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lake vostok organism 46b
Centre for Polar Observation & Modelling glaciologists propose that many of the subglacial lakes of Antarctica are at least temporarily interconnected. The largest of these i Helper(s): Animals Article, Ethan Roe for Initiative spot-checking, Write-up completed on the 20th of October, 2020. However, it is certainly possible that the team was doing more than drilling core samples. The station after which the lake is named commemorates the Vostok (), the 900-ton sloop-of-war ship sailed by one of the discoverers of Antarctica, Russian explorer Admiral Fabian von Bellingshausen. For example, ice core drilling typically produces a passage only a few inches in diameter, certainly not large enough to transport a person through two miles of ice, never mind a tank capable of containing a 33-foot long aquatic creature. Number of parts equals APs of power. It paralyzes its prey at up to 150 feet away, even through dry suits. But according to Dr Anton Padalalka who fled from Russia to Switzerland in 2016 seeking asylum reported a far more different tale of events that had occurred. The fact that such powerful people on the planet were all asked to converge on this most inhospitable and off-limits terrain at the southern-most point of our world is perhaps telling of the importance and uniqueness of the situation. If we are wise, the Lake will be allowed to reveal its secrets in due course. This must have occurred sometime between then and the 30th November 2016 (when the story first broke), although exact dates have so far proven impossible to track down. [25] Because of varying water pressure in individual lakes, large subsurface rivers may suddenly form and then force large amounts of water through the solid ice. A Place Of Needless Secrecy And Self-Imposed Suspicion. What makes this lake so special is that it has . Upon learning of the authoritys plans to use this discovery for military purposes, Padalka would seek sanctuary in Switzerland. [49], By plan, the following summer, the team was to drill down again to take a sample of that ice and analyze it. ", Later, while diving in the lake, the group was attacked, the creature releasing its venom which took hold of one of them. Samples taken from the lake so far contain about one part of kerosene per 1000 of water, and they are contaminated with bacteria previously present in the drill bit and the kerosene drilling fluid. The story is almost certainly fictional, with at least one source citing the story to author C. Michael Forsythe (although the article I found online written by him lacked details found in many of the other articles). Description Organism 46-B was an enormous 33ft (10m) long, 14-tentacled squid-like creature which lived in Lake Vostok, a subglacial lake located under two miles of ice beneath Vostok Station in the Antarctic. The scientists determined through their encounters that the species was at least as intelligent as the average man, and believed that during the first encounter it had purposely disabled their radio. 01:33:42 - SKIP TO 00:17:00 TO GET TO THE STORY Welcome to Episode 109: Lake Vostok & Organism 46-B! horrifying and stranger than fiction but all to believable given the right circumstances.Dr Anton the Soviet defector explained they entered the Lake one by one via an elevator placed in the borehole.They set up a makeshift camp along the shore and enterd the lake to dive around and see what they could discover.unfortunately they had all to quickly the Killer dubed Organism 46B.Organism 46B a 33ft Octopus with 14 arms, extremely high intelligence, the ability to mimic and camouflage and a paralizing venom release by its inc wasn't long before Organism 46b had paralyzed a reasercher and then tore him to pieces whilst devouring them.Organism 46-B then displayed its extremely high intelligence by disabling the reaserchers radio and communication equipment.on the reaserchers next dive and encounter of Organism 46b. it wasn't long before Organism 46b. It was as if it had hypnotised him telepathically., Still later, 46-B stalked the group, displaying its shapeshifting ability. The Lake Vostok mysteries & Organism 46b - YouTube 0:00 / 7:58 The Lake Vostok mysteries & Organism 46b richardthered 64 subscribers Subscribe 167 Share 10K views 1 year ago What. We watched helplessly as it used its arms to tear off his head then popped his remains in its mouth. It was as if it had hypnotized him telepathically., Still, later, 46-B stalked the group, displaying its shapeshifting ability. Some of the theories were bordering on outlandish. 46-B is similar to the Indo-Pacific Mimic Octopus and has extraordinary camouflage capabilities. Quayle, like many others it should be said, believes an alien presence resides within the Antarctic region. Unlike its distant cousin, it is roughly the size of a colossal squid, with 14 arms and abilities similar to several other species in the Cephalopoda class. [16], Russian scientist Peter Kropotkin first proposed the idea of fresh water under Antarctic ice sheets at the end of the 19th century. [28] The lake water is cradled on a bed of sediments 70 meters (230ft) thick, offering the possibility that they contain a unique record of the climate and life in Antarctica before the ice cap formed. Suspicion which only increases among such events as the 2016 international gathering of world political and religious leaders [3] in the area. You may not republish the article in its entirety. Underneath Antarctica's miles of ice, you'll find approximately 400 subglacial lakes. As Padalka stated "He tread water wearing a blissful smile as the organism approached him. And recent claims circulating around the Internet of a Russian mission in the region revealing alien life does nothing to quash these conspiracies. Only with more grasping sucker covered arms. Its possible the lakes under Antarctican ice are considered hidden seas by them and hiding places of powerful artifacts. This complex will be capable of supporting 35 people in the summer, 15 in the winter and will have 4 diesel generators with a capacity of 200 kilowatts each. The team found 3,507 unique gene sequences, and approximately 94% of the sequences were from bacteria and 6% were from Eukarya. var pfHeaderImgUrl = '';var pfHeaderTagline = '';var pfdisableClickToDel = 0;var pfHideImages = 0;var pfImageDisplayStyle = 'block';var pfDisablePDF = 0;var pfDisableEmail = 0;var pfDisablePrint = 0;var pfCustomCSS = '';var pfEncodeImages = 0;var pfShowHiddenContent = 0;var pfBtVersion='2';(function(){var js,pf;pf=document.createElement('script');pf.type='text/javascript';pf.src='//';document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(pf)})(); This species is reputedly a previously undiscovered predator from under the ice in Lake Vostok, Antarctica. "[63], In January 2015, the Russian press stated that Russian scientists have made a new "clean" borehole into Lake Vostok using a special 50-kilogram probe that collected about 1 liter of water not adulterated by the antifreezing fluid. Perhaps, though, its most remarkable ability is that of camouflage. The Russian military seized the discovery on the orders of Putin, himself. Indeed, as we know from the published experiments at Lake Vostok, there most certainly is water below under the ice. In general, the taxa were similar to organisms previously described from lakes, brackish water, marine environments, soil, glaciers, ice, lake sediments, deep-sea sediments, deep-sea thermal vents, animals and plants. Moreover, the extreme pressures would have made many parts of this implausible. Organism 46-B is a highly successful apex predator with human like intelligence. Particularly when part of those claims revolves around weaponized DNA, from a shapeshifting aquatic entity no less. He might be looking for the perfect operatives for an espionage mission to retrieve such samples. [13][60][61] However, Vladimar Korolev, the laboratory head of the study at the same institution, said that the bacteria could in principle be a contaminant that uses kerosenethe antifreeze used during drillingas an energy source. Padalkas account described his team as SCUBA divers repeatedly. Both Russian and British scientists would continue this work, and such a watery environment was confirmed in 1993. If there were somehow hidden caverns beneath the ice and something besides pressure keeping the water liquid, it might be more consistent with what is described. This newly discovered creature is similar to the glass octopus, its nearest "relative" in the aquatic world. Dr. Anton Padalka claims to have been part of the first scientistific expedition to explore the lake. As bizarre as the above account undoubtedly is, it is an intriguing one. It is hypothesized that unusual forms of life could be found in the lake's liquid layer, a fossil water reserve. Lake Vostok is an oligotrophic extreme environment, one that is expected to be supersaturated with nitrogen and oxygen,[35][36] measuring 2.5 litres (0.088cuft) of nitrogen and oxygen per 1kg (2.2lb) of water,[37] that is 50 times higher than those typically found in ordinary freshwater lakes on Earth's surface. A. Zotikov, who wrote his PhD thesis on this subject in 1967. According to Padalka it has the ability to paralyze with its venom. The ancients believed in monsters of the deep, serpents hiding under the waves, threatening to capsize the heavy crawling ships of men. Dr. Padalka and his story was made up by the fiction author C. Michael Forsyth [1]. Or Hoax? According to this information, a specialized elevator was installed within the icy surface which allowed equally specialist and selected scientists to travel down to explore this previously unseen environment. It could be a guardian to the entrance of some undersea subterranean realm, a guard to some other unknown secret, or simply brute labor run amok. Organism 46B a 33ft Octopus with 14 arms, extremely high intelligence, the ability to mimic and camouflage and a paralizing venom release by its inc sack. This was made up by the fiction author C. Michael Forsyth [1]. He and/or the researchers at Cadmus would be quite interested in the genetic code of Organism 46-B. Dr. Anton Padalka claims to have been part of the first scientific expedition to explore the lake. 46-B is essentially what you would get if you combined the best traits of all the cephalopod species. SKIP TO 00:17:00 TO GET TO THE STORY Welcome to Episode 109: Lake Vostok & Organism 46-B! And whats more, this alien presence gives orders to the religious and political leaders of our day. The location as described in the story is more consistent with the hidden subterranean realms of speculative fiction and pulp novels than the actual Lake Vostok described by scientists. This was to prevent contamination of the lake with the 60-ton column of Freon and kerosene used to prevent the borehole from collapsing and freezing over. [1] According to the head of Russian Antarctic Expeditions, Valery Lukin, new equipment was developed by researchers at the Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute that would ensure the lake remains uncontaminated upon intrusion. Researchers hypothesize that the anomaly may be caused by a thinning of the Earth's crust in that location. SKIP TO 00:17:00 TO GET TO THE STORY Welcome to Episode 109: Lake Vostok & Organism 46-B! Any confirmation of life in Lake Vostok could strengthen the prospect for the presence of life on icy moons. On one of these exploratory dives, they realized Organism 46-B was far more dangerous than originally supposed. However, rather than the usual 8 arms of an octopus it had a total of 14 arms. In 2005 an island was found in the central part of the lake. The project to probe the Great. Scientists suggested that the lake could possess a unique habitat for ancient bacteria with an isolated microbial gene pool containing characteristics developed perhaps 500,000years ago. UI designer : Welcome to Episode 109: Lake Vostok & Organism 46-B! She is estimated to have lived around 10,000 years ago. Another point to note is that Dr. Padalka has so far proven impossible to locate (although this may be due to his being in hiding), and the account is known from only a handful of vague sources. The Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition has argued that this manner of drilling is a profoundly misguided step which endangers Lake Vostok and other subglacial lakes in Antarctica (which some scientists are convinced are inter-linked with Lake Vostok). [19] In 1991, Jeff Ridley, a remote sensing specialist with the Mullard Space Science Laboratory at University College London, directed the ERS-1 satellite to turn its high-frequency array toward the center of the Antarctic ice cap. There is a perfect view. Organism 46b is a type of enormous octopus, although it has 14 arms instead of eight. We publish books on both Kindle and paperback. Copyright 2023 UFO Insight, All Rights Reserved. The largest of these is Lake Vostok, discovered during the Soviet Antarctic Expeditions of 1959/1964 and later confirmed by British scientists in the early 1970s. The drilling team left by aircraft on 6 February 2011. Organism 46-B is an enormous 33ft (10m) long, 14-tentacled squid-like creature which lived in Lake Vostok, a subglacial lake located under two miles of ice beneath Vostok Station in the Antarctic. The incident at Lake Vostok isnt the first time Russian scientists and military have encountered underwater extraterrestrial life. Mental Freeze requires the victim is looking at Organism 46-B. Kropotkin's theory was further developed by Russian glaciologist I. Also, no light penetrates that deep, making the defense mechanisms described seem unnecessary in such an environment. The largest of these is Lake Vostok, discovered during the Soviet Antarctic Expeditions of 1959/1964 and later confirmed by British scientists in the early 1970s. As we have mentioned Antarctica is a subject of conspiracies of wide-reaching variety. The massive cephalopod appeared to be closest to the glass octopus among known species. He would measure seismic activity and soundings below the surface. Lake Vostok shows us how few environments we really can discount in our search . ", "RUSSIAN RESEARCHERS REACHED SUBGLACIAL LAKE VOSTOK", "Microbiology of the subglacial Lake Vostok: first results of borehole-frozen lake water analysis and prospects for searching for lake inhabitants", "Russian Antarctic Expedition Halts Research Due to Lack of Funds", "New wintering complex of Vostok station delivered to Antarctica", "Antarctic Drilling Plan Raises Concerns", "Antarctic Treaty no match for national pride", "Drilling at Lake Vostok by the Russians", "Lake Vostok: A Curiosity or a Focus for Interdisciplinary Study? Weighing in at close to a ton, it is on par with the largest cephalopods ever known to live in the deep. Also, all of the lab procedures were performed in parallel with ice samples from Lake Erie, and the two resulting data sets were completely different. Lake Vostok The Killer Squid Organism 46 B || Real or Fake?? When Dr. Padalka discovered what was planned for the creature, he decided to defect so he could raise the alarm for the world. Real or Fake is the show where I, Tyler Pankhurst Explain an interesting conspiracy theory in detail and you the viewer decides if it is Real or Fake?? Space-based radar revealed that this subglacial body of fresh water is one of the largest lakes in the world, and one of some 140 subglacial lakes in Antarctica. It was as if it had hypnotized him telepathically., From the way it adapted each time we changed our tactics, we became convinced it is at least as intelligent as an average human. [18], When British scientists in Antarctica performed airborne ice-penetrating radar surveys in the early 1970s, they detected unusual radar readings at the site which suggested the presence of a liquid freshwater lake below the ice. Some versions of Spider-Mans origin story have him bitten by a genetically engineered super-spider with the abilities of all the differing species of spider. The creature designated Organism 46-B was an aquatic beast allegedly captured by a Russian scientific team near the research outpost Vostok Station. The Organism 46B Conspiracy And The "Aliens" Of Lake Vostok - UFO Insight | 3 days ago . The stories, accounts, and discussions in this article may go against currently accepted science and common beliefs. [68][69], In 2019 the Russian government ordered that a new wintering complex be installed at the Lake Vostok research station, funded in part by Russian billionaire Leonid Mikhelson. With an average depth of 432m (1,417ft), it has an estimated volume of 5,400km3 (1,300cumi),[2] making it the 6th largest lake by volume. [10], The first core of freshly frozen lake ice was obtained on 10 January 2013 at a depth of 3,406m (11,175ft). Andrey Kapitsa Insight Lake Vostok The Organism: A Holistic Approach to Biology Derived from Pathological Data in Man UFO 270 Tags 1 Tweet 1 Twitter List 375 Reflections from Mars may be caused by something stranger than water . However, the programs director immediately ordered the hole plugged. These certainly are strange-looking animals. This seems unlikely given the pressure caused by the ice. Antarctic glacial ice covers the lake, roughly 4,000 meters thick. Lake Vostok ( Russian: , ozero Vostok) is the largest of Antarctica 's almost 400 known subglacial lakes . Our latest book, Historys Most Bizarre, Outlandish, And Controversial UFO And Alien Encounters contains over 60 encounters. It is the sixteenth one, however, that is the most intriguing, and the grimmest. The highest diversity of organisms in the lake ice was significantly associated (p<0.05) with higher concentrations of ions and amino acids. The deepest SCUBA diver ever was a little over 1000 feet, at which the pressure is roughly 32 bar. Dr. Padalka fled the country after allegedly discovering that Russian president Vladimir Putin had plans to weaponise Organism 46-B. He decided to use a specimen tank to hold it; but they would need bait..A former professional athlete, Dr. Marta Kalashnik was chosen for the task. A solitary predator, it can be very aggressive in defending its territory. [13], Scientists first reported evidence of microbes in the accretion ice in 1999. Tragically my colleague and lifelong friend was killed this way. [40] The lake is under complete darkness, under 355bar (5,150psi) of pressure, and expected to be rich in oxygen, so there is speculation that any organisms inhabiting the lake could have evolved in a manner unique to this environment. After all, it wouldnt be the first time that shadowy governments of the world have stated one set of intentions and then discreetly carried out another. It was also able to hypnotize one of the scientists, who was also their radio operator, Dr. Alexis Vindogradov. Knowing full well that one or two scientists would most likely die before the specimen could be secured. Might it be that this presence is something the Russians have a beat on a little more than other authorities? The largest of these i [4] The coalition has asserted that "it would be far preferable to join with other countries to penetrate a smaller and more isolated lake before re-examining whether penetration of Lake Vostok is environmentally defensible. Many scientists believe that conditions around Lake Vostok, and Antarctica in general, are likely very similar to those we may one day find on one of Jupiters main moons, Europa, and, to a lesser extent, those on Enceladus, one of the main moons of Saturn. Analytical Smell/Tracking Scent: 03, Anatomical Division: 16, Claws (Beak): 05, Cling: 03, Chameleon: 06, Extra Limb (x12): 12, Fluid Form: 03, Fog: 05, Growth: 07, Mental Freeze: 04, Neutralize (Analytical Smell/Tracking Scent): 05, Paralysis: 08, Regeneration: 02, Sealed Systems: 09, Shrinking: 04, Super Hearing (Low-Frequency Only): 06, Swimming: 04, Split: 14, Water Blast: 02, Water Freedom: 05, Artist (Actor): 06, Thief (Locks and Safes): 02, Thief (Stealth): 06, Military Science (Camouflage): 06, Artist (Actor), Military Science (Camouflage), and Thief (Stealth) suffer a Power Loss of 2 APs if Chameleon is Neutralized, Miscellaneous (An octopus can move on the ground, but only at -2 APs (2-3 feet) per phase), Analytical Smell/Tracking Scent: 03, Anatomical Division (Self Link): 16, Cling: 03, Extra Limb (Self Link): 12, Fluid Form: 03, Regeneration: 02, Swimming: 03, Water Freedom: 03. Have mentioned Antarctica is a type of enormous octopus, although it has 14 arms usual 8 of. 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