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damien echols son 2020
yep. either these kids are innocentor they deservea oscar because thats the best acting I ever seen. I cant decide if shes a prison groupie, or just a very greedyschemer who never counted on hubby actually getting out. In my opinion they Damien Echols fits the psychological profile of a school shooter, Eric Harris of Columbine infamy to be specific. Thats the definition of a Reporter. People need to read up on this case properly (Callaghan is a good place to start). If he makes it a year, Ill be surprised. (echols) help for Im so disgusted i cant beleive it and what celebs paying for their legal fees and stuff o m g!!! World-class experts dont get to be such by releasing results based on whos paying the bills if they did, their entire professional reputation would quickly go down the toilet (just like Griffis did), and their word would no longer mean anything. This is a whole other level of depravity that mass murderers like school shooters are not capable of. or the 3 knots, or the fact there were no similar murders by the serial killer on the loose during the 18 years those 2 lovers and misskelly were locked up. Its like you just randomly grab labels out of thin air. These three are free because they did not do it!!!! Thank you for your comment Mandy. all i know for sure is that was some of the most fucked up police work ive ever seen, not to mention there was no way they could have gotten a fair trial anywhere in Arkansas. Fair minded folk know that they were all guilty and gutless. These guys went into court laughing. In fact, he has also written several books. No innocent person would even do that, no matter how long they stayed in prison. The boys polished bones were displayed on his dresser. Well, the Duffer Brothers have said that Eddie's character was inspired by artist and writer Damien Echols, who was one of "the West Memphis Three" and a real-life victim of the Satanic panic that swept America in the '80s and '90s. . Echols' family has been silent for the most part while he was on death row for 18 years, but not anymore. The thing is now that you made this page, and its a free country, and Im permitted to leave my comment, I would like to let you know what I think Of course not. Hes a thug with lots of anger (punching a 13-yr-old girl among other things), and hes theobvious choice to be the first (only?) There is definately a satanic undertone which the media willingly bury. I guess poor old innocent Jeffy was railroaded and innocent. Jason Baldwin, on the other hand, lives in Austin, Texas. runs/started. Teenagers think this way which is why they get caught up in situations like this. Or to take it as a joke. 1) He was rarely ever allowed out. the crime was committed, the killers were found and served 18 years and have 5 more years to be on their best behavior or go back to the pokey. Documentaries the thing is yours is funny and quite hypocritical. Echols will stick to his script and no interviewer will dare to ask him the real questions. Nowin reality, the governement let these guys go because they hate admitting it but the finally found out they might when a appeal case because there is a very good chance they are indeed innocent and they did not want to get sued for a ton of money so they did what the court calls. COVICTED CHILD MURDERERS!!! There is quite a detailed account from lots of witnesses about the search that ensued for the boys as soon as the alarm was raised. Have you ever thought that he was involved and NOT the others? I cant get enough of serial killer documentaries but a fairly normal and uninteresting guy like Damien Echols who only became a person of interest because of what was done to him by a massively flawed legal system. Also, Christopher Byers dad was a drug informant. Weve taken away from the sadness that is the loss of three very innocent lives and are capitalizing on three people who are now basking in fame and could quite literally be guilty. say the exhibit 500 is a lie. YOU OWE THEM WHATEVER THEY NEED!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those things make it hard to hope for the best. Being in the medical profession, what I go back to again and again are the medical records that outline a very ill individual. Malkuth $5 / month Join In some ways I see Damien as cold, calculated and disturbed. Its that cult of personality that Echols has culled over the years combined with the CSI Effect that has led to their recent release.. If anyone actually would look at the case files themselves they will see way more evidence than the documentaries let on. Damien Echols spent 18 years facing execution after being wrongly convicted of a triple child killing. The majority of people who know about this case only get to the first bit. But either way a mass murderer is a mass murderer. thats right, because you sheep cant believe anything unless it is spoon fed to you on tv. Was recently going through my older CDs and came across the benefit album Henry Rollins cut. GUILTY. I did some research on this topic recentlyand I agree with you that Echols is GUILTY AS SIN. always play it safe because you never know and I truly think you assume things and you just dont know. Hollywood director Peter Jackson announced last week he secretly He will likely confess on his death bed and have a good laugh. Vile language from a VILE supporter of the VILE baby-killer Damien Echols. Ive always marveled at how the police think three teenagers could have committed such a crime and left so little physical evidence? It is interesting that the comments above mine reference basic human psychology. If you say Hobbs is guilty then your just as guilty as those who rush to say Echols did it. Yes because it was fucking irrelevant. During the 90s. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. DNA evidence DOES NOT LIE!! Anyone who has any doubts should read Jessies bible confession, in which he confessed in graphic detail to his own attorney, describing the route to the crime scene, describing where he disposed of his Evan Williams bottle (which was later found), and details such asDamien jacking off over one of the boys just to be sick.. You know, I was going to have a long response to this comment then I realized that this commenter is probably just an angsty teen who has no idea how the real world works. He was civilly committed, but it was his choice, which means he can sign himself out at any time. Moreover, he rarely attended school. There was no justice to be found in any aspect of this case. The fact is, much of the narrative created by the film series is BS. With all the misconduct, lack of evidence & mass hysteria of the occult during the investigation and trial of these three teens, this guy will still put it out there as if they didnt do it then Who did?. court but 1 was brought up in court that would have to raise huge reasonable I also just completed a small article about a data point many researchers have missedthe pentagram tattoo on the chest of Damien Echols. If you are not a lawyer, and never have been in actual court, witnessing any trial, you are not entitle to make a legitimate comment. Cause hes not telling. Thats your opinion. Gave in quickly? While many think they do not need to prove their innocence, I think their actions speak volumes. If you think about it though, theyve already spent more time in prison than most killers. For one thing, there wouldnt have been anything particularly weird or unusual about a fan of heavy metal in the early 90s in rural Arkansas. so i guess that meets your definition of coerced? You just sit behind the keyboards, hide your identity or make multiple identities and use it in other sites. The most he was ever accused of was wearing a pentacle in school, refusing to take it off, and refusing to submit to the principal for corporal punishment. No need to castrate one to hurt him real bad. Dont insult animals. I totally agree with this article. Research everything. Supporters will Why castrate one victim? While I respect all walks of life and the lifestyles of others I must say I loathe being labeled by some individuals as in this category. I believe that those boys should have been let go long before now!!!!!!!!! Now if someone made a movie that summed up and presented the information from callahan site . He isnt going to buy what the celebrities are selling. Its sickening that so many people eat up the bullshit in movies and books and adopt it as the truth. The problem with people anymore is they hear something on TV or by some moron actor or singer and they believe its the truth. Not to mention Carson has apologized to Baldwin and recanted his testimony. Thats all you got? your also a dumb cunt. When three 8-year-old boys were found dead in the woods of West Memphis Arkansas, the police immediately turned to Echols and his two friends Jason Baldwin and Jessie Misskelley. Apart from that, the series also explores celebrity activism and the wave of satanic panic that arose in the town of West Memphis. Because, either we are ALL innocent until proven guilty or NONE of us are. The law is on my side on this one. any reasonable doubt. Well done guys. Two of the three mothers dont believe they were guilty, but we should believe your stereotyping instead? The state did prove their guilt. Some of them are Life After Death, Almost Home, and Yours For Eternity.. Cathy I would love to know what changed your mind? Had I thought them to be innocent, which I never have, this would raise a huge red flag to me because they have claimed to have sufficient evidence of innocence for 18 years. I wonder if that commenter read the same medical records that I just did. Then Lorri Davis, a woman he'd never met, began a campaign that would set him free . the convictions at all, considering the pure lack of any real evidence and the I did watch the movies after the release Theyve basically turned this scum into martyrs and heroes,rewriting historynot just themasses, but alsofor major media. Byers? They look weird so that must be some sort of a red flag. See here: That ended up being a great book you wrote Mr. Ramsey. Were they knocked out first then hog tied? West Memphis police just had it out for those three and needed to answer the angry parents!!! You should try doing a bit more research about his lies.. This whole thing is tragic. Quiet, shy kid who liked Metallica and loved to draw. Also, the death penalty is fucking dumb. I believed the movies and the books but then I found out that they only present one side of the argument. There is no way in hell they would let 3 monsters walk that were guilty of horrendously torturing these 3 little boys. DUH. I wouldnt understand this had I not lived in the area and experienced prejudice for being different in Arkansas in the 90s. The murders could match or be similar to that of ritual killing connect with known satanic worship. An aside, I can assure u that a huge percentage of people (especially teens, and mentally troubled teens at that) would break down and confess under twelve hours of interrogations by a trained interrogator. So, it looks like this statement was given before the murders took place, huh? If Misskelley attempts to do an interview.hell confess again. Furthermore, she had also shared how she had reminded Miskelley, Jr. that Echols and Baldwin had finished their GED in prison while Miskelley, Jr. did not make productive use of his time. Learn how your comment data is processed. The three boys were found brutally murdered in a shocking fashion in a wooded area called the Robin Hood Hills. And then return home after commiting the crime(also with no witnesses). personaly I dont have any doubt in my mind, Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin and Jesse Misskelley(along with others possibly) committed this attrocious act of deprevation on three innocent young boys. I think its unfortunate that so many see this as a matter where you must either support the position that the WM3 were railroaded innocents or cold blooded killers who got off the hook (albeit after serving nearby 2 decades in prison). The movie opens with the dead bodies of the young children laying on the side of the embankment. They alleged the WMPD should have done more. In some ways I see Damien as cold, calculated and disturbed. Or was it Byers, or Hobbs, or Bigfoot, or the Tooth Fairy? Info is info facts are facts. REALLY????????????? He has earned most of his wealth from his thriving career as a Actor, Film Producer, Author from United States. why hide the crime if you are going to walk bloody into a restaurant? Why would someone falsely confess? Did the 3 victims represent what they could never be or what they hated about the small town they grew up in? exhibit 500 which speaks for itself. Trench, The West Memphis Three: An ID Murder Mystery is an Investigation Discovery docuseries that reexamines one of the most discussed false convictions in the history of the United States: the West Memphis Three. And the girl mightve gotten him interested in dabbling with the occult, but I dont think thats of much importance, since he only ever superimposed thequasi-Satanic stuff on his already dangerous powder keg ofa psyche. It makes no sense and that is the 1 part that makes it very hard for me to say they are 100 percent innocent. I think there are people who helped the perpetrators cover this crime up which is why there was less evidence of the WM3 being perpetrators of this crime than there could have been. If he was innocent there would be no need at all to lie in so many interviews past or present. Yeah, agreed, Misskelley is justa very aggressivebully. And that didnt happen in the original WM3 trial. Obviously our public schools are failing us. Sure not all these lies were not told in Hell the one who confessed was borderline mentally challenged. It is not!!!! A circuit judge has ordered . Sorry but DNA evidence proves his innocence you jackass. Have you even researched the case? I wouldnt think that someone unfamiliar with the cultural environment of Arkansas in the early 90s would understand that these kids were convicted for being different. All of which you can read for yourself on anyone of two websites. If his IQ was indeed 72, it is fair to assume he was clueless of his right to remain silent and have legal reps present. I knew every bully and weird kid in my town, no way I stop my bike for those guys in the woods, even at 8 I had instincts. are biased and made to convince you to believe their point of view. Damian Seth Azariah Echols: Bio Summary Famous As: son of Damien Echols When presented with all the information, they change their minds about the wm3 being innocent. Damien Echols 2) Michael Johnson told of a nightgown (Robe) from which fiber evidence was present at the crime scene. Mr. Ramsey has countless hours of videos of police interrogating other acquaintances/coven members and he also has documentation on the case that proves there guilt such as exhibit 500 and more stuff in callahan8. I know that it is only ONE of the reasons you think they are guilty. Poor pathetic dude probably thinks now that killing children really gave him special powers because (ta daaa) hes famous. He cut his hair to that weirdo cut for the courtroom to look more alternative. Angels . Who would find blood on their own necklace for start especially from another source unless you had done some dodgy shit? The other two, though While Echols is the centre of attention and the kinda-sorta-charismatic one, the often overlooked Baldwin is onescrewed upguy. I cant even guess who did it . Its nice to see that not everyone kisses the ass of Damien Echols. (But the second Im able to convince my husband that homeschooling might be a good idea, Ill be yanking them out and joining some homeschooling networks before he has a chance to change his mind.) I worked for a law firm there are issues that simple every day people dont see and dont understand. He is the Ted Bundy of the 90s. Nor, he has shared the details about his educational background. They should have been executed. Now, Ive read EVERY scrap of documentation over at Callahan. Jeffrey Dahmer cut penises off as well, so was that personal? Perhaps even a sexual one. Hes going to request (quite nicely and diplomatically) some time alone. Just because a bunch of celebrities take up a cause it doesnt make them right. No, instead, they point to someone embracing ceremonial magic. It does not. How can you compare them to Casey Anthony??? Ill throw in my two cents. He is also incredibly arrogant and cold and has not seen his mother nor interacted with his own son since he got out of prison, where he belongs. As for Echolscan he hold it in? Please dont list similarities between Echols and Harris. Check the DNA evidence from 2007. There was DNA evidence at the crime scene that didnot belong to any of the victims or defendants. We now have #Pizzagate which reveals Satanism and child sexual abuse, rape, murder, and even canniablism of the victims. I think that crime reporters ( or any reporters, for that matter) shouldnt be biased or sensationalize the stories they report on, nor should they preface or pepper their reporting with their own snarky remarks. Really? Including such celebrities as Johnny Depp, Natalie Maines, and Eddie Vedder. Is it a coincidence that all So Im not sureI could really glean any actual info from the book,other than the fact that hes a huge liar, which I already know. I just saw the 96 documentary, few days ago, have done some research on this case for the past few days and even looked at court transcripts etc. guilt or innocence. That may have saved 3 lives from a terrible death, and 3 lives from living with an unimaginable guilt load. Were the 3 victims picked for a ritual killing connected to an occult way of thinking that would bring them some delusional power of some sort? their own children also grieve the loss). Were the hog ties all tied differently on each victim ? Does that make me a potential school shooter? This scenario rang true for me. Not for Micheal Moore, Chris Byers, or Stevie Branch. If they could not, then the state would have had no reason to require releases (which, by the way, would never hold up if and when the WM3 actually were proven innocent). Damien Echols (born December 11, 1974) is famous for being movie actor. Everybody is lying to some extent to protect a family member or friend through mistrust of the police. I think Jessies memory was hampered by his consumption of Evan Williams the night of the murder and by his intentional desire to hide his full involvement in the crimes. I am not stating whether I think they are innocent or not because I simply do not know. Any other jury in America would have doubt beyond reasonable doubt when ALL The evidence hinges on a confession that didnt have the RIGHT TIME OF DAY. Dogmatic huh? In this podcast, Sounds True founder Tami Simon speaks with Damien about his forthcoming book, Angels and Archangels, which offers us a practical set of tool. and the missing blood evidence from Bojangles? !Stop watching there movies, buying there books, and lapping up everything they say or do as gospel. According to Steve Jones his probation officer he was no trouble, never talked back and stated he was the kind of kid who would get in trouble once and never be heard from again. Next is the fact that during testimony Echols testified how he would have committed the killings if he was the killer. THANK YOU, Trench Reynolds, for this expose! All lies have bits of truth weaved thru them to make them more believable. Think about that more a minute. But it is hard not to see both step fathers in the same light. Thank you. Its actually scary and infuriating how *relatively* often that police coerce confessions through intimidation tactics, from people who are actually not guilty. Youre being ignorant and hard headed if you say otherwise. View all posts by Trench Reynolds. . His art he does nowwhich gains him thousands of dollars, a comfortable living, is nothing but Occult and Satanic sigils endlessly repeated. As far as the animals thing goes, I cant stand animal abusers, but I grew up in the sticks, and the good ol boys used to think it was funny to shine deer, then beat them to death with baseball bats. I created almost 20 years of content on this website where .01% of it deals with the WM3 just to hide my tracks. Why don't you come back when you're a little less fanatical m'kay? Prone to violence, filled with rage,ego-maniacal, and a misconceived persecution complex. Or the Jacoby guy who is friends with Hobbs and still says hes lying? Firstly he just compared Casey Anthony to the WM3 and then sarcastically linked that to Wayne Williams. Wendy, the problem with that theory is that the boys were unrelated, which makes it highly unlikely that ANY of the parents were involved. Just ask the parents who they believe did it. Though the woman wasnt a child, she was carrying an unborn child at the time of their murder. Miskelley, Jr.s former girlfriend, Susie Brewer Boggan, had reportedly shared how he had been mad for not having a life as good as Echols or Baldwins. Instead we should all start describing peoplewhat they are really acting likeareDEVILS orDEMONS which describes their true behavior. Do not fall for these celebs and there own idol worship!!! The problem is that the tunnel-vision created by that history never allowed them to look anywhere else. Im Pagan, so I dont go to church unless there is a religious milestone of a family member or friend happening at one. According to his Facebook page, he is a ceremonial magician and an artist. Munson, the Metallica -playing Stranger Things character, was inspired by Damien Echols, a writer who was part of the West Memphis Three, a group of teenagers convicted of murder in Arkansas in. The way the kids were killed does not point to a Hobbs IMO. Ive read the 500. 2) He tried to commit suicide in prison with sleeping pills (does not have access to sleeping pills) 3) Watch while 30 people went to their death on death row (Blatant lie- anyone can count the number of people put to death in Arkansas If he lies about things that dont matter he will lie about things that do. Either way, I think making movies off of this horrendous crime considering the horror and torture of those three little boys is nauseating. I just really dislike when many people, and not just you,link horrible behavior of people as animal like. I love how people defend these guys saying that there are a lot of creepy teens out there. Which the famous supporters and non famous continue to ignore the elephant in the room.Proving and pointing towards YUP! welcomed to the resting place/heaven/Gods home to meet up with all the Michael Moore, Steven Branch and Christopher Byers are not winners in this case. And even Jason Baldwin said he did not want to take the deal and was prepared to spend 2,5 10 more years in prison to prove his innocence, the only reason he took the plea was bcuz Damiens health was failing. For those of you that dont believe in wronly convicted go check out the site http://www.innocence & that will expose you to what you refuse to believe takes place in our great American Judical Courts. That before Stevie Branch died he told his aunt that his step-father forced him and his sister to engage in sex acts together in front of him? Move along. just a phase. to you. But what is not refutable, on both sides, is the fact that the police were in WAY over their heads and botched this case. It is full of doubt and uncertainty. About the Book . WEST MEMPHIS, Ark. ALOT OF KIDS ARE CREEPY IT DOES NOT MEAN HES GUILTY..and a bogus inconsistent confession from a retarded teenager?? they took it because there wasnt anybody else to find and there wasnt any other evidence either. One does not make a career out of school shootings. It is possible that He makes money from other undiscovered sources. Yeah, like Riordan is an impartial source. After the author compiles all of the facts you missed, because you didnt do as much research as he did, he then adds them up using elementary basic fingers in the air type math and gets the sum of =GUILTY, OBVIOUSLY! Hes absolutely frightening, I feel sorry for his wife. You listed this as a reason, Im just asking you to back it up. EXECUTE! Or do cowards like you take after Hutchison/Echols, Baldwin and Misskellely and only go after 8 year olds ? Thanks for taking the time to read this. They claimed to have sufficient evidence when they filed their new trial motions in 2008 and had the benefit of three additional years of testing and investigation prior to the hearings. A fiber that might of came from a robe or a shirt is not that strong. However, after reading much of the transcripts and documents on Callahn.8k I believe my mind has changed. The justice system did not work in this case the convictions were you people are nutty. Thanks! Once again you avoid my original question. By the way that mail order PhD you speak of also has degrees from several well known brick and mortar universities and has trained under some pretty impressive criminal investigators but since they left that out of the movie Im sure you think Im lying. Youll notice that those details were left out of the documentaries. they were released bc even the police know they innocent..thats why they made the 3 teens sign a paper saying they will not sue arkansas..go read all the stuff on and you will realize what everybody else realizes, NO EVIDENCE ALL THE EVIDENCE POINTS TOWARD TERRY HOBBS. Damien Echols Wikipedia: Damien has no personal biography yet on Wikipedia. God help the kids that live near these murderers. Could anyone tell me where to look into the allegations of Damiens animal cruely and/or killing of animals? Kind of like that book OJ Simpson almost put out called If I Did It.
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