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It is a 'public school ' in the English usage of the term as defined by the Public . There are seven boarding houses for students in mixed age groups. Each student should have a comfortable bed with bedside table and lamp. Gordonstoun is currently the most expensive independent school in Scotland charging in excess of 26,000 a year for a senior school day pupil and more than 30,000 for boarders. The Schools policy and the supporting procedures are based on the following principles: Educational Guardians are advised that they are legally obliged to declare to the Inland Revenue details of payments received for providing accommodation and board to students. Yet this is precisely why Gordonstoun has managed to carve out the reputation that it has. There is a secure online system to keep track of every child and . [1] Admission is not just a matter of money. Head of Junior School, and an introduction to key members of staff. Kerr is also a Deputy Lord-Lieutenant of Moray.. Education and early career. Report: Sean McVay expected to make 'multiple changes' to offensive staff. Part of Gordonstoun was damaged by fire during the 2nd World War. Scottish Charity Number SC037867. Today, students can still benefit from the pioneering spirit that built the very halls they enter. These compliments mean so much more when you know the background behind them. Rick Hayward. Gordonstoun consists of one main building called Gordonstoun House which contains some staff accommodation while also serving as the schools administrative hub. Prominent graduates from Gordonstoun include celebrities, politicians, business people, athletes and more. Gordonstoun School: Welcoming students from near and far, How to Help Children Thrive at UK Boarding Schools Like Gordonstoun, Gordonstoun School: Instilling Students With Adventure and Spirit, Not Just Academic Skills. Round Square and Michel Kirk are more than just facilities to the people of Gordonstoun. His partner was none other than Prince Max of Baden, the former German Chancellor. The school campus was looking splendid andthere was a real 'buzz' in the air.Leading the way - some of Gordonstoun's first girls - Alison, Christina,Franziska and Ghislaine returned to School for GA DayThis year Gordonstoun celebrates 40 years as a coeducationalschool and it was a particular delight towelcome back some of the 'original . Interior. English as an Additional Language provision in the Senior School for Year 9-13. Useful information about the local area including accommodation and taxis, places of interest and things to do. Charles wasnt keen on the idea and was very close to his maternal grandmother, the Queen Mother, who even wrote to her daughter, urging her to keep him closer to home. True to the. Charles also took part in an exchange trip to a school in the Australian outback in 1966. The history of what came before is palpable and felt on a visceral level by all who enter. Re the 96% figure (and I am surmising here, I don't know the figures), I would suggest that means 96% of these that aim to go to university and hence put in the academic effort to get what they need. . Im a country girl - people are stunned by my transformation into a bikini, I tried my old Hooters uniform a decade later - I thought I'd have to cut it off, Im a military sergeant and Hooters girl people say I'm 'absolutely beautiful', I hate wearing a bra & so does my 61-year-old mom - we refuse to wear one, 2020 THE SUN, US, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | TERMS OF USE | PRIVACY | YOUR AD CHOICES | SITEMAP, King Charles attended Gordonstoun school in the 1960s, Heather Stanning rower and Olympic gold medallist, Lord Rothermere - owner of the Daily Mail. Total number of Crunchbase contacts associated with this organization, Total number of organizations similar to the given organization, Operating Status of Organization e.g. In 2019, HM Inspectors would put the school to a rigorous test, concluding that the extensive range of opportunities for personal achievements in the senior school, as part of the Gordonstoun broader curriculum is outstanding.. Below you will find everything you need to prepare for your arrival and also useful information about school activities and making the most of your time with us. His widow would go on to build Michael Kirk, a small church that still stands in his memory. All children regardless of age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin, religious belief or sexual identity have the right to protection from abuse. If you ask a superstitious man what happened after the built Round Square, they might tell you that Hahn foolishly left his fortress and the devils hounds killed him before he could reach his destination. During his time at the school there were reports that he fell ill with pneumonia while camping out on the royal estate at Balmoral along with three other boys from Gordonstoun, and that he broke his nose while playing rugby at school. Alexander Douglas-Hamilton, 16th Duke of Hamilton. top of page. Their housemasters and housemistresses oversee all the pastoral needs the students have, supported by an extensive pastoral team consisting of the Deputy Head Pastoral, a school counsellor, a team at the schools onsite Health Centre (who deal with all the students medical needs), academic tutors and an assistant housemaster or housemistress. The school grounds are set within a beautiful, wooded campus a mile from the Moray Firth and eight miles from the nearby town of Elgin. I dont know how anybody could be so foul., In another, he wrote: I hardly get any sleep in the House because I snore and I get hit on the head all the time. staff. A table or desk and chair should be provided for private study. Gordonstoun School is an independent school for boarding and day pupils in Elgin, Moray, Scotland. AS a young boy King Charles was sent to study at Gordonstoun - oneof the UKs leading independent schools. Find out more. "And being terrified not knowing what to do I said the first drink that came into my head, which happened to be cherry brandy, because I'd drunk it before when it was cold out shooting - and hardly had I taken a sip when the whole world exploded around my head. Gordonstoun pays its Educational Guardians an annual fee per child, and each night of accommodation is also paid at the rate of 70 when not in lessons, 50 per night when the student is in lessons. While at Gordonstoun, the young prince lived in Windmill Lodge - now a female boarding house. He was the first Prince of Wales to be educated at a school rather than by private tutors. Little Friends staff are remarkable people who are dedicated to what they do and those they serve." Good times with friends and people who care "For my son, this has not been just a school but the place where he spends good times with friends and people who care about him." The school is divided into "houses" and, just as at Hogwarts, houses compete fiercely against each other in sports. However, he has often played this down. Details of important dates and times for the Autumn, Spring and Summer Terms for the academic year 2022-2023. Gordonstoun follows the English GCSE and A-Level curriculum. Situated on the beautiful Moray Coast in the North of Scotland, Gordonstoun is widely recognised as the world leader in character education. Pupils are accepted subject to an interview plus references and exam results. Information about ordering school uniform for Junior School pupils. In many ways, its hosted some of the most important people and events of the most recent centuries. This document details the routes and times of the transport and includes a form to be completed and returned to the Transport Manager. According to legend, however, Sir Robert lost faith in this plan and, when the appointed hour arrived, he made his way to Birnie Kirk instead - pursued by a dark, mysterious horseman and hounds, with fatal consequences! This list of distinguished Gordonstoun alumni is loosely ordered by relevance, so the most recognizable celebrities who attended Gordonstoun are at the top of the list. What happened in the Ukraine helicopter crash? The policy of the school is to work in partnership with parents and Educational Guardians in order to promote the welfare of the students. "The first week I was here I was made to go out and chop up logs on a hillside in boiling hot weather. Gordonstoun has more than 500 pupils, around a third of whom live overseas. The expansive acreage of Gordonstoun also includes a Junior School for pupils ages 13 and under. Gordonstoun is one of the leading full boarding schools in the UK. 5) Old School. Girls and boys between 13 and 18 years of age live among seven boarding houses. It was a surprise decision for a future king, who would have been expected to focus on specially-chosen subjects such as constitutional history. School House Studio 2, Chelsea Gate Studios, 115 Harwood Road London, SW6 4QL Tel: +44 20 7384 9023 Gordonstoun School is a co-educational independent school for boarding and day pupils in Moray, Scotland. What happens next after the Queen's death? The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. It was the perfect place to start a boarding school that would expose children to new perspectives, different ideas, and the many wonders of the world. Chess gets a risqu makeover. Information about all things medical and dental - the School Doctor, consent to treatment, medications, Denplan dental insurance, the school Healthcare Centre What to do if planning a birthday party for your child. . staff. If theres an emergency on the water, older students who are members of the Coastguard might be summoned to help. Please choose either the Junior School/Senior School tab to find the relevant information. Jo Hamilton (musician) Walter Hayman. Our aim is to build relationships of trust where they, and all those concerned with their wellbeing, are able to raise concerns about safety and welfare in the knowledge that these will be dealt with appropriately and sensitively. The previous year he told The Observer that he was glad he went to Gordonstoun. More than three-quarters of students achieved a 'strong' pass, 5 or better, in both English and maths, with 94% of students achieving the historic 'gold standard' of five or . To help a student adapt to their new environment, appreciating that they may be homesick or experiencing a change of culture. In 1934 Dr. Kurt Han took over the property for a new type of residential educational establishment, and created Gordonstoun School. Gordonstoun Pupil 1 episode, 2017 Martin Chamberlain . All Rights Reserved. This document includes details of who to contact at the school, as well as information on settling in and the day-to-day routine of Gordonstoun Senior School. Hahn has always imparted to those around them that challenges are the birthplace of opportunity. in the company of the Moray Firth dolphins! Lisa Kerr, principal of Gordonstoun, said King Charles' life of service, love of the outdoors, enjoyment of the arts and intellectual curiosity had all been nurtured at the school. As we have expanded over the last 80 years these historic buildings are now complemented by a range of outstanding facilities . He was described as "the best actor in the school" by Donald McLachlan in the Sunday Telegraph. While attending Heidelberg, Gottingen, and Oxford Universities, he would develop a fascination and deep appreciation for the ethos of the public school system in Britain. The Code of Conduct details the rules, regulations and expectations of members of the school community. Gordonstoun School. Salary. Each of these has a UK-based Guardian, sometimes a family member and sometimes a formal Educational Guardian. He left Gordonstoun in 1967 with five O-levels in English Language, English Literature, History, Latin and French and two A-levels in History and French. Information about the uniform and standards, what essential equipment to bring and study planners. After World War I, Hahn founded the Salem School in Southern Germany. Gordonstoun staff are valued tenants around the locality. It is named after the 150-acre (61 ha) estate originally owned by Sir Robert Gordon in the 17th century; the school now uses this estate as its campus. Information about travelling to and from the Junior School at the start and end of the Autumn Term 2021. Rich . 96% of entries were graded 9 - 4. All about what to expect as a day pupil at the Junior School - the Day Pupil Co-ordinator, getting to and from school, the daily timetable, attendance. The school grounds are set within a beautiful, wooded campus a mile from the Moray Firth and eight miles from the nearby town of Elgin. Originally published at Gordonstoun School in Moray closely follows, with day fees set at 29,850 for three terms. He later spoke about the incident in a radio interview, saying he had gone to the bar to escape "people looking in the windows" at him while he was waiting for a meal. Its no surprise that a man who escaped the Nazis wanted to foster children, so they could become better citizens. The school's boarder fees are greater than those at Fettes College at 41,250 for a child in year 12 or 13. To discuss all serious decisions with the School if for any reason the parent is not available. Gordonstoun is one of the leading full boarding schools in the UK. It is named after the 150-acre estate originally owned by Sir Robert Gordon in the 17th century. Structured support system and highly trained pastoral care staff. Investor, Military Officer, Fighter pilot. To be in touch with the student on a regular basis and to meet him/her at least twice within a term. Gordonstoun was founded by Dr. Kurt Hahn in 1934 as a learning institution where young people could truly thrive. Containing information for parents and pupils on what to expect on joining the Year 2/1 class in the Junior School including the teachers, curriculum, daily routine and uniform. Gordounstoun passed to the Cummings of Altyre after the last Gordon laird died. This list of distinguished Gordonstoun alumni is loosely ordered by relevance, so the most recognizable celebrities who attended Gordonstoun are at the top of the list. Junior School for children in Years 1-8. Angus Montagu, 12th Duke of Manchester. It is located in Duffus to the north-west of Elgin. In 1638 the 2nd Marquis sold Plewlands to his cousin Sir Robert Gordon, son of the 11th Earl of Sutherland. Gordonstoun School is a co-educational independent school for boarding and day pupils in Moray, Scotland. . The next laird was Sir Robert, known as the Wizard of Gordonstoun. They are encouraged and expected to take part . Gordonstouns broad curriculum impels students to participate in sail training, expeditions into the Scottish highlands, service to the community and performing arts as well as their academic studies. If you cant find the information you are looking for please contact us: An Educational Guardian works within this context, particularly with regard to child protection responsibilities and procedures. Gordonstoun estate was once owned by Sir Robert Gordon, an aristocrat who was known for his odd habits. List of famous alumni from Gordonstoun, with photos when available. To be a point of contact with Gordonstoun if, for any reason the parent is not available. Governor Christopher Stephens received a CBE for Services to the Judiciary and Ben Goss, Keeper of the Gordonstoun Family, was awarded an OBE for Services to People with Disabilities and . Its absolute hell.. People on this list must have gone to Gordonstoun and be of some renown. The response was staggering. John Grant, 13th Earl of Dysart. After graduation, she took her PGCE in Glasgow. After watching modern politicians fail to hear one another during Brexit, the school created a Learning to Listen event that would help children develop their negotiation and listening skills. Educational Guardians provide a local home-from-home for our international boarders. Our culturally diverse community of students from over forty nationalities includes over 500 girls and boys aged 4 -18. Read about our approach to external linking. His contemporaries describe the communal areas as warm and cosy, although it was customary to leave a window open in dormitories for ventilation. If serious concerns arise about a students welfare, it may be necessary for that information to be passed on to the School. But one ex-head teacher of Aberlour from the time says that Gordonstoun staff were often involved in the junior school and that the two shared governors. Gordonstoun is a tough public school in Moray, Scotland, attended by Prince Philip when he was a boy, when he was one of the first pupils to attend. Gordonstoun, United Kingdom. Morayshire, Scotland . It is sometimes referred to as a "public school" in the English usage of the term as . January 18, 2023 8:23 am PT. With so many supporters around him, the community was able to rebuild the school. Located in Morayshire, north-west of Elgin, near Duffus, and originally called Bog o Plewlands, this was the seat of the barony of Ogston held by the family of that name, the earliest recorded member of which, Simon, died in 1240. Bearing in mind the responsibilities Educational Guardians have to students under their care, you should never give an absolute guarantee of confidentiality to an adult or a student. As well as house parents, tutors and every member of staff are trained to look after the children. Its only when we accept our limitations that we can begin to push past them. A young King Charles arrives at Gordonstoun, accompanied by the Duke of Edinburgh, King Charles is shown his new school at Gordonstoun by Captain Ian Tennant on 2 May 1962, King Charles (second right) in a performance of Patience in 1965, King Charles performing as the Duke of Exeter (second from left behind the throne) in the school's production of Henry V in 1965, King Charles (front, centre) playing the cello in an orchestra of local children, Gordonstoun was founded with a focus on life skills and service as much as academic achievement, King Charles on his arrival at Gordonstoun in 1962, The future king with the Queen during a visit to Gordonstoun in 1967, Newspaper cutting before King Charles joined the school, Queen Elizabeth II vising Gordonstoun during King Charless final year in July 1967, When dogs in Alaska wait for the bus Video, Iran man who beheaded wife jailed for eight years, German police deny Greta's detainment was staged, Jeremy Renner TV show poster edited after accident, Santos denies taking money from dying dog GoFundMe, Keep cake away from office, says food adviser, Germany: We are no longer reliant on Russian energy, City asks Madonna if it can borrow her painting, Mafia boss's second hideout found behind wardrobe. Round Square was built to protect him from the devil when he was ready to collect on his investment. easter tours and projects. His performance as the king in a school production of William Shakespeare's Macbeth, in 1965, received critical acclaim, with newspapers using a striking image of him on their front pages. Information about travelling to and from the Senior School at the start and end of the Autumn Term 2022. An icon of a desk calendar. The 200-acre campus of Gordonstoun isnt just a boarding school. Information about parents visiting the school and access to the school grounds for day pupil parents. Gordonstoun's volunteer Fire Service has been awarded The Queen's Award for Voluntary Service.. They are fully supported and trained by the school. Confidentiality is upheld and personal data is processed in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998. And we were damn good.". The school has been described by recent inspectors as one that promotes a caring, positive ethos, one that ensures respect and kindness for all. His education at the independent boarding school, in Moray, was a significant departure from the royal norm. Other roles included the Duke of Exeter in Shakespeare's Henry V and the Pirate King in the school's 1967 production of the Gilbert and Sullivan operetta The Pirates of Penzance. The countryside in Scotland suffered during World War II, and the school was unfortunately plagued with violence and destruction in its early years. All staff, both teaching and operations, form part of a qualified and experienced team, which functions at its best in being mutually supportive in a common goal: to provide the best possible education for all Blue Coat pupils. On Campus, Online), General contact email for the organization. An overview of Higher Education and Careers Advice for Sixth Form students. His vision was to create well-rounded citizens of the world, with a focus on life skills and service as much as academic achievement. These includes sailing, being a member of HM's Coastguard unit, taking lead roles in drama productions, singing in the school choir, and playing trumpet and cello. We are delighted to announce a set of excellent GCSE results: 48% of entries were graded 9 - 7. Dr. Hahn was born to Jewish parents in Berlin in 1886 where he would go on to receive an excellent education in his formative years. He achieved above average results which secured him a place to study archaeology and anthropology at Cambridge University. The students and staff at Gordonstoun are delighted to congratulate two of their community who have been recognised in the Queen's New Year Honours List. NHS Grampian calls on off-duty staff to work due to 'extreme level of pressure . Details of Guardianship arrangements for overseas students. The welfare of the students is everyones responsibility, particularly when it comes to protecting them from abuse. A wooded estate set on 200 acres in northern Scotland, Gordonstoun holds the distinction of being one of the United Kingdoms top full- boarding schools. The welfare of children is the primary concern. Reports suggest that Charles did not feel a good fit at Gordonstoun as he labelled his time at the school as a prison sentence, calling the school Colditz in kilts. There is an interview and references and exam results are considered. Find out more about cookies. He begins with his immortalisation of his mother Diana, who . Our forward-thinking School has a fascinating past and much of what has been pioneered here has become part of mainstream education. If youre excited to learn more, please email or complete an application form and return it to, Gordonstoun School. You will find a snapshot of a few members of our staff that make it such a vibrant and fascinating place to be. He said it was "rigorous" and tougher than Gordonstoun, but he loved it. It is named after the 150-acre estate originally owned by Sir Robert Gordon in the 17th century. An icon . Gordonstoun aims to provide an environment where the students are safe, trusted, respected and valued, where everyone's viewpoint is taken seriously with the opportunity to develop intellectually, emotionally and physically. Alexander Douglas-Hamilton, 16th Duke of Hamilton, Granville Gordon, 13th Marquess of Huntly, Norton Knatchbull, 3rd Earl Mountbatten of Burma, Jonathan Harmsworth, 4th Viscount Rothermere, Christopher Finch-Hatton, 16th Earl of Winchilsea,, This page was last edited on 29 October 2022, at 03:23. Details of the examination timetables for all Year groups. However, the fact that you may be in a position of a parent does not give you all the rights of a parent. Details of parent meetings and other parent-related events including parent drop-ins, Open Weekend and the Carol Service. The Round Square Conference is a modern educational programme, but its roots stretch back to the 1600s. Information about the use of ICT at the Junior School, including the school network, WiFi access, mobile phones and other electronic devices. The physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of our pupils is a primary concern at Gordonstoun as is their healthy personal development. One former pupil said: "In Windmill Lodge, at that time, everybody except the House Helper slept in dormitories, of which the smallest was four beds and the largest about six beds, I think, maybe one or two had eight. L/S of the exterior of Gordonstoun. Philip was born into, Prince Andrew, Duke of York, (born 19 February 1960) is a member of the British royal family. With a staff/ pupil ratio of 1:7 and every student's progress carefully overseen by their tutor, they go on to universities, colleges and art schools all over the world. Aug 2022 - Present6 months. Although primarily a boarding school, around 15% of the senior school students are day pupils. A student of alchemy, Sir Robert is said to have made a pact with the devil. List ranges from Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh to Charles, Prince of Wales, plus much more. Charles reportedly struggled to make friends at Cheam and, by the end of his time there, Philip was keen for him to follow in his footsteps andattend the school where he had spent his formative years. View Data as Table. Senior School for children in Years 9-12. OUR STAFF. Gordonstoun educated three generations of the British Royal Family, inspired the Duke of Edinburgh's Awards, was one of the . Founded by three inspiring women looking for an alternative style of education, we ask our teachers and staff to be brave in their work and passionate about our ethos. Having never been in a bar before, he said the "most sensible" thing to do was to have a drink. It is in the north-west of Elgin. Charles was not as athletic as his father had been and each morning started with a run - whatever the weather, followed by a cold shower. At the Senior School level, Housemasters and Housemistresses oversee the students in their boarding house with care and compassion. After a career in commercial radio, in 2016 she was appointed principal of Gordonstoun. It has first-class facilities for these activities which include, in addition to all the normal subjects and many outdoor pursuits, expeditions, seamanship and a wide variety of rescue services. Gordounstoun passed to the Cummings of Altyre after the last Gordon laird died. Our history. A comprehensive list of items required by all students participating in expeditions into the mountains. It now has a Performing Arts Centre that includes a theatre along with space for dance studios and drama rehearsals. "As for the beds themselves, everyone had identical beds, which were simple, modern and lowish (the kind that is nowadays called a divan). Please enjoy a vicarious adventure on #oceanspiritofmoray - part of the Gordonstoun broad curriculum which teaches lessons which help sailing of course, but also help in learning generally and in life; whilst also being an excellent adventure! We pride ourselves on our pastoral system and the ethos of care throughout the school. Salary guide. Details of Half-term holiday arrangements, Leave Out weekends and travel days. An icon of the Facebook "f" mark. Obsessed with alchemy, Sir Robert was well-known in the town for his ties to all things mystical. Information on activities afternoons, sports kit, fixtures and mouthguards. Dr. Kurt Hahn, the founder of Gordonstoun, created the motto Plus est en vous, which means There is more in you. The Gordonstoun website uses cookies to improve your on-site experience. Hahns predicament sparked communication between the German Foreign Minister and the British Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald. Information on arranging for additional, external tutoring. To liaise with all authorities as required (e.g. It was the communitys support that allowed him to first lease and then eventually purchase the Gordonstoun estate. The story made the papers and King Charles was spoken to "strongly" by the head teacher. "It was at Gordonstoun that he discovered a love of archaeology and became an accomplished actor and potter," she said. We offer a smooth transition from Junior to Senior School when pupils reach 13 . ", She added: "Many of our former pupils who were his contemporaries talk of a quiet and talented student who blossomed at school, especially after an exchange trip to Australia. The . The unusual and sometimes eccentric world of royal life, from TV dinners served under domed platters to the King's favourite aftershave, is revealed in the pages of the Duke of Sussex's memoir. Scottish Charity Number SC037867. This is invaluable for everyone to master but particularly beneficial for children. Gordonstoun is a full boarding and day school for boy and girls aged 6-18, set in a 200 acre woodland estate by the Moray coast, and we pride ourselves on our pastoral system and the ethos of care . He built the Round Square (courtyard) at Gordonstoun supposedly to confuse the devil and avoid having his soul taken at his death. Gordonstoun's uniquely broad curriculum encourages every individual to . Find jobs. Information about the school uniform, where to order it and frequently asked questions.
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