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king german shepherd breeders
Plus, the King Shepherd possesses healthier joints than the average German Shepherd. Full registration A.K.C.German Shepherd puppy breeder. Pick your country: USA | Canada | Europe | Australia and NZ, *This site contains affiliate links. ","not_logged_in_msg":"","sub_limit_msg":"The form has reached its submission limit. Give the King Shepherd a sense of purpose, and this dog will earn their keep tenfold. Kristi with 2 year old 140 pound Chateau De Chief's Johnny Cash and 3 year old 22 pound Clifford. Sukh Chayn Gardens, Lahore 2 weeks ago. If the veterinarian finds abnormal results in the exam (apart from any imperfection that was made known to new owner at the time of sale), then the breeder must be called immediately and copies of the vet report(s) supplied to the breeder. Canine Corral works with our reputable King Shepherd dog breeders. I would guess they would be somewhere between the German Shepherd dogs and the Border Collies in their intellegence and willingness to please their owners. We strive to provide you with the most up to date breeder listings including the most current contact information to assist in your search. in the Rose Bowl Parade with their K9s4COPS float! With proper socialization from a young age, King Shepherds do well with children and other pets making them an ideal family dog.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'germanshepherdcountry_com-leader-2','ezslot_9',123,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-germanshepherdcountry_com-leader-2-0'); King Shepherds are similar to German Shepherds when it comes to training. 10 Reasons Why German Shepherd Owners Are Never Bored, Breeding a German Shepherd to a Shiloh Shepherd, Breeding a King Shepherd to a German Shepherd, Breeding a King Shepherd to a Shiloh Shepherd. They are mainly the result of crossbreeding a Shiloh Shepherd and a German Shepherd Dog. Simply put, long-haired German Shepherds are the same as German Shepherd dogs (GSDs), but with longer hair. Once this is received and reviewed, the new owner will have the option to bring the puppy back in exchange for another puppy of equal or lesser value, or a reimbursement (whether in part or in full) will be provided at the breeder's discretion. A King Shepherd left alone for extended periods will become bored, destructive and may develop separation anxiety. Reputable breeders will have websites, online pictures, contracts, health guarantees, and happy customers. Deposits are non-refundable but transferable to another litter. Premier West German Shepherds. Our GSD puppies have super character, rich color and of course sound temperament. Call us at 703-309-4246. As they are very easy to train, many of them workin Search&Rescue or as Service dogs. Chateau De Chief cautions potential owners of King Shepherds from purchasing Kings from "so-called breeders" who. Please also visit the About, Our Dogs, German Shepherd Puppies, Testimonials, and Training and Care pages for a full picture of who we are, and how we are maintaining the greatness of the German Shepherd Dog as one of the most popular breeds ever developed. King Shepherd puppies can cost anywhere between $1,500 to $3,000. Let us help you welcome your new German Shepherd into your family. More reputable breeders will charge more as you can guarantee you are getting a healthy dog. Imagine picking up your huge, healthy, beautiful, Elite-Select puppy, who is already OBEDIENCE TRAINED, HOUSEBROKEN and CRATE TRAINED! Bill "Wild Bill" Stantonfeatured in and on the cover of theNEW YORKMagazine. At no time will your credit exceed the purchase price of your puppy. Our first love are Long Coat German Shepgerds. Puppy Tip Avoid giving puppies "people food". Bigger dog beds or dog crates cost more money. King Shepherds may be less intense in their demeanor than their German Shepherd relatives but still have protective instincts combined with their intimidating size to keep their loved ones safe. We are located in the beautiful Adirondack Region of upstate New York on 120 acres of farm land, All my dogs are raised in my home and they are members of my family. All of our dogs are registered in ARBA (American Rare Breed Association). Thanks for visiting the King Shepherd website. INTRODUCING THE AVAILABILITY OF THE "ELITE-SELECT PUPPY" - FOR THOSE DISTINGUISHED INDIVIDUALS AND FAMILIES WITH IMPECCABLE TASTE, THAT DESIRE THE FINEST OF QUALITY. In some instances, however, the cost of King Shepherds can increase. Hip angulation is a difference between a King Shepherd and a German Shepherd. They also make great service dogs and, of course, are still awesome herding dogs and farm dogs! We are German Shepherd breeders in Oregon. However, while both breeds are easily mistaken for each other and have similar traits, there are some known differences. PLEASE RESEARCH THE BREED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT BEFORE MAKING YOUR DECISION AS TO WHETHER A KING SHEPHERD IS THE RIGHT BREED FOR YOU. The AKSC will not condone or be responsible for puppies/dogs acquired from individuals who have been dismissed (removed, discharged) from all AKSC privileges and who additionally mislead by stating "by choice, we are not a member of nor a breeder recognized by the AKSC" Mobile navigation. 9. The difference between these two dog breeds should be pretty clear. Below are 12 things you should keep in mind and consider before getting a King Shepherd. Katrina Stevens is the name of the proud owner of the Kesyra GSD Kennel and breeder, with years of experience bringing about and rearing German Shepherd pups. They are mainly the result of crossbreeding a Shiloh Shepherd and a German Shepherd Dog. larger of The German Shepherd Family. King Shepherds are extra-large and have a larger frame compared to regular German Shepherds. The King Shepherd has the same temperament and qualities that make the German Shepherd Dog so popular. This breed was first created in the 1990s. Browse thru our ID Verified Dog Breeders listings to find your perfect breeder in your area. They have been Breed Warden and Tattooer for the United Schutzhund Clubs of America. A King Shepherd resembles a large German Shepherd Dog. ","key":"","allow_public_link":0,"embed_form":"","ninjaForms":"Ninja Forms","fieldTextareaRTEInsertLink":"Insert Link","fieldTextareaRTEInsertMedia":"Insert Media","fieldTextareaRTESelectAFile":"Select a file","formHoneypot":"If you are a human seeing this field, please leave it empty. This is not surprising as the German Shepherd has been around since 1900, while King Shepherd was first bred in 1991. Ch. The price will vary depending on the breeders reputation, the lineage of the puppy, and health guarantees. They are incredibly particular in their breeding program to maintain the operational line markers of a German Shepherd. We are a Christian ministry. Loudoun County, Virginia. If you love the looks and qualities of a German Shepherd but want to go bigger, a King Shepherd may be the perfect fit. Life is about creating memories and Shelley's boys are part of our familyat home, in the air, or anywhere. The care required for a King Shepherd is the same as a regular German Shepherd. Our Mission is to continue the 30 year process of successfully breeding King Shepherds, proven and acknowledged by the AKC as an EXOTIC BREED, The King Shepherd is a blend of German Shepherd, Great Pyrenees and Alaskan Malamute, possessing the superior qualities of the breeds combined. When a dog breed is considered rare, then that means the price will go up! King Shepherds have less variety when it comes to colors. For a dog to be classed as a king shepherd, one of its parents must be a German shepherd. At Adirondack Mountain King Shepherds, we are dedicated to improving and developing the standard of the rare breed. Paws'N'Pups has curated the most comprehensive list of King Shepherd breeders from around the world to help you find the puppy of your dreams! They are highly trainable and thrive on positive reinforcement. King Shepherd is a loyal, intelligent and devoted breed, immensely eager in pleasing its master. A gentle giant, they are patient and sweet with kids. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Hello and thank you for visiting our site. Kristi's daughter Sinclair at Halloween - (Little Red Riding Hood) and four month old Johnny Cash (The Big Bad Wolf), who looks after her and the family like a Navy Seal! We love the fact that our German Shepherds are not only very large but come in stunning black and red mahogany color, and no two are ever the same! Puppy Tip In case of a puppy's death within the seven (7) day period, an autopsy, by a state veterinary lab, must be arranged and paid for by the new owner, and findings must be submitted to the breeder before any exchange will be made. Breeding is definitely not a "sport" that should be based on a whim. King Shepherds have a balanced hip angulation which gives them a straight or flat back.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'germanshepherdcountry_com-leader-1','ezslot_2',121,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-germanshepherdcountry_com-leader-1-0'); A King Shepherd puppy is easy to recognize because of its plush coat, teddy bear face, and thick ears. Shelley has created and nurtured a breed of dog from a place of love and intelligence. Dog Group: Herding Size: 23-25 inches tall, 50-90 lbs Lifespan: 9-13 years Energy Level: Medium Coat: Dense outer coat with a soft undercoat Shedding: Heavy Hypoallergenic: No. King's Den TX Has German Shepherd Dog Puppies For Sale In Columbus, TX On AKC PuppyFinder German Shepherd Dog. At the Caine de Lup kennel are puppies that will be suitable in many fields, such as police, family, protection, explosive, search & rescue, and sport dogs. Copyright 2015-2022 | Powered by: Webful Creations. This dog breed was developed by American dog breeders Shelley Watts-Cross and David Turkheimer. He is a multi-tasker, in that he is capable of protection, guarding ,herding, obedience and makes an excellent companion. We aim to do our best in determining the right fit for our puppies new homes, to hopefully build lasting relationships with our new puppy owners for further education, well being and improved care of the breed. Thanks for visiting the King Shepherd website. While this breed was officially established in 1995, they are considered to be in development to this day. All Rights Reserved. Call Chris 6476676227 or email This is the first litter, there are three boys and two girls left. Kristi Schiller featured in LIFE+DOG Magazine, with the exceedingly handsome Chateau De Chief's Johnny Cash and her two Cavaliers. is a one-stop resource for everything you want to know about german shepherds. More food is required to feed a larger dog. ","siteLocale":"en_US","dateFormat":"m\/d\/Y","startOfWeek":"1","of":"of","previousMonth":"Previous Month","nextMonth":"Next Month","months":["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"],"monthsShort":["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"],"weekdays":["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"],"weekdaysShort":["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"],"weekdaysMin":["Su","Mo","Tu","We","Th","Fr","Sa"],"recaptchaConsentMissing":"reCapctha validation couldn't load. "I, the new puppy owner, hereby agree to the above purchase agreement and Health Guarantee for my new puppy, and I signify that I have been made aware of any known abnormalities or surgeries regarding my puppy. Desirable King Shepherd coat colors according to breed standards of the AKSC are: The most significant distinction between a King Shepherd and a German Shepherd (besides size) is the coat. Breeders are able to edit this default Return Policy/Health Guarantee on their, Share " KING GERMAN SHEPHERD GREAT PYRENEES" on Facebook, Pin " KING GERMAN SHEPHERD GREAT PYRENEES" on Pinterest, Share " KING GERMAN SHEPHERD GREAT PYRENEES" on Email, How to NOT Get Scammed when Buying a Puppy, Prairie Rose German Shepherd pupper for sale at Patterson, Missouri, Mavis pup Pomsky + German Shepherd Mix for sale in Coatesville, Pennsylvania, Annie pupper German Shepherd for sale at Patterson, Missouri, Red Rider German Shepherd pup for sale in Patterson, Missouri, Max AKC German Shepherd male puppy for sale in Jaipur, Rajasthan. Our mission is to continue the 20 year process of breeding the magnificent King Shepherd and new exotic line of Shepnees, in a safe, clean and loving environment. Licenced Dog Breeder with Barnsley - 5* Establishment - Licence number 161302 Site updated 20/04/22 - For main additions click below . First come get first choice of litter. Rs 29,000. New Puppy Owner's Signature ____________________________________________________________ Date____________________________________ How Much Is A Full Blooded German Shepherd, German Shepherd Puppies For Sale In Syracuse Ny, Do German Shepherds Get Along With Small Dogs, Already Trained German Shepherds For Sale. Enjoy weekly updates and videos of our amazing dogs. They are eager to please their owners and quick to learn new things. They love kids and adults alike, and are active! They seek to become the portal of resources and support for law enforcement K9 Units in need.To assist in their mission please DONATE at Contact them @ or (713) 523-COPS! A King Shepherd will thrive as an included member of your family with simple jobs such as going with you to get the mail or watching over kids playing in the yard. As the King Shepherd breed standard currently outlines, these dogs are stocky but not bulky, with balanced bodies that are similar but simply larger than the German Shepherd. VA King Shepherds have very calm, adaptable personalities. Male King Shepherds weigh around 130-150 pounds (59 to 68 kg), while standard male German Shepherds weigh between 85 to 100 pounds (36 to 45 kg). Ten years ago I fell in love with a personal companion, a King Shepherd pet. This will all depend on the breeder's standards that you decide to go with. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Our King Shepherd puppies have calm temperament and sweet personalities, they are great with kids and other animals in your household! German Shepherd puppies for sale! We are proudly American Kennel Club Inspected. King Shepherds make excellent family companions and guard dogs. All varieties of the German Shepherd Dog shed, a lot. We are proud to be a hobby breeder and not a puppy-mill and neither a pet dealer. To avoid stripping the natural oils from the skin, the King Shepherd only requires bathing 3 to 4 times per year or as needed. These wonderful dogs were selectively bred to be large, loyal and loving family companions and protectors. I'm a proud Texan and in Texas we say, Cash Is KING! King Shepherds are more rugged, larger, more muscular, with a different coat texture, and has more color variations. Giantlands Long Haired Germans Shepherd Dogs are known for there expectional temperaments, beauty, type and size. The puppy MUST be examined by a veterinarian within seven (7) days for this guarantee to be valid. As one of the highest quality German Shepherd kennels in Michigan, our standards for breeding are essential for maintaining the superiority of our bloodlines, which are a result of careful consideration and research. Our Dogs are always part of our Family! King Shepherd Personality and Temperament some food, a blanket, a toy), and what the policies are regarding a deposit, a refund, and a health guarantee. The King Shepherd might be significantly larger than the German Shepherd, but its temperament means this gentle giant is often easier to handle. Contact us (540) 764-4158. Email:, Puppies Available On Deposit Some Deliveries. At first glance, many mistake the King Shepherd for a large, long-haired German Shepherd. 3.The Kesyra German Shepherds Kennel. ","confirmFieldErrorMsg":"These fields must match! *NOTICE - The AKSC considers the King Shepherd breed to be a work in progress (in development for improvement by the AKSC Recommended Breeders). Our babies are adopted quickly, so reach out to reserve your furever friend or to ask any questions. A rare breed proven and acknowledged by the AKC as an EXOTIC BREED, containing a blend of WE OFFER GROUND TRANSPORTATION WHEN NEEDED This KING SHEPHERD GREAT PYRENEES PUPPY carries a remarkable and unique blood line from our own line of King Shepherd Long Coats, proven and acknowledged by the AKC as an WE OFFER GROUND TRANSPORTATION WHEN NEEDED This KING SHEPHERD GREAT PYRENEES PUPPY carries a remarkable and unique blood line from our own line of King Shepherd Long Coats, proven and acknowledged by the AKC as an WE OFFER GROUND TRANSPORTATION WHEN NEEDED This KING SHEPHERD PUPPY is a remarkable and unique breed, proven and acknowledged by the AKC as an "EXOTIC BREED" containing a blend of German Shepherd, Great Pyrenees, Alaskan WE OFFER GROUNG TRANSPORTATION WHEN NEEDED This KING SHEPHERD GREAT PYRENEES PUPPY carries a remarkable and unique blood line from our own line of King Shepherd Long Coats, proven and acknowledged by the AKC as WE OFFER GROUNG TRANSPORTATION WHEN NEEDED This KING SHEPHERD GREAT PYRENEES PUPPY carries a remarkable and unique blood line from our own line of King Shepherd Long Coats, proven and acknowledged by the AKC as an How to NOT Get Scammed when Buying a Puppy. 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