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lyon county sheriff
Gerloff was followed down the alley by the 16-year-old Juvenile, where an altercation took place. (TB), On November 6, 2022 the Lyon County Sheriff's Office investigated a single vehicle accident near the intersection of Hwy 9 and Dove Ave. Medal also received a citation for open container. Wilhite moved to Lyon County in 1875 and ran a grocery store. On 12/10/22, Michael Ubbinga [43] of George turned himself in to the Lyon County Sheriffs Office on an outstanding warrant for Operating While Under the Influence 1st and Eluding, both Serious Misdemeanors. The phone number in Fernley is (775) 575-3360. Arends was arrested on 2 warrants for Violation of Probation out of Lyon County. By West Kentucky Star Staff Jan. 12, 2023 | 09:25 AM | EDDYVILLE. (ML). Bail Bonds. Twin Springs Web Development. Upon further investigation, Andrew Permann was charged with OWI 2ndOffense (an aggravated misdemeanor), No Valid Drivers License, and Possession of Contraband in a Correctional Facility (a class D felony). The arrest stems from a traffic stop at West Side Park in Rock Rapids.(TB). On January 11, 2023, the Lyon County Sheriff's Office arrested Dakota Cain, age 28, of Sioux Falls, SD. Join us as we host our horse judging and hippology competition on February 25 at the Lyon County Fairgrounds - Yerington Nevada. On 8/26/22 at approximately 2:00 PM, the Lyon County Sheriffs Office responded to a one-vehicle accident in Little Rock, IA. FISCAL COURT MEETINGS. (TB), On 9/4/22, around 16:00p.m., a Lyon County Deputy Arrested Kyle John Petersen, age 30, of Sioux Falls, SD. January 12, 2023 Tammy Hancock News Edge. Employees of the Lyon County Sheriffs Office will be ever mindful of our responsibility to use our resources wisely. Vink was arrested on an outstanding Lyon County warrant. 410 S. Boone St On December 31, 2022 the Lyon County Sheriffs Office conducted a traffic stop on a 2001 Toyota Tundra near the intersection of 210thSt. and Highway 182. As the result Justin Anderson of Harrisburg, South Dakota was placed under arrest for assault. On October 17, 2022, the Lyon County Sheriffs Office arrested Jed Desmet of Larchwood, Iowa on a valid Lyon County arrest warrant. This process revealed 1 The district court's order also granted summary judgment in favor of the current and former sheriffs of Lake County on Lyon's claim against them for "violation of civil rights" under 42 U.S.C. Trimble was transported and booked into the Lyon County Jail and held on a $1,300 bond. Lyon County sheriff's report. TTY: 1-866-847-1298. Dodge was wanted out of Lyon County for violation of probation.(TB). The 16-year-old Juvenile was arrested and charged with Willful Injury (Class C Felony). The Iowa Department of Transportation reports seven fatalities occurred over the 2021 Labor Day holiday period. Groen was transported to the Lyon County Jail. RENO, Nev. (KOLO) - The Washoe, Lyon, and Carson City Sheriff's Offices teamed up Thursday when an off-road enthusiast became stuck in the mud. Commissioner Robert Jacobson, representing District 4, said it was important to support Lyon's new sheriff, and made the motion to eliminate the vacant lieutenant's spot to open the deputy position and keep the grant-funded deputy. The vehicle went off into the shoulder of the road and due to the snow, the vehicle was sucked in and rolled over onto its top. The Sheriffs Office was assisted by Little Rock Fire and Rescue. The Lyon County Sheriffs Office is responsible for maintaining all registered offenders information within Lyon County and reporting that information to the Kansas Bureau of Investigation. The utility trailer unhooked from the pickup and came to rest in the ditch after hitting a tree. Damage to Niebrugges vehicle is estimated at $5000.00 dollars, while Hooyers received approximately $1500.00 dollars. Versailles was transported to the Lyon County Jail. 1 Lyon argues that the district court erred in granting summary judgment for Deputy Rutzebeck on his malicious prosecution claim. (SW), On August 27, 2022 at approximately 5:58 A.M. deputies with the Lyon County Sheriff's Office were dispatch to the Grand Falls Casino & Golf Resort. Kneifl was charged with assault while participating in a felony, going armed with the intent, assault while displaying a dangerous weapon, harassment 1st degree, child endangerment, domestic abuse assault causing bodily injury, and interference with official acts. There are 2 Sheriff Departments in Lyon County, Iowa, serving a population of 11,745 people in an area of 588 square miles. (SW), On August 26, 2022 the Juma James was arrested on a valid Lyon County arrest warrant for criminal mischief 4thdegree. Lyon County Daily News. White praised the "fantastic school . Lyon County's Travis Perry scores 45; North Laurel's Reed Sheppard gets 32 as part of a triple-double. Emporia, KS 66801, Lyon County Kansas Sheriff Site Development: Dave Leiker. The Lyon County Sheriffs Office is not responsible for the content or accuracy of information contained on the following links. Civil Process Fees. Mussa was transported to the Lyon County Jail. Civil: (507) 929-6620 Dispatch: (507) 537-7666 Fax: (507) 537-7428. Lyon County . For information on the river conditions go to the Lyon County Sheriff's page or website. Phone Numbers. Life Saver Awards. Sheriff Foreman served as Sheriff of Breckinridge, Madison (Greenwood) and Wise (Morris) counties, at the same time. (SW), On August 23, 2022, the Lyon County Sheriff's Office arrested Chad Christopher, age 28, of Sioux Falls, SD. The arrest stems from a traffic stop near IA Highway 9 and Garfield Avenue. Snook was cited and released. Schweitzer was additionally cited for failure to have a valid drivers license, failure to provide proof of financial liability, and operating a non registered vehicle. The sheriff's office said Peek was the subject of multiple warrants and is a suspect in an ongoing criminal investigation in Lyon County. The Lyon County Sheriffs Office was assisted by Larchwood EMS, Larchwood Fire Department and Lyon County Ambulance. The driver of the vehicle, Hunter Baker, age 19 of Luverne, was arrested for OWI 1stoffense, Unlawful use of ID cardand person under 21 in possession of alcohol. Cope Appointed then Elected December 1, 2010 Present. The Sheriff's Office is responsible for patrolling any unincorporated areas of the county or areas not covered by the municipal Police . On December 16, 2022, the Lyon County Sheriff's Office cited Harold Hasche, age 85, of Rock Rapids, IA for driving while suspended, violation of financial liability coverageand fail to obey a traffic control device. While the information is believed to be accurate, the Lyon County Sheriff, LyonCounty, their employees or officers, make no warranties, express or implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. There is 1 Sheriff Department per 5,872 people, and 1 Sheriff Department per 293 square miles. Morales Morales was transported to the Lyon County Jail. On October 28, 2022 the Lyon County Deputies conducted a traffic stop at the corner of N. Union Street and 1st Avenue in Rock Rapids. (ML), On January 5, 2023, the Lyon County Sheriff's Office arrested Joshua Allen, age 27, of Sioux Falls, SD. He said . The driver was transported to the hospital by Lyon County Ambulance. Crime Stoppers. Vande Stroet was transported to the Lyon County Jail on the warrant which carried a $1,000 cash or surety bond. Smith was transported to the Lyon County Jail. Report It. August 12, 2022, Dale A. Hilbrands (71) from Rock Rapids, IA was arrested for driving while suspended, failure to provide SR 22 insurance, and interference with official acts. The Sheriffs Office is working closely with the S.A.F.E. Effective January 1st, 2023. (ML), On 1/6/23, around 11:16 AM, a Lyon County Deputy conducted a traffic stop on a White 2012 Ford Escape near the intersection of N Harms and E Douglas Street in George. (AA), On August 9, 2022, the Lyon County Sheriff's Office arrested William Versailles, age 42, of Overlin, CO. Versailles was charged with failure to affix a drug tax stamp (methamphetamine), possession of a controlled substance (methamphetamine and marijuana), and possession of drug paraphernalia (methamphetamine and marijuana). Accidents. On November 19, 2022, the Lyon County Sheriff's Office cited Jorge Padilla Taveras, age 47, of Fairview, SD for operation of a motor vehicle without an ignition interlock device. It was learned that Dylan Bucher, of Doon, was operating a 2002 Honda TRX400EX. (SW). Norwood Geerdes (85) of George was driving a 2006 International pulling a grain trailer was Southbound on S. Virginia Street when a young child ran into the street and Geerdes struck the child. On December 12, 2022, deputies with the Lyon County Sheriffs Office responded to a single vehicle accident near 3rdAve and N. 2ndSt. in Doon, Iowa. Click on the KBI Offender Registry below to search for registered offenders in Kansas. The vehicle sustained approximately $20,000 dollars damage. The child was transported to Avera Hospital in Rock Rapids and then to Sioux Falls. The Lyon County Sheriff's Office provides detention services for law enforcement agencies in Lyon County and surrounding counties. Keegan M. Rotert, 16, of Larchwood was operating a 2006 Chevy Equinox northbound. Both men weretransported and lodged at the Lyon County Jail. Emporia, KS 66801, Lyon County Kansas Sheriff Site Development: Dave Leiker, Processing inmates in and out of the facility, Transporting prisoners to court and to the Kansas Department of Corrections. Upon investigation, Todd Wayne Jansma, age 56 of Rock Rapids, was arrested and charged with Operation While Intoxicated 1st Offense. (TB), On Saturday November 26 at approximately 12:43PM, Lyon County Deputies covered an accident on South East St. just south of Rock Rapids. July 14, 2014 - 9:00 am - Posted in News. On 10/11/22, Lyon County Deputies conducted a traffic stop on Chase Anderson, 33, of Doon. Goeman was transported to the Lyon County Jail. On 10/29/2022, around 23:30pm, a Lyon County Deputy was dispatched to the Grand Falls Casino for assistance with a drug related manner. (TB), On 8/5/22 around 19:30pm, a Lyon County Deputy was called to the scene of an accident near the intersection of 210th Street and Harrison Ave. LATEST NEWS. The Sheriffs Office regularly checks compliance of offenders and files reports on non-compliant offenders to the Lyon County Attorneys Office. The Lyon County Sheriff - Dayton Substation, located in Dayton, Nevada, is a law enforcement agency that promotes public safety in Lyon County through public policing and the management of county jails and inmates. It was learned that Robert Gentry, of George, Iowa, was westbound on Hwy 9 in a 2014 Ram pickup pulling a utility trailer. Additionally, Alsip was charged with Possession of a Controlled Substance (methamphetamine)-3rdOffense, a Class D Felony, Possession of Marijuana 3rdOffense, an aggravated misdemeanor, and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and No Insurance, both simple misdemeanors. Current Lyon County Jail Roster. No injuries were reported. 620-343-2074. On 09/30/2022 at approximately 1635 hours the Lyon County Sheriffs Office Responded to accident at the intersection of E. Minnesota Ave and S. Virginia Street in George. Interestingly, the Confederate force that Wilhite fought at Baton Rouge was led by Major General John C. Breckenridge of Kentucky, the man for whom Breckenridge County (which became Lyon County) was originally named. Employees of the Lyon County Sheriffs Office will conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the Law Enforcement Officers Code of Ethics on and off duty. Join our team! Groen was arrested on two Lyon County failure to appear warrants and was cited for driving while license suspended. Thanks, LCSO.(TB). (ML), On 12/10/2022 at approximately 11:30 AM, Laurence James Jim Stock IV [39] of Rock Rapids was arrested on an outstanding warrant for Purchase/Possess Depiction of a Minor in Sex Act 1st Offense, an aggravated misdemeanor. Rock Rapids, IA 51246 Driving Directions, (712) 472-8300 (712) 472-2303 (Fax). On January 8, 2023 the Lyon County Sheriffs Office conducted a traffic stop on a red 1995 Plymouth Neon driven by Kaila Rasmussen of Sibley, Iowa near the intersection of S. Union St. and S. 12thAve. Rasmussen was arrested and housed at the Lyon County Jail for driving while suspended and no proof of financial responsibility. I have worked as a public servant for the Lyon County Sheriff's Office for 22 years. Lyon County Detention Facility. Home Tax Info News Release Services > Contact Links . Rosa was charged with theft 2nd degree, a class D felony. Altayyans warrant was for Theft-3rdDegree, an aggravated misdemeanor. The first elected Sheriff born within Lyon County to pioneer parents in 1858. As a result of the stop, Jonah Davis, age 19, of Larchwood, IA was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of a controlled substanceand person ineligible to carry dangerous weapons. On 09/21/22, Mhmd Kinan Altayyan [34] of Sioux Falls, SD turned himself in for an outstanding Lyon County warrant. (TB), On October 8, 2022, the Lyon County Sheriff's Office cited Jorge Padilla Tavares, age 47, of Hudson, SD with operation with ignition interlock, driving with an expired license, failure to provide proof of financial liability, and operating a non-registered vehicle. For video visitation registration, visit: For notifications from Kansas Victim Information and Notification Every day, visit: Lyon County Sheriff Upon Investigation, Timothy John Trimble, age 58, of Sioux Falls, SD was arrested and charged with Possession of Controlled Substance- Methamphetamine 1st offense and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. The pickup and driver traveled through a bean and cornfield before coming to a rest on Buchanan Avenue. All tips will remain anonymous. On December 4, 2022, the Lyon County Sheriff's Office arrested Assali Mussa, age 22, of Sioux Falls, SD. Sheriff White sent out a message to parents and family members on social media and started the post by saying Lyon County has a "fantastic school district.". The Lyon County Sheriffs Office, located in Eddyville, Kentucky, is a law enforcement agency that promotes public safety in Lyon County through public policing and the management of county jails and inmates. The arrest stems from two separate investigations that began the day prior. The Sheriffs Office uses a system called Offender Watch to maintain the records of all offenders in Lyon County. The Lyon County Sheriffs Office was assisted by Lyon County Ambulance, Rock Rapids Fire, and Sunshine Towing. The Lyon County Sheriff's Office was assisted by Lyon County Ambulance, Lester Fire and Rescue and the Iowa State Patrol. (SW), On December 20, 2022, the Lyon County Sheriffs Office arrested Kent Vink, age 31, of George, Iowa. The board approved the decision 4-0. Ipa was transported to the Lyon County Jail with a bond of $1,000 cash or surety. Civil War veteran. Civil War veteran. On January 13, 2022, the Lyon County Sheriff's Office arrested Brandi Phillips, age 41, of Lester, IA. This coming weekend will be a multi-jurisdictional project in Lyon County. Please bear with us as we make this transition. Sutton was transported to the Lyon County Jail where he posted bond and was released with a court date. Viereck had outstanding warrants for controlled substance violation, theft 2nd degree (2 counts), burglary 3rd degree (3 counts), theft 3rd degree (2 counts), dominion/control of firearm/offense weapon by a felon, and possession of a controlled substance (marijuana and methamphetamine). LYON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE PROTECTING AND SERVING SINCE 1861 . Yerington, NV 89447. Crime Stoppers. Itis the mission of the Lyon County Sheriffs Office to work with the citizens of Lyon County to preserve life, maintain human rights, protect property and promote individual responsibility and community commitment. Please stay home. Upon investigation, Scott Alan Zomer, age 53 of Sioux Falls was arrested for Operation while Intoxicated 1st offense. Lyon County Officials Remind Residents of Delphi Road Closure. The W.C. Young Community Center hosted its memorial service for King at Greater Lincoln Heights Missionary Baptist Church. She was southbound on L-26 when she struck a steer in the roadway. Vogel failed to yield and the passenger side of his vehicle struck the back driver side of Hulsteins vehicle. Sheriff terms in Kansas were 1 or 2-year terms until the 1970s. The Lyon County Juvenile Probation Office (JPO) is located at 31 South Main Street in Yerington and can be reached at (775) 463-6641. TOTAL SNOW ACCUMULATIONS OF 5 TO 9, * WHEREIN IOWA, LYON, OSCEOLA AND DICKINSON COUNTIES. (AA), On Saturday August 6, 2022 at approximately 3:00 AM the Lyon County Sheriff's Office received a report from an Inwood, IA resident of an intoxicated man who had walked into his house, appeared to be lost, and left on foot. Weretransported and lodged at the Lyon County, South Dakota was placed under arrest for.! A 2006 Chevy Equinox northbound enforcement agencies in Lyon County Fairgrounds - Yerington.... Learned that Dylan Bucher, of Larchwood was operating a 2006 Chevy Equinox northbound by West Kentucky Staff... A bond of $ 1,000 cash or surety holiday period is ( 775 ) 575-3360 with... Two separate investigations that began the Day prior, Rock Rapids. ( TB ) of 5 9! Regularly checks compliance of offenders and files reports on non-compliant offenders to lyon county sheriff hospital by Lyon County & ;. In Fernley is ( 775 ) 575-3360 County for Violation of Probation. ( TB.. 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