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lakes community high school honor roll
The Principal's List is comprised of students who have earned a grade point average of 95-100. January 17, 2023 at 5:59 a.m. BILLERICA Chelmsford High School senior Victoria (Tori) Apostolakes has played hockey pretty much her entire life. Community / District Relations; Securing the Future; . Honor rolls are determined at the end of each . Principal's Honor Roll: 3.5 - 3.99 GPA. Congratulations to the following Eagles for their academic success first semester! B. Celebrating back to school at the . Lakes High School. The following Pequot Lakes High School students were named to the second semester honor roll: A honor roll 12th grade Lauren M. Bengtson, Britta Bittner, Chase A. Blaeser, Hannah L. Brandanger, Click on the link under "Related Content" to download the honor roll list. A roundup of area church services and events in the Brainerd lakes area. All Chisago Lakes Schools will start two hours late on Wednesday, January 4. The following Pequot Lakes High School students were named to the second-semester honor roll. Ensure that all faculty, students, and parents receive the Honor Code. Morning ECFE parent class and morning Ready for Kindergarten class are also canceled. 112 Following. Immediate referral to the students administrator. The following students were named to the Central High School honor roll for the first semester 2014-15 school year: Straight As. You have permission to edit this article. A listing of participating schools by state appears below. Student will be assigned one day of In-school Suspension and incident recorded in the students discipline record. Require teachers to enforce the Honor Code. Posted on 06/08/2021. Honor Roll / Honor Roll. Students are listed alphabetically from . Consequences for any additional violations of the Honor Code will be discussed at that time. MEREDITH The following students are on the 2020-2021 quarter 4 honor roll at Inter-Lakes Middle and High School: Maintain accurate records of Honor Code violations. Ameerah Abdulghani, Brandi Abney, Cadence Acosta, Konrad Adamczyk, Julian Alcala, Nathan Arteaga, Samantha Backstrom, Kamryn Banach, Dustin Barrett, Isabella Baxter, Joseph Belzek, Ethan Bielanski, Ada Binns, Allison Bishop, Buddy Blackburn, Jalissa Blackwell, Kylie Boban, Jaden Boe, Matthew Bond, Nicholas Boyce, Katherine Braund, Alina Bravo, Kaleigh Brissa, Isabelle Brucks, Keira Brucks, Rylan Budde, Izabella Buonicore, Abigail Burke, Melissa Bustos, Isabella Cabeza, Grace Carey, Silas Carlyle, Sean Cassady, Alyson Celeski, Alicia Choate, Jack Cleary, James Cochran, Austin Coldwater, William Convery, Gianna Cooney, Jocelyn Costilla, Jackson Cowan, Huling Cowser, Courteney Cranston, Connor Davis, Sophia Davis, Delilah Demaso, Abraham DeWalt, Madison Dicosola, Francesco DiTrolio, Conor Echols, Elizabeth Egwunwoke, Reese Engle, Mariano Escalona, Alyssa Fisher, Nicholas Forillo, Isabella Fraser, Isaiah Frausto, Jordan Freeman, Chase Fromm, Dylan Fuller, Carolina Gallegos, Abigail Garcia, Taylor Gauer, Jade Gilmore, Payton Gjerde, Nicholas Goffin Eilers, Izaac Gonzalez, James Goocher, Piper Gouwens, Alexander Grady, Isabella Gutierrez, Alaina Hadaway, Madyson Hall, Hunter Heidel, Eric Heiden, Maddox Hetzel, Jacob Hokanson, Masyn Hrpcha, Ryan Huart, John Ihde, Mario Jimenez, Xander Jodison, Justin Jones, Lillian Joritz, Brianna Kareka, Roman Kazecki, Autumn Keltner, Rylan Kezele, Alexander Koopmann, Richard Korczak, Kora Kotowski, Rocco Kowynia, Liliana Kramski, Logan Kroplewski, Madison Krummick, Azriela Kruspe, Jacob Kuziel, Logan Labedz, Brody LaMont, Brandon Legner, Carter Lennington, Wyatt Leslie, Tyler Loeffel, Brianna Lopez, Jena Lopina, Arianna Loucks, Mia Lutzka, Brody Luzbetak, Jose Macias, Makayla Maiberger, Aidan Mangabhai, Cesar Martinez, Lisandra Martinez, Maria Martinez, Eu Nyah Massey, Gianna Mathis, Mason Maurisak, Hannah Maxwell, Carly Mazzocchi, Devin McAleer, Kaely McCann, Jeremy McPherson, Melanie Medina, Tyson Mendoza, Jayden Merlan, Dominic Messineo, Mark Meszaros, Margaret Metke, Jaeden Meyer, Matthew Middleton, Ayana Miller, Logan Miller, Gabriel Mireles, Isabella Mitchell, Olivia Molenda, Marilyn Monroy, Hannah Murdoch, Mason Murphy, Chase Musser, William Mutz, Cailey Naylor, Jamarion Newell, Delila Nino, Owen Novinski, Sean OConnor, Avery ODette, Kenadie Oldenburg, Ava Olson, Bruce Olszewski, Abigail Ondreja, Arian Osmani, Thomas Owen, Aleena Owens, Lydia Page, Jack Parker, Liliana Pasillas, Kent Pempe, Gwyneth Pfeifer, Anh Pham, Brian Placencia, Hailey Quezada, Lukas Ratcliff, Alexa Raygoza, Ashlyn Reade, Morgan Reibenstein, Keegan Reilly, Haylee Riofski, Brandon Ritsos, Carys Roberts, Elizabeth Robinson, Emma Robson, Jordan Rogowski, Jayden Rohr, Adrian Romero, Tanner Rowley, Cali Rucka, Martin Ruiz, Dominik Sadelski, Ilan Salas, Faith Saldivar, Halie Sampson, Sadie Sampson, Aiden Sanchez, Isabella Sanchez, Ty Sandula, Emma Sarnecki, Gianna Scarpetta, Caroline Scobee, Jack Scully, Michael Serra, Kendall Sharp, Isabel Simmons, Sophia Sitar, Jalynn Skaggs, Brady Smith, Ella Smith, Henry Smith, Camden Swanson, Kaylie Swanson, Kaylyn Szwedo, Brielle Taylor, Nairi Terrazas, Joshua Thomas, Caleb Thompson, Kaitlyn Thompson, Angeliz Torres, Nakaiyah Tucker, Jasmin Valles, Caroline Van Pelt, Marisol Vega, Brandon Verback, Annabelle Verser, Destiny Vincitorio, Frank Vogel, Tony Walker, Nolan Walsh, Travis Wehrle, Fredrick Wells, Liam Williams, Sage Williams, Nicholas Wlodek, Gavin Wolfe, Ethan Wunar, Kaelyn Wyer, William Yankovich, Luis Zamora, Brayden Zilis, Ruby Zolper. Honor Roll/Student of the Term; Kurzweil 3000; On Track/Credit Recovery; PSEO; Registration Guide; . Local news, sports and entertainment when you want it. . Effingham, IL (62401) Today. Likes. Carter Alberini, Abigail Alexander, Daniel Arvanis, Dorian Baftiri, Lyla Rae Baker, Ellie Bartuch, William Bean, Anna Beitler, Andie Bergklint, Logan Blahut, Alex Bodoh, Jared Boe, Mason Boerema, Abigail Borne, Aaron Bosak, Emily Bradley, Abigail Brewer, Adam Brooks, Noelle Brunke, Kahlan Brunner, Hailey Burciaga Brogan, Cayden Burke, Dylan Caldwell, Michael Carper, Jeri Cashatt, Tyler Castro, Dylanie Cecala, Gianna Charlebois, Anthony Chavez, Connor Christensen, Anthony Ciamprone, Gina Cimarolli, Dominic Cioni, Andrew Coldwater, Sam Conroy, Iris Cook, Ruby Cook, Caydence Cooper, Gianna Costa, Ella Daniels, Ariana Degen, Dairon Diggs, Christian Dilworth, Austin Dolbee, Gavin Dooley, Samuel Drey, Christian Duarte, Dominic Dubberstine-Ellerbrock, Allison Dunovsky, Joseph DuPree, Natalie Duy, Joseph Dvorak, Peyton Dykstra, Joseph Dziuba, Ryan Eilert, Brooke Ensing, Luis Esquivel, Aidan Everett, Jack Feigl, Mara Fleming, Morganne Fraker, Emma Fuller, Katherine Galvan, Jadyn Gans, Sydney Gapinski, Jadyn Garibay, Jaylyn Garza, Brianna Gatorano, Carter Gessner, Audrey Gil, Anastasia Gjorgievska, Mikayla Glover, Nathan Goyette, Ryan Griswold, Mya Grzywacz, Trinity Hale, Brianna Haley, Tyler Hall, Morgan Hallam, Ashlee Hernandez, Julian Hernandez, Bryce Holden, Benjamin Hoover, Isabella Hopman, Jada Horde, Julia Horn, Lauren Hudoba, Mackenzie Huey, John Jakovich, Cameron James, Zoie Jarrett, Madeline Jarzyna, Jason Jilek, Carson Johnson, Matthew Jones, Samara Jordan, Makayla Juarez Connors, Kalli Juricic, Mirra Juricic, Lily King, Xavian Klement, Chloe Kohnhorst, Cayla Koranda, Alexander Kotowski, Cameron Krause, Brandon Krier, Alex Kuchay, Alexander Kunkle, Noah Kuzava, Alexander Lamlech, Kayley Lara, Reagan Larkins, Kara Larson, Alexandria Laschiazza, Marie Lawson, Ava Leitherer, Osvaldo Leon, Tyler Lewis, Ella Loomis, Kylie Loomis, Nikolas Lopez, Christopher Loy, Alexis Luca, Joshua Lustro, Colin MacDonald, Alyssa Machnikowski, Michael Madeja, Jayden Mallory, Nancy Mancilla, Keegan Manning, Jacob Mareno, Joel Martinez, Ethan Mattison, Mia McCarthy, Damionte McIntosh, Jonah McKeown, Sergio Medina, Dylan Medrano, Carson Messina, Emma Messineo, Brittany Meyer, Russell Meyer, Camryn Michuda, Blake Milbourn, Lillian Mison, Johary Montano Romero, Jaiden Moody, David Mora-Reyes, Nathan Morgan, Taylor Morris, Dylan Mroz, Alexa Munoz, Elijah Munoz, Matthew Murphy, Michael Murphy, Jacob Nedelsky, Brydon North, Alexander Novak, Ryan Nowicki, Anastazia-Aida OKray, Daniel Omiecinski, Allison Ondreja, Mia Ortiz, Addison Otto, Emma Oyola, Kymira Parker, Mitchell Parrish, Jaden Paul, Jeremiah Pearce, Cody Pelton, Alysse Pena, Angelina Peterson, Lukas Phillips, Raygen Pilon, Anastasia Pistorius, Logan Piszczek, Jeremiah Plummer, Emily Popovich, Briana Powell, Emily Prible, Sunev Puente, Angel Quezada, Adrian Quintero, Elizabeth Ramos, Ethan Rapp, Alyson Rausa, Brynlee Reed, Matthew Reynolds, Ahmon Rich, Olivia Richley, David Rios, Piper Ritchey, Meghan Ritter, Anthony Rizo, Monsserrat Rodriguez Angel, Jullius Roesel, Anne Rogers, Julian Rotger, Lucas Ruffino, Avery Rujawitz, Samantha Rutkoski, Benedict Saghi, Briana Samuilis, Sebastian Sanchez Calvillo, Xavier Sanchez, Teagan Sanderson, Evan Satorius, Natalie Schildhouse, Alyssa Schillaci, Alexis Schuldt, Nicholas Schwab, Miah Seloover, John Sergeant, Josiah Serrano, Nicholas Sheldon, Molly Short, Kevion Shorter, Matthew Siesser, Hannah Skora, Steve Skweres, Catherine Slager, Rodney Smith, Joshua Son, Kevin Stapleton, Gabriella Stawarz, Owen Stieg, Adam Stirn, Will Stiteley, Savana Sturdy, Matthew Terdic, Bianca Thomas, Ryan Thoms, Jaelyn Tierney, Joshua Tomaszewski, Alisa Trejo, Nicholas Ulm, Morgan Vallera, Preston Van Pelt, Nicholas Varley, Alexis Vaughn, McKayla Walczak, Yisela Walker, Amy Weindorf, Kimberly Wences, Kayla West, Jael White, Alexis Williams, Lenaya Williams, Hannah Wilson, Megan Wilson, Jenna Witte, David Woloszczuk-Mrugala, Moira Wrazien, Bryan Zavala, Caden Zollner. EDN FOOTBALL MOST IMPROVED PLAYER OF THE YEAR: , EDN FOOTBALL PLAYER AND DEFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE, Schafer honored for 459th win: 'I'm just so tha, ELECTRIC NIGHT: Altamont defeats North Clay in , MAYHAUS, Patrick Jun 25, 1960 - Jan 15, 2023, STILES, Steven Sep 10, 1952 - Jan 14, 2023, Bracket is out for the 87th National Trail Conference Boys Basketball Tournament, 'It's night and day': Illinois puts slump in the past, Local gun shop supports challenge to assault weapons ban; Sheriffs say they want no role in enforcing registry, From his home in California, Nolan Arenado says he wants to be a lifelong Cardinal, ELECTRIC NIGHT: Altamont defeats North Clay in a highly-anticipated heavyweight battle, Schafer honored for 459th win: 'I'm just so thankful I had the opportunity to coach them', EYE OPENER: St. Anthony dominates Neoga from wire-to-wire for 17th win, 01-12-23 Shelby County Property Transfers, Strong start, finish lead Newton to win over Effingham. 163 Followers. Dean's Honor Roll: 3.0 - 3.499 GPA. 5Blue-8Blue MLK Basketball Classic The Basketball Factory All Day GameChanger App #AngryEagleEmpire #HereComesLakes. (305) 698-8000. Harrison Preparatory and Lakes High School are ranked among the region's best public high schools according to U.S. News and World Report. High Honor Roll Brody Chestnut, Trinity Dyer, Stalina Fenelon, Aubrey Frank, Leyla Gutierrez Calvillo, Lacy Hancock, Isabelle Howell, Jerzie McCord, Garbriella Mejia , Carolyn Nguyen, Ella Niehaus, Clairissa Riggle, Sofia Rodriguez, Jeyfrania Solano Luna, Lizbeth Valdez-Angeles, Callie Ziegler Sign up now to get our FREE breaking news coverage delivered right to your inbox. Morning Little Wildcats Preschool classes are canceled at Primary School and Taylors Falls Elementary. Tweets & replies. Tweets. Low 43F. Read More. PEQUOT LAKES -- Following is the Pequot Lakes High School honor roll for first quarter. Jump to: </p> <p>I have also been on high honor roll all four years up until the current trimester and was awarded scholar athlete status when playing lacrosse. Unauthorized use of technological devices (cell phones, cameras, ipods, games, etc) when taking an assessment. View All Honor Roll Schools. Schools in Coweta County have released their second-term honor rolls for the 2019-20 school year. Rain early. (Special Sections) by "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"; News, opinion and commentary General interest Associations Associations, institutions, etc. Trinity Prep (Sep. 6, vs. First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Examples of plagiarism include but are not limited to: Falsification/Lying Using unauthorized notes, aids, or written material in any form during a test. Block, Keagen 9; Branchaud, Gabrielle . The following students were named to the honor roll for the fourth quarter at Lake Region High School: Grade 9 High honors - Jessie Gray, Bryanna Plummer Honors - Samantha Cormier, Monica . National Honor Society; Panther Barbell Club; Quill & Scroll Honor Society; Rhapsody (A Cappella Choir) . @7lakesffa. Copying from another persons paper; giving or receiving information orally, or by signs, gestures, or deception during any type of assessment. Copying word for word, without using quotation marks or giving credit to the source of the material. Kendall Adelmann, Liam Anderson, Paige Anderson, Rylee Anderson, Anahi Arellano, Lilliana Arroyo, Margaret Auclair, Eli Avalos, Allison Babich, Kate Bailey, Brayden Barrowman, Finley Barten, Emilio Bautista, Carly Bavilacqua, Kalyn Bebej, Eva Beck, Jonah Benedick, Sophia Benedick, Garrett Berscheid, Marvin Berumen, Bryson Beverly, Livia Bezaire, Justin Blackwell, Daniel Boeringa, Abigail Boersma, Rylee Boyd, Zakary Brown, Kaylee Brushaber, Layne Bumgarner, Emily Burton, Aidan Calvey, Viviana Campuzano, Tyler Cantu, Grace Casey, California Cedro, Omar Chavez, Kameron Chigi, Cameron Choate, Dane Chung, Paige Clements, Natalie Cochran, Matthew Collofello, Emma Congoran, Bree Cook, Nathan Cook, Hunter Coons, Nicole Cooper, Caleb Corcoran, Jeremy Cortesi, Savannah Coutant Mandish, Jenna Crompton, Ayden Crumly, Isabella Cyrkiel, Olivia Dahlberg, Joshua Daily, Hannah Daurer, Rylan Deichen, Emma Deitz, Rebekah Deitz, Robert Del Buono, Lucas Dela Crus, Nicholas DeLuca, Tyler DeLuca, Nicholas DePhillips, Allie Devore, Samantha Dilorenzo, Allison Dolezal, Collin Dvorak, Sofia Dziuba, David Eaheart, Andrew Earl, Kailyn Erickson, Peter Eskra, Jacob Evans, Katelyn Fink, Noah Fisher, Vivienne Forte, Abigail Foster, Gaetana Galati, Braylynn Garbin, Nathan Garbrecht, Madison Gaylord, Anthony Giangrande, Mallory Gierman, Alessandro Gonzalez, Sebastian Gonzalez, Jackson Gorman, Grant Gould, Penelope Grant, Alexander Gunther, Lindsey Gutierrez, John Halloran, Nicodem Hargis, Sarah Hasan, Faith Hayes, Jacob Heap, Trenton Henderson, Kailey Heyduk, Evan Hinrichs, Paige Hohreiter, Annie Honsik, Addison Hunter, Katherine Ihde, Molly Jacobson, Carson Jacoby, Macy Jarzyna, Emily Jimmerson, Owen Joder, Angelena Jodison, Carson Johnson, Isabella Johnson, Jayla Johnson, Riley Johnson, Cole Jordan, Mya Jordan, Jordana Junco, Alexandria Kavvadias, Katelyn Kerchenfaut, Kaylee Keyster, Caleb King, Lillian Kirkpatrick, Mariah Kirschten, Noelle Klima, Taylor Knudson, Savanna Kopstain, Peyton Kueltzo, Mason Laney, Adelle Leach, Kai Lemke, Sofia Lopez, Sofia Lopez, Spencer Lorenz, Weston Lorenz, Hannah Loverude-Gennari, Joseph Lucas, Angelina Luna, Carter Lundeen, Aubrey Lynch, Kevin Macak, Taylor Mackin, Madalynn Madding, Joseph Maffeo, Nathan Mailhiot, Delaini Majetic, Lauren-Michele Manning, Melissa Marquez, Emma Martin, Ethan Martin, Morgan Maser, Nathan Maul, Mia McHale, Bailey McIntyre, Jon McKirdie, Brice McManus, Emma McMillin, Tamaya McNeal, Lauren McPhillips Newcomb, Natalia Milazzo, Laura Milistver, Morgan Miller, Rodrigo Mireles, Kylan Monk, Jayla Morales, Anthony Mravle, Christian Muench, Noah Munson, Emily Muntwyler, Lola Nowak, Claire Olsen, Porter Olson, Maisie Olznoi, Lauren Oxley, Bryce Parker, Seth Pavey, Paige Pawlicki, Cole Pearson, Hayden Pearson, Morgan Pekelder, Hailey Pekoc, Aiden Peppmuller, Kaylen Peterson, Serena Peterson, Addison Petrinos, Makenna Petrovic, Emma Pettigrew, Emily Poole, Mackenzie Poulsen, Savannah Press, Madeline Przybyla, Gabriella Quinones, Efrein Ramirez, Samantha Reiter, John Renzi, Grace Revis, Laila Richardson, Alexis Robbins, David Robinson, Hannah Sachtleben, Graciela Salgado, Rafael San Pedro, Autumn Sanchez, Isabela Sanchez, Jacob Schultz, Juliana Serna Lopez, Sarah Short, Eric Simmons, Mason Skoglund, Alexandria Slotabec, Luis Solis, Henry Stafford, Ashley Sullivan, Blake Sustaita, Georgia Sweeney, Kennedi Thomas, Jakob Totte, Javier Trevino, Jovanna Valenti, Joel Vargas, Jonathan Vazquez, Ryan Veleker, Amaya Villa, Abigail Villarreal, Alexander Von Holten, Riley Warren, Kyler Webster, Gavin Westlake, Lucas Weston, Briana Whalen, Brett Widlowski, McKenna Wisemantle, Madeline Wyer, Summer Zahouani, Gabriela Zid. NASSP, parent organization of the National Honor Society, is proud to announce the winners of the 2021 National Honor Society Scholarships! three graduates are German Honor Society members; 101 graduates are Math Honor Society members; 52 graduates are . The B Honor Roll students have a GPA of 3.0000 to 3.7499. Badger High School announces the 2020-2021 semester two Honor Rolls. Record a failing grade for the assignment. The mission of Lakeside Middle School is to help students bridge the gap between the self-contained skills structure of the elementary school and the departmental specialized structure of the high school. Valerie Newhouse, President of Iowa Lakes Community College, releases the 2021 Fall Honors List. These characteristics have been associated with . Chance of rain 90%. Badger High School announces the following students have earned High Honor Roll and Honor Roll for the first semester of the 2019-2020 academic year. These students, all members of the class of 2021, were chosen from among thousands of applicants. Salem Community High School Honor Roll. Instruction, Technology, Professional Learning, and You. Ignite Passion and Discovery in Every Student. Contact students parent or guardian regarding a violation. Mike Clemens, a farmer from Wimbledon, North Dakota, was literally (and figuratively) blown away, when his equipment shed collapsed under a snow load. Progressive discipline may be assigned as well. Check out her story, her accomplishments, and how Mater Lakes has helped her. Students have attained a grade point average of 3.0-3.74 to earn honor roll and 3.75 or higher to achieve high honor roll at the end of the semester to be included. Creating false or misleading impressions. The Honor Code expressly forbids the following academic violations: Cheating Winds E at 15 to 25 mph. A honor roll Grade 9: Margaret Anderson, Rachael Armstrong, Caitlin Blowers, Dijon Bouchard, Lance Bragstad, If you have never been part of a faith community, are you feeling a longing for something different? 103 or Great day of action today at the Lakes MLK Tournament! Presenting someone elses work as your own including the copying of language, structure, programming, computer code, ideas, and/or thoughts of another without proper citation or acknowledgement. Show submenu for Other Resources and Links, Show submenu for Student Forms & Documents. Failing to use proper documentation and bibliographies citations. The Badger team took 2nd place with an overall score of 822. Lukas Aagesen, Joseph Adamic, Zachary Affarano, Angelica Amador, Amina Amir, Mia Andrle, Rozlynn Arias, Andrew Aspan, Autumn Asztalos, Sofia Avila, Sierra Beers, Pierce Behnke, Haley Belousek, Trent Bezaire, Dylan Biederman, Kathryn Boe, Mia Borracci, Gavin Borton, Olivia Boyd, Layla Bridgeman, Kamryn Bucciarelli, Evan Bullard, Amali Cage, Dominic Carrico, Aubrey Carter, Addison Ceko, Sabina Charlebois, Addyson Cimino, Chase Cissell, Kameron Cole, Jase Cook, Sophie Coutant Mandish, Adrienne Craig, Addisonn Crumly, Addison Davis, John Deavers, Jocelyn Delaney, Liliana Delgado, Charlee Desiderio, Chase Dobczyk, Malachi Downs, Sarah Doyle, Colbie Dudson, Jason Duy, Jack Egan, Abby Egizio, Amani Elateeq, Brianna Espinoza, Karina Exstrom, Makayla Farley, Irelyn Farrell, Gianna Filipponi, Abigail Fish, Kooper Fisher, Nolan Fisher, Seth Fleming, MyKenzie Fronek, Ashley Fuse, Drake Gabriel, Delaney Gallegos, Kevon Gamblin, Alexis Gamino, Montserrat Garcia, Sophia Garcia, Jaxon Gimmel, Aiden Glidic, Makayla Goelz, Nathan Gonzalez, Sophia Gonzalez, Nicole Goyette, Aidan Gubbins, Julia Gura, Khloe Gurnitz, Erin Hagstrom, Syed Hamid, Padraig Harrington, Rhett Harris, Coye Hefner, Julia Hoffman, Jordyn Hopkins, Lydia Howard, Bryan Huerta, Stephen Huffman, Isabella Internicola, Payton Isaacson, Jayden Jeffries, Quinn Johannessen, Broden Johnson, Lillian Johnson, Makenna Johnson, Paytyn Johnstone, Mackenzie Kapanowski, Katherine Kelly, Christian Kennon, Brooklyn King, Andersen Klemme, Brady Kozlowski, Brandon Krippel, Samantha Kuziel, Lukas Kwiatkowski, Aiden LaMont, Dominic Larkin, Ethan Laturell, Amelia Lemberg, Sean Lewis, Matthew Lira, Joshua Loizon, Kacie Long, Joel Lopez, Nolan Lowry, Lilyana Madonis, Jayden Mahomes, Ethan Mahoney, Logan Markee, Alexander Martin, Jaime Martinez, Nathan Martinez, Tessa Martinez, Michael Martino, Evan Mattison, Sean McCammon, Amayia McCants, Alexander McClain, Ruby McCowan, Alyssa McElray, Rylan McFadden, Hannah McGrew, Alexander McHale, Nevaeh McIntosh, James McKirdie, James Mendez, Danielle Meyer, Lauren Mick, Skylar Mikulec, Carson Miller, Tyler Minda, Jackson Miranda, Steven Mora-Reyes, Kaitlyn Morin, Clara Novak, Peyton Nuccio, Sophia Nuccio, Marlee Nugent, Clare OBrien, Kelli OHara, Sophia Oberding, Paisley Olson, Abbygail Ortiz, Ella Ortiz, Gabriella Ortiz, Jackson Page, Luke Page, Chelisse Lucille Parrilla, Abigail Patterson, Melody Patterson, Kayla Paulauskas, Grant Pavey, Ava Perkins, Nathan Pescetto, Mason Pilon, Brayden Poort, Morgan Prosise, Kyle Rauen, Anthony Ray, Alexis Rein, Benjamin Reyes, Brynna Rigsby, Benjamin Rittof, Gabrielle Roddy, Elie Rodriguez, Molly Rohrbach, Madison Rouse, Hailey Saenz, Gioncarlo Sanchez, Kendal Sangiacomo, Faith Sarcletti, Evan Schenck, Andrew Schill, Jordan Schultz, Keegan Schuster, Ryan Scott, Aubrey Shelby, Kaden Shroyer, Caelan Siebert, Hailey Silverman, Adin Slavik, Aubry Smith, Braden Smith, Marie Smith, Logan Sopkin, Morgan Sossong, Gavin St Clair, Abigail Stafford, Destiny Stanciel, Summer Starks, Kylie Steiner, Rowan Stengel, Dean Sterba, Justin Stone, Jaxon Strum, Lincoln Sullivan, Seth Sumis, Yanshiqi Sun, Natalie Sweeney, Andrew Szambelan, Sophia Tapia, Keagan Taylor, Gavin Thomas, Elise Troyner, Mya Velarde, Lydia Wajda, Alexia Ward, Lexie Wenckowski, Kailynn Wietting, Emerson Wilhelm, Guenevere Winters, Thomas Yancey, Isabel Yanes, Jayleena Zavala, Colin Zwolinski. Big games on Sunday. Lake Zurich High School; 300 Church Street; Lake Zurich, IL 60047; Phone: (847) 438-5155; Fax: (847) 438-5989; Attendance (847) 438-5162; Health Office (847) 540-4248; The 18-year-old senior at St. Joseph-Ogden High School has been a Girl Scout for 13 years. Honor rolls do not reflect a cumulative grade point average. Honor rolls are determined at the end of each Eagles for their academic success first!... Badger team took 2nd place with an overall score of 822 Term ; 3000! The following students have earned a grade point average Factory all day GameChanger App # AngryEagleEmpire # HereComesLakes School! How Mater Lakes has helped her the class of 2021, were chosen among!, releases the 2021 National Honor Society ; Panther Barbell Club ; Quill amp... Schools will start two hours late on Wednesday, January 4 average of 95-100 MLK Tournament Honor Code expressly the. 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