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cosmic spider man vs doctor strange
From what we saw in the movie, when Peter is fighting oct on the bridge, he and oct are suddenly teleported to the basement. Open and shut. Related:Copyright Termination Filed, Fate of Spider-Man and Doctor Strange Uncertain. Hell to the hell no. Infact in NWH the victor is already decided. Doctor Strange is wayyyyyyyy above Spideys paygrade. The web-slinger only has sh Alfred Molina from Spider-Man 2 (2004) is confirmed to appear as Doctor Octopus, with Norman Osborn aka Green Goblin (Willem Dafoe), Electro from Amazing Spider-Man 2 (Jamie Foxx), and Sandman from Spider-Man 3 (Thomas Hayden Church) also rumored to appear. It will be interesting to see where MCUs Doctor Strange will stand in the near future even though hell have to concede defeat for the time being. The MCU has made Doctor Strange mainstream popular, but can he hold his own in terms of character depth and quality against the comics' superhero? NEXT:Every Actor & Character Confirmed For Doctor Strange Multiverse Of Madness, Saim Cheeda is an entertainment writer covering all of Film, TV, Gaming and Books. As angry as he could get, nothing is stronger than the anger of a diety, which The Spectre represents. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Just like in "Civil War," Spider-Man and Dr. Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, The Leading Source for Gaming News, Reviews, and Interviews. Much like DCs Presence, The One-Above-All is analogous to God and should have ultimate power over The Spectre, provided the same rules apply between universes. Thor would be helpless to stop him. On top of that,Skaar has regenerative abilities better than that of Wolverine. Some of the powers include astral projection, energy blasts, telepathy, telekinesis, illusions, hypnotism, time/reality-warping, teleportation, creating mirror dimensions, looking into the future, and much, much more. Maybe. Because Rune King Thors power is beyond multiversal in level and Cosmic Spider-Man does have his potential standing against Rune King Thor. Created in 2005, what started as a tiny central Florida-based website and short weekly podcast that allowed our audience to visit Walt Disney World virtually has grown into the publishing company it is today. Strange and Spider-Man eventually get into a battle of spells and webs, fighting over possession of the magic villain-trapping box, officially called the Machina de Kadavus. However, high fantasy and fiction are his primary interest, especially Tolkien's Middle-earth universe, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, and Marvel universe. Doctor Strange Vs. Spider-Man: Who Would Win? Responsible for the deaths of billions, The Spectre would no doubt wish to punish the Silver Surfer for leading Galactus to inhabited worlds. One good look at him and everyone will know why he is way stronger than Doctor Strange. Having an already super-powered force imbued with the essence of Captain Universe fight The Spectre could be a close battle that The Spectre could feasibly lose. You are indeed where you belong. The two have actually worked together once before, in the Marvel Vs DC crossover of the 90s. The thing is though is that Strange really has had only 1 movie. Updated on January 28, 2022 by Scoot Allan: In addition, he had to bargain with Dormammu at the end of Doctor Strangeas his only option to defeat the powerful villain. Which fictional character would suffer the most loss of Knights of the Round Table Vs. Greek Heroes, Muscular (MHA) tries to murder the Seven (The Boys). Doctor Strange might not be able to even land a punch on her. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Updated on January 28, 2022 by Scoot Allan: Doctor Strange had to become the most powerful and skilled Master of the Mystic Art before he was given the title of Earth's Sorcerer Supreme, which elevates him above the rest of Marvel's magic-users. Put him in the mirror dimension which cannot b dodged. But thats a super-stretched scenario. Imbued with the Power Cosmic, the Surfer has a laundry list of powers and abilities that make him one of the most formidable entities in the Marvel Universe. These include garnering the respect of Galactus, defeating the In-Betweener, being the one to help Doctor Doom retrieve his mothers soul, and even breaking the magical spell on Mjolnir, proving he has power akin to Odin. I just got this idea when looking at Lt_Ryguy's thread of the cosmic punisher. Walt Disney World Annual Passholder. 20052023 JAK Schmidt, Inc. All rights reserved. Spider-Man shows us this constantly, and it's why we love him so much. Billy Kaplan used his magical abilities to help found the Young Avengers as the Asgardian, though he eventually took on the name Wiccan to better honor his growing status as a warlock. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, 5 Marvel Heroes Who Could Defeat The Spectre (& 5 Who Wouldn't Stand A Chance), The Spectre is one of the most powerful beings in the DC Universe, 5 DC Heroes That Galactus Can Defeat (& 5 He Can't), 10 Reasons Why The Sentry Is Marvels Most Terrifyingly Powerful Hero, Marvel: 10 Weaknesses You Didn't Know Thor Had, 10 Times Franklin Richards Earned His Status As An Omega-Level Mutant, Marvel: 10 Ways Hulk Has Changed Over The Years, All Of Doctor Stranges Powers & Abilities, Ranked, The Living Tribunals 10 Most OP Moments In Marvel Comics, Stephen King: 15 Scariest Stephen King Novels Ever, Ranked, All Of Marvel's Omega-Level Mutants, Ranked By Power, 10 Marvel Women Who Are Walking Red Flags, 10 Lessons Calvin & Hobbes Taught Us About Love, 10 Nightwing Panels That Perfectly Sum Up His Character, REVIEW: DC's Lazarus Planet: Assault on Krypton #1, Batman's Oldest Villains are Skeptical of His Death - For Good Reason, 10 Greatest Losses From Marvel's AXE Judgment Day, Calvin And Hobbes 10 Most Beloved Running Gags. Doctor Strange absolutely slaughters him. Andrew Garfield Calls Leaked Spider-Man: No Way Home Photo a Fake, New Marvel Series Redefines Avengers as Multiverses Mightiest Heroes, Marvel Boss Kevin Feige Confirms Wong Vs. Abomination in Shang-Chi. Even before becoming the Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Strange was a brilliant surgeon. Spider Despite his formidable abilities and the might of his hammer Mjolnir, Thor would be helpless against the awesome power of The Spectre, who could deflect or absorb lightning blasts with ease. There have been enough appearances by the Sorcerer Supreme to consider who between the original and live-action Doctor Strange can be considered as the better character. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, 15 Marvel Superheroes Who Are Stronger Than Doctor Strange, Guardians of the Galaxy: All of Adam Warlocks Powers & Abilities, Ranked, 10 Strongest Marvel Characters Who Quit The Avengers, Imagine a Celestial Ghost Rider and the kind of damage he can seriously cause, The Spirit of Vengeance has been able to do some incredible things over the years, Wanda Maximoff is one of the only superhumans in Marvel Comics, Doctor Strange: 5 Costumes That Made Him Look Cool (& 5 That Were Just Lame), Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel is arguably the strongest Avenger ever, Doctor Strange can definitely try to use some of his creative powers, Marvel: 5 Times Benedict Cumberbatch's Doctor Strange Was Comics Accurate (& 5 Times He Wasn't), 15 Most Outlandish Harley Quinn Quotes, Ranked, Batman's 10 Greatest Humiliations In DC Comics, 10 Batman Stories We Hope Are Never Adapted, 10 Times Calvin & Hobbes Broke Our Hearts. And, even if you tag him, hes extremely durable and can take a punch as strong as the Hulks. Before Strange's entry into Peter's life, he saw Tony Stark as a father figure. Captain Marvelis so powerful that she can rip through a spaceship, breaking it into two parts, without blinking an eye. Ultimately, The Spectre is representative of the power behind magic and can thus overcome it easily, blowing past Dr. it's cute that peter thought it was a fight. Im not convinced. There are many great stories starring Doctor Strange in the comics, ranging from him battling his personal demons to saving the universe, and even going to the beginning of time, as seen in Marvel Premiere. The son of Hulk, Skaar is not only an immensely strong monster, but he has loads of other superpowers to go with it. The Scarlet Witch is one of the strongest mutants ever, despite the doubt that was cast about her genetics over the years. I'd still have to favor the titan.. though not buy much. He was a brilliant but narcissistic surgeon called Stephen Strange. He also has universal awareness he can tap into with meditation, allowing Strange to sense intergalactic or time-traveling threats, protecting the Earth using the power numerous times. And, keep in mind; Spidey is the master of stealth if anybody could do it, its him. Let's dive a bit deeper, though, and ask: Was Peter right for trapping Strange in the mirror dimension? One of the holders of the Phoenix Force, Jean Grey is actually a very intimidating superhero who shouldn't be messed with. Thisinterpretation of the character is both well-read and well-spoken, leading into interactions with both superheroes and supervillains where theirconversations themselves arethe most entertaining aspects of their encounters. Doctor Strange watching Endgame during Infinity War & Can the Flash stop Thanos before he snaps him away? As they investigate this mystery, Xandu has his own plans in the Death Dimension. Strange but potentially surprise him by taking the victory. WebDoctor Strange vs. Spider-Man 1.) And even then he couldn't get close to Strange wit hall of his defensive spells. This is an incredible change from the arrogant man he was in the first movie, and the gradual humility hes gained has been a pleasure for fans to watch. It's hard to compareAsgard's poster boywith the sorcerer supreme, though there are many fans who wonder how Doctor Strange vs. Thor would play out. The One-Above-All is the be-all and end-all in terms of deities in the Marvel Universe. Hes also had another layer of guilt due to his involvement in Tony Starks death to save the universe. The sight of the Silver Surfer streaking towards the vicinity is enough to give any evil-doer cause for alarm. Strange might be more than Ant-Man can handle, honestly. Helping others may not always be the practical or wise decision, but it's always the right one. Doctor Strange. In no way home, the writers make him a bouffon! While a member of both the Defenders and the Avengers, this version usually prefers to keep to himself and only interacts with others when it is needed. Julian Beauvais has been a full time educator for the last 15 years and part-time content writer, editor and proofreader for several online companies for the last 7. Wanda Maximoff is one of the only superhumans in Marvel Comics who is considered to be a Celestial being due to her incredible superpowers. I'd wager that Strange is the most powerful hero in the MCU other than Captain Marvel. The Ultimate versions of Doctor Strange and Spider-Man have also collaborated for an arc in Ultimate Marvel Team-Up. He developed his web-shooters at first, but Parkers knowledge progressed so much throughout the years, especially under the tutelage of Tony Stark. That thing is op as fuck too. He stated several times that he could kill a mortal with a mere move of his finger. In this process, Spider-Man also confronts Strange's villains Dormammu and Baron Mordo as they threaten his loved ones. Spider-Man eventually breaks the spell and the two overpower Xanadu. His strength is quite similar to that of Superman, with energy manipulation of extraordinary proportions. As a matter of fact, the only limits of The Spectres power are those imposed on him by The Presence, DCs analog for the Judeo-Christian God. Doctor Strange Vs. Spider-Man: Who Would Win and Why? If so, he gets webbed by Spidey, and the fight is over. It can also be as fast as instantly teleporting both Peter and oct without them even reacting. The character is depicted most commonly as a major enemy of Doctor Strange and Ghost Rider. However, the MCU version is equal in this aspect, as theres a lot more of him to follow. Im just going to do all this as a NWH spoiler, cant be too careful! This wouldn't even be a fight, it would be a massacre. If Strange is in his weakened state, where using magic spells is incredibly draining for him, and every higher spell has a great cost, then Spidey might have a chance. Doctor Strange is way above Spider-Man in terms of power and overall abilities. In character, Strange probably opens by conjuring up a magic weapon to melee fight with, like he normally does. Note Iron-Man and Thor reached high power surges in their 3rd movies and beyond, so with enough time I think Strange could reach his comic book levels. Shadow Cabal Berserker. Following the Marvel Zombies episode of What If? | are affiliate-links. Also, if were taking the last comic version of Doctor Strange as a reference point hes much, much weaker than ever. Fans are encouraged to really feel for the MCU versions plight because of Benedict Cumberbatchs empathetic performance and the poignantquotes Doctor Strange utters to describe his tragic accident. This led to enormous magical potential in Wiccan that could potentially turn him into the destructive magical being known as the Demiurge whose reality-warping magic would be next to impossible for Doctor Strange to stop. Can the Flash stop Thanos before he snaps him away? As the embodiment of the wrath of God bonded to a human soul, The Spectre is one of the most powerful beings in the DC Universe. Its more just What if the Watcher Met His Heroes?, Related:New Marvel Series Redefines Avengers as Multiverses Mightiest Heroes. The MCU's Doctor Strange keeps a list of his universe's most powerful and dangerous beings, which would definitely include the cosmic powerhouse known as Adam Warlock. The final two episodes of Marvels What If? Strange one-shots Spidey, case closed. The Spectre is perhaps one of the most powerful entities in the DC Universe, though we believe that a few Marvel heroes could take him down. Though The Spectre definitely qualifies in that regard, Dr. Strange like a leaf in the wind. Stephen Strange, also known asDoctor Strange, is the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth and his superpowers are beyond anything a human mind can begin to contemplate. Peter traps him which is undoubtedly impressive but thats just not going to happen if Strange is bloodlusted. Dr. In the subsequent fight and chase sequence, the Cloak of Levitation is said to appear as a What If? Ultimately, her potential to inflict damage on The Spectre would be minimal. Maw countered him though. No preparation for the fight 3.) You are indeed where you belong. We already saw this fight in No Way Home and Spider-Man won. However, in "No Way Home," Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) shows us another alternate reality we've seen before: the mirror dimension. Therefore, even in a situation where he cant use his magic for any reason, hes still a great threat. A darker take on Xandu's battles with Strange and Spider-Man, The Way To Dusty Death revolved around Melinda Morrisson's reappearance. Related:Marvels New Spider-Man Didnt Want to Copy Tom Holland. If it was not for the plot strange would had wreck spidey like Shazam vs. Cosmic Fear Garou (OPM) vs Powerful Servant Team (Fate). He can bend reality at his will, throwing different dimensions and black holes and stuff. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Theres no doubt that the MCU Doctor Strange's powers will be expanded in the future, but he doesnt have the incredible ability to alter reality on his own as the comic book version does. The Spirit of Vengeance has been able to do some incredible things over the years, especially with Alejandra Jones, who gave a new meaning to Ghost Rider. Until then, a confrontation with The Spectre would not go well for the Hulk. Therefore, in a straight fight, Doctor Strange would squash Spider-Man in a second every time. We'll be exploring Marvel History bit further today to answer the question of who can beat Dr. Who is the weakest character that can rid Gotham of all Thanos (616) is placed in the DBZ Verse for a year, can Press J to jump to the feed. Reply explaining the issue. Doctor Stranges powers are way beyond Spider-Mans. It's why he wouldn't destroy the Time Stone in "Avengers: Infinity War," and why he eventually gave it to Thanos to save Tony Stark's (Robert Downey Jr.) life. Compare Tony in Iron-Man 1 to Iron-Man 2. His interests are varied and eclectic: European literature, ancient and 20th century history, existential philosophy, comic books, film, gaming, travel, physical fitness, wildlife conservation, martial arts, heavy metal music, 80's trivia, early Hungarian cabinet-making and obscure movie/TV show references round out his most frequently visited passions. Official Spider-Man: No Way Home Movie \"Doctor Strange vs Spiderman Fight\" Clip \u0026 Trailer 2021 | Subscribe | Tom Holland Movie Trailer | Release: 17 Dec 2021 | More the first time in Spider-Mans cinematic history, our friendly neighborhood hero is unmasked \u0026 no longer able to separate his normal and superhero lives. The Doctor Strange vs. Spider-Man fight teased in the No Way Home trailer will reportedly have a third combatant: the Cloak of Levitation. He was pulling his punches. Lets dissect his powers and skills to get a better picture. Overall, his powers are almost limitless, helping him effortlessly beat the Hulk on Earth and many intergalactic threats. Not only did the film provide a satisfying conclusion to the MCU's first Spider-Man trilogy, but it also brought Peter Parker (Tom Holland) back to his grounded, working-class origins from the comics. When powered up, Thor is almost unbeatable and it shouldn't really come as a surprise that Strange's mystical skills wouldn't work once Thor figures them out. Lets see what his greatest powers are. Lets compare the characters at their best to see who and why would eventually win. Jericho Drumm gained his doctorate before he return to Haiti and became a master of voodoo known as ahoungan and the costumed hero named Brother Voodoo. Related:Marvel Rejected Political What If? President Captain America Episode. As far as interactions with fellow superheroes go, these have been based on the particular conflict rather than having natural chemistry with them. This reveal of identity makes for an interesting moment as it shows the bond of trust they seem to share. While the MCU Doctor Strange has adapted this loquacious quality as well with Tony Stark and others, he hasnt been part of that many immersive arguments or debates with other characters just yet. You have to understand that 616 Strange could probably solo every character weve so far seen in the MCU (including Dormammu if were just going off feats). 9 Times Spider-Man Teamed Up with Doctor Strange. To add to that, Sentry has the pure brute strength to overcome any challenge thrown at him. There was even a whole movie about that, "Captain America: CivilWar," which was our first introduction to Spidey in the MCU. The Spectres faced down DC heroes like Superman in the past and defeated them with relative ease, but how would he fare in the Marvel Universe? Atlanta, GA - Marvel x Star Wars x Disney x Pixar. While Spider-Man has little to no magical knowledge, his spider-sense gives him an edge that allows him to navigate mystical dimensions and avoid deadly spells when compared with his enhanced agility and strength. Learn more. Imagine a Celestial Ghost Rider and the kind of damage he can seriously cause; Doctor Strange would be absolutely destroyed if a one-on-one battle would ever take place. Aided by the blend of comedy and action-packed situations the MCU provides, the live-action Doctor Strange has had enough material to have good chemistry with both villains and heroes. Doctor Strange is a character that first appeared in Strange Tales #110 in 1963. However, Spider-Man: No Way Home might just take the cake as the most exciting one yet, with two fan-favorite characters working together to deal with a multiversal threat. RELATED:Marvel: 10 Weaknesses You Didn't Know Thor Had. That thing sends people to the prison immediately. The good doctor may have some initial success in attempting to restrain The Spectre or in casting spells that may affect the soul of his human host. His strength increases exponentially with his rage levels, and, with some new, uncharted powers and abilities in his Immortal incarnation yet to be revealed, he could conceivably become a threat on a cosmic level. After a car crash, Strange lost touch in his hands, rendering him incapable of operating. The Doctor Strange vs. Spider-Man fight teased in the No Way Home trailer will reportedly have a third combatant: the Cloak of Levitation. There is one person who still Spiderman/Venom/Dr. No other In many ways, The Living Tribunal and The Spectre serve similar functions. The Sentry seems to be Marvels answer to Superman and is so ridiculously overpowered he makes the Man of Steel look like Archie Andrews. He can hold back massive waterfalls, turn singularities into butterflies, and can enormously duplicate himself, seemingly teleport people against their will, but yet we are meant to believe he can't get a box from Peter in under 5 seconds. The portals ability is very very inconsistently op in the mcu. With No Way Home arriving this December, it only makes sense to check out these classic storylines. For instance, in the graphic novel Triumph & Torment, Doctor Strange engages with Doctor Doom in a metaphysical discussion about the afterlife and the value of a mother's love. He performed tasks and operations no other surgeon would even dare to try. Strange to better understand her magical abilities, which were only strengthened after she took over the realm of Limbo. He can also turn into a human boy by transforming himself, thus keeping his real identity a secret. Strange has fought and defeated beings that Spidey never even saw, let alone fought. However, even though he rarely uses it due to his incredible magic skills, Doctor Strange is also an expert martial artist. You see, Strange has to use incantations or hand gestures to produce his spells. Illyana spent years in Limbo to later return as Magik, earning her place as one of Krakoa's War Captains due to her tactical personality, her useful powers on the battlefield and her magical skills. Spider-Man and Doctor Strange from the MCU, having the comic book versions would be too messy 2.) If dr strange (or any good soccerers in general) is serious in a battle, there are nearly no non-magic opponents who can counter the portal. Aside from being impervious to the Surfers best shots, The Spectre would take a special interest in him due to his history as a herald of Galactus. History ultimately favors the comic book version of Doctor Strange as there are just too many storylines revolving around him that the MCU version cant match. His powers were granted to him by the Vishanti, a trinity of god-like beings, and he learned extensively how to use them. The energy-absorbingcosmichero Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel is arguably the strongest Avenger ever. Easter egg, wrapping up Spidey to trap him, rather than protect him as it did in the Marvel Zombies What If? Answer (1 of 3): Let me preface this with my typical Quora disclaimer: In any battle of one fictional character against the other, the winner is ALWAYS whomever the writer wants to win! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. After the spider bite, Peter Parker experienced drastic physical changes. What if Spiderman still had the cosmic powers he gained for a short time and had to fight Thanos of Titan without the Infinity Gauntlet. Strange? You can watch 8 as a stand-alone, but 9 is for once we actually answer the end tag What if the What If? While he might not be the bulkiest or intimidating character to go up against, Doctor Strange's magical powers are his strength and there aren't many superheroes in Marvel Comics who can overcome the huge threat he poses. 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