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susan dent daughter of rock hudson
In the recording, Gates asks him how long after they got married did he have his first gay affair. Unfortunately, Roy's name lacked that star quality that so many actors possessed. . Willsons pitch for Hudson was as a simple Midwestern hunk, a former truck driver who had turned to acting. Dent is a woman in her early-70s from Canada. Rock Hudson (born Roy Harold Scherer Jr.; November 17, 1925 - October 2, 1985) was an American actor.One of the most popular movie stars of his time, he had a screen career spanning more than three decades. Dent then hired attorneys and began the legal process with her goal being to change her birth certificate to reflect her updated lineage. Other sources claim he actually fathered two daughters with two different women during . In 2014, a woman called Susan Dent, 69, sued Hudson's estate seeking an order establishing paternity - she did not seek any money. Hudson was was so giddy and smitten he bought Christian a new Mercedes Benz, presents for him and his friends, and acting lessons. For Christs sake! The Hudson Estate. But Christian was furious and claimed that the first time he learned about Hudsons diagnosis was the press conference. Ive known Ive had it for ten years. The case has been sealed, which is why nobody ever knew about it. However, Griffin did not find or receive any evidence to support this. This is the story of a woman who found out late in life she might have an incredibly famous father that she will never get to meet. 'From an early age, he learned that you could talk about pretty much anything - except what you truly felt and what you really wanted,' the author writes. On October 2 Hudson died at the age of 59. So, this is why it lasts longer." These two films were massively successful both critically and commercially. As for whether he would change anything about his life, Hudson said he wouldn't. New Biography of Rock Hudson: 'We have recently had sex together andI may have AIDS.' . According to our sources, Hudsons estate then transferred to The Motion Picture & Television Country House and Hospital. Susan Dentis not after money, she has plenty of her own. When he returned home from Tel Aviv in January 1984 Christian was shocked by his physical condition. Gates later claimed she had been manipulated into marrying Hudson and painted herself as a victim of a ploy. Around this time Hudson met the actor George Nader and his partner, Miller, a gay couple who would become so close to him he would leave everything to them upon his death in 1985. Griffin speculates that he knew about Hudsons sexuality and had nudged him into roles that were characters who are in the throes of an identity crisis. According to one account, he had a weekend fling while back home with the mother of a high school classmate. He was a matinee idol during the '50s and '60s and appeared in various romantic comedies, several of which included the personable Doris Day as his co-star. Things had deteriorated to the point where Gates had hired a private detective to secretly record Hudson in their home where she had invited him to talk about their marital problems - and taped him admitting he was gay. According to our sources, Hudsons estate then transferred toThe Motion Picture & Television Country House and Hospital. May not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, exce rock hudson daughter susan dent. ", However, most of Rock's co-stars, directors, and others knew he was gay. I was jealous of him because I was afraid he was stealing the picture from me.. Farm Heroes Saga, the #4 Game on iTunes. Hudsons other lovers included Tom Clark, who became a long term boyfriend and moved in for a decade. The film was received so badly that David O. Selznickstopped producing movies after its release. Rock Hudson. Christian died in 2009 due to pulmonary issues which were attributed to his smoking he had tested negative several times for AIDS, Glory Days: Hudson receives Golden Globe award in 1954, COPYRIGHT 2020 By, All That Heaven Allows: A Biography of Rock Hudson, Stories From The Life and Times of Hollywood. Rock Hudson & Esther Williams during the filming of Revlon's The Big Party, 1959. . Our sources say Dent has told the estate she wants to do something in his memory, but they have no idea what that might entail. Within Hollywoods inner circles, Hudsons homosexuality was not a secret but he kept his sexuality private throughout his life. Oh, but it gets better. Now retired, the former Hollywood actress who is married to Dick Ebersol and the mother of four children is living a much quieter life and says she never got the bug to go back into the business. He will be laid to rest beside his beloved father Gordon Dent in a plot in a small country graveyard in Thurso, Quebec, which he has lovingly maintained for many years. She filed an appeal the next month. Friends said that you 'couldn't have found a taller, blonder, sexier guy' and he was Hudson's 'dream man.'. In 1952, Playboy did a spread of Hudson in bed with the headline, 'Rip Van Hudson' but the suggestion about his sexuality was way off the mark. According to our sources, several years ago her mother told her that Rock Hudson was her real father. In this letter he tells his friend everythingI am sure (his mother) Kay handled the whole thing because he wasnt even at home.. The Ongoing Legal Battle. Hudsons personal life had been cannibalized by his own studio; his torment over his predicament had become the ultimate Hollywood in-joke.. After being honorably discharged in May 1946, Hudson wrote on his papers that he had no children, a fact which has been the source of much speculation since. Although she called the show great fun, Saint James said at one point she and Curtin sued the network in an attempt to get producer credits. According to our sources, the DNA test confirmed her mothers story: Susan Dent was Rock Hudsons daughter. Now he finds out this girl is pregnant and that she plans to give the child up for adoption. The doctor asked if Hudson had a lover and he said he did not currently have one, although a former companion Christian was still living with him. Rock Hudson's Daughter Judy Dent. The three were good friends and considered family, according to Hudson's biographer Sara Davidson, so that's likely why Hudson bequeathed his estate to Nader. Hudson, who was born Roy Harold Scherer, Jr, had already seen the man who he thought was his father walk out when he discovered he was not his biological dad. Hudsons celebrity friends included Taylor who is described in the book as Hudsons soul mate. He died six months later and his name was Tony; the story did not run for 18 months after Hudsons death. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. THE DAUGHTER HE NEVER GOT TO KNOW. In 2014, a woman named Susan Dent sued Hudson's estate claiming to be Hudson's daughter and wanting "no financial remuneration . Life Magazine declared Hudson 'Hollywood's Most Handsome Bachelor' in 1955 and the first paragraph of the story read: 'Fans are urging 29-year-old Hudson to get married - or explain why not.'. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Even in 2021, Susan Saint James thinks famously closeted Rock Hudson would have never ever come out.. The question of whether or not their marriage was real has been described as the 'central conundrum' of Hudson's life. Hudson said that Christian would destroy me if he found out so he decided not to tell him. ', Briggle said: 'One of the few things (Hudson) ever said to me about that was that he always resented being manipulated like that and it was a very dark period in his life.'. On the set of Giant, Hudson met Elizabeth Taylor, who became a lifelong friend, but there was tension with Dean over her. The next day the man found out he had AIDS and sold his story to a tabloid for $10,000. She added that the next time they spoke, he was in the hospital and a phone had to be held up to his ear. He loved how she was able to express her emotions and bring the characters she played on screen to life. In 1958, Phyllis confronted her husband and demanded to know if he was gay. Hudsons estate manager Marty Flaherty said that at the beginning it was basically shopping sprees for Marc Christian.. Terms of Use THE DAUGHTER HE NEVER GOT TO KNOW. 7,834, 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved Hudson was was 'so giddy and smitten' he bought Christian a new Mercedes Benz, presents for him and his friends, and acting lessons. His whole appeal is cleanliness and respectability this boy is pure.. He was the sexiest guy alive, the 74-year-old actress told Page Six on Friday. They also starred in the 1961 film "Lover Come Back" and 1964's "Send Me No Flowers." Attorneys for both sides did not wish to comment, COPYRIGHT 2020 By, Stories From The Life and Times of Hollywood. She has admitted to knowing about his sexuality. With fame came more attention from the tabloid press and Universal became increasingly anxious about Hudsons personal life. But Christian was furious and claimed that the first time he learned about Hudson's diagnosis was the press conference. Dr Dominique Dormont, one of the specialists at the Institut Pasteur, said that Hudson had been 'too optimistic' in his interpretation of this and he should have stayed in Paris longer. Waier said: 'He was still in the service but he'd just heard from this girl that he'd gone to school with. Hudson starred in Giant alongside James Dean both got Oscar nominations with Hudson playing Texas oilman Jordan Bick Benedict Jr. By that time I was married and Jane was working on another show, Saint James said of the lawsuit, which ended up fizzling out. Then there was Jack Coates, a 23-year-old who he wooed one afternoon over mint juleps but it fell apart because he got fed up with being what Griffin calls Mrs Rock Hudson. Were told Dents attorneys did not submit the DNA test as evidence with the court in their initial filing, but they will for the new trial, which begins later this month. Actors & Actresses . He did movies with Doris Day, such as 1959's Pillow Talk and 1961's Lover Come Back. Other well-known films include Magnificent Obsession (1954), "Never Say Goodbye (1956), and A Farewell to Arms (1957). The actor had requested prior to his passing that his friends celebrate his death with a party, music, and champagne. Hudson became the first well-known to figure to die of AIDS-related causes when he passed away in 1985. Do Not Sell My Personal Information, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window). To add salt to injury, in December 2014, a Canadian woman Susan Dent filed a petition to establish paternity. After he left the military, Roy traveled to California, where he made a living driving trucks. Ironically, some say Gates could have been a closeted lesbian and Navaar recalled how once at a bar in Los Angeles she met a woman and disappeared for the rest of the weekend with her. She is not after fame, either, or else you would have heard this story already. Like a father," Griffin wrote (via USA Today). Another issue was that Confidential, a tabloid magazine which exposed the personal lives of Hollywood stars, was planning to out Hudson as gay, or as a Lavender Lad as it called homosexuals. She later said that their friendship was more about cutting loose and that they spent most of their time laughing and being silly. Hudson told Miller he had cried for a week after he got the diagnosis from a Beverly Hills dermatologist who had done a biopsy on a lesion on his neck and identified it as Kaposi's sarcoma, a type of cancer. When the auto-complete results are available, use the up and down arrows to review and Enter to select. She also appears on 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown, a post-watershed comedy version of the show presented by comedian Jimmy Carr.She has been honorary vice-president of the Chartered Institute of Editing and . 7,851, This story has been shared 7,834 times. Filed Under: The Law Tagged With: Rock Hudson, R. 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Wade By Running For President And Overturning All This Bullst, Gary Busey Hit With Two Sexual Contact Charges, History Of Erratic Behavior Resurfaces, Charges Dropped For Stephen Colberts Late Show Staffers After Capitol Arrest, LSU Gymnast Olivia Dunne In Tiny Black Bikini Pops Out Her Perky Buns, Brad Pitts Ex Nicole Poturalski Teases Ocean Fun In A Tiny Bikini, Carly Lawrence Is Waiting Under The Mistletoe In Lacy Lingerie, Paulina Porizkova Stuns In Topless Beach Bikini Throwback, LSU Gymnast Olivia Dunne Bends Over In Her High-Cut Black Bodysuit, Armie Hammer Sued By AMEX For Unpaid $66,000 Credit Card Bill, Fox NFL Host Charissa Thompson Files For Divorce After 2 Years Of Marriage, Kelly Clarkson Files Restraining Order Against Large, Imposing Man Who Showed Up In Semi-Truck, Blac Chyna Officially Appeals Her Legal Loss Against The Kardashian Family, Hockey Canada Supporters Dropping Like Flies Amid Orgs Lack Of Accountability. Hudson's other hits in the 1950s included Magnificent Obsession and All That Heaven Allows - the book's title - which was directed by melodrama maestro Douglas Sirk. Hudson asked if it was a fatal disease and after a 'measured pause' Gottlieb suggested it would be wise if he 'got his affairs in order', Griffin writes. Thanks for contacting us. In 1985 rumors swirled that the Giant star had contracted AIDS, which he confirmed in July that year, becoming one of the first mainstream celebrities to reveal his diagnosis. On July 25 ,1985 his French publicist Yanou Collart revealed that Hudson had AIDS; the night before Ronald Reagan had phoned Hudson's room to offer his support. The lawsuit was initially dismissed but the decision was reversed by the California Court of Appeal. She said: 'If it wasn't Marilyn Monroe crying on his shoulder it was Judy Garland. Hudson, who took Fitzgerald's surname for much of his youth, was often 'covered in bruises' and Fitzgerald sought to 'heterosexualize' him by removing any effeminate toys and forcing him to join Boy Scouts. "But it's interesting that they're doing this because they really love this person that they're working with and feel protective of him. But their friend Stockton Briggle described it as an arranged marriage that obviously was never going to work., Briggle said: One of the few things (Hudson) ever said to me about that was that he always resented being manipulated like that and it was a very dark period in his life.. He had to make his relationships with onscreen stars such as Elizabeth Taylor, Lauren Bacall, and Doris Day believable, so he hid who he truly was on the inside. In the book "Giant: Elizabeth Taylor, Rock Hudson, James Dean, Edna Ferber, and the Making of a Legendary American Film" by Don Graham, the author reveals some juicy details about the 1956 film that centered on a Texas cattle rancher. As Flaherty saw it, Hudson was 'getting older and had scored this hot, young trophy boyfriend - he really thought he was in love.'. Plus, Hudson was nervous and inexperienced. Following his death, his ex-lover Marc Christian MacGinnis won a multi-milliondollar settlement from the actors estate, claiming Hudson knowingly exposed him to AIDS. He flew to Paris for treatment with the experimental drugs and after several sessions his doctors told him the AIDS virus was no longer in his blood, but that did not mean it had gone away. Before his death, actor Rock Hudson sent his male lovers heartbreaking letters urging them to get tested after he was diagnosed with AIDS, a new book has revea. Don't miss your year-ahead forecast, Hundreds of migrants who have just stepped foot in the US CHEER as Biden thunders past but President is oblivious to their presence after illegal immigrants are cleared from the path of his three-hour Texas visit, Biden lands in Mexico for 'Three Amigos' summit after his three-hour tour of the border - with plans act on immigration and illegal drugs following government arrest of kingpin 'El Chapo' Guzman's son in violent clash, Texas Gov. It was a cruel joke and Griffin writes: 'The conflicts that he grappled with daily and the deadening silence he had to endure in order to maintain his position as Hollywood's most popular leading man were being played for laughs. The biggest point of contention was that people on set didn't like Dean's different acting style and antics. ET. He starred with actress Jane Wyman in All That Heaven Allows, the title of the book, Infamous Hollywood agent Henry Willson transformed Hudson's image into the hunky male star he came to be and called him a 'perfect specimen', Willson's pitch for Hudson was as a simple Midwestern hunk, a former truck driver who had turned to acting. Published: 16:22 EST, 5 December 2018 | Updated: 19:24 EST, 5 December 2018. Hudson was desperate to work again and went against the advice of his friends to shoot, The Ambassador, a turgid drama about an American ambassador in Israel. Unfortunately, "A Farewell to Arms" was a giant flop. At the time AIDS was considered a disease that 'fairies on Santa Monica Boulevard got', as Miller put it, and was deeply misunderstood by the wider public. But despite his Hollywood success, many people are unaware that Hudson was also an accomplished singer. 'It sounds like they had a one time fling. Nader was also an author who penned the science fiction novel Chrome, which featured a gay romance, according to the New York Times. In 2014, a woman called Susan Dent, 69, sued Hudsons estate seeking an order establishing paternity she did not seek any money. Even in 2021, Susan Saint James thinks famously closeted Rock Hudson would have "never ever come out.". In 1989, an old lover, Marc Christian, received $5.5 million from the Hudson estate. Dent says she even has DNA evidence linking her to Hudsons family. Do not sell or share my personal information. From 1962 to 1985, Hudson lived in "The Castle" in Beverly Hills. Now he finds out this girl is pregnant and that she plans to give the child up for adoption. The memorial service was restricted to those who were personally invited and included approximately 150 people in total. His induction photo, described by the author as the saddest image of him ever captured, screamed somebody please help me a depiction of Hudson forcing himself to live up to the idea of what a man should be. The actor responded by denying picking up boys in the street. Hudson reportedly disliked the moniker, but he eventually came around and even called his production company Gibraltar. Hudson was her dad. Author Don Graham wrote in his book "Giant" that Hudson and Elizabeth Taylor enjoyed spending their nights eating chocolate and drinking vodka (via Fox News). The conversation was recorded by private eye Fred Otash, a detective that Phyllis had hired to spy on Hudson, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Hudson asked if it was a fatal disease and after a measured pause Gottlieb suggested it would be wise if he got his affairs in order, Griffin writes. He also made visits to the first gay bar in Lexington, Kentucky, called The Gilded Cage, and through his connections there attended parties where he was believed to have slept with college football players. Hudson told her: I wanted him to die, I hated him. She was also friends with Dean. 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Dent then hired attorneys and began the legal process with her goal being to change her birth certificate to reflect her updated lineage. "In a way, the two of them were competing for her affections, just as in the film," Graham pointed out. Hudsons career peaked in the 1960s when he starred alongside Doris Day in three comedies, starting with 1959s Pillow Talk. In the Rock Hudson biography "All That Heaven Allows" by Mark Griffin, the author indicates that the actor may have had a daughter, or two, that no one knew about, according to USA Today. Since they loved martinis as well as chocolate, it made sense to combine chocolate liqueur, chocolate syrup, and vodka to make a martini. Upon his death, Hudson left everything toGeorge Nader, an actor friend, and Naders partner, Mark Miller. The commanding officer would not admit Hudson, but Olson thought a request from the White House would help. (His friend) George Nader mailed the letters from Palm Springs so that they recipients wouldnt immediately connect the dots as to who the sender was. Hudson, who was born Roy Harold Scherer, Jr, had already seen the man who he thought was his father walk out when he discovered he was not his biological dad. But while she claims her intentions are good, his estate isnt so sure. 273 pp. When he was a young man, Hudson briefly joined the army, and evidence suggests that while serving, he fathered at least one child. She initially filed her petition to establish paternity on December 23, 2014. . One thing he disapproved of was his stepson expressing interest in being an actor. By 1965 Hollywood was in on the joke of his sexuality and in A Very Special Favor, he played a man trying to woo a woman by pretending to be gay. A woman armed with DNA results she says confirms that she is the secret daughter of the lateRock Hudsonhas been battling for years in court to establish that. Saint James says that right before he became ill, she spent a magical night with him reminiscing about old times and is grateful that they could share that time together. Hudson told her: 'I wanted him to die, I hated him. '(His friend) George Nader mailed the letters from Palm Springs so that they recipients wouldn't immediately connect the dots as to who the sender was'. In 2014, a woman called Susan Dent, 69, sued Hudson's estate seeking an order establishing paternity - she did not seek any money. In interviews Hudson would return to the phrase I just kept my mouth shut again and again when talking about his youth. If Im dying its from liver cancer. The question of whether or not their marriage was real has been described as the central conundrum of Hudsons life. She filed an appeal the next month. Willson sought to put the rumors about his sexuality to bed by marrying him off at speed, which he did to his secretary, Phyllis Gates, a beautiful 30-year-old from Minnesota who had once caught the eye of Marlon Brando. Marilyn would call one night and Judy the next. According to our sources, the DNA test confirmed her mothers story: Susan Dent was Rock Hudsons daughter. Rock Hudson & Susan Saint James In McMillan & Wife Hudson was a beloved celebrity who was forced to stay in the closet and never publicly admitted that he was gay. 'I've known I've had it for ten years. Explore. According to Miller, only one person ever responded, a 22-year-old man from New York that Hudson had a fling with. If I'm dying it's from liver cancer. "', Actress Mamie Van Doren said that Hudson saw it as a 'challenge' to see if he could 'swing' a straight guy, adding,'And I'm sure he did.'. In fact, during his first screen test, it took him 27 takes to properly say one line. But according to some of Hudsons former employees, there were warning signs from the start that he was taking advantage of him. In January 1944 Hudson voluntarily enlisted in the US Navy as an Apprentice Seaman. Lee Garlington read in Rock Hudson's bio, after his 1985 death, Rock called Lee his "true love." . . On June 5, 1984 Hudson revealed to his closest friends his dark secret he had AIDS, and maybe cancer too. But Rock was the one guy that he really fell for.. But while she claims her intentions are good, his estate isnt so sure. Dent is a woman in her early-70s from Canada. Rock Hudson's original name was Roy Scherer Jr., and he was born on November 17, 1925, in an apartment in Winnetka, Illinois, according to the Chicago Tribune. Hudson moved to Los Angeles to break into Hollywood and there he met Kenneth Hodge, a production assistant who was well known in the business - and would become his first serious boyfriend. Jul 16, 2021 - ROCK HUDSON AND HIS DAUGHTER JUDY DENT. Our sources say Dent has told the estate she wants to do something in his memory, but they have no idea what that might entail. 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This all came to a head in 2014 when a woman named Susan Dent tried to sue the Hudson estate claiming that he was her real father. Nevertheless, there was tension, and while vacationing in Rome Hudson accepted the lunch invitation of the Italian actor he had been involved with in the past without asking Gates. The pair also reportedly came up with a signature drink during these visits: the chocolate martini. During their last visit, the actor was very sick and weak, and Day even offered to feed him. His whole appeal is cleanliness and respectability - this boy is pure.'. Nader's romantic partner was Hudson's personal secretary, Mark Miller. In addition to Elizabeth Taylor, Rock Hudson was also close with his frequent co-star Doris Day. Upon his death, Hudson left everything to George Nader, an actor friend, and Naders partner, Mark Miller. In the process, Taylor and Hudson became very close. Willson presided over a stable of hunky male stars and Hudson was a 'perfect specimen', writes Griffin. In letters published in author Mark Griffin'sAll That Heaven Allows: A Biography of Rock Hudson, the actor wrote: 'We have recently had sex together and I have been informed by my doctor that I may have AIDS. He doesnt perspire. He also made visits to the first gay bar in Lexington, Kentucky, called The Gilded Cage, and through his connections there attended parties where he was believed to have slept with college football players. This story has been shared 41,552 times. Hudson's biography is set to become a major motion picture directed by Greg Berlanti who recently directed high school love story about a closeted gay teen, Love, Simon. Hudson spent the next months denying he had AIDS as he did not want to tarnish his image. He died six months later and his name was Tony; the story did not run for 18 months after Hudson's death. Rock Hudson was one of the most famous and successful actors of his time. Attorneys for both sides did not wish to comment. Hudsons friend, the actor John Carlyle, said that the couple were companionable and that they had nonstop giggles together. "From an early age, he learned that you could talk about pretty much anything except what you truly felt and what you really wanted. Susan Saint James remembers her "MacMillan & Wife" co-star Rock Hudson fondly. White House staff member Mark Weinberg explained, "The Reagans were very conscious of not making exceptions for people just because they were friends of theirs or celebrities or things of that kind," according to The Guardian. A new biography on Hollywood legend Rock Hudson reveals fascinating insight into the actor's life as a closeted gay man, Before his death in 1985, Hudson (pictured right, months before he died) sent four of his lovers anonymous heartbreaking letters urging them to get tested after he was diagnosed with AIDS. Writing in The Times column Day In The Life, the 55-year-old - who is married to primary school teacher Paul Atkins - gave fans a rare insight into her family life with her partner and their two . Daughter he NEVER got to know in interviews Hudson would have & ;! Two different women during Hudsons family was her real father I 've known I 've had it for years... Successful actors of his time approximately 150 people in total one night and Judy the Day... Approximately 150 people in total set did n't like Dean 's different acting style and antics commercially. Music, and Naders partner, Mark Miller her `` MacMillan & Wife '' co-star Rock Hudson was as simple... To feed him that he really fell for claimed that the first well-known to figure to die, hated... That his friends celebrate his death, Hudson said he would n't properly say one line it longer! Sides did not run for 18 months after Hudsons death his death, Hudson in... 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Hudsons homosexuality was not a secret but he kept his sexuality private throughout life! Decided not to tell him to tell him lived in `` the Castle '' in Hills... His first screen test, it took him 27 takes to properly say one line why it longer... Country House and Hospital acting style and antics Country House and Hospital enlisted in the recording, Gates asks how... Cleanliness and respectability - this boy is pure. ' had sex together andI may AIDS.... Him to die, I hated susan dent daughter of rock hudson no longer accepting comments on article... 1959S Pillow Talk arrows to review and Enter to select company Gibraltar is described in the street it him... Most of Rock Hudson was also an accomplished singer personally invited and included approximately 150 in. Lovers included Tom Clark, who became a long term boyfriend and moved in for decade. Celebrate his death, Hudson left everything to George Nader, an actor,! 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