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runaway bride syndrome
Satori Thats when the affair ended for good. I accused him of being all words and doing nothing to make amends. Take care of you. So, if that includes dropping an F bomb now and then, I have no problem with that. Im still pondering Christmas and the holidays generally. Ok. We start MC. She thinks shes witty or something, not sure, she sent me emails a couple weeks after Feb 1, with her name changed back to her maiden name. No warning, no conversations , nope he was going to leave me to be with her. I described to my wife exactly how her affair played out. You do have choices. Its part of the emotional immaturity, ability to completely detach, or to accept any portion of the blame, for the affair. But never fall for the Lie. Then, he told her that it really was over and that he was leaving. I dont know if her ex husband is still in the picture, if he still loves her, or if he has moved on? So be prepared for the CS meltdown. The apple doesnt fall far from the tree. He can go do his sport and never even needs to let me when he will be back. I was feeling that I might be putting too much pressure on the gorgeous TryingHard, ShiftingImpressions and TheFirstWife, all of whom have being helping me enormously on here. One thing that worries me is that you got the renewed commitment while your H had one foot out the door, yet mine already has two. Check out our runaway bride selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. Take care of you. Just sayin. Ugh I felt like Alice in Wonderland. i knocked and knocked on her door and no one would answer. Post with kindness. This is not a new phenomenon and some women did so even at a time when such actions were akin to social suicide. We jump from stage to stage. But its an even bigger commitment from your H if he wants to save your marriage. Anyone who thinks desertion is funny or right is cruel. In order for me to completely move on, I need to understand the big picture. Has anyone had experience with this and how to R? You will be working your ass off and he gets to be supported by you!! You are in crisis.vent to us all you want.we totally understand. Keep searching for someone who you can be comfortable with as a counselor. Not looking forward to it. Do they really think we buy the crazy things they say. I understand youve been smashed hard too. I remember the case when the bride's family was preparing for the wedding, even vodka had already been purchased for the guests. Im happy to hear your family is one should have to go through this alone. People can get used to the fact that their partner is not perfect, but it is much harder to get used to the situation that there are other feasible and willing partners whom they willingly choose not to pursue. I cleaned up and got dressed and went back to the office to confront him. The point is, for anyone, this should not have to even be a comparison. His manipulation was always so wasnt that I actually saw it that I am now able to call him on it. They act out, having multiple affairs, mistresses, girlfriends, boyfriends, secretly on the side. MLC is NOT a cultural construct. Dear sirs, The bride or groom has no idea that they need to run headlong from under the aisle. Yoga and green tea and meditation are all options. There are no guarantees in life. We go to church every Sunday and are involved members and leaders of our church. Um he was watching something on television or sleeping in his chair when I played WWF. Your strength has come through to me in EVERY word. Now that he finally gets it he had a very different attitude about our R and M. All I can say is if he continues to blame the BS for HIS CHOICE TO HAVE AN A then he is not ready to R and go to MC. Right now in his delusional state she is swaying him and controlling him but he is too blinded and stupid to see it. But I tried hard not to get sucked in to it. TheFirstWife, Thanks for the great explanation! You doc then begins to fix you from the point of having heart disease. Adamant it is a D he wants. In Ukraine, in the good old days, in such cases, the girl handed the guy a garbuzz. For me, all speech is allowed as long as someone is not viciously attacking another member here. Even though he said it is over with OW and not a live thing anymore. Trying Hard is spot on. Old or young. Meanwhile my Plan B is formulating. Like a friend of mine once told me how he regards being in a long term committed and faithful marriage. Because at any time he can CHOOSE to do the right thing. She loved the movie Runaway bride. this whole issue of runaway husbands and downright desertion brought it out. Thats the first gauntlet. She called me that night how he was lying on the sofa crying. A very wise friend told me there is anger in grief. That must have felt so strange!! (My post of 8/12 suggested she may still be around). Yes in the end hes my son and I love him. Satori No one can set that timeline except for you. My friends cheating W demanded D. Then realized her mistake. Dont give away the farm as people say in the Midwest where I live. The narrative has now become all justification for the A. So I guess white and an old and calm played a part. But I hope I make it for the sheer exhaustion of it. Or they rationalise it by saying oh there must have been problems in the marriage (*eye roll*) but to them its like any old breakup so I should still just get on with my life etc. It wont. She will never reply to that but did send one more snarky email to me which I deleted. Smh!! And yes, the not calling thing. LOL I live in one of those states. He needs to chew on what is coming for a while. Stop thinking so highly of yourself Theres a great article in Psychology Today about the allure of secret forbidden relationships. She will take any scraps b/c she sees $ and opportunity. Shed do anything for you. And now that I know this can happen. Like, at this point, when H has been caught red handed in the worst kind of deception and betrayal, how is anything about me personally even up for discussion?!!! What a nightmare. Terrified there was nothing to look forward to because I could only see life getting worse from there on out. I could hardly breathe. And then race to 1000 beats a second. A had been going on for 4-5 months. And the butt dial? And if not, the answer is, well, the answer. The good thing is I am much more able to deal with those memories than I was earlier on. I do want what is best for me and my well-being. So I noticed that every time I tried to distance myself he would take notice and try and do something nice. TryingHard, thats some homecoming you describe!! Ok I admit it sometimes I was very strident about it. No more MC!! 10. You could say my extreme grooming and personal shopper assisted plan is the best Ive had for a while. I say renege! It was so weird. He sounds like he is in a place that he doesnt know which end is up. Thats exactly what I needed to hear TheFirstWife. Needless to say it came up a MC she said dream talking and drug talking dont mean anything. You can always choose to R at any point if you think he really means it. And while iH couldnt commit to his favorite ice cream as you say, regardless, he is going to have to commit to these financial releases tomorrow. In terms of self protection, Im firstly removing myself for a few days on the retreat. This will be natural. And chickens are coming home to roost ie consequences are beginning to sink in. Ive been feeling weak and pathetic and I feel like it is time to change the energy up. And yes Elizabeth Gilbert is a big fat cheater. You are not in this alone. Pushed him away. Hes damn lucky I didnt go through the divorce because as I said THAT would have cost him everything!! Good youre going out. It helped. Lol again ask me how I know ???? Her visit was either (a) impression management re reputational damage And now H is so ensconced back with the Foos. Thanks for the thoughts and the reply, I really appreciate it. My mother passed away very suddenly about five months after d-day. And for most of us, this wasnt a single one time screw up. Gotta love the cheaters playbook!! Its his betrayal. Youve got to get thru this day by day, hour by hour if necessary. And this is what she did for the 4th time! To see things clearly has really fucked with my centre of gravity. Total revisionist history of the M. He disliked many things about me. Thanks and so lovely to hear from you TheFirstWife & TryingHard. One woman even admitted that at her wedding ceremony, she felt a strong desire to run away and have sex with her former boyfriend. I felt they were looking down on me and probably using my grief as water-cooler gossip. And he said it had been going in for 18 months prior. But not after totally securing my home! In his journey down the cheating rabbithole, the worst kind of choices by my H were made over and over again. covert N etc) but when you are still in love with someoneenter Denial. I, of course was the lovely wife who helped her H move out. We talked a lot and I encouraged MC and IC. Here is a thought and i have noticed this with my son and sibling. So I was in a weakened moment and decided he had one month (my own internal timeline) to turn this around. My problem was not (so much) that my fiance left with another woman, BUT that our common friends (not my friends anymore), thought that I should grow up and get over it. But summing it up its a disaster and Im about to be divorced. At first I was begging and pleading at least for a conversation as to what the hell just happened here. That enraged him. Im sure you are exhausted. He proved it was me and we have worked through many reasons why I know this. In many affairs, the wayward spouse never leaves the house for long if he or she leaves at all. Are these signs she has made up her mind to leave me or is this a typical cycle in the denial phase? He can choose to do the hard work of humbling himself and fighting to regain you. The nature and quality of the relationship did not change until immediately after he announced he was leaving. We were all pretty passive and made dependent on them. You can express yourself and vent any way you choise. He is helping me, he has been great. But the internet is no place to be so sensitive. the shit got real real. Psuedo Mutuality. I-Runaway bride syndrome (i-gamophobia, i-gametophobia) iyinkimbinkimbi yezici zobuntu ezimbi ezingahlobene nokugula kwengqondo. It wasnt until Puzzled commented yesterday that BSA comments may be keeping you away. But the mirror tells me that when Im in charge or as he puts it controlling things we only get peace, growth and prosperity. If you dont like what I have to write move on. I was hoping he would snap out of it (as Cher states in Moonstruck). No blaming It wasnt worth it to her as my h had spent thousands and thousands rebuilding her hovel. Since my circle of trust is so small he has no info about me at all, so he is coming over to take the temperature. Runaway Bride Run is also a part of our game bundles. The money factor in our case, not that were talking crazy amounts but its enough for someone to run away for a few years lets put it that way. This is an unselfish motive on your part. It takes an extra special person who just walks out of a M with no explanation. Alright now you are going to laugh at me Trying Hard Her behavior also started when our oldest went off to college. Not at all. The drama aside, there are plenty of obstacles to the relationship progressing. I have three university degrees, so Im no slouch in the make-it-happen department. But you have to find the true cause of the fear. And now he admits he was wrong and he had no right to say any of those things. I could not stop for days. My (also) bulldog lawyer friend is well known and in the wings my unlimited war chest. And I was still on that roller coaster ride. One family member now calls my H The Fifth Column. I think she knew about his A. Thats why she wasnt being supportive of me early on. Just remember to avoid believing his words and WATCH HIS ACTIONS. I was SO offended by the hot comment. Maybe its just to see how much time he has left before the point of no return kicks in and he has to finally decide what he is doing. LOL hes ashamed and embarrassed and feeling guilty and stupid and YES hes a timid little forest creature right now. My Hs OW is very alive and managed to turn my H into someone I dont know anymore. Very good nationally recognized lawyers said that. H: I know. I think you have given him many many opportunities to rebound from his mistake. 8. They have issues and they are self-medicating with an affair. They were astounded my h had the one he had but he was an old family friend. That summer we had spent traveling France and scuba diving in Corsica. Or at least there are overlapping qualities. Keep pushing through. On the flip side though, in the aftermath of the A, I referred to this as sleeping with the enemy. My wife left me 3 monthes ago, without saying anything, leaving a marriage of 17 1/2 years. She was 20 years younger. It was pretty smooth sailing most of the time (or so I thought). Your H has shown he is untrustworthy and no longer the guy you married. Write down your thoughts and plans and then let it go for a while. He must police himself. My war chest (lawyer-wise) is strong. I hope my head will be clearer and less chaotic in the morning. So thankful! Have at her. If he wants sorting out thats his choice. Thank you TFW. Remember Gods Justice is not the same as mans. You are not battling against the OW leading your CH astray. The words just jump out at me. It started up again and went further underground for another 4 months. Because if it can happen to me it can happen to anyone. And I hope I can continure go pay it forward and that other posters find my suggestions and advice helpful. Our circle of trust and friends probably gets a little smaller after an affair. Si you and h met and discussed business and going forward and everything went well until R came up right ? No to IC, no to MC, theyve done too much damage, ILYBINILWY, all of it. My one wish if I could go back in time would be to have told my H to leave in the first 2 weeks after dDay1. Why would it be, after a passionate relationship, when the question of the wedding has already been resolved and preparations are in full swing for it, the bride suddenly kicks up? Im glad that youre getting some sleep. Oh and I cant believe your H got angry about not being able to be with OW even while you were in the same house still!! It is easier for them to turn the other way rather than confronting a friend or loved one for their behavior. But there is going to be an end to the pain just not as soon as we want it. I hear you about anxiety. Yet even these were negotiable in reality. That lack of response might be due to one or more of the following circumstances: Verizon screwed up and never got the message to me. David went with his parents to see her; she was at her mother's house and refused to open the door. Wwwwhhhaatt I only made dinner, I never told him what to eat. I have complete control of my life and am much stronger. I said: Im not going to police you, you have to police yourself. I then added: The only way you find out if someone is trustworthy is by giving them trust.. If not maybe you need to contact his family and friends to find out what is going on. But you know heres a possible example too: We hired an employee who was working quite closely with my H. This employee was the sweetest loveliest guy and he was single. But if it werent for my therapist we would not be together. And that then explains the no remorse towards how the damage inflicted on me. This is all about their seed money for the two of them. She may even be to the point that if you shows you any kind of love let alone sex she will be betraying HIM. Now I understand there are psychological issues associated with Hoarders. Does it mean your marriage is over? And that damage is permanent. If hes intent on getting his share, then ask him what he thinks his 50% is worth. No other words to describe it. Ugh I cant believe they make you wait a year!!! Hi Sarah P. Thats why Ive been agreeing, but maybe youve nailed it, that it must be his idea or again its me being controlling *smh In other words he hears anything I say as white noise and is sticking to his guns at all costs and actively ignoring anything and everything that comes out of my mouth even when its mostly been neutral, kind or positive. Satori-If you dont recognize anything else, recognize how easily you were persuaded to jump onto that noxious bandwagon. But only if its ignored and brushed under the rug. Maybe hes looking for a break too and a little encouragement goes a long way. Not only is your marriage at stake but your livelihood is as have the fight of your life ahead of you. Still not sleeping even pills dont work. This went on for a couple of weeks and I had to take leave from work during that time. At least 50 per cent of all people getting married get a case of either cold feet or seem to have feet that want to run away from the altar. They will go back and forth in MC but really that is the best and safest place for both during the discussions you two will have to have. And right then I swear this happened! She said she needed a drink and she doesnt drink!!! The A is leading him away from you b/c it is the easy way out. I understand the anxiety and PTSD. There is always the double-standard element and people need to use this to their advantage in order to break through the fog. More faith, more hope and love..less fear, anger, substances (chemicals, affecting feeling, thinking, or not Idc, are they healthy and safe? we have nothing in common Thankfully, I could express my concerns and doubts to my family, says the brand manager. Im glad if I can help someone in that way. He knew I meant business at DDay2. Maybe you can plan another soon. At the age of 12 he graduated at the top of his elementary school class, but his father was beating him to make him study when he just wanted to play like a normal child. My niece said you know this isnt helping right. Cant save everyone. And yes the fact that we can laugh about it..well, thats just the best. Dday was 8 mos ago, my W, CS, continues to deny. I simply asked are you ok? Soulmate crap. So glad you had some time to get away from it all. When my DIL called me to tell me what shed found in the computer I was pissed and I let her know I was pissed at him and I let him know I was pissed at him. But now I have my own activities and social life separate from him. Wish I was joking. He is not capable of making decisions right now and it could be true that this was his exit A. But I kept trudging thru. She needed time to think. The joys of an affair and the fog. Have you ever been rear ended in a car accident and how shocked you were and the only words out of your mouth is WTF just happened? He is a coward. Oh SI Im sorry I made you feel bad. She was the Queen of Cordiality kind to everyone and her rule was that if she did not have something nice to say directly to someone, then she wouldnt anything. Thats why I made my Dday her Dday as well and texted her the TRUTH of what her son had been up to. At the time, I felt I was nothing without a man in my life. Many critics of the mass media attacked the coverage as a "media circus". I went to sleep dreading the next day and the commute ahead of me. Today is my last day before heading in for anxiety treatment (3 weeks approx) so I am hoping to log in one last time before then, but if not then that s where Im at. Perhaps they will do us all a favor and remove themselves from the gene pool! Who knows what the future holds. And that is a horrible thing to experience. Nobody deserves to be betrayed by their partner. We have more power in those early few months than we realize. When I asked him if the EA was worth it .at least Im still aliveyup, having an EA saved his life. Poor timid forest creature didnt know what to do. If living was going to be like this, I decided I did not want to live. If I had to go to something like that, it would literally blow my anxiety radar up!! The wayward spouse knows the train is coming, the other person knows the train is coming, and the soon-to-be betrayed spouse is completely unaware. (I made my DDay her DDay too by texting her the update of the nefariousness her golden child was up to). My change in attitude was like a bucket of water to his face. In my case I worried about H and thought he was depressed. No I dont advocate giving them their space. Im long over the affair. but that my H is so full of fear of me right now that he is unable to process anything and cant hear me regardless of my kindness towards him as I have been nice, supportive and willing to forgive (as TheFirstWife said she was too). Its unconscionable treatment. Two stand out in my mind. Im like Come on babe, what for? I think when she sent you that short messsge she just didnt know what to say. Satori. Walking away from business Well, it all started with my great, great grandmother on my fathers side. What is my point? After he got off plane, (trip where he met OW) he came back with a malaria type illness. Silence and silence without any explanation. Focus on your business and financial well being first. Luckily, we havent had that sort of problem too much over the years and hope that it continues. His refusal to work on things right now may change. Our employer tried to hold me down but as I was swinging that club he got in the way. You are a remarkable women. I have never been the type to go through phones or emails but I discovered Im not too bad as a PI. And when the OW tried to start up a third time he immediately showed me the email and never responded. I didnt do that because I would have turned the damn engine on!!! Just wow. My story is all through this thread. No BS should have to hear that crap. Not sure what your experience was in terms of that TFW? They used to email eachother all the time. Anxiety is still there. I consider it an honor to call you a friend. LOL.). I said really 36 years and I get a handshake? I guess b/c they just dont want to. Do not rush things. Sooo most likely that would have been the same outcome for him leaving. Do their husbands know? I got him to acknowledge something that was really important related to the finances that he had been clearly acting very defensive about and lying, and in doing so, he acknowledged power I hold over him. All my wellbeing in peril but he still thinks its about him and his image, his happiness, his money (LOL). Ten steps forward eight steps back. Maybe you had parents similar to mine. Its been rough as. It is so hard when I still need to work with him. This world tells us to seek vindication and justice but forgiveness is the only way to true peace. Sadly, I know this all too well. I made her life miserable there. He called my ENTIRE family and apologized for his behavior. I have my black belt in anxiety. Thank you as ever for your amazing empathy and insights (and you too TryingHard). I cannot think of you without also thinking about the hundreds of hours you spend in the comments helping others and guiding them through life-shattering situations. It was the day of the wedding, and I was literally at the altar when I got cold feet. And dont forget at that stage she had him on a plane to visit her and stay for nearly a month. What the heck does FOO stand for?????? But little by little these legal matters wake these people up. Boundaries are a good thing in all of our relationships. What are your plans? There has been a lot of discussion of the MLC reality even on this thread while I dont feel it is the key driver in my case, it sure felt like a factor, even if a minor one. Maslows Hierarchy of Needs. You offered the olive branch. Current thinking is along the lines you suggest, i.e. I was just expressing a voice for the voiceless betrayed spouses who might not feel safe enough to voice their own opinion. And how he shows his love! WTF does that mean??? Ive had enough. My guess is he will go. Since he refused to sign the financials, the ball is in his court now for everything legal, financial and/ or personal. H knows it. I hope everyone is well and the lunar eclipse of yesterday is bringing peace. Not sure what the final outcome would have been but at least I wouldnt have feelings of being a doormat over his A. Start working in plan B. But in any case, its now not even an option. Living with you might make things worse. Still wants to quit the business. We have had this discussion on this site in the past. I felt he was going to simply slide this OW into the pic as if they met after we split. Have you maintained that position? I even mentioned a few and he said he doesnt believe (post A) they really would. Having familiarized himself with the problem, he will choose a technique that will be effective in combating the fear that corrodes the soul before the wedding. Its a good thing to remind myself of the less than actions. I wish I was done with him it would be easier, but if he keeps mucking up. I think this planned vacay will do you a world of good. The BS would/could not have predicted it. It was the fact that our counselor was peeling back the layers of lies and was about to expose her affair. Too bad, so sad for the sad little sausage . We deny ourselves Heaven. So during A periods they lose their common sense and themself. Pic as if they met after we split H if he keeps mucking up confront him buy crazy... One for their behavior office to confront him you were persuaded to jump onto noxious. And financial well being first one should have to find the true cause of the emotional,... 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