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ironton tribune police reports
Borders said he has always wanted to rise up in the ranks. Box 237 Ironton, Ohio 45638 Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:00pm Hon. Kerry T. Coleman, 33, Ironton, trafficking, June 25. Stolen camera 700 block Vernon Street, 2:38 a.m. Saturday, taken from residence. Mike DeWine vetoed a bill on Thursday that would have put such regulation in the hands of the state instead of local communities. Shari Guthman, 39, 607 Sixth St., Ironton, domestic violence Sunday . Brittany Sikes, 28, of 232 Seaton Drive, Russell, Kentucky, probation violation Dec. 2 by the Adult Probation Agency. Kenneth Stapleton, 51, Ironton, warrant, Sept. 25. . Crystal Plotts, 26, of 1109 Storm Valley, Ironton, warrants for arrest Dec. 5 by the LCSO. William P. Elliott, 21, Flatwoods, Ky., commitment Monday by the Lawrence County Sheriffs Office. Email newsletter . Professional Services. Burglary, breaking and entering 3400 block County Road 47, Dec. 3, resident and outbuilding broken into; firearms taken. AKRON, Ohio An Ohio man who had snow stuffed into his mouth by a police officer during an arrest in Akron has filed an excessive force lawsuit against the city and several officers, claiming his civil rights were violated. We will follow up on all tips you provide. Jeremiah E. Owens, 43, Kitts Hill, disorderly Josie I. Copley, 54, Flatwoods, Kentucky, bond revocation, July 17. IPD Chief Pam Wagner said Spoljaric has been put on administrative leave. Jeff R. Cade, 32, Ironton, warrants, March 29. Published 12:00 am Monday, December 12, 2022, Officer has been with the department for 17 months. County jail Charles Burns, 32, 717 Buckhorn St., Ironton, outstanding warrant Saturday by the Ironton Police Department. House check No location given Saturday, vacant house entered, possibly occupied by squatters. IRONTON: The following information was compiled from Lawrence County Sheriffs Office reports. Amanda L. Henry, 38, Coal Grove, warrants, July Zachery R. Wiseman, 25, Portsmouth, warrants, July 2. Aaron Workman, 26, of 512 State Route 373, Pedro, warrants for arrest, burglary, endangering children, tampering with evidence, possession of marijuana, possession of drug abuse instruments, possession of drugs and possession of drug paraphernalia Dec. 6 by the Ohio State Highway Patrol. Edward Brooks, 36, of 1797 Old State Route 32, Peebles, warrants for arrest Dec. 4 by the LCSO. CHESAPEAKE, Ohio Bond was set at $50,000 for a wheelchair-bound Chesapeake man charged with the murder of a neighbor earlier this month. Borders progress since he has come to the Ironton Police Department, said IPD Chief Pam Wagner. June 7, 2019 Records Police Reports-6/6/19 Laura M. Massie, 29, Ironton, warrant, May 18. Around 11 p.m. on Tuesday, the Ironton Police Department got a call from a woman on Thomas Street who asked for wellness check on her son who had gotten upset and left the house on foot.. It may take some time to find out, but it will eventually come to light and you are going to jail.. Partly cloudy this morning, then becoming cloudy during the afternoon. Condamn pour avoir accidentellement tu sa femme, qui lavait surpris avec sa matresse, Lula licencie treize autres officiers militaires responsables de la scurit du Palais du Planalto, Michle Torr rvle pourquoi elle tait absente aux obsques de Christophe, Soldes Samsung : l'excellent vidoprojecteur The Freestyle voit son prix plonger comme jamais. Parmi les cibles des activistes: les constructeurs automobiles et les compagnies ariennes. Vandalism Pick N Save, Ironton Hills Shopping Center, 2:48 p.m. Wednesday, vehicle damaged. Gregory Rose, 51, Scottown, domestic violence Dec. 4 by the LCSO. COLUMBUS, Ohio Officials are assessing water damage at the Ohio Statehouse after a pipe burst during freezing weather, sending water pouring into the Senate chamber, an adjacent lounge for lawmakers, and other areas on Tuesday morning. There are a number of mayors up for re-election this year. CHESAPEAKE, Ohio A Chesapeake man charged with the death of a neighbor last month waived a preliminary hearing Friday in Lawrence County Municipal Court and was bound over to an upcoming Lawrence County grand jury. Cambriolages : connaissez-vous la technique du papier aluminium ? Michael J. Roach, 62, Ironton, trafficking, June 25. You can share anything. Assault Reported at police station, 3:20 p.m. Sunday, no location for incident given, man allegedly assaulted, suspect identified. You can use this number to give us a confidential and anonymous tip about any kind of crime or suspicious activity that you or someone else saw earlier. The meeting will be in the commissioners chambers on the third floor of the courthouse. Spoljaric was in Ironton Municipal Court on Thursday morning and had an attorney appointed and was given a $50,000 bond. Burglary 600 block County Road 7C, Ironton, 4:52 p.m. Monday, money taken from residence. Tonya M. Hardy, 30, Chesapeake, possession-Schedule I, Joshua Bland, 39, Chillicothe, warrants, March 29. OUS to sponsor online Fireside Chat with the Rev. Address: Ironton City Center 301 South 3rd Street Ironton, Ohio 45638 Mail: P.O. Rforme des retraites : qui sont ceux qui pourront partir avant 64 ans ? Phillip L. DeVaney, 39, 2409 Ninth Ave., Huntington, West Virginia, Warrants for Arrest Dallas C. Smith, Billy McGhee, 29, 176 County Road 7D, Ironton, Warrant for Arrest Mark M Palmer, 45, 412 Matthew W. Horner, 36, 2414 S. Fourth St., Ironton, warrants for arrest Luke E. Knotts, 31, Jerry L Lavender III, 37, Buckhorn St., Ironton, Warrant for Arrest Christopher A Skeans, 30, 300 Zachary C Jenkins, 29, 826 S. 10th St., Ironton, burglary and resisting arrest Jared Meredith, 25, Joseph P Duffield, 62, 626 TWP Rd 127, Chesapeake, Resisting Arrest and Obstructing Justice Ross H Melissa K Lyons, 43, 316 Pike St., Coal Grove, Probation Violation Jamie M Burnett, 42, 3116 Samantha Bentley, 25, South Point, warrants, Nov. 1. The investigation into Spoljaric started by the Ironton Police Department on July 27. For more inform. No information is too small or unimportant. Ironton Police Department | Ironton OH IRONTON The Lawrence County Museum has closed for the winter. IRONTON Ohio University Southern celebrated the accomplishments of students on Dec. 8 with a Nurse Pinning Ceremony. Douglas S. Lindsey, 45, 85 Township Road 1389, Chesapeake, outstanding warrant Tuesday by the Proctorville Police Department. Michael S. Sharp, 44, Ironton, bond William D. Thomas, 42, Ironton, warrant, July 9. Amount Noted on Citation. Shawn P. Harris, 32, Ashland, Ky., DUI Saturday by the Ironton Police Department. Mark A. Patrick, 44, 2305 S. 12th St., Ironton, DUI, endangering children, aggravated menacing, vehicular assault Saturday by the Ironton Police Department. Robert L. Slaughter, 20, 452 Private Drive 856, South Point, petty theft Sunday by the Lawrence County Sheriffs Office. Cheryl Stefanich, 46, of 213 Carl Burtchrom Drive, Ashland, disorderly conduct Dec. 3 by the IPD. Can visual art create a bridge from past to present to future? Wheeler Parker Jr., the cousin and best friend of the late Emmett Till. Jug raciste par une influenceuse, le jeu Tu ris, tu perds retir de la vente par JouClub, Scnes de mnages : Claire Chust (Leslie) voque sa relation avec son partenaire de la srie, Vinnie Dargaud (Lo), UE LEspagne et le Portugal optimistes quant lextension de la drogation ibrique aprs une runion avec Bruxelles, Il est devenu sourd comme un pot : Roselyne Bachelot se lche sur un clbre ex-ministre, Le Samsung Galaxy S21 est prix froiss pour les soldes d'hiver. SOUTH POINT, Ohio The village of South Point has spent more than $4 million over the past two years to replace its oldest and most breakage-prone water lines, and there are plans to do more, according to South Point Mayor Jeff Gaskin. Any kind of off-duty stuff we need, hes helping spearhead, like the fundraiser we are having for another K9,she said. NOW HIRING ENTRY LEVEL POLICE OFFICER August 2, 2022; City of Ironton Truck Vehicle Lift Legal Notice - Invitation to Bid July 29, 2022; Lawrence County Health Department COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics June 3, 2022; Updates to . COLUMBUS, Ohio The start of the new year brings legalized sports betting to Ohio with plenty of options for placing a bet. Dallas Witmer, 25, of 522 Richmond St., Huntington, warrants for arrest and petty theft Dec. 3 by the LCSO. Obviously, it is a very stressful time for the department, but we are going to do our job., Spoljaric is being held in the Scioto County Jail because there is no way to separate the officer from the rest of the population in the Lawrence County Jail. Car broken into 1300 block South Ninth Street, 8:24 a.m. Sunday, items taken. Tom T. Stapleton, 31, 462E. We are very pleased with Sgt. How satisfied are you with leadership in your municipality? For the next available auction date and list of impounded vehicles, call our administrative offices during business hours, check our Facebook page, check the City Calendar, or watch out for information on our news feed here on the City website. You may have seen something or know about something that solves a major crime, saves someones life, or makes your neighborhood a better place for everyone. NOTE: If a crime or other suspicious activity is happening right now, call (740) 532-3525 or 9-1-1. Ironton Police Department Contact Information Address and Phone Number for Ironton Police Department, a Police Department, at North Main Street, Ironton MO. The mission of the Ironton Police Department is to work together with our citizens to keep Ironton a safe place to live, work and play. Published 9:50 am Tuesday, December 9, 2014. Winds light and variable.. Showers this evening, becoming a steady rain overnight. If you have dealings with drugs, we are going to arrest you. ROME TOWNSHIP, Ohio The Fairland Local Board of Education will hold its organizational meeting for the 2023 calendar year on Monday, Jan. 9, 2023, at 6 p.m. at Fairland High School. Thank you for helping us make Ironton a safer place to live, work, and play. NEWCOMERSTOWN, Ohio Authorities investigating a fire that claimed the lives of six members of an Ohio family are looking at the possibility that the blaze was sparked by alternative methods of heating that the family was using to stay warm. Sant mentale : invoquer votre homard intrieur, cette mthode pour poser des limites, Le saviez-vous : Free envoie toujours un SMS et mail ses abonns Freebox pour leur viter toute mauvaise surprise. (Good for 3 consecutive days), Golf Cart Inspection $20.00 IPD detectives and an investigator from the Lawrence County Coroners Office were called to further investigate. Kevin Wilson, 34, of 168 Township Road 1336, South Point, warrants for arrest Dec. 3 by the OSHP. Possession of drugs County Road 107, Proctorville, Dec. 3, man allegedly had heroin and oxycodone in vehicle; Brent Lewis, 33, of 6451 County Road 12, Proctorville, arrested. Spoljaric was in Ironton Municipal Court on Thursday morning and had an attorney appointed and was given a $50,000 bond. No one will contact you or know who you are unless you want us to. The City of Ironton is the county seat of Lawrence County, Ohio and is located along the Ohio River in Southern Ohio. No one will contact you or know who you are unless you want us to. When officers arrived, they found an unconscious mane laying face down on a rear porch of the residence. CHESAPEAKE, Ohio Drew Griffin, Chesapeake mayor pro tem, has been named as Chesapeake mayor after Nathan Ittig resigned last year as mayor. Kevin McComas, 50, of 312 Ben St., Chesapeake, domestic violence Dev. CHESAPEAKE, Ohio A Chesapeake man charged with the aggravated murder of his neighbor has waived extradition and is scheduled to appear Friday in Lawrence County Municipal Court. A summons was issued for Spoljaric on Jan. 5. NOW HIRING ENTRY LEVEL POLICE OFFICERS City ofIronton Police Department Click Here for the Ohio Civil Service Application ENTRY LEVEL POLICE OFFICER IRONTON POLICE DEPARTMENT The Civil Service Commission of [], NOW HIRING ENTRY LEVEL POLICE OFFICERS City ofIronton Police Department Click Here for the Ohio Civil Service Application ENTRY LEVEL POLICE OFFICER IRONTON POLICE DEPARTMENT [], Lawrence County Health Department COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics June7-10, 2022 June 3, 2022 Lawrence County Health Department would like to announce COVID-19 vaccination clinics for the week of [], COVID-19 Update:Expanding COVID-19 Testing Locations with Support from Ohio National Guard January 11, 2022 (COLUMBUS, Ohio)Ohio Governor Mike DeWine today announced additional Guard deployments to support COVID-19 [], NOTE: If a crime or other suspicious activity is happening right now, call (740) 532-3525 or 9-1-1. IRONTON An Ironton man was sentenced Wednesday in Lawrence County Common Pleas Court to nine years in prison after he pleaded guilty to charges of robbery, tampering with evidence and making a terroristic threat. If you see something, say something. The Ironton Police Department is investigating a fight at an adult group home that left one man dead. Our end goal is to help them flourish in safe, supportive neighborhoods which in turn enables them to grow into productive adults and citizens. Wheeler Parker Jr. Scioto grand jury indicts 18 on drug charges, Collins Career Center takes part in pilot program for students, Ohio man charged with murder waives hearing, TikTok, WeChat banned from state government devices in Ohio, Ironton man sentenced to prison in drug case, Sewer rate increase expected under proposed schedule, Union Township Board of Trustees sets meeting dates, times, Ohio man indicted on terroristic threats charge sentenced to prison, Governor's veto allows Ohio communities to regulate tobacco, Man who had snow stuffed in mouth during arrest files suit, Domestic violence, theft, fraud among sheriff's reports, Communicating through art: OHIO Southern gallery to feature Cedric Michael Cox paintings, South Point forges ahead with waterline improvements, Biden aims to highlight bipartisanship amid House GOP chaos, Ohio House picks Jason Stephens as new speaker, Sweeping criminal justice law changes OKd by Ohio governor, South Point to install water meters after Ohio EPA reports violation, Escaped prisoner from Ohio arrested in Logan County, WV, Two charged with tire theft in Scioto County, Ohio pair arrested after drug investigation, Southern Ohio Council of Governments to meet, Bond increased for Ohio man charged with drug trafficking, EXPLAINER: Sports betting to begin in Ohio with new year, Bond set for Ohio man charged in shooting death of neighbor, Biden pardons 6 convicted of murder, drug, alcohol crimes, OU launches OHIO Regional Advantage Awards program, Several domestic violence incidents reported to sheriff's office, Lawrence County Community Foundation awards inaugural grants, Area Agency on Aging 7 releases annual report, Kentucky, Ohio get $1.6B to fix overloaded bridge, add span, Ohio man charged in shooting death of neighbor to appear in court, Lawrence commission OKs sale of sewer district, Heating methods eyed in Ohio fire after family of 6 killed, Water pours into Ohio Senate after Statehouse pipe bursts, Lawrence commissioners change meeting time, Fairland Board of Ed to hold meeting Jan. 9, Buckeye Rural Electric Cooperative ID's worker killed on the job, Lawrence County Investment Advisory Committee to meet, Buckeye Rural Electric Cooperative lineworker killed during power restoration efforts, OUS celebrates student accomplishments with Nurse Pinning Ceremony, Tweets from Chester Clayton Daniels, 44, 2202 County Road 55, Ironton, commitment Monday by the Lawrence County Sheriffs Office. Craft, 21, no address, theft Michael A. Lusk, 19, Ironton, probation violation, Sept. 25. The Ironton Police Department is investigating a fight at an adult group home that left one man dead. There are a number of mayors up for re-election this year. Christopher L. Shope, 25, 2299 County Road 27, Pedro, DUI, operating a motor vehicle without control, unauthorized use of a motor vehicle Sunday by the Ohio State Highway Patrol. Charles Burke, 36, of 8295 County Road 141, Kitts Hill, warrants for arrest Dec. 4 by the IPD. Kevin J. Waldo, Judge Phone: (740) 532-3026 Fax: (740) 533-6088 Street, Sanitation, and Flood Superintendent of Street, Sanitation, and flood Address: Ironton Street Department Timothy Stapleton, 26, of 467 Walburn St., Franklin Furnace, petty theft Dec. 4 by the LCSO. Wagner said the investigation is ongoing and information is being. Ironton Police Station Patrol Hours 24/7 Dispatch Phone: (740) 532-3525 Tip Line Phone: (740) 532-5606 Administrative Office: Admin Clerk Cindy Prater Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm Phone: 740-532-2338 Fax: 740-533-6086 Email: FEE SCHEDULE Copy of Reports $5.00 Yard Sale Permit $10.00 (Good for 3 consecutive days) SOUTH POINT, Ohio Grant I. Gifford of Wheelersburg, Ohio, a recent graduate from the 170th Academy Class of the Ohio State Highway Patrol, has been assigned to the Ironton post, according to a news release. Wagner said the investigation is ongoing and information is being forwarded to the Lawrence County Prosecutors Office. If you see something, say something. COAL GROVE, Ohio The Coal Grove Police Department was awarded $16,328 in state funds to help local law enforcement agencies, according to a news release from the office of Gov. IRONTON Controversy, concerns and outrage have been mounting in the tri-state area since the appearance of a social media blogger, with an objective of exposing crooked police officers. Information can be left anonymously. Jochen Zeitz, PDG dHarley-Davidson, a confi nos confrres de dezeen que la firme de Milwaukee ne produirait plus que des motos lectriques long termes. Chris A. Crabtree, 22, 516 Marion Pike, Coal Grove, aggravated menacing Saturday by the Coal Grove Police Department. Upon closer investigation, they found that the man was dead. Cody S. Stapleton, 24, South Point, warrant, July 23. Anyone with information about this case can call the IPD at 740-532-5606. Wagner said the investigation is ongoing and information is being. Leslie Wright, Traffic, Nov. 2. There are a number of mayors up for re-election this year. She said it was a fast-evolving situation from the time the call came in until the arrest. We can help, but we need a place to start. Matthew L. Moon, 33, 174 Township Road 151, South Point, having a weapon under a disability, child restraint Saturday by the Ohio State Highway Patrol. CHESAPEAKE, Ohio The Union Township Board of Trustees will have its regular meeting Thursday, Jan. 5, at the Chesapeake municipal courthouse in Chesapeake, Ohio, beginning at 6 p.m. CHILLICOTHE, Ohio The Southern Ohio Council of Governments (SOCOG) will hold its next board meeting on Thursday, Jan. 5, at 10 a.m. at Southern Ohio Council of Governments, 167 West Main St., Chillicothe Ohio. No information is too small or unimportant. COAL GROVE, Ohio The Coal Grove Police Department was awarded $16,328 in state funds to help local law enforcement agencies, according to a news release from the office of Gov. IRONTON An Ironton area man charged in a drug trafficking case had his bond increased to $150,000 last week in Lawrence County Common Pleas Court. Occasionally these may also contain retired police vehicles. COVINGTON, Ky. President Joe Biden on Wednesday held out the promised makeover of a dilapidated bridge over the Ohio River as a symbol of what can happen when Republicans and Democrats work together even as he condemned what he labeled an embarrassing scene of GOP disarray back in Washington. Theft 700 block South Fourth Street Sunday, residence entered. Deuxime dmarque des soldes dhiver 2023 : on shoppe quoi chez Maje, Sandro, Ba&sh ? GETAWAY, Ohio Collins Career Center is one of 12 schools in Ohio to participate in a pilot program focusing on students strengths instead of weaknesses, according to Superintendent Adam Pittis. Chance of rain 90%. Assault 5800 block State Route 243, Ironton 7:52 p.m. Sunday, 16-year-old girl allegedly struck in face twice, Victoria A. We will follow up on all tips you provide. Assault No location given Sunday, person assaulted, suspects named, Craig Castle, 20, 826 S. 19th Street, and Randy L. Hardy, 26, 349 Private Drive 2548, Ironton, both charged with aggravated robbery and taken to jail. William Hale, 25, Huntington, W.Va., court review Sunday by the Lawrence County Sheriffs Office. Justin G. Newman, 32, Catlettsburg, Ky., outstanding warrant Tuesday by the Lawrence County Sheriffs Office. La date approche (trs) grands pas ! How satisfied are you with leadership in your municipality. COLUMBUS, Ohio Sweeping criminal justice legislation signed Tuesday by Ohio Gov. How satisfied are you with leadership in your municipality? There are a number of mayors up for re-election this year. Serving the citizens of Ironton, Ohio for over 150 years! Paul M. Seehafer, 36, 25 Private Drive 143, Chesapeake, outstanding warrant Sunday by the Lawrence County Sheriffs Office. Josie Copley, 44, 271 County Road 1, South Point, possession of drugs Sunday by the Lawrence County Sheriffs Office. Monica Delawder, 37, of 1114 S. Sixth St., Ironton, warrants for arrest Dec. 1 by CPS. COLUMBUS, Ohio Jason Stephens, speaker of the Ohio House of Representatives, appointed Brittney Colvin to serve as his chief of staff. Phone: 740-532-2338 Renee J. , 39, Chillicothe, warrants, March 29, Ashland, conduct! And had an attorney appointed and was given a $ 50,000 bond we will follow up on tips... Les cibles des activistes: les constructeurs automobiles et les compagnies ariennes can visual art a. On all tips you provide Ironton 7:52 p.m. Sunday, residence entered D. Thomas 42. 28, of 232 Seaton Drive, Russell, Kentucky, probation,! William Hale, 25, Huntington, warrants for arrest Dec. 5 by the Lawrence County Sheriffs Office sports... Vandalism Pick N Save, Ironton, outstanding warrant Saturday by the LCSO and best friend of the residence,... July Zachery R. Wiseman, 25, of 168 Township Road 1389 Chesapeake... Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:00pm Hon stolen camera 700 block Vernon Street, 8:24 a.m. Sunday residence... 44, Ironton, bond william D. 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