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what did isabel lahiri say to matsui
Danny and Rusty went so far as to imply that Reuben was a mentor to them. While still an antagonist of the team, he is recruited in Thirteen (and therefore possibly the twelfth member of the crew in this particular scheme) after Danny's crew runs out of money halfway through the Bank-con. The simulated quarrel with Linuss NGC-persona results in the latter pick pocketing the vault codes out of Benedict's jacket. I think that the vault belonged to Le Marc, now the Night Fox knows the entire thing was a setup by Le Marc capitalizing on the Fox's arrogance. Question: What could Isabel Lahiri say to Matsui during the interrogation? Character information Her expertise, it appears, comes from her estranged father, who was, in fact, LeMarque himself, a negative legacy Isabel seems to want to break away from. What is the meaning of the ending in the Personal Shopper (2016) film? It is not on the soundtrack. What happened in the scene with Matsui and Danny, Rusty, and Linus? It was written and performed by Andy Garcia. Bank is a successful and experienced hotel owner, whose every previous hotel has won a prestigious award. It's called Faust 72 performed by Dynastie Crisis. I'm curious; how would you explain the dialogue I referenced in my answer between Linus and his mom at the end of the movie? Which character is "caught" by Benedict while enjoying a pedicure? Most likely, Lahiri, putting most of what happened together in the aftermath of the robbery of the stock certificate in the previous scenes, told Matsui that he set up the Ocean's crew unknowingly. Rusty's skills are used more in the planning phase of the heists. Are we alright? In Twelve, in flashback, we see him (still unnamed) bragging to LeMarc about Danny's Bellagio-heist, calling him the best thief he has ever seen. Isabel is played by Catherine Zeta-Jones. Why does removing 'const' on line 12 of this program stop the class from being instantiated? Earlier in the film, Danny questions Rusty about why he's been talking to Isabel, a detective, and learns that her father was a thief. Essentially the laser would need another point at the end if it was to alert the guards. Related:Ocean's 8: ALL of the Cameos You Missed. Catherine Zeta-Jones Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. This category is for trivia questions and answers related to. At Rome, Rusty romances Europol Detective Isabel Lahiri. Ocean's Twelve is an American caper film set as the first sequel to Ocean's Eleven and is followed by Ocean's Thirteen.It premiered in the United States on December 10, 2004. Why were Rusty and Danny watching Italian "Happy Days"? Rusty Ryan: We hadn't even started. I agree with one of the other comments, the whole conversation was nonsense, the real meeting occurred at another time without Linus. What possibly is his most famous theft was that of the Faberg Coronation Egg, stolen by him, when twenty-three others failed. Danny Ocean: We came this close to losing that. In collaboration with Danny's crew, LeMarc teaches his protege a proverbial and valuable lesson by reminding him that pride comes before the fall. Question: Why did Ocean's gang need to go to the museum if they already had the egg? Question: What is the 'lost in translation' scene with Robbie Coltrane about? Answer: A "lost in translation" is a kind of con - Danny, Rusty and Matsui basically pulled a prank on Linus to make him feel like he didn't know what they were talking about when, in fact, they were just speaking gibberish. Lahiri has devoted her life to preventing large-scale heists, so she knows more than a thing or two about how they work. The animals here are Danny and his friends, they will try to pretend that they are a bunch of losers and the Night Fox is a lot better than them. Bruce Willis (and a few other like Topher Grace) do not appear in the credits. It was an homage to in-a-gadda-da-vida (the keyboard/bass solo bits). This seems the likely connection to the scene. Roman Nagel is a British master thief whom Rusty and Frank had worked with in the past. They are portrayed by Casey Affleck and Scott Caan, respectively. If you find - Catherine Zeta-Jones- Europol Detective Isabel Lahiri, - Vincent Cassel- Baron Franois Toulour/The Night Fox, - Cherry Jones - Molly Star/Mrs. Thanks. In hindsight, this remark may be the kick start of all events in the second movie, as Franois Toulour is witness to the remark, and because of his jealousy begins to stage the complex steal-off with Danny, involving Terry Benedict along the way. What did the gang steal from Toulour's house? How can they reflect back from anything (like a mirror) and know if someone is blocking the beam, and make the alarm go off? Neo enjoyed reading this story to me, practicing his reading and counting, all as the plot thickened. Rusty takes Lahiri to a safe house that he claims has been lent to him by LeMarc. Watch for it", "25 Things You Didn't Know About 'Ocean's 11', "Topher Grace on Portraying the Racism of Today in 'BlacKkKlansman,' Spike Lee's Brilliance, and the 'Ocean's Thirteen' Cameo He Couldn't Shoot", In Ocean's Twelve,Danny's team is tracked down by Benedictand formulates aplan to pay back their collective debts plus interest. Europol Detective Isabel Lahiri (Catherine Zeta-Jones) investigates the crimes, and warns Danny and company about the dangers of upsetting the Night Fox, the protege of a legendary thief known only as LeMarc. What did I say? What is the code phrase that Tess Ocean says for warning her husband Danny that Benedict is coming after him? Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. He appears to be pushed over again in Ocean's Thirteen, when he is forced out of a partnership by Willy Bank, leading to a breakdown that ignites Ocean's revenge plot against Bank. Related:Ocean's 8's Heist and Ending Explained. She deeply appreciates Bank on a platonic level, although the sentiments are not reciprocated. Tolour is going to find out that they stole the egg prior to the bet being made either way. Rubbish illustrations, poor rhyming and . were released as singles and do not appear on the commercial soundtrack. She was joined by Julia Roberts for the same reason. A "lost in translation" is a kind of con - Danny, Rusty and Matsui basically pulled a prank on Linus to make him feel like he didn't know what they were talking about when, in fact, they were just speaking gibberish. Miss Sponder is Willy Bank's right-hand-woman, appearing to be cold and strict, only to be seduced by Linus (in disguise) wearing a chemical substance. Linus Caldwell: I am a traveler in both time and space, to be where I have been. Jhumpa Lahiri, byname of Nilanjana Sudeshna Lahiri, (born July 11, 1967, London, England), English-born American novelist and short-story writer whose works illuminate the immigrant experience, in particular that of East Indians. All songs by David Holmes, unless otherwise noted: 1. In addition to owning and developing two of the same casinos as Wynn (The Mirage and the Bellagio), Benedict also has an extensive art collection. Short for Very Unimportant Person, he is the real Five Diamond reviewer who is the unwitting target of harassment and embarrassment by Danny's team in order for him to give Willy Bank's casino a disastrous review tricking the casino owner into believing Kensington Chubb (Saul Bloom) is the reviewer. LeMarc is the true master, Danny is the modern master, and LeMarc's reputation is damaged but not entirely destroyed. Catherine Zeta-Jones: Isabel Lahiri. speculation, but maybe she had done her homework on Matsuii, and knew a word that was a "trigger" for a painful memory or something very dear to him, that if captured by the police, would bring him down hard. Was the fake robbery more for the benefit of Lemarque's daughter and getting her to ruin her career, so she would board the plane? 33 During the meeting with Matsui, Linus Caldwell (Matt Damon) is utterly baffled when Danny, Rusty, and Matsui inexplicably start saying bizarre things. This provides what his son Linus calls "the greatest cover of all time." Next to Ocean's original eleven, Denny Shields and Terry Benedict, Bruiser is the only character to appear in all three films, each time as a small aide in the plan, presumably without knowing the magnitude of the overall scheme. Affiliation He serves as the main antagonist of the third film. They really could have just said right after the bet that they had already stolen it and won. How did Toulour know the security code to the warehouse where Ocean stored the stolen paintings? He is eventually successful in his endeavor. Is there a different Danny connected to Julia Roberts in real life? Who is he? Q.V. "Ocean's Twelve": The Boys (and Girl) Are Back. His long-con begins when LeMarc praisesDanny's Vegas heist (fromOcean's Eleven) while speaking with an American colleague, but doesn't pay proper to respect to his own protege. So to avoid having to pay Bruce Willis, and other such actors, a large amount of money that would be required, he does not get screen credit and can accept less (or even nothing) as a favor to someone. What did Isabel whisper to Matsui in the interrogation room scene in Ocean's Twelve? His specific skills are much less necessary in the subsequent heists, though in Thirteen he is responsible for climbing up an elevator shaft. Call them aphorisms or parables or nuggets of Zen wisdom -- however you slice it, Linus has no idea what's going on. Saul Bloom (Carl Reiner) is an ulcerous old pro, who is brought out of retirement to play a crucial role in the casino-heist, playing Lyman Zerga, an arms dealer with a special delivery he needs to be located in the casino-vault. Question: This has a always perplexed me about Ocean's Thirteen and the egg. Isabel is an Europol Detectivewho is working in the "Bulgari case", a case that investigates the theft of some jewels. Jhumpa Lahiri's third novel is the triumphant culmination of her 20-year love affair with Italian, an obsession that led her to move to Rome with her family almost 10 years ago.She renounced all . From beginning to end,the Night Fox lets personal pride affect his decisions. After the Ocean's Twelve manage to successfully steal the Faberge-egg, Rusty tells Isabel Lahiri, that he knows where Isabel Lahiri's father . Answer: Toulour is a master thief so he manipulated his way into gaining access to the warehouse. How to save a selection of features, temporary in QGIS? Gender Played by Jerry Weintraub, the producer of the trilogy. Linus Caldwell: Hey, I don't even understand what happened in there. Of all of Oceans crew, there is just one who is on the other side of the Atlantic, in Europe at the time when Benedict visits them all. The film stars George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Andy Garca, Julia Roberts, Don Cheadle, Bernie Mac. Rusty's ex-girlfriend Isabel is what gets the team in trouble in Ocean's Twelve, despite condemning Danny's efforts to win back an ex-wife in Ocean's Eleven. Tolour is going to find out that they stole the egg prior to the bet being made either way. Why did the group want to steal a document worth 2.5 million Euro in Amsterdam? I don't know if my step-son hates me, is scared of me, or likes me? The final shot of this film is a freeze frame of sorts, featuring a single character. Robert Charles "Rusty Ryan (Brad Pitt) is Danny Ocean's right-hand man. Rusty Ryan: A very cheap one. Danny and Rusty didn't want Linus in on every meeting, but Linus insisted he be involved. The slideshow and carousels can be controlled using tab, left, and right arrow keys. They also need to confuse Isabel and somehow thwart her plans to arrest them. Lahiri is told that the gang is about to be extraditedto the United States. What is the song at the end of the film when they revealing how they stole the egg on the train? When Rusty tricks the gang into going to Amsterdam for a job, Danny, Rusty and Linus meet up with Matsui to hear the details hoping for a better paying job once the first one is executed. His only lines in the movies that are English are filled with curse words, such as in Eleven when he shouts to Danny and Linus "Where the fuck you been? Filming also took place in Chicago, Amsterdam, Paris, Monte Carlo, Lake Como (at George Clooney's Villa in Laglio), Rome and Castellammare del Golfo in Sicily. First appearance Are there developed countries where elected officials can easily terminate government workers? Answer: No, Tolour agrees to pay Ocean's crew's debt to Benedict if they win. That's totally impossible: the poles are drilled in very wet sand (to be compared to a swamp) and you can't reach them from the canals in any way. Ocean's Twelve ends with a twist that explains the main characters' true motivations. In a final twist,Tess and Danny reveal that Toulour actually stole a replica, and that Ocean's crew actually won the competition. Danny Ocean: You called his niece a whore. How can they reflect back from anything (like a mirror) and know if someone is blocking the beam, and make the alarm go off? What did Isabel whisper to Matsui in the interrogation room scene in Ocean's Twelve? In Paris, he and Rusty Ryan (Brad Pitt) meet with the mysterious LeMarc, who tips them off about Toulour's plans. What does the team steal from the other thief's home? Yet another time Ocean outfoxed him. Danny Ocean: You called his niece a whore. Later, he will wake up in Avoiding alpha gaming when not alpha gaming gets PCs into trouble. A mere mention of the word was enough to break him. When the Ocean-crew is in jail in Italy after the failed theft of the Coronation egg in Twelve, the local justiciary hands them over to an American official demanding their extradition. If they fear he won't pay if they stole it before the betwell, again, he will find this out anyway. Grace planned to make a cameo in Thirteen, where he would have run into Rusty outside the casino and engaged in conversation while holding an Asian baby the gag being there was no explanation as to where the baby came from. Factual error: In the movie the poles which houses are built on are situated in the water; one could swim between the poles. from the museum in Rome. Caldwell. Answer: You are correct. At the end, they were to make it look as if Linus' ramblings almost cost them a job, in the hopes that Linus would back away from his desire to be involved with these types of meetings. The original soundtrack to Ocean's Twelve was released by Warner Bros. Recordson December 7, 2004. When the plan seemingly goes wrong and Isabel steps in to make her big arrest, it's revealed that the FBI agent in charge is actually Linus' mother, Molly (Cherry Jones). MOLPRO: is there an analogue of the Gaussian FCHK file? Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Some time later, Danny and Tess return to Toulour's estate where he reveals his glee at their failure. They pay back Benedict and promise not to perform any more heists in his casinoseven as Toulour himself is in the background spying on Benedict. So, theteam initially plans to use a hologram egg replica, and their contrived performancebecomes even more absurd when Tess is asked to impersonate Julia Roberts. Jhumpa Lahiri is a Pulitzer Prize-winning author known for works of fiction like 'Interpreter of Maladies,' 'The Namesake,' 'Unaccustomed Earth' and 'The Lowland.' Matsui, being friends with Danny Ocean probably had no idea it was a set up. front of televisionbut not remember his dream. Question: When Tess (pretending to be Julia Roberts) sees Bruce Willis in the suite, he asks, "Where's Danny?" At their next meeting, when Rusty's in Amsterdam doing a job with the Ocean crew, she is much less forgiving, and eventually chases the men all the way to Rome. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Quotes [first lines] Rusty Ryan : Hi. john gibson a 37 year old soap opera actor. He first scaled the museum and went unseen by Danny's bickering recon team, and then managed to avoid a laser field thanks to his athleticism. Job Description Head of Primary School - (Pre-Nursery to Year 6) This role involves leading the Primary School and managing the three phases of Early Years Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. At the airport, Rusty explains the Isabel that her father is not dead. They reunite in their baement and they come up with a second plan involving Danny's wife Tess (Julia Roberts)posing as a pregnant Julia Roberts in order to get close to the Egg and swap it. Explosive Corrosive Joseph - John Schroeder. In Twelve, he appears in Amsterdam as a lawyer getting Frank Catton out of jail. Europol Detective Isabel Lahiri (Catherine Zeta-Jones)investigates the crimes, and warns Danny and company about the dangers of upsetting the Night Fox, the protege of a legendary thief known only asLeMarc. Having filed for divorce during her husband's four-year prison term, Tess moves away from New York and becomes the curator of the Bellagio art gallery. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? The clip is from a track called "Th la Menthe" performed by La Caution, according to the film's end credits. 1 Hide comments It is a joke :) and it's good :) but what could it be? In Thirteen, he plays a high roller. You can reach her through Twitter @ferrellwithan_e and through her blog, We STAY WITH Onderdonk and Davenpeck, who watch her through the two- way mirror. (If It Is At All Possible). He is the first to be recruited for the Bellagio-plan. There is a black fox figurine and a MP4 player of which brand? They are doing this just so that the Nightfox doesn't get suspicious. The meeting with Matsui, taking place in coffee shop De Dampkring, is composed of seemingly senseless phrases or so it appears. $97 million is what they're short at the time of the conversation. Ocean's Twelve is a 2004 American comedy heist film, which acts as the sequel to 2001's Ocean's Eleven. I'll need to re-watch this to see. One of the original eleven thieves opts not to join the rest of the team in their new scheme, and walks out of the planning meeting. It is not the song on the soundtrack called "the real story" nor any other song on it. The song is the instrumental for "The a la Menthe" by French rappish group "La Caution". It was mentioned that he had them under surveillance the entire time. It was partially about Isabel, sure, but also about humiliating Toulour and teaching him a lesson for "breaking rule number one. This page was last edited on 5 January 2023, at 12:53. Basher: "Yeah" Danny: "Really? Neat to see they did that, I always assumed they'd at least know the sex of a character, but I guess they left it up to casting. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, There's no need to put the films title into the question title. "Rito a Los Angeles" by Giuseppe de Luca. ) are back Casey Affleck and Scott Caan, respectively: why did Ocean 's right-hand man the film. Twenty-Three others failed performed by la Caution, according to the top, the. And do not appear in the past greatest cover of all time. bruce Willis and... All of the Gaussian FCHK file Heist and ending Explained producer of the Gaussian file... Is not the song is the code phrase that Tess Ocean says for warning her husband Danny Benedict. Go to the film 's end credits to in-a-gadda-da-vida ( the keyboard/bass solo ). 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