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whose vote counts, explained transcript
We have the space and time for all your stories. Many countries have automatic registration eligible voters are registered whenever they interact with a government agency. What's being fought over? A lot of Democrats believe you, too, should provide identification that you are who you say you are. Four out of the nine justices on the court today were nominated by presidents who lost the popular vote. If you want to register by mail, a required copy of your ID or a copy of your energy bill or a copy of your bank statement. But not every vote is created equal. The big state race everyone was keeping an eye on. America ranks 26th in the world when it comes to voter turnout rates, with only 55.7% of all eligible voters participating. She was drawing a line straight back to the post-Civil War era, when African Americans risked their lives for the right to vote. But somebody that's running for mayor in that state, losing 10, 15 votes can make the difference for them. How does the system work, and can it be fixed? She was a leading proponent of the voter ID legislation. Melody was expressing a fundamental principle about democracy: one person, one vote. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});Misrepresentation can affect legislation at a federal level. "Whose Vote Counts, Explained" takes a close look at the United States' political system and attempts to get voters engaged and informed before the 2020 general election. On this particular issue with voter ID, yes, he was wrong. Most estimates were that Black and Hispanic voters in Wisconsin were twice as likely as white voters not to have one of the approved forms of identification. As the legal battles worked their way through the courts, judges ruled against the Democrats' position one decision after another. Web Site Copyright 1995-2023 WGBH Educational Foundation. It's a lot of names on here that are pretty active in the community that we're in a relationship with. Browse more videos . Joshua Valdez is an entertainment journalist who likes to write about the complexities of his favorite movies and TV shows, often relating them to real-world issues. The U.S. attorney and others refer to these as the "voter fraud cases." Unfortunately it's biased. Gerrymandering. On Sept. 10, he tweeted Sending out 80 MILLION BALLOTS to people who arent even asking for a Ballot is unfair and a total fraud in the making. We are marching today to dramatize to the nation and dramatize to the world that hundreds and thousands of Negro citizens are denied the right to vote. Do you agree with Desmond Meade, ex-felon from Florida, who argued that determining who had the right to vote was too much power in the hands of one . FRANK C. "BUTCH" ELLIS JR., Shelby County Attorney: I think the Voting Rights Act made a tremendous change. Explain how the vote by mail process works. His ultimate goal is to help the reader learn something new. PBS is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. We find them through press releases from law enforcement officials, state attorney generals and others. Good morning, folks, and thanks for joining us on this Monday, April 6. Now we'd come with the 1965 Voting Rights Act, they couldn't deny it outright, so you find ways to try to suppress it. We would normally see only a small handful of these for any election because of how bolded the requirement is. I know she's not on here. Look who, right there. I was born on Bloody Sunday. All of a sudden the possibility of inclusion began to just grow. And on the ground, local election officials struggled to keep up. They absolutely do not exist. Voters who were locked out of the polls pounded on doors. I started focussing on the state because of its pivotal and deeply partisan natureits split down the middle between Republicans and Democrats, and it gave Donald Trump the presidency in 2016 by the exceedingly thin margin of 22,000 votes. And those contacts help people to navigate a system that was designed to shut them out and help people to cast absentee votes. New mail ballot rules, extensive publicity over how to vote correctly by mail and broadened opportunities to fix minor errors on a ballot before it was discarded worked to limit wide-scale absentee ballot rejections. It goes back all the way to our nation's infancy when voting was considered a privilege, not a right. At the end of the day, voting is how citizens can create change in a democracy. Democrats tend to live in urban areas whereas Republicans live in suburban areas. For Native Americans, voting rights were hard-won. PROF. BARRY C. BURDEN, Dir., Elections Research Ctr., UW-Madison: That law required a voter to have one of about six or seven forms of approved photo ID. CLAIRE WOODALL-VOGG, Exec. States across the country have postponed their primary elections because of the coronavirus pandemic, but not Wisconsin. There has been for some number of years a virus in the Republican Party about wild claims of voter fraud and the need for suppressive laws. Google Pay. We went to places in the state that were being hardest hit by the virusdensely populated urban areas: Madison, Green Bay and especially Milwaukee. The Netflix and Vox documentary, Whose Vote Counts, Explained, examines the history of voting, the issues with our system today, and the steps needed to ensure voting rights. In fact, I thought it was completely fair to not have to risk getting COVID-19 by going to vote in person. Please also read our Privacy Notice and Terms of Use, which became effective December 20, 2019. For us, 80% of our voters voted by mail, 20% voted in person. In the beginning, voting was a privilege that only white male property owners could have. In eight states, ballots are mailed to every registered voter. Many voters are concerned about how they can safely vote and make sure their vote is counted. We continued to invest 14-, 16-, 18-hour workdays, all with the hope that that election ultimately would be postponed. Whose Vote Counts, Explained is an American documentary series that is a three-part limited series that's a part of the larger Explained franchise produced by Vox. Make no mistake, these voter ID laws are a poll tax. My dad, who's a Democrat, he said, "Well, what's wrong with that? Due to past gerrymandering, some states decided to use independent commissions to redraw lines, rather than the legislature. COVID-19 cases across the state continues to climb. If the lies told by the Commander in Chief arent enough. All kinds of systems unique to the United States keep voters from the polls, tip elections in favor of moneyed interests, and give some votes a lot more power than others. Ive had conversations with peers where they explained why they wont vote because of the electoral college, and how it gives certain states an unfair amount of power. Trump and Others Disagree. As America chooses its next president in the midst of a historic pandemic, FRONTLINE investigates whose vote counts and. Some states even allow voters to turn their ballots in at polling places on Election Day. What I'm saying is that's a made-up term, OK? Whose Vote Counts, Explained - Se1 - Ep01 - The Right to Vote HD Watch HD Deutsch document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2022 Hollywood Insider Corp. All rights reserved. The Shelby decision did send a powerful signal, and soon changes to voting laws began taking place all over the countryin Southern states and beyond. Or requiring a witness address for an absentee ballot. 1867. When I heard Melody McCurtis say that, the drama in Wisconsin came into sharp focus. John Lewis spoke with such passion about voter ID laws not just because he thought they were wrong, but because his life's work was under attack. One of the first was a law requiring identification to vote. He's never had any actions, never done anything in the area of trying to investigate or go after election fraud." It came to a head right where it startedin Alabama, where commissioners in Shelby County had sued the Justice Department, saying that discrimination was no longer the problem it had been in the 1960s and the law had outlived its purpose. PATRICK MARLEY, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: That day before the election was the most momentous preelection day that I've ever covered. Voting is going to be met with violent resistance, particularly in regions where there are enough Black people to actually have impacts on outcomes. It diminishes the electoral voice that one person, one vote for those who live in the cities, said Carol Anderson, author of the book One Person, No Vote.. On the morning of April 6, less than 24 hours before the polls opened, Gov. What they said was that voter fraud does occur in the U.S. and it could make a difference in a close election. The important part is that we have the safeguards in place to make sure that people have confidence in the electoral process and that our electoral process has integrity. Every safeguard that's put in place, well-intentioned it may be, is another thing that a voter has to deal with or another thing that an election official has to deal with. The judge said we can't do this, now the judge says we can do that. | Powered and Designed by: WEBSITEITUP. 10 months ago. An example is ex-convicts, a group represented in the episode by Florida resident Desmond Meade. So I started calling different companies and asking them if they could supply me with a thousand masks or a thousand sets of gloves. A Democratic governor and a Republican legislature were forcing people out in a pandemic, endangering public health. As one of our interviewees put it: Theres no such thing as forever in a democracy. Its just up to the American people to decide whats next. Netflix and third parties use cookies and similar technologies on this website to collect information about your browsing activities which we use to analyse your use of the website, to personalise our services and to customise our online advertisements. You should be able to prove who you are when you go to vote." There are cases of voter fraud here and there, but it doesn't happen in the numbers necessary to show that there's some sort of great conspiracy out there to steal elections through voter fraud. Discover how your individual vote contributes to the popular vote and your state's electoral vote in different ways--and see how votes are counted on both state and national levels. Currently, only 19 U.S. states have automatic voter registration. Remove these ten wordsfrom your vocabulary| Transform your life INSTANTLY, Whose Vote Counts Explained, Whose Vote Counts Explained, Whose Vote Counts Explained, Whose Vote Counts Explained, Whose Vote Counts Explained, Whose Vote Counts Explained, Whose Vote Counts Explained, Whose Vote Counts Explained, Whose Vote Counts Explained, Whose Vote Counts Explained, Whose Vote Counts Explained, Whose Vote Counts Explained. Walker took office. By what name was Whose Vote Counts, Explained (2020) officially released in India in Hindi? The series does an okay job of explaining the voting system. But when I was at the Justice Department, I worked in the Civil Rights Division, and my job there was enforcing federal voting rights laws, including the Voting Rights Act. In 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of Shelby County. The first step is checking if you are registered to vote, online or with the help of the party a voter is affiliated with. Within a year of its passage, a quarter of a million African Americans had registered to vote. So there we go. All of the episodes were super busy with color and transition too fast to different scenes.. It happened in 2000 in the race between Al Gore and George W. Bush, and again in 2016 when President Trump lost the popular vote by roughly 3 million votes. None of these things will be improved by staying home and watching the world burn. When your consent is required, you can accept, refuse or personalise your choices. Unavailable on Basic with ads plan due to licensing restrictions. If the person is registered to vote, why is it unfair to send them a ballot? If youre not aware of which one is which between Trump and Joe Biden, then youve got some work to do. Well, I cant do an interview right now because Ive got another one Ive got to go to. We do have discriminatory conduct that sometimes happens still in the voting context, and that's what the Voting Rights Act. The Democratic National Committee filed one of several lawsuits to make absentee voting easier, seeking to loosen requirements like voter ID and witness signatures, things that historically have been obstacles, especially for people of color. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'studybreaks_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',120,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-studybreaks_com-medrectangle-4-0');The Voting Rights Act of 1965 outlawed poll taxes and established government oversight of voter registration if an area had less than 50% non-white people registered to vote. Last edited on 19 November 2022, at 00:44, "Whose Vote Counts, Explained review a star-endorsed exploration of a crucial topic", "Netflix's Whose Vote Counts, Explained Review: The Grim Reality of the Voting System",,_Explained&oldid=1122684721, This page was last edited on 19 November 2022, at 00:44. Normally it would be the exact opposite. When you vote folks in office, you have a say-so on what you want your community to be. According to Whose Vote Counts, Explained, 18 of the 25 countries with the highest turnout rates hold elections on weekends, unlike the U.S. Belgium, Australia, Mexico and Greece consider voting to be a duty similar to jury duty. Civil rights groups went to court to challenge the law, which was one of the most restrictive in the nation and was endorsed by Hans von Spakovsky. Transcript Whose Vote Counts View film JELANI COBB, Correspondent: I'm a journalist and historian. Elections arent just a measure of what parties and candidates people prefer; theyre a measure of who counts in a country. I talked about it with author Ari Berman, whos written extensively on voting rights. JUSTIN CLARK, Dep. Voting by mail is wrought with fraud and abuse and people don't get their ballots. Wisconsin Recount Targets 2 Democratic Strongholds, Home to Black and Hispanic Voters, Threats to Election Officials Piled Up as President Trump Refused to Concede, As Biden Clinches Pennsylvania, Securing a Presidential Win, the Trump Campaign Promises More Litigation, Election Commission 'Not Aware of Any Irregularities' as Trump Campaign Calls for Wisconsin Recount. I don't think there is a clerk in the state of Wisconsin that didn't see an entire shift in how we conduct elections on April 7. Look at whats going on right now! Are mail-in votes actually fraudulent? She's so vibrant. We found the names of residents who had their ballots rejected and showed them to Melody and Danell. As America chooses its next president in the midst of a historic pandemic, FRONTLINE investigates whose vote counts and whose might not. Docos as important as this should be reviewed more carefully. Judge Jill Karofsky has won a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Issues voters are concerned about like gun control, education and student-debt forgiveness are not being solved because the party in power does not represent the majority of the population. HDmilkmakeupHD. He has no idea what he's talking about. We find them through newspaper accounts of people getting convicted. Summary. This election, we can learn from mistakes made in the past and realize how important it is to exercise the right to vote that so many fought for. What does this look like? Why is the right to vote in America still a fight? You can watch all three episodes over on Netflix, launching on Monday, September 28. Leonardo DiCaprio, Selena Gomez and John Legend lend their voices to this incisive, informative deep dive into U.S. voting. / 54m. You'll receive access to exclusive information and early alerts about our documentaries and investigations. ", Sanders' clients were voting rights activistsAlbert Turner, who had marched with John Lewis in Selma. One series that caught my eye was Whose Vote Counts Explained. Justin Clark, the Trump campaigns senior counsel, led the Republican strategy in Wisconsin. Whether one plans on voting in-person, early or by mail-in ballot, it is important to decide ahead of time which method you plan on using. The series is narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio, Selena Gomez, and John Legend. So the potential for this to alter races around the country is absolutely on the table. Whose Vote Counts, Explained (Limited Series) | Official Trailer | Netflix, Nepotism Babies Continue To Spark Controversy. Scott Walker led an onslaught of voting changes in the state. Dir., Milwaukee Election Comm. Whose Vote Counts, Explained gives viewers important information about the history of voting in America and modern-day struggles with the ballot. Whose Vote Counts, Explained (Limited Series) | Official Trailer | Netflix Netflix 25.6M subscribers Subscribe 1.2K Share 66K views 2 years ago The right to vote is at the foundation of. Whose Vote Counts, Explained (2020) Full Cast & Crew See agents for this cast & crew on IMDbPro Series Cast Series Produced by Series Music by Series Cinematography by Series Film Editing by Series Art Direction by Series Production Management Series Animation Department Series Editorial Department See also Earlier today, I signed Executive Order 74 to suspend in-person voting for the spring election until June 9. DANELL CROSS, Exec. Every so often, I like to browse the Netflix menu and add things to my list to save for later. It's considered one of the most important pieces of Civil Rights legislation ever passed, but by 5 to 4, the U.S. Supreme Court today took the teeth out of a law enacted nearly 50 years ago. But not every vote is created equal. And I said to them, "I don't know that we have a path to win this election. The presidential primary here is a go tomorrow. I know what I saw during the '60s. In 2010, Republicans swept the midterm elections. He keeps of a database of alleged voter fraud cases that fuel the Republicans' claims. October 20, 2020 Now That Barrett Is on the Supreme Court, Should Women Start Panicking? What would that look like for me? As a DC resident, I was sent a ballot without formally requesting it, and I didnt think it was unfair. Voting does matter, enormously but it makes sense that so many Americans feel that way. That provision was called Section 5. Open that door! As a divided America prepares to vote and fears of political violence continue, these FRONTLINE documentaries show how U.S. politics reached this moment. The series is narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio, Selena Gomez, and John Legend.[1][2]. Can anything change Americans minds about Donald Trump? Netflix and third parties use cookies (why?). So I think you can look at various moments in history, but to me the critical moment was the election of President Obama and the ensuing internal civil war within the Republican Party about what to do about it. At one time, we talked about reducing sites to maybe from 180 to 120. From voter suppression to disenfranchisement, see the roadblocks that stop voices from being heard. The 15th amendment, made following the Civil War, defends peoples right to vote from race-based discrimination but said nothing about education, economic status or criminal history. And in fact, it wouldn't be possible. newsletter. The United States Postal Service lacks much-needed funding, leaving voters feeling uncertain about mailing their ballots. That closely watched contest between Jill Karofsky and Daniel Kelly was hanging in the balance. FRONTLINE is a registered trademark of WGBH Educational Foundation. This article relating to a non-fiction television series in the United States is a stub. The right to vote is at the foundation of America's democracy. From voter suppression to disenfranchisement, see the roadblocks that stop voices from being heard. For the rest of the country, voters have to request a mail-in ballot and give a reason as to why they cannot vote in person; in four states, the pandemic is not a valid reason to vote by mail. Especially when it comes to such a hot-button topic. Thats about 44 million ballots not 80 million and they will be going to Republicans as well as Democrats and independents. You know, I was not, but I had a absentee ballot. This was a significant factor in why he chose to write for, Every so often, I like to browse the Netflix menu and add things to my list to save for later. I tried for a couple of weeks to convince the Legislature to changing around, make it an all-mail ballot or at least push it out to a different date. This three-episode limited series narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio, Selena Gomez and John Legend explores how voter suppression, disenfranchisement and money play a role in American politics. One of them was a closely watched contest for a seat on the state Supreme Court. The visuals from Vox are incredible and well . This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. We're with Metcalfe Park Community Bridges. Something went wrong. Many people spent their entire evening at a voting location wondering why it was taking so long. However, redistricting is left to state legislatures, where the party currently in the majority often redraws the lines to help their candidates win. For April 7, a lot of people was not able to vote, so thats why we're trying to avoid this and we're not trying to have April 7 happen again. Netflixs recently released a docu-series made by Vox called Whose Vote Counts, Explained in late September 2020. Videos Whose Vote Counts, Explained Trailer: Whose Vote Counts, Explained Episodes Whose Vote Counts, Explained Limited Series Release year: 2020 The right to vote is at the foundation of America's democracy. Whose Vote Counts, Explained - Se1 - Ep02 - Can You Buy an Election HD Watch Stream English The Trump campaign has indicated it plans to launch more litigation. He worked around the clock to get the state government to allow ex-cons to vote. When you don't want somebody to vote, you create various kinds of things. The response was, "If I would have done it three weeks before it would have been the same result." Its one thing to be attacked by the local power structure. It was not just a bureaucratic burden. Sanjay Leela Bhansali brings his majestic signature flair to stories of love and betrayal in the lives of courtesans in pre-independence India. Other states would follow Wisconsin with their own voter ID laws And then came efforts to dismantle the fundamental provisions of the Voting Rights Act. I will not let you down. It is not a comprehensive list. They said it best in the episode: if your vote didnt matter, they wouldnt be trying to keep you from voting. The Florida law against ex-cons voting as well as Trumps inaccurate statement about voter fraud are two different ways of suppressing votes. Every state runs its own election process, and as Wisconsin was moving forward, others were pulling back. In fact, I thought it was completely fair to not have to risk getting COVID-19 by going to vote in person. So we have this concern about voter fraud. The second step is to make a plan to vote and follow the appropriate procedures. We clashed over the competing studies and arguments around all of this. Unlike other places, where the Trump campaign has pursued statewide recounts, the Wisconsin request was limited to Dane and Milwaukee Counties, where Biden held solid leads. Whose Vote Counts, Explained debuted on Netflix on September 28, 2020. We didn't really have a verification of, is this the person? Voting is the direct reflection of our neighborhood's ability to thrive. The right to vote is at the foundation of America's democracy. . Dir., Black Leaders Organizing for Communities: Milwaukee is incredibly segregated. Do Consumers or Corporations Impact Climate Change More? Web Site Copyright 1995-2023 WGBH Educational Foundation. The first is a formal way of not letting a certain group of people vote, and the latter is an attempt to discourage people from trusting the voting system. Maybe 50,000 votes in a state doesn't mean much to the presidential election, maybe it's an all-blue or an all-red state. How did it come to be that so many people who have the historic experience of being denied access to the ballot believe that they're being discriminated against, contrary to your opinion? Trump Wants a Wisconsin Recount. Hey, how you doing? Learning about the different ways politicians suppress voting could leave viewers discouraged, but knowing how far we have come could also be empowering. But Will They Cast Ballots? You'll receive access to exclusive information and early alerts about our documentaries and investigations. I always thought that since the voting rights struggle came to a head in Alabama, in Selma, Alabama, that they wanted a case from Alabama for symbolic purposes, for symbolism, to gut the Voting Rights Act. On March 17, when the governor announced that the election would proceed as scheduled, what was your immediate reaction? Please consider making a one-time contribution to Vox today. JILL KAROFSKY, Candidate for WI Supreme Court: Im Jill Karofsky. So I think that there has been a whole lot of attention paid to the state because of that. Electing to not vote because you dont agree with the system doesnt do anything to improve it, it only allows for stagnation. For Republicans, though, this all spelled trouble. They Faced a Chaotic Primary. As Meade said, Vote like your life depends on it., Live Updates: USA Election, President-ELECT Joe Biden, Video | The Artist Evolves: All Leonardo DiCaprio Roles &, Hollywood Companies Make Election Day a Paid Holiday | Vote, Video: The People in USA Send Messages to Joe Biden and, Hollywoods Youngest Producers: Millie Bobby Brown and, The American Hero Stacey Abrams' 'And She Could Be Next':, Whose Vote Counts Explained Should Be Mandatory Viewing, The Series Promotes Voting, But Not For Any Specific Candidate or Party, First Presidential Debates 2020: Joe Biden VS Donald Trump VS Debates Vs Domestic Terrorism, Donald Trump Attacks Press Freedom, Cops Assault Journalists Bloody, The Power of Positivity: Ikorodu Bois + Chris Hemsworth + Russo Brothers + Sam Hargrave, Limited Time Offer FREE Subscription to. Related article:The Power of Positivity: Ikorodu Bois + Chris Hemsworth + Russo Brothers + Sam Hargrave. Whose Vote Counts, Explained Episode 1 - Right to Vote Directions: Watch the Netflix show here and answer the questions as you go. It started off as several hundred a day, quickly transitioned to several thousand, and then got up to as many as 10,000 in a single day in a system that had really previously been designed to accommodate maybe several hundred requests in a day. Dir., Metcalfe Park Community Bridges: Metcalfe Park is a neighborhood in the center of Milwaukee, right in the heart. In America, some votes count more than others, and the balance of power is unequal. Unless Congress can rework that formula. Just hours later, the U.S. Supreme Court dealt another blow to the Democratsthey would not intercede to extend the deadline for absentee ballots. And we're seeing those things collide. Tony Evers, a Democrat whod been elected on a razor-thin margin, had wanted to delay. He also enjoys writing about current events in the entertainment landscape, and is always looking for interesting topics to cover. It's a very bad system. [Lesson by Christina Greer, directed by Mark Phillips, narrated by Christina Greer]. And it took many years, though, before you had a substantial amount of African Americans elected to office. Oops. Explore a selection of FRONTLINE's reporting related to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. With reporters from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and USA Today, we examined the voting, especially the absentee ballots, how they were used and counted, and the political and legal fights around them. As a DC resident, I was sent a ballot without formally requesting it, and I didnt think it was unfair. We have seen a lot of changes to election law over the past 10 years. List to save for later watching the world burn of what parties and candidates people prefer ; a! 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