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why can't i edit my playlist on spotify
I can't change my playlist cover, I thought maybe it was because somehow I tried to upload PNG version of the picture, but turned out it wasn't the issue. Step 3. Artists and managers can see the song and who pitched it, but cant edit or view some pitch details (e.g. Step 5. 2 - Going from left to right you should see "TITLE" "ARTIST" then a calender looking symbol (In my case there was a green arrow I tried the solutions above on the web player and on the web app. Posts that are not playlists, ask for support, are low effort, duplicate topics, may be removed. (2) Reopen the device you use to stream Spotify. In this case, the best thing to do is to wait a few hours and try again later. You can also try a clean reinstall of the Spotify app to fix the issue. Welcome - we're glad you joined the Spotify Community! Tap 'View Profile' that appears below your username. The information shared above about the question, 1.Solved: Cant edit playlist The Spotify Community, 2.i cant edit my playlist The Spotify Community, 3.Cant edit playlist The Spotify Community, 4.CANT EDIT MY PLAYLIST The Spotify Community, 5.Solved: Cant Edit Playlist The Spotify Community, 6.I cant edit my own playlist The Spotify Community, 7.Solved: Spotify Wont Let Me Edit My Playlists, 8.Why cant I change my Spotify playlist cover? Ltd. Step 2. Step 2. Tap the title at the top and change it however you like, and then select "Save. Ltd. Design & Developed by:Total IT Software Solutions Pvt. Once found the song, tap on the 'three dots' icon next to the song. The troubleshooting steps that you've tried so far are very good. To fix this, simply go to the apps settings and turn off the Cache covers setting. Premium users will be able to upload an image and a three-second looping video that will move automatically. ","hasArticle":false,"_links":{"self":""}}],"_links":{"self":""}},"collections":[],"articleAds":{"footerAd":"
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