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kern county elections 2022
The district served 39,520 students during the 2017-2018 school year.[1]. Dec. 26. See below for predictions and results. Congressman McCarthy can parade around DC and wave the flag all day long, but in Kern County, to say he won anything other than another two years would be an overstatement. width: 350px; .votebox-scroll-container { The results have been certified. Elections could be canceled if only one candidate filed. Julian Kern, a Democrat, will be seeking a position on the board, he announced late last week. The filing deadline for this election was August 12, 2022. No way. Its about time: After 3 days, The Daily Independent retracts website banner declaring Ridgecrest election winners and corrects the record here. State legislature | Posted: Nov 8, 2022 / 07:55 PM PST. } function indicateScroll (){ No Mr. John Watkins, Publisher of The Daily Independent, Mayor Bruen has NOT been re-elected and Measure P has not passed. } .race_footer { This means that only 55% of the vote in Kern County has been counted and we wont recieve any more postings until next Tuesday. } Were allowing our enemy to run our election does that make any sense?. The Auditor-Controller-County Clerk's Office, which oversees elections in Kern County, says the $224,316 one-year contract is necessary to conduct the 2022 primary and general elections. While her office concluded the 20-vote difference would not be affected by the newly reported 10 unprocessed ballots, Bedard said her office petitioned to have the votes included in the total sum. County of Kern Elections Division Shape Tomorrow, Vote Today. Kern County has processed approximately 34,000 ballots as of the last data drop from early Wednesday morning. Sorry, there are no recent results for popular videos. Bruen had 1,298 votes, 56.21%, while Thomas Wiknich had 1,011 votes, 43.79%. Update 11/10/22 from Kern County Elections:, Steve Scalise announces intention to challenge McCarthy as House majority leader, Supports McCarthy as Speaker of the House, Ten Reasons Why Kevin McCarthy Should NEVER Be Republican Speaker of the House, You-Do Not Reward Mediocrity Calls Grow For Kevin McCarthy And-Other Gop Leaders To Be Replaced, KEVIN McCARTHYS RECRUITS: Mayor Eric Bruen is the Latest Friend of Kevin in Ridgecrest (Stuck in the Middle with You), Mammoth Is Forecasting Five FEET Of Snow (20+ Has Fallen Already), City business requires qualified candidates, The News Review Endorses Ellis and Gorman, RIDGECREST CITY COUNCIL DEBATE: Winners and Losers You Decide (Updated 10/27/22: Wiknich and Ellis Statements), CITY OF RIDGECREST: TOM WIKNICH Asks For Your Support and Your Vote for MAYOR, CITY OF RIDGECREST: CHRIS ELLIS Asks For Your Support and Your Vote FOR CITY COUNCIL. Jose Gurrola Arvin Mayor. text-align: left !important; | height: 50px; .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper { Your guide to the 2022 general election in California. Kern County also represents one of California and the countrys most competitive pieces of political turf, CalMatters Ben Christopher and Ariel Gans write in this deeply reported story examining three overlapping toss-up races in the weeks leading up to the Nov. 8 election: As Ben and Ariel write, the outcome of all three races will largely hinge on voters in east Bakersfield historically the citys poorer, Latino and less politically powerful side as well as voters in the ag towns of Shafter, Delano and McFarland. Each is checked for any sign of alteration before they reach the tabulator for counting. Location. height: 100%; The results have been certified. The next update will be Monday, November 21st: The updated-not-final ballot counts are below. .inner_percentage, .inner_percentage.Nonpartisan, .inner_percentage.Independent, .inner_percentage.Constitution, .inner_percentage.unknown { Vote Counted Tuesday November 8, 2022 California General Election. County Supervisor Philip Peters, who represents district one, asks Registrar of Voters Mary Bedard a series of questions related to the election office's speed and accuracy of counting ballots. margin-right: 10px; Kern County will be taking specific steps to encourage public participation in the redistricting process, including participation by underrepresented communities and non-English speaking communities. Number of total provisional ballots in 2022 primary according to each county's elections department: Kern County: 4,196. canvass activities, is open to the public. FINAL POSTED RESULTS INCLUDE: All Vote-by-Mail ballots received up to November 15, 2022 (Postmarked on or before Election Day) All Polling Place ballots. .election_results_text { } | Nov. 11The Kern County Elections Division released its first big batch of returns since its election night count Friday afternoon. } . } LOL. You see people, this is how the game is played. Check back when the votes are counted and see how we do. Emily L. Mahoney, Tampa Bay Times. margin-top: 16px; Hes lost the support of the vast majority of the residents of his home district, both Republicans, Democrats and Independents. .votebox_bp_logo { .non_result_row { color: #888; font-size: 16px; Incumbent Zack Scrivner won election outright against Kelly L. Carden Jr. and Pete Graff in the primary for Kern County Board of Supervisors District 2 on June 7, 2022. Incumbent Donny Youngblood won election outright in the primary for Kern County Sheriff-Coroner-Public Administrator on June 7, 2022. .outer_percentage { letter-spacing: 0.03em; { font-size: 12px; font-size: 2em; font-weight: 100; } if (window.jQuery) { "The petition was filed and press release sent out once we knew what we could legally do to remedy the situation.". the approximately 7 million people in the U.S. Itzel Luna reports for CalMatters College Journalism Network, new data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, according to a study published in the journal, Proudly powered by Newspack by Automattic. What they need is leadership, competence and management.. No info provided. margin-bottom: -2px !important; margin: 8px auto; Research: Josh Altic Mayor Karen Goh visits with guests at The Mission at Kern County on Christmas Eve. { The majority of votes in Kern County havent been counted yet (as of 6:00 a.m. this morning). In Kern, the elected official is automatically the registrar of voters too. padding-top: 8px; Sunshine and a few afternoon clouds. max-height: 580px; It would be absurd to think anything so wrongly titled could confuse the public and The Daily Independent at the same time. Additional results can be found on the Kern County Elections and the California Secretary of . Mainly clear. } In McFarland, Saul Ayon is the projected winner, while Eric Bruen looks to be the projected winner in Ridgecrest. A.J. This move will pave the way for Travis Reed to become the City Manager as part of an exit strategy for Mr. Strand, who has served the City of Ridgecrest for over 35 years. Monday July 4, 2022. . display: table; Bedard did say that five of the ballots include the 16th Senate District race, which ended with Sen. Melissa Hurtado as the decided victor by a meager 20 votes. height: 56px; Election Date: Aug. 9, 2022 | Updated 10:05 AM PDT Sep. 28, . Mary M. Little works in a demanding career in addition to serving on the Kern County Board of Education. One resident suggested that the county return to in-person voting by individual precincts, all 762 of them. height: 22px; .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h5.votebox-header-election-type { .inner_percentage.Republican { It should come as no surprise that endorses Tom Wiknich for Mayor. You cant rely on The Daily Independent to inform you about issues such as election integrity, covid or groundwater. } .inner_percentage.Libertarian { KERN COUNTY ELECTIONS DIVISION. background-color: green; Look up your local poll place! Derek Tisinger defeated incumbent Cynthia Brakeman in the general election for Kern High Board of Trustees Trustee Area 1 on November 8, 2022. See election results, a county-by-county map and more for the California U.S. House election on Jun. In tandem with the comments of public speakers and supervisors, Bedard said that state guidelines regarding cured ballots force complications. . .race_header.democratic { Contact our sales team. @media screen and (max-width: 350px) { Our eager Mayor couldnt wait any longer and accepts the role of Mayor for a second term with less than 50% of the votes counted. The following table displays demographic data provided by the United States Census Bureau. letter-spacing: .04em; Ill see you Wednesday! In Kern County, with a population of 925,000, registered voters are less than half of the population coming in at 435,868. Candidate qualifications and requirements depend on the type of office. 1115 Truxtun Avenue, 1st floor. Voter motivation: Pro-Sales Tax loses voter motivation, fiscal conservatism wins on voter motivation. max-width: 75px; Even in comparison to the June primary, the number of ballots dropped off at drop boxes nearly doubled. } } margin-bottom: .75em; Bedard says Kern's lack of equipment leads to it's high provisional figure, noting Kern still uses paper rosters at poll sites . margin-top: 1em; KICINSKI WARNS CITY COUNCIL: The AVEK-Ridgecrest Bullet Pipeline Could ADD $600 PER MONTH To Your Water Bill and Will Pretty Much Destroy This Community! Tech: Matt Latourelle Nathan Bingham Ryan Burch Kirsten Corrao Travis Eden Tate Kamish Margaret Kearney Joseph Sanchez, What's on my ballot? Both candidates running for the office have their own stances on how to continue safeguarding the election process in the county. Additionally, to test the .results_table { Far more than in the past, Bedard said. $10 $25 $100. font-weight: 300; Monday February 21, 2022. But no, judging by the way the local and mainstream media ignore the big story of this election and how its rigged for corruption, it falls on non-essentials like us to point things out for you. function defer() { Kern County, California, held primary elections for assessor-recorder, auditor-controller-county clerk, district attorney, sheriff-coroner-public administrator, superintendent of schools, treasurer-tax collector, board of supervisors, and superior court judges on June 7, 2022.Candidates could win outright with a majority of the vote in the primary The top two win election. High 56F. padding-left: 10px; We wonder if he knows his voter participation approval rate is only 16.15%. } color: #6db24f; Donate now to spread the word. EMPLOYEE LINKS Employee Email/O365 Employee Resources Health and Wellness. 1-800-452-VOTE (8683). } font-size: 0.9em; Note: Drop-box votes, i.e. The tool is a new way for voters to . Voter Participation Rate is votes received expressed as a percentage of total eligible voters. We need to wait until theyre all here, and then we can count them, she said. Kern County is located within the Fifth District Court of Appeal. background: #4c4c4c; Winds light and variable. Fresno County: 7. Kern County is the center of Californias agricultural and oil industries; it also has the states highest homicide rate. Sally Ruiz (Nonpartisan) and David Snyder (Nonpartisan) won without appearing on the ballot. The Kern County Elections Office announced they will recount the ballots cast in Kern County for the California Senate District 16 election at the request of Re . The Kern County Auditor-Controller-County Clerks office remains dedicated to counting every eligible vote cast in the November 8, 2022 General Election, Kern County Registrar of Voters Mary Bedard wrote in a news release. font-weight: 300; Its a really important part of the process.. .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { SHARE. color: #888; Invest in unbiased information. } Mail in Ballots could still change the outcome, from KGET at 7:40 p.m. on election night:, An estimated 15,000 provisional ballots are yet to be counted in the Golden Empire, while more than 57,000 vote-by-mail ballots are also set to be counted. Kern County is one of 58 California counties. height: 100%; by BakersfieldNow Staff. Monday May 30, 2022 . | border-radius: 50%; } We said earlier Californias election result shows a dramatic loss of voter participation. Christmas Tree Recycling Program. } Note: The amazing Ben Christopher will be handling the newsletter on Monday and Tuesday. As we wait for final results to come in as votes continue to be tabulated. Winds light and variable.. We dont know the turnout yet at this point, but the majority of the votes still have not been counted.. } Fair Political Practices Commission. NYC . 23ABC's Kristin Vartan was us live from Buck Owens' Crystal Palace where a party for . } .race_header, .results_text, .results_table_container, .votebox_legend { You would think the media would be in an uproar. The Daily Independent is only concerned with maintaining the status quo, towing the company line and selling a few papers while kissing McCarthys ass for some advertising dollars every two years. .race_header { Peters also asked about the sorting machine, which reportedly broke down at one point, to the ire of several citizens. } text-align: left !important; please call Kern County Elections at (661) 868-3590 or 1-800-452-8683 and a copy will be mailed at no cost to you. Click here to view or fill out the survey. We hope that you continue to enjoy our free content. If planning to vote by mail: Be sure your ballot is postmarked on or before Election Day - June 7, 2022. background-color: #f9d334; "In July of 2021 we had 303 vacancies in the Sheriff's Office, today we have 413," Donny Youngblood, Sheriff for the Kern County Sheriff's Office, said. Please contact us about the issues that impact your local election. Wheres Kevin? margin-bottom: .75em; Help expand Ballotpedia's elections coverage - volunteer with us. max-width: 600px; } Orange County estimated their remaining ballots at 404,593 when it was actually 383,167, a difference of over 21,000 ballots, Bedard said. What do you say about Californias mail-in voting system?, The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition. And why would it take three days to correct the heading on both Kern Countys election page and The Daily Independents masthead anyway? The district previously included all of Stanislaus County and part of San Joaquin County.It was centered on Modesto. Jeff Flores and Brian Smith defeated Louis Gill in the primary for Kern County Board of Supervisors District 3 on June 7, 2022. Check back at the end of the day for updates. .non_result_row div { Thomas R. Wiknich will surprise with 55% of the vote for Mayor. padding-top: 3px; San Joaquin County: 546. .inner_percentage.Democratic { Location. defer(); Aimee X. Espinoza won election outright against Mark McKenzie and Carlton Lennon in the primary for Kern County Auditor-Controller-County Clerk on June 7, 2022. .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper .image-candidate-thumbnail { June 7, 2022, 11:33 PM. } Put another way, in a County of 925,000, Kevin McCarthy could only persuade around 75,000 die-hards and mostly disgruntled Republicans to vote for him while he eagerly plans to be next Speaker of the House. padding-left: 0; letter-spacing: .03em; width: 100%; David Shepard, Hurtados opponent, released a statement Saturday saying that his team is watching closely to see whether it will request one. See U.S. House of Representatives results for your district, including a map and county-by-county vote counts on Aug. 9, 2022. display: inline; Your guide to California policy and politics, Presented by California Water Service and Prologis, A volunteer sits at the Republican National Committee office in Bakersfield during a training for door-to-door canvassing on Oct. 14, 2022. width: 90%; }); Kern County Elections Division. mayor. // New Scientist, Californians can get $3,000 earthquake retrofit grants. Both of their assistants are running to take over the positions. position: absolute; He also knows water and the historic issues that surround the controversy of the Groundwater Authority. } .votebox_legend { Kern County, Calif. (KBAK/KBFX) Below are the results of the 2022 Midterm Election for Kern County. English | Espaol A A A County Home. border-radius: 50%; a two-part public manual count; the ballots counted are chosen at random by the election official. Some residents present at the meeting took aim at Bedard and her office, demanding further investigation of potential wrongdoing, despite little evidence to support it. But from Bakersfield? Currently, the City is having a management crisis and has lost 11 police officers in the last two years in addition to Public Works Director Travis Reed, who recently announced his departure to become the General Manager at the IWV Water District. 2020. .inner_percentage.Democratic { font-weight: 300; Residents asked for audits and investigation; claimed voter disenfranchisement; forewarned of a reliance on Chinese voting machines; demanded an explanation of cured ballots; and called for the county clerk position to be decoupled from the registrar of voters. The program, which is set to begin in the spring, will offer five courses transferable to the UC and CSU systems. border: 1px solid #999; This is below our original estimate of approximately 9,500. 2022 Election. font-size: 0.9em; Will you remain silent going forward? overflow-x: scroll; text-align: center; padding-left: 10px; font-size: 20px; Kern County Elections Office - 1115 Truxtun Ave., 93301. Skip Gorman understands the issues surrounding the Groundwater Authority and has been a council watcher for many years. } } } } There are no contests in which the final result will be altered by the inclusion of these ballots, Bedard wrote in the release. } Ballot measures, Who represents me? font-style: italic; } let item = jQuery('.votebox .indicate_scroll').get(index); Chris Ellis has a broad knowledge and understanding of the on-going water supplies issues of this valley. overflow: hidden; Oh definitely, we have a very small percentage of the vote count. .results_table { 18 Nov 2022. and last updated 12:50 PM, May 24, 2022. font-size: 12px; There were no incumbents in this race. Three seats on the Kern High School District school board in California were up for general election on November 8, 2022. }; 2022 Wave elections; 2022 Congressional margins of victory; 2022 Congressional Competitiveness Report; State Executive Competitiveness Report, 2022; State government trifectas in 2022; Kern County Fire Station #67 - 14341 Brimhall Rd., 93314.,, San Francisco County: 3,329. The "Where's My Ballot" tool is being offered by the California Secretary of State's office. Federal courts | He brought up a complaint frequently expressed in past meetings: the discrepancy between estimates of unprocessed ballots and processed. (Elections Code section 15360) Contact our office by phone for more information on observing the padding-left: 8px; } There are four in Bakersfield: Kern County Elections Office, 1115 Truxtun Ave. Kern County Fire Station #67 14341 Brimhall Rd. Nov. 9As of late Tuesday evening, with 102 of the 143 precincts' votes counted, Jeff Flores has taken an early lead against Brian Smith. } Holloway-Gonzales Branch Library - 506 E. Brundage Ln., 93307. font-size: 1.25em; those votes deposited in a drop-box at a polling place on voting day, have not been counted either. .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h3.votebox-header-office-name { State legislature | We were getting many cured letters during that time and once those ballots were confirmed and deemed a match then they got added to the original estimated amount, Bedard said. Kern County Office of Education - 1. Its estimated hell have 75,000 when the ballots are finally counted. Mayor Eric Bruen wont get votes from supporters of former council member Lindsey Stephens. "The . We previously estimated his total votes in Kern County will be less than 75,000 and that number still stands. Christoper Ellis and Skip Gorman will be elected to the Council with a 3 to 2 combined margin versus Scott Hayman and Scott Miller. padding-bottom: 5px; Peter Coe Verbica Republican ***** (Endorsed) Sally J. Liber, Democrat * Michela Alioto-Pier, Democrat * California; United States Senator - Full Term, General Election. According to Bedard, this batch of ballots is too small to change the outcome of any particular election. The.results_table { Far more than in the primary for Kern High school District school Board in California were for! Of public speakers and supervisors, Bedard said served 39,520 students during the school... Wiknich had 1,011 votes, 56.21 %, while Thomas Wiknich had 1,011,. Mission at Kern County, with a population of 925,000, registered voters less! Of ballots is too small to change the outcome of any particular election past, Bedard said state. 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