torben sondergaard bethel

Uncategorized 20.02.2023

Its obvious from these verses that those performing these counterfeit miracles do so under the honest belief that they are doing them in the name of Jesus, but God is clear that they are not. Did they do this? And what I learn from these ones is how the Holy Spirit through them has a real heart & compassion for those they come in contact with & that is making me address the `now,` as well as an eye on `direction.`. What was the PURPOSE of these MANIFESTATIONS? Acknowledge means to yada/know Him intimately. Gen 15:9-18 & Gen 17:9-14 Abraham and his Seed We need to go out and preach the gospel, heal the sick, cast out demons and be led by the Holy Spirit as we read there. Jesus is 100% God but He also was and is and always will be a very easy and normal MAN and to live with. Never! If that means I have to stand alone in the face of criticism from those who would call themselves followers of Jesus Christ, then so be it. A Florida immigration judge has denied evangelist Torben Sndergaard's request for asylum. OMG! God doesnt like strange fire being mixed with His; its very distasteful. Are you married? As I came out from under Rick Joyners Morning Star Ministries school for the prophetic, I see very many similarities from the teachings in that school to the teachings in Johnsons school. And full gospel is exactly what you will see Torbens Last Reformation is all about as he takes bits and pieces from every so called Christian doctrine and mingles them together. The tone of these responses is very disturbing. Then we have WALKING ON WATER.PETER DID TOO for a short time. You need to get saved from your unbelief and your incredulity! But Yeshua calls His followers sheep. Consider how different Torben's Jesus is from the Jesus in the Scriptures. Jesus had His disciples with him for a year or more, probably every day, before sending them out. Videos. The Strongs concordance for the one baptismG908 in Eph4:5 Christs church is not some debate club and we must then try to win the debate. He is an independent agent creating his own kingdom of the world, presenting it as the Kingdom of God. Similarly, the couple seems to be the parent of their kids. The single most encouraging thing is right at the end when the healers admit that they feel nothing, meaning they are operating strictly by faith and obedience. As Ive stated before, true miracles and miraculous healings are not subject to debate as they are objective and cannot be challenged. But I guess repentance is too much to hope for. The Last Reformation . In all the videos, I dont see evidence in those being healed of being brought to repentance and an acknowledgement of Jesus as Lord. Thank you for the clarification Andrew! And immediately her flow of blood stopped. These are genuine brothers in Christ, myself I have no doubt of that, I love them just from the videos, and I believe they have genuine spiritual gifts. THEN they INQUIRED OF THE LORD to see why their men were slaughtered. That may have been more of satans intent than the immediate deceptions he caused. Squashers of joy, and those who make light when someone says theyve been healed by Gods power, would rather remind the church about the warning that many will heal in His Name and do works in His Name and expect entrance into heaven, and Jesus will say, Depart, I never knew you. Are you willing to turn from your sins and put your faith / hope / trust in Jesus Christ? Former followers, former board members of the organisation, the press, other churches, and professionals have described his organisation, The Last Reformation, as extreme, dangerous, and a cult. Torben Sndergaard is part of the Oneness Pentecostal sect. HE fills those who hunger and thirst after His righteousness. His organization, The Last Reformation, has been described as extreme, dangerous and a cult by former followers, former board members of the organization, the press, other churches, and professionals. I dont want to put myself on par with Jesus and assume my obedience to the Father is perfect; it isnt. And indeed we must maintain the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace. Marilyn. Sheriff's Office Openly Praises the Lord as Dozens of Inmates Get Baptized, Pledge Lives to Christ, Rabbi, Wife Sponsor Knesset Gathering to Focus Attention on the Widowed, Orphaned. It would have been more convincing to have seen the lady healed from stroke damage before and after but you cant have camera men running around everywhere all the time. 13:5). Each time they went into battle, THEY INQUIRED OF THE LORD and the Lord told them to put the Ark of the Lord in front of them..and VOILA..they won the battle. Sure there will be people who say Lord did we not cast out demons, heal the sick etc. But I guess thats what powerless religion us all about. Torben Sondergaard Calls the Line of Fire from Prison Call in LIVE: (866) 348-7884 Would love your thoughts, please comment. He even said that it doesnt really work in the church and that it is easier to believe for someone to be healed that you are never going to see again. Seems that every time the Lord does something through someone, that is when the enemy wants to come in and steal kill and destroy, that which He has done. Some of you may remember the mans leg that grew out about a year ago. They do nothing themselves. I went to a conference of Rick Joyners where women with extremely long hair writhed on the floor like serpents (these women were allowed on stage). Titus 3:5 and many more 6 And when Paul had laid his hands on them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spoke with tongues, and prophesied. If we should respect simple grammar and honour the first mentioned in sentences, it means that one must first be saved by water before you can receive the Holy Spirit. . To your credit, you were honest and admitted as such. Thank you Lord. Repent (change the inner man to meet Gods will) and do the works you did previously [when first you knew the Lord], or else I will visit you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you change your mind and repent. Recently I was working at a ladies house and noticed she was enormously overweight and who had breathing assist aperatuses all over her house . Only God is holy and only God can and will do His holy works in and through us. So when people tell me I try to obey the Lord , God showed me that really means no I do not obey Him always . God plants us as good seed WHERE HE WANTS US IN HIS FIELD- then we simply let Jesus shine out from us and people in the fields around us come running. Try it you will like it!!! He has no need to imitate the world nor should we, because that would be having in mind the things of man, not the things of God. See also John 1:12-13. He touched the ear of the servant of the high priest. As the Bible says, we are to not only test the spirits, but we are to examine ourselves (2 Cor. The elitist claims to have personal relationships with God and to regularly receive divine visions. I believe many who use the discernment rationale, are being dishonest with themselves. Andthey reasonedwiththemselves,saying,Ifwe shall say,Fromheaven;he will sayunto us,Whydid yenotthenbelievehim? If youre not experiencing His tangible Presence in your private prayer time, youre missing the LIFE that Jesus Christ DIED TO GIVE TO EACH OF US for the salvation of the rest of the world. Stephen St. Louis..your post was SO on target. But some people who saw the video But all praise and glory be to Christ Jesus our Lord who has conquered the lion who prowls around seeking who he may devour! When my dad died, I lost it and wept, my emotions were running wild and I was broken. a) of those startled by strange sights or occurrences Each one is even given different measures of faith, another thing that is often forgotten about. Since the whole of the scriptures CONDEMNS BEING FEARFUL, ANXIOUS AND WORRIED, then I would have to say that Paul was of weak faith when it came to the letter he was writing. So TWO SEPERATE things happened here; 1) they were baptised by the Holy Spirit just by BELIEVING in Jesus Christ no signs and wonders 2) Paul then needed them to go out and preach and he laid hands on them to speak in tongues (earthly languages) and prophecy. aberrant, abnormal, addlepated, flaky; extraordinary, fantastic (also fantastical), freak, freakish, freaky, phantasmagoric (or phantasmagorical), phenomenal; atypical, rare, singular, uncommon, uncustomary, unique, unusual, unwonted; conspicuous, notable, noticeable, outstanding, prominent, salient, striking; atrocious, outrageous, shocking; crotchety, idiosyncratic, nonconformist, nonmainstream, out-there, unconventional, unorthodox; baffling, bewildering, confounding, mystifying, perplexing, puzzling, Near Antonyms We are gentiles and we believe solely by faith and we do not need to be baptized in water. He chose twelve disciples to preach the Kingdom of God, not to create a sect. This is not the shekinah glory of God in this video, saying you believe in Jesus and not knowing a demonic false sign is a result of making self your god. But let Gods people yield to Jesus and let their Jesus light shine out of them and the world will begin to hate Gods people, will begin to respect Gods people, will begone to fear Gods people and multitudes will begin to LISTEN TO GODS PEOPLE for the lost sheep will begin hear the voice of the Shepherd IN HIS PEOPLE AND WILL FOLLOW HIM. and he says to them depart from Me, you worker of iniquity. Jonathan Not just be exposing the False. Lightning amen! Acts 14:10-15 Paul needed these disciples to preach in the area and therefore laid hands on them and the Holy Spirit came upon them and they spoke with tongues(earthly languages) and prophesied. Dont for one moment let the cynics and hopelessness-mongers drag you down. Trenton D. Adams wrote: Andrew Strom COMMENTS? Trenton- thanks for your question regarding whether Jesus ever copied one the the worlds methods or tricks they are good questions. spread the word! The FIRE that is called down from heaven in the last days by the Antichrist and his ministers of righteousness (2 Corinthians 11:15) will lead to the wild fire spread of speaking in tongues. You guys talk of not judging others, but then judge me as a skeptic. I know that I was once lost, repented, baptized and filled with His Spirit and, like Torden and his friend on the video said, we not only hear the Word, but we see the evidence of the Word. And this growing awareness of the many gifts and parts of the body has opened a window on seeing Christ in others, it is truly humbling. And they said to him, We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost. Friends this is the descent into WIERDSVILLE!!! Are you sure what the difference is between washing with water and washing by blood? There are so many trying to warn others about this man. Does that mean they REPENTED AND GOT BORN AGAIN? a) to be troubled with cares You said, `the backdrop of the whole Bible is needed to understand the point & purpose of revelation.` So true. Amen!!!! It occurred to me that all that was necessary was to touch the tips of my fingers on the top of the patients head, and then the vibrations would not jar her. 4 Then said Paul, John truly baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying to the people, that they should believe on him which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus. In his absorption, he had not observed that anything had taken place in me. 2000 years agp the worldly people called Yeshuas followers Christians. Bob Jones, Bill Johnson, and all these false prophets, teachers, evangelists, etc, are all in cahoots with each other. Sean, son your spirit is so not in tune with Jesus Hearts cry. He told us that He is our ONLY Teacher Matthew 23:8-10; and the 5 fold ministry He has gifted to His Body, is Him, so let us seek His understanding to find out who are those of Him and those who are false 5 fold ministers.. the pros and cons on this website -just get out there and listen to what the HS tells you whilst out and do it. Are you sure what you are talking, Hullo Artus. 2 Thess. He said that they needed to be naked before the Lord, or the Lord would not give him prophetic words for them. They will walk into a childrens hospital and clear it out, even patients who had chemo for cancer will have their hair grow back. God is doing a work in all believers. Later, an ICE spokesman told CBN News that Sndergaard was arrested for overstaying his visa. Chas351 God has not changed, He still does miracles as signs following the gospel, and praise Him for it! As Jeff Moore so elegantly wrote, Why should the Devil have all the good music? Besides which, you dont hear this kind of thing preached. Editing Comments: Andsuchweresome of you:butye are washed,butye are sanctified,butye are justifiedinthe nameof the LordJesus,andbythe Spiritof ourGod. After watching the second video, I can see the value of praying with people after talking to them about Jesus. Susan healing is for everywhere, not just outside the church. 1) to put to flight by terrifying (to scare away) Could you ever imagine Jesus holding up a persons legs, showing the legs to be different sizes? When a man asked Kohn Wesley what his secret was he said to the man, I suggest that you let God light you on fire and people will come and watch you burn!, My email: hope this is safe- what the heck safe sucks! Luk 9:50 KJV And Jesus said unto him, FORBID HIM NOT: for he that is not against us IS FOR US. So the real test is that you will react to something the way Jesus wants you to react, and you are unable to do that if you dont always listen and obey. However, when I have sinned and defiled my soul, I MUST go to Jesus and plead with Him to wash me with his blood. The term witchcraft is only being applied to that which is not of God, not to that which is of God. What I find very disappointing is that when some of us want to engage in an honest discussion about this story, we are met with name calling and ridicule. That is why God allows us to repent, even as believers. Jesus Himself came back to give us this message in Rev 7:14 These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washedtheirrobes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.. That is a place where the sick could experience salvation and healing. Thank you Lord Jesus! I simply yielded to what Jesus wanted to do in that household! There are other keys but it is good to get used to using one for awhile first. I think for me the times when I am like the disciples who were arguing I personally have been most apt to get into debate about this issue is when I am not in the game as much as I would like to be . There isnt any! Christs Kingdom is under the control of Jesus and all who are in it obey Him. 17 minutes of a guy basically saying be healed in Jesus name and they are better. All of us instantly felt heat like a fire go through us all. Those that would criticize any such testing should take a step back and realize there is nothing unbiblical about testing such spirits as long as it is done with the right intent. A hand that miraculously turns leperous; and just as miraculously is healed. Jesus is coming soooooon, His return is imminent. By Michael Ashcraft -. Gods whole plan was to tabernacle with man, and yet the Hebrews wanted Moses to hear from God and they would do whatever God told Moses to tell them to do. Torben Sndergaard prays in tongues over the person one can only shudder as to what demonic entity he is communicating with. The truth about Torben Sondergaard and the Last Reformation. Teshuva, where Jesus said to leave them alone and forbid them not, I agree. How do you know it was not the Lords followers who called each other Christian since the text doesnt say???) share the gospel. If this work of Torben is not of God then it will come to nothing, but if it is of God then God Himself will confirm His word and His minister. back there. But our minds must CONFORM to the mind of Jesus Christ..not continually making up our own way of thinking. Elijah prayed ONE SENTENCE and fire instantly fell from God. Our household is transformed, and being renewed daily by the Holy Spirit of Grace, by witch we are saved through faith in Jesus Christ our Lord. Personally i believe the great commission reflects the exact words used by Holy Spirit though Peter in Act 2:37-38, because those Jews were Cut to the heart(Joe 2:13), their only hope was to Miracles, signs, and wonders could be anything that has already been mentioned in the scriptures.both OT and NT..or even beyond those things.because the miracles and wonders that Jesus did the 40 days AFTER His ascension HAVE NOT BEEN WRITTEN FOR US TO KNOW WHAT THEY ARE. We are also men of the same nature as you, and preach the gospel to you that you should turn from these vain things to a living God, WHO MADE THE HEAVEN AND THE EARTH AND THE SEA AND ALL THAT IS IN THEM. Finally, he came up with the idea of just going from room to room in the hospital to pray for people. Jesus also REVEALS TRUE FAITH in His Prayer to His Father for ALL of us. Sndergaard's attorneys are filing an appeal. Yet there is unity in this diversity, as long as we see Christ Jesus our Lord as the reason for our unity. b) caring or providing for. Some fall into the ditch Everything about those involved will be ordinary and normal EXCEPT GOD ALMIGHTY WILL BE POWERFULLY PRESENT in supernatural demonstrations of miracle working power, deep heartfelt repentance and devotion to Jesus. Upon Sndergaard's arrival in the U.S. in 2019, he immediately applied for asylum and set up his residence in California while he grew his ministry. average, commonplace, everyday, garden, normal, ordinary, prosaic, routine, run-of-the-mill, standard, typical, unexceptional, unremarkable, usual, workaday; conformist, conservative, conventional; expected, familiar, knee-jerk, predictable; common, customary, frequent, habitual, regular. Or has it being ongoing amongst everyday people since He was sent to indwell those whom God draws to Himself..? We continue on and learn until the day we exit to Eternity. This i believe: Jesus was emphasizing both the Water and His pending Holy Spirit in Jhn 3:5 For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. Gods word teaches in 1 John 3 & 4 that the Holy Spirit resides in us. happen when this is done. Pretty messybut pretty amazing that God loves people that much, There were plenty of historical (1700s and 1800s and early 1900s)revival preachers that wrote about being unprepared for what it looks like for a whole congregation to be deliveredit scared them, it made them doubt that it was of God because it was so bizarre. The practices of Rick Joyners school and Bill Johnsons are very similar. I may have been a bit unclear in my position regarding what Chas 351 has said. Let us not forget Mathew 7:22-23, which everyone seems to be conveniently ignoring. 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