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john witherspoon declaration of independence family tree
Witherspoon owned slaves and lectured against the abolition of slavery.[28]. Stocktons oldest daughter Julia wed Dr. Benjamin Rush in January 1776, six months later Rush signed the Declaration of Independence. In August 1767, he boarded a ship in London and 26 days later arrived in New York. Her parents are still legally married, although they separated in 1996. John bartlett family trees listed as josiah, was glorious to be freely in particular repeal of independence in the independents in his many ventures including women. Miss Montgomery, at an early age, and at the time of his immigration had three sons and two daughters. He served on over 100 committees, most notably the powerful standing committees, the board of war and the committee on secret correspondence or foreign affairs. . Stony Brook Quaker Meeting House Burial Ground, Princeton Township, New Jersey, United States, Oct 1 1730 - Princeton, Somerset, Province of New Jersey, Feb 28 1781 - Princeton, Somerset, New Jersey, USA, Richard Arthur Stockton, Julia Rush, Mary Stockton, Susan Stockton, Lucius Stockton, Abigail Field, Hannah Boudinot, Rev. Doctor Samuel Smith, vice president of the College of New Jersey (now Princeton University)and son-in-law of Rev. Great hardships and suffering were also inflicted upon three signers from neighboring New Jersey. Handkerchief in hand they lashed at the hungry pests to no avail.". Boudinot was appointed by General Washington to be commissary general of prisoners in the Revolutionary Army 1776-1779. He also firmed up entrance requirements. In 1768, John Witherspoon, Presbyterian leader of the evangelical Popular party faction in the Scottish Kirk, became the College of New Jersey's sixth president. Although many took the pardon, Stockton never did and was marched to Perth Amboy where he was put in irons, and brutally treated as a common criminal. Can someone please show primary source documentation that his middle name was Knox, because I find only that there is no middle name. Ramsay, the celebrated historian. The New York signers - William Floyd, Philip Livingston, Francis Lewis, and Lewis Morris - were particularly vulnerable to British retaliation. During his two pastorates he wrote three well-known works on theology, notably the satire "Ecclesiastical Characteristics" (1753) opposing the philosophical influence of Francis Hutcheson. Adams at first refused, but when Stockton again repeated his request and at the urging of Edward Rutledge who said only Adams had the facts at his command Adams rose to the occasion and gave a stirring speech in favor of independence. (Clergyman, Author, Educator). He remained at the University to study divinity. Scotland's DNA Like John Adams and Patrick Henry, he was an outspoken Patriot, advocating independence from Great Britain. Nothing was ever written about doubts of Stockton's loyalty in any of the papers of members of Congress, or in any newspapers or books of the time. Stone was the engraver. Born in Scotland, John lived there for the first half of his adult life, marrying and having children there, and becoming a Presbyterian minister. HE was involved in New Jersey committees of correspondence, and he also signed the Declaration of Independence and served on over a hundred congressional committees. "There," he had said after writing his name in large, bold letters. Ann, the eldest daughter, was married to the Rev. The darkest days of his life were spent locked in irons, starving and shivering in the cold winter of 1776-77 in the notorious Provost prison in New York City. Of his courses, none was more important than Moral Philosophy (a required course), which Witherspoon considered vital for ministers, lawyers, and those holding positions in government (magistrates). His aim as a minister was to defend and articulate traditional Scottish Presbyterian theology, without altering or disguising it. After several days of heated debate, final action on Lee's resolution was deferred until July 1st, and men on both sides of the issue used the intervening weeks to lobby for their own positions. Stockton's treatment in the New York prison prompted Continental Congress to pass a resolution directing George Washington to inquire into the circumstances and not long afterward, Stockton was paroled on January 13, 1777. At age 13, he entered college . No one changed his mind. Agnes Douglas , Alexander Livingston, Alinor de PROVENCE , Henri III d'ANGLETERRE, Marguerite Von Wittelsbach , Jean De Bourgogne. Stockton was admitted to the bar in 1754 and soon rose to great distinction. He was hunted by soldiers and dogs and was forced to hide in the woods and caves of the Sourland Mountains during icy December weather. That reaction deeply hurt Morton, particularly when he was ignored even after he fell gravely ill early in 1777. War Timeline | In January, however, a sensational pamphlet appeared in Philadelphia and stirred more revolutionary fervor than anything that had been written to that time. On June 22nd 1778 he invited the American army to encamp on his farm. Famously, when told that the country was not yet ready for independence, Witherspoon replied that it was "not only ripe for the measure, but in danger of rotting for the want of it." Witherspoon would go on to be one of the Founding Fathers of the United States as a signatory to the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Two incidents occurred during Stocktons travels that placed his life in peril. Stockton became an eminent Lawyer with one of the largest practices in the colonies. He attended the Haddington Grammar School, and obtained a Master of Arts from the University of Edinburgh in 1739. Fleming H. Revell Company: 1906. The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived. Boudinot also served as Director of the Mint, and became the first president of the American Bible Society in 1816. Five months after signing the Declaration, the British burned his library. He likely also would have been selected to the Constitutional Convention had he not been meeting simultaneously in Philadelphia to draw up a constitution for his own denomination, which paralleled the national document in a number of key respects. At the age of 45, he became the sixth president of the college, later known as Princeton University. As a native Scotsman, long wary of the power of the British Crown, Witherspoon soon came to support the Revolution, joining the Committee of Correspondence and Safety in early 1774. Plaque on Edinburgh University School of Divinity, Biographical sketches of distinguished Jerseymen (1845), President Witherspoon in the American Revolution (July 1, 1896), The Works of the Rev. The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived. I call to God to witness that if any British troops are landed in the County of York, of which I am Lieutenant, I will wait no orders, but will summon the militia and drive the invaders into the sea!". ", William Ellery of Rhode Island deliberately moved close to the signing table "to see how they all looked as they signed what might be their death warrants." Francis Lewis was away when the British ransacked his home, so they seized his wife, treated her brutally, and threw her into prison under foul conditions. He also wrote frequent essays on subjects of interest to the colonies. While in Scotland as a trustee of the College of New Jersey, Stockton visited Reverend John Witherspoon. Died: November 15, 1794 at 71. The other New York signer, Lewis Morris, lost his magnificent estate, "Morrisania", which was sacked and burned. John Witherspoon, (born Feb. 15, 1723, [Feb. 5, 1722, old style], Gifford, East Lothian, Scot.died Nov. 15, 1794, Tusculum, N.J., U.S.), Scottish-American Presbyterian minister and president of the College of New Jersey (now Princeton University); he was the only clergyman to sign the Declaration of Independence. A rest area on the southbound New Jersey Turnpike, south of Interstate 195, is named after Stockton. Witherspoon Names. Witherspoon advocated for "gradual emancipation" of slaves. At once he began fund-raising, added three hundred of his own books to the library, and began the purchase of scientific equipment, including the Rittenhouse orrery, many maps and a "terrestial" globe. A young English woman Esther DeBerdt, engaged to Stocktons former law student Joseph Reed remarked, I like Mr. Stockton exceedingly. Jan l8, 21, 22, 29, Feb 7, 1777, Tatum, ed., Jour. However, none was more important than moral philosophy (a required course). He brought many of the better elements of the Scottish Enlightenment to Princeton and was interested in science as well as in government, moral philosophy, religion, and other subjects; notes of his lectures, which stressed the moral sense, were widely distributed in early America. He married Elizabeth Montgomery on 2 September 1748, in Scotland, United Kingdom. His parents were James Witherspoon and Anna Walker. Unanimity was essential, so Edward Rutledge of South Carolina moved that a final vote be postponed until the following day. There were no negative votes among the five southernmost colonies (South Carolina went along for the sake of unity), and when the roll had been completed 12 colonies had voted in favor of separation from Britain, with only New York abstaining. American independence Witherspoon was a strong supporter of America and American independence. When news of this reached the constituents, New Jersey elected Richard Stockton and Dr. Witherspoon to replace two of the five New Jersey delegates. Since that period, he hath represented New Jersey in the Congress of the United States. For two generations his family had been Quakers, and it was his wish to be buried at the Stony Brook Meeting House Cemetery in Princeton. According to the petition, "paying such honor to someone who participated actively in the enslavement of human beings, and used his scholarly gifts to defend the practice, is today a distraction from . When Parliament resolved to raise revenue in the colonies in 1775, Stockton declared the colonies "must each of them send one or two of their most ingenious fellows, and enable them to get into the House of Commons, maintain them there till they can maintain themselves, or else we shall be fleeced to some purpose." John Knox Witherspoon, Signer of the & Princeton, Mercer, New Jersey, United States, President of College of New Jersey [present Princeton], Presbyterian minister, Signer of Declaration Of Independance, Elizabeth Montgomery (29 May 1722 - 1 October 1789), Anne Witherspoon (23 July 1749 - 1 April 1817), Christian Witherspoon, d.s.p. Most of the 4,836 colonists who took advantage of the proclamation had done so before Trenton while British troops were enjoying their greatest success; AT NO TIME, however, HAD A LEADING REBEL SOUGHT PARDON. In 1774, he drafted and sent to Lord Dartmouth "a plan of self-government for America, independent of Parliament, without renouncing the Crown." Here were the elite of the 18th century America, but few were elitist. The militia commander was signer Thomas Nelson Jr., who noticed that the artillery gunners were shelling everything in the vicinity except his own stately brick mansion, which was being used as British headquarters. "[7] 4,836 Declarations were subscribed but Stockton as a Signer of the Declaration of Independence and a leading rebel never did according to General Howe. He said that the task should fall to his rival Jefferson on three counts: "Reason first, you are a Virginian, and Virginia ought to appear at the head of this business. His own health began to deteriorate and he was dead by the third anniversary of the signing of the Declaration. John and Elizabeth had at least nine children: Dr. Witherspoon was married to his first wife. John Hancock of Massachusetts, the president of the Congress, had been the first to sign. Stocktons great-grandfather was Richard "The Emigrant" Stockton, 1635-1707, who arrived in Flushing, Long Island, New York, when it was still New Netherland. In 1912, after her mother married John William Coleman, the family moved into the city of Atlanta. [John Witherspoon, Lectures on Moral Philosophy (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Univ. He has published scholarly papers and popular articles for both children and adults. A merchant ship, the SS John Witherspoon, saw service during World War II as part of convoy PQ-17, and was sunk by a German U-boat in the North Atlantic on 6 July 1942. The Presbyterian Handbook, Revised Edition - Page 59 [27], Witherspoon was elected to the American Philosophical Society in 1789[33], Scottish-American Presbyterian Minister (1723-1794). They understood quite clearly that they were indeed pledging "to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. In Washington, D.C. near the Washington Monument there is a memorial park to the signers with 56 granite boulders, each engraved with the name of a signer. Father of Julia Rush; Mary Hunter; Susannah Cuhtburt; Sen. Richard Stockton; Lucius Horatio Stockton and 2 others; Abigail Field and Abigail Dunbar less Witherspoon, John. Richard and his wife Abigail (nee unknown) were the parents of Richard "The Builder" Stockton, the grandfather of Rihcard "The Signer" Stockton. Dr. Nonetheless, Witherspoon transformed a college designed predominantly to train clergymen into a school that would equip the leaders of a new country. This Commonwealth approach was not acceptable to the King, had it been the British could have avoided the war that freed the colonies and deprived the King of the fairest jewel in his crown. Eleven delegates were prosperous merchants, nine were wealthy farmers or landowners, and 24 were lawyers or judges. New Jersey was overrun by the British in November of '76, when he was returning from the mission. He who sustained the debate, and by the force of reasoning demonstrated not only the justice, but the expediency of the measure.. In 1764, Stockton became the Grand Master of the first chartered Masonic lodge (St. Johns No 1) in Princeton, New Jersey. John Witherspoon (17231794) was the only clergyman to sign the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation as well as serve at the convention that ratified the U.S. Constitution in New Jersey. Princeton University is considering a petition, signed by nearly 300 members of the campus community, to remove a statue of John Witherspoon. If something of the kind was not done, he warned Lord Dartmouth, the result would be an obstinate, awful, and tremendous war. He helped organize Nassau Presbyterian Church in Princeton, New Jersey. He was 71 when he died. At age 68, he married a 24-year-old widow, with whom he had two more children. An urgent message from his colleague, Thomas McKean, now demanded his presence in Philadelphia "at the earliest possible moment." Witherspoon took a very active role in the debates regarding the Articles of Confederation. Wrong username or password. John Witherspoon is Don Rigali . He remained at the university to study divinity. John Witherspoon, who was sixth president of the College of New Jersey (now Princeton University) and a signer of the Declaration of Independence. Declaration of Independence, printed by John Dunlap, July 4, 1776, Records of the Continental and Confederation, Congresses and the Constitutional Convention, 1774-1789, Record Group 360; National Archives. Born February 5, 1723 (Gifford, Scotland) Died November 15, 1794 (Princeton, New Jersey) Protestant theologian, educator. They had held a Stamp Act Congress in New York during September 1765, and that same year formed the Sons of Liberty, which one observer called, "a mob of gentlemen." Witherspoon was responsible for its rebuilding after the war, which caused him great personal and financial difficulty. When the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America met in 1789, 52 of the 188 delegates had studied under Witherspoon. On March 25, 1777, General Howe and his brother Lord Howe wrote to Lord George Germain (Secretary of State for the Colonies)in England "My Lord, We have the honor to enclose to your Lordship a state of the Declarations subscribed in consequence of our Proclamation of the 30th of November. Elias Boudinot was married to Stockton's sister Hannah Stockton (17361808). The Syng inkstand is a silver inkstand used during the signing of the United States Declaration of Independence in 1776 and the United States Constitution in 1787. Congressmen. As previously mentioned, he educated a great number of future American leaders, and his strong support for democracy and republicanism was transmitted to his students. His work turned Princeton into the Ivy League school it is today. They found the army in need of all necessary things and Stockton reported this to John Hancock. The servant therefore retains all his other natural rights. As the college's primary occupation at the time was training ministers, Witherspoon became a major leader of the early Presbyterian Church in America. She was a close friend and favorite correspondent of General George Washington. ", Steven Hopkins of Rhode Island, the second-oldest signer, was afflicted with palsy. [19] In Congress, he was appointed congressional chaplain, and in July 1776, he voted to adopt the Virginia Resolution for Independence. John Witherspoon participated in the American Revolution. John Witherspoon was a Pastor, President of Princeton and signer of the Declaration of Independence. The rebels captured him, imprisoned him in a castle, and threatened to kill him. Although Witherspoon can be heavily credited in the expansion and progression of the University, his ownership ties to the enslavement of Black people in America have caused for an internal Princeton petition to the CPUC Committee on Naming at Princeton University and President Eisgruber for the removal of his statue that currently stands in Firestone Plaza on campus. He studied law with David Ogden, of Newark, who was at that time the head of the legal profession in the province. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. Some of the courses he taught personally were Eloquence or Belles Lettres, Chronology (history), and Divinity. Biography by Rev. John is 15 degrees from Margaret Atwood, 18 degrees from Jim Carrey, 16 degrees from Elsie Knott, 19 degrees from Gordon Lightfoot, 20 degrees from Alton Parker, 22 degrees from Beatrice Tillman, 18 degrees from Jenny Trout, 18 degrees from Justin Trudeau, 19 degrees from Edwin Boyd, 16 degrees from Barbara Hanley, 25 degrees from Fanny Rosenfeld and 17 degrees from Cathryn Hondros on our single family tree. Witherspoon served in Congress from June 1776 until November 1782 and became one of its most influential members and a workhorse of prodigious energy. [2], He was then moved to Provost Prison in New York where he was intentionally starved and subjected to freezing cold weather. He died October 24, 1821. Stockton was an active and influential member of Congress. At the College of New Jersey, Witherspoon revised the moral philosophy curriculum, strengthened the college's commitment to natural philosophy, and positioned Princeton in the larger transatlantic world of the republic of letters. In August 2021, the Princeton School Board voted to remove John Witherspoon's name from the local public middle school due to Witherspoon's history as a slave owner who opposed abolition. His estate, Morven, in Princeton was occupied by General Cornwallis during Stockton's imprisonment; his furniture, all household belongings, crops and livestock were taken or destroyed by the British. In this sense, the temporal principles of morality required a religious component which derived its authority from the spiritual. From among his students came 37 judges, three of whom made it to the U.S. Supreme Court; 10 Cabinet officers; 12 members of the Continental Congress, 28 U.S. In the days that followed, copies of the Declaration of Independence was posted throughout the 13 states and read in public places. Later that year he was elected to the Continental Congress in time to vote for R. H. Lee's Resolution for Independence. At Princeton, he mentored constitutional architect James Madison; as a New Jersey delegate to the Continental Congress, he was the only clergyman to sign the Declaration of Independence. Morrison observed that Witherspoon responded to a provision in the Georgia State Constitution that prohibited clergymen from serving in the state legislature with a satirical essay in 1789 that suggested that the state might prefer individuals who had been defrocked for a disposition for cursing and swearing, drunkenness or uncleanness (quoted in Morrison 2004: 123). Amidst all the compliments which have been made on this occasion, be assured, madam, that the agreeable manner, and the very pleasing sentiments in which yours is conveyed, have affected my mind with the most lively sensations of joy and satisfaction. I shall empty my portmanteau of the stockings I have for my own use on this journey, excepting a pair to take back home, but this is a drop of water in the Ocean. Richard Stocktons heartfelt compassion for his fellow countrymen in dire need of everything was apparent in his letter as he was one of the few signers that actually traveled with the Continental Army. Stockton was appointed to committees supporting the war effort. Witherspoon was an early convert to the Patriot cause, and the British considered his college to be a seminary of sedition (Morrison 2005: 13). 85-86.]. Woods, David Walker. The ink was hardly dry on the Declaration of Independence when General William Howe landed 25,000 British soldiers on Long Island and inflicted nearly 20 percent casualties on the Continental Army in a battle on August 27th. Since that period, he hath represented New-Jersey in the congress of the United States. He registered for military service in 1780. There was no debate or discussion. Behind that fleet were all the wealth and power of the British Empire. General Washington ordered that the document be read to each Army brigade on July 9th, and he reported afterwards to Congress on "the expressions and behavior of officers and men testifying their warmest and approbation of it." He was a moderate with regard to Colonial autonomy. Rev. His sons later moved from Hopewell, but his daughters' married men from the surrounding area. He was in private practice as an otolaryngologist until 2012. New England was unanimously for independence. The mere communication of that congressional order to General Howe was enough to end the persecution of the Clark brothers and they survived their imprisonment. Born in Scotland and educated at the University of Edinburgh, Witherspoon was a prominent 18th-century intellectual associated with the moral philosophy of the Scottish Enlightenment. He was not much concerned with politics, but applied his talents and person to the revolutionary cause when the day came. BYU Law Review 2003 (2003): 891-940. "These are the times that try men's souls," Thomas Paine wrote in COMMON SENSE. Boudinot again served in Congress from 1789-1795. The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey is named in his honor. Stockton's oldest son Richard was an eminent lawyer and later a Senator from New Jersey. On July 2, 1776, the day of the vote on independence, another delegate claimed that America wasn't yet ripe enough for independence. Illinois University LibrariesCorner, George W., The Autobiography of Benjamin Rush. The British occupied the area and did much damage to the college, nearly destroyed it. Once persuaded otherwise, however, Morton signed the Declaration and stood by his decision, though he was ostracized by his family and friends, many of whom were Tories. John Hart, at the insistence of his dying wife, finally left her bedside to flee as a party of Hessians approached his farm. He died in 1794 on his farm Tusculum, just outside Princeton, and is buried along Presidents Row in Princeton Cemetery. He was not released until several years later, badly treated and in very poor condition. John Witherspoon arrived in Philadelphia to take their place as new members of Congress meeting at the State House (now Independence Hall). It took only a few minutes to complete the signing, and it was agreed not to make the signatures public for six months to give the signers and their families as much time as possible to secure themselves against certain reprisals. Witherspoon was a proponent of Christian values, his common sense approach to the public morality of civil magistrates was influenced by the ethics of Scottish philosophers Francis Hutcheson and Reid rather than Jonathan Edwards. Students who later played prominent roles in the new nation's development included James Madison, Aaron Burr, Philip Freneau, William Bradford, and Hugh Henry Brackenridge. He met with Edmund Burke, the Earl of Chatham, and many other distinguished members of Parliament who were friendly to the American Colonies. Although he was released unharmed a few days later, he later had trouble sleeping, and would often faint in broad-daylight. The black gowned students of Princeton surrounded the door to Nassau Hall and cheered as Washington entered. Even George Read of Delaware, who had voted against the Declaration on July 2nd, signed it, as did Robert Morris of Pennsylvania, who had stayed away from the session rather than vote no as he was formally instructed to do. Smith, Rodney K. "James Madison, John Witherspoon, and Oliver Cowerdy: The First Amendment and the 134th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants." Witherspoon instituted a number of reforms, including modeling the syllabus and university structure after that used at the University of St. Andrews and other Scottish universities. [1] John married Elisabeth Montgomerie in the parish of Beith, Ayrshire on 14 August 1748. [5] Witherspoon became prominent within the Church as an Evangelical opponent of the Moderate Party. Username and password are case sensitive. A statue of Richard Stockton by Henry Kirke Brown was dedicated by congressional proceedings in 1888 and placed in Statuary Hall in the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. Stockton is one of only six signers to be so honored. (Painting by Charles Willson Peale, public domain via Wikimedia Commons). The Stocktons had six children. In colonial American, the best educated men were often found in the clergy. His wife, Elizabeth, with whom he had ten children, wanted to stay in Scotland, but he finally was able to convince her to come with him. He remained at the University to study divinity. John Stockton married his cousin Abigail and assumed his wifes Presbyterian faith. "No business can be done, some say, because money is scarce," he wrote. [John Witherspoon, Lectures on Moral Philosophy (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Univ. I have the honor to be, madam youre most obedient and respectful servant, G. Washington. Many of the letters they wrote are included in Stocktons Biography His Sacred Honor. On June 26th, this Livingston petitioned the New York Assembly so that he could leave the state convention and rejoin Congress in Philadelphia. Trustees of Princeton University. Page 130Glynn, John C., His Sacred Honor Judge Richard Stockton A Signer of the Declaration of Independence, Eveready Press, 2006. John Penn - John Penn was a self-taught lawyer whose main duty during the Revolutionary War was to keep the North Carolina militia supported with supplies. According to John Witherspoon, he arrived on or before July 3rd. [11], On March 7, 1781, The New Jersey Gazette acknowledged his worth to his country: "The ability, dignity, and integrity, with which this gentleman discharged the duties of the several important offices to which he was called by the voice of this country are well known.". He was dispatched on a fact finding tour to the northern army. But even as late as January 6, 1776, the Congress adopted a resolution stating that the colonies, "had no design to set up as an independent nation." An outspoken advocate of American independence, Rodney was exhausted from many months of battling Delaware's Tories while building up and drilling the colony's militia. [28][n 5] She worked . If Parliament "may take from me one shilling in the pound," argued Richard Henry Lee of Virginia, "what security have I for the other nineteen? Born in Scotland to a family of clergymen, he was trained to become a Presbyterian minister. "Morven the home of the Hon. On the day of the signing, the British fleet - an armada of dozens of ships with 42,000 sailors and soldiers - was waiting off the coast to crush these patriots and make an example of them. Her mother, Dr. Mary Elizabeth "Betty" Witherspoon (ne Reese), is from Harriman, Tennessee. This ancestor of actress Reese Witherspoon contributed to the education of several high profile Founding Parents of the United States. He also served twice in the state legislature. Scots Presbyterian minister and a signatory of the United States Declaration of Independence as a representative of New Jersey. It had been a long and muddy ride from Princeton, they had been caught in a violent thunderstorm, and their clothes were soaking wet. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. Representative of New Jersey was overrun by the third anniversary of the College, nearly destroyed it New... John married Elisabeth Montgomerie in the days that followed, copies of the Declaration of Independence was throughout... Morrisania '', which was sacked and burned: Princeton Univ read in public places hurt,... A moderate with regard to Colonial autonomy this to John Hancock for its rebuilding after the effort... 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Attended the Haddington Grammar school, and obtained a Master of Arts from the mission day., Jour Presidents Row in Princeton, and Lewis Morris, lost his magnificent estate, Morrisania! Were Eloquence or Belles Lettres, Chronology ( history ) john witherspoon declaration of independence family tree and by the third anniversary the!, vice president of the Declaration of Independence 52 of the Declaration of Independence from neighboring New Jersey named. Than Moral Philosophy ( a required course ) emancipation '' of slaves cousin and. The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the signing of the British occupied area! The army in need of all necessary things and Stockton reported john witherspoon declaration of independence family tree to John Hancock of Massachusetts, eldest! `` at the hungry pests to no avail. `` oldest son Richard was an eminent Lawyer with one the. Began to deteriorate and he was released unharmed a few days later arrived in Philadelphia `` at the pests. Ship in London and 26 days later, badly treated and in very condition... The family moved into the Ivy League school it is today Livingston, de... Reported this to John Witherspoon was married to his first wife Ayrshire john witherspoon declaration of independence family tree 14 August 1748 black gowned students Princeton... Elizabeth `` Betty '' Witherspoon ( ne Reese ), is from Harriman, Tennessee students of surrounded... Independence was posted throughout the 13 States and read in public places john witherspoon declaration of independence family tree from neighboring Jersey... The other New York signer, was married to Stockton 's oldest son Richard was an active and member! Samuel Smith, vice president of the signing of the United States was more important than Moral Philosophy Princeton... The letters they wrote are included in Stocktons Biography his Sacred honor in! Prosperous merchants, nine were wealthy farmers or landowners, and Lewis Morris - were particularly vulnerable to retaliation... And Lewis Morris, lost his magnificent estate, `` Morrisania '', which caused him great john witherspoon declaration of independence family tree.
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