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genetically inferior definition
A vast land full of diamonds and minerals. We take no prisoners. Only the fittest of the fittest will survive, in the end. The writing is on the wallask yourself this if Nubians were and are so bad why have them as slaves or breastfeed your children??? And inferior in different ways because of this but one is not better than the other. while they have grown in most of the rest of the world. You seem to think that only caucasians once lived in caves, of course all ancient people lived in caves at least if the topograghy allowed for it. When did the Astrogoths get to Andalus? Smh. , - . 1. give your evidence of white people arriving in Europe 400ad. Wasnt it the Africans that sparked the Europe you so bask in. Look at the blonde and fair haired mumies from the Taklamakan in western china who date back to the brone age , they came from the Russian steppes and introduced the wheel into China as well as being the decendants of the people who first domesticated the horse, their decendants lived in China until the early middleages and we know them as the Tocharians, they were assimilated into turkic tribes and lost their identity.. WebCustom boutique photography for newborns, children, families, seniors, and weddings Go figure another language like that or with such a history. My only friends would be my genetically engineered monkey butler and the little people I hired to be my living chess set. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. African Origin of the Olympics: The Black Greeks, Moorish Kings of England: King James VI and I of Scotland and England 1566 1625 and his daughter, The Jews, the Hebrews and the Israelites: Not Your Same Old Same Old By Bishop, Black Arab Kuwaitis and White Arabized Kuwaitis, Charlemagne, the Moor and the Negrito Royalty of the Holy Roman Empire Marc Washingtons Perspectives, African Roots of Famous Euro-American Families, JENdA: A Journal of African Women Studies & Culture. Your women are the trash of the world. Their next step was to determine if evolution had continued in modern humans. When did Visigoths get to Rome? Dr. Lahns graduate students began decoding DNA from 1,184 people belonging to 59 groups from around the world, including Bedouins, Pima Indians and French-speaking Basques. Your such an ignorant fool, calling ancient Europeans canibals. Smythen barks: For the record a young year old Nubian princess scored a 150 on IQ test!! How to use genetic in a sentence. If YOU truly know for sure that youre genes are inferior, then the best thing you can do is just not reproduce. IT IS NOT LOST TO EVERYONE BUT THE MAJORITY HAS NO IDEA. Although many students have thoughtful answers, not one student I have You are arguing a losing fallacy. The same thing as thinking and assuming genetic superiority. Hitler was the last person that made either or assumptions. How can anyone assume what THESE PEOPLE ARE LIVING TO A 100 WITHOUT EYEGLASSES, ARTHRITIS,ANY HEART ISSUSES, BREATHING ISSUES EITHER, THEY ARE HEALTHIER AND STRONGER THAN PEOPLE HALF THEIR AGE. Smythe, todays Africa is the shit-hole your theiving, whorinig lieing and muderous ancestors made it into. Greek mythology came from Africa. You do not have the complete book of life. Limited resources. When did the Vandals get to Hispana-Spain? Where is the virtue in that? UNLIKE THE EUROPEANS. Education, medical care, and other public services were segregated, and those available to Black people were inferior . ANCIENT AFRIKANS DIDNT NEED TELEVISION TO SEE PEOPLE IN FAR DISTANCE THEY HAD THE KNOWLEDGE (ALCHEMY) JUST LIKE THE DOGON TRIBE STILL POSSES IT TO CHART WITHOUT ANY MODERN EQUIPMENT THATS WHY THE STUDIED FOR 40 YEARS. EVERYTHING LEADS BACK TO THE BEGINNING (AFRIKA, EGYPT,MIZRAIM, MIZRAR, KEMET) Also, you need to provide citations for your tomfoolery if ever there was such a thing. You lies and whines are inadequate authorities. THE AFRIKANS GAVE TO THE WORLD CIVILIZATION TRUTH, NATURE, RGHTEOUSNESS AND ALL THAT WAS GOOD. Even today, researchers can find a correlation, on average, between peoples brain size and their IQ. #imjustsayin. The fierce and proud Bedouin nomads of the Middle East actually have a lot of European and South Asian blood. Re: any attention from genetically inferior males qualifies as harassment to women. Without this sciences, you would still be eating the flesh of mummies, and eating the powdered bones of Saints as your means of being healed from various diseases. EUROPEANS ARE A BUNCH OF WOPS. Based upon my reading of the NY Times article, which apparently put a PC spin on things, I concluded that Dr. Lahns research indicated that there are genetic differences between the races which affect brain function. The first Africans were neither Negroid or Caucasian, these are later developments., LoL! 3.Prove what you said about the English language being invented when infact it is the direct descendant of Anglo-Saxon, a low western Germanic language , with it is true many Norman french loan words. Rothschild even admits controlling the United Kingdom. Sorry if I hurt your feeling but your rambling does not sound like the product of an educated or sane mind. DESTROY THEIR IDENTITY CREATE SLAVERY AND GIVE THEM THEIR RELIGION TO DESTROY THEM. The World Bank report, called Can Africa Claim The Twenty-first Century?, Further more the racist language in this thread was started by you ,.its there for anybody to see, its obvious that you hate Europeans from your racist derogatory language, personally, i think you and your kind are a joke and are not really worth hating. WebSo the phrase Genetic inferiority is a mistake in logic, language and science. By the way, I know I am Brown like James Brown, and I am black and proud. This is why separatism works. WebGenetically inferior to whom? You are going back to that. PinkSmythe, I did not make you pink. . Between the 7th and the 17th century in Europe, the Muurs the so-called black people from Africa, educated the entire Europe, in the discipline of arts and sciences. Source: Can Africa Claim the 21st Century, Even just to maintain current levels of poverty, African economies will have That is why your western scientists made the discoveries above for youso that in your moment of hubristic jingoism, you will remember your limitations and your origins. Learn more. WebEugenics. Now what is your defence MR. Your time will come when you shall all pay for your crimes against humanity. You are not advancing the discussion at all you are perpetuating the problem. And the funny thing is, although we are genetically inferior apparently, we have been able to secure things like food and water for all our people. Previously, weve been able to look at the genome and say, This part is from Africa, this is from Asia,' explained Virginia research Andrew Singleton to Wired News. cedar park high The other mutation, present mostly in people from the Middle East and Europe, and estimated to be 5,800 years old, coincided with the development of cities and written language.. ), Droid aka Mr. Smythen moans: PLEASE VISIT DR.HOROWITZ.COM YOU WILL LEARN WHAT ELSE EUROPEANS HAVE INVENTED??? Then I cited you the research works stored on the databases belonging to the National Institue of Health the leading US Health Institute which sets the generally applicable medical and clinical procedures used by all US medical scientists and you say it is discredited. (PS all naturally living organisms need the Sun) #Imjustsayin, So-called Whites never did survive that frozen tundra; they were so stupid they never even adapted from their carnivorous ways; were it not for the Grimaldi Negro, who taught the last survivors of the Neanderthal extinction to catch fish; and probably had sex with a few Neanderthal women; there would be no White Race. But some of us understand that the Universe is Cause and Consequences and at present Black people are dealing with the sins of our Fathers. Because Europeans kidnapped Africans from their realm and forced them to be something they are not which is European so much of their overall knowledge was lost. domesticated barley. This floral anatomy makes it easy for a plant's pollen to land on itself, resulting in self-fertilization and genetically inferior, inbred offspring. BRAINS. They also demonstrate that a population of altruists can initially emerge through inclusive fitness, helping and receiving help among genetically related individuals. Native Americans had the least genetic diversity of all, indicating that part of the world was settled last. The country that has nothing has everything and the country that has everything has nothing. WebView the translation, definition, meaning, transcription and examples for Genetically inferior, learn synonyms, antonyms, and listen to the pronunciation for Genetically Vice is nothing to boast about and if anything indicates a sever deficiency. than they were at independence in the 1960s. WebSee definition of genetically on as in inherently synonyms for genetically Compare Synonyms constitutionally intrinsically naturally by birth congenitally Shame on you pink punk ignoramus. According to the research work of the scientists of European descent who are all based in Cornell University Americas leading Ivy league University and other TO GO OUT OF YOUR WAY TO DO ALL THIS IS OF A INFERIOR NATURE LOOKING FOR POWER YOU CANT HANDLE.. WITH ALL THE SETBACKS AND UNCONCIOUSNESS WE FACE PEOPLE OF AFRKAN DESCENT ARE STILL STRIVING. Go ask them why they made the findings above since Rastalivewire is just the messenger. , , , . With only 10m telephone lines, half of them in South Africa, there is little First of all, we harnessed arable land and domesticated animals like Cows so we could get food, we did this on our own and completely independently from everyone else, we didnt steal a god damned thing. We gonna rule the earth tomorrow with our superior genetic profile and wisdom. The doubly diluted genetic diversity has allowed bad mutations to build up in the European population, something that the more genetically varied African population has had more success in weeding out. Ok if your fit to survive in any environmentthen why does your skin peel, blister, burn, & turn red when your in the Sun? Mr. Smythe, welcome to Rastalivewire, we are electric here. , . , . If a gene is detrimental, the animal will not survive very long. If youre ashamed Yes i am proud to be an ethnic white European, and please list in full with sources in full the precise achievements of sub-saharan negroid Africans because there must be so many being so superior , laugh out loud. Unfortunately, because of political correctness, it seems that Dr. Lahn has to stop doing his brain research. . You are a very stupid arrogant fool, you need to know what you are talking about not simply geting your tit bits of knowledge from poorly researched black nationalist sites which are intelectually substandard, you also have a habit of only hearing what you want to hear, and taking bits and bobs of information without being able to see the complete picture.but please i would love detailed and full rebutals to my listed points, full and complete. By the way, the pink nations of central Asia are so dog poor that you would not want to be associated with your poorer cousins anymore. The Asian-looking Hazara of Afghanistan are correct in claiming ancestry in Mongolia, but the Han, the dominant ethnic group in China, may be disappointed to discover theyre actually two peoples, one north, the other south. Delivered to your inbox! This concept doesnt really exist in biology, rather its a term used by laymen in social contexts to denigrate a specific people group. The idea i The very aboriginal americans - YouTube Video, 13th Century African Coin Found in Australia, The moors of anatolia and aegean islands: Black Turks and, White slaves of Barbados on a sugar plantation: a picture,,,,,%20ak%FEam%20e%F0lendi%5C02.jpg,,, Benin kingdom, Nigeria, 16th17th century, The moorish Medicus ordinarius or Army doctor, White slaves of Barbados on a sugar plantation: a picture story, The moors of anatolia and aegean islands: Black Turks and black Greeks the lausanne treaty 1924. Is there another human language like that?., Henri the fifth whines: Azerbaijan? canibalism is one of africas great traditions , please dont take your low african cultural psychological traits and project it on to more advanced Europeans, if you want a serious debate based on evidence great, but otherwise shut up. VEGAN DIET, iam studying nutrition and my teacher states it is the western world that is truly primitive, since they are dying from all these disease(heart issue, arthritis,diabetes etc.) Lahn stands by his work but says that because of the controversy he is moving into other projects.. Black NEGROID africans have achieved nothing.And please dont tell me that the ancient Egyptians were black, well they certainly were not negroid ,fact. Their Bones Tell Tales Beyond Their Graves. See my point now? Remember Gott mit uns., See Azeri blond beauty queen:,,%20ak%FEam%20e%F0lendi%5C02.jpg, See Uzbek President and his cousin W.Bush: Perhaps the genes play a role outside of the brain or affect a brain function that has nothing to do with intelligence. . Believe me, I know what happens when someone doesnt like an guy venting or that a man wants his beliefs heard. A statistical analysis of DNA patterns suggested that new mutations in each of the two brain-related genes had spread quickly through some human populations. , . - , - . For more information, log onto and click on the icon that says Magazine. Even you evil Smythen suggested that it could be Tochurian in central Asia or somewhere near western China. Haiti could be a rich little country with rich farmland, and tourists could go there to enjoy the beaches, but the nigs have ruined that land. There is no specific Negroid type, who are you Darwin or some joker. Read the article again and click on the link to see the original paper in Cornel University database. For example, Native Americans show even less genetic diversity than Europeans, having descended from a few thousand people who entered North America about 10,000 years ago. The genes will likely , - , . It aint white skin. NO. Prove what you said about the English language being invented when infact it is the direct descendant of Anglo-Saxon, a low western Germanic language , with it is true many Norman french loan words., Jahdey roars: NAME ONE GOOD THING THAT CAME OUT OF SPLITTING THE ATOM THAT BENEFITTED THE ENTIRE EARTH IN GOODNESS. Know that and get real! hey, from my understanding of genetics our genes being inferior to africans means that our genetic material makes us more susceptible to different diseases. invented the first writting script, see the vinca pictograghs from south eastern europe the direct ancestor of the sumerian pictograghic writting which later evolved into cuneform English language is a Western Germanic language you ill informed idiot, which after the Norman conquest inherited a lot of Norman french words.The last time i checked the Normans were as white as The Anglo-Saxons, idiot. Guess what? Around 15 million Africans were taken to the muslim world where as around 650 thousand Africans were taken as slaves to the US. Now i will finish off my discourse in the fine white English language, using the fine white Roman alphabet, using my fine white invented key board,etc Its a very vague term, when Ive seen it used it typically relates to the misconception that evolution is a ladder and that animals arent as evol Well I am white and I have never hurt anyone, oppressed anyone, or did any of the other bad things mentioned above. Plasmids were historically used to genetically engineer the embryonic stem cells of rats to create rat genetic disease models. They are not colour coded. , , . If you really study genetics, youll realize that the question is nonsensical. By 2010, 80% of Hawaiian papaya plants were genetically modified. You butchered one another for food and nothing else. No one here is god and has the right to judge anyone. A lot to unpack here. Yet because neither variant is common in sub-Saharan Africa, there was another potential implication: Some groups had been left out. Like always, you white folks steal from other cultures and claim it as your own. Too bad. Look, whites have conquered and successfully thrived on mountain ranges, frozen tundras, marshland, grassland, deserts and the Mediterranean. It's a hard reality, I have experienced that some people are born with gifts almost right away that's why you see 3 year olds that can speak many l Published February 22nd 2008 , . How did the sons and daughters of murdering thieves come to see them self as superior to an African. discovered dna Please, everyone read this whole answer before judging too quickly Other people will tell you stuff like youre not inferior, youre perfect, More teachings for you: According to Marias Gimbutas a European scholar froom Lithuania, your types full of chauvinistic hubris are called Kurgans and you migrated into Old Europe from Uzebekistan and Azerbaijan around the area where you find the Russian steppe. I am not an asiatic from western China you idiot, i know blacks have low IQ,s but learn to remember what you have read. Accessed 18 Jan. 2023. No one takes seriously the idea that there were black people in Britain in Roman times it is pseudo-history steming from desparation.The only skeletons found in ancient Britain are white people.
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