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linda lipnack kuehl biography
if(typeof cfJsHost != 'undefined'){ popupTrigger.css('visibility', 'visible'); if('' == 'floating') { Please refresh the page or navigate to another page on the site to be automatically logged inPlease refresh your browser to be logged in, Linda Lipnack Kuehl was writing a biography of Holiday when she died suddenly in 1978, though her family believe she may have been murdered, Find your bookmarks in your Independent Premium section, under my profile. Instead we hear the voices of personal friends and colleagues who often played with Holiday, such as Count Basie and Artie Shaw. [2] Various other writers' biographies on Holiday have drawn upon Kuehl's material, as did the film Billie (2019), which is narrated by Kuehl's recorded interviews. textContent: 'var frmRef=""; try {; } catch(err) {}; var captainform_servicedomain="";var cfJsHost = "https://";', if (document.getElementById('captainform_js_global_vars') == null) { }; resize77260563c877fb82c45(wrapper); Add or change photo on IMDbPro Add to list More at IMDbPro Contact info Agent info Credits Edit IMDbPro Archive Footage Previous 1 Billie Self (archive footage) 2019 Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content [6] In 1971, she began plans for a biography of Holiday, who had died aged 44 in 1959. jQuery(wrapper).css('top', jQuery(window).height() * 0.4 - wrapper.outerHeight()); The film consists almost entirely of Kuehls recordings she had 125 cassettes worth of interviews and snippets of her writing, the latter played out over dramatic reconstructions of hands hovering above a typewriter. Eleanoras parents got married when she was 3 years old, and she was raised primarily in Baltimore. (document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",d),window.removeEventListener("load",d)):(document.detachEvent("onreadystatechange",d),window.detachEvent("onload",d))},d=function(){t||!document.addEventListener&&"load"!==event.type&&"complete"!==document.readyState||(t=!0,n(),e())};if("complete"===document.readyState)e();else if(document.addEventListener)document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",d),window.addEventListener("load",d);else{document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange",d),window.attachEvent("onload",d);var o=!1;try{o=null==window.frameElement&&document.documentElement}catch(a){}o&&o.doScroll&&!function c(){if(!t){try{o.doScroll("left")}catch(d){return setTimeout(c,50)}t=!0,n(),e()}}()}}; Pulled out of school at 11, she worked in a brothel at age 12, and by age 14 she was in Harlem singing at the Hot Cha Club. To find your favorite venue check here. This is not to say that there is no filmed footage. For news, music (including some previously unreleased live recordings), complete discography, videos and much more visitKims websiteand many more performances can be found on herYouTube channel. Holiday co-wrote her 1956 memoir Lady Sings the Blues with William Dufty, and the book became the basis of the 1972 feature film of the same name, starring Diana Ross, who earned an Oscar nomination for her role as Holiday. [13] Some of Kuehl's material was used in Donald Clarke's 1994 biography, Wishing on the Moon[14] and her interviews were used in Julia Blackburn's 2005 biography With Billie: a New Look at the Unforgettable Lady Day. She started a notable rebellion singing "Strange Fruit" which exposed the realities of Black life in America and earned her powerful enemies. captainformDomReady(function() { Shes a psychopath. While interviewer Kuehl can be heard gasping in shock when she hears this description, Hamilton elaborates that Holiday was impulse-driven, strong, talented but not a dependable individual. He noted that he thinks that Holidays inability to control her impulses made her psychopathic. jQuery(wrapper).find('a').removeAttr('href'); Maria Bryant, a singer and friend of Holidays, calls Levy a dirty, rotten, stinking bastard., In 1945, Holiday moved on to Louis McKay, who would become her manager and then her second husband. Jones gets very angry in the interview when he hears that Hammond has denied firing Holiday, while Hammond expresses bewilderment in reacting to Jones claims that Hammond fired Holiday. Kuehl was an experienced arts journalist who wrote for The Paris Review and The New York Times Sunday magazine. var wrapper = jQuery('#captainformForm772606EmbedPopup63c877fb829bf'); Eleanors favorite curse words were motherfucker and cocksucker., By all accounts, Eleanor started working as a housecleaner/maid before she was a teenager.{ if('' == 'floating') { "She excited me with just three notes," drummer Roy Harte tells Kuehl. Want to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later? Her career of 30 years has no breaks, stops or retreats into obscurity. var wrapper = jQuery('#captainformForm772605EmbedPopup63c877fb83722'); Her archive passed to a private collector and was later used in other writers' biographies of Holiday. Elle fut la premire icne de la protestation contre le racisme ce qui lui a valu de puissants ennemis. Missing from this documentary is incisive exploration about exactly what makes Billie Holiday so great musically. Kuehl had. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); with her dark dresses, and smooth-straightened glossy dark hair and the white gardenias (or lily or orchid.) Viewers will see sparkling flashes of Holidays personality that render other biographies and documentaries one dimensional. Theres also a clip of her role as Endie in the 1947 film New Orleans., Because Billie is told in chronological order of her life, the documentary has a very easy narrative to follow. She also got a lot of abuse and harassment from racists they encountered. Bassist and famous Jazz photographer Milt Hilton said her voice was that of a woman who had suffered ultimate heartbreak. var captainformDomReady = captainformDomReady || function(e){var t=!1,n=function(){document.addEventListener? }); Linda Lipnack Kuehl (January 24, 1940 - February 6, 1978) was an American arts journalist, based in New York City. else if ('' == 'right') She changed her last name to Holiday to capitalize on her fathers connection as a guitarist with the Fletcher Henderson Orchestra, one of the most respected Black Big Bands of its day. (The documentary has lots of images of cassette recorders and reel-to-reel tap machines in operation, to give a visual representation of these interviews.) }); The years with Teddy Wilson that brought her to fame are barely discussed. Before completing her work, Kuehl died suddenly in February 1978. The documentary includes stories of people witnessing McKay (whos been described as a mafia enforcer) being physically abusive to Holiday. This unusual, ambitious doc doubles down on the challenge, adding an extra frame to the portrait: the obsession that drove journalist Linda Lipnack Kuehl to toil for years on an epic biography of . }); Watching the footage of her face singing with no sound could reduce the watcher to tears alone without hearing a single note. ("elementType"in e))return!1;var n=null;if(n=e.following?e.following.parentElement:e.inside?e.inside:e.replacing?e.replacing.parentElement:"script"==e.elementType?document.head:document.body,null==n)return!1;var l=document.createElement(e.elementType);delete e.elementType,l=jQuery.extend(l,e),e.replacing?n.replaceChild(l,e.replacing):n.appendChild(l)}; Kim Nalley, a PHD Candidate in History at University of California Berkeley, is a historian, playwright, and actress and is most known as jazz & blues singer with a powerful, 3 1/2 octave range that can go from operatic to gritty blues on a dime, projection that can whisper a ballad yet is capable of filling a room with no microphone, and the ability to scat blistering solos without ever losing the crowds interest or the intense swing. else if ('' == 'right') var captainformThemeStyle = {}; [11][14][15] Documentary director James Erskine bought the rights to Kuehl's tapes[3] and his subsequent film, Billie (2019), is "a journey through Holiday's life, narrated by the voices on those tapes",[3][14][16][17] including Kuehl's. captainformThemeStyle['772606'] = ''; Lipstick and brow pencil are the hallmark features. For eight years in the 1970s, a journalist named Linda Lipnack Kuehl researched a biography of Billie Holiday, interviewing as many of the great jazz chanteuse's friends, relatives and . John Levy became her manager and lover, even though he was married at the time. Here, Erskine has been given the opportunity to illuminate the lives of two women by seeing where they intertwine. Kuehl died after attending a Basie concert in Washington, D.C. Luftman says that a big clue for her that it wasnt a suicide was that Kuehl had a cosmetic face mask on, which was her habit when she got ready for bed. } Consistently entertaining, Billie is really about the writer and subject of the . Her scholarly papers on Billie Holiday include: Two Gardenias for Civil Rights: Robin Carsons photo of Billie Holiday (read it here), This Bitter Earth: Infertility for Billie, Ella and Sarah. Kuehl died in what was deemed. [4], She was a Jewish feminist[5] and a fan of Billie Holiday. There was a rebellious engine inside both of them. Jimmy Flashy Monroe [a pimp who became a trombonist in Holidays band] broke them up. Tony Bennett, who says he briefly knew Holiday, sums up the way a lot of people feel about Holiday: She told her own story, just by being herself. For some eight years in the 1970s, Kuehl interviewed everyone she could find who had a personal association with Holiday musicians, managers, childhood friends, lovers and FBI agents among. Her cousin John says, During them times, she had to survive. jQuery(wrapper).find('a').removeAttr('href'); if('' == 'floating') { Eleven years after Billie Holiday died at the age of 44, from heart failure due to drug and alcohol abuse, journalist Linda Lipnack Kuehl, a Lady Day devotee, interviewed as many people as. Sarah Julia Sadie Fagan (a maid) was 13 when she gave birth to Eleanora, and Clarence Halliday (a musician) was 15. A new documentary, Billie, will delve into the life of jazz great Billie Holiday with the help of hours of never-before-heard interviews. var readyStateOverflowInterval; Then, in the late 1960s journalist Linda Lipnack Kuehl set out to write the definitive biography of Billie. "[9] However, Kuehl did not complete the book. Then in the late 1960's journalist Linda Lipnack Kuehl set out to write the definitive biography of Billie. Midgett says that Holiday would talk for hours about how she started in prostitution when she was 13 years old. She wanted to retire and care for orphans. Song list and samples here.She portrayed Holiday on stage in C.J.Verburgs play Lady Day in Love. The problems became too much for her, and she quit working with Artie Shaw and His Orchestra. As a woman, Kuehl seems to instinctively know that Holidays last husband, Louis McKay (Holiday filed for divorce but it was not completed before she died), who owned the rights to Billies estate after her death was an unreliable hustler who was prone to say anything to interviewers as long as he was paid for the interview. clearInterval(captainForm772606PreloadInterval63c877fb829bf); Intending to write a biography of Billie Holiday, she interviewed friends, fellow performers, and key figures in Holiday's life, but died before its completion. } She has also been seen playing folk guitar, singing R&B and spirituals as well as being an avid Lindy Hop and blues dancer. Meanwhile, Basie doesnt offer much insight about Holiday in his interview commentary, because he claims he didnt really know what was going on when she was in his band. Show more 3 months left to watch 1 hour, 30 minutes Last on. It ' s constructed from the tapes made by of an arts journalist, Linda Lipnack Kuehl, in the 1970s. }, 10); An epilogue at the end of the documentary mentions that because of the destruction of police records, investigations into Lindas death made during the film proved inconclusive., In the documentary, Luftman explains why her sister wanted to write a Billie Holiday biography: Even thought they came from totally different backgrounds, I think she really identified with Billie. Erskine at least benefits from the basic volume of his source material. Over 8 years, she tracked down and tape-recorded over 200 hours of interviews with the extraordinary characters that populated the iconic singer's short, tumultuous life.
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