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nec article 410 contains requirements for installing
in any dimension shall not be suppor ted by the screw shell of a lampholder. Prescriptive steps for connecting and disconnecting are provided and must be provided on the equipment. Circuit Conductors. The first is related to locations in and near bathtub and shower areas. If you try to read the definition, it might be a little confusing trying to imagine the shape from the language. A toggle bolt pushed through a lay-in ceiling tile will likely not be adequate. Recessed Incandescent Luminaires. 410.73 (G) Handbook Commentary Section 410.73 (G) was added to the 2005 Code with an effective date of January 1, 2008. . For some reason, these are not commonly purchased with an IC rating. Within Sight or Locked Type. Raceway Fittings. In this case, the power to the ballast is disconnected when the lamp is removed. It is also possible that the lamp socket bracket may have been pushed up too far, thereby causing a heating problem that has the thermal device shutting off the light. Enterprise Application Integration: New Solutions for a Solved Problem or a Challenging Research Field? Transformers shall be installed as near to the lamps as practicable to keep the secondary conduc tors as short as possible. Parts VI through IX deal with items generally covered by the manufacturers of the luminaires. Where supplied by a circuit having a grounded conductor, the grounded conductor shall be connected to the screw shell. with a cover suitable for use in wet locations to provide access to the supply terminations within the pole or pole base.Exception No. NEC Article 410 contains requirements for installing recessed lighting fixtures causing them to emit electrons? (D) Bathtub and Shower Areas. (C) In Ducts or Hoods. No Other Equipment. (A) General. A ballast in a fluorescent luminaire that is used for egress lighting and energized only during a fail ure of the normal supply shall not have thermal protection. It is part of the National Fire Code series published by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), a private trade association. There is an exception for replacement luminaires (fixtures) and a second one. Secondary Connections. Special Provisions for Flush and Recessed Luminaires (Fixtures). Electric-discharge and LED luminaires supported independently of the outlet box shall be connected to the branch circuit through metal race way, nonmetallic raceway, Type MC cable, Type AC cable, Type MI cable, nonmetallic sheathed cable, or by flexible cord as permitted in 410.62(B) or 410.62(C). Transformers shall be located so that adjacent combustible materials are not subjec ted to temperatures in excess of 90C (194F). However, the only requirements for luminarie installations in closets appear in section 410.16, which specifically addresses luminaires in clothes closets. instant-start lamps which of the following is an HD ballast category? Lamphold ers shall be constructed, installed, or equipped with shades or guards so that combustible material is not subjected to temper atures in excess of 90C (194F). Lamp tie wires, mount ing screws, clips, and decorative bands on glass spaced at least 38 mm (112in.) Having been a contractor for several years, I was often exasperated at whoever designed a location for lighting to be installed that you physically could not get to in order to service it, especially some of the cove lighting in restrooms where the installed stalls and plumbing fixtures created great obstacles to work around. More times than not, these custom one-of-a-kind units are not typically listed and labeled by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL). Separately mounted ballasts, trans formers, LED drivers, or power supplies that are listed for direct connection to a wiring system shall not be required to be additionally enclosed. 150 mm (6 in.) Rating. I will not go into detail here, but the scope has a laundry list of items and you will find that it is pretty exclusively related to lighting products and devices. Metal or Nonmetallic Poles Supporting Luminaires. Equip ment having an open-circuit voltage exceeding 300 volts shall not be installed in dwelling occupancies unless such equipment is designed so that there will be no exposed live parts when lamps are being inserted, are in place, or are being removed. For common inspections, it is important to verify that the outlet boxes are covered; this is usually done by the fixture and/or the canopy. The canopyshall be permitted to include a section of raceway not over150 mm (6 in.) Surface-mounted luminaires (fixtures) can be installed on the wall above the door or on the ceiling. Conductor insulation shall be protected from abrasion where it passes through metal. Parts that must be removed for lamp replacement shall be hinged or held captive. 410.110 General. The NEC specifies a few requirements for outlet boxes, inspection, suspended ceilings, luminaire (fixture) studs, insulating joints, raceway fittings, busways, and trees. This becomes a challenge because insulation has the tendency to go everywhere if it is blown in; or if it is batt insulation, it may eventually fall onto a fixture. Part IV is titled Luminaire Supports. General-purpose electrical equipment includes heaters, switches, receptacles, and cords. You might ask why this requirement applies to double ended lamp units only. 1.2 m (4 ft) in length shall have one additional support. However, Ive had inspectors try to apply the requirements for closets in 410 to other locations. Exception No. A recessed remote ballast for a high-intensity discharge luminaire shall have thermal protec tion that is integral with the ballast and shall be identified as thermally protected. For the AHJ, this is once again one of those judgment calls. Decorative lighting and similar accessories used for holiday lighting and similar purposes, in accordance with 590.3(B), shall be listed. Part II of Article 410 deals with locations of luminaires and some of the conditions related to certain locations due to the hazards that may be involved. A ballast in a fluorescent exit luminaire shall not have thermal protection. Pendant conductors longer than 900 mm (3 ft) shall be twisted together where not cabled in a listed assembly. The first definition found in 410.2 is for closet storage space. Where supplied by the ungrounded conductors of a circuit, the switching device of lampholders of the switched type shall simultaneously disconnect both conductors of the circuit. 410.90 Screw Shell Type. Surface-mounted or recessed incandescent or fluorescent fixtures are permitted. See Figure 410.2. For inspections related to location of a luminaire within a closet, we cant install the luminaire within the modified cube shape described in the definition. Snap switches shall comply with 404.14. The clearance between the luminaire (fixture) and nearest point of storage must be 300 mm (12 in.) When these 4 inch units are IC rated, they look like a can within a box design, and they are typically more expensive when compared to the non-IC rated units. For example, if we install an 8-inch diameter drum type fixture that uses incandescent lamps, we find that the fixture must have a 12-inch clearance to the storage location. The track system ends shall be insulated and capped. The means for providing illumination has gone through numerous changes over the centuries, from oil lamps to incandescent bulbs, to fluorescent tubes and LEDs. The next key item to address is the use of flush and recessed luminaires, and Part X has special provisions for these. The voltage to ground of any output terminals of the secondary circuit shall not exceed 7500 volts under any load conditions. Framing members of suspended ceil ing systems used to support luminaires shall be securely fastened to each other and shall be securely attached to the building structure at appropriate intervals. Luminaires listed and marked for use as a raceway shall be permitted to be used as a raceway. of a ballast, LED driver, power supply, or transformer shall have an insulation temperature rating not lower than 90C (194F), unless supplying a luminaire marked as suitable for a different insulation temperature. If we miss this, then there may be an issue that can lead to a fire. Lampholders of the screw shell type shall be of porcelain or other suitable insulating materials. This requirement provides a safe method to service the ballast, and continues to be extended in its enforcement, adding that in existing installations the disconnecting means shall be added when ballast replacement is performed. 410.8 Inspection. The terminal of an electric-discharge lamp shall be considered as a live part. So, we have to picture the cube directly over the tub or shower, extending 3 feet out from the edge and 8 foot above the unit. Outlet boxes or fittings installed as required by 314.23 and complying with the provisions of 314.27(A)(1) and 314.27(A)(2) shall be permitted to support luminaires. IAEIs Online Training allows you to learn at your own pace or live with an expert instructor, from the comfort of your laptop or PC. Informational Note: For ampacity of fixture wire, maximum operating temperature, voltage limitations, minimum wire size, and other information, see Article 402. This often leads to problems, such as when we have special luminaires used inside casinos, hotels and other large facilities where the units are actually a piece of artwork with lights attached. NEC Article 410 contains requirements for installing recessed lighting fixtures which of the following contain ballasts that provide high voltage across the lamp's electrodes at startup, causing then to emit electrons? Fire-Resistant Construction. | RSS, Annex J ADA Standards for Accessible Design, Annex I Recommended Tightening Torque Tables from UL Standard 486A-B, Informative Annex G Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), Annex F Availability and Reliability for Critical Operations Power Systems; and Development and Implementation of Functional Performance Tests (FPTs) for Critical Operations Power Systems, Informative Annex B Application Information for Ampacity Calculation. If you are tasked with doing inspections for parking lot lighting, you need to be familiar with a few items. Portable luminaires shall be wired with flexible cord recognized by 400.4 and an attachment plug of the polar ized or grounding type. Is a small pantry with a door in your kitchen considered a closet? for a fluorescent luminaire (fixture). A lumin aire requiring supply wire rated higher than 60C (140F) shall be marked with the minimum supply wire temperature rating on the luminaire and shipping carton or equivalent. The fittings cannot have general-purpose receptacles. Through-Wiring. Location. Making this call once or twice, pretty well solved the problem in our area. Metal or nonmetallic poles shall be permitted to be used to support luminaires and as a raceway to enclose supply conductors, provided the following conditions are met: A pole shall have a handhole not less than 50 mm 100 mm (2 in. Conductors that have insulation suitable for the temperature encountered shall be used. General II. long and not more than 1.8 m (6 ft.) long, be a suitable raceway or the tap conductor must be Type AC or MC cable. Thermal insulation shall not be installed above a recessed luminaire or within 75 mm (3 in.) Each fitting attached to a heavy-duty lighting track shall have individ ual overcurrent protection. (12.7mm) from combustible materials. The Grounding and Bonding and the NEC Section 250 Specific Grounding Problems, Installations And the National Electrical Code Requirements Testing Procedures For Industrial, Commercial And Institutional Electric Power Grounding Systems Practical Solutions To Grounding Problems After Attending, You Will Work More Safely And Efficiently Lighting track shall not be installed in the following locations: Where likely to be subjected to physical damage, Where extended through walls or partitions, Less than 1.5 m (5 ft) above the finished floor except where protected from physical damage or track operating at less than 30 volts rms open-circuit voltage.