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turkish airlines flight 981 passenger list
While the ORY-LHR leg usually did not attract many passengers, an ongoing strike by British European meant the economy cabin was full on this fateful flight. McGowen feared that an Airworthiness Directive, which is public and would be released to the media, might harm sales of the DC-10 relative to the L-1011. Final Report (Archive, Alternate) Bureau d'Enqutes et d'Analyses pour la Scurit de l'Aviation Civile Translation by the United Kingdom Department of Trade Accidents Investigation Branch, February 1976. But as soon as President Nixon granted leadership of the FAA to John Shaffer, a man with close ties to the industry he was regulating, that percentage began to drop rapidly. When designing an airplane door, the greatest challenge is to ensure that it will not fail under the intense pressure differentials at high altitude. Mr. Anthony Colin Ryan, 21, student Turkish Airlines Flight 981: DC-10 Cargo Hatch Failure On March 3rd, 1974, Turkish Airlines Flight 981 suffered a catastrophic fuselage failure at an altitude of 23,000 feet and crashed into a wooded area of Ermenonville, France (ASN, 2008). Speed! The sheer speed of the plane was causing lift to increase, thus raising the nose, but they werent pulling up fast enough. Mrs. Hedwig Morley, 65, widow, one child Mrs. Anna Philomena Middleton, 47, married, personnel director Today, however, the engineer was away attending training, which meant that this duty fell to Engin Ucok, another ground engineer who was riding aboard the plane to service it during its stopovers. [3][4] At the point of impact, the aircraft was travelling at a speed of approximately 430 knots (490mph; 800km/h) in a slight left turn, fast enough that the plane disintegrated into millions of pieces instantly. Captain Nejat Berkz, co-pilot Oral Ulusman and flight engineer Erhan zer were on the flight that day. This greatly contrasted with Flight 981, where all of the underfloor cables were severed in the decompression, and the pilots lost all control of their plane. An air traffic controller noted that as the flight was cleared to FL230, he had briefly seen a second echo on his radar, remaining stationary behind the aircraft, likely the remains of the rear cargo door. They could also have controlled pitch using the stabilizer trim, which adjusts the planes resting pitch angle, because the cables connecting it to the electric trim switches in the cockpit were intact. Mr, Charles Christopher Bowley, 53, married, two children, doctor Turkish Airlines Flight 981Infrastructural Failure of a DC-10. Technically this might have been true, but it missed a rather more salient point: that a door which could fail violently, possibly resulting in the loss of the airplane, if one lowly mechanic deviated slightly from proper procedure, was quite simply an accident waiting to happen. Mr. Desmond Armstrong Reay, 59, company director [3] The explosion also damaged cables needed to fly the aircraft. Mr. Masaki Hayashi, 24, trading company management trainee The 335 passengers and 11 crew could not have known that their plane was already doomed. After a while, the plane started giving an overspeed warning. Mrs. Georgina Weld-Forester, 22, married, fashion model It was a tragedy which manifestly should not have happened. The NTSB was also shocked by the FAAs refusal to implement its recommendations. Mr. Fumihiro Fujita, 22, trading company management trainee TK981 was scheduled to fly from Istanbul to London Heathrow, with a stop in Paris Orly airport. Airbus A330-200 (332) Layout 4. Mr. Halil Bengi, 26, married, one child, merchant and his wife Yildiz Saime, 24, rcceptionist McDonnell Douglas followed this up later with a new service bulletin requesting (but again, not mandating) the installation of a small window through which the locking pins could be seen, along with a placard containing a diagram and the words Caution: verify latch pins engaged. They also asked that airlines increase the maximum extension of the lock tube by 6 millimeters and install a support plate around the torque tube, which would together ensure that no human could produce enough force to close the locking handle if the door wasnt locked. The latch of the DC-10 is a study in human factors, interface design, and engineering responsibility. Identifying all those who died in the Ermenonville crash was an enormous task because of the general confusion at Orly Airport and the last-minute rush for seats just before flight 981s departure. Because the aircraft was manufactured by an American company, observers from the United States participated. And unless major systemic improvements are made, such as drastically increasing funding for FAA oversight, such a sequence of events may yet happen again. What Is SID Standard Instrument Departure . (The resulting friction eventually led to Charles Miller being forced out of the NTSB for being too vocal in his criticism of the FAA. Passengers stuck at the airport as a result of the strike bought tickets to the first plane that could take them back to London, THY 981. As the National Transportation Safety Board began its investigation, their first priority was to examine the cargo door to understand why it had come open. Mr. Mehmet Sadettin Pekerol, 55, divorced, three children, importer To solve these recurring problems, in 1972 McDonnell Douglas devised a more robust wire which would mitigate the voltage drops, and issued a service bulletin encouraging DC-10 operators to install it. Those moments were recorded in the cockpit sound recorder as follows. Most European airlines planned to take two years to incorporate the DC-10 into their fleets; Turkish Airlines wanted to do it in twelve weeks. This possibility of a catastrophic failure as a result of this overall design was first discovered in 1969, and actually occurred in 1970 in a ground test. He did not know that the hinges had not moved over-center and the locking pins were not in place. Mr. Charles Henry Sargeant, 49, married, three children, farmer Mr. Peter John Walsh, 23, lithographer Mr. John North Lewis W1son, 25, married, research economist and his wife Joyce, 24, teacher At Orly airport, 50 passengers are scheduled to disembark. Her companion, who had herself been thrown to the ground by the force of the blast, came to her aid, and together they managed to scramble to safety. On the ground, it was discovered the rear cargo door had opened in flight. At that time, American flight safety officials detected the problem in the cargo door of the DC-10 aircraft and reported it to the relevant units. Dedicated in memory of the victims and their families affected by the crash of Turkish Airlines, Flight 981 in Paris, France, 1974. The plane yawed sharply left, the nose dropped, and all three engines rolled back to idle. On the Turkish side, Air Force officials who were deeply involved in the management of the airline also liked the idea of the DC-10. Mr. Peter Graham Morris, 29, married, lawyer As every policeman and firefighter in Senlis rushed into the Ermenonville Forest, Lannier didnt know what to expect. We hit the ground; Ulusman said. Mr. Takehiro Higuchi, 26, married architect and his wife Atsoko, 25, elcrk However, McDonnell-Douglas knew about the flaws with the door design and an NTSB directive after a similar incident had not been implemented. With the rudder pedals jammed, he had to turn left using the ailerons instead, putting the plane into an awkward crab-like attitude as it streaked through the sky. [2] The plane remained in the air another 70 seconds while the pilots tried to regain control, unsuccessfully. Meanwhile, back in 1972, engineers at the Convair division of General Dynamics, which Douglas had contracted to manufacture the fuselage and doors according to its specifications, began to express concern about the design of the aircrafts floor. The cargo door design flaw, and the consequences of a resulting in-flight decompression, had been noted by Convair engineer Dan Applegate in a 1972 memo. Select a stopover airport from the list below to see which airlines operate flights from POZ to FRL, and to see what flight schedules are available. This created a pressure differential between the cabin and the hold which amounted to several tons per square meter, a force that the floor was not designed to withstand. Pilots However, the head of the Western regional office of the FAA, which oversaw McDonnell Douglas, clearly saw the danger of the cargo door design, and knew that it would eventually need to issue a mandatory Airworthiness Directive (AD) legally requiring the manufacturer to implement a redesign or risk the planes being grounded. The plane was a 1-year-old Mcdonnell Douglas DC-10. Problems with the hatches had occurred previously, most notably in an identical incident that happened on American Airlines Flight 96 in 1972. Although Convair informed McDonnell Douglas of the potential problem, Douglas ignored these concerns, because rectification of what Douglas considered to be a small problem with a low probability of occurrence would have seriously disrupted the delivery schedule of the aircraft, and caused Douglas to lose sales. The investigation sparked blame on Turkish Airlines and Douglas itself since both were at fault for different parts of the crisis. Discover Airbus A330-300 Mr. Michael Hannah, 24, actor-fashion model Loading of interactive PowerBI reports may take few seconds,
In fact, 75% of the DC-10s certification items were handled by FAA-designated engineers who worked for McDonnell Douglas, a practice known as delegation. The aircraft, a DC-10 Series 10 (production designation Ship 29), was built in Long Beach, California, under the manufacturer's test registration N1337U,[1] and leased to Turkish Airlines as TC-JAV on 10 December 1972. Mr. Yuji Okamura, 23, bank management trainee This stop absorbs most of the forces acting upon the door in flight. And by aggressively marketing the DC-10 to Turkish Airlines, then giving this ill-prepared carrier a defective airplane, they all but ensured that that crash would happen at THY. It crashed after the cargo door blew out resulting a a nose dive, killing 346 people. While the plane was preparing for flight on the ground, Mouhammad Mahmoudi, an Algerian baggage officer, was working at the back of the plane. Most probably someone had attempted to extend the lock tube but simply twisted it the wrong way. But before McDonnell Douglas could even begin drafting a proposal, rival manufacturer Lockheed announced that it would produce the L-1011 TriStar: a wide body, three-engine jet that would meet all of American Airlines specifications. The aircraft left Orly at 12:32 pm, bound for Heathrow. Mr. John Frederick Slater, 33, married, steward and his wife Gloria, 31, and their daughter Nadine Nicolas, 4 Miss Sevim Emeksiz, 20, student Reviews aren't verified, but Google checks for and removes fake content when it's identified On March 3, 1973, Flight 981, a DC-10 aircraft owned and flown by Turkish Airlines and carrying. The design of the cargo door was, of course, flawed from the beginning. Mr. Malcolm Sorkin, 44, married, lawyer and his wife Ruth Yvonne, 43 All the pilots fought with everything they had to pull out of the dive, but all their controls were useless; there was nothing they could do. 3 March 1974; THY Turkish Airlines DC10; TC-JAV; flight 981; near Paris, France: The aircraft was a scheduled international flight from Paris to London. Strike by British European Airways Employees American Airlines flight 96 touched down at high speed on its main landing gear, but within seconds the DC-10 began to veer to the right, rumbling off the runway and across the grass, headed straight for a cluster of airport buildings. Mr. Mehmet Engin 1nan, 21, student and his sister Hatize Burcin, 25, student Mrs. Vilma Ortaagopyan, 37, married, two children Mr. Jack Middieton, S4, married, one child, company director and his wife Joan Margaret, 51 Mrs. Fatma Gonul Cizravi, 25, married Mr. Owen James Williams, 28, merchant Mr. Fikri Gurel, 29, married, waiter and his wife Hasibe, 21 Mr. Junze Kato, 22, trading company management trainee To this day, this is the deadliest incident on French soil and the fourth deadliest accident in the history of civil aviation. No bomb found on Turkish Airlines plane, flight cleared for . Technological advances were able to eliminate most of these problems, though. Mr. Bobuo Iwanaga, 23, bank management trainee Today, the story of the DC-10 cargo door and the suffering it caused is often oversimplified, reduced to the two accidents, the gentlemens agreement, and the Applegate memo. Mr. Boubacar Sy, 40, married, merchant, SPANISH Mr. Takashi Ogura, 22, trading company management trainee For at least six weeks the police were not even certain of how many people had died. This disaster was one of the main reasons why Douglas company crashed. Mrs. Margaret Eileen Davies, 58, married, one child, social worker No. It was normally the duty of either the airliner's flight engineer or the chief ground engineer of Turkish Airlines to ensure that all cargo and passenger doors were securely closed before takeoff. The flight's second leg, from Paris to London Heathrow Airport, was normally underbooked, but due to strike action by British European Airways employees, many London-bound travellers who had been stranded at Orly were booked onto Flight 981. The supervisor explained that this was a common occurrence, and that it was not dangerous since the pressure would force the vent door into its frame once the plane started climbing. Miss Lucie Ludmilla Loubenzow, 26, secretary Basilberry. Were they linked? After all he had done, for a moment Captain McCormick feared that it would be in vain. Miss Prudence Hedley Pratt, 30, fashion model The terrifying result of the mis-rigging is, however, well-established. Flight 981 had flown from Istanbul that morning, landing at Paris's Orly International Airport just after 11:00am local time. Mr, Michael Frederick Townshend, 43, bank manager Moments later, his assistant called him back to report that the plane was in fact a Turkish Airlines DC-10 with at least 185 people on board. By the time the DC-10 was full, there were 335 passengers on board, hailing from 21 different countries. Mr. Franois Druesne, 35, married, five children, chemical engineer But the vent door didnt quite close, so Eggert called over his supervisor for advice. Mr. Yashihiko Tsuji, 22, trading company management trainee Mr. Roy Bacon, 32, married, two children, secondhand dea1er Miss Christiane Muller, 26, chief librarian, INDIAN There was nothing actually wrong with Applegates argument, he wrote in his official reply the possibility of failure was real, as was the likelihood that Convair would be held liable in the event of a crash. Lockheeds door opened outward, but it would also slide downward before latching such that a set of hooks on the edges of the door slipped snugly into detents on the door frame. Note: this accident was previously featured in episode 5 of the plane crash series on October 7th, 2017, prior to the series arrival on Medium. Mrs. Diana Connelly, 43, married, one child, shorthand-typist Mr. Shigeo Hosoi, 23, baak management trainee Any force transmitted through the latches themselves will attempt to push the hinge even farther over-center, which is rendered impossible by a metal stop that limits the movement of the hinge. Mr. Ahmet Oral, 27, student [3] This meant that after the explosion, the aircraft was uncontrollable.[3]. But as he held down the button to drive the latch actuator, the voltage dropped and the actuator stopped before the hinges could move over-center. Mr. Ikuo Itoh, 23, businessman Shortly after 12:40 pm, just after Flight 981 passed over the town of Meaux, the rear left cargo door blew off. To verify this Passenger list, you can visit the website aerosteles which provides a detail of the monument. Mrs. Clarita Arditti, 27, married, two children, and her son Julian Edgar, 2 It was too late, however, and 72 seconds after the initial door hatch gave way, the plane slammed into the trees of Ermenonville Forest, a state-owned forest at Bosquet de Dammartin, in the commune of Fontaine-Chaalis, Oise. Mr. Richard Anthony Riley, 35, married, three children, company director To lock the door, a ground handler pushes down on a handle on the outside of the door. The locking pins then ran into the sides of the flanges and stopped, the torque tube bent downward in the middle, the locking handle moved into the locked position, and the cockpit warning light went out. The result was that the DC-10 indeed flew before the L-1011 rolled, first taking to the skies on August 29th, 1970. Mr. Motohisa Kinugasa, 22, bank management trainee Blog at Eastaugh and Chris Sternal-Johnson. Delegation is necessary to some extent because the FAA lacks enough staff to certify every part of every new airplane. Mr. Ernesto Justo, 25, head waiter, SWEDISH Mr. Robert G, Rcynaud, 43, married, tvro children, sales supervisor Mr. Takeo Shinmi, 22, bank management trainee Also on board were John Cooper, who won silver medals in men's 400 metres hurdles and the 4 400 metres relay at the 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo,[6] and James Conway, general secretary of the Amalgamated Engineering and Electrical Union. With the locking pins overlapping the flanges by only 2.5 millimeters even at full extension, and no support plate to stop the torque tube from bending, only 13 pounds (57 Newtons) of force were required to bend the torque tube and lock a door that was not fully over-center. Controllers also picked up a distorted transmission from the plane; the aircraft's pressurisation and overspeed warnings were heard over the pilots' words in Turkish, including the co-pilot saying "the fuselage has burst!" A member of the Star Alliance since 2008, it uses its strategic location to offer key connections to and from Europe. This was in fact the most pressing concern for the NTSB, because while the cargo door was certainly dangerous, it was the collapse of the floor that was likely to lead to the loss of the airplane in such an event, and indeed the crew of flight 96 had only escaped disaster by the thinnest of margins. Mr. Leslie George Paine, 47, married, four children, mining engineer Mr. Yasunori Takashima, 23, bank management trainee The young nurses and paramedics who joined the search certainly thought they were going to be treating survivors. Mr. l4onald Lee Smith, Jr., 12 But in such an extreme right yaw, the right wing was already in danger of stalling and spiraling in; therefore, using too much left aileron could push the angle of attack beyond the critical point and cause a catastrophic loss of lift on the right side. Mr. Jean-Jacques Coussens, 42, married, two children, driver, GERMAN 50 passengers disembarked in Paris. Analyzer of plane crashes and author of upcoming book (eventually). Turkish Airlines Flight 981, which left Istanbul at just before 8am has arrived at its intermediate stop before its final destination of London Heathrow. In the final 15 seconds, the aircraft's descent rate began to decrease as the nose raised as a result of the aircraft's high speed. 2 each from Australia, Hungary, India, Mexico, the Philippines, South Korea, Singapore. To prevent this, the DC-10 used a latching system incorporating "over-center latches" four C-shaped latches mounted on a common torque shaft that were rotated over latching pins ("spools") fixed to the aircraft fuselage. The deal was closed in late September 1972, leaving very little time to get the planes and the airline ready by Christmas. The NTSB's investigation into Flight 96 found that the handlers had forced the locking handle closed, in spite of the fact that the latches had not engaged fully because of an electrical problem. The collapse also severed the cables that controlled the number two engine and the left elevator, while the right elevator cable was crimped within a buckled floor section, making it difficult to move. via Tirana 3h 50. As of 6 December 2015, Flight 981 is still the deadliest single-plane accident with no survivors. However, it was too late to stop production of the six DC-10s, so McDonnell Douglas decided to finish them and park the planes next to its facility at Long Beach Airport in California until a buyer could be found. Everything that wasnt tied down rushed toward the back of the plane, where, to the immense horror of the cabin crew, a gaping hole had opened in the floor, through which clouds could be seen hurtling past at great speed. Nine passengers were never identified. Mr. Amadeu Pumar Bergamini, 22, student if it had crashed with 11 crew and 117 passengers being lost, not 11 crew and 335 passengers or would the 215 fewer passengers have made a difference? Mr. Roberto Antonio Campanella dos Santos, 22, student, Mr. Pedra Pernias, 52, married, two children, writer and his wife Ilda Lina Elisa, 737-800 Passenger Service Unit . No one, not even the experienced police captain, could have been prepared for what they actually found. Flight 981's captain was Nejat Berkz, age 44, with 7,000 flying hours. This article is written without reference to and supersedes the original. One of these accidents undoubtedly occurred on Turkish Airlines flight 981. Mr. Trevor Vincent Dangerfield, 37, married, company director Mrs. Claire Black, 46, married, three children, artist Boeing was on track to take over the jet market, while Douglas fell into such a deep financial hole that its banks suspended its credit and company executives searched in despair for an injection of cash, no matter where it came from. An outward-opening hatch, however, relies entirely upon its latch to prevent it from opening in flight. J. But the change was voluntary, and airlines were slow to adopt it; by the time of the flight 96 incident, American Airlines had yet to fit the new wire to its DC-10 cargo doors. On the morning of the 3rd, one such flight that had many empty seats was THY Turkish Airlines flight 981, service from Istanbul to London via Paris. Dan Applegate was Director of Product Engineering at Convair at the time. Mr. Peter Frederick Warnett, 36, married, one child, technical services representative . Mrs. Sylvia Mary Beaumont Roch, 61, married, one child Mr. James Allan Overton, 37, married, three children, engineer and his wife Susan Brenda, 31 Mr. Hayim Kohen, S 1, married, two children, exporter and his wife Coya, 43, exporter Even though the pilots' ability to control the aircraft was compromised by the severing of some of the underfloor cables in the blown-out section of the plane, they were able to land it in Detroit without further injuries. The plane was diving ever more steeply toward the ground, spiraling downward faster and faster, hurtling toward the fields, forests, and villages below. Mrs. Clara Lux, 79, widow, one child, typing school director Passengers pulled out their safety cards and practiced the brace position. Lannier assumed it was a small plane from the local gliding club, and he told his assistant to dispatch some squad cars to the scene. However, the number 2 engine in the tail had failed. However, Mahmoudi had not been instructed about the purpose of the indicator window; he had been told that as long as the door latch handle stowed correctly and the vent flap closed at the same time, the door was safely latched. The Flight and The Accident. Mr. John Victor Watkins, 49, married, two children, company director and his wife Mary, 44, nurse "Turkish Airlines Flight 981 was a scheduled flight from Istanbul Yeilky Airport to London Heathrow Airport, with an intermediate stop at Orly Airport in Paris. Mr. Roman Wojciech Filipkiewicz, 63, married, two children, petroleum engineer Mr. John Hanessian, Jr 49, married, four children, professor On 3 March 1974, the McDonnell Douglas DC-10 operating the flight crashed into the Ermenonville Forest, outside Paris, killing all 346 people on board. Mr. Ronald Mark Sanders, 46, married, one child, jewelry representative and his Mrs. Serife Tulga Akbulut, 34, married, two children, television producer and her son Mehmet Yunus, 2 This page was last changed on 13 July 2022, at 06:09. Mr. Nicholas Paul Jones, 16, student Twenty harrowing minutes after the explosion, American Airlines flight 96 came to a stop half on, half off the runway, all 67 passengers and crew shaken but alive. Iberia, British Airways IB-3811 | IB-3176 | BA-848 . The DC-10 plowed through the trees for the better part of a kilometer, disintegrating utterly as it went, carving out a hellish trail of shattered pine trees, riven soil, and pulverized metal. Mr. Tadaharu Sakat, 22, bank management trainee Furthermore, they would only have to put up 10% of that cost right away; the US Export-Import Bank would give them a special low-interest loan to cover the rest. Miss Franoise Bernard, 2l, student Hurt carefully considered the contents of the so-called Applegate memo, and eventually decided to reject Applegates suggestion. Here is a forum where information regarding the accident is available to the public and as a remembrance where many can heal from the effects of the tragedy. But instead of considering whether the design of the door itself was flawed, Douglas blamed the failure on human error by a mechanic. there are 9 airlines operating flights between the two destinations and approximately 55 flights take off from Ibiza to Zagreb every week. Mr. Metim Oner, 29, married, one child, assistant professor and his wife Seniha Gonul, 24, receptionist [2] If the hatch were to fail for any reason, there was a very high probability the plane would be lost. En 1974, les familles endeuilles se recueillent dans lhorreur absolue du site dvast. With the morbid stoicism of an experienced police officer, he duly noted the presence of a pair of hands, detached from their owners, but apparently still clasped in a final embrace. Everywhere Captain Lannier looked, there were body parts, lying on the ground, mixed into the wreckage, impaled on trees. [5] Some other passengers cancelled their tickets because of delays or a lack of seats. Mr. Tetsuro Sato, 23, bank management trainee Mr. Mehmet, 36, hotel waiter On March 3, 1974, the McDonnell Douglas DC-10 operating the flight crashed into the Ermenonville forest outside Paris, killing all 346 people on board. TK981 was scheduled to fly from Istanbul to London Heathrow, with a stop in Paris Orly airport. Turkish Airlines (TK) Turkmenistan Airlines (T5) TUS Airways (U8) Tway Air (TW) Twin Jet (T7) Ulendo Airlink (NYS) Ultra Air (U0) UM Air (UF) Uni Air (B7) . wife Dorothy May, 51, company director Because of a known design flaw left uncorrected before and after the production of DC-10s, the cargo hatches did not latch reliably, and manual procedures were relied upon to ensure they were locked correctly. Miss Danielle N Guyen Thi, 22, student, , May they rest without remorse May my deed change the way we fly Bruno Druesne. Mr. Geoffrey Reginald William Brigstocke, 56, married, four children, civil servant Ceiling panels came crashing to the ground, and a hatch flew up from the floor and smacked a passenger in the face. Mr. John Steven Backhouse, 43, married, three children, insurance agent The aircraft was carrying just 167 passengers and 11 crew members in its first leg. Mr. Terence Frederick Paul, 42, married, three children, company representative Pathus. Most of the passengers were British. FAA Reauthorization Act; FAA Reauthorization Summary; #MH370 Definition of Underwater Search Areas Dec Miss Fani Ime, 21, student of 1 Mahmoudi had been told that this was the responsibility of the Turkish Airlines ground engineer who was permanently stationed at Orly Airport. The First Officer was Oral Ulusman, age 38, he had been with Turkish Airlines for five years at the time of the accident, with a total of 5,589 flight hours. Mr. Nazif Sen, 33, married, one child, waiter Mrs Carol Lemmer, 28, married, one child, hospital administrator However, the FAA is not obligated to act on NTSB recommendations. Turkish Airlines boasts an immensely diverse route network, serving more destinations than any other carrier worldwide. Many. The problem was that with the addition of the shims, the lock tube would strike the switch and extinguish the warning light before the locking pins moved into the locked position, rendering the warning pointless.
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