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william reynolds beyond the mask
Will gives Charlotte the ring he has been carrying since he first asked her to marry him back in England, she accepts, and the two kiss. In their greed and avarice, they had flung their empire of destruction And William is troubled by flashbacks to violence in India earlier in his life, where we see warlike scenes in which more people are killed. Just below that it reads "Ticket Confirmation#:" followed by a 10-digit number. But the crafty former assassin survives, unbeknownst to anyone, assuming the identity of the vicar who died while warning him of the attack. It is a family film (though because of the violence, for older children only) with a solid Christian moral. HUNTRESS Comes to TFN Jan 8! Seriously, I wanted to jump through the screen! Somehow the family thinks William is a vicar of the local church, so they give him the house connected to the church in order to preach. With themes highlighting forgiveness, redemption, and fighting for ones beliefs, this amazing movie has earned our Dove Seal for ages 12 and older. Clean, gentle and sweet movie, good afternoon movie. William Reynolds: Kara Killmer : Charlotte Holloway: Adetokumboh M'Cormack : Joshua Brand: John Rhys-Davies : Charles Kemp: Supporting Cast. Refusing to rush to judgment (or romance, for that matter), Charlotte gives William due credit when she can and does her best to encourage his new right-living momentum. "Beyond the Mask" contains homages to classic literature and film as well as comics and superheroes. William tells Kemp he doesnt want to do the work any more. Working to redeem his name, William now hides behind a mask in hopes of thwarting his former employer. as William Reynolds. Just because it mentions God does not make it religious. Thats the core question in Beyond the Mask, an adventurous, pre-Revolutionary War adventure. Beyond the Mask goes beyond that stock story idea, though, leading us through the (theological) logic of how God must be a part of our change for it to really stick. Beyond the Mask: Publication Type: Film: Year of Publication: 2015: Authors: Burns, Chad: Running Time: 1h 43m: Date Released: 2015: Distributor: Gathr: Country: United States: . Good visual quality. Wondering about Williams spiritual character, Charlotte tells her mother, Sometimes he speaks of God as a distant acquaintance, not a close friend. Conversely, William tells Charlotte, You embody Gods mercy for me. Patriotism and Sticking Up For Your Fellow Man Are What Matter In Devotion, Finding Romance in Italy | A Chance Encounter Review, Is Disneys Legacy In Jeopardy? Biography: Dr. Reynolds received his undergraduate degree in psychology at the University of California at Berkeley (B.A. The film was later released on DVD. But it turns out the name William Reynolds was too evil even for Him to redeem. Beyond the Mask Edit Directed by Chad Burns Produced by Aaron Burns Written by Paul McCusker Starring Andrew Cheney John Rhys-Davies Kara Killmer Adetokumboh M'Cormack Steve Blackwood Thomas D. Mahard John Arden McClure Alan Madlane Music by Jurgen Beck Cnematography Ethan Ledden Editing by Mike Wech Production company Burns Family Studios Terms and Policies I left with the sweetest feelings and the entire movie was very entertaining as well as upholding what is good. I see many people were expecting something similar to "Ben-Hur" or "Gone with the Wind", when in fact this movie is more like "Wild Wild West", "The Brothers Grimm", and "Van Helsing". The text of the Declaration of Independence was approved on July 4, 1776. After reading so many bad reviews I didn't expect much, but I was pleasantly surprised. We're almost a 3rd of the way there and hopeful we'll succeed :) JC: Very cool. Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, List of films about the American Revolution, List of television series and miniseries about the American Revolution, "Purposeful Homemaking: Beyond The Mask A Christian Adventure Film Coming To Theaters April 2015", "Beyond the Mask (2015) - Box Office Mojo", "Faith-Based Film 'Beyond The Mask' Finds Distribution After Grassroots Campaign", "Beyond The Mask | Movie Review | PluggedIn",, This page was last edited on 2 January 2023, at 11:17. Will William be able to protect Charlotte? I enjoyed all of it, the action, acting, love, special effects! The filmmakers chose interesting locations to set the action, from a Gothic parsonage to an isolated windmill to a colorful masquerade ball. When the young assassin wants to leave his dark life behind his employer (played by veteran actor John Rhys-Davies) tries to have this loose end tied up, planting a bomb under Reynolds' carriage. Then wed dress up in appropriate costumes and eat foods based on the time period. Just confirm how you got your ticket. And he rode with a jewelled twinkle. Excellent movie better that commercial hollywood productions. The main character has a come to Jesus moment. View in iTunes. This movie was beyond excellent!!!! Available on Pluto TV, Prime Video, Tubi TV, iTunes. We have estimated William Reynolds's net worth, money, salary, income, and assets. Realizing her feelings for William as well as her uncle's evilness, Charlotte steals her uncle's next set of plans and breaks Will out of the prison ship. His boss Charles Kemp tries to have him killed because he knows too much. William Reynolds . Happily for William, a man yelled at William telling him there was fire coming from his carriage. Murf the Surf: Jewels, Jesus, and Mayhem in the USA: Season 1, The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: Season 1, Link to Marvel Movies Ranked Worst to Best by Tomatometer, Link to Golden Tomato Awards: Best Movies & TV of 2022, Link to Christian Slater and Jonathan Kasdan Talk. Ill be getting what I deserve tomorrow. The pastor counters with, Actually, someone else already got what you deserve. William then has a genuine conversion experience, telling Charlotte, Jeremiah gave his life for me. There are no featured audience reviews for Beyond the Mask at this time. Apparently Beyond the Mask has broken records for on-demand distribution basically, that's when audiences organize one-off screenings in conjunction with the producers by selling a ton of tickets for 364 screens (that's a lot) in the U.S. for its debut this week. Also, the hair and makeup arent well done. Very nice story, good adventure, action, romance, suspense more over acting what is missing just named it.Seriously it doesn't deserve this poor rating. The romance in the film is refreshingly old-fashioned. William tells Kemp hes quitting, so Kemp tries to kill him. Summary: The leading mercenary for the British East India Company, Will Reynolds has just been double-crossed and now is on the run in the American Colonies. Check out the trailer below. Entire family loved it. Neither these AP materials nor any portion thereof may be stored in a computer except for personal and noncommercial use. The action starts in England, 1775, when William Reynolds (Andrew Cheney, Seasons of Gray) is ready to retire from his career as assassin for the East India Co. His employer, Charles Kemp (John Rhys-Davies, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade) has a different plan: deploy Reynolds to the American colonies to disrupt the rebellion and strengthen the interests of the East India Co. in the New World. Cinemark Coming Soon. I have 4,000 movies in my collection and this is in the top rank. So, Kemp puts a bomb on the bottom of Williams carriage. Action, RATING 8/10. The costuming and set design creates a convincing Colonial and old English atmosphere. I'd definitely watch it again and recommend it to a friend. I am a liberal atheist, so imagine my apprehension when I saw commercials for Focus on the Family, Homeschooling, and Libertarian Home Study programs! The Love Of A Family Wins Out In LYLE, LYLE, CROCODILE. Beyond the Mask is the story of William Reynolds, an assassin working for the British East India Company, in 1775, who's decided to give up murder for hire, in favor of the life of a gentleman. Largely unrecognised during his life, Blake is now considered a seminal figure in the history of the poetry and visual art of the Romantic Age.What he called his "prophetic works" were said by 20th-century critic Northrop Frye to form "what is in proportion to its merits the least read body of . Its his job, so he kinda has to be. The movie takes you back to the very foundation of what really America really was - liberty and independence, reliance and trust in God and Christ. With a better script, better acting and more consistency of tone, Beyond the Mask might have passed for a vacuous summer popcorn muncher. But Beyond the Mask fearlessly climbs up on the same stage as National Treasure and Zorro with a story thats two parts historical fiction, one part romance and one part Sunday school flannelgraph lesson. He becomes the Highwayman and the Masked Vigilante, protecting those seeking freedom from violence and terrorism. Charlottes screen presence offers more than romance. Beyond the Mask (2015) "A revolutionary family adventure of grace and liberty." TMDb Score. The main character has a come to Jesus moment. This is a wonderful film, with solid acting, an intriguing (if on occasion confusing) script, good special effects, authentic period costumes and sets, and a pleasant number of explosions. William Reynolds was born in 1560 in London, England. Well done and thank you to the producers. The Declaration of Independence is passed without incident, much to Franklin's relief. The image is an example of a ticket confirmation email that AMC sent you when you purchased your ticket. Chad Burns directed the Aaron Burns produced project. Thank you. While acting as a man of the cloth, he begins to fall in love with Charlotte Holloway, one of the local congregants, but the truth of his real identity threatens to keep them apart, and endanger the new life he's carved out for himself. Wed write an essay about the book we'd just read and then sort of flesh it out. Family friendly. Based on true events, it ends with the signing of the Declaration of Independence but a lot of action, battles, and a little romance lead up to the historic event. Will later discovers that Charlotte and her uncle have arrived in America as well, with Kemp supporting the loyalists on behalf of the East India Company. A huge electricity-generating contraption badly shocks William and electrocutes another man. It helps if that man is willing to set aside his deception. And she reaffirms the truth that neither redemption or love can ever be earned. Its clearly a B tier film (complete with starting out actors and passable CGI) but its trying so hard to seem bigger and it just doesn't work. This movie has great action, storyline, acting and casting. A British East India Trading Company assassin seeks to redeem his past by thwarting a plot against a young nation's hope for freedom. Beyond the Mask has some shortcomings as well. But even from that great distance hes determined to prove to Charlottewho now knows his real identitythat hes changed, that hes so much more than a heartless murderer. Reynolds, an "infamous scoundrel," eventually suffers a crisis of conscience and runs off to the American Colonies, where he's saved from drowning by a comely young woman named Charlotte Holloway (Kara Killmer). It was just so bizarre to watch. Will flees once more, and, yet again, his rescuer dies saving Will's life. as Charlotte Holloway. Franklin gives William a job at his printing press in Philadelphia. BEYOND THE MASK has a very strong Christian worldview. And it's already been successful by some measures -- when it opened in April it broke records for "on-demand distribution" (a practice also known as "four-walling" where the film producers book theaters in response to audience demand) by opening on 364 screens across the country. Ultimately, mortal wounds are inflicted. Pleased with the publicity his adventures garner in his own paper, Reynolds pins stories of his exploits on the wall of his room. It's 1775, and William Reynolds (played wonderfully by Andrew Cheney) is a mercenary hired by the original Evil Corporation, the East India . The world of the film was breathtakingly brought to life via CGI, physical sets and costuming. And he quickly sets out to once and for all prove his worth and that he is genuinely weary of his bloody business. He is sentenced to be hanged at dawn. Drama / Romance 87 minutes / 2014 RATING: 7/10 How would you react if you found out that the wonderful, thoughtful, fun, quiet someone y Peter Jackson wasn't the first to put J.R.R. Coming Soon. If everyone reading this right now gave $7, our fundraiser would be done within an hour. The only person to sign the document on July 4, 1776 was John Hancock as President of Congress. Started a bit slow, but I am glad the I persevered. ), All of our heroes in this tale, including Benjamin Franklin himself, heroically combat Charles nefarious scheme to detonate bombs all across Philadelphia. Though Christian movies have something solid to offer, let's be honest, many so far have been embarrassing on the whole. BEYOND THE MASK has a very strong Christian worldview, but it could be much better dramatically, if not technically, and theres some violence requiring caution. William ends up on the land of a wealthy family, where hes sheltered to be treated. That might be the case for Beyond the Mask, a terrifically earnest and occasionally cartoonish attempt at a Christian swashbuckler/historical drama from Burns Family Studios, the unabashedly Christian production company that released the historic epic Pendragon: Sword of His Father in 2008. While in the hole he realizes that someone else took what he deserves, and he accepts the Lord into his heart truly. To this end it makes extensive use of computer-generated effects and an overtly Hollywood approach to its action sequences. Let me show Charlotte that I can change because of her., In America, William and Charlotte talk about both forgiveness and redemption. The actors did a good job and it actually was very artful. The surviving loyalists are arrested, while Charlotte insists on accompanying Will. And she ultimately tells him that redemption cannot be earned, but only received as a gift from God. I hope it is only the first of many more Christian action adventure pictures to come. Of course, with their affair of the heart taking place just 20 minutes in, we know that the happy ending cant come yet. Copyright Fandango. Now if the movie is not engaging, people don't care and don't bother to slam the ratings. She rounds out Reynolds by serving as his inspiration to heroism and his guiding light to the realization that redemption is not earned, but freely given by God. According to its website, Burns Family Studios is "committed to producing quality, Christ-centered action adventure films, because we believe stories can touch hearts, and Christ can change lives." Watching while eating and texting. Oh Lord! and Good heavens! are thrown out as exclamations. takes place in eighteenth century England and the American colonies. I think IMDb authority should do something about it. Providence soon aids Williams cause when both Charlotte and Charles voyage to the American colonies as well. Coming Soon, Regal BEYOND THE MASK is a drama set around the Revolutionary War period. Later, he asks Charlotte to marry him, and she agrees, provided he meets with her uncle's approval. (More on that later as well. Told he should be concerned about redemption and not revenge, William strikes a bargain with God in an effort to earn his own redemption. That might be the case for Beyond the Mask, a terrifically earnest and occasionally cartoonish attempt at . It was well worth watching. Movieguide is a 501c3 non-profit. Beyond The Mask (1,573) 5.1 1 h 45 min 2015 X-Ray PG The chief mercenary for the British East India Company has made his way to the American Colonies. one more thing to love: Beyond the Mask has the fun of the two principals exchanging flirtatious banter, yet with none of that falling-into-bed-with-a-near . Very clean and little violence involved. Parents considering this as a family night film need to understand that while there is no gory violence, there are men murdered, others blown up, and a very large number put down quickly by a punch or two from our reforming yet not fully reformed William Reynolds. Sadly, BEYOND THE MASK is a low quality movie. 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Reynolds Companies have been honored twice as NAIOP's Colorado Chapter Developer of the Year and most recently, Bill was honored with NAIOP's Lifetime Achievement President's Award. Even so, Charlotte thinks his faith is a little wishy-washy. It was read publicly on July 8, 1776 by city Sheriff John Nixon. She pulls a few fast ones with her sharp wit and her connections allow her to infiltrate circles that Reynolds cant. Williams confrontations with Charles and his men involve intense fistfights, blood-producing swordfights, brutal head poundings and whizzing bullets (some of which find their marks). Coming Soon. There is so much to love about this film, and this romance is a big part of it. This is an action adventure movie, so theres enough violence that families with younger children need caution. [5], Aaron Burns on his and Chad's schooling environment that later inspired them to make Beyond the Mask, The idea for the movie began after cousins Aaron and Chad Burns finished their self-produced film called "Pendragon". The two swim back to shore where Franklin and some soldiers are waiting for them with a prison carriage. However, Kemp turns out to be Charlottes uncle. [5] Subsequently, they formed Burns Family Studios and started a Kickstarter campaign in 2011 to fund the costs of production, raising $24,010 of their $20,000 goal. Stay up-to-date on all the latest Rotten Tomatoes news! The leading mercenary for the British East India Company, Will Reynolds, has just been double-crossed and is now on the run in the American colonies. William and another assassin use poison darts to kill two British soldiers, then board their boat and dispatch several more. It is about a historic time and features great settings, ships, sword fights, and romance. there are things you couldn't have known. The film follows an ex-mercenary (Andrew Cheney) during the American Revolution who attempts to redeem himself from a life of murder by becoming a masked vigilante to overthrow the British in the colonies. While it goes without saying that one should probably not put much faith in the filmmakers' version of events, Beyond the Mask doesn't feel any more ridiculous than, say, Roland Emmerich's The Patriot. Thats what Christ did for me. . Beyond the Mask Still - H 2015. With the help of one of the attendants of the house, William is able to get away, but the attendant is shot and dies. The movie features solid storytelling, dialog and acting. His net worth has been growing significantly in 2020-2021. Beyond the Mask is a very action- packed adventure set around historical events that led up to the American Revolution. Such is "out of vogue" in a day and age where such "corniness" is trivially dismissed as juvenile and unpolished. William meets the beautiful daughter, Charlotte, who falls for William. As an added bonus, a solid Christian message of redemption is artfully woven throughout. The notable concern is violence. Some time passes, and William is able to travel and move to America. When he declines the offer to continue in the same line of work in the British colonies of the Americas, his employer attempts to have him murdered and his reputation destroyed along with him. Working to redeem his name and win back the affections of the woman with whom he's never been fully truthful, Will now hides behind a new mask in hopes of thwarting his former employer. (CCC, BB, VV, S, A, M) Very strong Christian worldview with church scenes, worship scenes, man comes to Jesus, man witnesses to other man about Jesus, with strong moral elements; no obscenities or profanities; multiple scenes of men shooting at a man running away, multiple scenes of bombs going off, punching and fighting scenes, man is shot and dies, man is shot and wounded; no sexual content (just a kiss on the head); no nudity; light drinking in bar; no smoking nor drug use; and, lying. The excellent cast features a strong performance by Andrew Cheney as William Reynolds, Kara Killmer as Charlotte Holloway and John Rhys-Davies as Charles Kemp. Based on true events, it ends with the signing of the Declaration of Independence but a lot of action, battles, and a little romance lead up to the historic event. Unreliable citations may be challenged or deleted. 2022 Giving Company Accessibility Statement Privacy Policy. If Movieguide is useful to you, please take one minute to keep it online and growing. Thats right, the price of one movie ticket is all we need. Charlotte breaks up with him because he is William Reynolds and not Ryan Reynolds. He was best known for his role as Special Agent Tom Colby in the 1960s television series The F.B.I. [7] Freestyle Releasing later picked it up for release in mainstream theaters; the proceeds from the films distributed alongside the movie by Freestyle, under co-writer Stephen Kendrick's team, were given back by building an 82-acre sports park in Albany and by funding missions and a new church for the communities that marketed it. Sort of like a comic book superhero version of How America Won Its Independence, "Beyond the Mask" features Andrew Cheney as a British assassin named William Reynolds who goes to the colonies to help wage war against the Empire, as a means of demonstrating to his true love (Kara Killmer) that, despite his checkered past, he's really just a decent guy under it all. We are only able to make a difference because of your generous support. Dr. Diane Howard reports. In their free time, the Holzes enjoy playing games, a variety of musical instruments, swimming and watching movies. Dont worry, it wont take long. Wow, this was a great moviebut not politically correct in the society we live in today and thus the low rating. Were sustained by donations averaging about $25. Lured by the love of a young woman, he begins to mask his true self for a different one in hopes of gaining her acceptance. Viewer must be misguided if they see the rating. Beyond the Mask brings history to life in a faith-filled adventure celebrating grace, liberty, & true freedom! Justin Chang of Variety (magazine) gave the film a largely negative review, calling it a "a mostly stiff, infrequently stirring attempt to furnish a swashbuckling historical yarn for Christian audiencesonscreen memoriesmakes a pretty odd fit with Wills spiritual journey." After surviving the attack on his life, William starts a new life by going into hiding, and pretending to be a vicar. We see shootings and shockings and beatings amid a rollicking yarn that spans continents and genres. Suddenly, William wants to do good rather then bad to win her heart. A combination of El Zorro and Indiana Jones, this movie brings the history of the American Revolution to life. Bethalto, IL 62010 The agreement, in exchange for his service and loyalty, involves Will walking away without the . The story revolves around William Reynolds, played by Andrew Cheney, who was an assassin for the East India Trading Company. Realizing what happened, William was able to get out of the carriage, but hes wounded. It doesnt skimp on the action with a fast-paced plot full of narrow escapes, brawls, swordfights, and cloak-and-dagger intrigue. 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