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transformational leadership is mcq
Subordinates might not have sufficient knowledge or experience to contribute effectively. __________ are the approaches to the study of leadership which emphasise the personality of the leader: A. B. Emotionally connect with their followers. Defining transformational leadership: An approach to leading that enhances the motivation, morale, and performance of followers through a variety of mechanisms. Stay safe financially while still growing your wealth. Transformational leadership is a leadership style in which leaders encourage, inspire, and motivate employees to innovate and create change that will help grow and shape the future success of the company. Leadership is to create and achieve vision about _______. Servant leadership isa leadership style and philosophy whereby an individual interacts with otherseither in a management or fellow employee capacityto achieve authority rather than power. highly influential and unique individuals who. The ability of subordinates to contribute their knowledge and experience to the decision-making process. (A) relatively complex, (B) relatively simple To keep learning and developing your knowledge of financial analysis, we highly recommend the additional resources below: State of corporate training for finance teams in 2022. Match the two lists and choose the correct answer from the code given below. That there is a single style of leadership appropriate to all managers There is too much dependence on one person. production and distribution processes becoming obsolete C. Both of these A. Hence we conclude thatNeither I nor II is a transformational act of leadership. (Level of Task and Relationship Orientation). This style can be used by leaders where the followers are unable and unwilling to take responsibility and they need the direction of leaders in clarifying the goals expected of them; Selling style is adopted by a leader, when the followers are unable to take the lead, but are willing and confident. His leadership provided a positive vision of the future, encouraging people to fight for a better tomorrow alongside him. The typical risks of a cost leadership strategy includes: (A). 9. 4. True/False. Am I using the techniques I have used for many years? Q. Intervens only when standards are not met. production and distribution processes becoming obsolete, One aspect of using a cost leadership strategy is that experience effects may lead to lower costs. Answer - Click Here:repeating a process until a task becomes easier. Transformational leadership improves subordinates motivation. Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author and educational consultant focused on helping students learn about psychology. Leadership does not necessarily take place within a hierarchical structure of an organisation, B. Whether its for a business or simply for your own life, creating a vision and mission are two important aspects of the transformational leadership style. It has real, lasting effects. Copyright 2023 McqMate. Work functions Transformational leadership concerns itself with change and hence the school leader's role here is seen in precipitating the envisioned change. ____________ is also called non leadership; in this style, the leader abdicates responsibility, delays decisions, gives no feedback, and makes little effort to help followers satisfy their needs. How you force your team members to never leave honesty? Hence, it is clear thatTransformational Leadership is a process that is systematic consisting of a purposeful and organized search for changes, systematic analysis, and the capacity to move resources from areas of lesser to greater productivity. Individuals have a tendency to feel close to those who have similar values and attitudes, therefore, people like the company of those who are alike them. A. a. revolution and revolt in society. (D). Transformational leaders are generally energetic, enthusiastic, and passionate. objective of our platform is to assist fellow students in preparing for exams and in their Studies , given their ability to connect with people on a deep level, are especially valuable within organizations that are facing a crisis or are struggling to move forward. 7. Conventionally understood, the headteacher was viewed as the source of educational expertise. Effective leadershiphelps a person to become an employer of choice and differentiates a good employer from an average one. Contingency theories of leadership based upon: A. 2021 All rights reserved. Through the strength of their vision and personality, transformational leaders are able to inspire followers to change expectations, perceptions, and motivations to work towards common goals. 21. _________ used the terms employee-centred and production-centred to describe leader behaviour: In some cases, groups may require a more managerial or autocratic style that involves closer control and greater direction, particularly in situations where group member are unskilled and need a lot of oversight. Being growth oriented, willing to make personal sacrifices to advance a shared purpose, and capable of influencing others are essential characteristics for ______. Transformational Leadership is a process that changes and transforms people by creating a connection that reduces the level of motivation and morality in both the leader and the follower. We provide you study material i.e. Subordinates at least know why certain decisions have been made. Able to encourage others to communicate and participate. According to trait leadership theory, effective leaders have in common a pattern of personal characteristics that support their ability to mobilize others toward a shared vision. Therefore, theTransformationalleadership approach a training institution should follow in order to produce good teachers. (C) relatively few It must reduce the firm's cost below that of its competitors while offering adequate value. Therefore, a transformational leader could make the company more successful by valuing its associates. Hence, we can conclude that a breakdown in the organization will be the result of weak leadership. Some of the top traits that leaders say are vital to good leadership include: Strong ethics and high moral standards. II. Challenging followers to assume greater ownership and accountability for their work and understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the followers, hence, the organization. Supervision is an expert technical service primarily concerned with studying and improving the conditions that surround learning and pupil growth. True. There are four (4) main characteristics of transformational leadership, and these can be summarized as: Idealized Influence denotes the leaders function as an ideal role model for followers. Match the theory of leadership in column-A with its focus in column-B. Who has proposed that "organization shall eliminate the need of quality control after the process"? An autocratic leader gives orders to his/her subordinates and expects that subordinates should give complete obedience to the orders issued. The correct answer isGives personal attention, treats each employee individually. d) A leader who tries to transform their staff by giving them rewards for what they do. One aspect of using a cost leadership strategy is that experience effects may leadto lowercosts. Having a growth mindset and guiding positive change are top qualities shared by these leadership styles. Idealized influence This refers to charisma, which involves living your values in a way that motivates others to follow your. Anyone can talk for hours about problems, but transformational leaders seek to solve them. Needs, setting standards and maintaining discipline, and appointing sub-leaders according to Adairs approach, called as: 6. One reason Branson is a well-loved leader is his charismatic, passionate personality that inspires customers and employees alike. . Transformational leadership is a driving force behind many of the positive changes in the world. 7. (A) common business strategies. Leadership experts suggest that a robust and positive future vision plays a critical role. That there is a single style of leadership appropriate to all managers, C. That there is a single style of leadership appropriate to all situations. Transactionalleadership emphasizes on results. 1.False, 2.True An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. According to Burns, transformational leadership can be seen when "leaders and followers make each other advance to a higher level of moral and motivation.". is used by the leader during ___________. Transformational leadership focuses on motivating and engaging followers with a vision of the future. Guiding and directing other people and providing purpose and direction to their efforts. Ltd.: All rights reserved, Educational Management and Administration, feeling trust, admiration, loyalty, and respect, The transformational theories emphasize cooperation, ethics, and community in addition to the higher human valu, motives, sets of skills and capabilities, and behavior in social relationships. _______ theory of Leadership emphasizes cooperation, ethic and higher human values. Cultural leadership is the act of leading the cultural sector. To learn more about leadership skills, review the accompanying lesson titled The Transformational Leader. Leadership theories are schools of thought brought forward to explain how and why certain individuals become leaders. It is designed to keep instructors and students on the cutting edge of their teaching and learning experience. is an educational platform, Which is developed BY STUDENTS, FOR STUDENTS, The only Leaders enable change by emotionally connecting with their audience and inspiring them to achieve something greater than themselves. By communicating a positive vision of the future, they motivate and encourage their followers to keep pushing forward. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc; 2008. Her role was to manage all the functions directly related to teaching and learning. A leader's conscious effort to develop effective work groups throughout an organization, is best characterized as: In a group or organization, leadership is the exercise of command and direction in a skillful and responsible fashion. UKPSC Combined Upper Subordinate Services, MPPSC Forest Service Second Revised Preliminary Exam Result, Bank of Maharashtra Generalist Officer Admit Card, Social Media Marketing Course for Beginners, Introduction to Python Course for Beginners. Transformational leaders show genuine care for their followers emotions and needs, and they assist them in self-actualization. Developing team relationships The best example of a firm following a cost-leadership business strategy is When people operate as leaders their role is always clearly established and defined Charisma refers to a powerful personal quality that some people have to attract and influence other people. Model of leadership based on which aspects of a leaders decision is Vroom and Yettons contingency? Which among the following is not a characteristic of transactional leaders? B. The autocratic style of leadership is also known as the. Regarding leadership, which statement is false? Leaders with a low LPC score gain satisfaction from _______________ according to Fiedlers LPC scale: B. leadership for individual growth. _____ is a process that focuses on achieving common goals by means of the exchanges that occur between leaders and their followers. A. Greater interest and involvement for subordinates. All rights reserved. What Are the 4 Identifying Factors of Transformational Leadership? In this style, the subordinates are involved in decision-making. The decision-making process might be slowed down too much and is unlikely to be desirable at times of crisis when quick decisions are needed. B. Fiedler A cost-leadership competitive strategy helps reduce the threat of entry by creating cost-based barriers to entry. Adoption of which model of leadership led the headteachers to share management decisions with teachers and other staff of the school? Answer - Click Here:(B) functional organizational structure. Hence,leaders postpone decisions whenever possible in autocraticleadership. Needs, setting standards and maintaining discipline, and appointing sub-leaders according to Adairs approach, called as: For example, Henry Ford was a transformational leader who not only made the automobile more affordable through innovation but raised wages, cut down working hours, and provided health benefits. ________ is an exchange process between leaders and followers in which effort by followers is exchanged for specified reward. Followers do everything in their abilities to express their support for the leader, to emulate the leader in an attempt to intellectually connect with them, and to preserve loyalty without compromising their sense of self-esteem. , School Leadership multiple choice questions and answers, School Leadership Important MCQs , Solved . Many organizations struggle with goal-setting and therefore encounter obstacles on their way to success. A special gift that certain individuals possess that gives them the capacity to do extraordinary things are known as _______ . Decision quality 1. production and distribution processes becoming obsolete B. discuss. the inability to balance high differentiation and low price. Group members are not just encouraged to participate; they are also inspired to become leaders themselves. But if the focus is on achieving a prescribed set of short-term goals, taking a more transactional approach might lead to less chaos and better results. The primary goals of transformational leadership are to inspire growth, promote loyalty, and instill confidence in group members. This strategic transformation of organizations is not something that occurs solely to the idiosyncratic behavior of charismatic geniuses. These MCQ on leadership theories are useful for Business management exams, Competitive exams and Professional accountancy exams. D. None of the above, 12. People are naturally drawn to those who present solutions because they offer a remedy to a perceived ill. Not everybody can be famous but everybody can be great, because greatness is determined by service.. DukePorcupineMaster345. A special gift that certain individuals possess that gives them the capacity to do extraordinary things are known as _______ . D. All of the above, 3. Hence, we can conclude that leadership is to create and achieve a vision aboutinfluencing, motivating, and giving motivation to individuals. Q. According to Bass, transformational leadership can be defined based on the impact that it has on followers. Transformational leaders, Bass suggested, garner trust, respect, and admiration from their followers. C. Not every leader is a manager Many people can benefit from this leadership style, including leaders themselves. Influence (C). Speed of decision-making: the leader does not need to consult anyone before making the decision. False. The factor representative of leaders who provide a supportive climate in which they listen carefully to the collection needs of followers are known as individualized consideration . Hence, it is clear thatdistributive leadership practices have implications forcreating teachers self-efficacy and adaptability to change. Any initiative or creativity the subordinates might contribute is lost. B. The ability to strengthen one's selfishness. The following list is just some of those leadership qualities, though leaders may exhibit other valuable traits and leadership skills. A. Which of the following are the characteristics of transformational leadership? By evaluating your own skills, you will be better able to play to your strengths and work on improving your areas of weakness. Relationship behaviour is the extent to which a leader engages in multi-way communication with the employees by adopting measures such as listening, providing encouragement and coaching. Command C. Control D. Getting others to follow Answer - Click Here: 2. Leaders who implement this style focus on specific tasks and use rewards and punishments to motivate followers. Transformational leadership is a process that changes and transforms individuals. A. __________ are the approaches to the study of leadership which emphasise the personality of the leader: 4. _______ is the factor describing leaders who act as strong role models for followers; followers identify with these leaders and want very much to emulate them. The 'great person' theory is another name for the ____ theory of leadership. Experience effects are achieved by? Allow Necessary Cookies & Continue Neither I nor II is a transformational act of leadership. Evaluate your skill level in just 10 minutes with QUIZACK smart test system. Mother Teresa believed that one could help the world by easing others suffering. While a transformational leader inspires changes by communicating big-picture ideas, they are typically less skilled with details and processes. What values are most important to you as a leader? Firms implementing cost-leadership strategies will have ________ layers in their reporting structure. An individuals motivation is dependent on: An institutional plan is a programme of development and improvement prepared by an educational institution on the basis of its felt needs and the resources available or likely to be available with a view to improving the school programme and school practices. Nursing exam questions and answers pdf; 114 Sayfa Ramazan Yetkin Kpss Tarih Ders Notlar - Pdf; . As a result, the company continues to pave the way for online entertainment. Charismatic authority is a concept of leadership developed by the German sociologist Max Weber. Otherwise, your message can come across as empty words. . Possibly stronger motivation amongst subordinates. This style of leadership is also known as a participative style of leadership, which can be further categorized as consensus, consultative and democratic. In other words, this kind of leadership motivates followers to accomplish more than what is expected. These leaders can benefit from having someone hold them accountable through insightful, balanced perspectives. To get the bananas picked, United Fruit uses a . A. Over time, leaders who guide their followers this way have become synonymous with innovation, progress, and modernity. Ltd.: All rights reserved. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. It includes noting the relationship between things and analyzing and synthesizing the relationships. It will probably result in better decisions when the subordinate is inexperienced or lacks the required understanding to contribute usefully to discussions of problems. True or False? They are innovators and artistspeople who engage in first principles thinking. In the transactional approach, leaders motivate their subordinates through the use of rewards and punishment. The notion of transformational leadership was first proposed by James V. Downton, who invented the phrase transformational leadership, and has since been expanded upon by leadership specialist and political biographer James MacGregor Burns. It results in a favorable shift in the mindsets of the participants and the organization as a whole. Leadership is exercised collaboratively with the teachers by working together andcoordinating action. Clearly define a collective vision and shared. History, Politics and Economics of Education MCQ, UKPSC Combined Upper Subordinate Services, MPPSC Forest Service Second Revised Preliminary Exam Result, Bank of Maharashtra Generalist Officer Admit Card, Social Media Marketing Course for Beginners, Introduction to Python Course for Beginners, Iowa University Study of Leadership, Kurt Lewin & associates, Four Systems of Management Leadership, Rensis Likert, Managerial Grid Theory of Leadership, Robert Blake & JaneMouton, Leadership Continuum Theory, Robert Tannenbaum & Warren Schmidt, Path-Goal Theory of Leadership, Martin Evans and Robert House, Three Dimensional Model of Leadership Effectiveness, William Reddin, Leader-Participation model, Victor Vroom & Phillip Yetton, Motivate followers by appealing to their interest areas, Identify needed change and create a vision for the organization and make people commit to it, Understand the needs of people and satisfy them, It is the circumstance that make a leader, Contingency Theory of Leadership is a very special kind of approach which states thatthe success of a leader does not only depend on his abilities. Cost leadership strategy is more effective under the following two conditions; repeating a process until a task becomes easier. And this will lead to a breakdown in the organization. The presumption here is that the headteacher is not the sole source of taking decisions and performing functions. Youll also learn from some of the best examples of transformational leaders throughout history. 4. The Ohio State Leadership Studies revealed _____________ and initiating structure as two major dimensions of leadership behaviour: 7. It involves assessing associates' motives, satisfying their needs, and valuing them. production and distribution processes becoming obsolete. Psychology Today. Though no stranger to recent controversy, Elon Musk remains a leader with a clear vision for the future. 5. Compensation at cost-leadership firms is usually tied directly to product innovation and customer service efforts. Supervision is an expert technical service primarily concerned with studying and improving the conditions that surround learning and pupil growth. Whose definition is this? This person needs to have strong beliefs and be decisivetraits associated with self-confidence. (C) product divisional structure. Transformational. Transformational leadership is a leadership style that empowers people to accomplish positive change through big vision, inspiration, and a call to action. Get exclusive tools and resources you need to grow as a leader and scale a purpose-driven business. _____ is a process that focuses on achieving common goals by means of the exchanges that occur between leaders and their followers. According to Burns, transformational leadership can be seen when "leaders and followers make each other advance to a higher level of moral and motivation." 1. Model of leadership based on which aspects of a leaders decision is Vroom and Yettons contingency? Answer - Click Here:(D). In which type of leadership, do leaders postpone decisions whenever possible? One aspect of using a cost leadership strategy is that experience effects may lead to lower costs. The person must have the ability to conceptualize. 1. emergence of new power in the organization. Mother Teresa devoted her life to caring for sick and impoverished people who were often overlooked. The teacher's efficacy is constructed by two elements, namely. Transformational leaders are people with a big vision of changing the world for the better. Cost leadership and product differentiation are so widely recognized that they are often called generic business strategies. His ability to passionately articulate his visions made people want to follow his lead. Leaders who have strong demoralizing talent but are self-consumed, exploitive, and power-oriented, with warped moral values Bass & Riggio, 2008. Command The Ohio State Leadership Studies revealed _____________ and initiating structure as two major dimensions of leadership behaviour: Leadership does not necessarily take place within a hierarchical structure of an organisation The concept of transformational leadership was initially introduced by leadership expert and presidential biographer James MacGregor Burns. A. Therefore, the Transformational theory of Leadership emphasizes cooperation, ethic and higher human values. The system embodies a decentralized organizational structure. Ensure that you are living the philosophy you are sharing. It is difficult because people with individual differences join organizations with different personalities, value systems, attitudes and needs. Start by asking deep questions about life and the world. Framing (B). Hence, it is clear thata leader's conscious effort to develop effective work groups throughout an organization, is best characterized asTeam Building. It must increase the firms cost above that of its competitors while offering adequate value. Anyone can become a transformational leader. (C). When the students are augmenting leadership skills among them, they need to focus upon their personal and professional goals.
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