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countries of asia quiz sporcle
Starting from Kazakhstan and going clockwise round the Stans they are in alphabetical order. Various skilled workers from neighboring Asian countries also flock here in search of better opportunities -- and they find it, since it's a country deemed as a "high income economy.". This Indonesian capital has high-end malls carrying high-end brands, but it also has localized shops full of their cultural displays. Though, it wouldn't hurt if the quiz accepted Colombo. Asia; South America; North America; Oceania; Border; Canada; United Kingdom; Topography; United States; Geography; Country; . I have the opposite problem. Country Shapes quizzes are quite challenging. In order to create a playlist on Sporcle, you need to verify the email address you used during registration. Not to mention that there are islands off the African coast occupied by countries whose major land are is in Europe. 100% with 4:12 left. Wow I completed this quiz with 5:00 to go. 100% 5 mins to spare and I am 384 years old with no hands and one eyebrow. Can you name every country that is generally considered to be part of Africa? Where America puts its embassy is pretty irrelavant. These islands are in free association with New Zealand. Turkey has more in common with Greece geographically than it does with Japan, Sri Lanka or Singapore. Seterra is an entertaining and educational geography game that lets you explore the world and learn about its countries, capitals, flags, oceans, lakes and more! And Russia is in Europe and Asia. Keep scrolling down for answers and more stats missed sao tome and principe and central african rep but im only 12. Nice. Finished with 9:27 left, all the rest of you better catch up, honeys ;). I call that a good use of time. They're just in the same economic region as Europe along with Azerbaijan and Georgia. Countries of Asia Quiz Countries of Asia Quiz There are 48 countries that are generally considered to be part of Asia. | View Desktop Site. Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan. Maybe if Cairo was in Asia, but its not, so Dang it, I got 46-48 just because I forgot the countries of Bahrain and Qatar. Sometimes Sporcle regards it as Moroccan, but mostly it is just disregarded. Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte doesn't really have much going for it other than a cabal of politicians and a crocodile infested lake, and neither are good incentives for human habitation. I always forget Brunei and East Timor. Then country maps. If palestine isn't a country, why google maps ever write it as a country? typical brit. Yaiks! The only ones I forget sometimes now are the little tiny islands you can't really "see" on the map. I've seen it spelt Muscat, Mascat, and Masqat. Saint Martin. Colombo/Sri Kotte are the same city and Colombo should be accepted. According to Wikipedia, the most up-to-date name is "Republic of the Union of Myanmar", which was changed from the "Union of Myanmar". 44 countries. There are more than 150 volcanoes in Indonesia. :) Great quiz! Regardless of the nationality of the person who doesn't know this fact. This quiz follows what JetPunk says about the continental borders. africa: countries: algeria, angola, benin, botswana, burkina faso, burundi, cameroon, cape verde, central african republic, chad, comoros, democratic republic of the congo, djibouti, egypt, equatorial guinea, eritrea, eswatini, ethiopia, gabon, ghana, guinea, guinea-bissau, ivory coast, kenya, lesotho, liberia, libya, madagascar, malawi, mali, Asia; South America; North America; Oceania; Border; Canada; United Kingdom; Topography; United States; Geography; Country; . 45 / 48 . It helps to know the F1 race is on an island. Open in app; Facebook . Might you consider reducing the time available? Cyprus is much further east as its directly south of Ankara and you wouldn't consider ankara europe. Also Tel Aviv is the capital of Israel not Jerusalem. Oh I just noticed your message is from 2015 As an Asian, I do not consider Russia as Asian country. Top Contributed Quizzes in Geography. Countries by First Two Letters in 90 Seconds, Countries of the World - One Minute Sprint. Got 53/54, missed Sao Tome, for some reason, I always forget it, this is much better. 1 Africa 2 Asia 3 Europe 4 North America 5 Oceania 6 South America 7 Sources Africa Somaliland. I usually try to get the tough part of the quiz first. Those are not always easy to define and can change. Hooray for the countries of the world quiz AND being a fast typer. Do you mind? This has particularly been true since 1967 when Israel annexed East Jerusalem, which had previously been annexed by Jordan. Just imagine, almost 60% of all world's population is living in Asia. Not counting Russia Quiz by Quizmaster Rate: Featured Quiz Last updated: June 18, 2020 You have not attempted this quiz yet. Also, sorry for the link copy and paste that baby, as you said the border is istanbul. Beijing is the capital of China. 3:44 remaining! It's unclear if Damascus was badly hit by in-fighting in Syria lately. The country was once a Spanish and US colony. Woohoo, I love African geography, doing jetpunk throughout lockdown has taught me well 54/54, after many tries i finally got them all with 2:19 left . As a special administrative region of China, it differs much from China economically and culturally. I don't think the site could process that quickly enough. I agree! Today's Top Quizzes in Asia. Open the quiz to test your travel knowledge! Do a -1 to this comment if Cyprus is in Asia, and a +1 if it's part of Europe. Fun Fact: If you type Srijrufirbviufvigdifbdwjfbwidfhpura it will accept it for the capital of Sri Lanka. Missed out Sri Lanka , East Timor and Turkmenistan. Honestly, I guessed on Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgistan, etc., but I guess today is my lucky day. Afghanistan, Armenia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyz Republic, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Lebanon, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Syrian Arab Republic, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Turkey, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen. Damn 47/48 because I mixed up Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan!! :), Spent too much time on Cameroon, but i still got 54/54 so i dont mind. (Plus, Kotte is in the metro area of Colombo so it really makes Kotte seem much more insignificant than Colombo for them) It's not important what the government is saying: do you type Czechia or Czech Republic? This South Asian region is largely Buddhist. Locate 12 famous tourist attractions in Asia on a map. Cyprus is one of the great islands of the Mediterranean Sea (along with Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica and Crete), the most eastern of all, located between the southern coast of Anatolia and the Mediterranean coast of the Middle East. Ah no, Cyprus is in the EU and everything they stand for is guarded and presented by European values. It has almost 10 times the recognition of Taiwan in the UN so by logic I think Palestine should be in the quiz. What are you doing Cyprus is in Europe and part of the EU don't make factually incorrect quizzes. The typical practice is that the ruling governments get to decide what their country is called, both its long- and short-forms (cf., the Czech Republic's very recent suggestion that its shortened name be Czechia). 3:32 or so and this was done by a 10yr old so boom. My right hand is a mess from carpal tunnel anyway..too numb to type. +20,000 if i could. Although it considers itself independent, most countries consider it a part of Moldova. Well Colombo should well be accepted and on the world capitals, Sri jayawardenepura kotte is the administertive capital of sri lanka. 1.5M ratings 277k ratings See, that's what the app is perfect for. This is a test of knowledge, you are given 48 countries to name, if you can that is good, how quickly you can type the answers does not mean that your are cleverer than those that take longer, it means you are a quicker typist. I hope Palestine is included because every time I answer about Israel, my heart hurts and is very heavy. Although it has its own FIFA football team, it is just a part of French polynesia. Also, with the app, you can play offline! 15 in 15: Countries of Asia Quiz. Despite Russia having the majority of it's territory in Asia, the majority of said territory is uninhabitable, so by that logic, Russia is European because the majority of it's population lies in the more inhabitable European territory. And TURKmenistan is the one nearest TURKey! French Guiana (also: French Guyana). So it overlaps two continents. Was its status changed recently? I hypothesize that the author of this quiz took the ambiguity of listing the Russian Federation as either a European or Asian country in order to allow a higher order of magnification on the rest of the Asian continent. Myanmar is the proper term, since years ago. You should include Palestine! More to Explore Quiz From the Vault Featured Blog Post A Sticky Situation | The Great Molasses Flood of 1919 This is just my opinion, not saying this is fact or anything. But the world knows by now that there is a refugee crisis because of what's happening here. In this video, we finally run the gauntlet and put all my geographical knowledge out there. This game in English was played 24,624 times yesterday. However, Holland is officially just two provinces of the Netherlands (North and South Holland). Still, it is not an independent country. I think Russia should be in this quiz, also, feel bad for the 1% who didn't guess China, I agree regarding Russia, but sometimes the biggest, most obvious answers are the toughest. man learning these capitals is hard. tip: if you type a letter the list will jump to the first option that starts with that letter :). Financing conferences as well as climate change conferences have been held here. (Same for Georgia, Turkiye and Cyprus), Contact Us Holland. They still have more area and population in Asia so they're considered Asian countries. French polynesia. Find out what countries are known by more than one name. Cyprus and Armenia don't have any territory in Europe, geographically they're completely in Asia. And no, not just any nation can become part of the E.U. I normally get them. Omg guys i am a fetus and got 55/54: 55 for extra credit because im american. Two badges in 10 minutes! 1.5M ratings 277k ratings See, that's what the app is perfect for. 50 States Quiz Countries of the World Quiz Name the US States Logos Quiz 151 Pokemon Quiz. 54/54 with 2:44 left and I am an American. Japan. a word or phrase without a repeating letter. Find out how many countries recognize Palestine. Doing these map quizzes has really helped me learn and remember the countries of the world. Therefore even though mountain ranges and such are used to draw a line, I do not think people will ever all agree on where the boundaries actually lie. Cameroon and Liberia - why??!! What's your point? Please do these but for the world. Surprisingly the Middle East was pretty easy, once got a hang of it, a lot of easy words to spell. Myanmar is just what the military government that wants you to call it. i got 200 percent with 10 minutes left and i'm an embryo. Colombo is a capital except itself, so it should not be accepted. Laos is actually named Lao People's Democratic Republic or Lao PDR as they shorten it. If I don't take my time I sometimes click on the one above or below when I didn't mean to. Also, Cyprus is literally in the EU. While I don't agree with reducing time I will say that you do have an option to take the test untimed. Nothing, length does not equal difficulty. Just keep saying often enough that Israel's capital is Jerusalem, and hope that your guys Trump and Bannon (imagine the irony) somehow make it happen. He is a slow typist and happy he got 100%, It's hard to type correctly the FULL name of capital of Sri Lanka i should know that kotte is accepted :). This also means that France officially borders Brazil and Suriname. And you can feel free to make additional quizzes in Spanish! except palestine has no working government and their territory is mostly controlled by Israel. I think Colombo ought to be accepted in the same way that Delhi is accepted for New Delhi. It is where relics of one of the oldest civilizations can be found. Completely Hidden Countries of Asia Quiz. It's way easier to just type it out. A country can't decide the capital of another country. But when you travel outside of it, you'll find that the fast-paced beat of the capital is different from its slower neighboring areas. Yes indeed. all asian, This is trash Cyprus is typically considered in Europe so why was it considered in Asia, Culturally it's european (mainly greek). There are bits of Spain in Africa e.g. Finally nailed down Brunei and Myanmar (oh, sorry, Burma), though. Once your on Create Quiz Press on SVG Map and then press on Upload next press choose a file once you find it and then the SVG Map is there on your quiz. There is also a Youtube video you can use for memorization! How come you include Turkey and Cyprus but not Russia? The correct spelling is . Only conquered the country flags so far. Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh. After taking this quiz again due to the update, got them all again with 2:30 remaining at 6:49:38 PM on February 5, 2019. I also have ADHd and dementia so easssyy, Finished with 2:11 minutes, not a speedtyper, I can't use 10 fingers :). The point is, it's easier to just use the administrative capitals of these countries, so, though yes Colombo is a capital of Sri Lanka, I don't think it should be accepted. He wasted a bit of time raising his hands into the air, and then typed all the answers in. 12 countries and only Guyana and Suriname are very obscure. Can you add a type-in? Sporcle on Tumblr Completely Hidden Countries of Asia Quiz. ok so it took me 2:36 minutes to do this one, which is about a 6th of the time taken for the 15 minutes of the countries of the world quiz, but i always finish in around 10:43 minutes. Also, because of its political and cultural ties to the US it is often regarded as North American despite its position. Nicosia is in asia (All of cyprus is anyway) so its Asian, same goes for Ankara, Baku, Nur sultan, yerevan and tbilisi. Try our fun, colorful cartoon quiz on the countries of Asia! Play this quiz: https://www.spor. I memorized it as Rangoon and had just learned to type Yangon instead. Kek! This quiz requires strategy, cunning and maybe a new keyboard. I grew up in Pennsylvania, and I'm all for kicking them out of the US. Istanbul is in both continents so that makes mainland turkey mostly asia, it wouldn't make sense if they were all suddenly europe because that would kind of make the middle east europe which is not. Geographically, it belongs to Asia, although culturally it is a mixture of European and Asian elements, with Europeans predominating, given its Greek past and the current two thirds of the population of Greek origin. Asia is the largest continent in the world by area and by population. Kotte is so hard to spell. . Beirut, Lebanon, is located in West Asia. Countries of Asia Without Outlines Quiz Geography Asia Random Geography or Asia Quiz Countries of Asia Without Outlines Can you pick the countries of Asia without outlines? As a european I do not consider them an european country.. PSTSCCH: no, I said it as if Pennsylvania is a US state. Kuala Lumpur is where you will find the famed Petronas Twin Towers. In todays video I use a site called SPORCLE to solve a quiz where I find the countries of Asia in under two minutes. Turkey neither belongs to Asia nor Europe, but on a Thanksgiving table. its not up to other countries to decide the capital. i forgot somalia and sao tome and principe i forget them every time ugh, Got it in 1:28!! Jerusalem has always been the official capital of Israel, but most other countries recognize Tel Aviv as the capital and have embassies there because they don't want to upset Muslims. Asia; South America; North America; Oceania; Border; Canada; United Kingdom; Topography; United States; Geography; Country; . And I think the person you are referring to is Quizmaster. This beats or equals 26.5% of test takers, Contact Us Mal is the capital of Maldives. As someone who travels to Colombo daily, I have to say I agree. It's a landlocked state, so don't look for beaches here. Not familiar with Putrajaya. See Aruba. You'll have to find out. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! At least QM is consistent for this site. Moscow appears more European, though. I now know all of the countries in North and South America, Europe, and Africa. our teacher still teaches us that the capital of sri lanka is colombo and for myanmar its yangon. I know all of these but my scores sit around in the area where those who score under 100 on IQ tests are roped off (it's such fun in this section--we discuss whether the moon is a sun or a planet like the hosts on QVC, and what about Pluto?how scientists fooled us unto believing global warming was real when it was really cold last nightall sorts of fun topics are reserved for us in the brain dead section). simply because I cannot type faster. Muscat in Oman could get cosmopolitan and conservative at the same time. Most of its population is in Europe, most of its area is in Asia. Fill in the map of Asia by correctly guessing each highlighted country. Most go by the Ural division. I wasted my time typing Sri Jayawardenllanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogochpura Kottkottkotte. Please accept ''NK'' for North Korea and ''SK'' for South Korea. Arggg. I just can't get Djibouti off of my mind. 100% and I'm an aborted fetus from Micronesia! It's just one answer more. Countries of the World - No Outlines Minefield. This is the very first I just clicked on one, (did not have to undo the timer) because I know I have learned them, and I completed them all 1st time!! I have Europe, South America, Asia, and Africa down. It's also a picturesque metropolitan area that's cool to visit. (but Great Britain already is an island anyways). I wonder if there are robotic swans in Bot-Swan-A For the life of me i could not remember Sierra Leone. Would have been 4:13 if I hadn't forgotten that I had to include the little islands too and took my hands off the keyboard when I typed in the last mainland country. Part of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia are in Europe, but most of their territory is located in Asia. On planet B, there are no countries, just one big happy load of people. Can You Name A Country Starting With 'Y', Which Would Make All The More Frequently Guessed Countries Appear Open in app; Facebook; Tweet; Pinterest; Reddit; Mail; Embed; Permalink ; But Jetpunk categorizes it and Turkey in the Asian side. On to Africa! - Worldometer, insurance admin solutions medicare supplement claims address, international intellectual property index, tufts heme onc fellowship current fellows, colorado rehabilitation and occupational medicine jobs, how to change text color in photoshop cs3, american airlines ticket agent phone number, things to do in luxembourg city in one day. Please fix this, it will prevent many arguments. 1 Countries of the World - No Outlines Minefield . Sporcle on Tumblr 15 in 15: Countries of Asia Quiz. For JetPunk purposes, Cyprus and Turkey are in Asia and Russia is in Europe. Find the Countries of Asia Can you find the countries of Asia? 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