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failed cbsa interview
Exhibit passion and enthusiasm to compete for this career opportunity. This leads to tranquility and allows me to handle stressful situations.". If you've never involved yourself with illegal substances, state that with conviction, and that any associated behavior is against your values, morals, and nature. Be sure to check out our other company interview question sets, This company typically hires for the following careers, use these career-focused practice sets to help you win your interview. Throughout your application, you'll need to demonstrate the characteristics and traits they're looking for in a CBSA employee. Your interviewer will listen to your example and study how you responded to and handled the situation, and what you learned from it. At the end of the role play, they will probably offer you feedback on your performance. You must be able to speak, read, and write in both English and French at a designated level. The interviewers were thorough, unprofessional, and provided no indication of my performance. Using information from the Code of Conduct, and language similar to the CBSA, take some time to think about the tangible ways in which you'll exude honesty, integrity, and character throughout your career. (UTE), said in an interview. Are you the type to object to their approach and assert your own? "I believe in behaving correctly in terms of honesty and integrity even when no one is looking, such as bribery, personal gain, lying, etc. During an interview, you should provide the interviewer with your undivided attention. The agency is scouting for a significant range of talent when it comes to the security professionals and agents they are bringing on board. Objectively analyze the experience without judgment. It will test your flexibility and your adaptability, and if you adjust your approach and your communication style. A Situational question is posed in the future tense, to see how you would respond to a hypothetical situation you may not have encountered yet. I think its going to be about my removal from Canada but am scared that I will be detained and deported upon showing up for this interview. Exhibit a full comprehension of their expectations. There's a lot you can do to prepare yourself emotionally and physically for their stringent interview process. On their website, CBSA partly defines their core value of respects as meaning, 'treating all people with respect, dignity, and fairness.' We accept responsibility for our actions in order to build and maintain a reputation of trustworthiness and accountability.' Interview questions were first added on December 10th, 2013, Interview answers were first added by Rachelle Enns on March 28th, 2020, Interview questions and answers were updated by Rachelle Enns on March 28th, 2020, 5 community answers were added by Rachelle Enns on March 18th, 2021, 1 community answer was added by Rachelle Enns on March 27th, 2021, 30 community answers were added by Rachelle Enns on March 29th, 2021, 1 community answer was added by Rachelle Enns on March 31st, 2021, 4 community answers were added by Rachelle Enns on April 2nd, 2021, 9 community answers were added by Rachelle Enns on April 3rd, 2021, 2 community answers were added by Rachelle Enns on April 4th, 2021, 9 community answers were added by Rachelle Enns on April 8th, 2021, 2 community answers were added by Rachelle Enns on April 9th, 2021, 5 community answers were added by Rachelle Enns on April 10th, 2021, 13 community answers were added by Rachelle Enns on April 11th, 2021, 5 community answers were added by Rachelle Enns on April 13th, 2021, 2 community answers were added by Rachelle Enns on April 19th, 2021, 7 community answers were added by Rachelle Enns on April 21st, 2021, 11 community answers were added by Stephanie Cafaro on May 9th, 2021, 129 questions and/or answers were updated by Kevin Downey on July 7th, 2022, Checked for grammar and spelling mistakes by Ryan Brown on July 7th, 2022, 401 questions and/or answers were updated by Kevin Downey on July 31st, 2022, Checked for grammar and spelling mistakes by Ryan Brown on July 31st, 2022. At the end of your answer, consider further qualifying yourself by providing real-life examples of how you exude respect, integrity, and professionalism. It is common to come across these high tension situations and it's important to know how to respond calmly. If you are an emotionally intelligent individual who can effectively navigate such scenarios, then it will take some time before you decide to recruit the assistance of your team leader. The knowledge I gained from taking those courses will benefit me in a career with CBSA in various ways. It is an understanding that the organization exists to serve the needs of Canada and its communities without discrimination. Take full advantage of any time they give you. Please, continue reading to learn about the CBSA recruitment process and improve your chances of being hired by . I recommend building on this answer by giving specific examples of the sources you lean on for your information. The first option will be automatically selected. There are some situations where it would be deemed prudent to approach the at fault co-worker first. So the wisest course is to pull aside a lead manager, one you can trust to handle this situation appropriately and inform them clearly of all the facts you have gathered as objectively as possible, and ask if there was anything you could do to continue to be of help. You will also be scored on how well you interact with the actor, especially on the level of the respect and sensitivity you exhibit concerning race and diversity. Type at least three characters to start auto complete. To eliminate the confusion caused by multiple agencies, the CBSA was formed. You want to support your management's ability to do their job while adhering to the standards and guidelines put out by HR whose conduct is often informed by their legal department. Assure the interviewer that you understand the importance of keeping your focus in the workplace and the preventative measures you take to ensure a grounded work/life balance. I have worked in respite shelters where there is an overdose daily. Make a list of what went well and where there was room for improvement. Set the impression you're up to any challenge. This is especially important when immersed in scenarios surrounding linguistic diversity. It will evaluate your composure, your communication skills, and your problem-solving skills. Sometimes it may be the case that you didnt do anything wrong but there was just someone else that stood out slightly more than you. CBSA instructors are certified to RCMP "Mod 4" standard, and training and certification of officers closely follows . Coming across bodies is certainly a unique benchmark - the interviewer may have some follow up questions there, so it may be an appropriate time to tell a brief story around that situation when you are in your interview. Too often that very suggestion may have already been tried and failed, inevitably replaced with the very policy you're suggesting replacing. Whatever your preference, be sure that your enthusiasm shines through showing CBSA hiring authorities that you are ready to serve and protect your country, with long-term career goals within their organiziation in mind. However, you should always be asking questions. I think it really comes down to the fact that there are just so many candidates going for each job at the moment and they are all competing for the 1 position. Solid answer! Paperwork and filing reports can be repetitive and monotonous. This allows for any transferable skills to shine through, especially where a background in law enforcement or border patrol isn't a prerequisite. Your answer will also offer insights into how sound your judgement is, while revealing your personal integrity, your values and ethics. CBSA has a specific hiring process for applicants who want to be recruited into the agency. They are curious to see whether you truly explore every avenue when dealing with a challenging person. (TASK) As a person with integrity, I believe it is my duty to report instances that I witness. I speak Urdu and Punjabi. "The division that interests me the most would be air, just from my experience working at the airport. If you have had illicit participation in the past, be ready to disclose it for the sake of pure transparency. I will take every opportunity that I can to learn about other cultures through CBSA educational forums and will embrace and appreciate those different from me. Research the body language of someone who is confident and relaxed in a seated position. For obvious reasons, the CBSA is looking to recruit applicants who have a clean drug history. I was on academic suspension but while that period i was studying in bcit as a part timer. This is a medical screening, designed to assess if you meet the minimal physical requirements for work as a police officer . It will help them gauge your skill level with your project management skills, your time management skills, and your leadership skills. So before criticizing a policy and requesting a change, it is important to establish whether the suggestion you might offer hasn't been suggested before. For Situational questions, the recommended approach is to apply the ARC method. Very well said! The knowledge I gained from taking those courses will benefit me in a career with CBSA because I already have prior knowledge that will be beneficial to your agency.". It will test your flexibility and your adaptability, and if you adjust your approach and your communication style, which also will help in your diplomacy and negotiation in the situation. NEXUS Interview Questions. If you have an example of a time when your calm presence stood out from others, relay this brief story. So I applied to both the RCMP and Corrections Canada. Speak with confidence while making eye contact. Seeing how well you deal with difficult situations is one aspect of what they'll be assessing in this hypothetical situational question. To get recruited at CBSA, you need to submit an online application through the agency's official website or visit The values of the Canada Border Services Agency guide them in everything they do, and their hiring authorities want to ensure the person they hire already embraces their core values of respect, integrity, and professionalism. They'll observe your skill level and see how well it matches to how you've presented yourself on your resume, as well as throughout the interview so far. Was the message you meant to send truly received, or was it lost in translation? The interviewer should feel very confident knowing that you uphold your virtues and beliefs so strongly. You may call during normal business hours at (952) 857-2907. I always try to practice leadership, not only in my work life but my personal life, as well. Approach this like you would a sales pitch or a credibility statement. The multi-tiered Code of Conduct outlines a variety of topics such as values and expected standards, prohibited actions, misconduct, conflicts of interest, disclosure of information, and other issues critically related to ethics. Therefore, they're looking for any indication you may respond emotionally as opposed to logically in such situations. Canada Border Services Agency managers at Toronto's Pearson airport allowed a small group of Hindu priests to avoid screening by female border . Go into a private space with a mirror, look yourself in the eye, and say some self-affirmations to yourself. Discuss your ability to adapt your communication style to others. Since this is testing your responses, you'll want to practice. Your interviewer will be keeping an eye out for your sense of teamwork and how developed your communication skills are. You sound confident and ready to meet these expectations :). You will have many topics to dive deep into as a CBSA officer, and it seems that you are ready and eager to begin. Performing background checks requires capital. Your answer will clue them in to your passions, hobbies, and your job-centric interests and how they align with what they have to offer. It will probably evaluate you on your self-control and composure, which will speak to your emotional intelligence and your ability to govern your own emotions. I will encourage this effort by wholeheartedly supporting my team members regardless of race, ethnicity, age, ability, language, gender, orientation, or religion. Use this information to set goals for improving your interviewing skills. The first time most prospective police officers see a psychologist is during their pre-employment psychological evaluation interview. This also will help in your diplomacy and negotiation in the situation. A CBSA spokesperson said during the calendar years 2016 to 2018, it investigated 821 allegations of misconduct by agents at all border crossings, of which 615 led to disciplinary action . For instance, I traveled from Calgary to Toronto in Sept. Your annual salary will increase to $69,486 to $82,411 (FB-03). This also will require you to exhibit in your diplomacy, composure, and will test your sense of teamwork, how you inspire others, and how you foster a stronger team environment and collaborative mentality. It's widely recommended you keep yourself mentally sharp and physically fit while working through each stage of the interview process. If you can handle this situation on your own, then you should. ", "i always maintain my cool even in the most heated of situations. Whenever possible, I recommend adding a qualifying statement at the end of your response. Take notes on the relevant information which will guide you on how to respond and react. These topics have definitely piqued my interest and I plan to further expand my knowledge. There are too many variables to draw that conclusion. They will ask to see your passport, visas and travel documents as well as those of any family members travelling with you to ensure that you are authorized to enter Canada. It will test your problem-solving skills, and your ability to discern facts from opinions or misunderstandings. Canada Border Services Agency employees must prepare to react swiftly and appropriately during times of global strain. Others will be more complicated and intensive and could potentially last a long time. Don't try to navigate this question without a thorough understanding of its nature. On the other hand, let's say your interviewing skills are not the problem. Offer an example of when you put this to the test. Be prepared to show that you have an understanding of the role that CBSA plays in such an event. The police psychological exam is a screening designed to evaluate whether you can handle the stress that accompanies a career in law enforcement. The medical requirements outlined by CBSA focus on a variety of areas, including vision, hearing, physical ability to undergo the 'use of force' training, and a psychological assessment evaluating their ability to deal with stress. Because of the volume of inquiries received, you may have to leave a message and wait for a return call, so we strongly encourage you to contact us via e-mail. It will evaluate your ability to develop yourself, whether you are willing to step outside of your comfort zone while exhibiting integrity. Some scenarios will be quick, where you'll experience several role plays back to back. How you build and develop your teams should be a reflection of how you have developed your own skills and how we grow in our careers. I also possess experience in the realm of customer service due to my previous jobs and am very well versed in delivering client services. For instance, in the example answer where I say, 'I do my best to remain curious and learn about different cultures as often as I can. So, before disagreeing with your supervisor, you should have a full understanding and appreciation of the tactics they employ to address a 'problem'. These medical requirements are in place to protect the candidate and everyone they'd serve in this position. Especially in today's landscape with COVID impacting travel and border crossing, tensions are high! Interview questions and answer examples and any other content may be used else where on the site. Offer how this would personally impact you, that of learning your work quality did not meet your expectations. Discuss how you remain helpful and collaborative, regardless of the volume of work or pressures on any given day. Rate your skills in each language as beginner, conversational, or fluent. This is where the STAR framework will come in very handy. Record your voice and listen for tone, speech-crutches, slang and choice of words. Watch your body language in the mirror. Lastly, it will test your ability to identify the client's needs, from their need to feel heard, validated, empathized with, and assured their concerns are going to be addressed in a manner that exceeds their expectations. Competition for agency positions is stiff, and the interviewer needs to ensure you'll be dedicated to their mission, committed, and prepared to dedicate yourself to a long-term career with CBSA. They want to ensure your motives are well aligned with their culture and meet the expectations of the role. So the heart of this question is what action you take versus being less productive through task paralysis. Or do you fall somewhere in the middle ground, seeking more information before voicing any concerns? Lastly, how effectively did you communicate your recommendation? I like to maintain physical fitness.". Share your skill level. I pose a situational question in the future tense, to see how you would respond to a hypothetical situation you may not have encountered yet. But rather, thinking back on any situations where you've faced a similar situation and shined. CBSA poured resources and effort into ensuring they fully embrace respect as a core value. Describe how you handle yourself when you are stressed or under pressure. Additionally, it is worth examining why you believed strongly in your recommendation.So, what fueled your strong belief of this idea, and what were the reasons for it being shot down? Canada's inflation rate peaked in June at 8.1 per cent and dropped in November to 6.8 per cent. Terrific answer! Take your time before the interview to read through CBSA's approach to ensure you are well versed in their expectations. My desire to work in a security and enforcement environment and that motivated me to make the right changes and commitments in my life. Most job seekers think the interview is all about themselves. The life of a police officer can often get emotionally, physically and psychologically taxing. Using the ARC method, describe the action you would take in this situation, and elaborate on the reasoning behind your actions. Hence, these were not hard decisions to make.". It's clear that you have put in a lot of prep work - this is excellent! Even PRs have no chance of being selected. Free updates for one year. So, before making any suggestions for improvements, it is necessary to fact gather and explore its potential before approaching your supervisors with your suggestion. "My airport experience is valuable, especially as a screening officer. It will test your ability to identify the client's needs, from their need to feel heard, validated, empathized with, and assured their concerns are going to be addressed in a manner that exceeds their expectations. Lastly, it will test your conscientiousness and reliability, and how consistent you are in your responses, your approach, and your overall handling of the situation.
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