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jcc stamford board of directors
.dt-shortcode-soc-icons a.orphaned-shortcode-d52178d95648af9cd49eeb87fc3f35d3:last-child { The JCC offers sportsclinics and classes for all ages and abilities throughout the year including basketball, soccer, tennis, t-ball, squash and more. However, during peak usage, especially Sunday mornings and Tuesday and Thursday from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m., only one lane may be available. Want to see how you can enhance your nonprofit research and unlock more insights? The only program of its kind in the greater Fairfield County area, the JumpStart classroom follows the pattern of a typical nursery school classroom, offering invaluable social and educational experiences in a group setting for children who typically get one-on-one services at home, in a more isolated setting.Our early childhood development teachers encourage children to practice acquired skills at critical developmental stages, and to practice emerging language and motor skills in a safe, fun and accepting environment. Become a Member; Member Portal; Group Fitness Class Schedule; Personal Training; . Assistant Secretary In her career, Rachel has focused on technology in the financial services industry and in education. font-size: 16px; 2023 Friedman JCC | This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Please check your inbox in order to proceed. .dt-shortcode-soc-icons a.orphaned-shortcode-c831bd542c024b70365220b3d608afa0.dt-icon-border-on:before { Engage with your community with 60+ weekly group exercise classes, showcasing the latest fitness trends. A Judaic curriculum is integral to our program, and the children experience Jewish traditions and holidays through song, stories and celebrations.Beyond the well-equipped, warm classroom space, children benefit from the JCC's full-service facility, including spacious fields, swimming pool, gymnasium, KidZone, and much more! padding: inherit; Take a class at The J or VIRTUALLY, from the comfort of your home! Tyler Tokioka. JCCGV Board of Directors 2022-2023 President Alvin Wasserman Immediate Past President Salomon Casseres VP Membership Michelle Pollock Treasurer Lionel Raber Secretary Jill Shore Board Lisa Averbach Lloyd Baron Salomon Casseres Cobi Dayan Larry Garfinkel Josh Gibbons Jeffrey Goldberg Elie Grouchko Jessica Hayden Joe Khalifa Jacob Kojfman GuideStar worked with BoardSource, the national leader Join the craze for Americas fastest growing sport! Jeffrey A. Cohen, Vice Chair Board of Directors 2022-2023 . .dt-shortcode-soc-icons a.orphaned-shortcode-63df8dcc56c31809dd39318b99105d1a .soc-font-icon, Upspring - Executive Vice President. Board of Directors. MENU. Clickhere to view the fullpickupschedule. Mike Klapper, Chief Executive Officermklapper@columbusjcc.org614-559-6232, Ronnie Conn, Chief Operating Officerrconn@columbusjcc.org614-559-6260, Louise Young, Chief Financial Officerlmyoung@columbusjcc.org614-559-6216, David Mittelkamp, Chief Financial Officerdmittelkamp@columbusjcc.org614-559-6202, Nikki Henry, ECLC Program Directornhenry@columbusjcc.org614-559-6290, Melanie Butter, Chief Development Officermbutter@columbusjcc.org614-559-6233, Steve Diamond, Human Resources Directorsdiamond@columbusjcc.org614-559-6287, Jeanna Brownlee, Director of Recreation & Wellnessjeannabrownlee@columbusjcc.org614-559-6274, Linda Fischer, Accounts Receivable Clerklfischer@columbusjcc.org614-559-6273, Josh Gibson, IT Administrator; Facilities Managerjgibson@columbusjcc.org614-559-6220, Lindsey Boeshart, Payroll Specialistlboeshart@columbusjcc.org614-559-6262, Bri McGrady, HR Coordinatorbmcgrady@columbusjcc.org614-559-6256, Debbie Schlosser, Controllerdschlosser@columbusjcc.org614-559-6221, Sally Long, Account Payable Clerkslong@columbusjcc.org614-559-6222, Sue Vail, Executive Administrative Assistantsvail@columbusjcc.org614-559-6212, Evi Goldberg, Membership Directoregoldberg@columbusjcc.org614-559-6229, Efrat Speckman, Membership Assistant Directorespeckman@columbusjcc.org614-559-6230, Jan Kazee, Member Services Assistantjkazee@columbusjcc.org614-559-6227, Rachel Flenner, Marketing Directorrflenner@columbusjcc.org614-559-6280, Becca Foskuhl, Digital Marketing Managerbfoskuhl@columbusjcc.org614-855-4885, Taryn Terwilliger, JCC College Ave ECLC Co-Directortterwilliger@columbusjcc.org614-559-6295, Ericka Amabile, JCC College Ave ECLC Co-Directoreamabile@columbusjcc.org614-559-6239, Tifaney George, JCC North ECLC Directortgeorge@columbusjcc.org614-764-2414, Jill Bradburn, JCC New Albany ECLC Directorjbradburn@columbusjcc.org614-855-4885, Shara Reiss, Family Resource Specialistsreiss@columbusjcc.org614-559-6363, Carey Herzberg, JCC New Albany ECLC Program Coordinatorcherzberg@columbusjcc.org614-855-4885, Lisa Keller, JCC North Program Coordinatorlkeller@columbusjcc.org614-764-2414, Jenny Wiley, JCC ECLC Curriculum, Debra Kellner, Jewish Education Directordkellner@columbusjcc.org614-764-2414, Raeann Cronebach, JCamps Directorrcronebach@columbusjcc.org614-559-6253, Hanna Fotsch, Jewish Community Disability Inclusion Directorhfotsch@columbusjcc.org614-559-6206, Emily Goldman, JClub Explorers Coordinator, Camp Chaverim 614.559.6248, Kori Keck, Camp Hoover Directorkkeck@columbusjcc.org614.559.6218, Michael Solomon, Manager of Theater & Adult Programsmsolomon@columbusjcc.org614-559-6238, Emily Schuss, Columbus Jewish Film Festival Directoreschuss@columbusjcc.org614-559-6205, Carlie Snyder, Fitness Directorcsnyder@columbusjcc.org614-559-6219, Beth McCullough, Assistant Fitness Directorbmccullough@columbusjcc.org614-559-6207, Mark Eldridge, Aquatics Directormeldridge@columbusjcc.org614-559-6231, Raegan Hanley, Aquatics Assistant Directorrhanley@columbusjcc.org614-559-6213, Sheila Cline, Hospitality Directorscline@columbusjcc.org614-559-6225, Toney Robertson, Executive Cheftrobertson@columbusjcc.org614-559-6224. He was the Board treasurer of the Crowden Music Center. Board of Directors; Find a JCC Career; Press Inquiries; What We Do. #page .dt-shortcode-soc-icons a.orphaned-shortcode-c831bd542c024b70365220b3d608afa0:hover .soc-icon, We have served the Princeton, Mercer and Bucks County Communities since 1911, over 100 years. About Our JCC. Stuart is a Director of the JCC Chicago Board, is Chair of the Endowment Task Force, and is on the JCC Chicago Advisory Council. All Rights Reserved. Michael H. Staenberg*, 2 Millstone Campus Drive Schedule a Tour! } background: none; Now Open! CONTACT US Jewish Federation of Greater Harrisburg 3301 N Front Street Harrisburg, PA 17110 (717) 236-9555 Danny Soshnik Steven Greenspan. clean up. Learn more .dt-shortcode-soc-icons a.orphaned-shortcode-c831bd542c024b70365220b3d608afa0 .soc-font-icon, } And that work begins with our excellent JCC Leadership Team, made up of our Executive Team and Board of Directors. } Register now. font-size: 16px; From now through January 31st, stock up and save on Personal Training sessions with The Julius B. Kuriansky Fitness Center's team of certified personal trainers. Continue Step 2: Account/Household Details VICE PRESIDENTS. Michael Goldstein Cindy Matloff. About Us . Members, if you are unsure if you already have an online account, please do not create a new one and call us at 305-534-3206 for assistance. Stuart is also a past Board Member of Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago (JUF). Sanford E. Pomerantz* Camaryn Lokuta No contribution is too small. Harvey Gerstein* Check out our available adult sports leagues. Membership at the JCC includes use of our spacious fitness center, filled with the latest exercise equipment and weight machines. Looking to get active, meet new people, and have fun? Board Vice Chair & Governance ChairMike Kboudi, DirectorsSue AllonGoldie CohenDavid FishmanPaula HerzmarkAaron KremerRachel Kurtz-PhelanCantor Elizabeth Sacks, Directors Nancy Alterman Mark Goldstein Jody Grossman Ed Nekritz Kathy Neustadt Steve Replin Terry Rubin Lisa Taussig Julie Turken, MTh: 5:30 am 9:00 pm F: 5:30 am 7:00 pm SS: 7:00 am 7:00 pm, Copyright 2021 Staenberg - Loup Jewish Community Center 501(c)(3) | All Rights Reserved. Board Representative to Stamford Emergency Medical Services ("SEMS") Community & Civic Activities: Saw Mill Association, Board of Directors (2006-10, 2011-15, 2016-20) President (5 years) Vice President (2 Years) Public Works . Cathy Hirata. .dt-shortcode-soc-icons a.orphaned-shortcode-63df8dcc56c31809dd39318b99105d1a:after { Clickhere to view the fullpickup schedule. 2022-2023 Board of Directors. (914) 725-7300 | 999 Wilmot Road, Scarsdale, NY 10583. salaried. FAQsDo I need to bring my own lock for the locker room?When is Open Court Basketball?Am I allowed to bring a guest? remotely. padding: inherit; Jan 31 - PJ Library Mom's Night Out. Karen Kalna Blum Abby L. Kushnir Dennies, Sandy. JCC Sara Walker Nursery School students and theirfamilies also enjoy the advantages of membership at the Stamford Jewish Community Center.The school is set on the spacious park-like grounds of Temple Sinai in North Stamford, 458 Lakeside Drive, Stamford, CT 06903 / Phone 203.322.6541. David Dresner Feb 19 - Davis Film Festival - America. min-width: 26px; #page .dt-shortcode-soc-icons a.orphaned-shortcode-d52178d95648af9cd49eeb87fc3f35d3:not(:hover) .soc-font-icon, Help us get you more of the nonprofit information you need, including: An email has been sent to the address you provided. For JCC members who prefer to swim on their own, lap lanes are open at most times throughout the day. Dr. Stephen Brand Leadership Executive Leadership Josh Weinstein, Chief Executive Officer Officers Howard Cohen, President Isobel Goldman, Vice President Justin Goldman, Vice President Alex Zapesochny, Vice President Cathy D'Amico, Secretary Loren Flaum, Treasurer Directors Robert Baker Leslie Crane Mark Goldberg non-exempt, benefit level position. Providing quality care and education that embraces the development of childrens minds, bodies and souls. Sports Classes Stamford J Basketball Adult Pickup Sports Adult Sports Leagues Pickleball Legacy Gymnasium Schedule } Thom Kuhn, Asst. Shannon Jacobs [emailprotected] 203-487-0965, Join us for The Stamford Jewish Community Center Annual Gala, AwardingBENNET MOSKOWITZThe JCC Emerging Leader Award, Cocktails & DinnerDietary Laws ObservedChic Attire, Registration to attend and for journal ads has closed.______________________________________, Gala ChairsAMBER BERRY, RISA RAICH & ZOE SCHWARTZ, Journal ChairsJOCELYN SHERMAN AVIDAN & JEANNIE KASINDORF, Gala AmbassadorsKate & Jason AnklowitzJocelyn Sherman Avidan* & Ron AvidanJess & Ben BergerAmber & Adam BerryBlake* & Daniel BueckmanEffi* & Eric Cohen Marsha Colten** & Robert CohenKaren DernBrenda Piskin & Andrew DiFiore Helen & Marty** DonnerArlene Ettinger**Nancy & Richard FreedmanMaxine** & Jay FreilichSuzanne & Rob FruithandlerRobin Frederick** & Michael Gold*Joanne & Marshall** GoldbergCheryl Bader & Stephen Goldblum Risa* & Jeff** GoldblumEmily & Jeremy GuttmanAbby & Scott HandelmanJamie & Jeffrey JablonsJody Farber & Thomas JacksonLisa & Arnold* KarpSharon & Doug** KarpJeannie Kasindorf**Jeannie* & Brian** KriftcherSusan & Bernie** KriegerPamela Feldstein* & David Loewenberg Nina** & Norman LotsteinKaren & Jon MalkinLeslie & David NapachLisa & Jeff* PopperRandi & Craig L. PriceRisa** & Steven RaichLindsay & Peter* RosenDana & Stuart* RothMonica Smyth* & Mike SchlessingerZoe & Daniel L.* SchwartzSara Bromley Seide & Steve SeideAlana & Jed* SelkowitzBetsey & Arthur** SelkowitzDebbie Katz Shapiro & Leon Shapiro*Stephanie & Bob** ShermanSara* & Mitchell SimonAlana* & Mered SliwinskiGail G. & Stephen** TrellPam & Rich** VogelDana & Carl Weinberg, *Member of The Stamford JCC Board of Directors**Member of The Stamford JCC Council of Advisors. Bonnie E. Mann .dt-shortcode-soc-icons a.orphaned-shortcode-63df8dcc56c31809dd39318b99105d1a .soc-icon { A typical session will include time for free play, circle time, a project (which may be art, cooking or a sensory-motor activity), snack, music and outdoor play. .dt-shortcode-soc-icons a.orphaned-shortcode-d52178d95648af9cd49eeb87fc3f35d3:before, William Goldstein min-height: 26px; Stamford J Basketball provides year-round programs for beginners to advanced players. Dr. Shlomo Saul, D.O. Sue M. Strassman Get Involved. Children are engaged in a variety of structured activities such as sports, arts & crafts, cooking, science, games, music, swimming, storytelling, Shabbat celebrations, teambuilding activities, and much more. Paul J. Gallant* Engage with your community with 60+ weekly group exercise classes, showcasing the latest fitness trends. Develop player skill and enhance I.Q this summer through individual player attention and high level coaching with AAU coaches and former college and professional players at Stamford J Basketball Summer Clinics. Vice Chair. Form a team or signup as an individual and compete at The J with year-round adult sports leagues, including basketball, softball, and volleyball. Administration, Enterprise Resource Planning Board, Investment Advisory Committee, OPEB Board of Trustees, Tax Abatement Committee, WPCA Board. Step 1: Account/Household Information Membership Type Children ( Under the age of 22) Do you wish to add a Live-In Caregiver for $25 per month? .dt-shortcode-soc-icons a.orphaned-shortcode-d52178d95648af9cd49eeb87fc3f35d3.dt-icon-border-on:before { color: rgba(255,255,255,0.75); 2023 JCC Mid-Westchester. Bryan Sanger Sign in. Our fully equipped child care center has areas where children can enjoy creative art, block building, science exploration, dramatic play, puzzles and manipulative play. .dt-shortcode-soc-icons a.orphaned-shortcode-d52178d95648af9cd49eeb87fc3f35d3.dt-icon-hover-border-on:after { Seth Kaufer, D.O. 7:00PM - 9:00PM . #page .dt-shortcode-soc-icons a.orphaned-shortcode-c831bd542c024b70365220b3d608afa0:not(:hover) .soc-font-icon, Stamford JCC 1035 Newfield Avenue Stamford, CT 06905 Phone: (203) 322-7900. Helene Mirowitz color: #ffffff; WPCA Board. Mission/Vision; Holocaust Center; Jobs/Volunteer; Board of Directors; General Information; 2021-22 Annual Report; Close; Calendar; Gallery; Join served on JCC's board of trustees from 1990 to 2001, as board chairperson from 1994 to 1998, and was reappointed to the board in 2013. David Wright, Harvey M. Brown* Fri 5:30a 6p JCC Rockland JCC Northern NJ. min-height: 26px; #phantom .dt-shortcode-soc-icons a.orphaned-shortcode-63df8dcc56c31809dd39318b99105d1a:not(:hover) .soc-icon { At Day Camps at The J, weve created a wonderful world of summer fun, enhanced by the Jewish values of kindness, respect, compassion, and community. Lenore R. Pepper* Want to see how you can enhance your nonprofit research and unlock more insights? Copyright The Stamford JCC 2023 | Privacy Policy | Website Powered by Accrisoft, THE VOGEL FAMILY CENTER FOR EARLY LEARNING. .dt-shortcode-soc-icons a.orphaned-shortcode-c831bd542c024b70365220b3d608afa0:hover { } .dt-shortcode-soc-icons a.orphaned-shortcode-63df8dcc56c31809dd39318b99105d1a.dt-icon-hover-border-on:after { Regular Hours of Operation:Monday-Thursday: 5:30 a.m. - 10 p.m.Fridays: 5:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.Saturdays:7:15 a.m. - 9 p.m.Sundays: 7:15 a.m. - 6 p.m.Click here to view holiday hours. New Orleans JCC. border: 0px solid ; With over 80 years of combined experience working with nonprofits, our Leadership Team values the personal journey of each of our members. Cynthia L. Albin Contact - JCC Association of North America Contact JCC Association Headquarters 520 8th Avenue 4th Floor New York, NY 10018 (212) 532-4949 JCC Association Center for Israel Engagement Solomon and Mary Litt Building 12 Moshe Hess Street Jerusalem, 9418513, Israel 011.972.2.625.1265 fax 011.972.2.624.7767 Find contact's direct phone number, email address, work history, and more. background: none; Rachel Moseley has served on the JCC Mid-Westchester Board of Directors since 2013 and as Board President since July 2022. Regular Hours of Operation: Monday-Thursday: 5:30 a.m. - 10 p.m. GuideStar partnered on this section with CHANGE Philanthropy and Equity in the Center. From now through January 31st, stock up and save on Personal Training sessions with The Julius B. Kuriansky Fitness Center's team of certified personal trainers. } Hawaiian Electric Industries, Assistant General Counsel, Assistant Corporate Secretary. font-size: 16px; View the list of the 2019 officers and board of directors for the New Orleans JCC. Stuart L. Block, Secretary Aaron Vickar But there's one question that made her stop and think. Anthony Chamay. In. CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD. min-width: 26px; All Rights Reserved.
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