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dylan magic roundabout gif
We're going to save our world. The noise gets louder and louder. Where's Zebedee? Dougal: Okay, since this is becoming too popular, let me just push this out of the way. (Suddenly, the red train, who has been healed thanks to Zebedee's magic box, appears behind Zeebad and runs him over. (Both Zebedee and Zeebad use their springy bottoms to collide with each other. Zeebad: She'll look a lot better when she's killed while being hunted for food. 2 38. You're fired! The rest of the 3D CGI background fades to the 2D hand-drawn animated sugar paradise background as the dream sequence begins there. Adventurers always carry a spare map in the back pocket. Noooo! If we go past this white thingy and by this white bit just around the corner should be the, er (sees Zeebad on top of the roundabout) Oh, no. Because everyone will suffer from extremely cold temperatures, he and his army are gonna freeze to death. You should hire someone else to do the job for us. (laughs) Now nothing can stand in my way. I can't feel my paws! Just pull a lever or push a button or something! (laughs) Let me freeze the sun! Its my birthday! The red train speeds down the track and goes around yet another curve. Ermintrude: (off-screen) Oh, yes way! Keep going. James Mather, (The closing credits stop for a moment and the song fades out as the scene fades to Zeebad back in his prison. 18 Jan. 2023. What shall we do? (takes out his cane sword and points upward with it) Cha-a-a-a-a-arge! Dylan (Flappy in French) is one of the main characters from The Magic Roundabout. Heck, even Zebedee already informed us that the diamond was there, even before we set off on our journey. Zebedee! Darren A. Nichols (Mr. Rusty opens the door to the small room inside the roundabout with a ladder that leads to the roundabout's engine control room underneath the roundabout itself. Blimey. and Dylan: Hey, maybe this is some kind of anti-spring device. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. Soldier Sam stops at the moment and carefully looks at what Zeebad is doing, so he decides to follow his lead and destroy the bridge by simply hopping on it.). ), (Zeebad grabs the figure and takes an even closer look at it.). (wakes up Dylan) Dylan! Dylan: Y'know, I think this spring has sprung. (Zeebad laughs for a while until he sees a healthy and green lavender flower and gasps at it.). Hello, birds. (attempts to wake up Brian, Dylan, and Ermintrude) Come on! Let's go! Soldier Sam: Indeed, sir. Ermintrude then starts dancing her way through the laser beams.). ), (Florence, Basil, and Coral look around inside Mr. Rusty's home and see Zebedee attending the kitchen.). Ermintrude: I never thought I'd say it, but: what a snail! The scene fades to black. Hey, guys, over here! I've had it with public transport. The scene cuts to Zeebad who is indeed on top of the roundabout. Zebedee and Zeebad use their mustaches and fire each other with their magic creating an energy ball. (Zeebad and Soldier Sam stop walking as they see the jungle temple. I must look like a walking handbag, or better yet, a sweating champion! There is nothing but the road. ), (The scene cuts back to Zeebad weighing Ermintrude and Dougal down. Dougal: (off-screen) This is terrible! Uhno, no, no, no, no! For example, I shall use this to summon a train. (turns to Soldier Sam) Look at you! Dougal: Look at me. and With powerful tools and services, along with expert support and education, we help creative entrepreneurs start, manage, and scale their businesses. (Dylan whistles as he grabs the blue diamond and looks at it. (The moose rears and neighs like a horse. It's over. The threat that our character was running from. (The airship crash-lands and Dougal, Ermintrude, Brian, and Dylan fall off of it and land on the ground. ), (The scene fades to black for a few seconds. Dylan: (sees the grass) I can see grass, man. Hey! Dougal: Stop! Ah, well, at least it's cold. The sequence cuts back to Dylan finishing his solo and then to Ermintrude singing part of the song. 2 3. Skeleton Guard #1: Okay! It's time we (But then, Zeebad saw something wrong. Uh this guy is seriously messing with the wrong fellowship! Dougal: Well, the other blue creature here would have to be Zeebad. Personal hygiene. and I've been working on it for hours. Brian: Wouldn't you love to be one of them? ), Soldier Sam: Row, row, row your boat / Gently down the stream / Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily / Life is but a dream , (We pan through the icy cliff and zoom in to Zeebad and Soldier Sam on their rowboat at the icy river later that night.). (Dougal, Brian, Dylan, and Ermintrude start heading back to the village on foot as the train watches them go.). Why have you stopped? He's really lost it this time. Dougal: No, Im just a little uncomfortable about being on a crumbling bridge over a lake of boiling lava. How could you lose something that was in a cage?! Now, you dimwitted draft-excluder, I want you to tell me everything. He quickly builds a giant igloo around the camp and then, feeling proud of his work, arrives in his tent and falls asleep. Uh! Then, he goes to the other side of the roundabout just to avoid eye contact with her. The stone claw on the pedestal grabs hold of the yellow diamond, which results in a sound effect of a glass breaking, and laser beams appear from out of nowhere. Dylan: (presses the button on Zebedee's magic box to make Zeebad explode) Ha! No! (laughs) Today, one soldier, tomorrow, the world! This was like last time when they first fought each other ten thousand years ago when the Earth was frozen at the time and Zebedee won the fight. And she just loves to throw a tennis ball. No! Dougal runs towards the train's tent. Web. I have to wake up and save Florence! He turns off the alarm clock, yawns, and gets out of his bed. Although unknown to us yet, he seems to be a humanoid but with legs replaced by springs. Dylan: Hmm? (gets hit by a frozen guitar-shaped ice object), (The yellow diamond falls apart from the other two that are still up in the sky.). I hoped this day would never come. Youre hired to help me. Serge Danot ), (The song, "The Magic Roundabout" by Kylie Minogue, starts playing as the scene cuts to the flag on top of the roundabout. I got inside through the archway, went inside the small room inside the carousel (U.S.)/roundabout (U.K.), and climbed down to the underground engine control room. The Magic Roundabout (2007 series) ), (Dougal and Zeebad pull out their swords and engage in a Pirates of the Caribbean-style sword fight. You guys go find the diamond while I wait for my repairmen to come over and pick me up and take me to the repair shop, so they can repair me. Sometime later, at Ermintrude's art exhibition, just as the group starts to become somewhat suspicious, Zebedee shows up, hiding behind some trees and calling for help. Florence, I promised I would save you. Loads of room. The French series was first broadcast from 1964 to 1974 on ORTF (Office de Radiodiffusion Tlvision Franaise). I don't like this. Dylan: Now that's what I call pulling yourself together. Except in self-defense. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll Zeebad: (facepalms and sighs) This is not gonna work. NicThic Productions I'm referring to the day that Zeebad escapes. (original series, French)"Me voici, Tournicoti!" Train: I always wanted to be a roller coaster! Soldier Sam: Oh! He would meet up with Mr. Rusty at the Magic Roundabout and spend his time with him. We are the skeleton guards that protect the temple from intruders like yourselves, and we cause death to all who come here. Rusty.). I know I do. ), (Zeebad fell to the ground and landed on the snow face down. It was released in France with a French dub on 2 February 2005, and an English-language version was released two weeks later in the United Kingdom on 11 February. Dylan! We actually won! He thinks he's going crazy.). (Brian and Ermintrude stop to look at Dougal and Dylan for a second. Brian knocks the blue diamond down and separates it from the red diamond. Florence: Come on, children, we have to be brave. We've got to get to the carousel (U.S.)/roundabout (U.K.) before Zeebad does. Steve the Skeleton Guard: Hey, I'm Steve. Zeebad: Sam, we have a prisoner up there on the roof of our train. The truth is, I do everything for her. I know our friends will save us. Soldier Sam: That's off the hook, sir! (The scene cuts to Zeebad watching Frosty the Snowman on his TV.). I'm all alone, guarding against the cold. (The flashback sequence ends as we fade back to the present day.). ), (The scene cuts to Dougal and Dylan at the rocky island inside the volcano.). (The train then goes through the loop-de-loop and goes around another curve.). Core Membership is 50% off through January 21, In the ready room, TP was looking at some documents as Robert perched on a perch made for falcons. # magic # witch # magical # god of war # witchcraft. What an unforeseeable accident! Now, for my next number, I shall uh (hears a noise) uh hmm. Dylan: (sees the guitar) Whoa! Brian gets the milk out of the fridge and pours some into the bowl. (Frank and Eric hide in the wall. (Suddenly, the rock falls in front of Brian. Bring it on! Dougal: I think I ought to keep a lookout for another entrance here while you guys (U.S.)/lot (U.K.) cross to the other side. Turning off personalized advertising opts you out of these sales. Learn more in our Privacy Policy., Help Center, and Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy. You couldnt form an army against me! Frank the Skeleton Guard: I don't know about this, but (sighs) Okay. Dylan and I got our own camps over here, and theyre awesome. (Suddenly, Zeebad and Soldier Sam showed up behind Dougal, Ermintrude, Brian, and Dylan.). He then jumps off from the collapsing bridge platform and is about to make it to the other side. I'm sorry, has anyone seen my--? I promised. Ermintrude: It's cold and very unpleasant. Dylan: Well done! The red train is moving alone on the single track at first, but he ends up being joined by the drill train on a separate track next to the track he's on. Hasta la vista, woodman. Florence opens the gate and goes out of the house's front yard through it. What are we doing? Dylan is a laidback rabbit who lives near the Magic Roundabout. Dylan: Y'know, you really got me. Wax onwax off! (gives the map to Zeebad) Take the stupid map. Florence: Dougal! Mr. Rusty walks over to see them on the floor. Dylan: So, like, what are we doing today? Geneva Convention, sir. (The scene cuts to Dougal outside of the roundabout talking to Florence inside it.). Dylan: No grass? Brian eats his cereal, puts the empty bowl and the spoon into the dishwasher, and comes out of hiding in his shell. (Suddenly, Zeebad shows up. It took me a very long time to escape this place, but I've finally done it! The whole place is booby-trapped. It could be dangerous and I've got a sixth sense. (The rabbit on the stage, Dylan, starts using the guitar to play a tune of the Toreador song from Carmen.). (Zeebad throws Brian's shell, with Brian inside it, at the red diamond, sending it flying up towards the sky. Dougal is missing! We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. I almost forgot. Think about what you're doing! I think we've been hit! Whey-hey! What's for dinner? Share a GIF and browse these related GIF Sir, are you alright? Because, yes, I am. Hang on. (Zebedee snaps his fingers and his magic covers the screen as we transition to a hand-drawn animated flashback sequence of Zebedee's entrance to Mr. Rusty's home. The diamond! Zebedee: Uh, Dylan, are you even listening? That's it. Ermintrude: No, after you. We also created 2.6 million jobs in the U.S.enough to employ the entire city of Houston, TX! 0. Coral: Why is the carousel (U.S.)/roundabout (U.K.) not moving? (Mr. Grimsdale turns off the engine and gets off the motorcycle cart.). (Shows the Nancer Features logo, only on prints outside of North America), (Shows the Fredbear Studios/Fredbear Animation Studios logo), (Shows the Sharpness Knight Studios logo), (Shows the NicThic Productions logo customized for the movie and very similar to the Action Synthese logo; On a black background, a red jack-in-a-box-like wizard from The Magic Roundabout named Zebedee jumps into the screen and looks to the left. ), (The scene fades to Dougal, Dylan, Brian, and Ermintrude on the train at the tunnel as they started to head back to the village.). Soon, it will be nice and frozen everywhere, just like it was before Zebedee ruined everything. (gets ejected from the train by the ejector seat) Agh! Dylan: Okay, back it up, man. There's only one left! Dougal: Are you kidding? Brian: Yes, you can. (The scene cuts to Florence's face. (whimpers) This is not good! (gasps) Oh no! Explore and share the best Magic Roundabout GIFs and most popular animated GIFs here on GIPHY. Zeebad: Ooh, pretty! Dougal: Oh, my god! Zeebad: (laughs) Fools. And then perhaps three more soldiers! Skeleton Guard #1: (sighs) Here we are. It is noon and Dougal thinks he might be late for his delivered candy. Dougal: It's probably the ancient equivalent of a welcome mat. (Dougal presses the button on the throne and the light disappears. Skeleton Lord: (while falling) Fiddlesticks! (We zoom into the blue diamond and fade to Florence, Basil, and Coral inside the roundabout-turned-icy prison.). When he tried to do so, the cart began to turn backwards. The film was renamed Doogal for US release and re-dubbed, with the voice of Dylan provided by Jimmy Fallon. Good luck! The train stops at the order window on the restaurant.). The scene cuts to the interior view of Brian's shell where Brian is sleeping on his bed. Ha-ha-ha! Zeebad: (laughs evilly) Soon, the diamonds will be mine and I'll be able to turn this hideous green planet into a lovely frozen wasteland. Lower. Train: Okay, wait here. Contents 1 Part 1: Opening/Zebedee's Dream 2 Part 2: The Concert 3 Part 3: Dougal's Mistake/Zeebad Escapes from Prison 4 Part 4: Zebedee Arrives/Zeebad's Backstory 5 Part 5: Zeebad Brings Soldier Sam to Life Good shot, sir! Last Appearance Hop in, everyone. (slowly backs up) Oh, I don't like this. I don't know anything. (walks over to the unconscious Florence) Florence, can you hear me? (Florence points that out and screams in reaction.). We shall plan our line of attack. Dougal: Oh, good. Train: Keep moving and focus on the road, got it. Etsy is powered by 100% renewable electricity. That's a really good story, but that wasn't what I was looking for. Do you? Zeebad: You're in my icy fortress. Wake up! He gets inside the room, closes the door, and climbs down to the underground engine control room. From handmade pieces to vintage treasures ready to be loved again, Etsy is the global marketplace for unique and creative goods. (Underneath the same track that the red train is on at the trestle bridge is a similar track where the metal drill train comes out through another tunnel and starts destroying the upper half of the bridge. Skeleton Guard #2: No one is allowed here! We cut back to Zebedee at the top of the fortress, worried about what he'll do, nervously glancing, when suddenly, an ice blast nearly hits him but, to his relief, hits the ground instead. (shows Mr. Rusty her painting) It's good, isn't it? How can this be? Butch Caulfield, Directed by Dylan: So close and yet so (sees Zebedee's magic box on the ground) Far out! Dougal: It's really good to see you, Zeebad. The moose sees Zeebad lying on the ground, so he went to take a closer look at him.). Where are we? (The scene fades to Dougal, Brian, Ermintrude, Dylan, and the train walking around on top of Zeebad's fortress.). [chuckles] It's a gift, really. Zebedee backs off while Zeebad falls off the balcony. (The train hides inside his own tent and goes to sleep. Dylan: (watches Brian fly away) Or it could be an ejector seat. He sees mist all over the room, which came from a room where Zeebad is imprisoned. It's a picture of the roundabout with a red diamond on top of it. Eric the Skeleton Guard: Yep, they definitely are. Ermintrude: Oh, look, guys! Dougal: You'll have to make me eat 100 before I tell you anything! Dougal: Lower. ), Railroad Worker: I've been working on the railroad. Will you take care of my things? Florence then runs over to the roundabout. (looks at the radio button) This one looks like it's for the radio, (looks at the AC button) this is for the AC, (looks at the GPS button) this is for the GPS, (looks at the Internet button) this is for the Internet, and (sees the anti-spring device button) hey, this must be the button for some kind of anti-spring device. A second model was used for later episodes where the eyebrows are redrawn and that the patch of hair on top of his head is slightly modified. SurprisesBringing joy to othersPlaying tricks on othersProviding assistance to his friends (laughs evilly), (Soldier Sam keeps rowing the boat with Zeebad riding on it. This particular series 2 model is also the first to be given animated blinking eyelids. Magic Roundabout 2021 UPD WIP. The flashback sequence cuts to Dougal playing with Basil and Coral. Brian: (offended) Spine? And when he tried to stop it, he was, like, causing some normal and usual chaos with the cart, but then, it went up through the ramp and crashed onto the top of, like, the carousel (U.S.)/roundabout (U.K.). ), (Dougal sees a man-eating plant and gets scared of it.). Dougal: Ohh! Ermintrude: Dylan, surely it's only a short hop for such a brave bunny. (The top part of the frozen ice object breaks apart revealing his electric guitar.). Whoo-hoo! Florence: (sighs) It's been three hours. Dylan: You got it? I'm terrible. ), Ermintrude: Torador, en garde! Eric Thompson (1965 Series)Ian McKellen (2005 film)Wayne Forester (2007 series) Dylan: And Zeebad has no idea. Dougal, Ermintrude, Brian, Dylan, and the train arrived at the start of the bridge to the rocky island. (Zeebad pushes the lever that activates the drill on the metal drill train. Really, really. I know, man, I've been there. Let's grab that diamond and get out of here. The scene cuts to Zeebad and Soldier Sam outside the temple. He knows where Dougal is! I did not know you were a qualified mechanic, Dougal. It's hardly the Orient Express, darling. Ermintrude gasps in shock as Zeebad looks at the blue diamond on the floor.). (gasps and grunts) Ohh! ), (The song, "Spinning" by Andrea Remanda and Goldust, plays as Dougal, Brian, Ermintrude, Dylan, and the train slide down the icy slide that leads them all the way down to the open-air balcony that is shaped like Zeebad's tongue. They're about to start rehearsal. Goodbye, dear Brian. Sharpness Knight Studios, (The scene fades to a hand-drawn animated sequence that begins at the snowy mountains at dawn where we see a wizard bouncing from some force of danger. My best friend Florence! Florence: Oh. Can't even do that right, heh? (takes out the map). The Magic Roundabout: Dog Days (Gorillaz redraw) crunchycroutonz. (karate-chops the last two skeleton guards) Yahoo! (slips on the ice and falls face down) Whoa-ho! Well, I guess this is goodbye. Meanwhile, the motorcycle cart went flying and eventually, it crashes into the top of the roundabout.). The Magic Roundabout is a 2007-2010 French/British CGI-animated fantasy TV series that picks up where the 2005 film left off and it ran for two seasons. ), (Dylan inspects the roundabout and tries to make it move, but it just won't budge.). In we go. The temple starts to rumble. She then kicks the diamond and sends it over into the second slot on the roundabout.). Let's go to the carousel (U.S.)/roundabout (U.K.)! She then turns off her phone and puts it away in her pocket as well. (Soldier Sam gets up and puts his hand on his head.). Someone call it in the air!! Ow! Ermintrude: Well, there's no use crying over spilled milk. In the original French series, he has a catchphrase, "Tournicoti, tournicoton!" Zebedee thinks it might've been just a dream, but Dougal is convinced otherwise. (Dougal, Brian, Dylan, and Ermintrude walk up to the top of a snowy hill to get a closer look at the village which now becomes snowy and icy.). For mid-70s broadcasts of the French version, third-season music scores of the songs, ". Take her back, take her back! However, in the 2007 revival series, he says "It's time to party!" Big engine. Try using a different browser or disabling ad blockers. I've finally defeated Zebedee! At this point, Dylan pulls out a toy gun and begins to shoot darts at the Skeleton Lord. And all you do now is ask me to help you? Ermintrude: I never thought I'd say this, but what a snail! They're alarm beams! Oh, the irony! ), (The figure comes to life as a life-size wooden British royal guard named Soldier Sam.). We mustn't sleep. Zeebad: (pulls out his frying shotgun and aims it at Dougal) Touch it and you're toast. ZeBadDee: When I leave someone for dead, I expect them to die! Dougal: My gobstoppers! (turns to Ermintrude) Ermintrude, you saved me! (takes out a spare map) It's a good thing I have a spare. He just pressed a magic button and made a train! (Zeebad uses his mustache to attack Zebedee but he dodges Zeebad's attacks. Hoodwinked Three! ), (Zeebad tries to throw several more power balls at Dylan, but he dodges them all and one of them hits Ermintrude's tail. There's just dog hair everywhere. Dude, man, don't you know rabbits are kinda jumpy? Dylan: W-well, like, what kind of freaky creatures would leave footprints like these? The blue diamond is hidden inside the volcano. and (Zebedee and Zeebad power up their mustaches and start fighting each other. ), (The scene cuts to Dougal, Brian, Ermintrude, Dylan, and the train watching Zebedee's supposed death.). Now, if I recall, I checked some baggage on that flight. Quick march! Now that those pesky thieves are out of the way, what's the big rush? Oh, you do, darling. He laughs evilly while having the diamonds placed up in the sky.). Zeebad: Your days in the sun are over, Zebedee, you benevolent bedspring! (Zeebad takes out the blue and yellow diamonds and shows them to Dougal, Ermintrude, Dylan, and Brian.). Zeebad: Resistance is futile! He then freezes the roundabout's engine controls and goes to where the ladder is. It starts with candy bars, man, maybe some Reese's peanut butter cups, and before you know it, you're on two bags a day. He then walks over to see Ermintrude, Brian, and Dougal finish setting up the tents.). Sam, quit screwing around and lets get moving! (Zeebad and Soldier Sam leave the volcano, leaving Dylan, Ermintrude, Dougal, Brian, and the train behind. That didn't come out just right. Dougal: Look! Another skeleton guard appears underneath the floor.). Skeleton Lord: Hey, guys. Dougal: What shall we do? (But then, Dougal, Brian, Ermintrude, and Dylan stop and see footprints on the snow that will supposedly lead them back to the village.). (The moose grunts as he tells Dylan, Ermintrude, Brian, and the train where Dougal is. Original Price $17.01 We need to dispose of him. We're gonna crash! You're on. Quote Tweet. It's good to see you again! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Bye! (Dougal, Brian, Ermintrude, and Dylan find out that the train is injured.). Narrated by Eric ThompsonDylan is learning the noble art of bagpipes.Disclaimer: I own nothing. He he sacrificed himself for me. Dylan: This guyis seriously messingwith mykarma! At least we'll be nice and warm. Zeebad then busts down the door and the alarm goes off.). Huh? However, it bounces on Zeebad's nose and flies away. Train: Bounce back from that, slinky! Brian: Well, we can't leave him. (The train slows down as he goes through the train wash station to be cleaned from the jungle mess. Zeebad: (in flashbacks) Oh, you know. Zeebad: Double curses! Brian: It's okay. The magic dust fades away and the black background is empty. Brian flies out of the fortress through the hole on top of it and lands on the ground. Brian is riding on a roundabout horse while Ermintrude is standing next to him. The scene cuts to Florence talking to Basil and Coral inside the icy prison.). ), (The scene cuts to the train at the tunnel.). Female Guard: (sighs) You can't learn to do good, can you? To the rescue! Then, they look at Brian.).
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