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central city news how election was stolen
They wanted to weep. The award-winning brand announced the unveiling of a new restaurant prototype the Wildcat which will debut with longtime partner DMBCs newest location that is slated to open []. It got nationwide news coverage, although it was presented merely as average Floridians expressing outrage. The final two columns show what the vote count would be if the total vote count was multiplied by the rounded ratio for each candidate. If that breaks down, there are no rules anymore, and it becomes a dog-eat-dog battle., Frenzel accused him and the rest of the Democrats in the House of some kind of crime., The big lie, Thomas said, is that there is any question over who won.. Gableman did not respond. And the Supreme Court may again play an illegitimate role in it all. I heard over and over again that the cry is count all the ballots, he said. In Arizonas race for secretary of state, Trump has endorsed Mark Finchem, a state legislator who promoted a partisan review of Maricopa Countys election results that reaffirmed Bidens victory. Simcox, 77 and retired in the suburbs of Indianapolis, said McIntyre would have been the more obvious winner on Election Day but for the error in Gibson County the county with the double-counted precinct. What Meta employees really think about their companys brutal year. Carrie Kahn is NPR's International Correspondent based in Mexico City, Mexico. Fox News has learned that a shooting victim was transported from the U.S. Capitol, as windows and doors were broken, and guns were drawn on the House floor. And I don't care how it impacts me politically.. Amongst my colleagues in the House most of them dont want him to run. The central target of this hysteria has been Loral Chairman Bernard Schwartz, a lifelong New York Democrat and the largest single contributor to the Democratic Party in the 1996 elections . Indiana 8, assessed by then-D.C. Millions spent on lobbyists, a billion spent on safeguards. If you play by the rules, the Democrats change the rules so they win. Aflai mai multe despre modul n care utilizm informaiile dvs. When McCloskey was sworn in on May 1, 1985, Indianas congressional delegation was more evenly split two Republicans in the Senate, but one of them was the notably bipartisan Richard Lugar, and five Republicans and five Democrats in the House. Under the 12th Amendment, as John Eastman pointed out in his 2020 memo to Trump (and echoed by Jenna Ellis and Mark Meadows), that throws the election to the House of Representatives, where each state has one single vote, that vote being decided by each states legislature back home. You want people to trust the elections, I said. When trusted sources tell you thousands of Trump ballots were not counted or destroyed, and everything from rigged voting machines to biased election observers and fraudulent ballots were used to assure a Biden victory, accurate facts are never heard.When the Republican National Committee bizarrely declares that the Jan. 6 rioters were engaged in legitimate political discourse, and it censures two House Republicans for participating in the House committee investigation of the Capitol attack, why question the team?By continuing to perpetuate the belief the election was stolen, both Trump and GOP politicians have been able to retain their vital base while harvesting donations for a possible 2024 presidential campaign and upcoming midterm elections. We will make it impossible for this House to function. If we dont solve the Presidential Election Fraud of 2020, Republicans will not be voting in 22 or 24, Trump said in an emailed statement Wednesday. The president slammed Pence, saying he "didnt have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify.". He downplayed the suggestion that, by questioning the validity of election results everywhere, he risks discouraging Republicans from voting. After polls closed on Election Day, The Times begin to report the results hour after hour. The best way to stop this nightmare before it happens is for both elected Democrats (and the few semi-sane Republicans left, like Cheney and Christie) and the nations media to not only call out Trumps lie, but also call out the media that keeps it alive. During the . This led deputies to a police chase and a fatal crash in Osceola County. Recently, Gableman has tried to downplay his past comments. At the same time, the Klan was riding high in all four states and ran much of Oregons politics as a utopian all-white frontier.. It turned out to be a short-term victory in part because Indiana 8 transformed the career of Newt Gingrich and with it the prospects of the GOP in the House. Its too long ago, he said. Nobody understands the disaster of the lack of election integrity like the people of Georgia, and now is our hour to take it back, Hice told the crowd after Trump invited him on stage at his rally last month in the state. Trump supporters to rally in DC ahead of Electoral College certification vote, George Santos denies scamming disabled veteran by raising money for their dog's cancer treatment, As historic numbers of migrants cross the border, their dogs are often left behind, Elites in Davos strategize on how to fight right-wing' groups: Hit back, American Conservative Union Chairman Matt Schlapp accused in lawsuit of groping 'John Doe' political aide. The Democrats say the answers to both questions are yes.. Because they saw, Yeah, hes basically right. He likes to go beyond just debunking trending fake news stories and isendlessly fascinated by the dazzling variety of psychological and technical tricks used by the people and networks who intentionally spreadmade-up things on the internet. It was an act of unprecedented arrogance, he told a crowd in Evansville. Talking about Indiana 8 with its chief combatants even today can feel like joining an argument thats never ended. Fox would spend four years riling up viewers, have at least succeeded in worrying Fox employees, unhinged conspiracy theories like QAnon thrive unchecked. In theBush v. GoreSupreme Court decision in 2000 that stopped the Florida recount and thus handed George W. Bush the presidency Justice Antonin Scalia wrote in his opinion: The counting of votes does in my view threaten irreparable harm to petitioner [George W. Bush], and to the country, by casting a cloud upon what he [Bush] claims to be the legitimacy of his election.. This was a stolen election. Facebooks algorithm pushed Trumps false claim into millions more American homes. Secretary of state races are typically sleepy affairs, with lesser-known candidates who are dependent on their partys nominees for governor or Senate to carry them across the finish line. "It was a landslide election and everyone knows it, especially the other. In the last two elections he hasnt even had a primary. And, just like in 1876, when you exclude the contested states neither candidate hits the 50%-plus-one electoral votes needed (now 270) to win the White House. That, of course, is not true. But questions remain about how many . How torrential downpours make it harder for California to save up water. Ron Edmonds/AP Photo. Or that for 187 harrowing minutes, President Trump watched the mayhem at the Citadel of Democracy before finally telling the rioters to go home, and then immediately adding We love you. Fox News has been a cesspool of electoral disinformation, which explains why so many of its viewers believe total fabrications about voter fraud and election integrity. That, he stressed, goes deeper than one day., Things, Michel vowed, will never be the same., I dont think the Democrats should rest on the idea that it ends today, said Rep. Olympia Snowe of Maine. He understandably had eyes on the coattails of Ronald Reagan. I dont think it would be close. Local Paper Called Out George Santos But No One Noticed. Legal Statement. Please also read our Privacy Notice and Terms of Use, which became effective December 20, 2019. And when that was corrected, he said, I certified. He wasnt sure, either, he said, that the recounts in all the other counties would be finished by January, and time was of the essence the new Congress, he believed, would want to have somebody certified. Biden earned 306 electoral votes to Trump's 232, the same margin that Trump had when he beat. Im not conceding, McCloskey said to a local reporter a little after midnight. How do we know? Now, they should tell viewers it wasn't stolen. "This claim of election fraud is disputed, and this Tweet cant be replied to, Retweeted, or liked due to a risk of violence," Twitters flag stated. Why are so many Americans still impervious to reality more than a year after a pro-Trump mob attacked the U.S. Capitol intent on disrupting the joint session of Congress that was convened to affirm the election results?Have they forgotten that the Jan. 6 desecration of the Capitolresulted in the death of four rioters and at least one Capitol Police officer, injuries to an estimated 140 law enforcement officers, charges against hundreds of people, and millions of dollars in damages? Bannon has welcomed to his show candidates like Finchem and taken an interest in Ohios crowded Senate primary, where Trump hasnt endorsed, but Mandel and other GOP hopefuls have worked strenuously to impress the former president. It was unfortunate, he said, that first group was counted, but to now count the second would be to compound the problem that already exists.. Hes right about them. Among the maxims: If a candidate is ahead, the scope of the recount should be as narrow as possible, and the rules and procedures for the recount should be the same as those used election night.. Did he contribute to the insurrection on the Capitol?" Insisting that he's "never said the election was stolen," Banks still went on to say that he has "very serious concerns with how the. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. Trumps own Justice Department as well as his former attorney general, William Barr, found no evidence of widespread fraud.Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, two-thirds of GOP voters and just over one-third of all voters, now believe the 2020 election was stolen. President Trump took it to court, and it lost. Thats the system, right? In commissioning its own recount handled by more than a dozen independent auditors from the General Accounting Office and overseen by House-hired supervisor James Shumway, Arizonas director of elections and a Democrat the task force established a broad, guiding principle for counting that was uncommonly permissive: Ballots that were not counted through no fault of the voters themselves were to be counted. The cynical circular logic is galling, even by Fox News standards. We dont want anyone hurt. I think hes a big driver of the distrust.. In next years races for governor and secretary of state, for Congress and all the way down to state legislative seats, Republicans eager for Trumps support have embraced these baseless claims. They tried to steal it last time, McCloskey said in the last week of the campaign. Lead Stories reached out to Central City News for comment and we will update this story when we receive their reply. Theyre setting us up for 2024.. The 1984 race for Indiana's 'Bloody 8th' trained a generation of politicians in the scorched-earth. Calling the Democrats thugs and slime, warning of anarchy and casting the House as a rotting carcass of democracy, Republicans at the Capitol stormed out as McCloskey was sworn in the first such walkout in 95 years. "As in the US, a central grievance of Brazil's far-right protesters was that the elections were somehow 'stolen' from them," one expert told Insider. An outrage industry, Jerry M. Berry of Tufts University writes, that promised immediate and enduring advocacy until Trump was restored as president.Since the 2020 election, we have painfully experienced how democracy can be undermined when there is no shared understanding of basic facts and empirical reality.George Washington in his Farewell Address anticipated a day when political polarization might erode faith in the effectiveness of government and turn our fellow citizens against each other. Democrats immediately sue before the Supreme Court, but for the second time in history the Court awards the presidency to the Republican who lost the popular vote amid a contested Electoral College vote. Even after Wednesdays riots, more than 100 lawmakers supported a futile attempt to overturn the election. Early voting at the Central Library will be held from Nov. 26 to Dec. 3. On the House floor, the majority leader responded to the complaints with what Republicans deemed haughtiness. Let us know!. Reagan phoned McIntyre and called it a robbery, McIntyre told the AP. It will have to continue telling millions of Americans that theyre right to think the election was stolen from them. White supremacists were rising againin both parties.). You can reach her at or @BrookeSingman on Twitter. The next two columns show the ratios rounded to the third decimal like in the Edison files PedeInspector used. The unseated McIntyre railed. The single biggest issue the issue that gets the most pull, the most respect, the biggest cheers is talking about the election fraud of 2020s presidential election, Trump said last week at a rally in Iowa, again pushing the lie that a second term was stolen from him and that Joe Biden is not the legitimate president. Democrat Samuel Tilden won the popular vote nationwide but, with 184 electoral votes, was one vote short of the then-necessary 185 electoral votes to become president. Google Pay. The Trump-led talk of Stop the Count and Stop the Steal was anticipated by Indiana 8. The committee played video from an interview with . Reporter. Network television stations on election night called it for McIntyre, even though it was tick-tight. Up until this point, Indiana 8 could have been seen as not so different than any other close, contested election. Joe Bidens Electoral College victory was narrow, as political journalist Elizabeth Drew reminds us. Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Orderrespect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Pence was rushed out of the House chamber. Biden wins the popular vote by over 10 million, but the Electoral College vote is up in the air because of a weird constitutional technicality. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, The people have a right to be angry isnt the only line of rhetorical defense Fox has employed in the hours after the violence. Had Donald Trump done that, lost those court cases and congratulated Joe Biden and moved on, hed be president in 24. | Cooler heads ultimately prevailed, and both sides worked out a compromise that gave the GOP the White House but only on the condition that the newly minted President Hayes would remove Union troops from the Southern states, ending Reconstruction. That includes Stan . Local News Jan 17, 2023 / 11:06 AM EST. Trump on possible DeSantis challenge: 'We'll handle that the way I handle Did Biden just give Trump a get out of jail free card? ", Trump added: "So go home, we love you, you're very special, youve seen what happens, youve seen the way others are treated that are so bad, so evil. This election is coordinated with Gilpin County Clerk. It is not your fault; it is their fault, Foxs Tucker Carlson said last night in his opening monologue, arguing that millions of Americans sincerely believe the last election was fake., I encourage you all to watch this Tucker Carlson monologue about what happened in DC tonight. Wright said Republicans had whipped themselves into a synthetic frenzy. ONeill said the GOPs rhetoric was ranting and raving and hypocritical pleading., Is this just another political argument? Jim Lehrer said that night on PBS in an interview with Guy Vander Jagt. Democrats, eager to rally their base in a potentially unfavorable political climate, have branded GOP candidates as propagators of the Big Lie.. He appears to be picking his own team based upon the criteria that Ill call the lie about the 2020 election, Grayson added. The other development in the lucrative stolen election racket is how many local mini-me types are mimicking Trump. The blatant abuse of power, said Bill Frenzel of Minnesota, the vice chair of the House Administration Committee, by a ruthless majority.. But at the same time, Fox also has to keep its programming palatable to enough Americans to justify the advertising and affiliate fees that make it the key driver in an enterprise worth some $20 billion. By choosing I Accept, you consent to our use of cookies and other tracking technologies. ", "These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long," Trump tweeted. But Shumways job was to be in charge of the counting of the ballots that the task force decided to count. Although he's right that most polls show a majority of GOP voters agree the election was stolen, fewer than a third of independents agree and only a sliver of Democrats do. The presidents tweets come as pro-Trump protesters stormed the Capitol, sending Congress into recess as they attempted to certify the results of the presidential election in favor of President-elect Joe Biden. Amy E. Conn/AP Photo, Democrats thought the animus around Indiana 8 would fade and fast. Did a Democrat leak the Biden filegate scandal to the press? Karamo headlined a rally Tuesday at the Michigan Capitol, where speakers spread disproven voter fraud theories and demanded an Arizona-style election review. In a crowded GOP primary in Arizona, he recently endorsed Kari Lake, a former TV news anchor who has said she would not have certified Bidens victory. Larry Halloran is a prominent and now retired elections attorney, but at the time he was the deputy executive director for the NRCC, and so he was called immediately to duty in Indiana 8. They have the arrogant power and they use it, Thomas said. A party-line vote said both men would be paid until the dispute was resolved and empaneled the three-person task force headed by Panetta, a Democrat from California who had started his political career as a Republican before switching parties in 1971 and was considered by many of his colleagues to be markedly even-handed; Clay, a Democrat and the first Black representative from Missouri and one of the founding members of the Congressional Black Caucus; and Bill Thomas, a Republican from California who later would be a Ways and Means committee chair. Edwards is the winningest active head football coach in the Baton Rouge area and [], City Clerk Mark Miley swore in all seven members of the Central Community School Board Monday night in ceremonies at Central High School. . Thirty states are Republican controlled and submit their 30 votes for Trump, with Biden receiving the remaining 20: the House declares the election goes to Trump. Is the difference in where they have been physically located sufficient to treat them entirely differently?, These became scrambled when they went to the precincts. I was at the Democrats local gathering at the IBEW Local 16 union hall on the outskirts of Evansville. On May 1, 1985, though, not quite four full months after he told McIntyre to sit as he administered the oath of office to the others, Tip ONeill administered the oath to McCloskey. Millions turn to Vox to educate themselves, their family, and their friends about whats happening in the world around them, and to learn about things that spark their curiosity. A recanvass (the quicker, initial review of the results ahead of a potential recount) was done by the middle of the month and flipped it back to McCloskey again by fewer than 100 votes. Now, some of those churches have embraced a new cause: promoting Donald J. Trump 's false claim that the 2020 election was stolen. In Georgia, Trump is supporting Rep. Jody Hice in a Republican primary to oust Brad Raffensperger, the secretary of state who resisted Trumps pressure to rig the states 2020 vote in his favor. The dynamics could make GOP primaries particularly relevant next year. The McCloskey-McIntyre rematch in 86 was uglier than 84 ever was. Putei modifica opiunile n orice moment, vizitnd Controale de confidenialitate. No. [], The Haven Caf & General Store opened at 9500 Blackwater Road, Central, on Dec. 9, 2022. They considered it out of bounds. Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. Obviously, this is not evidence someone stole or shifted 4,000 votes, it simply means you can't calculate exact vote counts from rounded data. So I called him. on Nov. 8, 2022. So are its challenges. It was, in fact, a form of fraud. Democrats had a slipping but still unassailable majority in the House of some 70 seats. Now they were also a new sort of jaded. Spotted something? In 2020, by contrast, the Court said No, so mainstream media clearly saw and reported that Biden had won the election. The trouble was some of them were, because some county clerks had sent 62 of them to precincts, meaning they already had been among the mix of the counted. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. In close elections, all of it does. Otherwise, we may well be facing that terrible question that Trump true believers faced last year: what do we do? Five campaign finance complaints have been filed against five candidates, and a resident who posted. "It was a landslide election and everyone knows it, especially the other side. Im hopeful that he doesnt run. And Bucshon is hopeful Trump doesnt run because Trump still hasnt accepted that he lost. While we say we count all the ballots, we do make some judgments and we do apply some discretion., Thomas, becoming more and more frustrated, which is clear even from just reading the transcript, asked Shumway for some guidance. The data from The Times shows the time, expressed as UTC, or Uni- versal time, which is Greenwich mean time in England. "No violence! That may not seem like much but when you are dealing with hundreds of thousands (or even millions) of votes, it adds up. As theNovember 12th, 2001 articlein The New York Times read: If all the ballots had been reviewed under any of seven single standards and combined with the results of an examination of overvotes, Mr. Gore would have won.. Evan Vucci/AP Photo, Today the Bloody Eighth might as well be called the Sleepy Eighth.. More Republican leaders embracing Trump's 2020 election lies, vowed to unseat Republican Gov. Moreover, Democrats had questions about thousands of votes that had been tossed out because of errors made by poll workers, not voters, that amounted to technicalities (especially important when the margin was almost infinitesimally close). | He can often be found at conferences and events about fake news, disinformation and fact checking when he is not in his office in Belgium monitoring and tracking the latest fake article to go viral. Matt Dolan announces Senate candidacy for 2024 election. Donald Trump drives it. Circuit appellate judge, was not something the courts decide Article I, Section 5, Clause 1 of the Constitution, after all, stated that the House and the Senate were the ultimate arbiters of the elections of their own members. Americans shouldnt stand for this!. Governors races have also caught Trumps attention. If youve been serving a steady diet of red meat, your customers wont suddenly accept chicken or tofu. Here's an example we created in Excel for a hypothetical election with candidates A and B: The first two columns show the actual vote counts, the next two show the ratio with the default nine-digit precision in Excel. So theyre stuck with a tricky balancing act. A Republican state senator has put his name in the mix again to become a U.S. A Republican congressman running for U.S. Senate in Missouri has released a 30-second ad that falsely claims the 2020 election was "rigged" and "stolen" from former President Donald Trump. Republicans felt like they had seen this before. That bitter first half of 1985 did not, of course, by itself create inter-party strife. The coding for that data is still online, and we have downloaded it in case it is taken down. That little bit of info was slipped into the seventeenth paragraph of the Times story so that it would attract as little attention as possible because the 9/11 attacks had happened just weeks earlier and journalists feared that burdening Americans with the plain truth that George W. Bush actually lost the election would further hurt a nation already in crisis. If you have ballot questions, you can contact the Gilpin County Clerk & Recorder: Gilpin County Clerk & Recorder. McCloskey jumps ahead three votes, a headline read on April 11. Recounts, said the three attorneys who wrote The Recount Primer Tim Downs, Jack Young and Sautter, have played a decisive role in countless elections over the years, some even changing the course of history. They called Indiana 8 The Ultimate Recount until, of course, 2000.