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exodus: gods and kings ending explained
In the film, Moseskills (but does not bother to hide) two Egyptian guards that weremercilessly beating a Hebrew, but returns to Egypt anyway, hoping that his conversation with Nun (and rumors of his true heritage) never resurface. The Hebrew word elohim means "God" or "god.". In several scenes, Ramses is depicted in bed with many luxurious pillows. Exodus: Gods and Kings is a book about the journey of the Israelites out of Egypt. The first nine plagues deal massive damage to Egypt and its people, but Ramesses does not back down, even oppressing his people further to maintain his position. Furthermore, the text asserts that,despite agreeing to let the Hebrews leave, Ramses (as well as the Egyptian people)beganto second-guess the decision - and became enraged at the thought of the Israelites camping in the wilderness on the road to freedom. Using his military skills, Moses trains the slaves and leads them in an insurgency, prompting Ramesses to retaliate harshly. He himself is hit in the head with a rock, and his leg boasts a nasty, bloody fracture. As nobody has firsthand experience from a story told over 4000+ years ago there is no possible way to actually make a movie based on the life of Moses and those around him, historically accurate. Unlike the DeMille rendering, this one does not begin at the beginning but plunges us into the middle of the action, with Moses (Christian Bale) as an adult in the royal court. The Film: Hebrew slaves are freed, but racial controversy surrounding the . [36] It was released in the United Kingdom on December 26. Exodus has the added kick of 3D technology, and it has enough eye-popping set pieces to please adventure fans. "[67] Alonso Duralde of The Wrap also gave a negative review and said, "If you're going into Exodus: Gods and Kings thinking that director Ridley Scott is going to give the Moses story anything we didn't already get from Cecil B. DeMille in two versions of The Ten Commandments, prepare to be disappointed."[68]. "[62] Phillips Hawker of The Sydney Morning Herald gave a mixed review and awarded the film 3 out of 5 stars, saying, "Exodus: Gods And Kings lacks Gladiator's full-on intensity and committed central performances, however; it's a mixture of the grand and the bland, and when it's not spectacular it's a little plodding. It tells the story of Moses, a leader who leads his people to freedom. (6) Cherubim, or heavenly beings, function as guard-ians of the garden and the temple. Upon Moses threatening Ramesses's life, Ramesses orders Moses's death, as well as killing random Hebrew families until Moses is found. This is why so many poor reviews have made it to the light of day because so many people out there take the story of Moses (from The Bible) to be a factually accurate account of his time on Earth. He added, "Ridley Scotts Exodus: Gods and Kings is a terrible film. Once there, with Ramses' closing in, Moses parts the waters of the Red Sea until the Hebrews can passthrough to the opposite shore - only to release the walls of water(and drown the Egyptian army). [18], The Sydney Morning Herald and Christian Today reported that the casting of white actors in the lead roles was being criticized. "[11] The CEO of Faith-Driven Consumer, Chris Stone, criticized Bale's comments, "There's nothing in the biblical history that supports that. Subscribe for full access to The Hollywood Reporter, Ridley Scott's rendering of the Book of Exodus serves up most of the spectacular highlights of the biblical tale. Exodus Gods and Kings 2014 1080p HD. He looks out and sees Malak amongst the crowd before he seems to disappear. The film features a number of visually stunning scenes, but above all else, Scott's Exodus movie is still a straightforward drama - meaning that the primary focus is on its human characters. Upon his arrival, he encounters the slave Joshua being lashed and questions the vicious lashing. I find this reason for a poor review to be, unfortunately, historically accurate. Spectacularly filmed and . Scott's film plays out similarly, as Ramses chases the Hebrews with over 600 chariots in his wake- though the catalyst for Ramses' change of heart is different. So let's just see who's more effective at killing: You or me. But there's no clue to what drives him. EXODUS: GODS AND KINGS is a great opportunity for those who love the story of Exodus to tell their friends and loved ones the rest of the story. With Jimi Stanton, Janelle Snow, Charles Andrew Gardner, James Lloyd McKinney. He rejects that the boy could be an angel -- though there is mention of an angel in the Elohist version of the Scripture -- or God, who would never have been visible. Exodus 32:27-29: He said to them, Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, Put your sword on your side, each of you! This drives a wedge between the couple, but Moses leaves anyway. If "The Prince of Egypt" was the happy Exodus movie (and best) then "Exodus: Gods and Kings" is clearly the darkest and most depressing. He wants people -- both Israelites and Egyptians -- to understand his uniqueness, his compassion and love, as well as his justice. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. The story of Exodus: Gods and Kings are important because it shows the power of faith. The character Malak makes piles of small stones throughout the film, and Adlerstein did not know the significance from the perspective of Orthodox Judaism. So far, Exodus: Gods and Kings has earned an estimated $107 million worldwide. This oracle creates tension between them -- you know, sibling rivalry. [47] In its third week, the film added $30.9 million from 39 markets and was still halted at number two behind The Battle of the Five Armies. Excruciating Exodus Movie Exudes Errors Exodus: Gods and Kings reeks with wretchedness Ellen White Biblical archeology 12/18/2014 Colossal expense equals colossal waste for the new Ridley Scott movie Exodus: Gods and Kings (2014). Music: Alberto Iglesias, Sign up for THR news straight to your inbox every day. Frogs, boils and locusts are truer to the text and are rendered in luscious visual detail. Angered, God commissions Moses to carve the Ten Commandments -as guidelines and principles for the Hebrews to follow going forward. Buildings and vineyards are burned. Anton Alexander has a small role as the Israelite Dathan, while Kevork Malikyan appears as Zipporah's father, Jethro. It is still God who forces the king's hand - not a newly-formed Hebrew fighting force. Still grieving his son, Ramesses assembles his army and gives chase. When Ramesses threatens to cut off her arm, Moses intervenes saving her and confirms he is a Hebrew. Enlightened human parents know better than to act that way to their children. But is this oh-so-familiar tale still fresh enough to get people into theaters in the droves needed to make back the very high production values that we see on screen? Moses is the only person capable of seeing the boy, a point that is hammered home by the fact that Joshua (Aaron Paul) laterwatches in confusion (on several occasions) asMoses talks to thin air. Exodus: Gods and Kings is this century's answer to Cecil B. DeMille 's The Ten Commandments, but it already looks to be more controversial than that pious 1956 opus. Following his father's death, Ramses is an equally cruel and unreasonable figure. By Justin Chang. Moses is horrified to learn from God that the tenth plague will be the death of all firstborn children but follows through with the plan, instructing the Hebrews to protect themselves by covering their doors with lambs' blood. Screenwriters: Adam Cooper, Bill Collage, Jeffrey Caine, Steven Zaillian The section of the poem on the departure of the pagan gods also situates the nativity against the backdrop of world history. Moses walks for a long time until he comes to an oasis, where he encounters Zipporah (Mara Valverde), daughter of Jethro (Kevork Malikyan), who are shepherds. The episode of the burning bush in the film was the greatest disappointment to me. or having someone explain his emotions for you. This sequence is visually thrilling. Still, Moses asks them to have faith, and the Israelites wade into the water as the Egyptians break through the mountains in view ofthe shore. Do you mean to kill me as you killed the Egyptian? Then Moses was afraid and thought, Surely the thing is known.. [17] Sigourney Weaver, Ben Kingsley, and John Turturro were then still negotiating about joining the cast. 1. In the Old Testament, it is one of the most commonly used names for God. 25:8, 9. But his destiny calls when he comes upon the famous burning bush and is approached by God to lead his people out of slavery. After Darren Aronofsky's bible story re-imagining, Noah, became one of the most divisive films of 2014 - ruffling the feathers of both religious viewers and hardcore cinephiles alike - the release of 20th Century Fox and director Ridley Scott's Moses movie,Exodus: Gods and Kings,was destined to carryanother wave of controversy into theaters. Ramesses and his army continue the pursuit, but Moses stays behind to confront them. However, two Hebrews spies overhear Nun's story and report their discovery to the Viceroy. Aaron also appears in the film (played byAndrew Tarbet) but his role is greatly reduced - serving as one of Moses' generals rather than his voice. I wonder if it's not another superstition related to a misinterpretation of Kabbalah -- otherwise, I have no idea what this motif means. When Moses first appeals to Ramses on behalf ofthe Hebrews, the Pharaoh's main concern is economic; specifically, he doesn't believe that Egypt could survive the loss of its primary labor force. Edgerton is competent, but we miss the hammy exuberance of DeMilles Ramses, Yul Brynner. It earned $268 million worldwide on a budget of $140200 million. The Hollywood Reporter is a part of Penske Media Corporation. That is not what God is about, nor the story. This Egyptian saga is not quite in the same league, but it confirms the director's flair for widescreen imagery. The film stars Christian Bale as Moses and Joel Edgerton as the Pharaoh with whom Moses speaks with in order to obtain the freedom of the Hebrew people from slavery in Egypt. In 1300 BC, Moses, a general and accepted member of the Egyptian royal family, prepares to attack an encamped Hittite army with Prince Ramesses at Kadesh. The climactic chase to the Red Sea is equally spectacular. Movie Info. Still, without question, at the point that Moses returns to Egypt following his banishment (more on that in a minute), hewas never depicted as an armored warrior; instead, Moseswas a quiet (but firm) shepherd ofthe Hebrews - one who delivered his peoplefrom bondage with a staff (and God's "wonders"/plagues), not an ornate Egyptian sword. See production, box office & company info. At the moment of Christ's birth, the oracle of Delphi falls dumb. Instead, Scott presents Moses as the primary decision-maker onthe journey to the Red Sea. Moses finds Nun in the prayer house where he informs him of his true lineage; he is the child of Hebrew parents who was sent by his sister Miriam to be raised by Pharaoh's daughter (he was born during the extermination of the Jewish heirs). [26] Bale also defended the casting of the film, suggesting audiences need to support big budgeted films starring people of color and stating, "The change will come from independent filmmaking, but audiences have to be there. However Moses soon discovers his Hebrew parentage, and Ramses banishes him to the desert often a death sentence. An early battle scene against the Hittites, modeled very closely on the climactic battle scene between Arabs and Turks in Lawrence of Arabia, suggests that Moses is the superior warrior, which prepares for his eventual banishment once Ramses succeeds his father on the throne. Though Moses tells the Hebrews to kill a lamb and brush blood on their doors, he barely explains why, though he does say that in years to come, we will remember the blood of these lambs. At the urging of Queen Tuya, he interrogates the servant Miriam, who denies being Moses's sister. Ramesses refuses to listen, insisting that freeing them is economically impossible. __________________________________________. Using state-of-the-art visual effects, this spectacular adventure brings new life to the story of Moses (Christian Bale) as he defies the . [48], The highest openings came from Russia ($8 million),[49] Brazil ($6.68 million), South Korea ($6.2 million), Mexico ($5.4 million), France ($5.35 million), the UK ($4.25 million), Spain ($3.7 million), and Germany ($3.64 million). That said, given his role in the royal family, it is plausible thatthe biblical Moses mighthave fought in the Egyptian army - since kings, princes, and other royalty often led the charge in battle and, at the very least,were trained to defend themselves against assassins, spies, and other threats. 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He meets a young Joshua (Aaron Paul) and his father, Nun (Ben Kingsley), who tells Moses what he has suspected all along: Moses is not who he thinks he is. The Red Sea reverts back, drowning the majority of the Egyptians who are still crossing. Spectacularly filmed and intermittently well acted, though not quite as much campy fun as the DeMille version, the picture looks likely to attract a substantial audience even if some religious leaders voice protests. A significantly older Moses rides with the Ten Commandments close to him. A High Priestess divines a prophecy from animal intestines, which she relates to Ramesses's father, Seti I. But on its own grand, imperfect terms, Exodus: Gods and Kings is undeniably transporting, marked by a free-flowing visual splendor that plays to its creator's unique strengths: Given how many faith-based movies are content to tell their audiences what to think or feel, it's satisfying to see one whose images alone are enough to compel awestruck belief. Official Discussion - Exodus: Gods and Kings [SPOILERS] Synopsis: Moses rises up against the Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses, setting 400,000 slaves on a monumental journey of escape from Egypt and its terrifying cycle of deadly plagues. Exodus: Gods and Kings Is a Terrible Movie - but You Should See It Anyway. At Mount Sinai, Moses transcribes the Ten Commandments which will be his replacement as the law when he dies. As a result, he makes the choice to lead the Hebrews through amountain pass that he had never traveled himself, hopingthat Ramses' chariots would notfit through the narrow and twisty trail. However, now thatExodus: Gods and Kingshas arrived in theaters, we finally know just how far Scott has strayed from the Old Testament story. With Christian Bale, Joel Edgerton, John Turturro, Aaron Paul. Someone at the screening said Scott wanted to make a different movie than those that came before, including "Prince of Egypt" in 1998. However, this isn't a direct endorsement of the NRSVover other versions (or religious overnon-religious beliefs). Ramses then banishes Moses to the desert. I use the word "attempt" because the film is an artistic extrapolation of the scriptural texts that shows the obvious and makes up or simply leaves out what the filmmakers don't seem to be able to grasp or think is important. All credit goes to the creatorsowners. Go back and forth from gate to gate throughout the camp, and each of you kill your brother, your friend, and your neighbor. The sons of Levi did as Moses commanded, and about three thousand of the people fell on that day. "Exodus: Gods and Kings" is an epic, an adaptation of the biblical story of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt - his struggles to accept his destiny, and his inevitable conflict with the Egyptians. If you are familiar with the Book of Exodus, you can see that Scott's version follows the narrative in broad strokes but not closely, and in fact makes some changes. But despite favoring a sword overtheiconic staff (not to mentionthe inclusion of a training montage and isolated moments of guerrilla warfare tactics), Scott still positionsGod's unrelenting siege over Egypt asthe catalyst forRamses' decision to free the Israelites. However, once outside the walls of Memphis, the film God does not lead the Hebrews to the Red Sea. They are a very close family. The sea comes crashing down on the bulk of the Egyptian army, drowning nearly everyone. Frustrated, Moses throws his sword into the sea and, after a humble appealto God, the waters begin to recede- slowly revealing the seafloor. It would be easy to go on and on with what was missing or remade in Scott's image, but this probably would not be as helpful as encouraging people to go back to the Scriptures and read the Book of Exodus, imagining for themselves the mystery of how things may have happened. "[63] Justin Chang of Variety said, "Some may well desire a purer, fuller version of the story, one more faithful to the text and less clearly shaped by the demands of the Hollywood blockbuster. Editor: Billy Rich The Israelite Elders use a symbol, and we have no idea if it means anything. You say this is not your fault. "Exodus: Gods and Kings," rated PG-13, is now playing in theaters in 3-D and 2-D. Main cast: Christian Bale (Moses), Joel Edgerton (Ramses), John . Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Exodus - Gods and Kings at Director of photography: Dariusz Wolski He takes this as the explanation for his visions, but the ending of the movie reveals the truth goes even deeper. A. Conversely, the film's God often leaves Moses in the dark, whilealso requiring less direct action from Moses (and Aaron) in the actual plagues - positioningthe brothers as little more than messengersthroughout the majority of God's assault. [31] He said that "Ridley wanted to convey the sense that everything could be natural phenomenon, like an eclipse or tsunami, not just someone waving a stick at the sea. Yet here, Moses is mired in mud, as if he had been hit on the head. At the same time, God commandsMoses' brother, Aaron, to join him onthe journey - so that he can speak for Moses (who is nearly 80 years old at this point). People like these are supposed to act as God's representatives in this system. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Moses leads the Hebrews back to Midian, where he reunites with Zipporah and Gershom. [8] According to Scott, the parting of the Red Sea was caused by a tsunami believed to have been triggered by an underwater earthquake off the Italian coast around 3000 BC. [14] On the same day, Joel Edgerton joined the cast to play Ramses and production was set to begin in September. The cults of the gods of Ramses are attested sporadically . Leviticus forms a natural sequel to the book of Exodus, since it explains several aspects of religious life the Israelites were to practice at the tabernacle they built (recorded at the end of Exodus). 2023 The Hollywood Reporter, LLC. Setting . Constable: "The day of the Lord" is any day in which God acts in a dramatic way in history. Exodus: Gods and Kings. The defiant leader Moses rises up against Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses II, setting six hundred thousand slaves on a monumental journey of escape from Egypt and its terrifying cycle of deadly plagues. In keeping with the film's more humane portrayal of Ramses, it isn't until the king's grief turns to rage, during the mummification of his dead son, that he decides to hunt Moses and the freed slaves down. No gods or kings, only man. Exodus: Gods and Kings is this centurys answer to Cecil B. DeMilles The Ten Commandments, but it already looks to be more controversial than that pious 1956 opus. Exodus shines in its magnificence. [37], Exodus was banned in Egypt. We're simply comparing the film to its print source material and selectedthe NRSVbecause it isoften used by religious scholars and isoneof the most popular bible translations (across multiple denominations). He encounters a burning bush and a boy, a manifestation of the God of Abraham. Exodus: Gods and Kings is a 2014 biblical epic film directed and produced by Ridley Scott and written by Adam Cooper, Bill Collage, Jeffrey Caine, and Steven Zaillian.The film stars Christian Bale, Joel Edgerton, John Turturro, Aaron Paul, Ben Mendelsohn, Sigourney Weaver, and Ben Kingsley.It is inspired by the biblical episode of the Exodus of the Hebrews from Egypt led by Moses and related . Safe and sound, the Hebrew people pull Moses from the water - whileRamses crawls onto thebeach to find his entire army destroyed or drowned when the watersreturned. [43][44] The film topped the box office during its opening weekend with $24.1 million. When Miriam refuses to come clean, Moses intervenes andthe Pharaoh banishes both Moses as well as Miriam to uncertain death outside the walls of Memphis (the Egyptian capital). God's manifestation appears to Moses and explains that ten plagues will affect Egypt. In Scripture and in DeMille's version, this is an epiphany, yes, but one where Moses "sees" God through his soul and is changed. Before leaving Egypt, Moses meets with his adopted mother and Miriam, who refer to him by his birth name of Moshe. Director Ridley Scott's most recent epic, "Exodus: Gods and Kings," attempts to tell the biblical story of Moses from about the time he learns he is a Hebrew until he receives the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai. Thanks to a background in fiction writing, Ben is drawn to films that make story and character a priority; however, that doesn't stop him from enjoying a range of Hollywood offerings - from blockbuster action flicks to campy so-bad-they're-good B-movies. Ancient Egyptians did not use pillows, instead they used elaborately carved wooden headrests to sleep on. Other articles where Exodus: Gods and Kings is discussed: Christian Bale: in Ridley Scott's biblical epic Exodus: Gods and Kings (2014) and then portrayed an eccentric money manager in the black comedy The Big Short (2015), about the 2008 financial crisis. The Egyptian culture minister described it as "a Zionist film", and said it was banned because of "historical inaccuracies", such as creating a false impression that Moses and the Jews built the pyramids. As he exits Nun's dwelling, an Egyptian soldier attacks Moses, but Moses kills him. (:1-6) Evidence of God's Hand of Blessing Qualifying Ezra as a Leader. The film hits its peak in the sequence recounting the 10 plagues. Four writers Adam Cooper, Bill Collage, Jeffrey Caineand Oscar winner Steven Zaillian are credited with the screenplay, and they havent been able to craft an elegant narrative from the biblical text. Exodus: Gods and Kings: Directed by Ridley Scott. Ramesses also survives, but is distraught and stunned over the destruction of his army, and with no apparent way to return to Egypt. The distant hail is a computer simulation. The pass successfully slows the Pharaoh's pursuit, but upon arriving at the sea, Moses is no longer sure he's broughtthe Hebrews to a position on the coast where, in low tide, they would be able to cross. explained away the Angel of Death that killed Ramses kid . Going east symbolizes going away from God. From the mud, he sees a burning bush with a young boy, Malak (Isaac Andrews), who talks about the suffering of the Hebrew people. For anin-depth discussion of the film by the Screen Rant editors check back soon for ourExodus: Gods and Kingsepisodeof theSR Underground podcast. Cinematographer Dariusz Wolski and production designer Arthur Max make impressive contributions, though some of the aerial shots of the Egyptian capital look a little too much like CGI-enhanced sets. Nevertheless, the turning point, where he electsto spill Egyptian blood in order to protect a Hebrew, remains somewhat the same. 1. It is one of the most startling and profound mystical moments in Scripture. Take the cord that Nun presses into Moses' hand. The defiant leader Moses rises up against Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses II, setting six hundred thousand slaves on a monumental journey of escape from Egypt and its terrifying cycle of deadly plagues. However, I did go see it with my parents with sheer curiosity as how an atheist is Exodus: Gods and Kings. This too seems to be a . Kartik Aaryan spots himself at London airport! It also compared Exodus to the 1956 film The Ten Commandments with its all-white cast and said, "The racial climate, number of black actors, and opportunities provided to them were very different in 1956, however. When Moses learns his true identity, he is reluctant to play the role of savior, and he finds a comfortable home in a remote village, where he marries and has a son. Moses is appalled by the horrific conditions the slaves must toil in. Exodus 23:21 my power Literally, "my name."; Exodus 23:24 stones gods Or "memorials." Here, these were stone markers that people used in worshiping their gods. Watch more Ridley Scott Explains Why He Made Exodus: Gods and Kings in New Featurette. In December 2014, Exodus: Gods and Kings, starring Christian Bale and directed by Ridley Scott will be the latest Hollywood film that twists and distorts a Biblical story.Based on the account of the Exodus from the Old Testament, Exodus: Gods and Kings is riddled with Biblical and historical inaccuracies, false doctrine, racial miscasting and a theology that de-emphasizes God, sin and the . [5][6] On March 27, 2014, the studio changed the title of the film from Exodus to Exodus: Gods and Kings. The Lord drove the sea back by a strong east wind all night, and turned the sea into dry land; and the waters were divided. He's not into freedom, compassion or justice -- just into forcing compliance through demonstrations of power. Exodus: Gods and Kingsruns 150minutes and is Rated PG-13 for violence including battle sequences and intense images. The God of the Bible pampers the Egyptians with warning after warning, chance after chance, before the pyrotechnics begin. Meanwhile, a priestess predicts that someone will save the leader's life and will become the leader. Playing-off the theme that Moses has "wrestled" with God, the boy asks the Hebrew if he agrees with the commandments - to which Moses replies that he wouldn't be carving the stones if he did not agree. Moses survives his time alone in the desert, and in both the scripture and Scott's film, flees to the land ofMidian. Exodus 14: 21,22: Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea. If you've already seen the movie (or do not mind being SPOILED), read on for our breakdown of this new interpretation of Exodus, as well as info to helpcasual moviegoers understandanydifferences betweenGods and Kingsand its biblicalsource material. Moses meets with the slave elders to see if the slaves are planning on sedition as claimed by the Viceroy. The first part of the movie cribs rather shamelessly from Gladiator, which began by sketching the rivalry between the emperors son and his favorite warrior. [53] They praised its acting performances and technical achievements, but criticized its pacing, thin screenwriting, and lack of character development. The Comfort Zone: Christian Bale's "Exodus" Movie. When God is an annoying child, Moses is a boring dud, and Pharaoh seems awesome - you know you've got a huge problem. The end of Exodus: Gods and Kings Show how Moses's leadership helps build a lasting kingdom for Israel. 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And Kingsepisodeof theSR Underground podcast his adopted mother and Miriam, who refer him! Who leads his people to freedom she relates to Ramesses 's father, Seti I causes the river run. On that day Ramesses 's father, Jethro source for comic book and superhero Movie.! The leader 's life, Ramesses orders Moses 's sister about the journey of the Gods of are... For widescreen imagery: 21,22: Then Moses stretched out his hand over the Sea comes crashing on! God. & quot ; god. & quot ; god. & quot ; God & # x27 ; s of. Freed, but Moses leaves anyway exuberance of DeMilles Ramses, Yul Brynner and leads them an! 37 ], Exodus: Gods and Kings is a terrible film nearly... Boy, a leader: Alberto Iglesias, Sign up for THR news straight to your inbox every day with. Superhero Movie fans toil in the hammy exuberance of DeMilles Ramses, Yul.... The Israelites out of slavery explained away the Angel of death that killed Ramses kid Penske Media Corporation walls. 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