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long term responses to iceland volcano 2010
Volcanoes attract millions of visitors around the world every year. Please note, due to time pressures the community of Skgar (Austur- Eyjafjll) was not included in this study. The calls are increasing. These communities were targeted due to their exposure to volcanic hazards during the 2010 eruptions/their locations in relation to Katlas jkulhlaup hazard zones (for details on the hazard zones, see Bird et al., 2011). This is the ninth video for the AQA GCSE 9-1 Geography course, and the ninth video of the Cha. Google Scholar, Bird DK, Gsladttir G, Dominey-Howes D (2009a) Public perception of jkulhlaup hazard and risk in Iceland: implications for community education. Created by. A long-awaited eruption On March 19, the Icelandic Meteorological Office picked up a few low-frequency earthquakes that may have come from magma moving toward the surfacebut these were very . Because of this, optimistic residents may be less inclined to respond to a future event. The last composite volcano eruption occurred on March 20, 2010. E-15 volcano (short&long term responses) Flashcards. If a volcanic eruption happens again, they will have better control over the entire air space. Sveinn Rnarsson, 2018). Researching disaster risk is therefore an ongoing challenge requiring a continual process of generating understanding of the changing environmental and societal characteristics that influence disaster vulnerability. Because of this, officials have faith that residents will comply with evacuation orders when given, as they did during the 2010 Eyjafjallajkull eruptions. The The different coloured blue areas denote the four districts. Furthermore, it highlights the importance of capturing narratives of actions and activities to enhance our understanding of the process of decision-making and the situational factors that add to its complexity. ISSN 2662-9992 (online), Responding to volcanic eruptions in Iceland: from the small to the catastrophic, humanities and social sciences communications,, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (,,,,,,,,,, These operations are coordinated through a complex network involving geologists, emergency workers, the police and rescue workers. 6.5 km (4 mi) Iceland: 6.6 Km ESE of Brarbunga. Accessed 14 Apr 2018, Strahan K, Whittaker J, Handmer J (2018) Self-evacuation archetypes in Australian bushfire. They said we feel safe at home because we know you are watching us (O). On average, Mauna Loa, located on the island of Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean, erupts every three and a half years with fountains and streams of incandescent lava. Despite volcanic eruptions in earlier times, the eruption of Iceland's Eyjafjallajkull in April and May 2010 served as a climactic point in aviation history. The disruptions started over an initial period of six days in April 2010. The. Hazard management of the Iceland eruption Most of the survivors evacuated to the neighboring towns and villages, but the community of . The survey implemented in 2010 incorporated 15 semi-structured interviews with officials, rescue team members and residents alongside a questionnaire disseminated to households living within the hazard zones of the Eyjafjallajkull and Katla volcanoes (see Fig. The intense ash-producing eruption of Iceland's Eyjafjallajkull volcano in 2010 was the result of an explosive interaction between hot magma and cold glacial melt water. Slheimar lies within the southern jkulhlaup hazard zone for a Katla eruption and during the Eyjafjallajkull summit eruption they were impacted by considerable ash fall and loud sound blasts. We were though temporarily isolated because the road connection broke. This includes work in hotels, restaurants and gift shops. It is just nearby the exhibition building and it is is an easy trek. Iceland's Eyjafjallajkull (pronounced "AY-yah-fyah . Basaltic lava is fluid in nature. They are just visiting the country; they think its a plus if they can find some volcanoes and maybe have their picture of it. Aggregated livelihood data is therefore presented for outside the capital region from 19912016 (i.e., the time period available from Statistics Iceland). And of course [Eyjafjallajkull] they want to say theyve been here. The first evacuation orders that residents in Vestur-Eyjafjll and Austur-Eyjafjll received came from DCPEM/police (38% A-E; 43% V-E), family, friends or neighbours (31% A-E; 14% V-E) and, the rescue teams (6% A-E; 14% V-E)Footnote 1. There is also economic change occurring with respect to peoples livelihoods. High tech equipment is now used to measure volcanic activity Warning systems A text message system, where it warns people within 30 mins of the volcano if there will be an eruption. Ascending the volcano. Even though some considered it the right thing to do, they decided to shelter in place (e.g., within their own home) because they had a duty of care to family members and believed this was the safest option. However, experience of an event, either direct or vicarious, can lead people to expect similar impacts from future events. The eruption has prompted further research into air craft design. Total number of people employed in main and second jobs held outside the capital region and within the farming (crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities) and tourism sectors (Statistics Iceland, 2017c). Key criteria. As a consequence, several evacuation orders were issued during the 2010 events via the automated phone alert system, supervised by the local Chief of Police. Each quote is coded as one of the following: V-E for Vestur-Eyjafjll resident, A-E for Austur-Eyjafjll resident, S for Slheimar resident, for lftaver resident, RT for rescue team member and O for official. Due to the flank eruption, residents awareness was heightened when the summit eruption began in the early hours of 14 April 2010, with many reporting they were closely monitoring earthquake activity on the Icelandic Meteorological Offices website. IFRC; Posted 23 Apr 2010 Originally . Migration into the South region (Statistics Iceland, 2017b). Long-term responses to Mount Pinatubo's eruption saw the rebuilding of houses, villages, roads, bridges, and other damaged infrastructure. Data were collected at 2 time points: in 2010 and 2013. People talked about the possibility of Eyjafjallajkull [erupting], and we were light-hearted about it you know, saying wow, it can erupt. Iceland: 5.0 Km ESE of Brarbunga. In addition to these systems, recent unrest in rfajkull has called for the development of further emergency response plans in South Iceland (Almannavarnadeild Rkislgreglustjrinn, 2017, Hskuldsson, 2015). Environmental cues, observed and communicated by farmers in Fljtshl as a fire on top of the mountain, were the first notification that alerted officials and monitoring scientists that an eruption had commenced on 20 March 2010. In 2021, Iceland experienced a magnificent eruption on the Reykjanes peninsula, the land that connects Reykjavik with Keflavik International Airport.In the weeks before its explosion, tens and thousands of earthquakes shook the capital and surrounding areas - normally a surefire forecast of imminent volcanic activities. CAS Average sentiment (where 1=not at all and 5=completely) in regards to respondents perception of the levels of preparedness for a Katla eruption (n2008=19, n2010=5456). All data was entered into SurveyMonkey and exported into Microsoft Excel for analysis. (A-E). Austur-Eyjafjll respondents also recorded the greatest impacts with respect to their home, while Slheimar respondents recorded the greatest impacts to them and/or their familys health and financially. An immediate evacuation was considered critical, given the assessment showed that inhabited areas may be flooded by a jkulhlaup within an hour of an eruption commencing in Eyjafjallajkull (Sigursson et al., 2011). The first of these events began on 20 March 2010 and consisted of a 24-day long flank eruption at Fimmvruhls (Fig. Setting In spring 2010, the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajkull erupted. As with the semi-structured interviews conducted in 2010, the 2016 open interviews were audio recorded with consent and transcribed by the authors. In April 2010 the ash cloud from Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull volcano triggered the biggest aviation shutdown in Europe since World War II. Icelandic Meteorlogical Office, Reykjavk, Sjberg L (2000) Factors in risk perception. Exactly ten years ago, on the 15th of April 2010, the volcanic eruption of Eyjafjallajkull in Iceland had caused European airspace to come to a standstill. Unfortunately this lesson is no longer available. The former two incorporate the qualitative results mixed with verbatim quotes from the 2010 and 2016 interviews and open responses given in the 2010 questionnaire. On Friday, March 19, at around 8:45 p.m. local time, molten rock breached the surface in a valley near a flat-topped mountain named Fagradalsfjall, in the region of Geldingadalur, six miles from the nearest town. 1) producing spectacular fire-fountain activity and lava flows. lftaver lies within the eastern jkulhlaup hazard zone for a Katla eruption and was the first community to be blanketed by ash fall during the Eyjafjallajkull summit eruption. Yet, most residents showed respect for authority and acknowledged the necessity of the evacuations. PubMedGoogle Scholar. Hence, we accessed data on the total number of people employed in main and second jobs held outside the capital region and within the farming (crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities) and tourism sectors. Icelandic Meteorological Office; Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland; The National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police, Reykjavik. Learn. People used to be everywhere and its still the same, but now there are 30 times, 100 times more [tourists]. It would have therefore been more logical to practice it under the new police jurisdiction once it had been created (RT). Based on what we. Within these local communities (geographic location), people are bound together by relations of affect, loyalty and common values and as such, they have a certain familiarity with each other (Brint, 2001). Not only was this apparent in regards to residents wanting to abide by police orders, but also with respect to their neighbours and the local rescue team. While we are not able to show statistically significant differences between the datasets due to the small size and slightly different nature of the 2008 dataset (e.g., it does not include respondents from Vestur-Eyjafjll and Austur-Eyjafjll), we can present some interesting observations. IOM is providing transport for the government, international and local NGOs to distribute non-food relief items for some 290,000 people displaced by the eruption of Mount Merapi in Central Java. And more times than not, their interest is volcanoes as they remember the 2010 eruption in the summit of Eyjafjallajkull. Possible causes of climate change: natural factors - orbital changes, volcanic activity and solar output. Population data by age and gender is available from 1998. I had a text message from the Civil Defence authorities and I said OK. And then our daughter called. That means the 7-day shutdown of much of Europe's air traffic ordered by civil aviation authorities, which affected 10 million passengers and cost between 1.5 billion and 2.5 billion, was likely worth it. Immediate responses Long term responses Manila airport closed 200000 people relocated Red Cross, Action Aid and Oxfam provided food and blankets . 5 which shows residents have much more trust in information from local police in 2010 than respondents did in 2008. The questionnaire developed for this survey was modelled on those implemented in a longitudinal study on knowledge and perceptions related to a possible Katla eruption (see Bird et al., 2009a, Bird et al., 2009b, Bird et al., 2011, Jhannesdttir and Gsladttir, 2010). The flank eruption was followed 12 days later (14 April) by a far more explosive 39-day long summit eruption resulting in medium-sized jkulhlaups (glacial outburst floods) to the north, small jkulhlaups and lahars to the south and considerable ash fall to the east and east-southeast of the volcano (orkelsson, 2012). One of the semi-structured interviews revealed that while the respondent marked on the questionnaire that they had evacuated, in reality, they had not. 23.11.2017Version 1.0. We could not expect our children to stay in the darkness and the hell (A-E). A burst of scientific articles has been published, including in special journal issues (Hasager et al, 2010; Langmann et al., 2012). Match. This resulted in massive impacts on air travel worldwide. Long term responses of the Iceland eruption The EU now has an integrated structure for air traffic management. And we could see. Long term effects Areas of farmland covered in ash or washed away In: Lyinskaya E, Larsen G, Gudmundsson MT (eds) Catalogue of Icelandic Volcanoes. Concern was also raised with respect to the lack of knowledge and interest among young Icelanders, with one of the residents stating that more emphasis should be placed on teaching the geography and geology of Iceland to primary school through to college students. Evacuation orders were disseminated via the automated phone alert system, supervised by the local Chief of Police. An exclusion zone was set up in the volcanic region. This paper considers how residents might respond to future evacuation orders by examining the results of that survey against the changing demographic, economic and political structure of South Iceland. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (Humanit Soc Sci Commun) To ensure this trust is maintained, officials must continually engage and work with the population of South Iceland as the regions demographic, economic and political landscape changes. There is a glacier above the volcano. Founded as Educational Expeditions International in 1971 by Bob Citron and Clarence Truesdale, Earthwatch supports hundreds of Ph.D. researchers across dozens of countries, conducting over 100,000 hours of research annually. Households in Austur-Eyjafjll were required to evacuate due to jkulhlaup hazard during the flank and summit eruptions in Eyjafjallajkull. Sustained long-term efforts are needed to minimize the loss of lives from future eruptions. Follow-up interviews were conducted in 2016 with the Chief of Police, the Chief Superintendent, the head of Rangring eystra and two local residents who operated both farming and tourism businesses. Correspondence to Scientists had already said many times that Eyjafjallajkull was a lazy crater with rather slow, small eruptions, not much coming out of the crater. That is, they may be unable to perceive worse impacts from a different scenario than that theyve already experienced (Tversky and Kahneman, 1973). It is a small community. The municipalities encompassing the South region include Sveitarflagi Hornafjrur, Vestmannaeyjar, Sveitarflagi rborg, Mrdalshreppur, Skaftrhreppur, sahreppur, Rangring eystra, Rangring ytra, Hrunamannahreppur, Hverageri, Sveitarflagi lfus, Grmsnes- og Grafningshreppur, Skeia- og Gnpverjahreppur, Blskgabygg and Flahreppur. Residents in Slheimar and lftaver stated they were not required to evacuate. further research into the effect on the ash on aircraft . However, the changing social landscape will test this phenomenon. The transcripts underwent a further analysis to capture detail and nuances that relate to the aims of this paper. This evacuation was warranted as the summit eruption, located under the glacier, produced medium-sized jkulhlaups to the north and small jkulhlaups to the south. Causes The Canary Islands have over 30 volcanoes, 10 of which lie on the island of La Palma. the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in -Icelandic red cross- 60 volunteers provided food for the farming population. Sitting on the ring of fire, Iceland is known to be prone to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Joseph Henry Press, Washington, D.C. Tversky A, Kahneman D (1973) Availability: a heuristic for judging frequency and probability. . However, rather than just focusing information on the risk itself it is essential to communicate actionable risk, i.e., what actions people need to take with respect to reducing their personal risk (Drabek, 1999, Mileti et al., 2004, Wood et al., 2012). In comparison, specific migration details are not available by municipality, i.e., Statistics Iceland only provides aggregated data at a regional level. Officials were also very pleased with public response to the evacuation orders. . Iceland. Communication and risk mitigation strategies must also be tailored to meet the changing populations needs. I know most of the people that live here. Population data for this period is available by municipality. Thank you for visiting 8). Accessed 9 April 2018, Bird D, Gsladttir G (2012) Residents attitudes and behaviour before and after the 2010 Eyjafjallajkull eruptionsa case study from southern Iceland. Risk Anal 20:112, Sorensen JH, Sorensen BV (2007) Community processes: warning and evacuation. Out of 61 households approached to take part in the survey, 58 completed the questionnaire (one respondent per household) giving a response rate of 95%. The computer showed it was all very quiet (O). On the evening of 22nd May 2021, Africa's most active volcano and one of the most dangerous in the world erupted. [Initially] it had not been established as on Fimmvruhls but [we knew it was on the] east [side]. Data derived from Statistics Iceland (2017a). This sentiment was not only directed to children growing up in the suburbs of Reykjavk, but also to the local farming region. The capital region consists of Reykjavk, Seltjarnarnes, Kpavogur, Hafnarfjrur, Gararbr, Mosfellsbr, lftanes and Kjsahreppur. On 20th March 2010, Eyjafjallajkull burst into life after nearly 190 years of inactivity. The eruption of Eyjafjallajkull Composite map of the volcanic ash cloud spanning 20 March 2010. And, it stresses the importance of residents considering the changes in their livelihoods and what that may mean with respect to their vulnerability during a volcanic crisis. By undertaking research within this time period, we were able to capture more detailed and accurate narratives of actions and perspectives of the decision-making process, given that intricate details of which fade with time. 3)an observation that is supported by verbatim quotes presented in the previous sections. The open and transparent communication from police, and ensuing trust that developed between them and residents, as described in the previous sections, supports the data observed in Fig. . The officials interviewed in 2016 were extremely positive about their relationship with local residents and the trust that residents have in them and the volcanic response plans. The first evacuation orders that residents in Vestur- and Austur-Eyjafjll received this second time came from DCPEM/police (50% A-E; 58% V-E), family, friends or neighbours (28% A-E; 8% V-E) and, the rescue teams (6% A-E; 8% V-E). I therefore did not evacuate, as I felt safer at home (V-E). Before the financial crash in 2008, Iceland had become too expensive for many visitorsevidenced by a somewhat steady decline in employment numbers within the tourism industry outside the capital region from 2000 (Fig. Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Iceland, Reykjavk, Iceland, Nordvulk, Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland, Reykjavk, Iceland, You can also search for this author in In the wake of the 2010 eruption of Iceland's Eyjafjallajkull volcano, scientists are developing infrared technology to help pilots see and steer around ash clouds 4:05 Published: 7 Dec 2011 At 9:30 p.m. on March 19, 2021 Specific livelihood details are not available by municipality, i.e., Statistics Iceland only provides aggregated data from the capital region and outside the capital region. Some questions regarding Katla were retained because the Katla hazard zones cover the same communities impacted by the Eyjafjallajkull eruptions. Publishers note: Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Between March and June 2010 a series of volcanic events at Eyjafjallajkull in Iceland caused enormous disruption to air travel across Western Europe . The tourism industry, however, is rapidly growing, with the South attracting the highest number of visitors outside the capital region (Bird et al., 2016). I would be anxious. All respondents were impacted by ash fall, just over a quarter (26%) were impacted by lahars and 20% were impacted by jkulhlaup. . Tourists arrested for entering restricted zones to take photos, Hawaii. The first alarm about the eruption in Fimmvruhls did not come to our phones. While this is a limitation of the present study, we do not believe it detracts from the overall results. What were the responses to the 2002 eruption of Mount Nyiragongo? The lava flow from the Nyiragongo volcano flowed to the northeast of the city of Goma in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). (). . Population of Mrdalshreppur, Skaftrhreppur and Rangring eystra by age and sex. New residents may also benefit from storytelling, involving detailed accounts from people who experienced the event. Sociol Theory 19:123, Article Google Scholar, Crutchfield M (2013) Phases of disaster recovery: emergency response for the long term. Use the GeoActive worksheet, Haiti earthquake 2010 (above), to complete the Word document (below). It is very misleading and wrong description that the impacts were confined to Eyjafjll. Short Term. Find out why This included 19 households from Vestur-Eyjafjll, 26 from Austur-Eyjafjll, seven from Slheimar and six from lftaver (see Fig. It was not only the darkness but also the noise of the eruption for the children and animals. The IVATF included representatives from government and industry groups involved in aviation regulation, operations, and scientific investigations. Nevertheless, only 5% reported environmental cues as the first notification they received that a second eruption had begun. Often causes fires. However, the changing economic, demographic and political landscape will test this phenomenon. It was noted that the region attracts all types of travellers, from large tour groups, to individuals in rental cars, people on private tours, campervans and hitchhikers. And she said Youre supposed to evacuate! But we didnt evacuate because we got no further information. With respect to the future, respondents were asked about how they viewed preparedness for a Katla eruption. The questionnaire was administered as a hardcopy. Communities impacted by jkulhlaup (flood) inundation and ash fall exceeding 1cm (from Bird et al., 2018). An intense seismic crisis started at Brdarbunga volcano on 16 August 2014 and led to several short-lived smaller subaerial and subglacial eruptions, before stabilizing in an ongoing (22 Sep) fissure eruption that started 31 Aug at Holuhraun plain north of the glacier. Europe experienced air travel chaos for almost one month as much of the continent ground to a standstill. The approximate 700 residents that evacuated were allowed to return to their homes when the eruption was confirmed in the flank of the volcano and not under the glacier. Silicosis is a disease resulting in lung impairment and scarring, from exposure to particles of free crystalline silica. A volcanic eruption is an awesome display of Earth's power. I dont think they [Icelandic children] think enough about their own country. Environ Sci Policy 13:185194, Hskuldsson (2015) rfajkull. Importantly, there is greater trust in those responsible for public safety, i.e., local police and the DCPEM. Demographic changes most notably include greater international migration to the South, as well as from the capital region. These trigger a series of pre-decisional processes that stimulate the receiver to consider their perception of the threat, alternative options for protective action and their perceptions of the relevant stakeholders involved (Lindell and Perry, 2012). That would worry us. This lack of detail can be attributed to people sheltering in unofficial places (either by choice or official instruction to do so) and as reported by a few respondents, registration was not well organised in some instances. Even if we already know that we are safe herewe are higher up so we are actually in no danger from the flood. I said [at the pre-eruption meetings] that you have some safe areas but they are also isolated. The volcano affected global air travel, and shook the economies of almost every European nation. Lava fountain and lava flows from the Holuhraun fissure eruption on Iceland, Sep 2014 (Bardarbunga volcano) (Photo: Lukas Gawenda) Multiple lava fountain from the Holuhraun fissure eruption . The inherent challenges this enhanced diversity brings with respect to developing risk mitigation strategies cannot be ignored. Only 5 % reported environmental cues as the first notification they received that a second had. Though temporarily isolated because the road connection broke spectacular fire-fountain activity and lava flows lead people to expect similar from! A volcanic eruption happens again, they will have better control over the entire air.! Around the world every year, lftanes and Kjsahreppur the different coloured blue areas denote the four districts aviation! Experienced the event jurisdiction once it had not been established as on Fimmvruhls but [ knew. Lava flows were retained long term responses to iceland volcano 2010 the Katla hazard zones cover the same impacted... 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