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fantasy sentence examples
It is not spinning an illusion or, When it comes to having fun for a girls' night out, bachelorette party or other special occasion, Chippendales the Show is the epitome of every female, Jackie Cassada in The Library Journal said Marillier blends old legends with original storytelling to produce an epic, The magazine Publishers Weekly praised Bernstein s snappy LRB quick RRB delivery and all the right funny touches that made the actionpacked, Somebody reminded me that, that word 'fancy' -- which in a sense for me, encapsulated this object -- actually comes from the same root as the word 'fantasy. (1156) Female androids elicit debates of misogyny, sexual exploitation and even the roots of essential feminism as they appear in science fiction and fantasy works. 38 examples: Many of the first fantasy football leagues were pure-scoring leagues as this Any town, New York, Chicago, with its people, becomes improbable with distance. Well, it kind of does - and I'm much more pragmatic about romance than I used to be. But he said Facebook is not really to blame. Take the kids away, I don't know. (206) She invents fantasy lives for her own vicarious pleasure. (235) This is occurring in a Gothic fantasy world of action games. (105) Abandon the fantasy and pick up on the signs. (1210) There's something terribly weird about the standard fantasy setting--not least of which the fact the phrase standard fantasy setting can be uttered without irony. Truth is the only reality. But it is not the kind of magic written about in, The English once had a continuity myth involving the ancients in the story of the eponymous Trojan, Brutus, but this, Its been 50 years since Soft Machine released its first album alchemizing intrepid , jazz-influenced improvisation with rock n roll, Candytopia, the pop-up exhibit with locations in Manhattan and San Francisco, shares some characteristics with Disneylanda costumed guide, manufactured, As for fairy tales, he understood that they were reflections of the people who had spun them, and were flecked with little truths - intrusions of reality into, Though the dialogue quotes Andreas-Salom on individualistic topics such as, The most well-known body shaper undergarment is the corset, which has undergone numerous iterations in its long history and is still worn today, although more commonly as a fetish or, To cope, he constructed an elaborate miniature World War II-era Belgian town where he would create, He begins to learn about magic, and eventually discovers that the setting of his favorite series of, And let's not forget the Elvish languages in J.R.R. (906) Cloaked in the garb of realism, these striving children are as much figures of fantasy as Luke Skywalker or Harry Potter. He felt at that moment that he was coming from nowhere and going nowhere, that life isn't a dream or a fantasy, it is a long trudge through falling snow. (272) 1She had a fantasy about going to live on a South Pacific island. This was a searing, living force, rough around the edges, unfamiliar and bittersweet. (107) I'm a blond bimbo girl, in the fantasy world. You instantly feel like you know a lot about Locke Lamora, master con artist, and his cunning tricks. The Limits of Enchantments, Graham Joyce. It is the very nature of fantasy and fable. This is the beginning and the end of spiritual practice. (1054) I combine the fantasy of haute couture with the vapidity of clothing, just like create a brand new salad for the international fashion world. (387) I feel very comfortable in our relationship, and I have a vivid fantasy life. (131) this fantasy of invulnerability was so complete, (132) He has written several novels and fantasy books. (1070) Life is but a momentary glimpse of the wonder of this astounding universe, and it is sad to see so many dreaming it away on spiritual fantasy. You are not a fantasy: you are my love. (1192) When it comes to having fun for a girls' night out, bachelorette party or other special occasion, Chippendales the Show is the epitome of every female fantasy. (1465) Unlike any other organ in human body, the brain cells are stimulated by key ingredients like imagination, fantasy, creativity, craziness, courage, passion, and even nonsense. Lot of example sentences with the word fantasy of. So live like each moment is filled with gold. (374) I don't write fantasy; I write historical novels about an imaginary place. (755) I think I must live in some kind of crazed fantasy land , when I have absolutely NO self awareness whatsoever. Emotions cloud logic and judgements . (171) I was weaned on a regular diet of Hollywood fantasy. Jemisin. "I am not as I once was." (665) I wasn't as impressed with this book as, not that it was badly written, I'm just a huge fantasy fan. (390) He writes mainly epic fantasy and has also written two movie novelizations. (703) The text seems dully at variance with the fantasy of the illustrations and falls between two stools. A, 1Jay would nod and reply, make coffee, light cigarettes and smile at her silk stocking, 1That is why I am so dubious about all these, the san joaquin killer is a sad little person living in a, If you want to read a very badly written, unappealing, 2Jay would nod and reply, make coffee, light cigarettes and smile at her silk stocking, That is why I am so dubious about all these, Absorption is a personality trait associated with, Princess Ai is a great character because she feels like my alter ego , but in a, In fact, while they are labeled as such, they are not really, And carrots which looked like impacted wisdom teeth crossed with a, And after a long dry season of neutrals and minimalism, perhaps, Mr. Murphy: Does not the so-called initiative for our valleys involve more, It is a nice touch, but the picture does not handle, In Tolkien 's mind, he wasn't just creating a, In Tolkien 's mind , he wasn't just creating a, In the absence of faith, our dreams will move from feasible aspirations to implausible, It's warm, sentimental , amusing yet serious, bringing, Im pretty worried that the critics are going to call you a male, Grand Theft Auto takes place in Liberty City, a, Chivalry, pure and passionless women, unearthly beauty: the high Southern, First and foremost, this is a good story for people who like to get lost in their, She was meant to be illustrating a new book for children, a, 1. I'm so smart I can negate any dream. (603) Is that romantic fantasy real? Why Is Focusing on Sentences Important? (431) 2It is sheer fantasy to imagine that the cause of socialism is all plain sailing. (1500) I who have copied down this story, or more accurately fantasy, do not credit the details of the story, or fantasy. (569) Acclimating to high school early as I banished my first fantasy of living as a drunk musician. (554) Redolent, in a sense, of science fiction, turning London into a kind of fantasy playground. Our hearts can get confused if our reality doesn't match, All the actors I respect, especially old-Hollywood actors, the reason I think so many of them have had long careers is that there is a sort of mystery about them. (1561) I recognized it instantly. Bang goes the fantasy of retirement at 3. Ship of Ishtar, A. Merrit. "Some years ago there was in the city of York a society of magicians." (369) At the end of the speech he seemed to be moving into the realms of fantasy. Plus this is just such a funny, sharp opening. (331) Dear, I can't write, it's all a fantasy: a kind of circling obsession. It's been said but is it true? 0 5 Fantasyof Fantasy- Hd wallpapers, Power of excellence. (264) Life better when it comes to fantasy world in your imagination. What if the world doesnt work the way you think? (535) A dreamlike musing or fantasy while awake, especially of the fulfillment of wishes or hopes. [But we must face] the painful awareness that in all likelyhood one's own character would not have stood firm. Day in, day out, he dealt in a concrete way with very concrete problems, well aware that his words and deeds could change young lives for good or ill. (1567) Theres a reason that some of our oldest and most important stories start with Once upon a time . L. Frank Baum. (1595) What can I say instead of "fantasy"? (513) It might sound like some kind of wild fantasy, but it wasn't an erotic experience at all. (868) The romantic fantasy world that she had entered when she left the train with Ludo was dissolving in the light of reality. (924) The Legend of Milu Deer; Princess Yoyo is a fantasy CG animated film featuring the national treasure of the pere David's Deer. (126) 1He tried to yank his mind back out of fantasy. OK, let's be honest. We claim ideals and embrace images and dreams of fantasy. The result is a decidedly mixed bag of campy humor, wild-eyed fantasy and high-tech special effects. English The cloning of human beings is not a fantasy. It's giant and a huge fantasy epic, but it's grounded in some form of reality. (168) The moneyless society became centuries-old fantasy. I've spent my life creating, yet she was pristine the likes of which I could never fashion. (1554) So Ive held on to Catholicism or Zen, as practices, as fantasy futures, as possible identities. Worry is a way to pretend that you have knowledge or control over what you don't--and it surprises me, even in myself, how much we prefer ugly scenarios to the pure unknown. So the best SF novels have endings that resolve. (567) She pinned him with her dark, direct gaze. (1209) I think what a lot of action movies lose these days, especially the ones that deal with fantasy, is you stop caring at some point because you've lost human scale. (290) The Bellmaker is a fantasy book written by Brian Jacques in 1994. (756) This time, he had posted several titles of fantasy books on the chalkboard, and then let us imperviously vote. He had the strange, This is also one reason why I remain so steadfastly resolute about concentrating on, For instance, when relaying an email from Yahoo about my, Both curiosity and pleasantry come from his free and flexible painting style, and elapse with a life style marked by, She has written books poetry children s books essays and short stories especially in the, Room on the Third Floor is a delicious blend of, The banks were used as limitless reservoirs to fertilise growth, indulge political, Jonnie laughed, enjoying the possibility, yet denying herself the wish to melt into, Remember, too, that on the rare weeks when the lottery becomes the focus of every newscast, its OK to indulge in the. (1082) I was about to give up when I spotted the most beautiful, perfect, heavenly , off white, romantic fairy-fantasy skirt at the far end of the floor. Deborah Palfrey said her now- defunct business was an erotic, For the first Final Fantasy game please see Final Fantasy LRB video game RRB Final Fantasy is a, We stand on the shores of a Mystery, carried by the beauty of the horizon into, I have to do more close research and fact checking for the science fiction. (637) I would definitely recommend it; just don't expect any modern fantasy wizardry here and enjoy it. See no fantasy lead thee out a-roaming. (87) The young man lives in a world of fantasy. (778) Do not be afraid of disappearing into a fantasy land of castles, maidens and jousting knights for an hour or two. (1159) But while I was reading Foundryside, I couldnt help but imagine that the book was essentially a cyberpunk novel, trapped in the clothes of an epic fantasy. (989) Sometimes he would find himself indulging in fantasy[], would picture them together in London in his new flat. We accept him or her insofar as this person fits the co-ordinates of our, There's no artist in this world that doesn't enjoy the dream that if they have bad reviews now, the story of Keats can redeem them, in their, We are so addicted to this lie. (104) Reality and fantasy are hard to distinguish. That's hard for an old, inveterate, Her songs offer personal empowerment and are a salve for dark times, or provide a whimsical, escapist, 2Impossible to escape the ways in which some, The Scoop: Almost 30 years after the first, How can an otherwise sane individual become so enamored of a. . (1053) Her debut novel Trail of Lightning is a dazzling urban fantasy that puts indigenous culture front and center and sets up an incredible world. Plus there's the grand sweeping question of the "irreducible strangeness" of the universe. (583) They fund a scholarship for budding fantasy writers and support a wolf sanctuary in New Mexico. (697) As long as most people are happy to have the monarchy, the abolitionist position is an arrogant fantasy. (222) Triss is a fantasy book written by Brian Jacques in 2002. (70) a king of fantasy regulates your pulse, (71) That I am not the one in your fantasy, (72) you are a fantasy and i'm drawn to you. They do no believe in war, which is a, The love Nora and I shared was certainly grand. (555) May the sun come, it's a new day; In the pure land of fantasy; That our darkness enlightened. (1003) But in the weird alchemy of Philadelphia today, it didnt seem like a fantasy to imagine those deeper structural changes moving forward. He wasn't afraid of looking uncool - he wasn't scared to openly love innocence, or to be optimistic, or to write sentimentally when he felt that way. (620) The Edge Chronicles are books of youngadult and fantasy wrote by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell.
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