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sons of liberty gun works scandal
Barrel: Sons of Liberty Gun Works 4150CoMOV 1:7 MPI HPT Barrel, Barrel Steel: 4150 CrMoV (Chrome Moly Vanadium per MIL-B-11595E), Gas Block: .750 Gas Block Journal with appropriately sized gas port, Barrel Finish: QPQ Corrosion Resistant Finish, Barrel Extension: QPQ coated M4 Feed Ramp Extension. One Reason is because SOLGW AR 15/AR 10 Rifles and Pistols, are manufactured using only the finest quality materials and workmanship possible. How many of you have more than 5k rounds through your home built AR, without replacing any of the functional parts? Id recommend them to anyone. Itd be easier to get exactly what you want because you can customize a lot on their site, but Ive seen (and had) too many issues with their ordering and fulfillment process. 2504 Auburn Way N. Add To Compare . The reality is, few manufacturers build their M4-like carbines to a standard even remotely close to the actual military specification for the M4A1, MIL-DTL-71186B. An injured Det. Sons Of Liberty Gun Works. For a pure fighting rifle, I struggle to think of a more versatile option. Mike and I see eye to eye on the importance of staking, but he took it a bit further and incorporated Forward Controls Design castle nuts that allow three places to stake rather than the two required to meet MIL-STD-DTL-71186B. I have a SOLGW with the 13.7" barrel and nox muzzle device. Third Generation EXO3 MLOK Handguard. $120.00. $1.99 gasoline in that area, so at least there's that. If you start with a box of completely unassembled parts it literally takes 30mins to 1 hour from when you drive the first roll pin to when you are racking the charging handle on the finished gun. It seems like a lot of you are building ARs with quality parts, but it also seems like many of you arent really testing them. Add to Cart Compare Quick view. [Note: the M4-SML is a direct impingement rifle, which I do not prefer. The boys at Sons of Liberty Gun Works (SOLGW) make that list. The 6mm-223 & 6.5 will do under .5 @ 100yds, both with Black Hole Weaponry polygonal barrels. We have built our guns to run through years of hard use, and we have nothing to hide. It was the first time I saw the human side of law enforcement, and it had a profound effect on me. Fire Control Group:Sons of Liberty Gun Works Liberty Fighting Trigger (LFT) Mil Spec components with solid reset and consistent 5.5lb pull. BearNaked Beer Saved The World. This has been our busiest year on the road by far.thanks to you all for coming out to see us play. Like it or not, not all AR-15s are created equal. I don't really think it matters much anymore. The Sons only had the cash for 10 guns worth of parts. Xtreme Guns and Ammo carries the full line of Sons of Liberty Gun Works Rifles In-Stock at all times. Their commitment to quality goes beyond just measuring parts. $47.50. I like the FN Tac II line personally. Ive built in .22lr, 5.56, 6mm-223, 6.5 Grendel and .300 BLK. In February, he again said he wanted to sit down for an interview to go on record to correct some of the information you have.. SONS OF LIBERTY GUN WORKS. Get the inside scoop on jobs, salaries, top office locations, and CEO insights. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. If you would like a copy of the chat transcript please click "Send Transcript" below. The M4-SMLhas the look and feel of my Army-issue M4, with a different hand guard and a much, much better trigger. Some rifle manufacturers are content with putting out guns that are just good enough to have the misleading mil-spec marketing label slapped on them. . Sons of Liberty Gun Works M4, Semi-automatic Rifle, AR, 223 Remington/556NATO, 16" Barrel, Mid-length System, Anodized Finish, Black, Mil-spec Collapsible Stock, Mil-spec A2 Grip, Magpul MBUS Rear Action Type: Direct ImpingementBarrel Length: 16''Capacity: 30+1-RoundCartridge: AKK_5.56 mm NATOFinish: BlackFront Sight: AdjustableLength: 36''-42''Magazine Included: 3 x 30-RoundMagazine Type: Action Type: Direct ImpingementBarrel Length: 16''Capacity: 30+1-RoundCartridge: AKK_5.56 mm NATOFinish: BlackFront Sight: NoneLength: 36''-42''Magazine Included: 1 x 30-RoundMagazine Type: Action Type: Direct ImpingementBarrel Length: 13.7''Capacity: 30+1-RoundCartridge: AKK_5.56 mm NATOFinish: BlackFront Sight: NoneLength: 35''Magazine Included: 3 x 30-RoundMagazine Type: Action Type: Direct ImpingementBarrel Length: 16''Capacity: 30+1-RoundCartridge: AKK_5.56 mm NATOFinish: BlackFront Sight: AdjustableLength: 36''-42''Magazine Included: 1 x 30-RoundMagazine Type: Sons of Liberty Gun Works ANGRYPATRIOT, Stripped Lower Receiver, Semi-automatic, 223 Remington/556NATO, Anodized Finish, Black ANGRYPATRIOT, Sons of Liberty Gun Works STRIPES, Stripped Lower Receiver, Semi-automatic, 223 Remington/556NATO, Anodized Finish, Black STRIPES. I found their customer service horrible. Showing all 8 results. Below you will find the complete specifications on the M4-76. COPYRIGHT 2021, THETRUTHABOUTGUNS.COM. Barrel: Sons of Liberty Gun Works 13.7 4150CoMOV 1:7 MPI HPT BarrelCaliber: 5.56 NATO ChamberBarrel Steel: 4150 CrMoV (Chrome Moly Vanadium per MIL-B-11595E)Twist Rate: 1/7 Twist Six Sons of Liberty Gun Works Stripped Upper Receiver, Black, Hardcoat Type III Anodized UPPER-STRIPPED, Sons of Liberty Gun Works SCALPER, Stripped Lower Receiver, Semi-automatic, 223 Remington/556NATO, Anodized Finish, Black SCALPER, Sons of Liberty Gun Works NOX, Muzzle Brake, 556NATO/9MM, Nitride Finish, Black, 1/2X28, Fits Dead Air Armament Suppressors, and KeyMount Accessories, Single Chamber, Includes Timing Shims NOXSC-556, Sons of Liberty Gun Works M76, M-LOK Handguard, Nitride Finish, Black, 15", Fits AR-15, with Quick Detach Socket M76-15, Sons of Liberty Gun Works M4-89 Complete Upper, 223 Remington/556NATO, 13.7" Combat Barrel, QPQ Finish, Black, 13" M89 M-LOK Handguard, P/W NOX Flash Hider M489UPPER-13.7-556, Sons of Liberty Gun Works M4-76 Complete Upper, 223 Remington/556NATO, 16" Combat Barrel, QPQ Finish, Black, 9.5" M76 M-LOK Handguard, A2 Flash Hider M476UPPER-16-556, Sons of Liberty Gun Works Swampfox Complete Upper, 223 Remington/556NATO, 14.5" Lightweight Combat Barrel, QPQ Finish, Black, 14" LT M76 Handguard w/Ti Nut, M-LOK, P/W NOX Flash Hider SWAMPFOXUPPER. I say this with some authority, because I also took Larsons armorer course with a borrowed rifle and can attest to it being an eye-opening experience. That's a wrap for live shows in 2022. Using PMags, a few different steel magazines and a Surfire 60-round magazine, I poured rounds out of this thing. Thanks for subscribing! honestly i just threw a skinner peep on a 16 .44 mag and as someone once said, dat dat. Literally 3 cleaning patches was all it took to clean the entire gun and make it shine. Ive built 4 uppers and 2 lowers in the past 10 months. Yeah, from what Ive seen as Ive been planning to build my own (very first) AR, unless youre incredibly patient and methodical, youre not going to save money doing it yourself, especially at the low-budget end of things. The M4-SML is a back-to-basics gun that runs accurately and reliably, well worth the $1,575 price tag(other guns competing with this quality of a build are often $300-500 more). Honestly flip a coin and you will get a good option. sons of liberty gun works (in stock) - 0.0. ar-15 stripped lower recievers . They also specialize in a large variety of high quality parts as well. SONS OF LIBERTY GUN WORKS. Action Type: Semi-AutoBarrel Length: 16''Capacity: 30-RoundCartridge: AKK_5.56 x 45Finish: CerakoteMagazine Included: YesMagazine Type: RemovableMake: Sons Of Liberty Gun WorksMake/Model: Sons Of AR-15 5.56 Bolt Carrier Group 158 Carpenter SP/HPT/MPI. Sons of Liberty Gun Works M4 EXO3, Semi-automatic Rifle, AR, 223 Wylde, 16" Barrel, Anodized Finish, Black, NOX Muzzle Device, LaRue MBT Two Stage Trigger, Liberty Charging Handle, 30 Rounds, 3 Sons of Liberty Gun Works M4-89 Complete Upper, 300 Blackout, 9" Combat Barrel, 1:7" Twist, QPQ Finish, Black, 8" M89 M-LOK Handguard, A2 Flash Hider M489UPPER-9-300, Sons of Liberty Gun Works EXO3 Complete Upper, 223 Remington/556NATO, 16" Combat Barrel, QPQ Finish, Black, 15" EXO3 M-LOK Handguard, A2 Flash Hider EXO3UPPER-16-556. The Sons of Liberty flag is very meaningful to us, as it's the flag that inspired the backdrop of our logo.Its origins go back to 1765, when a secretive group of patriots known as "the Loyal Nine" was formed - the group behind the original Boston Tea Party.The flag was then known as "the Rebellious Stripes" and it was banned by the British king, the highest endorsement the Crown . Thatsfar beyond a mil-spec ARsnormal service life. Mike Mihalski (highlighted) stands with SAPD Officer Julio Cavazos and SAPD Chief William McManus during a 2017 rifle presentation. During this incident, officers were attempting to take Mihalski into custody outside a downtown wine bar for public intoxication when he began resisting. Barrel Steel: 4150 CrMoV (Chrome Moly Vanadium per MIL . Sons of Liberty Gun Works Loyal 9 A5 Receiver Extension, 9 Position | SOLGW A5 Buffer Tube. Months after several San Antonio law enforcement officers expressed concerns about their agencies being associated Mike Mihalski, the co-owner of Sons of Liberty Gun Works has admitted to a past . That P&S article was written by Matt Shockey. As much as I want to gush about my personal M4-76 rifle, the story of how the Sons came to be is equally as impressive. . Nothing shot better than 1 five shot groups, but nothing shot worse than 1.1 either. They believe there is no substitute for quality and that your. Whether its support for wounded or fallen police officers, relief for illnesses in their families, training, recruiting, equipment, etc we will always step forward, and I will continue to do this for as long as God allows me. After that, I never went back. Talking more about it with his best friend, a Navy SEAL, he eventually was introduced to Kyle Grothues; the trio had big dreams about taking on the big names in the AR industry. Twist Rates & Thread Pitches will match caliber. In fact, Ill never buy anything other than a piston driven AR, as long as the caliber allows it. Thats not a Magpul MOE grip. And Im sincerely proud to do it. One way to decide might be to see what options each company has, and which is closest to your personal preference. Rainier Arms on YouTube. i equate this gun to the armalite 3gun which demonstrated similar proficiency and cost. During my entire test cycle, I never cleaned the gun or lubed the M4-SMLup again. Until now, if you wanted a hard-use rifle, the most ideal move was to buy something like a Colt 6920 and replace half the rifle to get it to where you wanted. We were friendly. Mihalski used vulgar profanity during calls with three different female police dispatchers and referred to the Dennys shooting, the January 2003 incident in which four SAPD officers were injured, two of them critically, and the suspect was killed during a shootout inside a Northeast Side Dennys restaurant. The Sons of Liberty was a loosely organized, clandestine, sometimes violent, political organization active in the Thirteen American Colonies founded to advance the rights of the colonists and to fight taxation by the British government. We've lit the flame of liberty for all those who stand by us and for us. The Sons of Liberty Gun Works AR-15 lower receivers are built from mil-spec 7075-T6 forgings from the lead forge in the U.S. Sons of Liberty Gun Works / Forward Controls Design Billet Ambi AR-15 Lower Receiver. Excellent experience, especially in light of the added attention for Oregon re.. Prev. MSRP: MK10 Rifle 20" 6.5 Creedmoor MATCH Barrel, 16.5" M76H Rail, B5 CPS, MBT-2, Raptor, NOX . To beclear, I shot these a day after the reliability test, without lubing or cleaning the gun in any way. Please check your email for further instructions. (Then theres the election, which has its own predictable effect.). He was subsequently killed in an off-duty motorcycle crash in 2007, SAPD officials confirmed. 2020 Sons of Liberty Gun Works. Lower Receiver: Cerra Forge forgings Mil-Spec 7075-T6 anodized aluminum. I'm trying to decide on a rifle to buy for personal use. During the zero process, the first several rounds I sent downrange surprised me. Mihalski was later charged with resisting arrest and stated that he would return to kill the officers, the report states. The uniform Atlantic Edition of Mr. Wells' works (limited in America . Sons of Liberty Gun Works M4 SPR, Semi-automatic Rifle, AR, 223 Remington/556 NATO, 18" Barrel, Anodized Finish, Black, A5 Buffer System, Manual Quick Q Safety, Liberty Charging Handle, Liberty Action Type: Semi-AutoBarrel Length: 16''Capacity: 30-RoundCartridge: AKK_5.56 mm NATOColor: Jessie James Civil Defense BlueStock Material: Polymer, M4 Patrol SL - 16" - 5.56Caliber: PATROLSL-16Caliber: 5.56. Includes Barrel Nut and QD Socket. Copyright 2023 is managed by Graham Digital and published by Graham Media Group, a division of Graham Holdings. Once I arrived the staff was more than willing to help me. One night a San Antonio police officer gave me the benefit of the doubt when I probably didnt deserve it. Heretic Colossus Double Edge, Baker Forge Damascus, Black Dunes Fat Carbon $1,575.30. Does not include pistol grip Sons of Liberty Gun Works Quick Ambi Safety, Nitride Finish, Black, Short Throw, Long Q Lever, Short Standard Lever, Ambidextrous QAS-50-Q-PC-LQ-SS, Sons of Liberty Gun Works Patrol Complete Upper, 223 Remington/556NATO, 16" Combat Barrel, QPQ Finish, Black, Magpul SL Handguard,Midwest Combat Rear Sight, A2 Front Sight PATROLSLUPPER-16-556, Sons of Liberty Gun Works NOX, Flash Hider, 223 Remington/556NATO, Nitride Finish, Black, 1/2X28, Fits Dead Air Armament Suppressors and KeyMount Accessories, 9 Ports, Includes Timing Shims NOX-556, Sons of Liberty Gun Works M76, M-LOK Handguard, Nitride Finish, Black, 10.5", Fits AR-15, with Quick Detach Socket M76-9.5, Sons of Liberty Gun Works NOX, Flash Hider, 7.62mm/30 Caliber, Nitride Finish, Black, 5/8X24, Fits Dead Air Armament Suppressors and KeyMount Accessories, Includes Timing Shims NOX-300. When questioned about the purchases, Sheriff Javier Salazar said, Heavy weight is given to locally-owned businesses. Please check your entries and try again. Id like to see an article with an AR shootout across the price ranges. John Bocko is loaded into an ambulance in January 2003. This isnot my first Sons of Liberty rifle testing rodeo. There were wounded soldiers sitting in pews looking on; then one of the soldiers (he had his hand in a sling) got up and fired his machine gun back at the terrorists above the heads of the soldiers in the pews. Bought the upper assembled on the theory that the part that holds in umpteen PSI of pressure is best assembled by somebody that knows what they are doing. Sons of Liberty Gun Works will stand behind this weapon and repair any defects free of charge so long as the Barrel, Receivers, Bolt Carrier Group and Buffer system remain in the original configuration.. A couple in the 400-800, a couple in the 800-1200, a couple in the 1200-1700, and then a couple in the 2k+, or something like that. Maybe weight, but not too many people can even tell the difference between a 6lb gun and an 8lb gun, not until you fire it anyway. Site Design by SummerGlen Creative. The people that I have suggested go that direction have not taken up my offer yet! For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. $330.00 . 2022 Big Tex Ordnance | All rights reserved. Should have had a roll pin punch for the trigger guard pin to avoid some minor scratches. Shooting Surplus. His quest? That AR looks pretty sweet, but with a couple manufacturers making inexpensive ARs that are of a decent quality, I personally would rather get one of those and gradually upgrade it. This guarantees that you rifle is built right the first . The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. Add to Wishlist + Sons of Liberty Gun Works Liberty Fighting Trigger. I like the springco extractor spring in the SOLGW over the o-ring/rubber insert on the BCM, and I also like that you can get SOLGW BCGs and LPKs from Primary Arms on some pretty great sales if you are willing to wait. document.getElementById("copyright_year").innerHTML = new Date().getFullYear(); Sons of Liberty Gun Works SOULSNATCHER, Stripped Lower Receiver, Semi-automatic, 223 Remington/556NATO, Anodized Finish, Black, MK10 Rifle 20" 6.5 Creedmoor MATCH Barrel, 16.5" M76H Rail, B5 CPS, MBT-2, Raptor, NOX, Cerakote No Sights. Liberty Fighting Trigger Mihalski then lunged headfirst at one officer and violently kicked his feet at multiple officers while yelling that he had killed officers himself, the report states. The 16 300blk is barely over an inch (it will probably shoot tighter) at 100 yards and was around $850 using a KAK industries pistol gas barrel and Nikon P300 2-7x scope. As for my experience with the M4-76 rifle, I fully intend on purchasing a second and possibly third copy of the very same rifle for my sons first AR-15 and maybe one for the wife maybe. It is addictive. A San Antonio Express-News article written after Lichtenwalters death includes a quote from Mihalskis mother, calling the deceased suspect a wonderful, reliable and dependable employee who had previously worked for her delivering medical records. If, for some reason, I had to choose only one rifle to be my companion in some real-life version of I Am Legend, theres only one choice: a 13.7-inch-barreled Sons of Liberty Gun Works M4-76 with their nine-position A5 buffer tube paired with a VLTOR A5 Buffer and their NOX muzzle device pinned and welded to bring it to non-NFA length. Weight: 7lbs 1oz It didnt take long for other guys looking for a no-nonsense duty rifle to reach out to Sons of Liberty; the endorsement of Navy SEALs and Marines can be a powerful marketing tool. They contour is fully machined leaving no flash marks from the forging. I shot the M4-SML in the dirt, between brush, got it dirty,and got it wet. Sons of Liberty Gun Works sku: . First, buying the complete gunsaves you time (which equals money). If you're looking in that BCM / SOLGW price point it may also be worth considering: I've been meaning to ask; whats the consensus on doing a Weapon Outfitters custom build? The statement did not correct any information that the Defenders had gathered on Mihalski the past several months. 2020 Sons of Liberty Gun Works. SOLGW x Faction Tool Co. - The Green Dragon Blade - Meredith Scales Handle. All Rights Reserved. The only other accessories I added were a Modlite OKW paired with a ModButton Lite and an Arisaka inline mount, and a Blue Force Gear Vickers sling. SOLGW's political contributions were to a guy nobody thought had a chance of winning, but I knew he'd fight like a damn Lion for the cause. SOLGW Liberty Ambi Charging Handle 5.56 (Anodized), M89 15 DRIVE LOCK RAIL M-LOK *COSMETIC BLEM*, SPECIAL PURPOSE ENDURANCE COATING 76 S.P.E.C.76, TODDLER BLACK LONG SLEEVE SHIRT WITH WHITE PRINT. Cut with M16 full auto pocket, with safe, fire, and full auto pictograms, and Angry Patriot roll marked. Sons of Liberty Gun Works, EXO3, MN-LOK Handguard, Nitride Finish, Black, 15", Fits AR-15, with Quick Detach Socket Third Generation EXO3 MLOK Handguard. Cailiber: 5.56, SONS OF LIBERTY GUN WORKS M4-76 Pistol 10.5" CarGas LFT Raptor LT, SONS OF LIBERTY GUN WORKS SOL Loyal9 16"Midgas SL HG Mil Spec LFT, SONS OF LIBERTY GUN WORKS SOL Blaster Starter Kit, SONS OF LIBERTY GUN WORKS SOL M4-76 16"Midgas LFT Raptor LT MBUS, SONS OF LIBERTY GUN WORKS M4-C4 16"Midgas LFT Raptor LT A2 FH MBUS, SONS OF LIBERTY GUN WORKS Quick Ambi Safety 90 Degree Q Lever RHLS, SONS OF LIBERTY GUN WORKS M4-EXO2 Pistol 11.5"CarGasFSB LFT A2 SBA, SONS OF LIBERTY GUN WORKS SOL NOX Muzzle Device 5.56, SONS OF LIBERTY GUN WORKS Quick Ambi Safety 50 Degree Q Lever RHLS, SONS OF LIBERTY GUN WORKS SOL PatrolSL 13.7" B5 Furn SL H/G LFT A2, SONS OF LIBERTY GUN WORKS M4-C4 Pistol 10.5" CarGas FSB LFT A2 SBA, SONS OF LIBERTY GUN WORKS SOL A5 Buffer Kit, Action Type: Direct ImpingementBarrel Length: 16''Capacity (Rounds): 30+1 RoundCartridge: AKK_5.56 mm NATOColor: BlackSights: AdjustableStock Material: Polymer, Browse by Show In Stock Only & Sub Categories, Ar-15 5.56 Bolt Carrier Group 158 Carpenter Sp/Hpt/Mpi, Sons OF Liberty GUN Works (SOLGW) - Lone Star Stripped Lower, Sons OF Liberty Gun Works(Solgw) M4 Patrol SL - 16" - 5.56, Sons OF Liberty GUN Works (SOLGW) - 12.5" CrMoV Carbine Gas - Barrel, Sons OF Liberty GUN Works (SOLGW) - East India Starter Kit Combat Grade 13.7" 5.56, Sons OF Liberty GUN Works (SOLGW) - 16" CrMoV Mid Gas - Barrel, Sons OF Liberty GUN Works (SOLGW) - 14.5" CrMoV Mid Gas - Barrel, Sons OF Liberty GUN Works (SOLGW) - 10.5" CrMoV Carbine Gas - Barrel, Sons OF Liberty GUN Works SOL Legacy 16"Midgas FSB Plas HG MIL SPE, Sons OF Liberty GUN Works SOL M4 Complete Lower A5 Buffer SYS QD, Sons OF Liberty GUN Works - Trunk Monkey - Pistol 10.5", Sons OF Liberty GUN Works M4-76 Pistol 10.5" Cargas LFT Raptor LT, Sons OF Liberty GUN Works SOL Loyal9 16"Midgas SL HG MIL Spec LFT, Sons OF Liberty GUN Works SOL Blaster Starter KIT, Sons OF Liberty GUN Works SOL M4-76 16"Midgas LFT Raptor LT Mbus A1, Sons OF Liberty GUN Works M4-C4 16"Midgas LFT Raptor LT A2 FH Mbus, Sons OF Liberty GUN Works Quick Ambi Safety 90 Degree Q Lever Rhls, Sons OF Liberty GUN Works M4-Exo2 Pistol 11.5"Cargasfsb LFT A2 SBA, Sons OF Liberty GUN Works SOL M4-76 16"Midgas LFT Raptor LT Mbus, Sons OF Liberty GUN Works SOL NOX Muzzle Device 5.56, Sons OF Liberty GUN Works Quick Ambi Safety 50 Degree Q Lever Rhls, Sons OF Liberty GUN Works SOL Patrolsl 13.7" B5 Furn SL H/G LFT A2, Sons OF Liberty GUN Works M4-C4 Pistol 10.5" Cargas FSB LFT A2 SBA, Sons OF Liberty GUN Works SOL A5 Buffer KIT. SONS OF LIBERTY GUNWORKS - BARRELS. so put it all together and sell it with an 80% lower without the warranty. JavaScript is disabled. Public records confirm a connection between Mihalski and the Dennys shooting suspect, convicted felon Jamie Lichtenwalter. The first DPMS 16 barrel 5.56 rifle shoots under an inch and with a Nikon P223 3-9x was around $750. Well, they do, but in a good way. Customization * * * * * A local FFL offers complete Anderson parts kits (minus sights/optic/magazines) for $425, which is the cheapest Ive ever seen for a solid low-budget AR build. Granted I bought the upper on Black Friday and got an insane deal, but regardless I was using mid to high-end parts for everything and still kept it under 1000. But most of the people shooting the guns will never get that level of accuracy, because they cant shoot well enough for it to matter, or they are shooting poor quality ammunition. Copyright 2020 by KSAT - All rights reserved. I shot 400 rounds of nasty Tulammo through mine the other day. im anxious to get started because project. Sons of Liberty: With Ben Barnes, Marton Csokas, Henry Thomas, Ryan Eggold. The gun tested here is the Sons of Liberty Gun WorksM4-SML. Earn points with every order! Overall * * * * On scene, Mihalskis mother told officers her son was destroying furniture and to be careful because he may reach for their guns. Washington The profundity would be lost if I tried to explain it to you, but I credit that officer with saving my life. Its an AR with no specialized parts. Compare pay for popular roles and read about the team's work-life balance. Am I missing something? Full Member. Harriet Tubman was the leader of one incarnation under the name of Dryad. Rainier Arms on Google SAN ANTONIO Months after several San Antonio law enforcement officers expressed concerns about their agencies being associated, Mike Mihalski, the co-owner of Sons of Liberty Gun Works, has admitted to a past history of physically clashing with and threatening San Antonio Police Department officers. This is pretty much the exact thing I want: the basics, done right. No need to feed it match ammunition, or baby it. If you need help with the Public File, call 210-351-1241. Seems to shoot fine given my old eyes and no scope. Home. All this recent controversy from certain companies donating money to anti 2A politicians. But recoil mitigation isnt just about gas-port sizing: The mid-length gas system, highly efficient NOX muzzle device, a SpringCo green buffer spring, nine-position A5 buffer tube and VLTOR A5-H2 buffer all play a role in keeping the rifle on target during fast strings of fire. Xtreme Guns and Ammo carries the full line of Sons of Liberty Gun Works Rifles In-Stock at all times. Both are great brands but the end user support and especially support for LEOs gives the edge to SOLGW. Publicly and privately we are the strongest supporters of police locally, and we extend those efforts nationally. Something went wrong. We are now in a position to point out and consider certain general ways in which the various factors and elements in the deliquescent society of the present time will react one upon another, and to speculate what definite statements, if any, it may seem reasonable to make about the individual people of the year 2000or thereaboutsfrom the reaction of these . Because nobody is going to shoot the 20,000 rounds required to prove which AR is more reliable. Sons of Liberty Gun Works Bolt Carrier Group HPT/MPI Bolt: Precision machined from Carpenter Technology No. SONS OF LIBERTY GUN WORKS. If the part isnt up to their high standards, it isnt used. The rifle is reasonably light, shoots soft and flat, is more than accurate at the defensive distances the average citizen would likely see if they were unfortunate enough to need to use a firearm in defense of their life, and it handles like a dream thanks to that 13.7-inch barrel with the pinned and welded NOX flash hider. Sons of Liberty Gun Works Rifle Line up includes: SOLGW M4 EXO2, SOLGW MK10, SOLGW Patriot Series, SOLGW Liberty Series, SOLGW Patrol Series and SOLGW Special Edition Series. A Facebook post from the San Antonio Police Department in November 2017 shows SAPD Officer Julio Cavazos receiving a rifle from Sons of Liberty Gun Works. . Is that yours? At the core of their success is the quality control that goes into each and every rifle. Sons Of Liberty Gun Works M4-76 features a 16 combat grade barrel, A5 buffer system, Liberty Fighting Trigger, and B5 furniture. An MOA gun is great and its hard to reliably get better than that. if you dont like it Ill buy it from you full price!. It isnt just grabbing parts from a bin and slapping a rifle together; each part is inspected multiple times to ensure its within acceptable specs. Lately Ive been working on builds (still with good parts) because I cant justify the upfront one time expense for 3 or 4 more ARs with JP, especially when I have a hard time justifying my intended use/need case to the boss. Rainier Arms on LinkedIn Every gun they build is designed to be used and be used hard, combat, overseas security, domestic security, competition or hunting in the worst climates. Our team of well-known journalists provide the latest news, analysis, reviews, recaps, interviews and exclusives 24 hours a day so that you always have . I shoot just about every AR suppressed now. The interdisciplinary and global approach provides a thorough introduction and includes . Will Hayden was the founder and owner of the shop, while his daughter and business partner Stephanie managed the . I put a total of 560 rounds through theM4-SML. To this day I wonder if that officer knows how many thousands of lives that one act of kindness affected. 8 reviews of Sons of Liberty Gun Works "After months of research I decided to go with a build from Sons of Liberty. Aug 7, 2018 #1 ; I was looking at the below barrel to replace my stock bushmaster barrel but haven't really heard much about . Feb 13, 2017 613 213 Texas. Mike Mihalski borrowed a friends AR-15, enrolled in the two-day course and learned far more than he couldve imagined.
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