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louis theroux: miami mega jail anthony martinez
. I'm amazed the county doesn't get sued by every person who gets injured in there. Develop the vital skills necessary to succeed in your academic and professional careers. the reason for violence. Part 2. 0. Louis Theroux Miami Mega-Jail ep02. London: SAGE Publications, Ltd., 15 Feb 2017. doi: Press J to jump to the feed. Can't decide how I feel about the guy on crotches at the end - he seemed alright when he was doing jobs for the guards etc. (again, not like i went out of my way to hang out with him, he was a friend of friend)., he's serving a life sentence. Louis Theroux: Miami Mega-Jail Part 1, SAGE Video. Lol he literally said "young looking" somebody's real nature is kicking in, you're all welcome x, 16K subscribers in the LouisTheroux community. Celebrate the excellence of factual film-making with The Grierson Trust, Louis visits a cell full of maximum security inmates. The programme follows Theroux as he spends time in the Miami-Dade County jail system: the Pre-Trial Detention Center (PTDC) (formerly known as DCJ or "Main Jail"); Metro West Detention Center (Metro West); Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center (TGK); and the Miami-Dade County Corrections and Rehabilitation Department Boot Camp Program (Boot Camp). No other details were immediately available. The injury looked Background music on his new BBC interview series ? We found other relevant content for you on other SAGE platforms. Read about our approach to external linking. By continuing to use this site you consent to receive cookies. you guys know! Quite interesting that he said he had been moved for attempting to escape from the other jail. Miami Mega Jail goes behind bars to take an in-person look at . Top subscription boxes right to your door, 1996-2023,, Inc. or its affiliates. [4], Theroux travelled from the United Kingdom to Miami, Florida, to meet the inmates. Theroux, Louis, et al. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Apple TV & Privacy Louis Theroux concludes his exploration into one of America's toughest prisons. Theroux interviews inmates as young as fourteen years old and gives a brutally honest insight into the American prison systems strengths and failures. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. It seems the common denominator was that those guys grew up in terrible environments and were just dealt a bad hand.The other guy that said he felt relieved to be in jail because he didn't have to take care of his alcoholic mother or prostitute sister anymore really broke my heart. This episode. In the first episode of this two-part series, Louis spends time in one of the most notorious sections of Miami County Jail: the fifth and sixth floor of 'Main Jail', where many of the most volatile inmates are incarcerated. Theroux, L., W., Tosta, R., V., McCray, F., Pearson, R., Davis, W. and Martinez, N., 2011. He got sentenced to 25 years. Held in large cage-like dwellings, holding up to 24 men, the inmates have developed a strange and violent jail culture. America is struggling to process its growing criminal class which is why mega-jails such as this one in Miami are springing up. Sign in here to access your reading lists, saved searches and alerts. Playing next. I was thinking that I felt super bad for him, but letting him out is your answer? Copyright 2023 It's a transitory place for those not yet sentenced - 6,000 prisoners, from some of America's most dangerous men to those who have yet to see a court room. Anything on Rodney Pearson? Free Shipping for Loyal Forum Members - CLICK HERE. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. 18 Jan 2023. All rights reserved. Louis always irritates me, he comes across as a bit slimy. The British filmmaker gets up close to its inmates in an unflinching portrait of hell in the US penal system. LE CONTRAT D'ARCHITECTE. I always enjoy his shows, thought this was decent enough. Rodney Pearson ha ha yeah gangsta rides a bike dirty clothing his kicking goals when his got a pocket full of stamps from the government to eat ha ha yeaaaah kicking goals big time not. They fight each other for food, for status, and often just to pass the endless hours of confinement. its called GABOS which stands for , For all of you who have watched Miami Mega Jail part MY LIST. Documentaries by the BBC's Louis Theroux. I'm sure his attorney talked him out of attempting an insanity plea. Life without parole , I have info if you wanna write him. [10], Miami Dade Rehabilitation Department organisation, "Sarah Palin's Alaska, Discovery Real Time/ Louis Theroux: Miami Mega Jail, BBC Two", "BBC Journalist Locked in Miami "Mega Jail" (for Documentary)", "TV review: Louis Theroux: Miami Mega Jail; Sarah Palin's Alaska", "Louis Theroux Miami Mega Jail Review: Fight Club", "TV review: Louis Theroux: Miami Mega Jail", "Louis Theroux: Miami Mega Jail was fascinating and brave",,, Documentary films about incarceration in the United States, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 10 September 2022, at 13:49. The British filmmaker gets up close to its inmates in an unflinching portrait of hell in the US penal system. How would u write to Rodney if u wanted to? View or download all content my institution has access to. A West Miami-Dade video gamer will spend 25 years in prison after pleading guilty to shooting his ex-girlfriend and the young woman he blamed for stealing her away. Louis Theroux: Miami Mega Jail TV Mini Series 2011- 2011- 2h IMDb RATING 7.5/10 1.4K YOUR RATING Rate Documentary Louis spends time in one of Miami County Jail's most notorious sectionsLouis spends time in one of Miami County Jail's most notorious sectionsLouis spends time in one of Miami County Jail's most notorious sections IMDb RATING 7.5/10 Four years on from Louis's . If it were in the UK, you could argue that he was having a cultural effect, changing the mood of the nation with a mind to changing its policies in the longer term, but that doesn't wash in Miami. Louis goes deeper into the system at Miami County Jail. I'm sure the officers could have done more to prevent fighting (ignoring the talk about not enough money), I imagine they don't want to however. Anyway, we went to the same school and even played videos games together, we would make fun of each other, nothing big. It may not display this or other websites correctly. "[6] Liam Tucker of TV Pixie said, "it's must-watch, even if it's soul-destroying. Louis Theroux: Miami Mega Jail is a British television documentary film presented by and featuring Louis Theroux. The programme follows Theroux as he spends time in the Miami-Dade County jail system: the Pre-Trial Detention Center (PTDC) (formerly known as DCJ or "Main Jail"); Metro West . (2011). Any updates? I mean he definitely did it so hard to feel bad. That's some first post, are you Tefal in disguise. Trips to the infirmary are a frequent occurrence as inmates are viciously attacked and beaten, but the guards say they are powerless to end the abuse. Many will drop out and receive prison sentences, but for a handful this will be their second chance at life. Yeah I mean he gets out in 2030 or something. Does anybody have any updates on Timmy? And the guards have got to the point where they think everything is normal and acceptable. His most recent outing was Miami Mega Jail, a look at a gigantic facility home to many suspected criminals. Louis Theroux: Miami Mega Jail. He asks guards about the treatment of prisoners, limitations on guards, and what prison life is like. He has an odd style but it somehow allows him to talk to the strangest of folk. However, when ever his mom would pick him up from a mutual friends house, he would scream at his mom, something i always found odd, since he did it infront of adults and his friends. Dark humor was his thing, nothing big, we play magic the gathering. I was always curious about the bloke with a tea-cosy on his head who got 90 years baby for using a chopper (AK-47) Wish they interviewed that guy a bit more. This is life inside Miami's mega-jail, writes Louis Theroux. Don't remember his name now but I did know at the time and couldn't find a sausage. He gained permission for filming in all areas of the jail buildings, including cells occupied by inmates. Louis spends time in one of Miami County Jail's most notorious sections, See production, box office & company info, Louis Theroux: Surviving America's Most Hated Family, Louis Theroux: The City Addicted to Crystal Meth. You have to remember that this place is for people before trial so innocent people will have to stay there and get beaten up, forced to fight etcit's like a 3rd world country jail. They are Young looking guy who was facing 2 charges of attempted murder . Insanity plea.what's happened ? i know people just think "whoa that guy is fucked up hope he rots in a cell forever!" Louis Theroux is in Lagos, . This is life inside Miami's mega-jail, writes Louis Theroux. Maybe most of his fellow inmates appeared grim. Theroux, L., W., Tosta, R., V., McCray, F., Pearson, R., Davis, W., & Martinez, N. (Interviewees). The prisoners have a culture of their own. Fantastic show as per usual. Louis Theroux is a British reporter who creates controversial documentaries. Press J to jump to the feed. Many will drop out and receive prison sentences, but for a handful this will be their second chance at life. If so, he plead guilty and was sentenced in 2014. Documentary 2011. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. (The weird guy with the glasses). Theroux, Louis, Woodside, Robert Tosta, Valdez, Federick McCray, Rodney Pearson, Warren Davis, and Nianthony Martinez. MURDER 1ST DEGREENOTES: NO BOND#5 ATTEMPTED FELONY MURDER/DEADLY WEAPON/AGG BATT, Please log in from an authenticated institution or log into your member profile to access the email feature. To enhance your experience on our site, SAGE stores cookies on your computer. In part two, he also spends time in the Miami-Dade Boot Camp. Here is a link to his accomplice's jail ID - Mug shot. Watch cutting-edge streaming video that supports teaching, learning, and research at all levels. I say this not because I disapprove, but because it spoils the whole viewer experience. Louis Therouxs Weird Weekends - 1x01 -Televangelists. Accessed 01/18/2023. If your still trying to talk or correspond with him.. Louis Theroux: Miami Mega Jail. Thats really interesting. 40:00. Video, 00:59:32. In Miami County Jails notorious Main Jail, volatile inmates are held together in cage-like dwellings for 24 men, where they fight each other for food, status and to pass the endless hours of confinement. With a capacity of over fifteen hundred inmates, the prison has long been accused of corruption, abuse of power, and various cruelties towards prisoners. Miami Mega-Jail: Part 1. Louis Theroux: Miami Mega-Jail Part 1. "[7] On the Box gave it three stars and said, "Miami Mega Jail suffers from a lack of narrative or destination. Miami Mega Jail goes behind bars to take an in-person look at the way that the prison system is run. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I'd have thought his books would have show up. This show is amazing. Louis Theroux: Miami Mega-Jail Part 1 [Streaming video]. He sounded quite well-spoken and educated and not at all thrilled to be where he was. JavaScript is disabled. You must log in or register to reply here. He sounded quite well-spoken and educated and not at all thrilled to be where he was. The British filmmaker gets up close to its inmates in an unflinching portrait of hell in the US penal system. Additionally, trimming it a bit would have made the impact greater--and people SHOULD see what it's like in these hellish jails. He sees like there's something really good in him, but a lot of work still needs to happen first. He was already in the system for three years on a charge of attempted murder. Nianthony Martinez, 26, will. Theroux spends time in "Main Jail" (PTDC), one of the most notorious sections of the Miami jail system,[1] including time on the fifth and sixth floors of the PTDC, where many of the most volatile inmates are incarcerated. : BBC, 2011. you can save clips, playlists and searches, Navigating away from this page will delete your results. He will get bummed.. One of them, a 14-year-old boy, faces a possible 10-year sentence. "[2] They fight each other for food, for status and often just to pass the endless hours of confinement. Amongst them is a 14-year-old boy facing a possible ten-year sentence for armed robbery if he cannot survive the boot camp's brutal training and indoctrination programme. In Miami County Jail, Louis discovers a strange jail culture where the men fight each other for food, status, and just to pass the time. Start your research with authoritative encyclopedias and handbooks in the social and behavioral sciences. Explore research monographs, classroom texts, and professional development titles., CCPA Do Not Sell My Personal Information. we will be talking about some of his major titles, his favourite documentaries, his early work as well as what he is working on now. I'd be curious to learn what happened to Anthony, the young fresh-faced guy who Louis met in the booking area of the prison in pt.1. Watching that I wasn't thinking about the prisoners - I was thinking about how a country as rich as america can treat people that way. Look for the words HTML. Part 1: Directed by Emma Cooper. [5], Zoe Williams of the Guardian Media Group's website said, "Theroux comes in there without agenda, without influence, just to point and stare. Louis Theroux: Miami mega-jail part 1 Louis Theroux: Miami mega-jail [Video]. I have no idea in what form it originally aired. You must have a valid academic email address to sign up. Its a transitory place for those not yet sentenced 6,000 prisoners, from some of Americas most dangerous men to those who have yet to see a court room. Louis Theroux goes inside the Miami Mega-Jail, one of the largest in the prison system, to interview guards and inmates. Louis Theroux spends time in the most notorious section of Miami County Jail: the fifth and sixth floor of 'Main Jail', where the most volatile inmates are incarcerated. sign in or create a profile so that you can create alerts, save clips, playlists and searches. Louis Theroux Miami Mega-Jail ep01. From reading about his case and quoting from blackadder he is as guilty as a puppy sitting next to a pile of poo. Browse more videos. Tuesday, 1 April 2014 Wha happened after miami mega jail Just a little recap of what happened in Miami Mega Jail. He's obviously got more to him than meets the eye. I just made a google search right now bc someone that knows him was asking what happen to him. SAGE Knowledge. Louis Theroux remembers one of his most memorable moments when he was in a Miami prison and entered a cell to talk to some of the inmates.Watch the clip he's. I felt so bad for Nianthony Martinez.. What did he do to be put in a place like that? Florida's Miami-Dade County jail system is one of the largest, most industrial prison complexes in the United States. That Anthony Martinez just looks and sounds like a mentalist! A parade of injustice without prospect of redemption leaves you with nothing but a caged, arid sadness. Louis Theroux concludes his exploration into Miami Mega-jail, one of America's largest and most violent of jails, a holding pen for almost 6000 un-convicted inmates. 16 LC. CookiePolicy Great program, looking forward to the next one. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, this guy is the same guy you're talking about. Trips to the infirmary for the wounded are a frequent occurrence as inmates viciously attack and beat each other, but the guards say they are powerless to end the abuse. It's a transitory place for those not yet sentenced - 6,000 prisoners, from some of America's most dangerous men to those . He also meets younger inmates attending a military-style boot camp. Start your free trial and watch today: T. He wasnt super clear on the programme but theres an article detailing the actual crime he committed which is shooting as his ex and her friend one got shot in the cheek or something. Where is Shaw now. 2011. In SAGE Video. Robert is serving a life sentence for other crimes.. no books published. Please save your results to "My Self-Assessments" in your profile before navigating away from this page. Did a bit of research on this guy Nianthony (Anthony) Martinez - was interested in his story. I tried to google the guy in solitary about 6 months ago but couldn't find anything. Theres definitely stuff about him online, pretty sure on this subreddit too. This is listed on IMDb as one 120 minute episode but Netflix has it broken in half. Louis Theroux Weird Weekends S01E14 - Whites. I think it could have been a bit trimmed. Regardless, I think having the show THIS long was a mistake, as I found my attention wavering. This one didn't seem anywhere near as interesting as his previous ones. Louis visits a notorious section of Miami County Jail, where some of the most volatile inmates are housed in cage-like dwellings and living under a gladiatorial . The site isn't loading for me, either. Documentary 1 SEASON 2011. Miami Mega-Jail Louis Theroux Louis takes an in-depth look at Miami's jail system, a vast holding pen for the unconvicted where most inmates are awaiting trial. 41:28. What a truly horrendous place to spend 24 hours never mind 2 years. Louis Theroux concludes his exploration into Miami Mega-jail, one of America's largest and most violent of jails, a holding pen for almost 6000 un-convicted inmates.Louis goes deeper into the jail system, meeting an alleged triple murderer facing a possible death sentence. Browse more videos. always in their cells and they are only allowed out twice a week. He really isn't that good looking. 1 and 2, you are probably wondering what happened to some of those inmates. Are springing up a 14-year-old boy, faces a possible 10-year sentence inmates attending a military-style Boot Camp,... Mug shot a puppy sitting next to a pile of poo to talk to the point where think! 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