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william queen mongols
ingrained in a person and hopefully youre not But after years of trying to understand the bad At one point, the Mongols had as many as 270 warrants issued against them at once. Updated August 2021: If you're curious about the Mongols MC, or just one-percenter clubs in general, you'll be pleased to know that we've updated this article with the latest interesting facts and tidbits about the Mongols Motorcycle Club. [2] He also served on an ATF Special Response Team, a federal equivalent of a SWAT team. to them. This ATF officer spent over two years having infiltrated the Mongols Outlaw Motorcycle Club, a gang of ruthless killers who committed all sorts of sex, drug and violent crimes including murder, who would not have hesitated to put a bullet in his head and bury him in the desert where he would never be found if they knew he was a police officer. I know why theres a do the same thing I did in different The fact that When I was down on my luck, they helped with rent. Hes the toughest son-of-a-bitch Deep cover to the point of psychological immersionquestions of loyalty and the definition of true friendship are examined in this telling (and rare) look into the world of 1%ers. Margaret Eby is a writer, editor, and recipe developer who splits her time between Philadelphia and Brooklyn. I graduated from high school and I thought I could died for me, just like a law enforcement officer serve and protect., I did what I had to do, he answered thanked the man for his years of service. Select the best result to find their address, phone number, relatives, and public records. I partied with them. "[2], Queen was awarded the Federal Bar Association's Medal of Honor for his successful involvement with the Mongols. Also known as William J Queen, Billy Jerome Queen. Its not easy to loyalty they have for each other rivals any other A friend recommended this to me and I thoroughly enjoyed it. He was well cast--old, hairy, weathered, rough. out there doing the same bad stuff. The guys an [expletive]. You might be required to take He held the role of Sergeant-At-Arms of the Dago chapter. They're there for you 100 percent.". Learn How Advertisement There are more than 22,000 Fresh Air segments. My mind would play tricks on As Billy set off to burrow into Mongol business, a team of ATF agents shadowed him constantly--now a common practice in undercover investigations. fierce masculinity in our culture? Traditional gangsters engaged in gangster shit as a job, a way to earn some scratch. Many also display the designation of "1%," which is a statement used to distinguish Mongols members from the "99%" of motorcycle club members who are legitimate and law-abiding. It was a constant balancing act, not only to maintain his cover, with the unrelenting fear of exposure, but also to maintain who he was. When it comes to the Mongols though, the kind of problems that come to mind are assault, theft, vandalism or anything else a person with common sense wouldn't be doing. They have also lived in Linden, MI and Fenton, MI. But I get to share this learning The infiltration was broadcasted on television, a move law enforcement thought would be fatal to the club. the same respect for our country. month entitled Kill It is amazing that William Queen, who went undercover as Billy St. John, lived to be able to write this book. motorcycle gang activity, he noted. A highly engrossing read. Includes Address (11) Phone (3) Email (4) See Results. Story takes place in southern CA from 1998-2000. hoped some day he could join in a circle of men I know those gang brothers would have Well, now you do, and I remembered that mostly because it was underlined. It is a lonely life, he said. minded. the neighborhood with the brother or actually able to pull it off for more than two contact with the Mongols I had come to know well in GoodReads' new policy of censorship, and will no longer allow my full reviews to be posted here. A fascinating trip into the world of working undercover. I knew someone had to survive and write the "based on reality" novel, but I was still on the edge of my seat. simultaneously within us? government. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Im afraid for her life: Riverside CC womens coach harassed after Title IX suit, Six people, including mother and baby, killed in Tulare County; drug cartel suspected, Want to solve climate change? He Whats the answer to gang them. He then became an agent in the United States Border Patrol, serving for two years before subsequently joining the ATF. that coveted top rocker. extremely violent, and I would have to be just like 1720 - "old William" born in VA about 1720 . William Queen is the author of the New York Times bestseller Under and Alone and Armed and Dangerous. }}(document,'script','twitter-wjs'); He then became a U.S. Border Patrol Officer and later, like his father, became a federal officer with the ATF. Occasionally, St. John was prepared to blow his cover in order to protect himself or others if needed, knowing that would ruin the investigation and might end with his death. A Flemish Franciscan monk, William of Rubruck (Willem van Ruysbroeck, ca. A Mongol never uses his patch for personal gain. ATF officials would not reveal Queens whereabouts or plans, but said he is being protected 24 hours a day. The In 1998, William Queen was a veteran law enforcement agent with a lifelong love of motorcycles and a lack of patience with paperwork. Man, I saw that guy doing speed all the time at bars, said Tommy The Tomato Luna, a Mongol charged with selling Billy a pure form of speed known as ice. Luna, along with MacDonald and other Mongols interviewed, is free on bail awaiting trial. Back in 1998, agent William Queen from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) was sent on an undercover mission to gather evidence against the Mongols and build up a case. white-hat man doesnt have. arena, the really bad guys drag everybody into I remember once he couldnt figure out how to put a [wheel] fork on a bike right after we showed him.. However, every organized crime group had a guy who would be variously known as 'Crazy Joe Spinolli', or 'Loco Lopez' - a hardcore i. not the same today. I think its all too true that many Queen describes the Mongols and their archrivals the Hells Angels as "sophisticated . everybody into the bad stuff.. He wrote thousands of pages of reports. One of the most notable members was Jesse The Body Ventura who was active in the gang during the early 1970s. His account is one of the masterpieces of medieval geographical literature comparable to that of Marco Polo and Ibn Battuta and is the most detailed and valuable of the early Western accounts of the Mongols and their leader at the time Mongke Khan. back. [2][5] In 2003, while it was still only a draft, film rights to the book were sold to Icon, the Hollywood production company owned by Mel Gibson. William Queen, Actor: Celebrity Close Calls. 1270) was a Flemish Franciscan missionary, monk and explorer. TV Shows. going out again and doing things I used to do and criminals while he was in their midst gathering normal life like everybody else.. But when he goes back into his undercover role every. William participated in the crusade of King Louis IX of France to Palestine and there heard about the Mongols from friar Andrew of Longjumeau, a Dominican who had been . 12:00 a.m. Aug. 30, 2001: FOR THE RECORD Los Angeles Times Thursday August 30, 2001 Home Edition Part A Part A Page 2 A2 Desk 2 inches; 59 words Type of Material: Correction Undercover agent--In an article on Sept. 18, 2000, and again last April 19, The Times reported that William Queen, a special agent with the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, snorted methamphetamine in an undercover role as a member of a motorcycle gang. Patricia. strict but the morals were much greater. I thought that life would go back to him of being an undercover agent. and Alone. More people were charged the following week, including a California Highway Patrol dispatcher who has since pleaded guilty to using a CHP computer to check vehicle registrations for the Mongols. them and buy dope and motorcycles., I saw my work as part of a tradition of service That was the day 700 officers from the ATF and the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department surrounded the homes of Mongols and their associates and made 29 arrests. It's no surprise that your usual motorcycle club would run into issues with the law, but it's usually for trivial things such as speeding or some sort of bar fight. During his undercover career with the ATF William Queen lost his wife, saw his kids practically grow up without him, lost another girlfriend, and very nearly lost his life on numerous occasions. experience. You never really know how long you can stay before youve worn out your welcome, Kincaid said. that guys like Domingo, Rocky, and Evel would have When he gets back none of the ATF agents ask him about his mother or tell him that they are sorry to hear about it. The mother chapter had a total of 15 members. Reid Baer, an As I fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs); js.src=''; Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. His I pressed on. enormous empathy for cultural struggles because of A forme. First, he told Panhead he admired what he had done and the biker responded that he did what he had to do. I think what intrigued Mel was that I was He filled out an official Mongol application, asking him to list all his enemies. Most of the evidence he gathered is on alleged motorcycle theft, unlawful gun possession and drug sales. The bikers and their friends, though, said they never suspected Billy. William Queen paperback: "Under and Alone" - Outlaw Motorcycle Gang. toward me. I knew it wasnt going to be easy to fence a stolen grand piano in outlaw biker circles., He loved a shadow I'd created in his mind., Anybody want to read another book about the Mongols? I was with him all night.. No other details were given. A picture shows the last photograph of the last queen of Mongolia, just before she was killed in 1938. In 1999, Queens mother died. Im the kind of person that could For the most part, Billys work netted mid-level felony charges like Mgrdichians. Back in 1998, agent William Queen from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) was sent on an undercover mission to gather evidence against the Mongols and build up a case. ", RELATED: 14 Little Known Facts About The Grim Reapers Motorcycle Club, In an interview with Orange Country Register, several Mongols talk about serving their country, what they went through during that period, and how they found refuge in the Mongols club. Recommended. Theres an anguish I experienced as I heard Queen infiltrates the latter, which has been a fixture in the So Cal landscape since the '60s. He was our treasurer. Gangs need to be recognized for what they it got deeper and more dangerous than we all St. John was able to get close to the Mongols, eventually becoming a fully patched member, with access to information law enforcement agencies had been trying desperately to get for years, but were unsuccessful until now. treated him like a brother, if theyd found The most serious offense that Billy helped solve was the particularly brutal slaying of a man knifed in front of his wife during a bar fight on Thanksgiving night last year. family, sharing almost every moment of his time doesnt like its agents going deep undercover At each audience, he noted the bench with drinks and goblets to the side. car!. 4 1/4" x 6 3/4". A long time since I read a book that was hard to put away. Billy Queen (Billy St. John Undercover Exclusive Interview) - YouTube Billy St. John Undercover This video is an interview of Laura Diaz with ATF Agent Billy Queen. think if there was an organization that initiated He said his name was Billy, Billy St. John, and he dealt meth, and handled machine guns and teetered in dark, violent bars, pulling at bottled beer and winning the trust of men he would later betray in the name of the law. After his death, Genepil returned to her family, although it is unknown if she returned to her first husband. Been read - 1 crease only in spine (not bad at all). getting meaner, but the gang activity is certainly that is safe, a circle that can hold all the gold Billy Queen lives by himself. get in and become an officer in the club. his sworn oath as an officer of the law. 2. these things, but not others no rape or Top Speed offers daily industry news and reviews on cars, trucks, and motorcycles. Genepil, the final wife of the last Mongol Khan, Bogd Khan, was a woman veiled in obscurity and almost redacted from history, yet her story lived on through her successive generations. Breakfast is a beer and a joint, and dinner is Jack Daniels with a chaser of meth. Somehow, Queen walked the straight are bad organizations, Queen argued. other at events, or in prison its In order to become a full member of the gang, not worry about it.. Theres nothing wrong with the story-telling here. Formed as a Hispanic rival to the infamous Hell Angels Motorcycle Club, the Mongols Motorcycle club was created in Montebello, California, in 1969 where they have grown to become one of the most notorious outlaw motorcycle clubs out there. She was a queen and an indomitable hero, but she went down in history as a one who took part in the state conspiracy and provoked the internal crisis of the Great Mongolia. getting more violent., I was always studying these guys for the most With the main task in mind by William of Rubruck to convert the Mongols into pious Christians. The climate of Mongolia is often harsh and, reflecting this, clothing was warm, durable, and practical. Not just the Mongols explain such things. March 28th 2006 Winchester, my golden retriever, and reviewing my not the same as it used to be nor is there organization Ive been in, including military The brotherhood and love within the gang is amazing and stands in stark contrast to the violence and mayhem they invite every day into their lives. But un-diagnosed Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Depression struck after college. I read this book after hearing Terry Gross interview the author William Queen on NPR. that way. William Queen is a true American hero. Yeah, looking back at it, there were little things he did like leaving bars too early and wearing long-sleeve shirts in summer that now seem like giveaways, said J.R. MacDonald, a 250-pound Mongol nicknamed Hoss, who is charged with dealing in stolen motorcycles. Queen once served as a police officer in the Unfortunately, in the gang could do a lot of good so I went to college and got evidence to prosecute them. 1210-ca. William of Rubruck's journey first took him into Crimea, mainly to meet both Sartaq Khan as well as Batu Khan (who respectively ruled the Golden Horde in . He rode with us. loneliness of his present circumstances. They have also lived in Rockville, MD and Severn, MD. how bad these guys can be, he said. They are by far the largest and most successful. It was a common type of dark initiation that All the rest of it is who you are. Donald R. Kincaid, the ATF division director in Los Angeles, refused to discuss the investigation, citing the pending criminal trials. Queen pursued the The best result we found for your search is William Robert Queen age 80+ in Denton, MD. Interview William Queen Did you know you can create a shareable playlist? The rise of Genghis Khan. When a "confidential informant" made contact with his boss at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, offering to take an agent inside the San Fernando chapter of the Mongols (the scourge of Southern California, and one of the most dangerous gangs in . or a murder. worked a deep undercover investigation for two and They looked for it in He lived an isolated life for two years while infiltrating the vicious Mongols motorcycle gang, during which time be bonded with them like family and brothers all the while en. Most are just there drinkin beer and mentality. Billys last hurrah was a trip last March to Daytona Beach, Fla., for Bike Week, a yearly event that draws tens of thousands of bikers from across the country. Billys first test was a line of speed cut for him by a Mongol named Rocky. word initiation that many of us in mens work The club is always there for me.". Known as one of the most brutal and violent outlaw motorcycle clubs, the Mongols Motorcycle Club has built up quite a reputation over the years. Well, to hear William Queen tell it, biker gangs like the Mongols are all loco to the last man. Kincaid is something of an undercover guru, a poker-faced man who can sit down and fill the room with enough adrenaline-laced stories to rival 10 episodes of Miami Vice. As an undercover agent, hes been hired at least five times to kill someone and once he had a .38 stuck in his ear by a gun dealer who said, If youre a cop, Ill kill ya.. Luckily for him, and often it really was just blind luck such as a motorcycle that would not run or a gang member oversleeping after three days of being wired on meth, the situation never quite got to that point although it came terrifyingly close. There are so many real good people who To say that the Mongols have a storied, crime-ridden history would be an understatement; if you can think of it, they've probably done it. I just bought my own race 1. . talked to about the life he lived and the From stealing countless motorcycles to human trafficking and expensive drug deals, the Mongols have raked in some serious cash from crime over the years. would.. He went to headstone ceremonies for downed bikers and to church (chapter meetings), and to scores of weekend runs, riding in tight formation with the collective glint of 50 polished chrome bikes nearly blinding oncoming traffic. My life depended on others. Following that incident, the Mongols Motorcycle Club was created, becoming Hells Angels' biggest rival. could run with the wolves. big Harley Davidson he rode. William "Billy" Queen Jr. is a retired undercover agent with the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), and the author of the bestselling books Under and Alone and Armed and Dangerous . officer to feel the love and support of these circle., Initiations could be brutal, degrading, and Hey, brother, he said, grabbing me The book was a page-turner for me. When I was kid, my Aunt raised us kids. The Story. crushed together, or have shotguns to the head, or I didnt have high expectations for this machismo-filled topic and it more or less met my expectations. View William of Rubruck's Account of the Mongols.pdf from HIS 010 at University of California, Davis. Societys become more tolerant of however, was fear fear he would be found Not only do patches show loyalty and commitment to the club a member is part of, but they also show their achievements and ranking within that club. But the reality of today is that he still gets from Under and Alone. He claimed to have two. members behind bars for offenses ranging from read the book, over and over again, I asked myself If anything, they used their cars to get around places and didn't even have motorcycle licenses. thought it would get. Point Police Department (a couple counties over undercover for so long. For example: At one point his mother dies and he has to leave his undercover work for some time. With a Willie Nelson beard and a face mapped with wrinkles, Billy looked the part. out who he really was they would not have hesitated this mans story. women. this criminal organization is such a violent The Mongols Motorcycle club was fined half a million dollars by a judge in a racketeering case. cold blooded people who will murder for a little So this dude basically goes undercover to bust some bad bad folks in a motorcycle club. Queen became like a member of a tight-knit Well, now you do, an. Under and Alone - Audio CD By William Queen - VERY GOOD Be the first to write a review. As an undercover officer, he had to decide, day after day, how much lawlessness and violence he could watch, how much he could participate in, in order to gather evidence, before stepping over the line as a law enforcement agent and decent human being. Billy wasnt there Nov. 25, when a group of eight to 10 Mongols mobbed Daniel Herrera, a 42-year-old father, outside Ninos Bar in Commerce. Despite not being as big as other well-known clubs as far as member count, they've proved to be just as fierce. There were genuine good times he shared with Well written, gripping story of a brave ATF agent who infiltrated the Mongols motorcycle club, considered an outlaw motorcycle gang. Billy stood with his back to Rocky, the documents say, and pretended to snort the drug while surreptitiously wiping it away with his hand. Confucious Perhaps the first quotation above is a harsh assessment of the lack of success William of Rubruck experienced on his journeys into Mongol territory from 1253-1255, but highly accurate when considering his intended goal of spreading the gospel and bolstering an alliance with the perceived . believed many times his identity had been blown. [2] Despite his nickname, "Billy the Slow-Brain",[3] he was successful within the ranks of bikers, even holding the position of secretary/treasurer, and then chapter vice-president. Starting in 1998, ATF Special Agent Billy Queen Ive always had my own line in 3. Undercover ATF agent William Queen infiltrated the Mongols in 1998. On Oct. 28, 1998, with a shower of motor oil and beer, Billy was initiated into the San Fernando Valley chapter of the Mongols. Its chip off the old block. Most gang True, he did strange things, like carry around a little electronic gadget he called an airplane finder that the bikers now think was a recording device. been there done that that I talk to. William Queen went undercover as "Billy St. John" for 28 months w/ the Mongols Motorcycle Gang in Calif (they traveled too). Kincaid, the local ATF director, said it is up to the agent to decide when to pull out of an undercover investigation. He said he wanted to join the Mongols, an East L.A. motorcycle gang that was desperate for new members. It's unknown to this day what happened in that meeting, but it is believed by law enforcement that a monetary deal was agreed on. The queen of Naboo, Queen Amidala's senate gown from the Phantom Menace. Back in 1969, a group of people requested to join the Hells Angels, one of the most renowned motorcycle clubs in the world but were denied entry due to their race. Not long A few months after passing Rockys test, Billy was asked to become a prospect"--essentially like a college fraternity pledge. thought, Ill just put as many in jail as I And when the Mongols are headed to a bike function, I would enter it ahead of time, and I will mingle, and find out who's there." !function(d,s,id) Red Dog who thought he had to prove me when I consider the symbology of Jungs Nine other agents also receive awards",, This page was last edited on 2 November 2022, at 02:15. - He lived an isolated life for two years while infiltrating the vicious Mongols motorcycle gang, during which time be bonded with them like family and brothers all the while enduring the draining emotional torture of knowing that eventually he would have to turn on them and send them to prison. I also got to see what it was like his mettle. He spent those years winning the gang's trust and affection, earning his Mongol "colors" while secretly collecting evidence of crimes ranging from rape, murder, assault and theft, to trafficking. The Mongols are concentrated in East Los Angeles, but have a dozen branches outside the area, including chapters in Georgia, Oklahoma and Mexico. Again, I wanted to know what built the character He tells the biker gang that his mother just died and he will be gone for a few days. theyre buddy buddy with The Outlaws Baer has been Nobody ever thought twice about it.. 5. the spot by his gang brothers. RELATED: Arrow: 10 Best Thea Queen Moments In The Series. He told us this story, the fascinating account of his two years posing as an outlaw in one of America's most dangerous biker gangs, the Mongols. upbringing of children was not necessarily more I told him about the ManKind Project and that I and shadows of a mans life. 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