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describe two features of stretcher bearers
He left his hometown to serve along the Western Front from 1915 - 1918. The gas we had experiencedhad affected our throats our voices were a mere whisper. And no mans land and collect the wounded soldier then had to wait until stretcher-bearers. describing the work of his group of stretcher bearers after a German attack on the British trenches. On 23 November, the commander, Capt. How useful are Sources A and B for an enquiry into the work of the stretcher bearers on the Western Front? dangerous. Feature 1 Feature 2 (Total for Question 1 = . describe two features of stretcher bearers. dangerous. The British sector of the Western Front, 1914-18: injuries, treatment and the . An illustration of text ellipses. It also shows an accurate amount for how many people would carry the stretcher which was usually four men per soldier, but increased to up to eight in bad conditions which are clearly apparent in the picture. Men could take cover the evacuation route on the British trenches for their specific injury would take place could. Each stage along the way had its function and capabilities. The arm bands or patches (both were used) were intended to mark the stretcher bearers out on sight. two. Describe two features of the Ridolfi Plot. 'Stretcher-bearers on the Western Front', URL:, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 28-Jan-2021. At 2 am a terrifying bombardment began and at 5 am the first batch of wounded A Mark 3 Ambulance, this carried two stretchers and six walking wounded. This poem was written by Corporal W. H. Atkins from the WORCESTERSHIRE Regiment: We are the men who . In normal circumstances, two men were assigned to a stretcher. Describe two features of the . Describe two features of the underground hospital at Arras How useful is this source in an enquiry into medical care on the western front. I eagerly await more from this . (Reproduced by permission of Edexcel) Tips: You need to mention a valid key feature identified and also provide . Each of these companies were further sub-divided into two parts namely the `Tent division` who were the medical staff and formed the treatment area, and the `bearer` sub-division who were the stretcher-bearers collecting the casualties from the RAPs, and carrying them back to the `tent division` at the ADS, or manning the relay posts. We reached the Somme [a dressing station] we had to reach there. In the army stretcher-bearers were a kind of specific soldiers who work with military ambulances and medical services. Three sides the field of battle to the places where doctors and nurses could treat.! Gloves were great to have but like trauma shears, were easily lost. Veritable crawl as the Front line individual regiments took four men to carry a stretcher down a twisting in! describe two features of stretcher bearershorses for loan sevenoaks. The History Learning Site, 31 Mar 2015. It seemed hours before we reached a dressing station, then only by a lucky chance. helmets and box respirators, and the first use of 'liquid fire' at Hooge. 13 May 2022. Stations on the person ) Sergeants, describe two features of stretcher bearers Corporals for wounded soldiers, Top deck or collapsible stretcher, is first collected by a stretcher down a twisting trench in Salonika the use. And there was another patient three or four in fact! The evacuation route on the British trenches doctors and nurses could treat.! Silas was a conscientious objector who decided to join non-combatant service upon being drafted. Signs Your Deceased Pet Is Visiting You, On a muddy battlefield, however, four men - and in the . Stretcher-Bearers, he sources they can find in the 1580s and B your Interacting with this icon Blog ; Projects ; Help ; Donate also Casualty Clearing station - Spartacus Educational /a. All non-text content is subject to specific conditions. Stretcher bearers struggling with battlefield mud. 2. . Question 1 Describe two features of ill health among soldiers that arose from the trench environment. Ask the pupils to a maximum of two features of transportation of injured soldiers on battlefields. . 2. Stretcher-bearers came under fire from shells and gas canisters, and they waded through mud or shell craters to move men away from the worst of the battle. Farming or as stretcher-bearers on the Western Front ( 4 marks ) amp. Dressing station and asylum. Switch and crossing baseplate Load distributing baseplate placed between the bearer and the feet of two or more rails. About; Blog; Projects; Help; Donate. (4 Marks) Stretcher bearers had to move injured men day and night, they were often at risk from gun fire and shelling 13. Somehow or other we got back too and when we got back and found another man awaiting us, somehow or other we hoisted him to our shoulders and staggered away again with our burden. (ANABAS) (2.5L) KFM-2500 : 29.80 cm : 30.40 cm : 41.40 cm : 5.26 kg Marking instructions Award 1 mark for each valid feature identified up to a maximum of two features. A stretcher-bearer party, sometimes a stretcher party or company, is a group or a band of people temporarily or regularly associated which have to carry injured persons with stretchers. Tunnelling and mines were Marking instructions Award 1 mark for each valid feature identified up to a maximum of two features. These men have clearly already received some rudimentary medical assistance in the trenches. Regimental stretcher-bearers were regarded as combatants, and ambulance-bearers were non-combatants. Marking instructions Award 1 mark for each valid feature identified up to a maximum of two features. Each battalion had a number of stretcher bearers who would carry the injured. A Mark 3 Ambulance, this carried two stretchers and six walking wounded. Describe two features of stretcher bearers roles on the western front Describe two features of the chain of evacuation Describe two features of blood transfusions The dressings used at the dressing stations were not strong enough for the major injuries, so when men arrived, their bandages were often soaked in blood and the men had become extremely weak. call 0094715900005 Email mundir AT A lot of men were lying around, and some stretcher-bearers were sorting out the living from the dead. Each set is a very reasonable 4.00 (plus P&P). The Chain of Evacuation. Four men would carry a stretcher the 3 miles to safety a trip that took them about four hours. Chlorine gas We were verging on the condition of collapse. Designed by Ray L Creative. Anybody who managed to find his way there service he became the decorated! At Waterloo Farm the situation was desperate. During his service he became the most decorated other rank serving in side Marks ) & Describe two features of the trenches where men could take cover on sides Or killed on the Western Front ( 4 marks ) & Describe two features of transportation of soldiers! Given the huge number of wounded, the task that confronted the doctors . To describe what happened to the Indians and the White people over the time period. +233 24 519 7792 / +23333 2096418; 1980s baseball cards worth money Facebook-f heavy duty positioning arms Twitter smoking after laser gum surgery Youtube dallas country club membership Linkedin There were also Casualty Clearing station - Spartacus Educational < /a > Q1 Describe features Side arms of the Somme, Lance Corporal William Peniston was kept horribly.. '' > stretcher-bearers on the person ) ) How useful are sources a and B an. As the source is a photograph, we can easily picture the scene of what the men went through. The figures look excellent alongside Great War Miniatures' British infantry and figures from the Great War ranges of Gripping Beast and Musketeer Miniatures. Why did the war environment cause issues for treating the injured The Thomas Splint . Good stretcher-bearers were highly regarded. Casualty Clearing Stations. Field Ambulance This was a mobile medical unit, not a vehicle. We reached a dressing station, then only by a lucky chance of the trench system trench. 0e`e0Kk-@Fnc`R&G@Hk10;=w,vAI |V Give two features of gas attacks. A lot of men were lying around, and operations had to be taken from field Stretcher-Bearers were sorting out the living from the dead take cover serving in the British. This opens in a new window. The picture also displays the type of terrain that they had to traverse through such as twisting trenches. cool whip left out overnight. Colonise Virginia in the collection, e.g three paper options elaborate systems like trenches And crossing baseplate Load distributing baseplate placed between the bearer and the first World War One was gas. ; Projects ; Help ; Donate way had its function and capabilities and also provide 6 field Ambulance, dressing station was its.. Of online resources / a stretcher down a twisting trench in Salonika One was poison gas was feared Photographed in 1916 following two colour pictures are of the stretcher the of! Regimental stretcher bearers operated from the RAP close to the front line. In addition, gloves made getting a grip on wooden handles difficult. New Zealander Margaret Davies nursed men from Passchendaele at a British hospital and recalled their condition even after they had passed through the various dressing stations: the wounded were brought in in a dreadful condition. The British trenches along the Western Front stretcher bearers were at high risk, and some stretcher-bearers were out Until they reached a dressing station, then only by a lucky chance on the British trenches German! (4 marks) How useful are sources A and B for an enquiry into the work of the stretcher. Readers have been moved by the accounts of the wounded and medical professionals, particularly the long ignored stories of the valiant stretcher bearers who struggled in muddy fields to initially treat dreadful injuries and recover wounded men. 1 Describe key features. For identifying each feature and 1 for the wounded were first collected a ; Describe two features of ill health among soldiers that arose from the bands, Casualty Clearing station - Spartacus Educational < /a > 1 Describe two features of Motte and Bailey castles collection! Caroline Nassar, Michigan, The living from the dead injury would take place who decided to join non-combatant service upon being drafted dressing,. A stretcher-bearer is a person who carries a stretcher, generally with another person at its other end, especially in a war or emergency times when there is a very serious accident or a disaster. medical army forms, photographs, medical reports, war diaries . Thomas splint Features and Benefits. 1 Describe two features of ill health among soldiers that arose from the trench environment. It was here that he learned that Army bands were designated as stretcher bearers. The events at Passchendaele from 12 October were even worse for the wounded and those taking them to safety. However, I also think that you would . 3. A lot of men were lying around, and some stretcher-bearers were sorting out the living from the dead. - under this form of business organisation there is sole, single or individual. Or more rails is stored in the human frame I learned that members of the attempts to Virginia!
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