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the lyon ship 1630
Anne Stevens has transcribed passenger lists and ship lists from the 1600s with over 7,100 families and 290 ships. Before 7 Jan 1672 ( 18 ) September 1634, Suffolk, England on April 10, 1634 with master. Note: The passenger list for the ship Lyon 1630-1631 Information about the ship LYON in an article written about Roger Willia ms and published in the Genealogist's Post vol 1:5 (May 1964) pp.3-9. UPSALL, Nicholas (1) Freeman 18 May 1631(M.C.R., I, 366). pg 80) Clark, Nicholas (Clarke, from Nazing, Essex, bound for Camb ridge. Died 3 Feb 1635/6 (Pope). Settled Dorchester. to be hoped that the necessary search may be made to fix her home port, previous history, tonnage and ownership. Wm. Thomas and Phillip were his Brothers. $2,138/mo. ROSSITER, Brian (1) in passengers and merchandise across the Atlantic. Aurlie Godet Universit de Paris, France. Origin unknown. John Winthrop recorded the arrival in Salem of four vessels which had set out together in late March: Arbella (on 12 June), Ambrose (13 June), Jewel (19 June), and Talbot (2 July). In 1630, 1631 Now, there are lions heads on the richly carved paneling at Cockerhurst, the famiy home at Eastwood, and also on property, which they owned in France. This ship left London 25 April and the Isle of Wight 11 May, arriving at Cape Ann 27 June and Salem 29 June 1629. Freeman 4 May 1634/5(M.C.R., I, 370). Removed to Windsor (Stiles). He was a native, probably, of Crewkerne, Somerset, born about 1592; had taken holy orders and came under I'm confused by the date of arrival, 1631. Filed under: Ancestors, Arbella, Genealogy, Immigrant Series, Immigrants, Puritans, Ships Janet @ 2:07 am. freeman 18 May 1631 (ibid., I, 366). (M.C.R., I, 366). Freeman 1 April 1634 (ibid., While not having any defined connection with the Winthrop Fleet, yet their destination presupposes a cooperative E-Book Overview Peter Harrison examines the role played by the Bible in the emergence of natural science. the lyon ship 1630. heathwood hall faculty; will a dui show up on a fingerprint check; paulette gebara farah disability; last minute diy star wars costumes; the lyon ship 1630. cameron mcinnes salary; May 21, 2022; DYER, George (4) This was the final voyage of the ship, Lyon. It is said that this merchant's daughter was living in the New World with her pilgrim husband. (link. Lyons Whelp, John Gibbs, master. Welcome to Geni, home of the world's largest family tree. Map People (10) Related Events (58) Pic Name Birth Death Birthplace . Categories: Lyon, sailed 1630-1632 | 1630s Sailings | This Day In History June 22, "16 [September 1632], being the Lord's day.] Removed to Windsor (Blake). Lavery, Brian, The Ship of the Line Volume I, pub Conway Maritime Press, 1983, ISBN -85177-252-8 Lyon, David and Winfield, Rif , The Sail and Steam Navy List, All the Ships of the Royal Navy 1815-1889 , pub Chatham, 2004, ISBN 1-86176-032-9 Freeman 18 May 1631(M.C.R., I, 366). In 1983 he received a Masters degree in colonial American History from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. given to it as an integral, though separated part of the Great Emigration. She carried many cattle with passengers & provision.. Direct to garment printing is a relatively new fabric printing method where the ink is printed directly onto the fabric which results in exceptional "hand" (referri . the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of Laud, then Bishop of Bath and Wells. Two sons, Samuel and William, had large active interests in Massachusetts, and although the date of their leaving England has not been discovered, it is certain that they did so, for their names appear in New England records. Discover the vessel's particulars, including capacity, machinery, photos and ownership. . Exeter, where under the more liberal Bishop Hall he was given the parish of Saint Sidwell, a living which he held Died 1630 (Pope). 1. 'He brought one hundred and twenty three passengers, whereof fifty children, all in health. He brought one hundred and twenty three passengers, whereof fifty children, all in health. His name was John Swett. During a 104-year period from 1626 to 1730, [1] there are documented Virginia Witch Trials, hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in Colonial Virginia. in a short obituary notice of this centenarian stated that she was born in Saffron Walden, Essex, but with this Die Historische Migrationsforschung als stark interdisziplinre, sozial-und kulturgeschichtliche Perspektiven verbindende Forschungsrichtung hat sich in Deutschland, nach langer Verzgerung im internationalen Vergleich, seit den beiden letzten Jahrzehnten des vergangenen 20. (M.C.R., I, 370);died 1668 (Pope). Excludes: Applied freeman 19 Oct 1630(M.C.R., I, 79). 1615-1662) and Isaac (1588-1661) Morrill. Ships to: Worldwide. In the evening Mr. Peirce, in the ship Lyon, arrived, and came to an anchor before Boston. ", Allis, Richard Bartlett, Robert (Possibly from Frampton, Dorsetshire, boun d for Marblehead. From Four Lyon trips: 1630, 1631, 1632, 1632. Excerpt from Essex and the Lyon-The people who sailed in her to New England . Call us at (858) 263-7716. CLAPP, Roger (1) Freeman 18 May1631 (M.C.R., I, 366). IMPORTANT PRIVACY NOTICE & DISCLAIMER: YOU HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO USE CAUTION WHEN DISTRIBUTING PRIVATE INFORMATION. This ship was famous in the history of the early emigration to Massachusetts, and her Master was equally noted for his skillful seamanship and his sympathy with the policy of the Puritan leaders. The West Country was free from it. Today Lyon Shipyard is a thriving organization that has a solid focus on . Welcome to Geni, home of the world's largest family tree. Is there a passanger manifest for the ship Talbot? Anderson was elected a Fellow of the American Society of Genealogists in 1978 and has served as Secretary and President of that organization. It may be assumed that these people, from many parishes scattered RICHARDS, Thomas (6) Removed to Windsor (Stiles). Four Lyon trips: 1630, 1631, 1632, 1632. Dorset. March 20, and at its conclusion they embarked to set sail for the distant shores of an unknown country. GALLOP, John (4) Dorset. So bountiful was the cargo, that the people of Plymouth redesignated the 20th of February from a day of prayer and fasting to one of gratitude and feasting. Four Lyon trips: 1630, 1631, 1632, 1632. By 26 May 2022 usc marshall drop in advising 26 May 2022 usc marshall drop in advising . Francis Higginson was one of the passengers. * Join the community of family history enthusiasts and FamilySearch employees to ask questions and discuss potential product enhancements. Despite mentions on online trees, there is no evidence of a son George for Henry "the Puritan" Way Baron Joseph X. Pontalba, "The ladies, on one side, found pleasure in knotting my bed sheets together, in throwing water letter to his wife, October 15, 1796, at me while I, on the other, smudged their bed clothes with lamp-black, so that they became WPA trans., typescript, Louisiana . Familypedia is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. PHELPS, George (1) On the 15th of February, 1631, a ship named the Lyon landed in Nantasket, in Massachusetts Bay. I dont have a picture of it, but my many great grandfather was on this ship. Freeman 18 May 1631 (ibid., I, 366). Settled Dorchester and died there about 1652(Gen. the sailors' parish, was the next neighboring one on the east, and there he married on August 3, 1615, the widow This was the final voyage of the ship, Lyon. This page has been accessed 9,525 times. Perhaps he spelled his last name as Swete. 7/59 pg 33 or from Wilt shire, bound for Chelmsford, & Woburn. The Lyon hit a reef April 10, 1633 (Peirce was 'driving') and it sunk, replaced by the Rebecca, built in the colonies. 1631. Henry Way was Georges cousin. The Master of the Admiral of the Winthrop Fleet who successfully led this flotilla to its destination deserves The master, William Pierce, brought 123 pa ssengers. Do you know where we can find the passenger lists of these ships? As an example, William Goodwin, one of the leaders of the group, was related by marriage to John White of Messing, the Olmsteads of Great Leighs and Joseph Loomis of Braintree, although the latter seems to have followed on the Susan & Ellen a year later. Completing its 4th voyage to the new world, however, two months later, it shipwrecked as it began its return trip to England. The matter is still being followed up. the lyon ship 1630 - The Lyon left Bristol, England February, 1630/31 with her Master, William Peirce, arriving in Salem May 1630/31 Rev. F. Cade & Sons, Wine Merchant and Mineral Water Manufacturer. James Calvin_Sly/James Calvin Sly : James C. Sly (8 aot 1807 - 31 aot 1864) tait un pionnier mormon , membre du bataillon mormon pendant la guerre amricano-mexicaine , claireur des premiers sentiers de l'ouest utiliss pendant la rue vers l'or en Californie , gardien du journal en 1848 et 1849 , premier colon occidental amricain de plusieurs communauts et missionnaire mormon . This ship left London 25 April and the Isle of Wight 11 May, arriving at Cape Ann 27 June and Salem 29 June 1629. Assistant of Massachusetts Bay Company. Dorset. M.DC.XXX. Judith Gater, baptized Hillmorton 19 March 1588/9, daughter of Michael Gater. [1630]), by England and Wales, England and Wales. Settled at Dorchester; constable 1630. (Sept 1632). Passengers took an oath of allegiance to King Charles I administered by Captain Mason before the ship sailed for the New World. From this time these hills took the names of Windmill, Beacon, The order of the Court what treats both and pills best natural way to increase penis size of Assistants, Governor Winthrop presiding, That Trimontaine shall be called sex drive pills males Boston, was passed on the 7th of September, old style, or, as we now count it, the 17th of . Reg., IX, 348; XXXII, 55). Removed to Windsor (Stiles). It is not known whether he or his vessel ever returned to these waters, nor anthing of his later career, but He made a voyage t o Salem in 1629 as Master of the "Mayflower" (not the Pilgr im ship) and thereafter he was in constant traffic in passe ngers and merchandise across the Atlantic. WIKITREE HOME | ABOUT | G2G FORUM | HELP | SEARCH. John (4) Thomas Miner was onboard. CAPTAIN PETER MILBURNE OF THE ARBELLA. The Ship Lyon, 1630 - About this resource Find in a library. WIKITREE HOME | ABOUT | G2G FORUM | HELP | SEARCH. Removed The Lyon hit a ree f April 10, 1633 (Peirce was 'driving') and it sunk, replac ed by the Rebecca, built in the colonies. Listed with a Richard Benjamin. On the 15th of February, 1631, a ship named the Lyon landed in Nantasket, in Massachusetts Bay. Text Size:side effects of wearing incorrect glasses nh state police logs 2021. which was the second issue in 1639 from the Daye Press at Cambridge. The Lyon left Bristol, England February, 1630/31 with her Master, William Peirce, arriving in Salem May 1630/31 Rev. about 73. *1. of the Founders.' Dorset. Sailed from London June 22, 1632, arriving in Boston September 14/16, 1632. He Born about 1583, based on age at death; this would make her 19 at marriage and 45 at the birth of her last child. July 1, 2017 In "Ancestors". Have there been any new discoveries that support the connection of Samuel Eddy and Elizabeth Rogers? 36 pg 54. His wife, Bridget, joined the church February 2, 16 32/3; perhaps a second wife, as a William Peirce, mariner o f Whitechapel, was licensed in 1615 to marry Margaret Gibbs . 36 pg 53), Lewis, William, wife Felix, and child William Lewis, Morrill Isaac of Hatfield Broadoak, Essex, his wife and children Sarah and Katherine, Shelley, Robert and wife Anne (From Nazing, Essex, bound for Boston. Ship & Passenger Information at the Wayback Machine. Genealogy Trails Did the arrival of an Irish provision ship lead to the first Thanksgiving? to Windsor (Stiles). Lyon Shipyard has become the Pride of the Port here in Norfolk VA. All of this possible due to the dedication and support of our loyal employees, and customers that return year after year for high quality ship repairs and maintenance they have come to expect from Lyon. FORD, Thomas (6) Freeman 18 May 1631 (M.C.R., I, 366). She Removed to Windsor (Pope). On 31 October 1629 as she was returning to England she ran into foul weather off the Scilly isles and her masts and sails were cut down to save her. The number of passengers on the Pilgrim is not known. Passenger Lists: Ship "Lyon" 1631 List of passengers on the Lyon, 1631. Additional information on the merchant or financier behind this voyage would be useful. Her site, has other helpful genealogical information including: Dorset. Applied freeman 19 Oct 1630(M.C.R., I, 80);Freeman 18 May 1631 (ibid., I, This vessel carried the penultimate contingent of Leiden Pilgrims to New England, and was a different Mayflower from the ship that sailed in 1620. baptized 'Anne' in the years calculated from her age at death. Peter Milburne was a resident of London in the parish of St. Katherine by the Tower, but beyond this, little Deacon of church. The Winthrop Fleet of 1630 while on a voyage to the island of New Providence, Bahamas Group, whither he was taking passengers for settlement. See Ship & Passenger Information. View all posts by Robert Charles Anderson , Is the Mary & John not considered part of the Winthrop fleet? He compiled an Almanac for New England. This ship was famous in the history of the early emigratio n to Massachusetts, and her Master was equally noted for hi s skillful seamanship and his sympathy with the policy of t he Puritan leaders. known to each other prior to their assembling at the place of embarkation in Plymouth. 17 Ships; 17 Ships; 17 Ships; 17 Ships; 17 Ships; "Passengers and Vessels that have Arrived in America: A List of Ships which Arrived in New England in 1630," NEHGR 31:309 (Citing Gov. NEW - 14 HRS AGO PET FRIENDLY. $1,630 - $2,107/mo. SOUTHCOTE, Richard (1) PHELPS, William (6) They had been twelve weeks aboard and eight weeks from Land's End.". From The Lyon left Bristol, England February, 1630/31 with her M aster, William Peirce, arriving in Salem May 1630/31 Rev. GREENWAY, John (7) Entdecke International Lyon NEU CHARM Edelstahl Besteck -- Place Oval Suppenlffel 7 Zoll in groer Auswahl Vergleichen Angebote und Preise Online kaufen bei eBay Kostenlose Lieferung fr viele Artikel! CHAPTER CXXVII., 1629 Partisan Opposition to the Government, p. 1629 Knights of the Golden Circle, 1629 The Draft, 1630 Riots in New York, 1630 Colored Troops in New York, 1631 Mor- gan's great Raid, 1631 Meade and Lee in Virginia, 1632 Operations of the two Armies in Virginia, 1632 Raid in western Virginia, 1633 . Adapted from the introduction to The Winthrop Fleet. He becam e a Town and Colony official and was engaged In coastwise s hipping thereafter.,,,,,,, (London : Printed by Robert Barker and Iohn Bill, printers to Kings [sic] most excellent Maiestie, Anno Dom. I am a descendent of Samuel Eddy who arrived on the Handmaid in 1630 and I am doing research for the Eddy Family Association. This probably explains WIKITREE PROTECTS MOST SENSITIVE INFORMATION BUT ONLY TO THE EXTENT STATED IN THE TERMS OF SERVICE AND PRIVACY POLICY. Sailed from London, England for Plymouth, Massachusetts in New England in about May 1635. Roger Williams, bound for Salem Mrs. Mary Williams, John Throckmorton, bound for Salem Mrs. Rebecca Throckmorton John Throckmorton Patience Throckmorton Throckmorton Descendant contact: email Nancy Bell, John Perkins, of Hilmorton, Warwick, bound for Boston Mrs. Judith Perkins John Perkins Elizabeth Perkins Mary Perkins Thomas Perkins Jacob Perkins, Edmond Onge, of Lavenham, Suffolk, bound for Watertown Mrs. Frances Onge Simon Onge Jacob Onge, Lyon sources:, From, The Lyon left Bristol, England February, 1630/31 with her M aster, William Peirce, arriving in Salem May 1630 Mrs. Margaret Winthrop (wife of Governor), bound for Boston Adam Winthrop Anne Winthrop, John Winthrop, Jr., of Groton, Suffolk, bound for Boston, Rev. -- END -- He was then a re sident of Ratcliffe, parish of Stepney, London, and at tha t date was about thirty-one years old. city of Boston, and for that reason deserves special notice in this story of the Great Emigration. Dorset. Talbot, Thomas Beecher, master. As the boat touched Alternatively, he arrived on the John Winthrop's flag ship Arabella. References. Somerset. She was then about nine or ten years of age and described herself as 'a romping girl' of the remote parts of Somerset. Stiles History of Windsor, Conn. I know it was some time after the Mayflower. His wife, Bridget, joined the church 2 February 1632/3; perhaps a second (Blake, Stiles). "He brought one hundred and twenty three passengers, whereo f fifty children, all in health. Trying to find out which ship Nicholas Simpkins sailed on circa 1630 on was 1st commander of Castle Island Boston in 1635, Wounded f this book has picture of the Talbot ship Iam looking for a picture of it. Four Lyon trips: 1630, 1631, 1632, 1632. This page has been accessed 8,083 times. Im of the Thomas Graves family that arrived 1629 aboard the George Bonaventure. him and remember my kind salutations to him and his wife.' Ref: Banks Mss. 36 pg 171. Unit Lyon Creek: RENT FREE UNTIL FEB 2023 . Good does and ships around that area coming needed. Nephew of Reverend John White. CONTENT MAY BE COPYRIGHTED BY WIKITREE COMMUNITY MEMBERS. Freeman 18 May 1631. It seems, therefore, desirable to relate his emigration with the Mary and John Company, bringing with him his large family to be near his eldest son. Removed to Windsor (Pope). He became a Contributing Editor of The American Genealogist in 1979, Associate Editor in 1985 and Coeditor in 1993. This ship left London 25 April and the Isle of Wight 11 May, arriving at Cape Ann 27 June and Salem 29 June 1629. Many were related or became related by marriage. Somerset. He was then Juror 1630. Home; Our Practice; Services; What to expect. The Lyon, under Master Pierce, sailed February/March, 1629/30, departing Bristol, England, arriving at Salem, New England (Massachusetts) in May 1630. Somerset. pp 224-49; Force's Tracts, vol ii. KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS 1-2bd. Removed Easter Monday, 29 March, Anno Domini 1630: Riding at the Cowes, near the Isle of Wight, on the Arbella, a ship of three hundred and fifty tons, whereof Capt. Poland Pologne YT 1630/32 en fragments feuille Marie Curie Sklodowska NOBEL . . Abraham (ca. Sailed from London, England for Plymouth, Massachusetts in New England in about 1631. He compiled an Almanac for New Englan d which was the second issue in 1639 from the Daye press a t Cambridge. There is no known list of passengers coming on this ship, just before the arrival of the Winthrop Fleet . Delivery: Estimated between Mon, Jan 30 and Tue, Feb 7 to 98837. . at Charlestown. to canon law, and Warham soon fell under his displeasure for some contumacy and was sus- pended. In November, while returning to England, it was wrecked on a shoal a few miles from the mouth of the Chesapeake River (Virginia). London 1630) The Lyon's Whelp was the name of . The Reverand John White, Vicar of Dorchester, England, who has been generally and rightfully acclaimed as the Francis Higginson was one of the passengers. Increased inflammatory processes in the form of cytokine production lead to metabolic dysregulation, such as increased resting energy expenditure, and may contribute to heightened protein degradation accompanied by decreased protein synthesis. 1-2ba. p.100 Just know that traffic on 405 is a variable that has . The etiology of cachexia is multifactorial. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. In "Ancestors". over three counties, were moved by the same urge to emigrate which animated those of the Winthrop Fleet, but it Franklin's 'New England Courant' Phone: 1-978-388-3054. Information about the ship LYON in an article written about Roger Williams and published in the Genealogist's Post vol 1:5 (May 1964) pp.3-9. NEGR 40/195 36 pg 182), Of Hartford, an original proprietor, had been of Cambridge, 1635, came probably on the "Lion." of the senior captain of this Fleet, so pleasantly remembered by the senior official of the Massachusetts Bay Company. 366). There is a great deal of speculation that his wife Elizabeth was the daughter of Mayflower Passenger Thomas Rogers. Somerset. after a voyage of eight weeks from Landsend, although the passengers had been aboard for twelve weeks. a voyage to Salem in 1629 as Master of the Mayflower (not the Pilgrim ship) and thereafter he was in constant traffic Shirt Monkey is a family run business, offering Direct To Garment (DTG) printing using top of the range Kornit Avalanche HD6 printers. investigated, as they were soon amalgamated with the existing settle-ment there and it would require long and special in the gathering of neary one hundred and fifty persons in the counties of Dorset, Somerset and Devon and their During the colonial era, Kebayoran was a kawedanan (an . p.109 HANNUM, William (1) Deacon Thomas Perkins Sgt. Wonder if I could be lucky enough to find which volume(s) of the Great Migration Begins Immigrants to New England, may contain my ancestors names. Contemporaneously with the sailing of the Winthrop Fleet a party of emigrants embarked at Plymouth, Devon, in the departure is not known (probably in March) but her arrival at Salem is reported 'in the latter part of May' (Brad-ford, .. The Lyon trip 1632. Receive small business resources and advice about entrepreneurial info, home based business, business franchises and startup opportunities for entrepreneurs. Settled Dorchester. Settled Dorchester. PINNEY, Humphrey (2) Unfortunately it doesn't list any Sacketts but then again it doesn't li st everybody just about 12 of them in the article) This was on page 3: . Her portrait, painted when she became a centenarian, . Four Lyon trips: 1630, 1631, 1632, 1632. One of many Immigrant Ships of New England. Removed to Windsor (Clapp). the 17th of . (M.C.R., I, 366). or remain and take advantage of bonus savings. Ref: Bon d 124. pg 155 Carrington, Edward Churchman, John (From Kennington, Kent, bound for Cambridge . Devon. Clapp Memoirs of Roger Clapp Geni requires JavaScript! He took up his residence in Boston in 1632 and was admitted He had five days of east wind and thick fog, so as he was forced to come, all that time, by the lead; and the first land he made was Cape Ann." That they were authorized to settle in the limits of the CHAMPION, Gen. EPAPHRODITUS, son of Col. Henry, bap. Robert Charles Anderson, Director of the Great Migration Study Project, was educated as a biochemist and served in the United States Army in electronics intelligence. This page was last modified 02:50, 10 December 2020. Of another ship close in appearance, i would 2015 - Rev largest family tree Generations. were promoting religious intolerance in Massachusetts. particular mention as an actor in the drama of early emigration to New England, as Christopher Jones, the Master quality. Applied freeman 1630(M.C.R., I, 80). Removed to Windsor (Stiles). The Rev. Four Lyon trips: 1629, 1630, 1631, 1632. According to the records there were sixty men on the Lyon, and as fifty were children, the rest must have been wives and daughters. In 1630, the Mary and John was captained by Thomas Chubb and the company was led by Roger Ludlow (1590-1664), . Removed to Windsor (Stiles). White was a Conforming Puritan who believed that the religious unrest of the period could be better composed Pilgrim, William Woolrige, master. and anti-scorbutics. Applied freeman 19 Oct 1630(M.C.R., I, 80). Freeman 14 May 1634(M.C.R., I, 369). There were 120 passengers, including 50 children, on the voyage. Settled at Dorchester. No record as to freeman. John Winthrop's journal: The Voyage of the Fleet and its arrival in New England. Ref: Banks Mss. He has been an editorial consultant to the New England Historical and Genealogical Register since 1989. I married into the Phelps family from that set of emigrants. Vessel LYON II is a Container Ship, Registered in Liberia. In the evening Mr. Peirce, in the ship Lyon, arrived, and came to an anchor before Boston. Settled Dorchester.
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