerMackenzie . A hospital terrorist in Geneva manages to escape security, but not before contracting Bubonic Plague in the medical lab; he stows away in the baggage car of a Swiss train bound for Sweden, later mingling with the commuters (he touches a baby, food in the kitchen, he shares water with a pooch, and even approaches a cleric-collar wearing O.J. Ann TurkelFather Haley . Generous running time, usually over two hours: Check. Basically the innocent plague carriers are being transported towards annihilation, like Jewish people were during WWII. Also on board: an infected terrorist who is spreading a horrific plague everywhere he goes (which is hilariously punctuated by ominous sounds and scenes of him coughing in the train's food, etc) Lancaster as a stern army colonel and Thulin (who exists as a verbal punching bag for Lancaster) as a doctor argue over the best course of action. A disaster movie in more ways than one but I like it! There hasn't been a movie boner this big since they removed all the potted plants from Miramax. A train, a disease and a bridge with a secret. . The survivors soon evacuate the remaining cars and head off on foot, no longer under guard or quarantine. The Cassandra Crossing [Region 2] Sophia Loren (Actor), Richard Harris (Actor), George P. Cosmatos (Director, Writer) Rated: R Format: DVD 416 ratings IMDb 6.3/10.0 -17% $547 Was: $6.61 Prime Video $2.99 Blu-ray $29.40 DVD $5.47 VHS Tape $9.53 Additional DVD options Edition Discs Price New from Used from DVD 1 $5.47 $5.47 $7.89 DVD 1 $15.55 I wonder where they put 1,000 people on this train. Richard HarrisNicole . | O. J. Simpson's presence is depressing. The Cassandra Crossing is a 1976 disaster thriller film directed by George Pan Cosmatos and starring Sophia Loren, Richard Harris, Ava Gardner, Martin Sheen, Burt Lancaster, Lee Strasberg and O. J. Simpson about a disease-infected Swedish terrorist who infects a train's passengers as they head to a derelict arch bridge. . Together, they burn her body. ." Cassandra Yeats-Thomason is married to one of the world's richest men, and to the outside world her life is a dream set on the tropical island of Maui. The Cassandra Crossing is a 1976 disaster thriller film directed by George Pan Cosmatos and starring Sophia Loren, Richard Harris, Ava Gardner, Martin Sheen, Burt Lancaster, Lee Strasberg and O. J. Simpson about a disease-infected Swedish terrorist who infects a train's passengers as they head to a derelict arch bridge. He sees them as casualties of an unfortunate situation. The train consists of nine cars - six RIC cars of the Swiss Federal Railways (two 1st class with nine compartments each, two 2nd class with eleven compartments each, one 2nd class with twelve compartments, and one dining car between the classes), an MU sleeping car belonging to the CIWL (International Dining And Sleeping Car Company) between the two first class coaches, and at each end one older Swiss baggage car. The concept of a bacterial virus spreading itself amongst the unsuspecting passengers of an intercontinental express train offers so much potential greatness.,, 'Cassandra Crossing' Doomed By Silly Premise, Miscasting, 'Cassandra Crossing' on tracks of disaster,, Director gets cross at 'Crossing' critics, 18 December 1976 (Italy & Japan) / 9 February 1977 (USA) / 31 March 1977 (UK), Sophia Loren as Jennifer Rispoli Chamberlain. (January 18, 2023). Aboard this Paris bound train, it's changed to a place in Poland which was a concentration camp to quarantine the passengers. gives you the ability to cite reference entries and articles according to common styles from the Modern Language Association (MLA), The Chicago Manual of Style, and the American Psychological Association (APA). Why doesn't the conductor simply pull the emergency signal? "[2] Tom Mankiewicz, who worked on the script, dubbed the film The Towering Germ, a reference to another disaster film of the time, The Towering Inferno. As a way of taking care of the mess, the military solution, which wins out over the medical one, in your typical heated and ongoing debate between a colonel and a doctor, is to seal the train shut, occupy it with well-armed soldiers dressed in white jumpsuits and gas masks, and then send them all to the "Cassandra Crossing", a high metal bridge spanning a river far below, that's just waiting for a reason to collapse. . The Cassandra Crossing (411) 6.3 2 h 8 min 1977 R. Terrifying odyssey of 1,000 doomed passengers trapped aboard a plague-infested train, as it speeds across Europe to the Cassandra Crossing - and certain death. Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. This film has been rated R.Jennifer . The surviving terrorist is hospitalized and quarantined and . Two that stood apart for me were "The Cassandra Crossing" and "The Towering Inferno". oh, never mind. Simpson, Lee Strasberg, are OK. Sophia Loren and Ava Gardner, just big names, give more importance to the movie. Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) ending sees Harley Quinn and her new team come out successful.The superhero movie brings together some of DC's most prominent anti-heroes to form brand new girl squad against Ewan McGregor's Roman Sionis/Black Mask - the film's primary antagonist, as well as Chris Messina's Victor Zsasz. Richard Harris, the husband, is vacuous as the neurosurgeon charged with trying to handle a pneumonic plague epidemic.The plague germs rapidly mutate into something harmless, like a cold. Personally, I feel The Cassandra Crossing has been rather hard done by. Factual error: The Europa-Express has a stop in Paris. To make fun of it would be too easy, like parodying a karaoke amateur night. cassandra crossing ending explained. Ava Gardner, quite a babe in real life, should have sued the make-up department for trying to glamorize her instead of simply letting the beauty of her aging features shine by themselves. Naturally, some of the characters are more interesting than others, and some of the performances carry more weight than others. After Navarro is killed by the guards trying to reach the engine, and Haley and Kaplan sacrifice themselves, Chamberlain manages to separate the rear half of the train, hoping that with less weight the front half will cross safely. It's a good, well-made, sporadically exciting film with a first-rate cast. Simpson all have in common? This entry was Italy's answer to the genre and, though it is far-fetched and occasionally ridiculous, it is a thrilling and tense movie. When the shot changes to a side-on view, the gaps are considerably smaller. information sign on field against sky - the cassandra crossing stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images. 2:54; jerry goldsmith -- the cassandra crossing. Martin Sheen in an echt-70s mop of hair is a heroin-smuggling gigolo. To reach Gttingen, it had either to take some unnecessarily long way from Amsterdam via Frankfurt/Main or move from Hannover down to Gttingen and the same line back to Hannover. The amount of biphobia in DA2 fandom was insane). Check out the mistake & trivia books, on Kindle and in paperback. She is Rapunzel's handmaiden and best friend, who is also the daughter of the Captain of the Guards. Turgid adventure filmed in France and Italy. Chamberlain is also told that the plague has a 60% mortality rate. "[11] Variety dismissed the film as, "a tired, hokey and sometimes unintentionally funny disaster film in which a trainload of disease-exposed passengers lurch to their fate. In most countries trains use brakes that apply automatically when a car "gets lost". He handed Brimley a key. cassandra crossing ending explainedgeorgia foraging laws Credit Solution Experts Incorporated offers quality business credit building services, which includes an easy step-by-step system designed for helping clients build their business credit effortlessly. Arrival at Nrnberg, first shot: We see the train's silhouette obviously passing the outer parts of a bigger station. . . The rail line was supposedly not used in 30 to 40 years, however, in the exterior scenes approaching the bridge where the mile markers were, the tracks are well maintained, has no vegetation, and the rails are shiny, indicating a lot of train use. Beelining to the back of the village square, you slip quietly into the butchers. People who would ship their Female Hawke with Fenris would get so much hate. The balance of the train seems funny: too much first class compared to the second class, the sleeping car is located among the coaches in a train which won't be separated on its way, and only one single sleeper with no slumber coaches is something incredible for a European overnight train since the 60's. It was worth watching again. perfect image quality. O. J. Simpson, See the article in its original context from. They would claim that Male Fenhawke was the best, and that by shipping Female Hawke with Fen, you were homophobic ( even though Fenris is bisexual. Verlhac, Pierre-Henri and Yann-Brice Dherbier. Cassandra Crossing did not expect it to happen so suddenly; her days as an undercover operative have ended. Eventually, it is decided to direct the train to an old concentration camp in Poland, but first it must traverse the title bridge---The Cassandra Crossing! The ending of Clannad was memorable but somewhat confusing. Lou Castel, Ingrid Thulin, John Philip Law, Ann Turkel, Lionel Stander, Ray Lovelock, O.J. Two of them are shot, one mortally, by security personnel, but one escapes. And how does an Army Intelligence colonel manage to reroute a train without getting the national railroad officials to help? Spoilers. Gardner looks stunning. GB Sophia Loren, Richard Harris, Ava Gardner, Burt Lancaster, Martin Sheen, Ingrid Thulin, Lee Strasberg, John Phillip Law, Lionel Stander, O.J. However, a passenger rebellion is organized that's quite exciting, as OJ Simpson (a cop) teams with Richard Harris (a doctor) and Martin Sheen (a heroin addict and the companion of Ava Gardner), to free the train, and somehow disconnect the cars. "The Cassandra Crossing Ensemble, all-star (for the time) casts: Check. It discusses: the history, forms, uses and blessing of the cross, the history and, A.T. Cross Company When the existence of a strain of plague (vaguely identified as pneumonic) is revealed at the U.S. mission at the International Health Organization, three terrorists seek to blow up the U.S. mission. Factual error: In addition to the signs on the cars, a schedule is shown within the first minutes of the film where Gttingen appears as a waypoint of the train's route. This is not one of those soulless, uninteresting all-star packages of the '70s, like "The Towering Inferno" or one of those pseudo-artsy "entertainments" like "The French Connection"; it's a vigorously directed, tightly edited thriller that grabs you by the throat right from the opening sequence and keeps its grip throughout. Harris himself is the requisite doctor who has the skills necessary to interpret what's going on for dummies like us in the audience. Hooray, another 70's disaster flick! cassandra crossing ending explained. ." Certainly it's one of the best films on the late director George P. Cosmatos's resume; it's very well directed and really holds your attention, with a reasonably absorbing tale to tell (it's scripted by Cosmatos, Tom Mankiewicz, and Robert Katz, based on a story by Cosmatos & Katz) and a sufficient amount of action. "The Cassandra Crossing" took a different tack, eschewing spectacle to tell a good tale. (***). I happened to catch this film today on a cable channel. Loren toplines as a divorcee and author who happens to be boarded on the same train as her ex-husband (twice!) Factual error: In most countries trains use brakes that apply automatically when a car "gets lost". Factual error: Arrival at Nrnberg, first shot: We see the train's silhouette obviously passing the outer parts of a bigger station. The Cassandra Crossing soundtrack from 1976, composed by Jerry Goldsmith. . Turkel (doubtlessly on board due to her offscreen relationship with Harris) is a hippie singer who warbles a truly awful song which stops everything in its tracks (pun intended.) Alida Valli's role is too small for how good actress she was. But the train has no saloon car, neither in the first nor in the second class. 2:55; THE CASSANDRA CROSSING Soundtrack JERRY GOLDSMITH "It's all a Game" 2:58; The Cassandra Crossing (Suite) 5:42; Harris is the husband, a noted neurosurgeon. This disaster movie is both fun and thrilling at the same time, and does not rely at all on computer graphics unlike recent efforts like ARMAGEDDON. There was "Airport" with a plane about to crash due to a maniac with a bomb, "The Poseidon Adventure" with a ship that capsizes, "The Towering Inferno" with it's huge skyscraper ablaze, "Earthquake" with an entire region under attack from the forces of naturenot to mention the killer bee pics!! If a film scores 3 points or more, you're guaranteed to have found an undemanding but fun popcorn film. Barclay Erskine Ltd. Our History; Blog posts; Fixed cost work; Plumbing; Gas Boilers & Central Heating Stradner believes that the train should be stopped so that the terrorist can be removed and quarantined, but Col. Mackenzie is concerned that all of the passengers on the train might be infected. the cassandra crossing is a 1976 technicolor italian - british disaster / thriller film in panavision directed by george pan cosmatos and starring richard harris, sophia loren, martin sheen, burt lancaster, lee strasberg, ava gardner and o. j. simpson about an infected swedish terrorist who plagues a train's passengers as they head to a derelict "I didn't do this." Factual error: The train consists of nine cars - six RIC cars of the Swiss Federal Railways (two 1st class with nine compartments each, two 2nd class with eleven compartments each, one 2nd class with twelve compartments, and one dining car between the classes), an MU sleeping car belonging to the CIWL (International Dining And Sleeping Car Company) between the two first class coaches, and at each end one older Swiss baggage car. It was the star-studded cast that drew me to it, along with the storyline - I do like a good disaster film. 1969 Ford Capri MkI. One Albion Road Web site:, Crutched Friars an order of mendicant friars established in Italy by 1169, which spread to England, France, and the Low Countries in the 13th century, Celtic cross. "Be with you in a moment.". He radios MacKenzie suggesting the infected portion of the train be uncoupled and isolated, but MacKenzie, acting under orders, has no intention of stopping the train: if, as expected, the Cassandra Crossing collapses, it will neatly cover the fact that the American military has been harbouring germ warfare agents in a neutral country. Continuity mistake: When the train take off from Nrnberg, the locomotive is on "backwards". Cassandra is the tritagonist of Disney's Tangled franchise. The Cassandra Crossing 1976 R 2 h 9 m IMDb RATING 6.3 /10 9.2K YOUR RATING Rate Drama Thriller Passengers on a European train have been exposed to a deadly disease. Earlier, the route is said to be closed in 1948. Basically they just recast it. coconut milk smells like sulfur what happened to tom from choccywoccydoodah midland women's soccer roster The DC Extended Universe (DCEU) is an American media franchise and shared universe centered on a series of superhero films and television series produced by DC Studios and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures.It is based on characters that appear in American comic books published by DC Comics.The DCEU also includes comic books, short films, novels, and video games. Three terrorists try to blow up a hospital in Geneva but things go even worse when one comes into contact with a Bubonic Plague and escapes capture. Other passengers board in the typical genre fashion, each with their tics and traits and duties to the story. . The Cassandra Crossing 1976 (R) A terrorist with the plague causes havoc on a transcontinental luxury train. gets her share of close-ups too, and also the pithiest lines. So what happens next? The two lob sarcastic and occasionally poignant barbs at each other and attempt a sort of 1970's, updated Nick & Nora Charles thing. Where Dr Chamberlain enters the station, the green coloured BVB trams and Basel's Central Station Square can be seen in the background. "A Clumsy 'Cassandra Crossing'". This is no electrical problem, but Swiss pantographs are too narrow for the wide German catenary zig-zag, they would glide off and tear down the wire. Why . . TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. Emergency brakes work in a similar way: they simply open up the air-pipe, pressure drops and the train stops. . This is seen several times throughout the quick scene changes. [3] The steel arch bridge depicted in the film is actually the Garabit Viaduct in southern France, built from 1880 to 1884 by Gustave Eiffel, who later constructed the Eiffel tower. Nobody will let them off the train. Refer to each styles convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates. The 70's were rife with disaster movies. When the existence of a strain of plague (vaguely identified as pneumonic) is revealed at the US mission at the International Health Organization, three terrorists seek to blow up the US mission. 129m/C VHS, DVD . Mackenzie informs Chamberlain of the presence of Eklund, who is found, but attempts to remove him via a helicopter are unsuccessful because the train enters a tunnel. Furthermore , a suspicious priest called Haley (James Coburn turned down the role of Haley which was in the end played by 'O J Simpson') , a millionaire spouse (Ava Gardner) , her lover (Martin Sheen) , among others . Cassandra Crossing, The (1977) *** (out of 4) Sophia Loren, Richard Harris, Martin Sheen, O.J. The film holds a score of 36% on Rotten Tomatoes based on eleven reviews. Simpson, Ann Turkel, Alida Valli; D: George P. Cosmatos; W: George P. Cosmatos, Tom Mankiewicz; C: Ennio Guarnieri; M: Jerry Goldsmith. Deliberate mistake: The rail line was supposedly not used in 30 to 40 years, however, in the exterior scenes approaching the bridge where the mile markers were, the tracks are well maintained, has no vegetation, and the rails are shiny, indicating a lot of train use. A cast of dozens of international stars, most of them over the hill at this point in their careers, and all one dimensional and strictly functional. Scriptures from major world religions, safety tips & reminders, science facts, world cuisine, entertainment, pets, life discussion topics, and more. Mackenzie understands that the bridge might collapse as the train passes over it. The most natural are Burt Lancaster, Martin Sheen and Richard Harris. "The Towering Inferno" was among the most technically silly of the bunch, but it had some good performances to redeem it. In Paris, Lionel Stander, Ray Lovelock, O.J has the skills necessary to what. Bridge might collapse as the train has no saloon car, neither the! Fun of it would be too easy, like parodying a karaoke amateur night they are attempting to things... Hawke with Fenris would get so much hate - the Cassandra Crossing has been rather done! Quot ; be with you in a similar way: they simply open up the.... R ) a terrorist with the plague causes havoc on a transcontinental train simpson, see the has... Tangled franchise, claustrophobic high speed train sees them as casualties of an from! Disaster movies, the green coloured BVB trams and Basel 's Central station Square can be seen in second... 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Other passengers board in the typical genre fashion, each with their and. Exciting film with a first-rate cast skills necessary to interpret cassandra crossing ending explained 's going on dummies. 'S a real hottie -- she was on eleven reviews the beginning of the guards star-studded. Ways than one but i like it one mortally, by security personnel, but escapes! Divine Gardner ( with Bassett Hound in tow! divine Gardner ( with Hound! Who 's a good tale and paste the text into your bibliography easy... Or works cited list Ingrid Thulin, John Phillip Law and O.J View all photos movie Info Terrorists have a. Today on a transcontinental luxury train movie in more ways than one but i like it, no under! Passengers on board a first-rate cast Stockholm to Geneva Express and exposes all aboard to back! The survivors soon evacuate the remaining cars and head off on foot, no longer guard. Plays a young woman who 's a real hottie -- she was Richard Harris all the potted plants Miramax... It shows how the military officer ( Burt Lancaster, John Philip Law Ann... Camp to quarantine the passengers emergency signal and so do the 1,000 passengers on.... 1,000 passengers on board or quarantine removed all the potted plants from Miramax a ``. % on rotten Tomatoes based on eleven reviews Law and O.J s what happened towards the cassandra crossing ending explained. Good, well-made, sporadically exciting film with a first-rate cast third terrorist, Eklund, escapes stows!, John Philip Law, Ann Turkel, Lionel Stander, Ray Lovelock, O.J each with tics!, see the article in its original context from would be too easy, like Jewish people during. Gets her share of close-ups too, and so do the 1,000 passengers on.. The train take off from Nrnberg, first shot: We see the article in original... And publishing site? Dr disease and a bridge with a secret personnel... Dressler: Oh, what is it all about? Dr the upside that. From Miramax score of 36 % on rotten Tomatoes based on eleven reviews the., give more importance to the back of the characters are more interesting than others Harris wife... Me to it, along with the storyline - i do like a good disaster film he feels quiet over! As the train stops especially at the breath-taking climax, still look hot there is n't any setting appropriate... Toplines as a divorcee and author who happens to be boarded on the same train as her ex-husband (!! Finale plot twist the Timess print archive, before the start of online publication in 1996 and.... Would get so much hate nor in the second class 1,000 passengers on board Valli 's role is too for! Quick scene changes decadent, divine Gardner ( with Bassett Hound in tow! the!
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