microsoft edge chromium command line switches

Uncategorized 20.02.2023

Disable async GL worker context. The new tuning aims at resolving two issues with the AEC: Should be used together with --remote-debugging-port. Enables WebGL rendering into a scanout buffer for overlay support. These values aren't switches, but rather the values that kSSLVersionMax and kSSLVersionMin can have. More details here: Value for --type that causes the process to run as a NativeClient broker (used for launching NaCl loader processes on 64-bit Windows). If a report indicates the buffer usage is 100%, a warning is issued. Disables all experiments set on about:flags. Disable multithreaded GPU compositing of web content. Use profiles 5, 6 and 7 as documented on kPrefetchArgument* in Command line flag offering a "Show saved copy" option to the user if offline. Uses experimental simple cache backend if possible. Renders a border around compositor layers to help debug and study layer compositing. Used for testing. Examines a .crx for validity and prints the result. IMPORTANT: This isn't to be confused with --site-per-process (which is about isolation, not consolidation). Takes the absolute path to the service library to load as an argument. The URL of the cloud print service to use, overrides any value stored in preferences, and the default. Value for --type that causes the process to run as a NativeClient loader for non SFI mode. Options: 1. To add the command-line switch to Chrome shortcut, right-click on the Chrome shortcut and select Properties. "Hide" value for kCrosRegionsMode (VPD values are hidden). Disables Canvas2D rendering into a scanout buffer for overlay support. Controls the behavior of history navigation in response to horizontal overscroll. Any pattern containing a forward or backward slash will be tested against the whole pathname and not just the module. Enable settings in a separate browser window per profile (see SettingsWindowEnabled() below). See sync/base/model_type.h for possible types. Screenshot testing: specifies the directoru where artifacts will be stored. Override the URL to which metrics logs are sent for debugging. Allows media playback for hidden WebContents. Shows a dialog asking the user to try chrome. Allows setting a different destination ID for connection-monitoring GCM messages. Control regions data load ("" is default). The Alsa device to use when opening an audio stream. Only supported on Android. If set, the app list will be enabled as if enabled from CWS. Disable the RenderThread's HistogramCustomizer. If you wish to run the Microsoft Edge browser using the Command Prompt in Windows 11/10, here is how you can go about it. Sample memory usage with high frequency and store the results to the Renderer.Memory histogram. TODO(pkotwicz): Investigate if this bug can be removed. TODO(antrim): Remove once test servers correctly produce affiliation ids. Values for the kExtensionContentVerification flag. Enables the proactive populating of the disk cache with Web resources that are likely to be needed in future page fetches. Should only be used if the driver level filtering is insufficient. Compress tile textures for GPUs supporting it. Running Microsoft Edge from command line does not seem to work when trying to connect to an SSO-enabled HTTPS site and needing to run as a different user. Enable the toolkit-views App Info dialog for Mac. Enables dynamic rendering pipeline switching to optimize the performance of 2d canvas. This article describes the Microsoft Edge commands that can be configured via the ConfigureKeyboardShortcuts policy. Forces Chrome to use localNTP instead of server (GWS) NTP. Specifies the chrome-extension:// URL for the contents of an additional page added to the app launcher. Disable the video decoder from drawing directly to a texture. Enables sharing assets for installed default apps. Enables use of toolkit-views based native app windows. Arguments with an associated value should be separated by an = sign (for example, ['start-maximized', 'user-data-dir=/tmp/temp_profile']). This applies only when the process type is "service". Disable the seccomp filter sandbox (seccomp-bpf) (Linux only). A process type (switches::kProcessType) that relaunches the browser. Of the form language[-country] where language is the 2 letter code from ISO-639. The input file is converted to suit Chrome's audio buses if necessary, so most sane .wav files should work. For tests and platforms where software fallback is disabled. Enables the Cloud Print Proxy component within the service process. This is for use when doing network performance testing to avoid noise in the measurements. Should only be used for testing purposes. since Edge is based on chromium engine, it basically uses the same switches, a similar list can be found on: to get a full list, you need to download an orca client, then edit the Edge msi file using Orca, until you see the full options, but the list above should do. See for details. This also modifies OwnerSettingsServiceChromeOS::HandlesSetting such that no settings are handled by OwnerSettingsServiceChromeOS. Percentage of the browser controls need to be shown before they will auto show. Passes active gpu vendor id from browser process to GPU process. If unset, a hardcoded list is used instead. Specifies a list of hosts for whom we bypass proxy settings and use direct connections. Although Microsoft restricts the UI options to uninstall new Microsoft Edge, we can use command-line switch of Setup.exe installer to uninstall new Microsoft Edge from our computer system. The calibration factors given as ",,,". Tells chrome to display the cloud print dialog and upload the specified file for printing. MS are planning to release a Chromium-based Edge in the future and have already begun the migration. Overridden by kForceFirstRun. It should not be enabled for most Cast devices. Enable compositing individual elements via hardware overlays when permitted by device. Enable automatically pressing the print button in print preview. Passes gpu device_id from browser process to GPU process. See base::FeatureList::InitializeFromCommandLine for details. Lists separated by commas the name of features to disable. Should be used only for testing. Fall back to using CAOpenGLLayers display content, instead of the IOSurface based overlay display path. This is only used on Windows. Percentage of the browser controls need to be hidden before they will auto hide. Force disabling of low-end device mode when set. The token to use to construct the message pipe on which to layer ChannelMojo. Clear search Pass the full https:// URL to PAC (Proxy Auto Config) scripts. Overrides the device scale factor for the browser UI and the contents. Select the Processes tab and if you do not see a Command line column, right click any column . The mode can be set to one of the following values: "Default" "IncludeCookiesAndCredentials" "IncludeSocketBytes" See the functions of the corresponding name in net_log_capture_mode.h for a description of their meaning. Enables participation in the field trial for user feedback to spelling service. This is used during automated testing. This allows for obtaining an accurate sample of the types of images on the web, rather than being weighted towards PNGs that we have encoded ourselves. The constant GOOGLE_CHROME_BUILD must not be defined. Assumed to be 0 if --accept-resource-provider is present. Cheers! This switch may be used to disable that check. The memory pressure thresholds selection which is used to decide whether and when a memory pressure event needs to get fired. Edge on Chromium Command Line Switches Could you please indicate where I can find the Edge on Chromium Command Line Switches? To work around this, start Chromium with the --disable-sync-preferences switch: $ chromium . Capabilities are options that you can use to customize and configure an EdgeDriver session. Causes the process to run as renderer instead of as browser. It is not practical for me to login to Windows as that separate account. previous-app should be the app that was running when last-launched-app started. Specifies power stub behavior: 'cycle=2' - Cycles power states every 2 seconds. Enables support for inband text tracks in media content. Runs un-installation steps that were done by chrome first-run. Used in testing. More information. Appending --scripts-require-action=1 has the same effect as --enable-scripts-require-action (see below). The new Microsoft Edge (Chromium) is a classic desktop app that supports command-line arguments as Chrome does. Open the downloaded Edge for Business MSI file, MicrosoftEdgeEnterpriseX64.msi. Overrides the default public key for checking origin trial tokens. Example: "Trial1.Group1:k1/v1/k2/v2,Trial2.Group2:k3/v3/k4/v4" Trial names, groups names, parameter names, and value should all be URL escaped for all non-alphanumeric characters. For determinism virtual time does not advance while there are pending network fetches (i.e no timers will fire). Override gpu driver date from the GpuInfoCollector. Override gpu vendor id from the GpuInfoCollector. Logs GPU control list decisions when enforcing blacklist rules. List of command-line arguments to pass to the Microsoft Edge process on launch. Makes Content Shell use the given path for its data directory. TLS/1.3 is supported natively within the new Chromium-based Edge on all platforms. Disables compositor-accelerated touch-screen pinch gestures. We default to using a renderer process for each site instance (i.e., group of pages from the same registered domain with script connections to each other). Cause the OS X sandbox write to syslog every time an access to a resource is denied by the sandbox. Gives the default maximal active V-logging level; 0 is the default. If set, enables use of QUIC with non core data reduction proxies. canvas 2D context attributes. Fakes the channel of the browser for purposes of Variations filtering. Only has an effect when Instant is either disabled or restricted to search, and when prerender is enabled. Blue: Overdrawn once. If present, safebrowsing only performs update when SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::ForceScheduleNextUpdate() is explicitly called. If software renderer is not in place, then the GPU process won't launch. This flag expects a value. (default) Enables PrintBrowser mode, in which everything renders as though printed. Sep 3, 2021 Microsoft Edge This article lists some command-line flags I used to troubleshoot Edge/Chrome issues. Used for testing. Block ChildProcessMain thread of the renderer's ChildProcessService until a Java debugger is attached. Disables the sandbox for all process types that are normally sandboxed. Specifies the testcase used by the IPC fuzzer. Disable the support for WebContents to lock the screen orientation. Default is "". WebRTC). Here are some examples: To start Edge in private mode: msedge --inprivate To open a particular website: Microsoft Edge offers broad variety of configuration options via Group Policy (for Enterprises), the edge://settings page, the edge://flags page (mostly experimental options), and finally via command-line arguments that are passed to the msedge.exe executable. Type of the current test harness ("browser" or "ui"). Used for testing - keeps browser alive after last browser window closes. The constant BUILDFLAG(ENABLE_RUNTIME_MEDIA_RENDERER_SELECTION) must be defined. Overrides the default server used for profile sync. Optional flag to set a fixed sample rate for the alsa device. This option is enabled by default. Run the GPU process as a thread in the browser process. Avoid the, A list of extensions to install on startup. Causes Chrome to launch without opening any windows by default. - So if an organization is worried about ciphers used within their organization, they can simply direct their servers to only negotiate cipher suites acceptable to them. Specifies the path to the user data folder for the parent profile. Ignored interfaces will not be used for network connectivity. Passed to Chrome the first time that it's run after the system boots. Selects directory of profile to associate with the first browser launched. Enables feature to avoid unnecessary GetUpdate requests. Enable file accesses. Give a scale factor to cause raster to take that many times longer to complete, such as --slow-down-raster-scale-factor=25. There are command-line switches that Chromium (and Chrome) accept in order to enable particular features or modify otherwise default functionality. Set this to zero to disable host resolver retry attempts. Value for kTestCrosGaiaIdMigration indicating that migration is started (i.e. Disables layer-edge anti-aliasing in the compositor. --disable-accelerated-video. Under the "Set up a kiosk" section, click the Assigned . November 28, 2020. Displays the First Run experience when the browser is started, regardless of whether or not it's actually the First Run (this overrides kNoFirstRun). Stop the GPU from synchronizing on the vsync before presenting. If this version cannot be loaded, Chrome will exit. Create the application You'll create the application using a Configuration Manager wizard. Disables sending signin scoped device id to LSO with refresh token request. Frequency in seconds for Extensions auto-update. Override gl renderer from the GpuInfoCollector. Switch to an existing tab for a suggestion opened from the New Tab Page. Requires MSAA support by GPU to have an effect. An automatically updated, complete listing of Chromium switches (command line parameters) is available here. E.g. Power of the power-of-2 initial modulus that will be used by the auto-enrollment client. They allow you to run Chrome with special options that can help you troubleshoot or enable particular features or modify otherwise . Specifies comma-separated list of extension ids or hosts to grant access to TCP/UDP socket APIs. Url for network connectivity checking. Does not show an infobar when an extension attaches to a page using chrome.debugger page. The default is chrome-profile-{pid} for the browser and test-profile-{pid} for tests. Android authentication account type for SPNEGO authentication. I can't add the SSO URL to the IE mode list because it then forces all other apps that go through that same SSO URL to also . Starts the browser maximized, regardless of any previous settings. Overrides the default host:port used for notifications. Disable hardware encoding support for Cast Streaming. For example, if 1000, then once per second, DevTools reports how full the trace buffer is. Specifies the local sync backend directory. Specifies if the browser should start in fullscreen mode, like if the user had pressed F11 right after startup. - We do NOT want edge to open any new tab's, ever. Click on Family & other users. Type "Services.msc" without quotes and press Enter.Find Windows Installer and double click on it.Set the startup type of windows installer to manual.Click Start to Start Services and click OK. @SanderVR. Enables Origin header in Stun messages for WebRTC. Disable showing available password credentials in the keyboard accessory view when focused on form fields. Multiple origins can be supplied. Disable paint invalidation based on slimming paint. More details here: This directly sets the latency of the output device. Create an instance of EdgeOptions, which provides convenience methods to set Microsoft Edge-specific capabilities. Comma-separated list of rules that control how hostnames are mapped. Requires MSAA support on GPU to have an effect. The format is "," where t=TOP, r=RIGHT, b=BOTTOM and L=LEFT. Makes memory allocators keep track of their allocations and context, so a detailed breakdown of memory usage can be presented in chrome://tracing when the memory-infra category is enabled. Disables new profile management system, including new profile chooser UI. Runs the renderer and plugins in the same process as the browser. This binding happens on per-frame basis and hence can potentially be a performance bottleneck. Disables sending the next BeginMainFrame before the previous commit activates. Force use of the Subzero as the PNaCl translator instead of LLC. Note this check does not go through the Data Reduction Proxy. Sets the initial window size. - Wifi is initially disabled 'wifi=none' Indicates that chrome was launched to service a search request in Windows 8. If edge is your default app for the read protocol, then you can launch it by typing the following in file explorer read: Enables using GAIA information to populate profile name and icon. Disables checking whether we received an acknowledgment when registering a supervised user. Disable GpuMemoryBuffer backed VideoFrames. Loads an extension from the specified directory. Note that even if client-side phishing detection is enabled, it will only be active if the user has opted in to UMA stats and SafeBrowsing is enabled in the preferences. The dev mode probing is done by session manager. Adds the given extension ID to all the permission whitelists. Enables the sandboxed processes to run without a job object assigned to them. This is used in blimp to emulate android fonts on linux. Taints all elements, regardless of origin. Add --disable-features=feature1,feature2,feature2 separated by a comma after the .exe portion in the Target box. --cipher-suite-blacklist Comma-separated list of SSL cipher suites to disable. Value indicating whether flag from command line switch is false. Passing this flag also adds kNoSandbox on Windows non-official builds, since that's needed to show a dialog. In some languages, the capabilities are implemented by the EdgeOptions class. - Wifi is unavailable 'wifi=portal' Could you please indicate where I can find theEdge on Chromium Command Line Switches? Select Properties from the context menu. The card will never be stored locally. The argument is a list of name and value pairs, separated by slashes. Specify the initial window workspace: --window-workspace=id. Update: This no longer works as at Microsoft Edge 44.17763.1. on Windows Version 1809. The time that a new chrome process which is delegating to an already running chrome process started. - A wifi network is initially connected ('1' also works) 'wifi=off' Argument to the process type that indicates a PPAPI plugin process type. If you're launching a WebView2 app, then these arguments are passed to your app instead of the underlying Microsoft Edge browser process. Visibly render a border around paint rects in the web page to help debug and study painting behavior. Do not force that all compositor resources be backed by GPU memory buffers. Don't enforce the same-origin policy. Sets the time in seconds until startup tracing ends. Enable or disable appcontainer/lowbox for renderer on Win8+ platforms. - Cellular is initially connected, technology is LTE 'interactive=3' Redirect stderr to the given port. Tells Chrome to do additional touch noise filtering. Most Microsoft Edge-specific capabilities are exposed through the EdgeOptions object. When switches::kProcessType is switches::kRelauncherProcess, if this switch is also present, the relauncher process will unmount and eject a mounted disk image and move its disk image file to the trash. E.g. Invalidation service should use GCM network channel even if experiment is not enabled. The following table shows the configurable commands, how to use them, and what they do. Initializes X11 in threaded mode, and sets the |override_redirect| flag when creating X11 windows. Use to opt-in to marking HTTP as non-secure. The XSSAuditor mitigates reflective XSS. Chromium Command. Enables the origin of the carrier test data reduction proxy. The new Chromium based Microsoft Edge is supported on all versions of Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows Server (2016 and above), Windows Server (2008 R2 to 2012 R2), and macOS. 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