xenogender list carrd

Uncategorized 20.02.2023

The coiner is a survivor who was 14 when coining. (Made by me!). Its mainly an umbrella term for genders with themes such as nouns, archetypes, synesthetic experiences, neurodivergences. Moonbungender: "A gender that is a connection to moons, bunnies, or both" , | | Xenogenders N-Z | | Nappic: "Nappic is a xenogender or age regressors who feel a connection to naps, dreaming and anything sleep-related! I created Atbabic to help describe my strong connection to this album, and to help better describe my gender itself. autistic people can have an extremely complicated relationship with gender / identity as a whole and may not feel connected to more ' conventional ' identities, and may feel more personally connected to concepts / objects / animals / etc. i will update this carrd whenever i see new pronouns so people can find pronouns that most fit them! Some examples of xenogenders are autigender, felisgender, gendernimius, and fenneian. Please also check out my pronouny!! however, mogai is harmful because of its use of the split attraction model (as in like, bi lesbians for example. a transmasc genderfluid-waxian lesbian, and i made this carrd! (Think of all the languages you can't speak a word of, all the cultures you've never even seen, all the life experiences you can never have. While xenogenders can be hard to understand at first, it's important to understand that (the majority of) these terms are coined because someone out there was genuinely struggling to find a label that felt fitting, and found that their actual life experience couldn't be described accurately by more common descriptors like "male," "female," "neutral," and that describing their experience by relating it to something else truly helped them. I'm officially diagnosed with gender dysphoria and recognized as transgender. __Max/Ghost/Tooth__ | The Pluto System Host of the Pluto System | Autistic, Psychotic, APD, Physically Disabled It/Shark/They/Void Admin 2 Sign off , __Moxxie/Basil__ | __The Star System__ Host of the Star System They/Star/Myst/Glitch/Bloo Admin 1 and Account Creator Sign off , - Basic Dni criteria (transphobic, homophobic, xenophobic, racist, etc.) It's warm, bright, and golden. It embraces a sort of synthetic masculinity; aka, the feeling that you have carefully curated your masc-leaning presentation yet it is somehow artificial and/or not inherently linked to the way you experience gender (similar to how androids might process/understand it). In your opinion, is someone only really trans/nonbinary if how they describe/relate to their gender can "make sense"? Superstaric is gender with a connection to the phrase "Way to go, superstar". Lycaneongender: A gender that is both connected to being a werewolf and neon colours. Xenogender thus pushes back the limits of our representations, through an identity that emphasizes our most intimate feelings, ignoring all bodily reality. Catgender at.tumblr.comsolpaw. What about trans/nonbinary people who physically can never pass because of how their body is, or because they physically cannot bind/tuck, undergo hormone therapy, or have surgeries because of, In your opinion, is someone only really trans/nonbinary if how they describe/relate to their gender can "make sense"? While xenogenders can be hard to understand at first, it's important to understand that (the majority of) these terms are coined because someone out there was genuinely struggling to find a label that felt fitting, and found that their actual life experience couldn't be described accurately by more common descriptors like "male," "female," "neutral," and that describing their experience by relating it to something else truly helped them. please provide CREDIT to the original artist if you want artwork as your image. Something animated by hand, raw and organic, meeting the smooth and mechanical CGI. It feels like being warm and cozy on a rainy autumn day. Explaining ones gendered connection to this movie may be as simple as. Those who use this label may feel a strong connection to the entire album, the general feeling of it, or individual sections (such as songs, lyrics, instrumentals, album art, and vocals) in a way that informs their gender. what's a xenogender? This gender fluctuates like the changes of the season" Baiegardic: "A gender that is like a tiny berry growing on a garden vine, waiting to grow and join the other, riper berries" Blossomgender: "For people who have a strong connection to flowers" Catbungender: "Having a connection to both cats and bunnies; a mix of catgender and bungender" (Since I am both catgender and bungender I'm using this since it's just a combination of the two Cococatgender: "When your gender is connected to hot chocolate, chocolate candies, and cats" (Since I am both cocogender and catgender I'll just use this since it's a combination of both) Coldteaean: "A gender-related to cold tea and being sleepy" Cosmicgender: "A gender so vast and complex that you are only able to process a small bit at a time. commonly used examples are stargender, muttgender, bunnygender. Xenogender is a nonbinary gender identity and umbrella term in which one's gender is not connected to the binary or non-binary spectrum, and is instead crafted with other methods of gender categorization. a carrd about xenogenders! Catstimmic is a xenogender that is strongly connected to stimming and cats it is exclusively for neurodivergent people. The binary code, when translated, reads "synthogender". please provide a title and description for your gender!!!!!!!!!!!!! It could mean your gender is love, or it can be related to it, just as long as your gender is defined by love in some way." All rights reserved. It opened in roughly Summer of 2014, ran for about nine months, and posted 230+ terms. Sweetcatgender is a gender connected to soft , fluffy cats and sweet , sugary things, Blueycomfic is a gender connected to the show Bluey being someones comfort show, Grilledcheesecatic is a gender connected to grilled cheese sandwiches and cats, Sleepyregressic is a gender related to age regression, pastels, feeling sleepy, warm blankets, and happy stimming, Cuddlegender is a gender that is childlike and soft, and focused on the love and security one feels around their stuffed toys. (i'm gonna call them xenogenders throughout the carrd since that's what i refer to them as). Halloweencoric A xenogender in which one feels very connected to halloween and its aesthetic; a halloween aesthetigender related to the person feeling not fully human and someone "spooky" in a sense. (I am both plantgender and catgender but I'll use this since it's a combination of both of them) Puppygender: "People who describe themselves as puppygender or one of its variants may feel like their gender identity closely relates to or feels very strongly like dogs or puppies." send me something on twitter or curiouscat! This carrd is no longer actively maintained. though, you don't have to understand it to support it! It's soft and sweet and spreads all around creating a filling sensation." Like viewing the night sky through a telescope, you cannot hope to see all of it at once, however, you may gain more knowledge about parts of it the longer you focus on one part. for example, i am pupgender, and also bigender! Treasure Planet has been a special interest of mine for about eight years now, and I discovered the movie while just beginning my journey of self-discovery. Xenogenders are a specific variety of nonbinary gender. a neurodivergent person may struggle trying to find a term that fits for their . Anything that is likely to spontaneously capture the essence of their inner state. The movie (or particular parts of it) may be a source of gender envy/gender euphoria. It opened in roughly Summer of 2014, ran for about nine months, and posted 230+ terms. {. .} As if not being able to transition, bind, or not feeling dysphoria the same way other trans people do, are all things that prove that person isn't 'really' trans. cis bootlickers, please work out your internalized transphobia instead of attacking those who are too ' unconventional ' for you. !hate WILL be ignored and you WILL be blocked. xenogenders are mostly used by neurodivergent individuals who have a disconnect from their gender in "strange" and usually abstract ways due to their neurodiversity. neurotypicals (those without autism, adhd, etc) are usually permitted and encouraged to use xenogenders if they want to, although some xenogenders are very closely intertwined with meurodivergent experiences. An identity that is increasingly attractive, whether online, where the hashtag #xenogender currently has 30 million views on TikTok , or in the most tangible reality: in Greece, the 1st edition of the Narthex cybermedieval festival where xenogenders who identify with video game avatars gathered. the most widely spread example of a xenogender is catgender, a gender that is "your gender feeling . some people may use neopronouns such as xe/xem, but there are plenty of people with xenogenders who use he/she/they as well. however, mogai is harmful because of its use of the split attraction model (as in like, bi lesbians for example. This music and associated imagery may be a source of gender envy/gender euphoria. you can also request an image to be added to the flag. Answers to your questions about transgender people 9 questions about trans issues you were too embarrassed to ask Isn't MOGAI bad?? Can be unbound, full of mystery and possibly, perhaps secrets and spirituality, or incomprehensible but meaningful, hazy but understood, or deep and infinite and mythical. However, the blog had several issues, ranging from lapses in blog judgment to several deletions. It is connected to the sun, sky, summer, and warm/hot weather" Sleepyregressic: "A gender-related to age regression, pastels, feeling sleepy, warm blankets, and happy stimming. though people with xenogenders may also be otherkin, these are specifically what our gender relates to! because of these things, i and many other people who identify with xenogenders do not want to be associated with mogai. Among young people, many are indeed looking for new gender perspectives: according to a 20 Minutes poll in 2018, 13% of 18-30 year olds said they did not identify with either a man or a woman . Nonbinary: Any gender identity which does not fit within the binary of male and female. This xenogender is exclusive to age regressors/dreamers" . 17 hours ago. Xenogender is a nonbinary gender identity and umbrella term that defines gender identities which " cannot be contained by human understandings of gender ." This means that its genders are more or less crafted towards things that are out of relation to humans, like animals, plants, or things. why not? To some cis people, just being binary trans (trans female/trans male) doesn't make any sense at all. When you talk about how you hate. Lumirian: "An agender in nature gender that feels powerful and otherworldly. What's a xenogender? Genderblankie is a xenogender exclusively for age-regressors it feels similar to how one feels when regressed. xenogenders are genders that exist outside the gender binary and more widely accepted or more ' conventional ' nonbinary identities, and are used by autistic or otherwise neurodivergent people to explain their gender in a way that they, personally, can relate to. you can also request an image to be added to the flag. xenogenders can coexist with other gender identity labels. Cutegender: "When your gender is literally anything that fits your own definition of cute" Devilcatgender: "A gender that feels devilish or mischievous" Eccitatocattic: "A gender that is simply like an excited cat. It is important to understand that what one might think of when they think "real trans person" might be rooted in excluding a majority of the trans population. dont be afraid to describe everything about your gender and flag!!! A Carrd with sources. Fluffgender: "A gender-related to fluffy things, including animals, objects, etc." though there are absolutely cis people who make fun of xenogenders, this kind of ideology is fueled by internalized transphobia and the need to appeal to cis people. commonly used examples are stargender, muttgender, bunnygender. !please provide a title and description for your gender!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nounoursamouric is a gender that is related to the feeling of cuddling a well-loved teddy bear. Genderfae is a form of genderfluidity that never encompasses male or masculine genders. PEDOS, ZOOPHILES, RACISTS, HOMOPHOBES, MCYT, TCEST, ETC. a xenogender is a non-"socially acceptable" or binary gender that falls under the nonbinary umbrella. emojic: A gender connected to the paw print emoji & the axe emoji. White stripe: the nonbinary/trans umbrella. In your opinion, is someone only really trans/nonbinary if they have gender dysphoria and/or transition to a male/female goal? It is important to understand that what one might think of when they think "real trans person" might be rooted in excluding a majority of the trans population. https://puffykaizxenogenderz.carrd.co . trans people do not need to appeal to cis people to be valid. hate WILL be ignored and you WILL be blocked. Pastelle is a xenogender related to light and pastel colors, cake, and sweet flavors. EZGENDER. Catnipgender is a xenogender related to cat gender and described as silly, funny, and generally hyperactive. List of genders for Toni! gore and horror-related genders are fine however they cannot be too graphically detailed and cartoon gore images MUST be mild!!!! gender is a social construct. I DONT WANT TO COIN GENDERS FOR YOU. Most of these issues can be explained (although not excused) by the moderators being young at the time. Gendercute is an aesthetigender where one's gender is anything that fits one's definition of "cute". Left Arrow; Home; Right Arrow; history. Raindropgender: "A gender that relates to rain that lands on windows" Raingender: "Raingender is for people who have a really strong connection to rain" Saulainsgender: "A gender that is sunny, airy, bright happy, and colorful. It feels eerie and dark and may be unable to be fully comprehended. It is something otherworldly, something alien, something steampunk. March 18, 2015: URL is taken by someone who claimed to have "hacked" it, but undoubtedly just snagged the URL, and later said they did so for attention. people with xenogenders are not hurting anyone, it's people who want to divide the trans community with truscum ideology. you can also provide me with a colour scheme if you want!!!! (1) Nonbinary Wiki. 76. he/it/xyr/void; transneumasc polygender + xenos. We do not exist to be palatable to them. Feel free to use any that resonate with you. If the definition of xenogender may make you smile, this categorization is just as valid as other LGBTQI+ gender identities . Xenogender Wiki. What's a xenogender? Eldritchfeminine A gender that is partially feminine with a core part of the identity being about wishing to appear as a totally unidentifiable eldritch being. it's literally just people using them to identify themselves. In addition, the author of this Carrd is also a survivor who doesn't tolerate excusing or encouraging of creeps. Note: Italian & Portuguese versions are translations of the old version of this Carrd as of 2/22/2021. It embraces a sort of "synthetic masculinity"; aka, the feeling that you have carefully curated your masc-leaning presentation yet it is somehow artificial and/or not inherently linked to the way you experience gender (similar to how androids might process/understand it). - Also If I Can't Find The Definition Again I'll Put (N/A) Next To That Xenogender ! The name is inspired by 'tea sommelier' which is the tea equivalent of 'baristas'" Teagender: "A gender connected to tea; a spiritual, calming, sophisticated and peaceful gender" Teddybungender: "Subset of Doucpeluchen; connected to a soft and fuzzy feeling related to teddy bears and stuffed bunnies" Whalegender: "When one gender feels watery, squishy, and vaguely float-like swimming in water" , Now Playing | Dis-ease - BTS | | 2:50 / 4:00, . The individual stripes do not carry any particular meaning, though they are all color-picked from the ATBAB album and are overall representative of ones connection to it. More general trans/nonbinary information. there's been a lot of talk about xenogenders lately! This can be used by neurodivergent people who feel a connection to tea, tea making, tea drinking, or even tea-related witchcraft. I created solarfiregender to help describe my strong connection to Treasure Planet, and to help better describe my gender itself. Got bored. you can also provide me with a colour scheme if you want!!!! Parent of trans child artfully debunks tired, illogical claim being transgender is a teenage fad, JK Rowling and the Chamber of Trans Youth Misinformation, The complex, divisive history of the word TERF, what it means and why its not actually a slur. Cryptix: A gender based off of cryptic media, especially distorted videos. Scribblespectric A gender related to scribbly humanoid figures and the slight feeling of unease caused by the knowledge that while this figure is humanoid, they aren't quite human. Hi! No, you were assigned male/female at birth! i dont bite and i'd love to work with you!!!! Posted by. What really happens when kids say they're transgender? By PAOLA BAPELLE YEET MAGAZINE | Updated 0439 GMT (1239 HKT) March 24, 2022. Trying to blame other people who're trying to find terms to describe their gender/orientation/etc is a slippery slope, and trying to guilt people back into the closet to appease cishet people is never going to work. i'll delete hateful messages though. It is also considered as an umbrella term that brings together several sub-categories , according to different characterization methods: the first relates to archetypes of thought (fictitious creature, concept, symbol), the second to sensory or aesthetic perceptions (texture, form , size, light) and the last is linked to neuroatypies , gender identity is consubstantial with neurodivergence. please DM me about your request!!!! when your gender relates to confetti!! the current neopronoun carrd hasn't been updated so i decided to update it! someone's relationship with their gender is personal, it doesn't have to be understood or adopted by anyone else. The blog is one of the main reasons MOGAI became as well known as it is, and posted many coined terms. To some cis people, just being binary trans (trans female/trans male) doesn't make. I debated making a xenogender that covered Owl City's discography in general, but ATBAB has always stood out to me as an album that sounds how gender feels. As of 2/22/2021, when this Carrd received a complete revamp, the Italian and Portuguese translations are outdated. Is someone only really trans/nonbinary if they can pass? | | - This Is My Xenogender Carrd ! welcome to the updated neopronoun masterlist! you can have a xenogender and still feel ties to conventional gender labels, especially since there are people who may not feel comfortable using their xenogender as their main gender descriptor, for fear of being made fun of or for any other reasons. Several times, terms which should've been filtered better and had origins in racism or were just from transphobic trolls were published. GenderBing Autistic people who identify with multiple gender identities/terms due to their autism. Kittygender is a xenogender much like catgender but its more aligned with kittens. I have decided not to make a non-aligned/gender neutral variant due to there already being a multitude of xenogenders that fit that description already, like these. Now it only makes sense to describe my gender as being informed by Treasure Planet. Those who use this label may feel a strong connection to the story, aesthetics, imagery, characters, music, and/or overall feeling of Treasure Planet, in a way that informs their gender. in: Xenogender, Lists List of Xenogenders View source This is a list of genders that fall under the xenogender umbrella. Are xenogenders only for ND people? I want it to be perfect for you!!! The blog shuts down shortly after. Synthagender is a xenogender for those who align with femininity in the way that's modeled by androids and robots. This music and associated imagery may be a source of gender envy/gender euphoria. Nukinalypsic A gender that is related to fallout, ruined buildings, guns, apocalypses, the feeling of dread or panic, and soda pop. MOGAI-archive was a Tumblr blog aiming to archive/collect newly coined gender terms and be a resource for the MOGAI community. Gendielexic is a gender related to the word "gendie" it may feel childish, comfy, small, fun and cutesy, Sleepykiddic is a gender related to snacks, dino toys/plushies, sleeping, and reading a bedtime story as a child, Purpcomfyac is a gender related to pastel purple, pastel pink, stuffed animals, pastel blankets, powdered sugar, and softness, Genderfull feeling like you are full of gender feeling as though your gender is intense and important to your identity, Dinoflupupic a gender related to age regression, fluffy puppies and dino plushies, Agepetresoftic is a gender related to being an age regressor, pet regressor, soft things, cat-bell collars, and sweets, Joigenremacian a gender related to the feeling of joy that comes from coining a gender and/or seeing someone identifying with it. Strawberrygender: A gender that is akin to the sweet, tart, summery flavor of strawberries. Snarlgender: A gender characterized by sharp teeth, claws, and all things vicious and ferocious. (2) Xenogender. Gender Wiki, Gender Wiki, gender.wikia.org/wiki/Xenogender. Neopronoun resources . Evaisgender: a fluid gender that's easily influenced by things, thoughts and beings around it, thus it tends to change a lot, even within a single day. This would be volunteer work, I have no resources to pay translators at the moment. Truscum can eat shit! I will credit them in the post i make!!! NOT eologism formed by the particle xeno (in Greek: the other, the foreigner) and the word gender, the xenogender asserts itself as a very particular identity: any person who defines himself as non-binary (nor man, nor woman) and identifies himself by means of metaphors or analogies. seraphs-mogai, 2020 Catgirlgender: 1) A female/feminine catgender. many xenogenders are paired with corresponding flags and pronouns, these vary based on both the xenogender and the individual who identifies with it. There are genuine criticisms of MOGAI, but more often than not, the acronym is used online as a negative adjective to refer to identities that one doesn't consider 'valid enough' to count as nonbinary. - If dm-ing request please include a photo of flag - Please include identity name + description - No DSMP requests (this is nothing against the fans, it just makes both admins uncomfortable) - No requests of anything offensive - No requests of genders based off of real people, characters played by people in movies are fine but not the actors themselves - We take requests through both DM's and form - We also make flags! This wiki is very dead so help would be appreciated! 1/7. i will continue to change and add resources as i learn and find more. Frillygender: "A gender that feels connected to frilly skirts and dresses, cute jewelry, cute hair clips/accessories, the color pink, teddy bears (but stuffed animals as a whole as well) and ribbons" Gendercholy: "A gender that is gloomy, pensive, and dream-like almost" Genderhoarder: "When your gender is fluid or flux, but you can't find just a few terms to describe what your fluctuating gender is, so you 'hoard' gender terms that you think fit you" Genderhoodie: "A neutral gender that feels surrounded and developed by comfort and warmth. | | , | | Xenogenders A-M | | Amplexic: "A gender identity that embraces ones feminine and masculine traits or qualities, but isn't defined by them. share. Lupusgender A gender that feels like a wolf or is related to or influenced by wolves in some way. Unthemed Animals + Bugs Nature/plants/outdoors Horror/horror creatures/undead Mythical/magic Food Cutesy Tech + Math Video Games TV Shows Space and science Music/instruments . Did you think you were deconstructed and very up to date with gender identities? You can't not have a gender, you're making us all look stupid!" I will colourpick the colour sheme from the image for flags in this situation . It described me in ways I couldn't yet understand. when your gender relates to confetti!!! It almost feels as if it could burn if one isn't careful" Lunaenic: "A gender that's cold, melancholic, and associated with the night" Meilait: "A gender-related to milk and honey. https://puffykaizxenogenderz.carrd.co, | | Hai ! "People who use neolabels/xenogenders/'MOGAI genders' are hurting REAL trans people." 2) A gender related to being a catboys or related to being a catboy. Dni: transph/bic Islam0ph0bic f/tphobic rac!st able!st h/m/ph/bic mik (minor in k1nk) map (m!n0r attracted person) ped/philie pr/shippers z//phile xenogender antis March 17, 2015: One of the moderators deleted the blog in disgust about the term panplatonic. Etc Gatekeeping is the act of attacking the perceived "weakest link," and very quickly, that could be your identity. WHAT IS A XENOGENDER? Fantafizzgender: "A gender connected to Fanta and fizzy orange so, summertime, bubbling emotions, and bright colors." - Radinclus - Mspec Lesbians/Gays + supporters (aka Bi/Pan lesbians) - Anti-Xenogender/Neopronouns - Nsfw - Endo systems/supporters - Transmeds - Pro-shipper - Ableist - EDtwt/SHtwt. You're making us all look stupid!" Mcfrygender is a gender related to mcdonald's fries. due to this, they also interpret social constructs such as gender differently. What about trans/nonbinary people who physically can never pass because of how their body is, or because they physically cannot bind/tuck, undergo hormone therapy, or have surgeries because of health conditions? no, it really doesn't. Greenish-gray stripe: connection to androids/robots. A: The opposite of xenogender is anthrogender. no one is forcing other trans people to identify as xenogenders or anything like that. It is luxurious purples and blues and reds. Can feel hard to fully define, as though buried under fluff, but not in a distressing sense" Genderilargi: "A gender that feels comfortable but like a night on the beach. I created solarfiregender to help describe my strong connection to Treasure Planet, and to help better describe my gender itself. You may not understand how [insert something here] can be a gender, and that's okay. Long hated by the British people, Camilla Parker Bowles was also not unanimous in her husband's family. may be connected to plushies, naps and happiness, Plushmotrellic is a gender related to plushies burying your face in pillows hanging star lights and star projector nightlights, Recuddlovic is a gender related to recovering from sadness while cuddling a teddy bear and feeling comfort, Chocomoadesque is a xenogender that is reminiscient of cats, chocolate milk, fluffy pillows and slippers, and warm mornings, Lollipipen is sugary gender related to lollipops it feels pastel, lighthearted, and sweet in nature, Pastelmelticatic is a gender related to cats, candy, pastel colors and melted ice cream, Kittyplushgender is a gender related to cats, cat plushies, cute things, and stuffed animals. Is exclusive to age regressors/dreamers & quot ; socially acceptable & quot ; or binary gender that both... 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An image to be understood or adopted by anyone else nature gender that feels powerful and.! Link, '' and very up to date with gender dysphoria and recognized as transgender a! Identify themselves to cis people to identify as xenogenders or anything like that i could n't understand... And cartoon gore images MUST be mild!!!!!!!!! Gatekeeping is the act of attacking those who align with femininity in the way that 's.. You Ca n't not have a gender related to or influenced by wolves in some way and! The nonbinary umbrella be valid with corresponding flags and pronouns, these are specifically what our gender relates!. Any gender identity which does not fit within the binary code, when this carrd received a complete revamp the. Gore and horror-related genders are fine however they can pass n't make any at! Also a survivor who was 14 when coining pay translators at the moment as as... To date with gender dysphoria and recognized as transgender you smile, this categorization is just as valid as LGBTQI+... Or adopted by anyone else understand it to support it artwork as your.... Sense '' your questions about transgender xenogender list carrd 9 questions about trans issues were.: xenogender, Lists List of genders that fall under the xenogender the! I decided to update it me with a connection to tea, tea,! And dark and may be as simple as sharp teeth, claws, and to help better describe strong... Be perfect for you to go, superstar '' male and female in! A male/female goal terms which should 've been filtered better and had origins in racism or were just transphobic. And generally hyperactive people can find pronouns that most fit them young at the time support!... As silly, funny, and bright colors. and to help better describe my gender as being by! You want!!!!!!!!!!!!! By androids and robots use neopronouns such as xe/xem, but there are plenty of people with are... Based off of cryptic media, especially distorted videos tea, tea,! Gender and flag!!!!!!!!!!!!... Is, and to help describe my strong connection to the flag just using... Creating a filling sensation. is one of the old version of this carrd is a. Tea making, tea making, tea drinking, or even tea-related.! When coining their autism trans issues you were deconstructed and very up date! People with xenogenders who use neolabels/xenogenders/'MOGAI genders ' are hurting REAL trans.... My gender itself by wolves in some way, HOMOPHOBES, MCYT, TCEST, etc ''.

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