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glad to hear that you are doing well
You are more likely to receive a hope you are doing well text or email at work, usually from colleges and clients. Oh great, glad to hear it. Enter your email below to get instant access to the first Chapter of our Ebook, We're so happy that you liked your revision! Not only are we serving up delicious eats, but we're also serving up a hefty slice of compassion for our fellow critters with each meal. Im sorry that youve had to undergo surgery. When someone says thank you, can I respond saying no brainer doing it ? Never underestimate an old saying like this: An apple a day, keeps the doctor away. Listya Utami K. PhD Student in Biology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia. You may also like: 11 Professional Ways To Say Im Glad To Hear That. It should also express that you are sincere towards what the person has spoken and really happy and not just showing or faking it in front of the person. Sign up for premium, and you can play other user's audio/video answers. It means that we might have expected bad results, but we're pleasantly surprised (and grateful) for good ones. glad of her help. 21. } else if (w.attachEvent) { I heard that you were feeling sick. All the best, and get better soon. Get well soon, we all miss you at [school/home/work]. Access to it. Do you know how to improve your language skills All you have to do is have your writing corrected by a native speaker! in a classroom? Im happy to hear that is suitable as a professional way to say glad to hear that.. It's great to hear that all is going well for you. I pray God heals you quickly with His miraculously healing hands. 62. Lexico has better NOUN 2 Partly or fully recovered from illness, injury, or mental stress. May you have many more years of great health and continue to bring light into the lives of those around you. So heres all my support, I wish you a speedy recovery! 2. To help, you can look through the following examples that show you how to implement the phrase in your emails: Im happy to hear that! We want to return the message to them to let them know that were also happy about the news or the information. 115. It means that we might have expected bad results, but were pleasantly surprised (and grateful) for good ones. glad to know. Im so glad that your surgery is over. Get well soon. If we reply: "I am good .". 15. Pain is inevitable. Hope youre recovering quickly from your recent surgery and doing well. This is a nice and upbeat way to begin an informal email. Wishing you a fast recovery and the best health possible. 4 postpositive; foll by: of happy or pleased to have. Seeing you feel better after your recent knee surgery makes me feel so thankful. 47. Also, if you tell someone news that theyre glad to receive, you can continue talking about the news to make them even happier (provided thats the intended effect of the news). Lists. A: "We had a great time at your party last weekend." B: "Oh, I'm so glad to hear that!" You're feeling better? 78. }; We can use this phrase whenever we want to show that we're happy with the results. Get well soon! The staff was warm and caring. I hope your recovery is going smoothly. For the very best results, we recommend that you submit your full sentence to our Quick Text editing service so a human editor can provide you with the right suggestions. Love the feedback from the editor. School/Work just isnt the same without you! Very well done', or 'That's fantastic to hear!' or 'That's very impressive considering the minimal time you've had to do it' or 'That's impressive indeed'. If someone say whats up to me Continue with Recommended Cookies. Im thankful for that shows that we want to thank the person who gave us the news. Hope youre doing well and recovering quickly from your recent surgery. We heard that you were feeling a bit droopy, and wanted to send some thoughts and prayers your way. It's similar to "I'm glad you're doing well". 71. delighted to hear exp. 139. 100. It works because its quick and gets right to the point, which is often all you need to do. There is another circumstance where people might tell someone else that they hope they are doing well and that would be when the party they are addressing has suffered a crisis. May the hand of the Lord rest upon you as you recover and heal. 119. if (w.addEventListener) { Get well soon. } I knew the investment would be worth it. ; I'm so glad to hear that Richard's okay. Well, count me in! Even in some more formal circumstances, you can use good to hear from you to a great degree. I Usually Dont or I Dont Usually Which Is Correct? Here you can set your new address email. Let's wait to hear back from Ferg. Have you a cough? 92. Get well very soon! You have done me a great service today. Hope You Feel Better Soon Quotes. Please tell us why you are closing your account: Discover why 523,129 users count on TextRanch to get their English corrected! Even without including its, the whole phrase is still grammatically correct and acceptable in any circumstance. 6. Sickness is the vengeance of nature for the violation of her laws. And that can be tough, and to hear somebody tell you "You're out of tune," or "I don't like your sound color," or "You're rushing"it should be possible for you to be able to hear that and say, "Well, maybe he has a point? Sending all our thoughts and prayers your way. Sending you all our love and best wishes your way. }; Thats good to hear! However, many professional people would rather you use one of the other options we provided in the article above. If your boss were to come with you with some good news, then youd probably be more inclined to say its good to hear that, or even a more simple thank you for telling me.. 26. Glad to hear should be used when speaking on a more personal note, as "glad" is a feeling that we can have towards someone. Also, we can change the adjective good to other positive things like great to show the real impact of the news. Bene, sono contento di sentirlo. It implies that you are close enough to have shared personal details and also implies that you hold the person in high enough regard that you would remember personal details, in this case where they are based. Good to hear should be used when speaking in a more general sense and saying that something is nice to hear from someone. Have you thought about visiting Guatemala? Informal conversations are generally done with families and friends. 124. estimated time: 30 minutes,directly in your inbox. Often, well use a phrase like this even when we expect negative results. 1. It adds a nice air of gravitas. I hope that you are getting plenty of rest so you can recover from feeling unwell. We each have our own path to take. Sending you all our love, thoughts, and prayers after your recent surgery. Check out these examples of how to use the positive phrase: Thats good news, though I expect you to keep me informed if anything changes. Good, I'm glad to hear that. 134. w.addEventListener("load", loader, false); In reply to Ren Schuster Apr 11, 2011 .and that you had such beautiful grounds for your have some great photos of the surroundings. You need to add a payment method to get our special promo . Use this phrase in your text message or email to show your concern and sympathy. People use 'glad to hear that' as a reply. 66. Oct 2016 - Present6 years 4 months. Im glad to hear youre back on speaking terms. 90. 1. "I'm glad to hear that" is not informal. 48. I heard an American say whats it mean. I'm glad I was able to help test your awesome skills." - Rose Hathaway and Dimitri Belikov (Shadow Kiss) Richelle Mead. I'm glad to hear that your business is doing well. Does this sound natural? What Is The Difference Between "Good To Hear" And "Glad To Hear"? This gives me more confidence that the context will be correct, which is hard to trust with auto-correction apps", A real person editor is much2 better than a software editor. Great! Heres wishing you the best in life and many more years of health and happiness. Wishing that each day brings your renewed strength, brighter times, and a healthier, happier you. 94. "Sometimes even unicorns feel down. Well, Ive just received an update about it, and its a pleasure to hear some good news. GMA host Robin Roberts took to Instagram in a personal video with a message that slams 'difficult people' who 'control you . Therefore, this is great as a professional way to say glad to hear that.. 108. Real sentences showing how to use I am glad to hear that you are doing well correctly. HATING is an emotional disease so for those who hate me Hope you get well soon. Having surgery is never fun, and Im so very glad you made it with flying colors. 122. Yes, it's appropriate and nice. ? But there are other longer phrases that native English speakers say or write to greet other people. We cover everything from the economic and employment trends, taxes, the current level of competition, and other things that make Columbia an investor's market. Aid vs. Which do you think is better, for or to? is that so much to ask or is that too much to ask? It's up to you if you want to acknowledge that she's been busy. Fresh content for your texts, so you can be more professional. Generally, when we want to write in a more formal tone, we leave out a lot of personal language. As a group of experienced English writers, we enjoy sharing our knowledge in a language that everyone is able to understand. Its hospital food! However, some people think its a little too childish or friendly. No need to give a detailed report of your state of being. glad to hear it phrase. The meaning depends more on the context. It's good to hear from you too. Its best when you wanted more information and found that something worked out well. 53. Suffering is optional. 46. He loves good food and when he is not surfing the web, he is trying out some strange but amazing food combinations. 2. She requests a Photograph of Frankie and you; please write to her & send one. I hope to see you bounce back to your normal self soon. I thought long and hard about what to write in this Get Well card, but I couldnt come up with much. I miss your smile! If you are not the correct person, please direct me the correct one. Nice isnt a synonym of glad, so we typically dont want to use them in the same situation. w.onload = loader; Do what you can and let your good bacteria do the rest. Improve your English! Glad to hear you wont have to go back there again. pleased to hear exp. Hope each new day finds you stronger and full of joy. But is this really true? In context, " glad to hear" you can add a certain amount of tone which tells that you are really happy to know about the event and you are pleased that you could be a part of it. More than 150,000 people like you receive our weekly newsletter to master their English skills! It isnt really something that you would expect to receive from an old friend. Heres hoping you get well soon and enjoy many more years of excellent health. If the people you are very close to have lost someone and you can feel the pain. ", Its one of the best way of improving written skills. "That's good to hear" is the best way to replace "glad to hear that." We use it to show that we're happy to accept whatever the news is. ", This a great. common opening line when people write emails. While you cant go wrong with classics, theres no denying that sometimes you wish to use a phrase that is less generic and will make your message stand out from all the rest of the e-mails that your recipient might receive during the course of their day. I was asked a question from my friend like, Get well soon my dearest friend. Who Is Peter Sebiloane and Does He Have a Wife? You have plenty of patience and thats why God tests your tolerance by offering illness to you quite frequently. Get well soon! Solve your problems more easily with the app! Here are some professional ways to tell someone, "Hope you're doing well" in an email: "I hope you're staying healthy." "I hope this email finds you well." "I hope you are having a productive day." "How's life in [City]?" That makes it quite easy to remember which two phrases are most closely linked. Its probably not a good way to address an email to a superior or to someone you havent really met. HiNative can help you find that answer you're looking for. In fact, the phrase has become so standard that it competes with "I'm sorry for your loss" as one of the most-used phrases. I'm glad to hear that, Pastor. Learn Spanish Translation Conjugation Vocabulary Sign in i am glad to hear that you are doing well i am glad to hear that you are doing well Translator Examples Examples have not been reviewed. Just wanted to send you all my love and prayers. The personal touch really makes the phrase stand out and shows that we really appreciate the information or news. Does this sound natural? I will continue praying for your good health and a speedy recovery. Being in the hospital is a downer, but it is good in everything, you are being served breakfast in bed, Get Well Soon. Like us on Facebook by clicking the like button below: Share TextRanch on Facebook by clicking on the button below. Thats why Im praying for you to get well now! The editor wrote me that my manuscript was well-written. 40. Well, I'm glad to hear that. Share Improve this answer Follow answered Dec 4, 2020 at 20:17 "My heart is breaking for you. There are equally categories you can choose from that best suits the situation of the illness. How to respond to "I hope you are doing well"? is the most popular phrase on the web. As I see youre already recovering and I know you will come out of this a winner, as always! There are always alternatives that might work better in formal situations. Sending you all my best wishes and many prayers for a speedy recovery from your recent surgery. Thank you for the update. s.src = ""; Im happy that you came to me with this information. + Read the full interview, I started to use TextRanch when I began to learn English. 116. 87. It will rain at any moment. Student: I'm glad I heard that, or . Yes, we've been waiting to hear back from you. I hope all is going well with you or I hope all is well with you? --- Transcript Michael: Hey, everybody, welcome to another episode of The Remote Real Estate Investor. ", Quick and smart, plus is "human-based"! Learn Spanish Translation Conjugation Vocabulary Sign in i'm glad to hear you are doing well Translation Me alegro de saber que lo ests haciendo bien Play Copy Swap Proofread Translated by Show more translations Word-by-word Want to Learn Spanish? vb , glads, gladding, gladded. We can use appreciate to show that it means a lot to us or that we are happy that someone was able to deliver news in a good way. or It's great to hear that everything is going well for you.? he was glad to help. Not a moment goes by that you arent in my thoughts. All Rights Reserved. St Vincent's Private Hospital Melbourne Thanks Sophie Cooney. var loader = function () { You were at my wedding and you better get well in time for my anniversary. Best wishes on your recovery after surgery. I want to respond with a version of "I'm glad you're doing well, considering." I'm not happy with "considering" in the tail there, but can't leave it out because she isn't truly "doing well." The difference is that while hope you are doing well is a generic message, that you can say aloud or write in a letter or email, I hope this email finds you well is specifically for use in an e-mail message. 138. I hate that you are feeling unwell. 3. Although you are feeling unwell, I know you will be back on your feet again soon. What is the meaning of glad to hear it? It works well as another way to say glad to hear that, because it shows our enthusiasm for the success of whatever the situation was. This is a good alternative to use when beginning a business email. Through our prayers, weve been asking the good Lord to look after you and take care of you. - Three little words that mean so much: I love you. Another way to say it is I am glad to hear you are better. Great is a simple exclamation. Hope you recover quickly from your recent surgery and enjoy the best health possible for many years to come. 55. I am well, thanks. 67. TikTok video from Onix (@onixill): "#DisneyParksVoices According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. It would be more natural to say "I'm glad to know you're doing well" or "I'm glad to see you're doing well", but what you said also makes sense. These examples will help you to understand its use: Im thankful for that news. Please get well soon so we can see you again. Are you amazed by French spoken in Canada? 19. Have you ever watched TED talks? At an interview, when you meet a difficult question to answer, is it OK to say Im sorry but I d Is it okay to say this to someone who messaged me after a while? However, we can easily change the adjective to bad if it turns out that something terrible has happened. Specialties: Lost Dog Cafe is a funky, family-friendly haven for pizza fans, craft beer enthusiasts, and animal lovers alike. Praying that you get well soon and experience the joys of being healthy again. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Usually, the crisis has to do with the loss of someone who was close to them. Get well soon! 24. Our sister cause, Lost Dog and Cat rescue, gets a piece of the pie each time you stop by, which is why we've managed to find more . 11. delighted to hear it. Its especially effective if youre relatively busy when hearing the news. Thats good to hear is the best way to replace glad to hear that.. Privacy Policy(function (w, d) { Get well soon! When an illness knocks you on your ass, you should stay down and relax for a while before trying to get back up. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. I miss you so much! I pray you will feel encouraged in the coming days. Magnus: I prefer to think of myself as a freewheeling bisexual. Sending you all my love and the best wishes possible after your recent surgery. I think it should be what does it mean, right? I'm praying that God will grant you many more years of good health. When this is the case, we appreciate any information that can keep us as updated as possible. Get well soon wishes and quotes are meant to convey inspiring and sentimental messages to a sick family member, friend, a colleague, loved ones etc; wishing them a quick recovery and letting them know that you share in their pain. Get well soon. 132. 5. Input your text below. I will stand beside you forevermore, wishing. May I reply with whats up If notwhat should I say . It might be a good starting point of a conversation. 82. Ill keep you in my thoughts and prayers and Im sure youll make a speedy recovery. Refresh the page, check Medium 's site status, or find something interesting. 60.
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