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What is the reason a truck driver was parked by the road? padding: 0 !important; background: url(; Two other riders who tried to make the maneuver display:none; / CBS New York. .contact .form-section .form-block #field_1_5 The cruiser followed, and police said that Gonzalezjumped off the bike just before the cruiser hit them from behind. .pagination-container { .page-165 .hero .section-title { What follows are just a few of the ways that commercial trucks can be particularly dangerous. .contact-content .content img padding: 20px 0; So many times I wanted to quick and Jeff guided me on the right path. Initial reports about the crash say the incident took place at around 7:30 p.m. along the Major Deegan Expressway near the Mott Haven exit. Jeff Korek has been outstanding in accomplishing a settlement of my lawsuit. display: inline !important; { position: relative; If a truck drivers negligence or recklessness injured you or a loved one, you need to contact the New York dump truck accident lawyers at Oresky & Associates PLLC. Queens, NY 11368(347) 507-3884. .only-mobile Personal injury lawyers at Metro Law have more than 40 years of combined experience helping injured crash victims get justice and compensation after suffering devastating injuries in collisions. NEW YORK -- Police say a motorcyclist was popping wheelies at the time of a deadly crash. flex: 1 1 100%; } width:100%; } has been fighting for victims rights in New York and New Jersey for over 39 years. { My financial future is secure for my family and I thanks to you guys. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Thanks for contacting us. We are extremely saddened by these accidents but hope that through an awareness of these dangers, those in our community will take precautions to avoid these accidents. The bike's driver -- an unidentified 28-year-old man -- was killed. Tony was the step Grand Father and its been hard for the whole family but we know he is in a better place now. height: 100%; position: relative; } A lot of people say smack about lawyers, but I want to say that Im glad there is a way that people who are wronged by corporate neglect can get justice and force change. At around 5:30 p.m., police responded to the fatal accident scene to investigate. width:100%; document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This website contains "attorney advertising". He has done everything that a client would ask of his lawyer. } Gersowitz Libo & Korek, P.C. [c]2017 Filament Group, Inc. MIT License */ extend our deepest condolences to the family of the man that died in this truck accident. This story has been shared 101,548 times. This is not a solicitation for business, and this information should not be misconstrued as medical or legal advice. Oftentimes, motorcyclists are left with head trauma, spinal cord injuries, broken bones, and other severe injuries that require expensive and extensive medical care. We work hard to ensure that those injured are able to collect the maximum compensation for medical care, wage loss, and more. color: #000000; BRONX, NY A man was killed when his motorcycle collided with a dump truck in the Bronx. { { left:10px; } width: 100%; In a lawsuit that spanned almost 7 years, I put myself in his hands and wouldn't hesitate to do it again. } { } .free-consultation We will handle everything involved with your personal injury case. Your email address will not be published. CALL US973-721-9984; Home; About Us. For a personal injury lawyer I would recommend Jeff Korek without any doubt's. Authorities continue to investigate the details of the accident. height:80px; A 21-year-old man on a motorcycle was killed in a crash with a box truck in the Bronx on Tuesday, according to police. He may only have a leg but that is ALL he is lacking!! You should consult an attorney for advice regarding your individual situation. Hopefully this will help spread the word about how often injuries and fatalities occur.". .slick-next display:block; .rll-youtube-player, [data-lazy-src]{display:none !important;} Sed imperdiet pulvinar dolor, vitae auctor tortor volutpat sed. @media(max-width:380px) } The 28-year-old motorcycle driver attempted to pass a car traveling northbound on Bailey Avenue in the Kingsbridge section at around 12:20 a.m. Friday. He was pronounced him dead at the scene. Thank you to the team at Gersowitz Libo & Korek, and especially to our wonderful attorney Anthony Makarov. { What Are the Pedestrian Laws in New York? line-height: 7rem; Xi Zou was riding a Yamaha motorcycle when he was rear-ended by a vehicle driven by 28-year-old Tiffany James. CALL US 24/7 Request a free consultation! return function(){return ret}})();rp.bindMediaToggle=function(link){var||"all";function enableStylesheet(){} { EMS rushed him to St. Barnabas Hospital, where he died a short time later. They were extremely professional, responsive, and compassionate when acting as my legal Every single person I worked with at this firm was professional, friendly and knowledgeable. { } Such was the impact of the collision that Zou was sent flying in the air. Helping New York and New Jersey Injury Victims for over 39 Years. Thanks, family and friends of Tony Wray. margin-top: 80px; Reports say he was "zipping" along the road when a collision occurred with a tractor-trailer. Police responded to the accident in the vicinity of Exit 2B just before 7:30 p.m. EMS responded and transported the aided male to NYC Health and Hospitals/Lincoln, where he was pronounced deceased. Motorcyclists must hold an insurance policy that covers everyone injured in a crash, up to $25,000. { Words alone cannot express our utmost gratitude at the comprehensive handling of my familys case. text-align:center; Any person that may have more information about what happened should reach out to police. He lost his life a short time later. margin: 40px 0; Per the New York Post, the force of the collision threw the motorcyclist to the ground, and he sustained severe head trauma. background-size: cover; width: 100% !important; } Motorcycle Rider Dragged and Killed in the Bronx, New York Our fatal motorcycle accident lawyers in Bronx, New York report a 25-year-old man from the Bronx tragically died when a car struck the motorcycle rider from behind. The policy minimum is $50,000 in the event that a person involved in the wreck loses their life, and $100,000 is required in the case that two or more fatalities occur in a single incident. Bronx Events; Noticias Univision 41; Motorcyclist, 20, from Milford killed in crash. { A food delivery driver died in December after hitting an illegally parked box truck in Manhattan. } NEW YORK (1010 WINS) - A 21-year-old man on a motorcycle was killed in a crash with a box truck in the Bronx on Tuesday, according to police. Cops found the man unconscious and unresponsive in the street with trauma to his head. new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], I had this crash a while back, for example, involving similar reports. A truck accident attorney can examine all of the unique facts of your case and let you know what your legal options are. } I am Anthony Saffords [?] .contact-content a { margin:0 All Rights Reserved |. The NYPDHighway District's Collision Investigation Squad is probing the crash. You need qualified legal counsel as soon as possible, so take the first step andcontact the Bronx truck accident lawyers at Oresky & Associates, PLLC at your nearest location to schedule a free consultation. A 28-year-old man was in an accident involving a motorcycle and a tractor-trailer on the Bronx's Major Deegan Expressway Thursday night. } Maybe authorities here have been more thorough, but it's important steps are taken to ensure nothing important slips through the cracks. The NYPDs Highway Collision Investigation Squad is probing the crash. } Bronx, NY Motorcyclist Killed in Crash at W 262nd & Broadway. Avinu and Ed did a fantastic job on my case. California Highway Patrol are saying that the collision took place around 7:12 a.m. on January 13th. padding: 60px 0 0; A preliminary investigation determined that Eric Parache, 48, the driver of a 2020 Ducati motorcycle was traveling northbound on the Major Deegan Expressway north of the RFK } He entered the southbound lane and collided with a Toyota Corolla turning onto 229th Street. It is important for motorcyclists to understand that the no-fault laws in New York do not apply to them. It happened in the Fordham section of the Bronx. Police say the man was driving a motorcycle with a female passenger on University Avenue late Sunday night, when they veered into oncoming traffic and struck a Mercedes. The man driving the motorcycle is in critical condition. The female with him was pronounced dead at the hospital. } top: 5px; Im 13 and miss my dad I just wanted every one to knoo that he is in a better place now and I would like to thank everyone for the support. daughter. .hero .content .hero-title.xl Commercial trucks have high centers of gravity thereby leading to many underride collisions. font-size: 18px; A man on a motorcycle who police were chasing was killed in the Bronx Saturday, when an NYPD squad car crashed into him, police said. .google-reviews-container .rplg-reviews However, seeking fair compensation is the best way to ensure that you can protect yourself and your loved ones after a devastating commercial truck accident. } It's obviously concerning when reports say that someone was "zipping" along an expressway, but I learned a long time ago to take reports like this with a grain of salt until there's some clear evidence. } } .header .main .nav ul.main-links li font-size:3.4rem; flex-wrap: wrap; He and his staff have always been honest, informative,and trust worthy . PART OF AUDACY NEWS. display: initial; Police say a motorcyclist was killed in a Brookville crash early this morning. Thank you, Jeff, for fighting for my future and helping me stay in the fight with you! We started digging, and it turned out police completely botched the investigations. A motorcyclist was killed in a crash with another vehicle this morning in Soundview. @media(min-width:990px) Our convenient office locations in the Bronx, Queens, and Manhattan are staffed with bilingual staff members who are prepared to help you recover money for your losses. content: ""; { We've received your submission. A motorcyclist died after rear-ending a disabled car on a Bronx highway, officials said Wednesday. I hope I will never need your services. .banner-separator } .slider-base { } max-width:1000px; padding: 0 0 0 30px !important; This story has been shared 112,656 times. height:60px; .flags ul li:last-child a Im a former employee. NEW YORK (1010 WINS) --A motorcyclist died early Thursday when he collided with a light pole on a Bronx highway, officials confirmed. font-size: 20px; border: 1px solid #f3e500; The 27-year-old dump truck driver was not injured in the crash. As a result, the details of the accident presented have not been independently verified. } width:100%; Required fields are marked *. padding-right: 40px; Contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship. .flags.only-mobile ul { We have been featured in the New York Times, Washington Post, New York Magazine, The Daily News, The New York Post and NBC News, among many other news outlets. .page-jump-links.left, .page-links.left { { padding-bottom:20px; The motorcyclist was riding south on Broadway when he slammed into a truck making a U-turn at Caryle Avenue in Park Hill just after 5:30 p.m., officials said. } } The New York Police Departments Highway Collision Investigation Squad is still working to determine the cause of the fatal collision. They tried to get in between two SUVs, a police spokesman said. New York motorcycle crash attorneys can help you figure out whether you may qualify for financial compensation after you or someone you love has been hurt in a motorcycle accident. max-width:inherit !important; filter: brightness(0); Attorney Advertising Materials. .office-title, .contact-offices .section-title } .partner-logos-section .container There are a number of steps that should be taken after any box truck accident. Riding a motorcycle requires a different set of skills and abilities than driving a passenger vehicle. flex-wrap: wrap; } I had brought up this exact scenario and suggested a maintenance procedure that would eliminate the possibility of this type injury. This is not a solicitation for business, and this information should not be misconstrued as medical or legal advice. font-weight: bold; A 51-year-old motorcyclist was killed in a hit-and-run collision at Grand Concourse and East 144th Street in the Bronx. } I am amazed and grateful for all the heartfelt wishes and support for our family. KINGSBRIDGE, Bronx (WABC) -- A motorcyclist was killed in a collision in the Bronx. .header .main .nav ul.main-links>a { The rider was unconscious and unresponsive when the police arrived. padding: 35px 15px; { CONTACT US BELOW OR CALL 1-800-2-DEARIE (1-800-233-2743). { display:none; { document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Jason is back to work and is now playing Sled Hockey and wheelchair rugby! display:none; .split-blocks .block-content.left-side { .center span.text flex: 1 1 33%; .content img position: relative; } } A motorcyclist was killed when he slammed into a dump truck in the Bronx, cops said. Thanks for contacting us. max-width: 100% !important; According to police, around 6:10 a.m. 39 Since the news tends to under-report accidents, I decided to create a blog that covers ALL accident news. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. .pagination-container { We wish only the best and quickest recovery to all those involved in the accident. At read more, Old Bridge, NJ (November 11, 2022) Police have apprehended two people and identified the victim who was killed read more. { { } Gonzalezwas hurt and is charged with reckless endangerment. He was thrown from his motorcycle and sustained severe trauma to his body as a result. They were there to guide me along the way, answer any questions I had carefully, and ultimately got me a beyond satisfactory settlement for my case. text-transform:capitalize !important; Losing someone as special as Rodney has been tough, but knowing that he has touched so many peoples lives keeps my sisters strengthens our family. font-size: 0px; @media(max-width:660px) .center .phone ABC7 New York 24/7 Eyewitness News Stream, Murder investigation after lawyer found dead in Queens office, Download the abc7NY app for breaking news alerts. I would not hesitate to recommend him to anyone looking for a lawyer. May 01, 2022, A 20-year-old Milford man has died following accident involving a car and motorcycle. display: flex; } top: 0; Motorcyclist Killed in Truck Accident on Major Deegan in The Bronx, NY. position:relative; .partner-logos-section A pedestrian and a motorcyclist were killed in separate crashes minutes apart in Queens and the Bronx on Tuesday, police said. } } { .footer { } If you have lost a loved one in a motorcycle crash, you should contact a motorcycle crash attorney in the Bronx who can help you recover. Life-changing consequences often result from them. margin-bottom: 25px; 1967 rioting broke out after police shot and killed a black man in video game arcade. A motorcyclist was killed in a collision in the Bronx. .flags Free Consultation - No Matter Your Legal Status. No other injuries were reported. Everyone I worked with here was very knowledgeable and supportive. .archive .title { @media (max-width: 380px) { Teen shot in front of her dad amid NYC's gun violence surg Carole Baskins dead husband found alive but no one noticed last year, I went to McDonalds drive-thru for lunch but left with bags of cash instead, Ex-'SNL' star talks MLK Jr. 'penis' statue in 'Daily Show' debut: 'Can't unsee it', The holiday hubbub is taking over Midtown NYC and beyond, Why NYC's new vice economy weed, casinos might be doomed, Sutton Stracke: I want to fight bossy ex-RHOBH co-star Lisa Rinna, Jim Edmonds says ex Meghan Kings lies about him are fking annoying, Conor Kennedy gifts pal Andrew Warren rare Dior purse at Miami bash, Kitten born with same 'Zorro' mask as her father, Shakira allegedly discovered Gerard Piqu's cheating because of a jam jar. Bronx, NY 10451(718) 993-9999, Oresky & Associates, PLLC Queens Office font-size: 13px !important; Despite life-saving measures the motorcyclist died due to the severity of their injuries. justify-content: space-between; An attorney will help you protect your legal rights and exercise them in order to be fully and fairly compensated for the losses and damages you face. WebMotorcyclist killed after vehicle impacted his front tire on Bruckner Boulevard in the Bronx. } Disclaimer: As a member of the local community, we at Metro Law strive to improve the overall safety and quality of life for everyone who lives in our beloved state. { Due to the collision, the motorcyclist sustained fatal injuries. And they provided great results! NEW YORK (1010 WINS) A 28-year-old man was killed after being ejected from a motorcycle that sideswiped a tractor-trailer on a Bronx expressway Thursday night, police said. This was a long, drawn out case that took quite some time to come to judgment. } CASTLE HILL, Bronx A motorcyclist died over the weekend when he fell off his bike on the Bruckner Expressway after hitting a car, police said. margin-right: 20px; color: #fff; } margin: 175px 0 0; document.getElementById( "ak_js_3" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Motorcyclist Killed in Truck Accident on Major Deegan in The Bronx, NY. .contact .form-section .form-block { Thanks to prayer and GOD and awesome first responders and Baylor doctorsJasons wife, Sheila. .contact .form-section .sidebar } This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Reports concerning the incident reveal the motorcyclist was headed south on Broadway when a box truck driver made a u-turn near the intersection with West 262nd Street in North Riverdale. line-height:5rem; At the company that I work for we deal with monitoring construction activity and work around trenches and all sorts of construction equipment/vehicles. } min-height: 600px; People Often Lose Unlosable Truck Accident Cases, The 4 Most Shocking Truck Accident Scams Weve Seen, Blaming the Victim How Trucking Company Defense Attorneys Make Their Living, Police Reports Are a Joke Dont Count on Them, David Gardner Injured in Crash with Alleged DWI Driver on 45th Ave in Amarillo, TX, Moses Vasquez, Angelica Ledesma, Harold Galm Injured in Car Accident in Bexar County, TX, Driver Injured in Single-Vehicle Accident on US-84 in Scurry County, TX. Articulate, intelligent, kind, and direct were my first impressions of him and until I saw him in the courtroom, I had no idea that these qualities would make him unstoppable at trial. I sometimes wonder if construction companies have enough safety training to inform employees of how to protect themselves while on the job. The crash occurred at approximately 10:20 p.m. on Sunday, August 9th. .hero { Bikers injured in auto accidents are not entitled to medical and lost income benefits because of this. top: 5px; More often than not, a motorcyclist will suffer a severe injury in a traffic accident, or even lose their life. { A 24-year-old man was killed in a motorcycle accident in the Bronx early Sunday morning, according to police. color: #fff; This type of claim can help you seek financial support for: The money you receive from an injury claim can never replace all that you lost in an accident. A motorcyclist lost control of his bike and was killed in the Bronx this afternoon, police said. j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!='dataLayer'? body:first-line { font-size: 15px; Very smart and knowledgeable. font-size: 4.2rem !important; 149 E 149th St } It is not intended to establish an attorney-client relationship, nor to dispense legal advice. His reputation as a lawyer who gets the job done has truly been earned. align-items: baseline; border-right: solid 1px; { The 27-year-old truck driver stayed on the scene, according to police. var links=w.document.getElementsByTagName("link");for(var i=0;i
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