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dangers of sleeping with a married man
* You should be very careful to believe the words that come out of his mouth. He will not leave his wife for you. I pride myself in providing my visitors and readers with completely unbiased and honest reviews. You will spend some crucial years of your life waiting for the man to make you his priority and this might never happen. Plus, you will have to go through extremes just so his wife doesnt know. Needless to say, it can result in fewer opportunities for you both to be together and double the frustration. But you need to pause and think before you head into an affair with a married man. Abraham was in Gerar as a foreigner and he introduced his wife to people as his sister. The reason being youre just his dirty little secret that he has to hide at the end of the day. Or perhaps, the everyday stress of running a home and managing children and aging parents gets too overwhelming. I pity we men, we may end up marrying those who slept with ancestors, herbalist, grannies and oldies Shameless daughters of Eve. Even if you succeed in convincing your parents for him, do you think he will be comfortable meeting them? Sleeping with another man's wife knowingly or unknowingly attracts some curses or punishments. on If he has an open relationship Maybe you can get love from him. (51043 Views), Dear Men, Be Careful Of Sleeping With These Girls - Deji Adeyanju / Woman Accuses Lady Of Sleeping With Her Husband & Taking Photos At Their Gate / Man Boasts Of Sleeping With His Ex In His Car; The Lady's Husband Responds (2) (3) (4), (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (Reply) (Go Down), (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (Reply), Top 5 Lies Women Tell In Relationships / British Mum Dumps Hubby & 9 Children For African Man She Met On Facebook / Man Calls Out His Girlfriend Who Dumped Him To Marry A Soldier (pix), Links: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10). She filed for divorce from Mark Jensen a year after he was convicted of killing Julie in 2008. Its not worth the hardships and lies. Image result for The Dangers Of Sleeping With A Married Woman The only reason God did not punish Abimelech and the entire nation of Gerar was because he had not touched the woman yet, though he had intention to anyway! It is one of the risks of dating a married man you cannot ignore. because if there is anything All of them are his wives. Simply because you are with a man who is already in a committed relationship. No wonder they marry the best husbands despite all the do. There is nothing good you can get from a married man. KENOSHA, Wis. - The woman who had an affair with a man who was later convicted of killing his wife in 1998 resumed her testimony Wednesday, Jan. 18. An affair with a married man will cost you that ring on your finger, someone to wake up with every morning or share a home with. Another woman wrote about how even the domestic staff at this house refused to give her respect after she had moved in. And you cant help falling in love with him. Dangers Of Sleeping With A Married Man Or Woman, The Dangers Of Being A Prostitute In This Day And Age (Photos), Woman Accuses Pastor Walker Of Sleeping With Her Daughter In Mississippi, Re: Dangers Of Sleeping With A Married Man Or Woman,, Religion Is The Problem Of Africa And The Reason For Backwardness In Africa. Apart from that, when you sleep with a man whose wife is pregnant, hell only go to you for comfort. In a sense, he took the shortcut rather than work through the problems in his marriage. You may have a thousand good qualities. What We Will Do If Saraki Joins PDP AbdullahiAdamu. The secrecy and the hide-and-seek began to take their toll on the relationship, slowly but surely. This can take a toll on your mental well-being. God did not want to punish him because of his innocence so He did not allow Abimelech touch Sarah because if he had, whether knowingly or not , then he would have been punished. The shot of it is: Sleep only with your spouse. [Read: How to overcomes insecurity issues and reclaim power over your life]. You will never be his priority. Learn how your comment data is processed. You will start questioning your place in his life. Think about it, you will be the one making sacrifices while he will be the one enjoying it all. Another woman wrote about how she got hate messages from her lovers children and twice they appeared in public places and ran her down. Just because you are stuck with a married man, you will miss the opportunity to meet the right man. He may even swear that they hardly have any physical relationship. Genesis 20:3, "But that night God came to Abimelech in a dream and told him, "You are a dead man" So the punishment for sleeping with another man's wife is death, it could be death in career, in business, in relationships or even physical death! Please read the whole of Genesis 20 to get a clear picture of this. Buy-Coupon | He will not introduce you to his friends or relatives, 4. This kid was also conceived from a one-night stand - but there was some friendship there prior to the chaos. He's acting differently around you This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. So there will be two sets of rules in this relationship, one for him and one for you. If youre already dating one, you may need some suggestions on how to get over a married man. You shouldnt be shocked by this. You are kind and helpful, you are smart and a great money manager or a fabulous cook. 13 Signs Youre that Person, 50 Cheeky, Personal Questions to Ask Someone You Like, How to Know if Youre a Good Kisser and Become A Really Good One, 10 Fun Sex Games to Play with Your Boyfriend in Bed. / I am going crazy. Married men are likely older men. But all your good deeds and qualities will pale in comparison to this one act of your life. God did not want to punish him because of his innocence so He did not allow Abimelech touch Sarah because if he had, whether knowingly or not , then he would have been punished. There are literally millions of available men out there that are ripe for the picking. Please read the whole of Genesis 20 to get a clear picture of this. This may leave you feeling like your entire purpose is to please him. Being that he has a family that he loves, hell value them above all. always a liar If you have to trust someone Cheaters should be the last on your list. Home Hookup dating Girls hookups Sleeping With A Married Man 7 Reasons Why It Isnt Ok. Theres nothing wrong with having a crush on a man who has a wife. Image result for The Dangers Of Sleeping With A Married Woman Here is the Punishment he would have had if he had slept with Sarah Genesis 20:3, But that night God came to Abimelech in a dream and told him, You are a dead man So the punishment for sleeping with another mans wife is death, it could be death in career, in business, in relationships or even physical death! But would you be okay knowing that he slept with other women too? Guilt and shame will manifest in even more ugly ways in all of your future relationships. Rarely does an affair with a married man lead to him giving up his wife and family for the other woman. So I am not convinced. I dumped him and havent looked back since, she says. It takes patience to find the right one. Love bombing is also a form of emotional abuse designed to build you up so much that your self-image is dependent on him. In Verse 4-5 of the same chapter but Abimelech had not slept with her yet, so he said, Lord, will you destroy an innocent nation? I have never seen or heard Satan unzipping a mans trousers to have s*x with a woman. Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Romance / What Are The Spiritual Effects Of Sleeping With A Married Man Knowingly ? / Fr. You will be equally responsible because he is betraying his wife and disappointing his children just to stay with you. Sleeping with another man's wife knowingly or unknowingly attracts some curses or punishments. The title sucks. This thought will haunt you. He will never be completely yours. Moreover, strangers who dont even know you personally will tend to think poorly of you once they learn that youre a mistress. Between constantly longing for him and dealing with the guilt of playing a part in destroying his marriage, an affair with a married man can leave you emotionally drained. However, one of the things to know before sleeping with a married man is that he's not going to just leave his wife for you. Regardless of social norms and what's considered as correct or incorrect, our heart can lead us in an unplanned direction. The only reason God did not punish Abimelech and the entire nation of Gerar was because he had not touched the woman yet, though he had intention to anyway! You will be left grappling with your own emotions. You make him feel desirable, which is something you lose after being in a relationship for a long time, so its fun to make someone really happy. No matter how much you push yourself towards him. An affair with a married man may seem adventurous and harmless. Yet men sleep with other mens wife, they rape other mens wife without a care on earth! In most cases, having an affair with a married man is a bad idea since it doesnt really lead anywhere and more often than not leaves you with a lot of emotional baggage. From Genesis 20:8 to the end Abimelech returned Sarah as God instructed, he was pardoned and Abraham prayed for him and he did not die. Its a concrete fuck you to the kind of Stepford life everyone is pressuring you to have. Both spouses are strapped for time. And Godin Verse 6 responded, Yes, I know you are innocent. Now the curse of sleeping with another mans wife goes beyond just the man alone, now it goes on even unto his family; his children and other household members. As a result, rumors about you will spread and will reach your social circle and workplace. Married men have their wives, family, and commitmentsshould you complicate your life by becoming involved with one? 198Disclaimer: Every Nairaland member is solely responsible for anything that he/she posts or uploads on Nairaland. That will hurt you and make you miserable. 81Disclaimer: Every Nairaland member is solely responsible for anything that he/she posts or uploads on Nairaland. How To Converts PHP Mail From Script To SMS Apis / Solution To Saggy Breast / 5 Signs Youre Finally Over Your Ex And Ready To Move On, Links: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10). The devil has no power over to cause u to sin without u involving ur will. He will make it seem as if you came on to him. The relationship is likely to end, and thats when it is. Didnt Abraham tell me, She is wife my sister?, British Mum Dumps Hubby & 9 Children For African Man She Met On Facebook, Man Calls Out His Girlfriend Who Dumped Him To Marry A Soldier (pix). He may lead you to believe that his wife is incredibly toxic or that his wife cheated on him first. But marriage is different than you might think. Married men are attractive because they are more experienced, generally more mature, financially stable, and know how to handle the fairer sex. Ntsiki Mazwai has admitted that she dates married men. Ntsiki Mazwai has shared her thoughts on people who date married men. This may make you take a long and hard look at what this could end up as: As a man who has a wife and a family, he will spend most of his free time with them. From Genesis 20:8 to the end Abimelech returned Sarah as God instructed, he was pardoned and Abraham prayed for him and he did not die. You should know that since youre a woman, it cant be helped that youll be at a disadvantage in this situation. They let down their guard and forget logic. Besides, be sure that if the affair ever gets exposed, you will be the one taking the fall for it. Dont you know if he leaves your wife for you? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. One of the biggest disadvantages of sleeping with a married man or being in a relationship with one is the stigma and scandal that follow once the affair comes to light. After all, who wants to hear that their partner is willing to sleep with a married man? No matter what angle you look at your relationship. You may be incapable of trusting any future partners as you should, and the turmoil you face during the relationship with married men isnt easy to deal with either. Remember, he will only make time when he wants to meet you and not the other way round. Even if he gives you a dress or perfume pampers you, dont be surprised if he tells you he got the same for his wife. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. ", After riding an old man dick comes the I didn't want to, I tried to excuses. She found it difficult to take what the other men said at face value. The worst part is What if he has children? Imagine a time when he is no longer interested in what you offer him, 17. It explains that recent studies suggest that people who have cheated before tend to keep on cheating on their partners. And dont hesitate to send us a tip/info. A woman wrote to us wondering if her married lover was with her just for money and sex. By clicking Sign Up, I confirmthat I have read and agreeto the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. The wife loves him, Im sure shes not an evil monster, but how does that happen? The truth is that he is perhaps scared and ashamed of being with you. Sleeping with another mans wife knowingly or unknowingly attracts some curses or punishments. On that note, youll be branded as a slut and homewrecker for going after a married man. That hurt like hell, she wrote to us. My hands are clean. So without your involvement you cant sin. Many women in such relationships are forced to move cities and start afresh after an affair with a married man. He might make you feel like youre on Earth. Love yourself enough to say no to this. Why? How about the woman who sleeps with another man that is not her husband? After Brooks finished her testimony, the jury heard from Pleasant Prairie Assistant Fire Chief Dave Wilkinson, who was an EMT at the time and the first to arrive at the Jensen home on Dec. 3, 1998 and then-Pleasant Prairie Police Sgt. Oho! Just because he was the only one free? You will never be introduced as his girlfriend or lover, 5. Abraham was in Gerar as a foreigner and he introduced his wife to people as his sister. You can try, but the result will be bad. Sleeping with another man's wife knowingly or unknowingly attracts some curses or punishments. Most of the married men had an affair with their wives. If the devil forces people to sin against their will then On the judgement day everybody will be free and only saran will be judged because he forced us to sin. Image result for The Dangers Of Sleeping With A Married Woman Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. as long as he is married. It will almost feel like an attack on your self-esteem. Besides, do you honestly want to play second fiddle when you could be a mans only choice? Love yourself enough to say no to this. Having an affair with a married man sounds thrilling and exciting in the beginning, but the long-term negatives of it quickly weigh heavy on your shoulders, making you regret ever getting involved. He could even be praised by other guys for getting in your pants. She is his wife, and in all probability, they are intimate physically and emotionally. That he is with his wife just for the kids is the oldest excuse in the cheaters playbook. Wow! Theres no where is this going because it is, by definition, not going anywhere. All rights reserved. One thing to know before going to bed with a married man is You may be branded with many names that you do not deserve or do not want. Sleeping with another mans wife knowingly or unknowingly attracts some curses or punishments. This is probably the problem with watching way too many romance movies that lead you to believe that sleeping with a married man can make him choose you over his wife. Get the guy you want all to yourself by going out in person or by signing up on a popular adult dating site. As one of the spiritual consequences of dating a married man, this one might end up affecting you long after the affair is over. We know its hard to go backwards. You cant change the truth. He won't leave his wife. Nairaland - Copyright 2005 - 2023 Oluwaseun Osewa. He knows that you have no one except him in your life. Why do men have to uproot their whole lives and throw them out at you? Before you give in to the temptation, make sure you realize that one of the consequences of sleeping with a married man is the fact that youll have to hide like a fugitive every time youre with him. Meanwhile, youll need to be a friendly coworker and stay away since youre in public. Because the saying once a cheater, always a cheater is indeed true in most cases. Even though both partners are equally responsible for the affair, the onus for trying to break a family and ruining relationships falls on the other woman. when he tells you something about his wife dont always believe him. Married men are likely older men. You are fun. All of this is just the tip of the iceberg of the disadvantages of sleeping with a married man or even falling in love with one. One thing to know before going to bed with a married man is Youll never have them all. The only reason God gave Abimelech is that the woman he took is already married. Jesus bought back our will power. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. He probably wont ever leave her cause hes just using you to feel good about himself. November 2, 2021 It was casual, to begin with, he was suave, understanding, and pampered me a lot more than my immature ex. Even more ugly ways in all probability, they are intimate physically and emotionally she dates married.... Ur will dating one, you will spend some crucial years of your life by becoming involved with?... Just for the kids is the oldest excuse in the Cheaters playbook becoming. You should be very careful to believe that his wife and disappointing his children to... Him giving up his wife cheated on him, after riding an old man dick comes I. Are his wives could even be praised by other guys for getting in your.... I pride myself in providing my visitors and readers with completely unbiased and honest reviews, after riding old..., after riding an old man dick comes the I did n't want,... 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