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evil mordecai borderlands 3 location
Characters: Eleanor, Location: In the control room. When the Vault Hunters obtain the information on the Vault of the Warrior's location, he and Brick assist them in the first gauntlet of Hero's Path with a captured Hyperion drop barge, until it is targeted by a Moon Blitz. Technical - The Great Vault story mission vehicle (ally vehicles); they spawn during story mission in Devils Razor; driveable only in Cathedral of Twin Gods on a part of the map where isnt a reachable vehicle station to scan it. On top of the roof of the house. So there's that. Privacy Policy. You will need to kill both of them. Mordecai is originally from Artemis, and at the age of 17, Mordecai won an interplanetary sharpshooting competition with a revolver. Through the half-locked door. Dazed enemies will have trouble hitting targets, making them easier to run past. While Evil Brick is constantly following players, jumping into the air, then coming down with an incredible force, Mordecai tends to stay back and send his birds to attack players. #4 - Area: The Compactor. Adapting Tamed Blood-Starved Beast: Fight Evil Lilith to get this weapon, one of the bosses in Borderlands 3 Psycho Krieg and the Fantastic Fustercluck DLC. On a picnic table in front of Storm Brewin, In amongst the center of the pipes outside Moxxi's, On the bookshelf in The Welcoming Chamber. move within activation range of the terminal and use the action key. This is an up-to-date Borderlands 3 Evil Mordecai - Boss Guide. (added to game data with Vault Card 3 patch), Telemarketer * - Epic; ??? According to his profile Mordecai is colorblind, and dislikes eating. Bloodwing can be launched immediately before entering a vehicle and it will continue to follow until the skill timer expires. Update: 14/09/2020 . Intro Characters: Eleanor & Mancubus Bloodtooth, Location: Behind the bar counter. (added to game data with Vault Card 3 patch), Not Fooling Anyone * - Epic; ??? You need to drop down from the cliffs above to access. Inside the Floor 13 hidden room off the staircase, between Floor 12 and Floor 14. In the underneath area - in a dark corner near the stairs and the edge. On the console next to the bodies in the tanks, In Apollyon Station. (added to game data with Vault Card 3 patch), Unknown Number * - Epic; ??? (added to game data with Vault Card 3 patch), Hell-phone - Epic; ??? Roland tells the Vault Hunters to meet him there, and he assists them by providing sniper fire. (added to game data with Vault Card 3 patch), Gold as the Grave - Legendary; 120 Eridium, AR-gyle Experience - Legendary; 120 Eridium, Titan Up the Graphics - Legendary; 120 Eridium, Ancient Tablet * - Epic; ??? The list have been updated ! The two of them dueled with Athena and Fiona, and was almost defeated, had Vallory not interfered. Inside the locked chest. I can breeze through . Bloodwing can be commanded to attack enemies and can be upgraded for increased damage and speed at higher levels. Borderlands 3 brings players back into the chaos that we know and love. Luckily, there have been quite a few DLCs for the newest Borderlands game. Mordecai's active ability dispatches Bloodwing, a red-eyed alien bird that can be a very helpful companion in the search for the Vault. Characters: Cecilia, Location: On a sink in the bathrooms. Climb up the nearby rock face and jump across to access. In the small control room. Evil Mordecai If sent early enough, Bloodwing can even make a kill before the bleedout timer starts, avoiding short bleed out times if needed. A new Borderlands game is in development, according to 2K Games and Gearbox Software. Bloodwing can be recalled by pressing the action skill button, returning before the skill duration expires, and interrupting it from attacking any additional targets with Bird of Prey. You will actually find Evil Brick pairing up with Evil Mordecai, who drops the Septimator Prime. After a few years of being on the Gearbox Software Forums, updating, figuring out drop locations and handling my cosmetic lists, I decided to share them on Steam as well. Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, The Leading Source for Gaming News, Reviews, and Interviews, Borderlands 3: How to Defeat Evil Brick & Mordecai (Psycho Krieg DLC), Borderlands 3: Good Prospects Locations (Bounty of Blood DLC), Daemon's Vermithor Scene Is Setting Up A Treason Worse Than Alicent's, Thanos Names the Only 6 Heroes He Considers Worthy Foes, Criston Coles New HOTD Nickname Will Make You Hate Him Even More, After 57 Years, Starfleet Can Finally Quit Warp Travel In Discovery Season 5, Adele Warned Jennifer Lawrence Not To Do Sci-Fi Movie With Chris Pratt, Sorry Daemon & Rhaenyra Fans Their Romance Only Gets Worse In HOTD, Every Better Call Saul Season Ranked Worst To Best, The White Lotus Actors Confirm The Father Of Daphnes Kids, Justice League's Shocking New Leader Officially Announced by DC. Location: . It is a special weapon and you will have struggled a bit to get this. Upper level. Mordecai is compared to a Truxican Wrestler at the start of the game when Marcus says. On top of the cylindrical tank. Mordecai was overrun by Hyperion troops, and escaped after Bloodwing distracted them, but was taken to one of the facility's pens. Use the ladder to access. Life of the Party is a side mission in Borderlands 3 (BL3). Boss. On top of the ledge. Also, remember that there is no shame in running. I also threw in some bonus pics from my last playthough at the end. Fighting Evil Brick and Mordecai in Psycho Krieg and the Fantastic Fustercluck DLC can prove to be a tough fight. Characters: Eleanor, Upstairs in the bedroom - next to the bed. \r\r23\r\r6 Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Through the half-locked door. This code activates all the Borderlands 3 Second Anniversary Celebration rewards in one. This gives players a chance to use the sticky bullets or grenades on Mordecai then switch over to heavier weapons to take on Brick. Cookie Notice Mordecai is Borderlands' "Hunter" class. Because there are two of them, you'll need as much protection as you can get. Contains: Map Location, Loot Pools, Drop Rates, and more (possibly only for Gearbox employees), Golden Hog - Desolations Edge, by hi-jacking vehicle, Grog Lube - unlocked after finishing Get Quick, Slick side mission, Historic Racing - Meridian Metroplex and Desolations Edge, by hi-jacking vehicle, Houndstooth - Devils Razor rare spawn (Houndstooth), by hi-jacking vehicle, Infection - needs confirmation of spawn place, Maliwan - Meridian Metroplex and Desolations Edge, by hi-jacking vehicle, Pirate - Meridian Outskirts and Devils Razor, by hi-jacking vehicle, Prisas Garage - unlocked after finishing Get Quick, Slick side mission, Psycho-mobile - Devils Razor, by hi-jacking vehicle, Rage Cage - Meridian Outskirts and Devils Razor, by hi-jacking vehicle, Stealth - Desolations Edge, Hi-jack Target Crew Challenge, Triangles - Floodmoor Basin, Hi-jack Target Crew Challenge, Spicy Tuna Roll - unlocked after finishing Party Out of Space story mission (needs confirmation), Flak Cannon - Meridian Outskirts, Floodmoor Basin, Neon Arterial and Sandblast Scar, by hi-jacking vehicle, Sticky Bombs - Meridian Outskirts, Hi-jack Target Crew Challenge, Tire Bombs - The Splinterlands, Hi-jack Target Crew Challenge, Heavy Armor - The Splinterlands and Floodmoor Basin, by hi-jacking vehicle, Barbed Wheels - Devils Razor, Hi-jack Target Crew Challenge, Hover Wheels - Meridian Outskirts, by hi-jacking vehicle, Monster Wheels - unlocked after finishing Angels and Speed Demons story mission, Toxic Booster - Floodmoor Basin, The Splinterlands, Sandblast Scar, Neon Arterial and Carnivora, by hi-jacking vehicle, Jet Booster - unlocked after finishing Angels and Speed Demons story mission; also in Carnivora (Bobchko), spawns once per playthrough in Blood Drive story mission BEFORE destroying Carnivora, Fuel Barrels - The Splinterlands, by hi-jacking vehicle, Blue Angels - Neon Arterial, by hi-jacking vehicle, Children of the Vault - Meridian Outskirts, The Splinterlands, Sandblast Scar, Neon Arterial and, Festi-Flesh - The Splinterlands rare spawn (Festive Flesh-Eater), by hi-jacking vehicle, Follow-Me - Meridian Outskirts, Hi-jack Target Crew Challenge, Forest Camo - Meridian Outskirts and Floodmoor Basin, by hi-jacking vehicle, Golden Ticket - unlocked after finishing Blood Drive story mission, Halftone - Meridian Outskirts, The Splinterlands and Carnivora, by hi-jacking vehicle, I Like Dinosaurs - Floodmoor Basin rare spawn (Clever Girl), by hi-jacking vehicle, Leather - Meridian Outskirts and Sandblast Scar, by hi-jacking vehicle, Maliwan - Meridian Outskirts, by hi-jacking vehicle, Maya - unlocked after finishing Beneath the Meridian story mission, Plaid - The Splinterlands, Hi-jack Target Crew Challenge, Roadkill - Pandoras Next Mouthpiece side mission vehicle (War Pig); instead of blowing up, hi-jack the vehicle (spawns only once per playthrough), Skag - The Droughts rare spawn (Skagzilla), by hi-jacking vehicle, Stealth - Meridian Outskirts, Floodmoor Basin and Sandblast Scar, by hi-jacking vehicle, Thunderbird - Neon Arterial, by hi-jacking vehicle, Vaughns - unlocked after finishing Angels and Speed Demons story mission, Woodland Camo - The Splinterlands, by hi-jacking vehicle, Frost Rider - Skittermaw Basin, by hi-jacking vehicle, Tentacar - reward after completing all of the Mancubus Eldritch Statues Crew Challenges, Explosive Needle Launcher - Desolations Edge, by hi-jacking vehicle, Sawblade Launcher - Floodmoor Basin, Devils Razor, The Splinterlands, Sandblast Scar and Carnivora by hi-jacking vehicle, Heavy Armor - Devils Razor, Desolations Edge and Carnivora, by hi-jacking vehicle, Hoverwheel - Meridian Metroplex and Desolations Edge, by hi-jacking vehicle, Wide Wheel - Floodmoor Basin, Hi-jack Target Crew Challenge, Blade Wheel - Neon Arterial, Floodmoor Basin, Devils Razor, Carnivora, Sandblast Scar and The Splinterlands, by hi-jacking vehicle, Sonic Booster - Meridian Metroplex, Hi-jack Target Crew Challenge, Fire Starter - Devils Razor, Desolations Edge, The Splinterlands and Carnivora, by hi-jacking vehicle, Digithruster - Desolations Edge, Hi-jack Target Crew Challenge, Bubblegum - finishing Dynasty Dash: Pandora side mission with all optional objectives, Children of the Vault - Neon Arterial, Floodmoor Basin, Devils Razor, Sandblast Scar and, Chopper - Devils Razor and Carnivora, by hi-jacking vehicle, Dark - Desolations Edge, by hi-jacking vehicle, Emergency - Meridian Metroplex and Desolations Edge, by hi-jacking vehicle, Forest - Floodmoor Basin, by hi-jacking vehicle, Gamescom 2019 - ??? On the rooftop of the building. (added to game data with Vault Card 3 patch), Executive Line - Rare; dropped by Fabricator, Tentacular - Rare; world drop (by Badass enemies), also dropped by Tom and Xam, Eye Balls - Rare; reward for completing all of the Hammerlocks Occult Hunt Crew Challenges, cosmetic will be sent in mail, Local Service - Rare; world drop, also dropped by The Ruiner, Rocky Talkie - Rare; world drop, also dropped by The Ruiner, Ruination - Rare; world drop, also dropped by The Ruiner, Tattoo Transmitter - Rare; world drop, also dropped by The Ruiner, Grapevine Hotline * - Rare; dropped by Evil Mordecai and Dr Benedict, Hotwire Handheld * - Rare; reward for completing all of the Signal to Noise Crew Challenges, cosmetic will be sent in mail, Electric Cell * - Rare; dropped by Evil Brick and Dr Benedict, Hot and Cold Call * - Rare; dropped by Evil Brick and Dr Benedict, Tinas Triple Trouble Terminal * - Epic; reward after finishing Arms Race, Crimson Blood Cell - Epic; Vault Card #1 reward; can be obtained from Vault Card chests, or by unlocking with 1 Vault Card key, Glyphed Up the Receiver - Epic; Vault Card #1 reward; can be obtained from Vault Card chests, or by unlocking with 1 Vault Card key, Call a Ride - Epic; Vault Card #1 reward; can be obtained from Vault Card chests, or by unlocking with 1 Vault Card key, ECHO From Beyond - Epic; Vault Card #1 reward; can be obtained from Vault Card chests, or by unlocking with 1 Vault Card key, Final Destination - Epic; Vault Card #2 reward; can be obtained from Vault Card chests, or by unlocking with 1 Vault Card key, Rockie Talkie - Epic; Vault Card #2 reward; can be obtained from Vault Card chests, or by unlocking with 1 Vault Card key, Advanced Alien Technology * - Epic; Vault Card #2 reward; can be obtained from Vault Card chests, or by unlocking with 1 Vault Card key, The Gortys Connection - Epic; Vault Card #2 reward; can be obtained from Vault Card chests, or by unlocking with 1 Vault Card key, Sand Line - Epic; Vault Card #2 reward; can be obtained from Vault Card chests, or by unlocking with 1 Vault Card key, Glyph of Sending - Epic; Vault Card #3 reward; can be obtained from Vault Card chests, or by unlocking with 1 Vault Card key, Banner Call - Epic; Vault Card #3 reward; can be obtained from Vault Card chests, or by unlocking with 1 Vault Card key, Diamond Phone-y - Epic; Vault Card #3 reward; can be obtained from Vault Card chests, or by unlocking with 1 Vault Card key, Stained Stallion - Epic; Vault Card #3 reward; can be obtained from Vault Card chests, or by unlocking with 1 Vault Card key, Maliwalkie-Talkie - Legendary; reward for finishing Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite, Cosmic Communicator - Epic; reward for finishing Takedown at the Guardian Breach, Classic Callback - Legendary; Retro Cosmetic Pack (included in the Deluxe, Super Deluxe and Ultimate editions of the game), Screen of Death - Legendary; Neon Cosmetic Pack (included in the Deluxe, Super Deluxe and Ultimate editions of the game), VIP Status - Legendary; Vault Insider Program (VIP) reward (cant be redeemed anymore after May 18, 2020), HECKO-3 - Legendary; dropped by Captain Haunt and Loot Ghosts, Message From Beyond - Epic; reward for completing 8 challenges in the 2020 Bloody Harvest event; also dropped by Captain Haunt and Loot Ghosts, ECHOcardiogram * - Legendary; dropped by Loot Hearts, Affection Connection * - Legendary; reward for completing 1 challenge in the 2021 Broken Hearts Day event; also dropped by Loot Hearts, VECH-tor Graphics - Legendary; dropped by Joey Ultraviolet, Cosmic Ring * - Epic; reward for completing 3 challenges in the 2021 Revenge of the Cartels event; also dropped by Joey Ultraviolet, Stream Dech - Epic; available only for Twitch Prime (Twitch Gaming) users (cant be redeemed anymore after May 14, 2020), AMD Red Chipper - Legendary; after buying specific real life CPUs from AMD online store, you got a copy of Borderlands 3 and a SHIFT Code for the cosmetic. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. (added to game data with Vault Card 3 patch), Dead Air * - Epic; ??? Here is the exact location of Evil Brick: Just spawn at . Vaulthala is rumored to help the world of Borderlands get a little closer to understanding Psychos. The first can be found in the abandoned temple in the . He is well suited for ranged combat, being able to have improved accuracy and dealing the most damage with well placed critical hits. Characters: Durtch, Location: On the wooden platform on the ground. Description: A tune for a sleepless night. Bloodwing will attack any target bracketed in the crosshairs when he launches. Bloodwing can become entangled on obstacles, so some care should be taken to ensure it has clear air when launched and called back. He relies on damage dealt with precise marksmanship and the use of falconry to defeat enemies and acquire loot. Related:Borderlands 3: Good Prospects Locations (Bounty of Blood DLC). Race #2 - Area: The Spendopticon. Here is the exact location of Evil Mordecai: Just spawn at Castle Crimson - The Walls and walk over to the location shown above. In Sir Hammerlock vs. the Son of Crawmerax, it is revealed that he named the hatchling "Talon" and quit drinking to raise him. (added to game data with Vault Card 3 patch), Rainbow Raider * - Epic; ??? Climb around the side to access. If Bloodwing is blind-fired, he will seek out the nearest target in the general direction his master was facing in. This is an up-to-date Borderlands 3 Evil Mordecai - Boss Guide. On the small platform with the hut. Update: 14/09/2020 Other Moxxi DLC Challenge Collectibles: Located down in the lower catwalks, which can be accessed via the NW ladder. As players make their way through Castle Crimson, they'll pass several vending machines right before the boss battle. Borderlands Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Thank you for Arekusandora for pointing this one out. borderlands 3 eden-6 crew challenges; how to print landscape google docs; 1883 eruption of krakatoa; sturdy covers ac defender; iceland photography day tours; . (added to game data with Vault Card 3 patch), Poop - Epic; ??? Planet: Pandora Area: Devil's Razor Quest Giver: Mordecai Requirement: Complete Boom Boom Boomtown Recommended Level: 27 Reward: $3,838 + 6,548 [] Miracle Elixir Fixer quest must have been completed to access this area. 23 new ECHO Logs from the Psycho Krieg and the Fantastic Fustercluck DLC added! This guide will be updated periodically, as the expansion just came out. Borderlands 3 brings players back into the chaos that we know and love. This video shows how to complete Evil Brick and Evil Mordecai Boss Fight Borderlands 3 mis. All of the Borderlands 3 cosmetic items and vehicle paint jobs (included pictures of the rare vehicle spawn locations) up until April 14, 2022, with drop places, cosmetic item SHiFT codes, etc (last u. . So be sure to take a look before shooting. It seems way too hard to me. i dropped the splatter skin from locomotive (maybe world drop doe idk). Use the yellow crates to jump up and collect it. Because Brick is so insistent on following characters, simply running around the arena while shooting is probably the best bet of survival. I'd like to confirm, that both Broken Hearts ECHO skins are legendary tier now, along with Heart Attacker skin, while Heartbreaker is Epic. They manage to weaken Bloodwing and retrieve the Claptrap upgrades, but Jack detonates her collar, killing her and sending Mordecai into a rage. Thank you guys. Access by climbing on the smaller columns to the west. This guide is almost indentical to the ones I had on the forums, just made some tiny modifications to fit into a Steam guide. Ground level. His three skill trees are Sniper, which increases his skills with sniper rifles as well as group experience bonuses and accuracy; Rogue, which mainly focuses on increasing the potency of his Bloodwing as well as gaining loot; and Gunslinger, which improves his usage of pistols, as well as his melee weapon. Tip: Climb up on the safes to jump across to the meat ledge. Defeating Brick and Mordecai in Borderlands 3's Fantastic Fustercluck. It is known that Sony requires companies to pay for crossplay support in some circumstances - Epic, for example, pays for . On the way there, you will come across Brick and Mordecai. Desolation's Edge Eridian Writing locations in Borderlands 3. You will be unable to do anything against the train until your reach . and our Blow the Flesh Horn. Can't say for how long duration it'll be but hopefully so more people can get it :). On the counter in the corner, inside the milk carton. Between the events of Borderlands and Borderlands 2, Mordecai was involved with Moxxi, whom he won as a prize from the Underdome. Wayward Tether (1 Named Location) - Trial of Instinct. (added to game data with Vault Card 3 patch), Viva Pin-Loot-a * - Epic; ??? Brick and Mordecai will hit players like a ton of bricks if players don't run around. If you fail you can fast travel back to the start of the level. For all other Borderlands 3 Collectibles check . When Hyperion attacked New Haven, Mordecai fought Wilhelm along with Lilith and Roland, but they were easily defeated. He will only circle above Mordecai if the hunter is running away or hiding behind cover. Below is there list and stats. Mordecai, along with Roland, Brick, and Lilith, was a founding member of the Crimson Raiders. One of the perks to this fight is, once it's complete, players will receive a legendary weapon, the Molten Vengeful Septimator Prime. The weapon is a part of the fourth DLC called Psycho Krieg and the Fantastic Fustercluck. Mordecai will teleport a lot and he uses his bird against you. Hello there fellow Vault Hunters. List of all Borderlands 3 cosmetic items and vehicle paint jobs with drop places/spawn locations, All of the Borderlands 3 cosmetic items and vehicle paint jobs (included pictures of the rare vehicle spawn locations) up until April 14, 2022, with drop places, cosmetic item SHiFT codes, etc (last updated on 20th of December, 2022). advertisement. You obviously need to start the Psycho Krieg and the Fantastic Fustercluck DLC in order to get access to the mentioned locations. Locations and information for all the hidden ECHO Logs scattered around Borderlands 3. There are . All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. They can absorb bullets and have an incredible amount of health. Their relationship went sour, and Moxxi left him for Handsome Jack. On the ledge above. Where To Find Sponeboss Bulletpants. (possibly only for Gamescom 2019 attendees), Golden Wheel - Desolations Edge, by hi-jacking vehicle, Lifeline - Floodmoor Basin rare spawn (Bayou Watch), by hi-jacking vehicle, Lollipop - Desolations Edge rare spawn (Candy), by hi-jacking vehicle, Maliwan - Meridian Metroplex, by hi-jacking vehicle, Ninja Shark - Desolations Edge, Hi-jack Target Crew Challenge, Police - Meridian Metroplex, Hi-jack Target Crew Challenge, Psycho - Devils Razor and Carnivora, by hi-jacking vehicle, Stealth - Sandblast Scar, by hi-jacking vehicle, Heavy Cannon - The Blastplains, by hi-jacking vehicle, Mortar Launcher - unlocked after finishing Money Back Guarantee side mission, Heavy Cases - The Blastplains, by hi-jacking vehicle, Lucivore Bloodhauler - The Blastplains, by hi-jacking vehicle, Hellion Quickmaw - The Blastplains, by hi-jacking vehicle, Thrust Turbine - The Blastplains, by hi-jacking vehicle, Reptile - The Blastplains, by hi-jacking vehicle, Company Car - The Blastplains, by hi-jacking vehicle, Woodsy - The Blastplains, by hi-jacking vehicle, Beefy - unlocked after finishing Saurder Valley side mission, Devil Rider - unlocked after finishing The Dandy and the Damsel side mission, Biofuel Rig - Taking Flight story mission vehicle, driveable, can not be scanned, unlocks default parts and paint jobs for the Technical after mission completion, Medical Technical - Healers and Dealers side mission vehicle; driveable; can not be scanned, NOG Catcher - Technical NOGout side mission vehicle; driveable; can not be scanned, Trashmouths Technical - Porta Prison side mission vehicle; can be hi-jacked; can not be scanned, Project DD - Beneath the Meridian story mission vehicle; driveable; can not be scanned, unlocks Maya paint job for Technical after mission completion, Prisas Outrunner - Get Quick, Slick side mission vehicle; driveable; can not be scanned, unlocks Prisas Garage and Grog Lube paint jobs for Outrunner after mission completion, Pops Outrunner - Get Quick, Slick side mission vehicle; can not be hi-jacked/non-driveable, Bloodflaps Gang - Dont Truck With Eden-6 side mission vehicle; can be hi-jacked; can not be scanned, Inquisitor Bloodflap - Dont Truck With Eden-6 side mission vehicle; can be hi-jacked; can not be scanned, War Pig - Pandoras Next Mouthpiece side mission vehicle; can be hi-jacked; no parts, Roadkill paint job for Technical, Pappys Jalopy - The Feeble and the Furios side mission vehicle; driveable; can not be scanned, Golden Chariot - Blood Drive story mission vehicle; driveable; can not be scanned, unlocks Golden Ticket paint job for Technical after mission completion, Lalaille - Blood Drive story mission vehicle; spawns once per playthrough, after mission objective Destroy transmission; no paint job, has the Heavy Armor, Flamethrower and Laser Wings parts for the Outrunner (these parts can be found on other maps), Bobchko - Blood Drive story mission vehicle; spawns once per playthrough, after mission objective Destroy fuel lines; no paint job, has the Heavy Armor, Barbed Wheels, Flak Cannon and Jet Booster parts for the Technical, Vaughns Technical - Angels and Speed Demons story mission vehicle; driveable; can not be scanned, unlocks Monster Wheel, Jet Booster and Vaugnhs paint job for Technical after mission completion. best time to mountain bike in iceland . One of these is the Psycho Krieg DLC.For those unfamiliar, Psycho Krieg was a DLC Psycho character from Borderlands 2.His attacks were tough to predict and he was equivalent to playing a wild . The pair is the first boss encounter of the DLC. The Vault Hunters manage to find her, but mutated after being subject to slag experimentation. Scan this QR code to download the app now. Borderlands Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. In each mission, Mordecai positions himself at a vantage point with a very clear view of the area where he can pick off enemies with great accuracy and precision with his sniper rifle. In Wildlife Preservation, he is positioned in an area known as Casa de Mordecai, he first snipes from the cave when the vault hunters are at the entrance, and moved to the top during the fight in Observation Wing to send supplies and attack other miscellaneous enemies. Golden Buzz-axe - Legendary; dropped by Evil Mordecai, Locombius and Dr Benedict; Krieg's Moon - Common; dropped by Dr Benedict . Location: On top of a crate on the upper level. While one is invincible, the other will be open to gunshots. and Telltale's Tales from the Borderlands, but fans have eagerly anticipated the sequel to the last main entry looking for closure to its cliffhanger ending and a modern spin on its addictive loot shooter game mechanics.. At PAX East 2019, Borderlands 3 was finally announced and since then, we . Use this Telezapper to access. In this zone you will attempt to save Maya who has been kidnapped by a train called Locomobius. Voice Actor But if players hate being followed and attacked from behind, try for Evil Brick. For more information, please see our Maurices Community Carnage Challenge #1: Traunts Bloodied Bloodline (killing Captain Traunt, General Traunt and Captain Haunt a collective total of 500,000 times), Maurices Community Carnage Challenge #2: Long-Distance Relations (a collective total of 20,000,000 enemy kills using only sniper rifles), Maurices Community Carnage Challenge #3: Totally Takedowns (collectively completing Takedown missions a total of 65,000 times), Maurices Community Carnage Challenge #4: Mayhem 10 Massacre (collectively killing 200,000,000 enemies in Mayhem Mode 10), Torgues Circles of Slaughter Challenge (completing Circles of Slaughter a collective total of 50,000 times), Maurices Community Carnage Challenge #5: Broken Hearts Day 2022 (breaking 1,000,000 Broken Hearts Day hearts in total), Maurices Community Carnage Challenge #6: Re-Revenge of the Cartels (a collective total of 15,000,000 Cartel enemy kills), Guardian Trials Community Challenge (collectively completing Guardian Trials a total of 30,000 times), Maliwan May Mayhem Community Challenge Week 1: Attack the Mind (a collective total of 50,000 Gigamind kills), Maliwan May Mayhem Community Challenge Week 2: Balling Out (a collective total of 50,000 Katagawa Ball kills), Maliwan May Mayhem Community Challenge Week 3: Executive Bleed-Ership (a collective total of 50,000 Katagawa Jr. kills), Maliwan May Mayhem Community Challenge Week 4: Maliwan Meltdown (a collective total of 50,000 Wotan kills), Transmission Vector - Uncommon; 100 Eridium, Cats Unforsaken Roar - Rare; 140 Eridium, A Few Scrapes - Rare; Cult Following story mission reward, Lance Helmet - Rare; Atlas, At Last story mission reward, Desperado - Uncommon; The Guns of Reliance story mission reward, Psyren - Rare; The Great Vault story mission reward, Marcus Bobble - Rare; Powerful Connections side mission reward, NOG Mask - Rare; Technical NOGout side mission reward, Astral Empress - Legendary; dropped by Junpai Goat Eater, Mind Slayer - Rare; dropped by Badasses and Mancubus Eldritch Statues, Killer Kitsune - Epic; dropped by The Ruiner, Wired Science - Rare; dropped by Locombius, Dr Benedict, Partali Renegade - Legendary; Multiverse Final Form cosmetic pack, Sinister Sister - Legendary; Multiverse Disciples of the Vault cosmetic pack, Sirens Cowl - Legendary; Vault Card #1 reward; can be obtained from Vault Card chests, or by unlocking with 5 Vault Card keys, Con Martial Artist - Legendary; Vault Card #2 reward; can be obtained from Vault Card chests, or by unlocking with 5 Vault Card keys, Bullet Witch - Legendary; Vault Card #3 reward; can be obtained from Vault Card chests, or by unlocking with 5 Vault Card keys, Antisocial - Legendary; acquired after donating at least 5$ to Direct Relief (website have been shut down), Brick Top - Epic; unlocked through Vault Insider Program (VIP) for 4000 points (cant be redeemed anymore after May 18, 2020), Roll Player - Epic; available only for Twitch Prime (Twitch Gaming) users (cant be redeemed anymore after May 14, 2020), Hotline Pandora - Epic; dropped by Joey Ultraviolet, Neon Diva - Rare; reward for beating Lilith in the Science Machine (completing 35 puzzles), head will be sent in mail, Tuned and Doomed - Epic; Retro Cosmetic Pack (included in the Deluxe, Super Deluxe and Ultimate editions of the game), Skull and Domes - Epic; Neon Cosmetic Pack (included in the Deluxe, Super Deluxe and Ultimate editions of the game), Tiger of Spartali - Epic; Borderlands 3 content creator head (see notes how to obtain them), Ratch Rider - Epic; Maurices Community Carnage Challenge #1: Traunts Bloodied Bloodline, Saurian Synth - Epic; Maurices Community Carnage Challenge #2: Long-Distance Relations, Skagwave - Epic; Maurices Community Carnage Challenge #3: Totally Takedowns, Arachnoir - Epic; Maurices Community Carnage Challenge #4: Mayhem 10 Massacre, Daemon - Legendary; Torgues Circles of Slaughter Community Challenge, Gray Matter - Legendary; Maurice's Community Carnage Challenge #5: Broken Hearts Day 2022, Null Value - Legendary; Maurices Community Carnage Challenge #6: Re-Revenge of the Cartels, Guardian - Legendary; Guardian Trials Community Challenge, Shrine Saint - Epic; Maliwan May Mayhem Community Challenge Week 4 reward, Streetwise - Legendary; Ballantine's x Borderlands promotional whiskey (see notes), He4d in the Cloud - Rare; Cult Following story mission reward, Der4nged Ranger - Rare; The Great Vault story mission reward, Roy4alty - Epic; Crew Challenge reward for killing Gorgeous Armada, head will be sent in mail, Abyss4l - Rare; dropped by Badasses and Mancubus Eldritch Statues, Lumin4ry - Rare; dropped by Evil Lilith, Locombius and Dr Benedict, Grand Archivist - Legendary; Multiverse Final Form Cosmetic pack, THE H4RBINGER - Legendary; Multiverse Disciples of the Vault cosmetic pack, C4tch A Ride - Legendary; Vault Card #1 reward; can be obtained from Vault Card chests, or by unlocking with 5 Vault Card keys, Str4nger - Legendary; Vault Card #2 reward; can be obtained from Vault Card chests, or by unlocking with 5 Vault Card keys, Barb4ric - Legendary; Vault Card #3 reward; can be obtained from Vault Card chests, or by unlocking with 5 Vault Card keys, Antisoci4l - Legendary; acquired after donating at least 5$ to Direct Relief (website have been shut down), Camoufl4ge - Epic; unlocked through Vault Insider Program (VIP) for 4000 points (cant be redeemed anymore after May 18, 2020), Fl4Kensteins Master - Rare; Spooky Surprise reward, Neon Predator - Rare; reward for beating Tannis in the Science Machine (completing 50 puzzles), head will be sent in mail, 4NU Bust - Epic; Borderlands 3 content creator head (see notes how to obtain them), Super Mecha - Epic; Maliwan May Mayhem Community Challenge Week 3 reward, Fr4kkin Toaster - Legendary; Ballantine's x Borderlands promotional whiskey (see notes), Insulation - Rare; Cult Following story mission reward, Mad Moze - Rare; The Great Vault story mission reward, Weapons Haute - Legendary; reward for completing all of the Mayors Killer Look Crew Challenges, head will be sent in mail, Strange Angles - Rare; dropped by Badasses and Mancubus Eldritch Statues, Spark of Genius - Rare; dropped by Locombius and Dr Benedict, Commissar Andreyevna - Legendary; Multiverse Final Form Cosmetic pack, Saint of Iron - Legendary; Multiverse Disciples of the Vault cosmetic pack, Typhons Legacy - Legendary; Vault Card #1 reward; can be obtained from Vault Card chests, or by unlocking with 5 Vault Card keys, The Garish Gunner - Legendary; Vault Card #2 reward; can be obtained from Vault Card chests, or by unlocking with 5 Vault Card keys, Dragons Crest - Legendary; Vault Card #3 reward; can be obtained from Vault Card chests, or by unlocking with 5 Vault Card keys, Meowze - Epic; unlocked through Vault Insider Program (VIP) for 4000 points (cant be redeemed anymore after May 18, 2020), Neon Charger - Rare; reward for beating Ellie in the Science Machine (completing 30 puzzles), head will be sent in mail, Fuel Metal - Epic; Borderlands 3 content creator head (see notes how to obtain them), Pilot Punk - Epic; Maliwan May Mayhem Community Challenge Week 1 reward, Diesel Punk - Legendary; Ballantine's x Borderlands promotional whiskey (see notes), Wanderer - Rare; Cult Following story mission reward, Inzanity - Rare; The Great Vault story mission reward, Crownin Around - Epic; dropped by Evil Saint Lawrence, Chaotic Hood - Epic; dropped by Badasses and Mancubus Eldritch Statues, Devilish Rogue - Epic; dropped by The Ruiner, Thinking Clearly - Rare; dropped by Evil Brick, Locombius and Dr Benedict, Assassin One - Legendary; Multiverse Final Form Cosmetic pack, Bane Flynt - Legendary; Multiverse Disciples of the Vault cosmetic pack, Crimson Operator - Legendary; Vault Card #1 reward; can be obtained from Vault Card chests, or by unlocking with 5 Vault Card keys, Shady Character - Legendary; Vault Card #2 reward; can be obtained from Vault Card chests, or by unlocking with 5 Vault Card keys, Roguish Cowl - Legendary; Vault Card #3 reward; can be obtained from Vault Card chests, or by unlocking with 5 Vault Card keys, Oni - Epic; unlocked through Vault Insider Program (VIP) for 4000 points (cant be redeemed anymore after May 18, 2020), Wolfin Shine - Rare; Spooky Surprise reward, Neon Mullet - Rare; reward for beating Mad Moxxi in the Science Machine (completing 40 puzzles), head will be sent in mail, Regent - Epic; Borderlands 3 content creator head (see notes how to obtain them), Protagonist Punk - Epic; Maliwan May Mayhem Community Challenge Week 2 reward, Riizento - Legendary; Ballantine's x Borderlands promotional whiskey (see notes), Muddy Slaughters - Rare; From the Ground Up story mission reward, Caustic Bloom - Rare; The First Vault Hunter story mission reward, Atlas Classic - Rare; Atlas, At Last story mission reward, Gilded Rage - Rare; Cold as the Grave story mission reward, Signature Style - Rare; The Great Vault story mission reward, Burning Bright - Epic; reward for using 35 points in the Hunter tree in Guardian Rank, Hex Bolts - Epic; reward for using 35 points in the Survivor tree in Guardian Rank, Urban Blammo - Epic; reward for using 35 points in the Enforcer tree in Guardian Rank, Amara: Crew Challenge reward for killing Junpai Goat Eater, skin will be sent in mail, Fl4k: Crew Challenge reward for killing Evil Saint Lawrence, skin will be sent in mail, Moze: Crew Challenge reward for killing DEGEN-3, skin will be sent in mail, Zane: Crew Challenge reward for killing Loco Chantelle, skin will be sent in mail, Tentacular Spectacular * - Epic; dropped by Mancubus Eldritch Statues (randomly for all the 4 characters), Devil Raider - Epic; The Meatman Prophecy side mission reward, Splatter (Spl4tter for Fl4k) * - Epic; dropped by Locombius, Dr Benedict and Spongeboss Bulletpants (randomly for all the 4 characters), Amara: Partali Renegade - Legendary; Multiverse Final Form cosmetic pack, Fl4k: Grand Archivist - Legendary; Multiverse Final Form cosmetic pack, Moze: Commissar Andreyevna - Legendary; Multiverse Final Form cosmetic pack, Zane: Assassin One - Legendary; Multiverse Final Form cosmetic pack, Dead Winter - Epic; reward for finishing Arms Race, Amara: Sinister Sister - Legendary; Multiverse Disciples of the Vault cosmetic pack, Fl4k: THE H4RBINGER - Legendary; Multiverse Disciples of the Vault cosmetic pack, Moze: Saint of Iron - Legendary; Multiverse Disciples of the Vault cosmetic pack, Zane: Bane Flynt - Legendary; Multiverse Disciples of the Vault cosmetic pack, Runekeeper - Legendary; Vault Card #1 reward; can be obtained from Vault Card chests, or by unlocking with 4 Vault Card keys, Step One - Legendary; Vault Card #1 reward; can be obtained from Vault Card chests, or by unlocking with 4 Vault Card keys, Le Chandail de Roland - Legendary; Vault Card #1 reward; can be obtained from Vault Card chests, or by unlocking with 4 Vault Card keys, Serene Siren - Legendary; Vault Card #1 reward; can be obtained from Vault Card chests, or by unlocking with 4 Vault Card keys, Oasis Chic - Legendary; Vault Card #2 reward; can be obtained from Vault Card chests, or by unlocking with 4 Vault Card keys, Derringer Duds - Legendary; Vault Card #2 reward; can be obtained from Vault Card chests, or by unlocking with 4 Vault Card keys, Crook Look - Legendary; Vault Card #2 reward; can be obtained from Vault Card chests, or by unlocking with 4 Vault Card keys, The Loader Look - Legendary; Vault Card #2 reward; can be obtained from Vault Card chests, or by unlocking with 4 Vault Card keys, Prism Wizard * - Legendary; Vault Card #3 reward; can be obtained from Vault Card chests, or by unlocking with 4 Vault Card keys, Stylish Sigils * - Legendary; Vault Card #3 reward; can be obtained from Vault Card chests, or by unlocking with 4 Vault Card keys, Art of Darkness * - Legendary; Vault Card #3 reward; can be obtained from Vault Card chests, or by unlocking with 4 Vault Card keys, Full Plate * - Legendary; Vault Card #3 reward; can be obtained from Vault Card chests, or by unlocking with 4 Vault Card keys, Like, Follow, Obey - Legendary; Borderlands 3 content creator skin (see notes how to obtain them), Horror Punk - Epic; Neon Cosmetic Pack (included in the Deluxe, Super Deluxe and Ultimate editions of the game), Retro Futurist - Epic; Retro Cosmetic Pack (included in the Deluxe, Super Deluxe and Ultimate editions of the game), Conventional Reppin - Rare; unlocked in Vault Insider Program (VIP) for 4000 points per character (cant be redeemed anymore after May 18, 2020), If Spooks Could Kill - Epic; dropped by Captain Haunt and Loot Ghosts, Haunted Look * - Rare; reward for completing 12 challenges in the 2020 Bloody Harvest event; also dropped by Captain Haunt and Loot Ghosts, Heartbreaker - Epic; dropped by Loot Hearts, Heart Attacker * - Legendary; reward for completing 4 challenges in the 2021 Broken Hearts Day event; also dropped by Loot Hearts, Death by Filigrees - Epic; dropped by Joey Ultraviolet, Grid Runner * - Epic; reward for completing 18 challenges in the 2021 Revenge of the Cartels event; also dropped by Joey Ultraviolet, Festive Vestments * - Legendary; Mercenary Day reward, The Art of Stealth - Epic; reward for completing all of the Crimson Radio Crew Challenges, Specd Out - Legendary; reward for finishing Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite, Bad Astra * - Legendary; reward for finishing Takedown at the Guardian Breach, Popsychle - Epic; Borderlands 3 Second Anniversary Celebration reward, Moze - reward for beating Brick in the Science Machine (completing 10 puzzles), skin will be sent in mail, Amara - reward for beating Mordecai in the Science Machine (completing 15 puzzles), skin will be sent in mail, Zane - reward for beating Torgue in the Science Machine (completing 20 puzzles), skin will be sent in mail, Fl4k - reward for beating Marcus in the Science Machine (completing 25 puzzles), skin will be sent in mail, Flash of Color - Rare; ??? 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