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cayenne transfer case problems
Porsche Communication Management (PCM) Issues, Transfer Case - Vibrations Under Acceleration or When Turning at Low Speed, Check Engine Light - Power Loss - Incorrect Valve Lift, Check Engine Light - Misfire - Dead Cylinder - Coils, Plugs, Lifters, V6 Cayenne - Check Engine Light - Vacuum Leak - PCV Failure, Check Engine Light - V8 Engine Failure - Cam Adjuster Bolts Break, Clunking Sound on Acceleration - Drive Shaft Support Bearing Failure, No Start - Fuel Pump Failure - CEL - Random Multiple Misfire, Chassis System Failure Error Message - PASM Fault, Find a Porsche Repair Shop in the Northwest, Find a Porsche Repair Shop - North Central, Find a Porsche Repair Shop in the Southwest, Find a Porsche Repair Shop in South Central States, Find a Porsche Repair Shop - Southeast States, Find a Porsche Dealer in the Pacific Northwest, Find a Porsche Dealer in the North Central, Find a Porsche Dealer - Pacific Southwest, Automotive Technician Jobs | European Auto Tech Jobs, how to interpret and make sense of those fault codes, recommended Porsche Cayenne maintenance schedules. Lot of similar complaints on the NHTSA complaint log system as well as documented online and wear. The contact owns a 2014 Porsche Cayenne. Vw TOUAREG transfer case looks like a window motor and it sits the! When the pipes separate, it causes engine failure and immediate loss of power. The air ride shock, strut or spring is filled or indeed emptied of compressed air via the air hose and valve block. To correct the fault, youll need to identify the component causing the issue thats obvious, however, the actual cause of the problem may not be so apparent. all problems of the 2013 Porsche Cayenne Many Porsche Cayenne and Macan owners have experienced recurring problems with their 4wd transfer case. 42,000 miles on the 2016 Cayenne gts. How can a company like Porsche be so arrogant as to understand and accept it is a faulty design but not make restitution to its loyal customers,. Porsche was required to recall 2010 through 2012 vehicles to correct this problem. The transfer case directs the drive from the transmission to the front wheels and synchronizes the difference between the rotation of the front wheels. This happens when a convenience system becomes inconvenient. The contact owns a 2013 Porsche Cayenne. These are straight forward to replace and are a common wear item. You dont want to replace one section, only to have to return to the same issue when another line fails on your next drive cycle. Transfer case while driving started jerking while on the highway. Over time the plastic rod and electronics wear and the brake signal is lost this causes the ABS and PSM system to go into a fault status. This is my second issue with the transfer case and after some light research have come across many owners with anywhere between 1 and 4 replacements. Porsche refuses to do anything more than pay 20% of this 5000 dollar repair. Many porsche cayenne and macan owners have experienced recurring problems with their 4wd transfer case. Typically the engine will start, splutter then die eventually refusing to start at all. Unfortunately, the bolts holding the adjuster to the camshaft break and allow significant free play. Porsches replacement for the bearing wasnt much better than the original even the newer Macan experiences the same problem! The Cayenne is infamous for a noisy drive shaft accompanied by clunking sounds on acceleration or when switching gears. Drivetrain Problems. Transfer case failure can lead to a sudden lose of power and potentially cause death or serious injury if someone is traveling at highway speeds. An early sign of a leaking air strut is one lower corner after the vehicle has been parked for a few days. Porsche dealers recommend installing an aluminum pipe kit to replace the plastic. Running plastic coolant pipes underneath the intake manifold seems like a reasonable idea, until you realize the pipes are made from a plastic that cant handle the hot environment in which they live. There are two reasons for this one obvious and one less so. Noticed jerking when turning left and some slippage in transmission. The later Cayenne has a series of coolant pipe connectors that are glued into their aluminum housings great idea! Not an option for the dealers they have to replace and the cost is quite high. The control module is one of the least likely items in the system to fail. $6500). Porsche north America refuses to cover repair & warranty repair on same problem. However, this is more or less the time when most Cayenne models are not covered by a warranty anymore and the repair costs can easily stretch towards and potentially even over $5,000. A sensor that is not telling the truth in terms of ride height information can lead to some strange situations. The reason: the original design for Cayenne 958 Porsche transfer cases had the hose ending on the lower (closer to the ground) side of the transfer case. A coolant leak can be deadly for any engine overheating of the engine due to a loss of coolant very quickly does damage that could result in a total failure and an engine replacement being needed. Very dangerous situation with my 2011 Cayenne s -- just replaced transfer case in July 2017 (less than 3 years ago) due to unexpeceted pausing/hesitating when accelerating, and now the exact same problem occured again!!! This is usually subtle initially, but gets steadily worse, especially when moving forward at low speed with the wheels turned tightly. Diagnosing which one of these conditions you have can save you money replacing the regulator is cheaper and easier to complete but only if the problem is simply one of fan speed. The following video explains how to perform a reset of the PCM: If you cant make this work, talk to a recommended Porsche repair shop for help. In February 2020, a class-action lawsuit was filed against Porsche. In most instances the part needs to be replaced, costing the consumer approximately $5,000. Also, when the coolant spills onto the tires, it creates a serious road hazard. This looks like a leak and is commonly mis-diagnosed. Who hasnt had an issue with the PCM system in their Cayenne? A failed thermostat that is stuck open is not so bad. The manufacturer acknowledges the defect and is now providing newly designed repair parts described as permanently solving the problem and covered by a 2-year warranty at a cost in excess of $5,500 retail. Maintenance rarely solves a problem. It will eventually slip to the dangerous point. We have the issues and the symptoms, such as vibrations under acceleration, highlighted in our common problems section. This has been happening for quite a while until I researched the issues online. It has a faulty transfer case which is well known and should be recalled. At times the V8 engine in the Porsche Cayenne will report a CEL for codes associated with an incorrect valve lift on one of the two cylinder banks. Sometimes, the pressure valving inside the strut can fail causing the ride level to be too high. The vehicle requires that the transfer case needed to be replaced. You will lose all of your personal settings, but this is a small price to pay versus the cost of replacement which incidentally, will also result in the loss of all of your personal settings! Clunking / surging (almost feels like a misfire) after car warms up in second and third gear. Technicians at Porsche not trained to dissect the transmission and make repairs. I have experienced sudden lose of power due to transfer case failure, neatly resulting in a highway collision. Typically associated with a CEL and rough running, the earlier V8 engine can experience a completely dead cylinder. See The 4 Most Common Porsche M97 Engine Problems. The level of vacuum is monitored through a sensor and a drop in vacuum can cause the sensor to report the fault to the dashboard. Typically, the results of a failure are visible one side of the car will be lower than the other or the front higher than the rear. Drivers are reporting a check engine light warning before hearing a loud noise that completely shuts down the engine. The quality assistance system provides an above-class experience for the driver while providing the utmost comfort for all passengers. Porsche was not all that interested in these issues which ultimately lead to a class-action lawsuit against Porsche while the NHTSA is still looking into it. Many Cayenne owners have reported all sorts of random and weird behavior from the PCM system and in particular PCM3.1 seems to be the main offender. 2012 Cayenne S purchased CPO with 43K. Many are convinced that a software update resulted in unstable working conditions. A shortcut to finding out if you have a plug or coil problem is to identify the cylinder misfiring and swap the coil from the misfiring cylinder with a coil from a known good cylinder. It depends on who you are asking as some are willing to spend that extra maintenance money in order to enjoy a Porsche. In some cases, the engine must be replaced entirely. Transfer case has failed, jerking and interruption of accelerations. 2016 Porsche Cayenne SUV Problems, Issues, Complaints, Recalls, and Which Year to Avoid. Those voltage changes are determined by the control module as millimeters of ride height change. So, if you have the symptoms or problems of a failing transfer case, rush to the nearest dealer asap! The car won't accelerate smoothly during 1-2 gear and 3-4-5 gear. In addition once this cycle starts it will overheat causing it to bind when turning the wheel hard left or right and make it feel as it is in full posi-4x4. Spread the word. The result is a loss of timing on the specific camshaft and rough engine running. The hoses cannot be replaced individually and come as one unit of multiple lines. Valve lift is determined by the front O2 sensor. 3 Common Porsche Cayenne Problems A list of some of the most common issues Cayenne owners have to deal with. This is a safety system that needs to be diagnosed accurately by a professional shop as soon as possible. There are two likely spots for this to occur the front of the engine or the rear of the engine close to the transmission joint. With a luxury vehicle comes exorbitantly high repair bills. However, some deem it ludicrous to spend record amounts of money on maintenance for an SUV that is potentially 10-20 years old. With a luxury vehicle comes exorbitantly high repair bills. Issue seems to be pretty much on most Cayennes and cost $5000 to repair. Warranty expired 5/31/19. Control module failures rarely cause part system failure. See This failure is described countless number of times on the internet in various forums. A failing coil typically stops any spark and sets a misfire code with a completely dead cylinder. . It may also become excessively noisy. The key to solving this problem is diagnosing it correctly the mechanical pump does fail commonly, however, if no fuel is being delivered from the tank because of a low pressure fuel pump failure, the high pressure pump will be unable to build fuel pressure for delivery to the injectors. Cayenne owners can experience this message when driving. This changes the ride from soft to firm and also allows the system to adapt to loads. This is a small plastic switch designed to communicate brake pedal travel to the safety systems. Now, covertly and without any undue fuss, Porsche has been reaching out to owners with emails or physical mail providing warranty extension details. The transfer case in Porsche Cayenne is one of the most common areas where problems can occur. Worn spark plugs typically initially produce a loss of power and then set faults for misfires. . These are a few of the worst and most reported problems that Porsche Cayenne owners have encountered. Transfer case needed to be replaced ($5,000+ charge). Porsche added the KESSY system to the Porsche Cayenne to enable keyless entry and driving as a convenience for the driver. Its the reality of owning a Porsche as Porsches tend to be expensive, no matter how you look at it.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'luxurycarsa2z_com-box-4','ezslot_9',106,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-luxurycarsa2z_com-box-4-0'); One of the most questionable design decisions in the history of the Porsche Cayenne are the plastic coolant lines as they tend to wear out prematurely, even on low mileage examples. It must be said that some Cayenne models experience issues such as these even before the 50,000-mile mark, and some of them went as far as needing a complete engine replacement. . The slow response from the O2 sensor is not within the tolerance the engine management system requires and therefore a valve lift fault is set. Failure of these sensitive components is inevitable. The transfer case has gone out for the 4th time since if went over 50k, at low speeds its clunky and drags and bumpy when trying to accelerate. The dealer and manufacturer were not made aware of the failure. . problems related to transfer case (under the power train category). Crankcase gas is not extracted well enough as the PCV fails. The oil is recycled to the sump, while the gas is passed through the combustion path to be burnt and cleaned by the catalytic converters. Another common complaint from owners of the 2011 Porsche Cayenne is the engine seizing after hitting 50,000 miles. Consumers agreed, however, that a lot of the optional features in this high-priced ride should be considered standard. The tank supplies air to the system via the valve block a hole in the line from the tank to the valve block will cause a system wide failure. There is however, a known problem that is often caused by a faulty connection to the airbag control module under the driver seat. The blower motor is accessed through the passenger side dashboard trim and can be cumbersome to remove. I called Porsche and they denied knowing about any problem with it but you can call the service departments at any Porsche dealer and they immediately know about the problem. Damage to the wiring harness can lead to the failure of various electrical systems or to a. Very well known problem and there are a lot of similar complaints on the NHTSA complaint log system as well as documented online. Care clunks/drags in low gears. If indeed you have low oil pressure, then catastrophic engine damage can occur. The Peugeot 1.5L BlueHDI 130 is a 1.5L inline 4-cylinder engine that offers 130hp and 300Nm of torque. The manufacturer does not reply to inquiries, it is my request that they be forced to provide a permanent, reliable fix for this issue. Categories: Cayenne, General, Hybrid, Macan, Technology, Find a Porsche Repair Shop in the Northwest, Find a Porsche Repair Shop - North Central, Find a Porsche Repair Shop in the Southwest, Find a Porsche Repair Shop in South Central States, Find a Porsche Repair Shop - Southeast States, Find a Porsche Dealer in the Pacific Northwest, Find a Porsche Dealer in the North Central, Find a Porsche Dealer - Pacific Southwest, Automotive Technician Jobs | European Auto Tech Jobs. The dealer diagnosed the problem as the transfer case which was replaced. Some will remember when it was necessary to do this a couple of times a day to a Windows PC, but in this instance, the PCM usually recovers well to an initial start point and then functions normally. Failure of the compressor will lead to a collapse of the suspension system over a delayed period as pressurized air cannot be supplied. Transmission can lock up during driving causing serious injuries or death. There is an acknowledgment by Porsche of an associated defect of the transfer case design and a related workshop bulletin (wb) when replacing the transfer case. On occasion, no visible signs of change in the ride height are obvious but the fault is persistent. I love writing about cars as cars are a huge personal interest of mine. Pushing down on the brake pedal causes the push rod to move and engage the brake switch. Here are a few potential culprits: Wear and tear: Like with other components, the transfer case is subject to wear and tear over time. Vehicle stumbles while attempting to turn left from a standstill, known issue in the Porsche community, my issue first started at 68k miles, got the transfer case replaced, now same issue with the transfer case again at 79k miles, something needs to be done about this problem, my wife, and 2 kids at the age of 8 years old and 7 months olds was allmost in an accident with an tractor trailer due to this transfer case, someone please do something about this problem before it's too late, Porsche manufacturer hasn't done anything about this known problem. However, once the dreaded Steering Faulty appears on the dash, things change. I found other individuals having the same problem mutli times as myself and this is not cheap to fix. . Replace the line or have a independent repair shop do it for you. Porsche Entry & Drive (KESSY) consists of a system using interior and exterior antennas, an integrated identification generator in the vehicle transmitter, proximity sensors as well as a locking button in the exterior door handle surrounds. This is usually caused by a failure in the driveshaft support bearing. Most people ignore this or dont even realize it happened. The compressor typically will run all the time in the event of a leak or when it is failing. The timing chain drives the adjuster, which varies the position and rotation of the cam based on engine performance demands. My life literally flashed in my eyes I was so lucky to get out of it with no injuries after researching and visiting my mechanic I was told that it was a transfer case issue and it's a very common thing to happen on Cayennes with gasoline engine. Plaintiffs are owners of all Porsche Cayenne V8 vehicles, model years 2011-2019. Of course, replacing the plug and coil is the first step but, if the problem persists wed recommend compression testing the cylinder involved. It is very dangerous while trying to merge on the freeway. It's unsafe and almost impossible to drive on the highway . Instagram this video I talk about the fix for the transfer case in my 2013 Cayenne 958 92A VR6. These are the most frequent Cayenne problems diagnosed by our repair shops over the years. This issue is common and typically runs about $500 in parts. The two most common engine issues with the Porsche Cayenne are trouble starting the engine and potentially dead engines. Transfer Case problems of the 2016 Porsche Cayenne Two problems related to transfer case have been reported for the 2016 Porsche Cayenne. The Porsche Cayenne drivetrain transports the power generated by the engine to the driving wheels. The most common reason for the failure is the aging of the plastic tubing. To the point I will not let anyone else in the family drive it in fear of safety. Porsche on peachtree industrial fixed the transfer case issue under warranty. So, its best not to ignore this and to quickly investigate the cause. However, one of the most common causes of this failure in the earlier Cayenne versions, was excessive wear in the brake light switch. The system has a number of components, but generally, only one failure indicator. The modern versions of the transfer case feature electronics, which make the ability to control application of drive possible in differing circumstances or programs for example off road, snow/ice or sport mode, etc. Most of the problems associated with the system result in the antennas failing and a loss of functionality. Its good practice to replace both the thermostat and water pump in the event of a failure of either. Please also check out the statistics and reliability analysis of the 2016 Porsche Cayenne based on all problems reported for the 2016 Cayenne. The transfer case will make the bumping noise when accelerating. Hoping to identify a root cause of multiple transfer case failures. The air compressor supplies the system with compressed air. The Porsche Cayenne features a complex engine vacuum system that is driven by a pump. When the HVAC blower fan has no speed at all or is noisy, its most likely that the blower motor itself may have failed. We are proud to introduce the new Cayenne Coup and the Cayenne Turbo Coup. Porsches are made with adequate maintenance in mind which means that without it, they tend to fall apart relatively soon.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'luxurycarsa2z_com-box-3','ezslot_8',104,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-luxurycarsa2z_com-box-3-0'); The most problematic Cayenne model is the 1st generation one while the two later generations are indeed better. Another concern is that the fan speeds are either too weak or too noisy and the interior panels always look dirty since a black glossy finish was used. If youre lucky, this can be solved by replacing the lifter. The sensor is a critical component whose information not only feeds the suspension control module but also safety systems such as PASM. Oil pressure warnings can be scary. Water pumps and thermostats fail regularly. The repair is $5000 and replaces the transfer case. It can also cause a failure of brake lights and a no start situation. Failure of the mechanism can lead to some wild gear shifts. This is also the location of the thermostat, which also fails regularly. There is an update kit available to permanently fix this problem and change the plastic pipes to metal ones. A leaking strut will cause the air compressor to run more and therefore shorten its life. Its more or less the very same story with brakes as well as stopping such a large luxury barge is a difficult task. Starting with the levels of complexity, high-end materials, parts availability, the Porsche badge, the engines, and the model years. 2022 BMW X5 VS Porsche Cayenne Which is better? No one is quite sure of the exact cause, but a perfectly functioning PCM can suddenly exhibit the strangest of behavior as described in the symptoms above. A common problem in the Porsche Cayenne is a condition where the climate control fan suddenly starts working intermittently, or only at one speed, or not at all. All in all, most of these are not unreliable per se, but if they are not maintained correctly, they are going to be. This causes the system to report malfunctions but typically does not affect ride height. Porsche does not cover this common problem. Porsche will not cover the total cost of the repair (approx. A single coil failure is typically a sign of more trouble to come from other coils, so its usually best practice to update them all. I called two and they know of it as a common problem. The coolant pipe failure in the early Cayenne typically happened quickly and produced large amounts of steam. Rotation of the sensor communicates minor changes in voltage to the control module. Note that there are many reasons why the ABS or PSM lights can be triggered. Gotta wonder what this manufacturer is thinking here and why they are hiding the details. Porsche hasn't addressed this issue even though it is a very common problem on Cayennes. Documenting this common transfer case problem. First, a solenoid controls oil flow to the cams and the regulation of the valve lift that is reported as inconsistent or not correct. Clicking each section will open more detail. The ride height sensor is a small electro-mechanical component that connects the suspension to the body of the car. Almost all Cayenne models experience a failure in a coolant hose connector at the back of the engine that is close to the firewall. They also need to be retorqued more often than most cars and rotating them is a necessity.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'luxurycarsa2z_com-leader-1','ezslot_10',110,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-luxurycarsa2z_com-leader-1-0'); All in all, dont be too surprised if you go through tires faster than usual, especially if you go for the higher-end Turbo and GTS models. Why do you love writing about cars? In a similar way to the original Porsche Cayenne, the Macan experiences a consistent failure to the center support bearing in the driveshaft - also known as prop shaft or carden shaft etc. Since the transfer case uses a "multiplate wet clutch", moisture could prematurely corrode or allow rust to form, which could cause the clutch to bind and work erratically. The dealer knows this is a problem but will not help with cost. This subsequently shows up as a vibration under acceleration or a jumping or skipping feeling at extreme steering lock. Transfer case replaced around 48K (grinding/surging evident) again at 61K (grinding, no surging) and dealer informed me they installed two cases this last visit with the first one not operating properly. More information on the recall at or reach out to your local dealer and see if the recall work has been completed. When the engine heats up, the plastic cannot withstand the high temperature. The driveshaft runs down the center of the . Failure of transfer case in transmission at 74000 miles. Conversely, and more commonly, a high signal will cause the strut to be under inflated. Yes, the transfer cases in the Macan and the Cayenne are simply not up to the job! The most recently reported issues are listed below. Transfer case was removed and replaced, correcting the issue. Car lurches starting around 25 miles per hour and continuing until reaching a cruising speed 50 or thereabouts. This is a huge potential issue as a complete engine replacement can indeed write off the first, or even the second generation of the Cayenne completely. Third failure happened another 6 months later at 60k miles (severe jolt when shifting from 3rd to 4th gear). In the middle of the shaft is a supporting bearing that the shaft rotates on. Around town, the message is less likely to appear. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'luxurycarsa2z_com-box-2','ezslot_6',103,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-luxurycarsa2z_com-box-2-0');Porsches are now known to be superiorly reliable and well-engineered cars, but this was not always the case as Porsche once struggled to make reliable cars. The most common fault set through a failure in this system is that of the brake booster fault.
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